14 The Fruit of Fearful Faith: Witness I trust you can see the logical flow and relationship among this cluster of the fruit of fearful faith. As you apply them to your life, you will find that they will displace the dreadful fear that you may be experiencing with joy and reverential fear of the Lord. As we have seen, our reverential fear of God must begin to produce within us a new sense of worth. Then, as we mature in the Spirit and the Word, we will increasingly see His wisdom manifest in our thinking and living. Correct knowledge of God will naturally overflow in a true spiritual worship that is “in spirit and in truth.” Then, our worship will naturally spill over into our work as our job becomes our ministry. As a result, we will work “as unto the Lord,” and therefore have a greater integrity and witness in the marketplace. WORTH WISDOM WORSHIP WORK WITNESS Look with me now at several key verses that have to do with the relationship between our fear of the Lord and our witness for the Lord. • “Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others” (2 Corinthians 5:11). 93