for who He is, we will be driven to real repentance as Isaiah was. Isaiah also gained a realistic worldview. Contrast this with the evolutionary humanistic mindset where we want to delude ourselves into believing that the world is getting better and better. This is what we would like to believe and what Satan wants us to believe. However, the moment we get a realistic concept of God, we get a realistic worldview. Isaiah said, “I live among a people of unclean lips.” He realized that not only was he fallen and unclean, but that everyone else was as well. Once Isaiah realized this, he then received forgiveness and cleansing, giving him a new foundation for his thinking, living, and serving. God never reveals our unholiness in comparison to His holiness just to destroy us. Instead, it is to drive us to repentance, so that we can then be clothed in His righteousness and become partakers of His holiness. This is the grace of God, because if we got what we deserved, His holiness would slay us. God’s holiness should drive us to repentance, just as it did in the case of Isaiah. God sent the seraphim to the altar to take a coal and touch his lips. “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” Only after the realistic self-analysis had taken place was Isaiah ready to say, “Here am I. Send me!”