got to stay on offense—your greatest defense is a strong offense. Give the Holy Spirit some time to work His healing in these areas of your life. Give Him time because you have been carrying these burdens for many years. God can bring healing instantaneously, but it may take time to appropriate it or integrate it. It must become a disciplined experience and a willful appropriation of His cleansing and healing.
Let’s Begin Healing Now I want to pause at this moment and pray for you. As I do, I want you to search your own heart for any area where you need emotional healing. You need to have your memories healed. Be honest about it. Quit running from it. Face up to it. Allow God in the days ahead to heal it by leading you to the right person, counselor, or pastor who can help you. Take Christ back to the experience, walk through it, and anoint it with His healing, love, grace, and forgiveness. Then, once and for all, you can walk away from it. Father, right now I pray that Your Holy Spirit would speak personally and intimately to us. There are many different skeletons in our emotional and mental closets that have haunted us for years. You know every one of them. You were there when it happened. Therefore, Lord Jesus,