MOVEON Edição 4 2018

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Pedro Balaus Custódio Diretor do Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da ESEC

Nota Editorial Tal como prometido, editamos neste início de primavera, o 1º número MoveOn de 2018. Fazemo-lo com especial realce e afeto, por se tratar de um momento que encerra um ciclo de trabalho de quatro anos no Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. Este foi um tempo quase breve de aliciantes desafios, crescimento, oportunidades de internacionalização, mas também das naturais dores de crescimento, de arduidades e de alguns obstáculos. Estamos em crer que, em grande parte, os pudemos superar, sempre com a ajuda de todos os docentes, funcionários e o inestimável apoio da Presidência desta instituição. Os atuais números de mobilidades comprovam um significativo acréscimo, como atesta o último relatório apresentado em fevereiro passado. Graças ao trabalho conjunto de todos, a ESEC destacou-se de modo exemplarmente distinto nos índices de execução e taxas de incremento de todas as mobilidades de estudos, estágios, ensino e staff. Estes resultados só foram possíveis com o contributo dos alunos que, movidos pelo fascínio e pela vantagem das mobilidades Erasmus+, acorreram à chamada no tempo certo. A todos eles, incoming e outgoing, público-alvo da maior fatia desta empresa, o nosso maior agradecimento. Neste número temos vários contributos que queremos realçar. Para além dos testemunhos de colegas, temos também os depoimentos de professores europeus que nos visitaram em missões de ensino, as impressões de alunos que saíram para universidades europeias, mas ainda, dos que escolheram a nossa instituição para realizar os seus estudos. A todos eles agradecemos a prestimosa colaboração. Não podemos deixar ainda de retribuir o apreço a toda a comunidade institucional que, ao longo destes 4 números abraçou este projeto da revista MoveOn, dando visibilidade às suas opiniões, às mobilidades que realizaram e às opiniões que connosco quiseram partilhar. Quase a findar esta nota introdutória, reitero a minha gratidão a toda a equipa da Presidência da ESEC, nas pessoas do Doutor Rui Mendes, Doutora Joana Fernandes e Doutora Adília Cabral, responsável pelo pelouro das Relações Internacionais. A todos eles, o mais vivo reconhecimento pelas facilidades concedidas para que o crescimento e a qualidade deste gabinete tivessem atingido o patamar que reclamamos. Para este desígnio contribuiu, também, a estreita e cordial colaboração das relações internacionais do IPC. A todas as funcionárias e à superior coordenação, o meu obrigado. A terminar, um último apontamento de fundo e comovido reconhecimento pelo trabalho desenvolvido pela Maria João Aguiam e pela Rita Pinto. Graças ao empenho de ambas e à qualidade do seu trabalho, pudemos corresponder aos desafios deste serviço e dar continuidade e acompanhamento a tantos e tão variados processos de mobilidade. As falhas e os lapsos que cometemos deverão ser imputados a mim que, enquanto coordenador, tive de fazer uma longa mas aliciante curva de aprendizagem. A ambas, quero expressar o meu vivo agradecimento, render o mais grato tributo pela entrega, paciência, abnegação e capacidade de trabalho, por vezes em circunstâncias tão complexas das nossas vidas pessoais e laborais. Um obrigado de alma inteira. É a elas que dirijo as últimas palavras: mantenham essa energia vital, o sorriso, a vontade de fazer sempre mais por um serviço que a todos pertence. Não percam o humor, a jovialidade, a competência de contornar os problemas, de levantar a cabeça perante os obstáculos, a agilidade de do nada, fazer tudo, a destreza de inventar duas soluções para cada dilema, a desenvoltura de transformar as horas de sombrio descontentamento em inebriantes instantes de esperança. Para onde quer que o trabalho vos leve, estarei sempre do vosso lado. E, por favor, não deixem terminar o chá e os bolos nas ríspidas manhãs de inverno.


4 As Relações Internacionais – 10 anos em perspetiva 6 TU em VERSÃO ERASMUS 10 Erasmus +: The story of an olive tree eters in Europe: a new challenge for ESEC/IPC 13 Strengthening ties - my Erasmus experience in Sweden 15 Relation of stay in Coimbra 17 Erasmus Experience 20 Between sun and snow 22 Workshop de Modelado, Moldes y Reproducción de Cabezas en Pequeño Formato de personajes de cine, cómic, dibujos animados de ficción, retrato, etc. Nota Por decisão editorial, os três primeiros textos apresentam-se em versão bilingue

Ficha Técnica MoveOn — Publicação bianual A revista MoveOn é propriedade do Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (ESEC). Créditos Diretor: Pedro Balaus Custódio Coord.: Pedro Balaus Custódio Edição e Composição: Maria João Aguiam Design Gráfico: José Pacheco ISSN 2183-6469

Pedro Balaus Custódio Director of the International Relations Office of ESEC

Editorial Note As promised, we release the first MoveOn issue of 2018 this spring. We do it with special emphasis and affection, because it is a moment that ends a four-year work cycle in the Office of International Relations of the School of Higher Education of Coimbra. This was a brief time of enticing challenges, growth, opportunities for internationalization but also the natural pains of growth, arduousness and some obstacles. We believe that, to a great extent, we have been able to overcome them, always with the help of all the teachers, staff and the invaluable support of the Presidency of this institution. The current numbers of mobilities show a significant increase, as attested in the last report presented last February. Thanks to everyone’s collective effort, ESEC stood out in an exemplary way in the execution rates and in the increase in mobility of studies, internships, teaching and staff. These results were only possible with the contribution of the students who, motivated by the fascination and advantage of the Erasmus+ mobilities, answered the call at the right time. To all of them, incoming and outgoing, the target audience of the largest part of our work, our biggest thank you. In this issue we have several contributions that we want to highlight. In addition to the testimonies of colleagues, we also have the testimonies of European teachers who visited us on teaching assignments, impressions of students who went to European universities but also those who chose our institution to study. We are all grateful for your cooperation. We cannot fail to reciprocate the appreciation of the whole institutional community that, throughout these four issues, embraced this project of the MoveOn magazine, giving visibility to their opinions, the mobilities they carried out and the opinions they wanted to share with us. Almost at the end of this introductory note, I would like to reiterate my gratitude to the whole team of the ESEC Presidency, Dr. Rui Mendes, Dr. Joana Fernandes and Dr. Adília Cabral, responsible for International Relations. To all of them, the most vivid recognition for the permissions granted so that the growth and quality of this office could have reached the level we demanded. For this purpose also contributed the close and cordial collaboration of the International Relations office of IPC. To all the employees and the superior coordination, thank you. Finally, a moment of deep and heartfelt recognition for the work developed by Maria João Aguiam and Rita Pinto. Thanks to their commitment and the quality of their work, we have been able to respond to the challenges of this service and continue to accompany so many and varied mobility processes. The shortcomings and lapses that we have committed must be imputed to me who, as coordinator, had a long but enticing learning curve. To both of them, I want to express my gratefulness and to pay the most grateful tribute for their surrender, patience, selflessness and ability to work, sometimes in such complex circumstances of our personal and working lives. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It is for them that I direct these last words: keep the vital energy, the smiles, the will to do more for a service that belongs to everyone. Do not lose the humor, the joviality, the competence to get around problems, raising your head in the face of obstacles, the agility of making something out of nothing, the ability to come up with two solutions for each dilemma, the ability to turn the hours of disgruntled discontent into inebriating instants of hope. Wherever this work takes you, I will always be by your side. And please do not let the tea and cakes on the harsh winter mornings end.


4 As Relações Internacionais – 10 anos em perspetiva 6 TU em VERSÃO ERASMUS 10 Erasmus +: The story of an olive tree eters in Europe: a new challenge for ESEC/IPC 13 Strengthening ties - my Erasmus experience in Sweden 15 Relation of stay in Coimbra 17 Erasmus Experience 20 Between sun and snow 22 Workshop de Modelado, Moldes y Reproducción de Cabezas en Pequeño Formato de personajes de cine, cómic, dibujos animados de ficción, retrato, etc. Note The editor has decided that the 1st. three texts will be presented in bilingual format

Editorial Board MoveOn — Biannual Publication The MoveOn magazine is the property of the International Relations Office of the Coimbra School of Education (Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, ESEC). Credits Director: Pedro Balaus Custódio Coord.: Pedro Balaus Custódio Edit and Layout: Maria João Aguiam Graphic Design: José Pacheco ISSN 2183-6469

As Relações Internacionais – 10 anos em perspetiva

As Relações Internacionais – 10 anos em perspetiva

Rita Pinto Relações Internacionais ESEC


Em 2018 faz 10 anos que comecei a trabalhar nas relações internacionais da ESEC. Tem sido uma boa experiencia, quer a nível profissional quer pessoal. O trabalho no gabinete centra-se essencialmente nas mobilidades financiadas pelo programa Erasmus+, mobilidades de estudantes para estudos e estágio, mobilidades de docentes e de pessoal para formação. Ao longo destes 10 anos muitos foram os desafios que tive que enfrentar: alterações na organização do programa Erasmus, mudanças internas na estrutura da ESEC e na organização das relações internacionais, e algumas mudanças a nível pessoal. Quando cheguei às relações internacionais em janeiro de 2008, a ESEC tinha uma média de 20 mobilidades de estudantes para estudos, 15 mobilidades de docentes para missão de ensino e as mobilidades de estudantes para estágio e de pessoal para formação tinham pouca expressão, quatro e du-


as mobilidades respetivamente. Os números das mobilidades cresceram e, especialmente nos últimos cinco anos, falam por si. Mais de 500 mobilidades outgoing e quase 500 mobilidades incoming, com aumento exponencial das mobilidades para estágio e formação. Estes números são fruto do trabalho diário no gabinete, de muito esforço, empenho e dedicação, mas também resultado do empenho de toda a comunidade, incluindo os docentes e diretores de curso que orientam/acompanham as mobilidades dos estudantes, e das próprias mudanças da organização e funcionamento do programa. Além da organização e gestão das mobilidades, temos organizado nas relações internacionais, alguns eventos internacionais que têm permitido a partilha de boas práticas, a projeção da nossa instituição e o convívio com pessoas de todo o mundo. Para mim, mais do que números, o que “tiramos” do nosso dia-adia e do nosso trabalho são as relações humanas. Uma experiência de mobilidade internacional que se torna a experiência de uma vida para um estudante, um professor que ensina em outra língua estudantes completamente desconhecidos, um colega de outro país que tem exatamente os mesmos problemas que nós temos aqui no nosso cantinho. São todas estas vivências que fazem o nosso trabalho

valer a pena e nos fazem crescer. O que marca e distingue o nosso trabalho são as pessoas e o que fica delas. Cada estudante que enviamos ou recebemos em mobilidade tem uma história única, uma mão cheia de sonhos, e aventuras para partilhar. Cada uma das pessoas com quem nos cruzamos, nas mobilidades, nos eventos internacionais e no dia -a-dia do gabinete, deixa em nós um pouco de si e das suas aprendizagens, contribuem para o nosso crescimento como ser-humano e aumentam o nosso pequeno mundo. E no meio de tantas pessoas (algumas boas outras nem tanto!) há aquelas que são absolutamente extraordinárias e que temos a sorte de ter conhecido e ter na nossa vida. Há pessoas que, não obstante as dificuldades e o sofrimento em que por momentos se encontram, transbordam bondade, força, generosidade e coragem. E estas pessoas, na sua infinita humanidade, enchem a nossa vida e o nosso coração. E em cada gesto, palavra e atitude dão sentido e valor ao desenrolar dos nossos dias e fazem o esforço e empenho de 10 anos valer a pena. Obrigada por tudo querido amigo! Nós sabemos quem somos. Até já!

As Relações Internacionais – 10 anos em perspetiva

Working on international relations: 10 years in perpective

Rita Pinto ESEC’s International Office

I've been working at international office for 10 years. It has been a great experience, both professional and personal. The work in the office is mainly focused on Erasmus+ programme mobilities, the mobility of students for studies and internships, the mobility of teachers and training staff. Over the last 10 years, many challenges have come up, including changes in the organization of the Erasmus programme, internal changes in the structure of the ESEC and in the organization of international office, and some personal changes. When I arrived to international relations in January 2008, the ESEC had an average of 20 student mobility for study, 15 teacher mobility for teaching


assignments, and 4 mobilities for internships and two staff. The numbers of mobilities are increasing and especially in the last five years speak for themselves: more than 500 outgoing mobilities and almost 500 incoming mobilities, with huge increase in mobilities for internship and training. These numbers are the result of the hard daily work in the office, but also a result of the commitment of the whole community, including teachers who work with students. Along with the international mobilities we have organized some international events that have allowed the sharing of good practices, the projection of our institution and the contact with people from all over the world. For me, more than numbers, what we get from our daily work are the human relations. An international mobility experience that becomes the experience of a lifetime for a student, a teacher who work in a foreign language with unknown students, a colleague from another country who has exactly the same problems

that we have here in our office. I believe all these experiences make it worth and improve our daily work and life. Every single student we send or receive has a unique history, a handful of dreams and adventures to share. All the colleagues we met, in the international events or in the office, share with us their experiences and hopes, and make us better as a human being. And among so many people, there are those absolutely extraordinary and that we have the lucky to have known and have in our lives. There are people full of goodness, strength, generosity and courage. People that, even when suffering, are kind, loyal, and think about the others. And these people, in their infinite humanity, fill in our lives and our hearts. And in every action, word and attitude give meaning and value to our days and make the effort and commitment of 10 years worth it. Thank you my dear friend for all these years! We know who we are. See you soon!

TU em versão ERASMUS

Maria João Aguiam Relações ESEC



Os dados falam por si, as mobilidades de estudantes e staff na ESEC têm vindo a aumentar esponencialmente todos os anos. Só no último ano letivo, 201718, o Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da ESEC executou 254 mobilidades Internacionais. Que GRANDE equipa! Na Europa, em 2017, mais de 4000 Universidades de 33 países diferentes, participaram no programa ERASMUS. Imagine, 2,2 milhões de estudantes já tiveram uma experiência Erasmus. O crescimento pessoal, a empregabilidade, a aquisição ou o aperfeiçoamento de competências sociais e interculturais, o aumento da cooperação e da


concorrência entre instituições, a melhoria da qualidade da educação e da investigação são os aspetos positivos reivindicados pelos responsáveis europeus pelo ensino superior. Espero que esta cooperação traga crescimento e empregos inclusivos e sustentáveis. Uma vez que a empregabilidade é um dos principais focos do Programa Erasmus+, a melhoria de competências em relação às necessidades do mercado de trabalho é essencial. A Comissão Europeia estima que entre 2014-20, o Erasmus+ terá atribuído mundialmente: 30 000 bolsas de estudo para mestrados conjuntos Erasmus Mundus, 300 programas de mestrado, 180.000 funcionários e intercâmbios de estudantes e 20 000 universidades terão acordos interinstitucionais assinados. Em 2014, um estudo publicado pela UE, intitulado Erasmus Impact Study (EIS), chegou à conclu-

são de que 26% dos estudantes Erasmus são companheiros de vida durante a sua experiência no estrangeiro. Em 2012, já Umberto Eco, referia numa entrevista ao The Guardian que: “O programa de intercâmbio universitário Erasmus é pouco mencionado nas secções de negócios dos jornais, no entanto, o Erasmus criou a primeira geração de jovens europeus. Eu chamo-lhe revolução sexual: um jovem catalão conhece uma rapariga flamenga apaixonam-se, casam e tornam-se europeus, tal como os seus filhos. A ideia de mobilidade Erasmus deveria ser obrigatória… ” Dado que o programa Erasmus+ se estabeleceu como um motor de mudança positiva na educação e formação europeias e internacionais, a Comissão Europeia (2017), publica no aniversário dos seus 30 anos de história, uma visão geral sobre o impacto das mobilidades na vida dos seus participantes, a qual partilho convosco, já a seguir:

Erasmus abre a sua mente 97% afirmam que a sua integração com outras pessoas e culturas, melhorou 93% afirmam apreciar melhor o valor de outras culturas 33% dos estudantes encontram um(a) companheiro(a), de outra nacionalidade, para a vida 80% afirmam que melhoraram a sua consciência intercultural

Erasmus como formação de formadores

A Comissão Europeia (CE) concluiu que o programa Erasmus deve envolver ativamente uma maior participação da sociedade civil, apoiando projetos de aprendizagem não formal a nível nacional e local, concentrando-se no desenvolvimento de competências para o desenvolvimento cívico e participação na vida democrática.

80 % dos professores adotam novos métodos de ensino 74 % dos professors afirmam que a sua instituição aumentou a rede de novos projetos internacionais. 89 % dos relatórios staff dizem que houve um aumento de competências de gestão

A CE menciona no seu estudo que o Reino Unido deverá ser mantido como parceiro Erasmus+, como símbolo global de uma forte colaboração europeia.

81% afirmam que melhoraram as suas competências pedagógicas

Erasmus significa que não estás só na tradução 9 em cada 10 participantes Erasmus+ melhorou a sua aptidão linguística

Erasmus une as pessoas 83 % sentem-se mais Europeus 94 % tornam-se mais tolerantes 85 % afirmam estar mais conscientes dos valores comuns europeus 88% dos alunos aumentam as suas competências sociais

Erasmus ajuda-te a conseguir um emprego Os estudantes Erasmus+ têm duas vezes mais hipóteses de conseguir um emprego um ano depois da conclusão dos estudos 1/3 dos estagiários Erasmus+ ficam a trabalhar na empresa onde estiveram Os estudantes Erasmus+ conseguem um primeiro emprego mais rapidamente e ganham 25% mais 4 em cada 10 empregadores afirmam que o voluntariado é uma mais valia para quem procura o primeiro emprego


Sustenta, igualmente, a ideia de um “embaixador” Erasmus+, assim como a necessidade de um orçamento específico para garantir um maior apoio financeiro aos alunos, especialmente os mais desfavorecidos. Como conclusão, gostaria de incentivar todos os leitores a aproveitar as várias oportunidades de mobilidades (STA/ STT/SMP/SMS) que a ESEC oferece todos os anos letivos. Elabore uma lista de tarefas que o ajude a programar a sua mobilidade, confira todos os procedimentos a ter antes, durante e depois da mobilidade. Passe algum tempo noutros países da União Europeia, “Integre-se!”

YOU in ERASMUS version

Maria João Aguiam ESEC’s International Office The figures speak for themselves, students and staff mobility in ESEC has been growing in significance and scale each year. In the last academic year, 2017-18, ESEC’s International Office executed 254 international motilities. What a Team! Generaly, in Europe, in 2017 more than 4000 Universities from 33 different countries participate in ERASMUS programme. Imagine 2,2 million students had already a Erasmus experience. Personal growth, employability, the acquisition or enhancement of social and intercultural competences, increasing cooperation and competition between institutions, improvements in the quality of education and research are


the positive aspects claimed by European responsibles for higher

their experience abroad. Yet, even though, in 2012, Um-

education. Hopefully this cooperation's will bring an inclusive and sustainable growth and jobs. Since, employability is one of the main focus in the Erasmus+ Programme, the improvement of competences and skills regarding the needs of the labor market are essential. The European Commis-

berto Eco, spoke about that in an interview to The Guardian, by saying that: "The university exchange programme Erasmus is barely mentioned in the business sections of

sion estimates that between 2014 -20, Erasmus+ is worldwide: 30 000 scholarships for Erasmus Mundus joint master degrees, 300 master programs, engaged 180 000 staff and students exchanges, 20 000 universities will have inter-institutional agree-

sexual revolution: a young Catalan man meets a Flemish girl – they fall in love, they get married and they become European, as do their children. The Erasmus idea should be compulsory…” Because the Erasmus+ pro-

ments signed. In 2014 a study published by EU, entitled Erasmus Impact Study (EIS), came to the conclusion that 26% of the Erasmus students finds their life companion during

gramme has established itself as a driver of positive change in European and international education and training, European Commission (2017), published on its 30’s years of story, a ouverview about the impact of Erasmus mobility, see for

newspapers, yet Erasmus has created the first generation of young Europeans. I call it a


Erasmus opens up your mind 97% say they get along better with people from other cultures 93% say they appreciate the value of other cultures more 33% of Erasmus+ students have a life partner with a different nationality 80% say they improved their intercultural awareness

Erasmus trains the trainer 80 % of teachers apply new teaching 74 % of teachers say their institution increased their international networks methods 89 % of staff report increased project management skills 81% say their teaching skills improved

Erasmus means you won’t be lost in translation 9 out of 10 Erasmus+ participants improve their language skills

Erasmus brings people together 83 % feel more European 94 % have become more tolerant 85 % say they are more aware of common European values

88% of pupils increased their social skills

Erasmus helps you to get a job Erasmus+ students double their chances of employment a year after graduation, 1/3 of Erasmus+ trainees are offered jobs in the company where they worked Erasmus+ students tend to find their first job faster and earn 25 % more 4 of 10 employers say volunteering is a + for job seekers


European Commission (EC) came into conclusion that Erasmus programme should bring active engagement for increased participation in civil society, supporting non-formal learning projects at the national and local level, focusing on developing skills for civic engagement and participation in democratic life. EC mentioned that the United Kingdom should be kept in Erasmus+ as a symbol of strong and global collaboration. The idea of a Erasmus+ “ambassadors” is sustained, as well as a specific budget to provide a higher guarantee to financial support for disadvantaged students and learners. So, if you managed to get to the end of this text, my intension was to encourage you to embrace mobility opportunities in ESEC. Do a To Do List for your mobility, see all the aspects Befor, During and After. Spend time in other countries within the European Union, “Integrate yourself!”

Erasmus +: The story of an olive tree Susana Gonรงalves Teacher I believe that we learn through

of teaching students in more than

demic activity. The curiosity

movement and that traveling

a dozen European countries; I par-

and the effort were mine, but

with purpose is

I must be grateful

the way to learn

to all who have

better and more

created this op-

deeply. As such,


I consider ERAS-

Today I see this

MUS + and other

Europe in motion

international mobility

as a social and cul-


grams a remark-




more than a politi-


cal, economic and

the undeniable

academic project.



political and economic agenda,

ticipated in training programs with

these programs are a stimulating

people from all over Europe, both

opportunity to learn and to cir-

as a trainer and as a trainee; I have



been involved in international R&D

knowledge in other environ-

teams and organizations with a

sociocultural project. I have

ments, cultures and countries.

great impact in my area of aca-

been international coordina-


I like to see the funding of international mobility as the hidden agenda of a pacifist

Each of the international missions in which I got involved and each single people I met while travelling added something to my knowledge and experience of the world. I have the experience


...the olive tree generated by the goddess of war now symbolizes peace, wisdom and prosperity....

tor for many years. I dealt with topics such as strategy, administration, collective awareness, and network-

...these programs are a stimulating op-

ing. Internationalization had a politi-

portunity to learn and to circulate infor-

cal and strategic meaning. However,

mation and knowledge in other envi-

its true value came to me as an

ronments, cultures and countries. ...

epiphany on a beautiful day in April 2003 in the Acropolis of Athens. I was there for a walk with an international group after a day's work. Ten nationalities. Our joint project dealt with issues of democratic citizenship while our ancestors had fights among each other. During our walk in the Acropolis, we stopped for a while besides the olive tree close to the temple of Athena and we were saying trivialities and laughing at one another. The white roofs of Athens at our feet. A splendid sun day. All of us in a good mood. The goddess Athena and the olive tree ... According to the myth, the olive tree was created as the result of a dispute between Athena and Poseidon, her uncle. The one who


Atena Giustiniani, roma replica of the statue of the greek godess Athena (Vatican Museum): wiki/Atena_Giustiniani

could offer to the city the best

ated the fertile olive tree, from

scendants of warrior ances-

gift would become the city’s pa-

where the Greeks extracted oil

tors an d fighting neighbours,

tron. They beat their lances to

and food. The goddess became

there we were Socializing and

the ground. Poseidon thus cre-

the patron of the city.

joking peacefully. At one

ated a source of water. But this

In Greek mythology, Athena is

point, I said to my colleagues

proved to be of little use for be-

the goddess of wisdom and the

and friends: "The European

ing salted. In turn, with the

arts, civilization and justice. But

Union supports us to work

stroke of her lance Athena cre-

she is also the warrior god-

together, but also to laugh

dess, the goddess of war

together. You cannot make

strategy. Arno Breker, the

war against those who laugh


friendly with you."



"Michelangelo of the twenti-

If such experience happens

eth century", sculpted the

on a sunny day in Athens, at

image of the goddess as a

the foot of an olive tree, then

celebration of Aryan aes-

you never forget. Be grateful

thetics and Nazi ideology*.

to the hidden agenda of paci-

Notice that the olive tree

fist sociocultural projects like

generated by the goddess of

this extraordinary Erasmus

war now symbolizes peace,

plus. And unveil the hidden


agenda, make it the best part



Myths, like life, are full of

of the experience.

contradiction. On a sunny afternoon, we, the scholars from ten nationPallas Athene, sculpture of Arno Breker: https://


alities, defenders of Europe, recipients of peace and the Erasmus program, but de-

*I suggest the reader to watch the video “Arno Breker el Miguel Ángel del Tercer Reich”: https:// v=PKXTEOuPDjM).

Strengthening ties—my Erasmus experience in Sweden By Alexandra Leandro Teacher

I’ve always been keen on developing myself through international



through the participation with my




(2016, 2017), an academic competition organized by PrimeNetworking. Within that initiative, we have the chance to get to know many colleagues from other European higher education institutions on a very close level, since we must coordinate activities with students during several months. It was during the first Euroweek that I got to know Charlotta Edlund, who kindly invited me to come to her institution (Malardalen University/MDH, Sweden) to give a lecture, participate in a panel discussion and a workshop. This past February, I was able to carry on my teaching mobility at Malardalen University, Vasteras, Sweden

MDH, where I was warmly welcomed by Charlotta, Noushan and Pablo, along with other col-


students had to research and gather pro and con arguments on 8 controversial statements. The group presentations and consequent debating went on and it was wonderful to absorb all the commitment shown by Panel discussion, photo by Ying Yang (MDH)

the students to do a good job,

leagues I got the chance to

“right up my alley”. I was sided

and it certainly was a great


by a colleague from MDH and a

stepping stone to discuss how

representative from Sandvik, a

future managers can deal with

very-established Swedish multi-

ethical concerns.

national company.

Furthermore, these experienc-

sponsibility (CSR) Communica-

The panel generated a healthy

es abroad give us the chance to

tion for both undergraduates

debate on Ethics, Responsibility

know other cities, like Vasteras

and master’s students. This ex-

and Sustainability (ERS) topics,

and Stockholm, both beautiful;

perience was very fulfilling, alt-

and I was very pleased on how

and, surely, to reinforce ties

hough it starts by putting me

vocal the students were about

with whom you no longer are

out of my comfort zone – to

their concerns on all those ERS


teach and interact in another


whimsical part of it all is also to

This opportunity to go to MDH allowed me to prepare for a lecture on Corporate Social Re-

language with students whose posture and backgrounds you know almost nothing about isn’t comfortable, but it sure makes you grow as a teacher. Before the lecture, I had participated in a panel discussion about several issues on Business Ethics and Multinational Enterprises, a broad theme


The last professional endeavor was to be present and somewhat participate in the ‘evaluation’ of an all-day workshop on the same thematic issues.



around, though, the




get the chance to make friends.


Relation of stay in Coimbra

Milena Stolarczyk Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland autumn semester 2017/2018

My third adventure with the Erasmus + program has just ended. After completing a scholarship in Spain and Denmark, for a new adventure, I decided to go to another university. This time I went to the westernmost country of Europe - Portugal. A country where the sun shines for 300 days a year, which delights with beautiful, sandy beaches hidden in cliff bays with unique rock formations whose economy is based, among other things, on the production of cork, and the subject


of pride is excellent local wines, cuisine based on fish and seafood, and fado music. In mid-September, I found myself in Coimbra - a city famous for

being the oldest university in Europe and for students who used to wear uniforms like Harry Potter. At first glance, it was obvious that Erasmus

once again gave me the opportunity to participate in the life of a different culture, very different from Polish. A few days after settling in, it was time to start learning at the Escola Superior de Educação. The first moments in the school passed on the registration of subjects and general familiarization with the functioning of the facility in which the International Office helped us. The beginning of October

'led' us and advised us what else we could possibly describe in our work.

COIMBRA began with classes, most of which were conducted in English. Usually, the lecturers divided us into smaller groups, in which, together with Portuguese students, we worked on the topics of the lessons and projects that included the module. In addition, external experts/ educators who were conducting classes with us were often invited to the class and shared their experiences in a given field of science, which contributed to our ability to think and analyse information in a critical way. The teachers were very friendly and helpful. We could al-


ways count on them. We addressed them

During a break from school and science, I travelled a lot. I managed to visit most of Portugal and learn about its culture. A trip to study with

the Erasmus+ program was an amazing experience for me that I will never forget. Thanks to him my life has changed. In addition to the benefits, i.e. learning and developing new practical methods of learning, increasing skills in the field of a foreign language or professional aspirations, I am more independent, open to new denominations and what is important I can imagine myself in a job abroad. The real adventure is only with Erasmus +!

LISBON by name, which further influenced the friendly atmosphere in the classroom. Often, after finishing the lessons, they used to ask what is going on. It also happened that in the school canteen we had lunch together or during the break between classes we



Erasmus Experience

Ana Velasco University of Málaga, Spain autumn and spring semester 2017/2018

I arrived in Coimbra after twelve hours of bus travel on September 4 from Spain, Malaga. I visited Coimbra with my family before, so I did not find the place so strange when I arrived, although like everything at the beginning the adaptation is a bit complicated, but soon you get used to the new place. To live I chose a residence, CSI GUET HOUSE near my university where I would study, ESEC, it is a good option to choose


a residence to live and meet people of other nationalities such as Australians, Greeks, French, Turks, Brazilians and even people of your same nationality…The first days before starting the classes I visited the most popular places in the

city such as the University of Coimbra, especially the law school, one of the oldest in Europe. What struck me most were the costumes and the tradition of the students, something very different from my city ... In general, getting to

know every corner of the city and its history. The first day of class arrived, I was a little nervous because being in another country I did not know how my new classmates, professors and subjects of the course that Leisure and Social Pedagogy (Animação Socioeducativa) would be. I was very happy because my classmates were very sociable, despite the linguistic barrier, because they did their

River Mondego

Mondego’s Green Parque

best to have conversations with me and if they did not understand something they were willing to help me, like the teachers, supporting me whenever I needed help. What I liked the most about the classes was that they were very practical and dynamic,

and there were also many debates between teachers and students. From my point of view ESEC, supports the students a lot, I was surprised to see that the students have the opportunity to work in the canteen, and the price is so cheap 2.60 €, al-

Quinta das Lágrimas


so that a university has its own magazine or a national television channel and support the development of the elderly with the escola de educação senior. For me it has been a pleasure to be part of this institution and to know every part of it, it is very complete. Speaking of gastronomy, I must say that I adore grilled cod, the first time I tasted it was at a classmate's house, it taught me how to do it and it has become one of my favorite dishes, "I love eating at the Esec's canteen when there is grilled

cod. "To try traditional food in Coimbra, I recommend Tasquinha TI IRENE, it is on the other side of the river, near the Quinta das Lágrimas garden, to eat is incredibly good and the attention of the workers It is very good, when I went for the first time with my family they treated us wonderfully, I had never received that attention before, I definitely recommend it, it is a very cozy place. The university tradition has been something that has had a great impact on me, such as the "praxes",

the academic dress, the tunas, and the different academic celebrations that was in October and Queimas das fitas, which will be in May. Its history is very curious , and the meaning it has for students. The Portuguese fado, for the first time I heard it in the Esec auditorium, "the farewell ballad" was very emotional to see how some students were excited to feel that music and the important meaning it has for them.

Pedro and InĂŞs Bridge

city Coimbra, despite being so close to my country, Spain, culture, traditions and language are very different. For me it has been a wonderful experience to know every part of this city, Always Coimbra.

After all the above, I am very happy to have lived this experience in a country like Portu-

Erasmus Wellcome Meeting



Between sun and snow

Sofia Albuquerque & Miguel LeĂŁo Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain autumn semester 2017/2018

Sofia and Miguel in Segovia


re). It is the perfect

live on our own, since

to create the best reci-

snow, the five months

limited trial to give

it's not so easy to go

pes, not to mention

we spent in Madrid

anyone a taste of

home on the wee-


represented an impor-

what it will be like to

kends, and a great way

when you forgot to go





tant step in our lives:

to the supermarket

going to a different

the day before. Despi-



te this, it was an expe-

studying with people

rience that resulted in

of different nationali-

the best social experi-

ties put to the test our

ence of our lives. Ma-

own knowledge and

drid is a city that

our knowledge about

offers an Erasmus life

the world (and it ma-

that's completely in-





your parents even mo-


Sofia's spanish course class

describable, every day something


for foreign students. It

good for us because

was a city that welco-

we could take subjects

med and received us,

that, if we were in



Portugal, we wouldn´t

whose people filled

have an opportunity

every minute of our

to and also gave us

days and, consequen-


tly, of our lives. From

specialize in certain

the many groups ma-

areas of our educati-

de up of former Eras-

on. We could only

mus students that or-

speak for our area of

ganized activities es-

studies, but everyone




Segovia day trip with other portuguese erasmus students

and where everyone is

pecially for

accepted, there being



a permanent contact

mus to all

between cultures that

the exhibi-

results in an enriching






Being a part of the







street per-

might not be the easi-


est decision to make,

and all the

Miguel's spanish course class


it's a little scary and we can't say there

and unique places and

made sure we could

that Madrid is an in-

weren't some bumps

parks, it is impossible

keep up with the clas-

credibly beautiful city,

on the road, but with

to get bored. As for


where there are no

everything you learn

learning and school

effort to put us at ea-

cultural borders

and experience, it's

life, it was also very

se. We have to say





worth every second.

Workshop de Modelado, Moldes y Reproducción de Cabezas en Pequeño Formato de personajes de cine, cómic, dibujos animados de ficción, retrato, etc.

tense de Madrid. Este Proyecto lo impartió del 30 de octubre al 30 de noviembre de 2017 en la Escuela Superior de Educación del Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra y fue coordinado por el Dr. Nuno Miguel Chuva Vasco, Profesor del Departamento de Artes y Tecnologías. Este Workshop

La Profesora Mónica Cerrada corrigiendo el modelado de cabeza.

proporcionó a los alumnos co-

Mónica Cerrada Macías

nocimientos teórico-prácticos

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


El Workshop de modelado, mol-

relacionados con el modelado

des y reproducción de cabezas

de cabezas a pequeña escala,

en pequeño formato, es un Pro-

que lleva implícito un alto ni-

yecto Docente realizado en el

vel de precisión (estructura,

ámbito de una Movilidad Eras-



trías, profundidad, gestos y






Teaching, del Programa Europeo


Erasmus+ de Educación, por la

etc.), la realización de moldes

Dra. Mónica Cerrada Macías,

de silicona para una posterior

Profesora del Departamento de

reproducción de alta calidad y

Escultura de la Facultad de Bellas

la reproducción en materiales

Artes de la Universidad Complu-

definitivos como son las resi-



nas de uso escul-

manas dentro

tórico, así como

y fuera de su

sus posibles aca-

horario de cla-

bados finales. El

se. El conoci-





cursado por alum-

aprendizaje de

nos de la Licencia-

algunas técni-

tura de Arte y Di-


seño, y se imple-

cas por parte

mentó dentro de

de los estu-

la asignatura Ar-


diantes de Arte

Alumnos modelando las cabezas de sus personajes.

tes Plásticas III que estudian

y Diseño es compatible con

en 2º año y de la que es do-

las competencias y habilida-

cente el coordi-

des que de-

nador. El apren-


dizaje y desarro-

en su etapa

llo de las técni-

educativa, por

cas de modela-

lo que este

do, moldes y re-

curso se enfo-



có desde el

incorporó como

principio para

una unidad di-


dáctica más de la

una aplicación

asignatura Artes

El Profesor Chuva Vasco con un alumno que modela a Hellboy



real dentro de

Plásticas III, convirtiéndose en

diantes matriculados en esta

un área específica de su

un ejercicio obligatorio a reali-

unidad curricular al curso que

campo de estudio. Así, las

zar individualmente por cada

tuvo una duración de 40 horas

tres técnicas escultóricas

alumno. Asistieron los 40 estu-

y que fue distribuido en 5 se-

que incluye este Workshop


Cabezas modeladas en barro


de modelado de cabezas de personajes era un ejemplo claro de ello y así lo pudieron experimentar. Comenzamos el Workshop exponiendo los contenidos y visualizamos el proceso técnico paso a paso, con ejemplos de otros cursos similares realizados y personajes reproducidos en estos. Tras La profesora mostrando cómo se realiza la mezcla de silicona

son perfectamente aplicables por ejemplo al Diseño Objetual, pues sirven para la creación de Prototipos en 3D, por lo que su enseñanza tenía interés para estos estudiantes. Ellos podrían ponerlo en práctica en su profesión en el futuro con este fin. Así mismo, los contenidos del taller también satisfacen la demanda de disciplinas relativas a la creación de elementos de mercado relacionados con películas, series y cómics de moda,

su reproducción y

multiplicación. Este ejercicio


Aplicando la silicona sobre la cabeza.

esto, los alumnos eligieron libremente un personaje a modelar basándose en sus preferencias sobre cómics, películas y dibujos de animación favoritos. Así pudimos ver a personajes como Yoda, de “La Guerra de las Galaxias”, Agnes y Alumnos realizando el contramolde de yeso en otro aula

los Minion de “Gru, mi villano favorito”, el gato Garfield, personajes de cómic manga, Catwoman, Hellboy , el ratón de “Tom y Jerry”, el dragón Furia Nocturna de ”Cómo entrenar a tu dragón” o Super Mario Bros entre otros muchos. La expe-

Apertura del molde de silicona. Contramolde de yeso al lado

riencia en la fase de modelado fue muy gratificante tanto para los alumnos como para la docente. Fue sorprendente su facilidad para el modelado, a pesar de que la mayoría no había modelado una cabeza antes y tenían la dificultad añadida del pequeño formato. Los estudiantes, muy receptivos, aprendieron rápido, asimilaron conocimientos y correcciones

Tres técnicas realizadas: modelado, molde completo y 3 reproducciones en resina


e hicieron cabezas realmente bien estructuradas y con un gran parecido a los dibujos en los que se inspiraban. Para ellos fue la fase en la que más disfrutaron. La segunda fase fue la realización del mol-







de, que es la parte más difícil

riosa que tiene como positi-

dureza y durabilidad, acep-

del taller ya que requiere una

vo que los alumnos se ayu-

ta diversos acabados y con

adecuada aplicación de la téc-

dan unos a otros. Así, la con-

barniz es un material que

nica y un nivel de precisión al-

fección de los moldes y la

puede estar a la intempe-

to en su proceso para que el

preparación de materiales

rie. La resina tiene un tiem-

resultado sea correcto. Para

facilitan la dinámica de gru-

po de fraguado muy corto y

los alumnos fue lo más com-

po y crea una mayor cohe-

en seguida se puede abrir el

plejo del workshop y les llevó

sión entre los estudiantes. La

molde para ver la cabeza

más tiempo y cuidado del que

tercera fase fue la reproduc-


en principio presuponían. Fa-

ción en resina acrílica, donde

bricaron primero el molde de

el molde se da la vuelta y se

silicona y posteriormente el

ata para recibir la resina. Es

contramolde de escayola o

la parte más sencilla del

parte externa del molde que

Workshop. La resina es un

soporta en su interior el molde

material óptimo para repro-

de silicona para que no se de-

ducciones que es fácil de tra-

forme. Es una etapa muy labo-

bajar, es rápido, ofrece gran


Abrir su molde y ver su cabeza, para los alumnos fue un momento expectante que vivieron con entusiasmo, y pudieron sentir la satisfacción de ver finalmente el buen resultado de todo

Apertura del molde de silicona - Reproducciรณn en resina - Resina pintada

Reproducciones en resina blanca, coloreada con ocre y patinada con dorado.


el proceso y el logro obtenido. Posteriormente pintaron la cabecita de forma realista, tal y como es el personaje con sus colores o le aplicaron una pátina o pigmentos, y retocaron algunas pequeñas imperfecciones. También las recibieron en una peana para su posterior

Reproducciones en resina pintadas

exposición. Los alumnos realizaron una Exposición de las cabezas realizadas en este Workshop en el atrio del auditorio de la Escuela Superior de Educación. El resultado fue muy bueno, con algunas piezas excelentes de gran parecido. Todos ellos captaron la esencia del personaje y son totalmente reconocibles. Al finalizar el curso, les entregamos un cuestionario para verificar cual había sido su grado de satisfacción y sus preferencias, para realizar posteriormente una investigación personal so-


bre el resultado de este Works-

alumnos a venir a la Facultad

hop, el método docente, aplica-

de Bellas Artes de la Universi-

ciones y resultados pedagógi-

dad Complutense de Madrid a

cos y cómo reciben los alumnos una docencia Erasmus. Para concluir, invitamos a los

estudiar algún curso del Grado en Bellas Artes o del Grado en Diseño mediante las Becas Erasmus de estudios. Les mos-

tramos fotografías de los Talleres de Escultura y de ejercicios realizados por alumnos de talla en madera, piedra, resinas y

Exposición en el atrio del auditorio de la Escuela Superior de Educación

otros materiales. Varios de ellos mostraron su interés por una futura movilidad a Madrid. Un valor añadido de la movilidad Erasmus como docente es poder crear

Exposición realizada con el resultado del Workshop

lazos de unión entre Facultades y profesorado. La experiencia en la Escuela de Educación del Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra fue muy positiva, así como la colaboración con el Profesor Chuva Vasco. Todos deseamos continuar con colaboraciones docentes o investigadoras en el futuro pues ésta ha sido muy fructífera.

Detalle de la Exposición

DIFUSIÓN DEL WORKSHOP: TELEVISIÓN PORTUGUESA CANAL 2: RTP2 Magazine cultural de la ciudad de Coimbra. Del minuto 10 al 14. 13 jan, 2018. Episodio 46. NOTICIAS EN LA WEB DE ESEC: 14-11-17 Alunos de Arte e Design participam em Workshop de modelação, moldes e reprodução em resina alunos-de-arte-e-design-participam-em-workshop-de-modelacao-moldes-e-reproducao-em-resina 11-12-17 Exposição figuras em resina.


Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (ESEC) Rua Dom João III - Solum 3030-329 Coimbra, Portugal © 2018 Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. Homepage | Redes Sociais | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Instagram


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