Read the August Issue!

Page 20


20 in 2020 What CCPS Parents Need to Know for Back to School

Here are the top 20 FAQs about Collier County Public Schools’ reopening plan during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information was accurate at presstime. For any updates and changes, check w w w.c o l l i e r s c h o o l s .c o m / reopening/faq.

Photo by Rochelle Shucart


1. Start date. School will start on Aug. 19, a week later than under the original schedule. No other calendar dates will change. 2. Options. By now, parents will have chosen one of four options for their children’s schooling for this year: 1) Attend school in person; 2) Classroom Connect virtual learning; 3) eCollier Academy; or 4) Home schooling. 3. Switching options. Students may start options 1 or 2 and change to a different option at the end of the first or second quarter. Students choosing option 3 are committing to the program for at least one semester. 4. Technology. All students will receive a district-issued iPad (pre-kindergarten and kindergarten) or laptop (grades 1-12). The devices will be used both by students on campus and those learning remotely, so that if another shutdown occurs, transitioning to virtual learning will be simplified. 5. Out-of-Zone/Parental Choice. Students who attend an out-of-zone school will not lose their spot by enrolling in eCollier. According to an email from CCPS, “Looking ahead, if your child remains in eCollier Academy for the entire School Year 2020-21, but you wish to return to your parental choice/outof-zone school for School Year 2021-22, a seat will automatically be reserved, unless the parent notifies the district otherwise.” Parents with more questions on this topic can contact CCPS at or 239-377-0540. NEAPOLITANfamily • August 2020

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