By Christa Melnyk Hines
Dads Rock!
eruse the greeting card section around Father’s Day and you’ll find the shelves bursting with stereotypes about dads. While we may love to poke fun at his expense, we have more reasons to appreciate dear old Dad besides how handy he is with a wrench. Supportive dads and father figures positively influence a child’s development. Here’s how. Emphasize education Father of three Brett Clark joined Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) and All Pro Dad programs at his kids’ elementary school four years ago. The programs give him valuable insight into what’s happening in his children’s school and, by extension, their lives. “Growing up, I don’t recall my dad – or any fathers for that matter – attending school with me or knowing what I did everyday,” says Clark says, father of Colton (12), Carter (10), and Rowen (6).
“Programs like Watch D.O.G.S. are important for a number of reasons. But, most importantly, I believe it is vital for children to see their dad engaged in their education and life.” Researchers agree. Kids who see both their parents actively involved in their school life are less likely to get into trouble for behavioral issues perform better academically, and are more likely to graduate from high school. Through Watch D.O.G.S., dads, stepdads, grandpas, and other father figures manage an assortment of tasks, from completing school security checks and greeting kids as they arrive at school to providing homework help. They also jump in during the lunch hour to help peel open those stubborn half-pint cartons of milk, offer clean-up assistance, and dine with their kids. “Eating lunch with your son or daughter offers a unique insight
NEAPOLITANfamily • June 2020