领导东北亚时代的 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia
2011年 1月-2月 / 第37期
在粉色花海映衬下的无等山瑞士台,光州广域市 Mt. Mudeongsan, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea
特别投稿 愿今年更加和平繁荣
Special Contribution Wish You a Year of Peace and Prosperity
本月动态 NEAR 联合会活动│秘书处消息│会员地方政府动态
NEAR This Month NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News
会员专栏 采访秘书处俄罗斯派遣职员安娜
Feature Report Interview with Anna Zakharova
走访会员地方政府 光州,大韩民国西南地区中心城市
NEAR Member Tour Gwangju, the Core of Southwest Korea
东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
作为NEAR的机关刊物,是以促进会员地方政府之间的信息交流, 共享信息为目的而创刊的定期 杂志。内容包括NEAR的活动情况,各会员地方政府的有关信息、国际趋势、投稿、公告栏等, 发送 至各会员地方政府及有关机构。NEAR网站(www.neargov.org)上也可以阅览到同样的内容。 NEAR NEWS 是由各会员地方政府共同制作的信息杂志,欢迎对NEAR和东北亚地区有兴趣的所有人 的投稿。如果各会员地方政府和一般读者有什么意见和建议,请与秘书处联系。
NEAR News “NEAR News” aims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share information among members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news, international issues, contributions, notification, etc. NEAR News is translated into 5 languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian) and distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free of charge. It is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage. NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles or creative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat.
庆尚北道庆州市文武王陵一带的日出 Sunrise at the Royal Tomb of King Munmu, Gyeongju City, Gyeongsangbukpdo Province
东北亚地区地方政府联合会 是于1996年9月由韩国,中国,日本,俄罗斯等东北亚4个国家的29个地方政府代表在大韩民国庆尚北道共同携 手发起成立的国际组织。 联合会本着共同繁荣的基本原则,通过了联合会宪章。目前,在经济通商、敎育•文化交流、环境、防灾,边疆 合作,科学技术,海洋•漁业•观光等各项领域进行着积极广泛的交流与合作。 包括北韩和蒙古地方政府在内的地方政府相继加入了联合会,本联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政 府,正在发展成为代表东北亚的地方外交合作体。
NEAR 欢迎大家的参与 任何一个位于东北亚的地方政府,只要同意联合会的宗旨,都能通过联合会的批准成为 NEAR 的会员。
NEAR is... an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea. NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments, NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast Asia with 70 member governments from six countries.
NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly.
特别投稿 - Special Contribution
愿今年更加和平繁荣 Wish You a Year of Peace and Prosperity 李海斗
NEAR 秘书长
LEE Hae Doo NEAR Secretary General
大家好!不知不觉间新年已经到来,按照东方的十二生肖,今年是 兔年。自古以来兔子就象征着智慧与多产、丰饶与和睦。希望各位今年 能机智地克服危机,争取更进一步发展,奠定实现东北亚地区和平与繁 荣的基础。 在各会员地方政府的积极支持与帮助下,去年我们胜利举办了第8 次全体会议与2010NEAR国际经济论坛等联合会活动,在此向联合会各会 员地方政府表示感谢。今年拟举办NEAR事务人员工作会议(5月份)、将 在中国宁夏回族自治区召开的事务委员会(7月份),以及整年将陆续举 办的11个专门委员会活动等。另外,我们还拟将自2007年起每年举办的 “NEAR国际经济论坛”论坛规模扩大,由拟于9月份举办的NEAR-AER世界 论坛替代。AER(欧洲地方政府联合会)是由欧洲33个国家270个地方政府 组成的欧洲代表性国际机构。为了论坛的筹备工作,2010年11月我率团 到土耳其伊斯坦布尔出席了AER成立25周年全体会议,与AER主席米歇尔 (Michele Sabban)女士、秘书长克里普(Klaus Klipp)先生进行商谈并决 定了会议的议题。“NEAR-AER世界论坛”将起到再次连接欧亚大陆的新 千年丝绸之路的作用。 目前,联合会正逐渐成长为东北亚最有影响力的国际机构,能够与 诸多国际机构建立合作网络。比如,联合国亚太经济与社会委员会 (UNESCAP)、联合国开发计划署大图们江开发计划(UNDP-GTI)、亚太 旅游协会(PATA)、亚太全球变化研究网络(APN)、世界旅游组织 (WTO)、欧洲地方政府联合会(AER)等,与包括亚太地区和欧洲的国际 机构构建了合作网络。 联合会规模由创立之初的4个国家29个地方政府,扩大到目前的6个 国家70个地方政府,再加上5个观察员团体,共有75个省级地方政府参加 联合会活动。今后,随着准会员制度的积极实施,联合会的规模影响还 将向中亚地区扩张。另外,联合会下设了从经济通商到妇女儿童等各领 域的11个专门委员会,今后还将继续设立保健卫生、食品食粮等领域的 专门委员会,将覆盖会员地方政府感兴趣的各个领域。 尤其是去年以六种语言(中、日、韩、蒙、俄、英)版本发行了记 载联合会活生生历史的《NEAR白皮书》并寄发给各会员地方政府以及相 关国际机构、组织,是秘书处自成立以来交出的最满意的一份答卷。秘 书处仍会照常继续发行六种语言版本的联合会信息杂志《NEAR News》双 月刊和各种形式的宣传资料。 另外,秘书处自2006年开始实行派遣职员制度,接收中、日、蒙、 俄会员地区的各国各一名公务员赴秘书处工作,至今已有第5期,以后将 逐渐增加派遣职员的人数以增强秘书处的职能与作用。 最后,我们将为建立符合东北亚地区中心国际机构地位的“NEAR总 部”作出多方面努力,同时为实现东北亚的繁荣,开发并推进各种工作 事项与国际合作项目。 虽然常设秘书处开设历史不久,但已充具备作为国际机构应有的地 位。但,与秘书处的财政困难问题相同,确立与之相匹配的独立性和自 由性也是一个重要的遗留课题。不久后,我将要卸下秘书处重担回到原 点,在此向各位在此前给予的声援与积极合作表示衷心感谢。
Greetings! The old year has gone and a new one arrived. According to the oriental zodiac, 2011 is the year of rabbit, which from old times symbolizes wisdom, fecundity, wealth and harmony. I hope this year will serve as a stepping stone for all the NEAR members to achieve a more prosperous development by overcoming the crisis with wisdom and to lay the foundation for peace and prosperity of Northeast Asia. Last year, all the NEAR events were successfully completed, including the 8th General Assembly and the 2010 NEAR International Economic Forum. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members, since it would not have been possible without your full support and cooperation extended to the Secretariat. This year, as usual, the “NEAR Working-Level Workshop” will be held in May, followed by the Working Committee in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China in July and the meetings of the 11 SubCommittees. The NEAR International Economic Forum, an annual event organized by the Secretariat since 2007, will be held in September in a bigger scale under the title of “NEAR-AER Joint World Forum.” The Assembly of European Region or AER is an international organization bringing together over 270 regions from 33 countries across Europe. As a preliminary step for partnership, the NEAR Secretariat delegation attended the AER General Assembly held last November in Istanbul, Turkey to mark its 25th anniversary, met with AER President Michèle Sabban and Secretary General Klaus Klipp to discuss the forum agenda. I believe the “NEAR-AER Joint Forum” will achieve a “ New Milliennium Silk Road” which connects Europe and Asia anew. NEAR has now grown into one of the most influential international organizations in Northeast Asia in many aspects. First, it has built networks with global institutions not only in the Asia Pacific, but also Europe. They are:United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations Development Programme-Greater Tumen Initiative (UNDP-GTI), Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research(APN) and the Assembly of European Region (AER). Also, the membership was expanded from 29 founding members from four countries to cover 70 member regions from six countries or 75 member regions with five observers included. If the associate membership system is implemented, NEAR will be able to encompass even Central Asia. Furthermore, if Sub-Committees on Health, Hygiene and Food are added to the existing 11 Sub-Committees under NEAR's umbrella which now ranges from Economy & Trade to Women & Children, NEAR will be able to cover almost every field of the members' interest. Meanwhile, as one of the most important achievements since its inception, the Secretariat finally put together the 1st edition of the White Paper, the record of every step taken by NEAR. It was published in six languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Russianand English) and distributed to member regions and relevant organizations in and out of Korea. In 2011, as previous years, the bi-monthly magazine ‘NEAR News Letter’ as well as PR materials in various forms will be published in six languages and distributed. Every year since 2006, one official for each NEAR member country (China, Japan, Mongolia and Russia) has been seconded to the Secretariat to stay in Korea for a year. The Secretariat plans to increase the number of seconded staffs in order to increase its role and function. Finally, the Secretariat is making every effort to construct the “NEAR Main Center” befitting NEAR’s status as an international organization. We will continue to do our best in opening the age of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and beyond also by developing new agendas and international cooperation projects. Even if it has not been long since a standing Secretariat was established, NEAR has transformed itself into a full-fledged international organizations. However, it still remains to be done to secure minimum autonomy and independence in operating the Secretariat to the full extent, which is as much difficult task as securing the budget. Now, laying down the burden, I am going back to where I used to be. Once again, please accept my sincere thanks for your all-out support and cooperation extended for a long time, even until now.
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
NEAR 联合会活动 NEAR Activities ■ 第9次防灾专门委员会活动在兵库县举行 第9次防灾专门委员会活动将于2011年3月7日(周一)至3月10 日(周四)隆重举行,活动将以联合会全体会员地方政府的防灾领 域负责人员为对象,进行人与防灾未来中心、E-Depens、日本红十 字兵库县分社等地方的考察,并组织参加在广域防灾中心的实战救 护训练。另外,还将在专委会会议上安排关于国际紧急援助的演 讲。
■T he 9th Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention to Be Held in Hyogo Prefecture The 9th NEAR Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention will be held on 7-10 March 2011, attended by officials overseeing disaster management efforts in 70 NEAR member regions. During the meeting, participants are expected to visit the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, E-Defense (a large-scale experiment facility for shaking and collapse tests of full-scale structures) and the Japanese RedCross Society Hyogo Prefectural Chapter. Also scheduled is the practical drilling at the Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management and Training Center as well as a lecture on international disaster relief.
秘书处消息 Secretariat News ■ N EAR秘书处代表团访问吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦驻 韩大使馆 2011年1月17日至18日,联合会事务局长具然吉以宣传NEAR及吸 引中亚地区加入联合会为目的,与吉尔吉斯斯坦驻韩大使馆代理大 使Chyngyz Eshimbekov和乌兹别克斯坦驻韩大使馆参赞Bakhtiyor Saidov进行了会谈,具局长表示希望大使馆能向本国地方政府宣传 NEAR并鼓励他们参加联合会活动,对此吉尔吉斯斯坦驻韩大使馆和 乌兹别克斯坦驻韩大使馆分别表示将积极关注并为联合会秘书处提 供必要的协助。
■ NEAR Secretariat delegation visited Embassies of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan On 17-18 April 2011 the NEAR Secretariat delegation headed by Gu Youn Gil, Director General, visited Embassies of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan in Seoul in an effort to invite Central Asian regions as associate members of NEAR. Mr. Gu asked Chyngyz Eshimbekov, Kyrgyz Acting Ambassador to Korea and Bakhtiyor Saidov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan to encourage Kyrgyz and Uzbek regions to participate in various NEAR events and the representatives of the Embassies granted their consent for cooperation.
❶ NEAR务局长具然吉和吉尔吉斯斯坦驻韩大使馆代理大使Chyngyz Eshimbekov Gu Youn Gil, NEAR Director General, met with Kyrgyz Acting Ambassador Chyngyz Eshimbekov ❷ NEAR事务局长具然吉和乌兹别克斯坦驻韩大使馆参赞Bakhtiyor Saidov Mr. Gu with Bakhtiyor Saidov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News 黑龙江省 - 中国 ■ 全世界欢聚于第27届中国﹒哈尔滨国际冰雪节 1月5日,第27届中国•哈尔滨国际冰雪节在充满欧陆风情和冰雪王 国的哈尔滨隆重开幕。国家旅游局,黑龙江省、哈尔滨市领导以及日 本、德国、美国、法国、朝鲜、俄罗斯等国领事代表团、日本新泻、俄 罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克、芬兰洛瓦涅米市等10个友好城市代表团和数十万哈 尔滨市民一起参加了开幕式,全球聚焦本届冰雪节。 本届开幕式内容丰富,包含首届“松花江冰雪欢乐谷暨万人滚冰 雪”活动启动仪式,举行高空热气球表演、喷火表演、万人滚冰等系列 活动。在松花江边举行15分钟的大型音乐焰火晚会。举行冰城巡礼。 本届冰雪节突出“冰城”特色,建造“满城冰雕雪塑”。建设“满 城冰雕雪塑”,把整座城市打造成一个巨大的冰雪景区。同时,冰雪节 最大亮点是突出国际性,把冰雪节作为对外交流合作的平台,进一步扩 大城市影响力。一是冰雪园区建设国际化,冰雪大世界与迪士尼合作, 打造世界级的冰雪旅游品牌;太阳岛雪博会与意大利合作,打造富有异 域特色的雪上乐园。二是冰雪交流国际化,举办了第27届哈尔滨冰雪节 经济贸易洽谈会。
Heilongjiang Province - China ■ The 27 th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival was opened on 5 January 2011 in Harbin City full of European atmosphere. People indeed from the whole world gathered, including high-level officials from the National Tourism Administration of China, Heilongjiang Provincial Government and Harbin Municipal Government; delegations of the German, Japanese, US, French, the DPRK and Russian Consulates; representatives of 10 sister cities and regions such as Niigata Prefecture (Japan), Khabarovsk Territory (Russia) and Rovaniemi City (Finland) along with hundreds of thousands of Harbin citizens. The opening ceremony was simultaneously held with the 1st Songhuajiang Ice & Snow Happy Valley followed by a wide range of ice-related activities, including ice lanterns, fireworks display, hot air ballooning and etc. The ice festival turned the whole city into a huge tourism complex filled with snow and ice sculptures under the theme “the Ice Palace.” What made the festival more special was Harbin’s extended influence as a platform for international cooperation and exchange and realization of the true meaning of “internationalization.” For example, The Ice and Snow World teamed up with Disney to construct a Disney Ice and Snow Wonderland, a global tourism brand while the Snow Sculpture Art Expo in Sun Island Scenic Area featuring Italian architecture, culture and art. Also held was the 27th Ice and Snow Economic Trade Negotiation Conference.
◄ 第 27届中国﹒哈尔滨国际冰雪节 The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival
湖北省 - 中国 ■ ‘2011中国湖北-日本经贸联谊会暨武汉东湖樱花节’ 将在汉召开 “2011中国湖北-日本经贸联谊会暨武汉东湖樱花节”,将于3月22 日至25日在中国湖北省武汉市举行。本次活动由湖北省政府和武汉市政 府共同举办,以经贸合作为主,辅以文化、教育、旅游等方面的交流合 作,其间将举办系列投资说明会和专场推介活动,组织节能环保、农林 产业、汽车及零部件、高新技术产业专题对接,开展“智慧城市”论 坛、赏樱花游园和赴开发区考察等活动。
Hubei Province - China ■ The 2011 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meeting and the Wuhan-Donghu Cherry Blossom Festival to Be Held in Wuhan “The 2011 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meeting and the Wuhan-Donghu Cherry Blossom Festival” will be held on 22-25 March 2011 in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The major focus of the event is to promote economic and trade cooperation while other collateral events will take place in the field of cultural, educational and tourism cooperation. Investment seminars and product recommendation meetings will be offered along with a familiarization tour to the development zone and the “Smart City Forum” under the topic of energy preservation, environmental protection, agriculture, automobile and components and high technology.
◄ 参 加2010中国湖北-日本经贸联谊会暨武汉东湖樱花节的日本代表团 Japanese delegation who participated in the 2010 Hubei-Japan Economy & Trade Meeting
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
Niigata Prefecture - Japan
新潟县 - 日本 ■“新潟酒之阵2011”,尽享日本的酒王国新潟之魅力!
■F ind the Attraction of the “Sake Kingdom” at the “Niigata Sake Festival 2011”
将于2011年3月12日至13日举办的“新潟酒之阵2011”,是在日本国 内有关酒的传统活动中最大规模的庆典。到2011年活动已举办至第8 届,截至2010年为止访客最大数量达到87000名,可谓名副其实的新潟 县招牌活动。 新潟县生产的日本酒品质赢得日本国内和世界各国的高度评价。活 动期间,新潟县内的酿酒商们将聚集起来,开展日本传统酒的品尝和销 售活动。 此活动已逐渐名扬四海,会场上总能看到许多来自海外的访客们。 在日本传统酒的出口量逐年增加的同时,新潟县生产的日本酒也正逐渐 转向国际化。
The “Niigata Sake Festival 2011” is scheduled for 12-13 March, 2011. The festival is the largest one dedicated to Japanese traditional liquors or Sake attracting up to 87,000 visitors at maximum until 2010 and established itself as the flagship event of Niigata Prefecture. At this year’s event, the 8th of its kind, distillers from Niigata will host tasting events and sell Niigata Sake whose quality is recognized not only nationally but also internationally. More foreign visitors are expected this year as the fame of the festival has spread with the increasing export of Niigata’s traditional liquors.
◄ “新潟酒之阵”开幕式活动中,用木锤打碎酒缸盖 (Kagami-biraki) 的仪式 Kagami Biraki or the sake cask breaking ceremony (2010)
富山县 - 日本
Toyama Prefecture - Japan
■ 富山县与圣保罗州缔结友好关系25周年
■ The 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Friendly Relations between Toyama and Sao Paolo
富山县从1985年与圣保罗州缔结友好关系以来,积极开展了留学生 及研修项目、向圣保罗大学生授予奖学金等各种交流合作事业。2010年 是双方缔结友好县州25周年,同时也是首批富山县民移居巴西100周 年。作为纪念活动之一,2010年7月富山县知事石井隆一为名誉团长的南 美亲善访问团赴圣保罗州进行了访问,参加了当地举行的纪念仪式与交 流活动。随后,11月圣保罗代表团回访了富山县,在富山县召开缔结友 好县州25周年讨论会与欢迎交流会。以缔结友好关系25周年为契机,双 方再次确认继续开展进一步交流的意向。
Since the establishment of friendly relations with Sao Paolo City in 1985, Toyama has carried out various exchange and cooperation projects, including student exchange, training programs and the scholarship scheme for Sao Paolo Univ. students. As the year 2010 was not only the 25th anniversary of the friendly relations, but also the 100th anniversary of Toyama immigration to Brazil, a Toyama delegation headed by Governor Ishii of Toyama Prefecture visited Sao Paolo city in last July to attend celebration ceremonies and events. The visit was reciprocated in November when the representative of San Paolo Government participated in the welcoming ceremony and the 25th anniversary symposium in Toyama where both parties reaffirmed their commitment to deepen partnership and cooperation. ❷
❶ 与圣保罗州教育局部长(左)亲切交谈的富山县知事石井隆一(右,在圣保罗州教育局) Governor Ishii (right) talks with Sao Paolo Minister of Education (left) at the Department of Education building ❷ 在富山县县厅圣保罗代表(左二)与石井隆一知事(在富山县厅) The representatives of Sao Paolo (left) and Governor Ishii (right) at the Toyama Administration building
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
大邱广域市 - 韩国 ■ 2011大邱国际马拉松大赛 由大邱广域市、大韩田径比赛联盟主办的“2011大邱国际马拉松大 赛”将于4月10日隆重开幕。充满文化气息、热情好客的大邱欢迎各位 国内外的精英选手和优秀选手前来参赛。 ► 报名期间 :2011年1月10日至3月4日 ► 集合时间 :2011年4月10日(周日)上午8点 ► 集合地点 :大邱市厅停车场(10公里组), 国债报偿运动纪念公园(全程组) ► 出发地点 :大邱钟阁十字路口 ► 出发时间 :上午9点10分(10公里组), 上午9点(全程组-马拉松运动员)
Daegu Metropolitan City - Korea ■ The 2011 Daegu International Marathon Race: “Run Together toward Future!” The 2011 Daegu International Marathon Race is to be held on 10 April in Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea attended by elite athletes and masters marathon runners. We cordially invite you to Daegu, the city of hospitality and cultural beauty.
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011 Venue: Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea Registration: Jan. 10 ~ Mar. 4, 2011 Start time: 9:00 AM (full), 9:10 AM (10km), Everyone must be arrived before 8:00 AM Start & Finish: Jonggak 4-way intersection Organized & sponsored by: Korea Athletics Federation, Daegu Metropolitan City
◄ 参 加2010大邱国际马拉松大赛的海外马拉松选手 Foreign marathoners posed at the 2010 Daegu International Marathon Race
全罗南道 - 韩国
Jeollanam-do Province - Korea
■ 2011灵岩王仁文化庆典
■ 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival
2011灵岩王仁文化庆典将于4月1日至4日在全罗南道灵岩百里樱花树 下举行。据记载,王仁博士出生于全罗南道灵岩郡,童年修学儒学经典, 18岁晋升五经博士。百济17代阿莘王时期,王仁收到日本应神天王的邀请 在灵岩上台浦乘船赴日本。作为使日本飞鸟文化得以灿烂盛开的历史人 物,以王仁博士为背景的历史人物庆典2011年灵岩王仁文化庆典,以1600 年前王仁博士留下来的沟通与相生精神为基础,将在施油陶器的发祥地、 2200年前的古都鸠林村与陶器博物馆等地开展活动。本庆典旨在成为有教 育性及娱乐性的综合型庆典,已连续4年被选定“韩国文化旅游庆典”。 *百济王国很早就采用博士制度,培训各领域的博士。特别是精通 《周易》、《诗经》、《书经》、《礼记》、《春秋》等经书的人被称为五经博 士,是备受重视的人才。
The 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival is scheduled for 1-4 April in Yeongam County, Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. Dr. Wangin, a great scholar of Korea's ancient Baekje Kingdom, which existed in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula from 18 B.C. to 668 A.D, was born in Yeongam, a place also famous for a panoramic view of full-bloomed cherry blossoms. When he was eight, he studied Confucianism and Confucian scriptures and was appointed as “Ogyeongbaksa” (master of Confucianism) at the age of 18. At the invitation of Japan’s Emperor Ojin, Wangin departed from Sangdaepo, which at the time was an international trading port, and crossed the Korean Straits to Japan, bringing with him texts of classical Chinese literature as well as top craftsmen to the island country. The renowned Baekje scholar is well-known for his part in the development of Japan’s Asuka culture. Commemorating Wangin’s spirit of sharing and co-existence, the legacy left behind 1600 years ago, the 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival pursues to become a platform of education, joy and entertainment. The event, selected as the Korean Cultural Tourism Festival for four consecutive years, will be held at the Wangin cultural legacy compound and other venues including the pottery cultural center.
► 活动名称 :2011灵岩王仁文化庆典 ► 主题 :王仁的光芒,开创文化之路。 ► 时间 :2011年4月1日(周五)~ 4月4日(周一)/4天 ► 地点 :王仁博士遗迹、鸠林村、陶器博物馆等全罗南道灵岩郡一带
The 2011 Yeongam Wangin Culture Festival Theme : The Light of Wangin Opens up the Path of Culture When : 1-4 April, 2011 Where : Wangin Cultural Legacy Compound, Kurim Village, Pottery Cultural Center ◄ 灵 岩王仁文化庆典活动之“王仁游街” Wangin Culture Festival Parade
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea
庆尚北道 - 韩国 ■ 庆尚北道东海岸核能园区“构想” 1月20日,庆尚北道在大邱某酒店举办了有关“建立东海岸核能 产业园区项目”的总结报告会,核能领域的产、学、研、官专家等 100余人参加了会议,会上发表了有关东海岸各种设施分布的基本构 想。 在核能跃升为针对化石燃料储藏量减少和为减少温室气体的主 要对策的形势下,东海岸核能产业园区项目将在浦项、庆州、盈 德、蔚珍等庆尚北道东海岸一带建立以产业、研究、教育、文化的 综合性世界核能产业园区,使之成为核能出口前进基地,是一个国 家层次的大规模工程。当天,庆尚北道知事金宽容进行了发表,他 说:“庆北具备临海的地理条件,拥有核电站、放射性废弃物仓 库、质子加速器、韩国水能核能总公司等相关基础设施,具有建立 核能产业园区的最佳环境”。 东海岸核能园区计划到2028年为止设立第2核能研究院、SMART核 反应堆测试厂、核能制氢测试园区、核能出口产业园区、核能技术 标准研究院等产业设施以及核能专门研究院、核能高中、使用质子 加速器的核能医院、核能安全文化中心与体验馆等人才培训设施。 另外,庆尚北道(G)、蔚山市(U)、大邱市(D)为了引进国 际科学商务圈,还在上月25日成立了“国际科学商务圈岭南地区3个 市道引进推进委员会”。
❶ ❷
■ The East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster Project Outlined On 20 January, participated by more than 100 officials and experts from industry, academia, and government, a final report meeting on the “East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster Project” was held in Daegu city, where Gyeongsangbuk-do Province disclosed the layout of various facilities to be built along the East Coast. Recently, nuclear power has emerged as an increasingly attractive energy to solve fossil fuel depletion and greenhouse gas issues. The East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster Project is a huge project set up by Gyeongsangbuk-do aiming to develop Pohang, Gyeongju, Yeongdeok and Uljin, the places along the East Coast, into a world-class nuclear industry cluster and national export base of nuclear power combining industry, research, education and culture. “Geongsangbuk-do is the optimal place for a nuclear cluster offering the best infrastructure and natural environment along the coast area such as nuclear power plants, radioactive waste disposal facilities, a proton accelerator and the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd,” said Governor Kwan-Yong Kim of Gyeongsangbuk-do at the meeting. Various industrial and educational facilities are scheduled to move into the cluster by 2028, including the 2nd Atomic Energy Research Institute; System-integrated Modular Advanced Reactor (SMART); Test-bed Complex for Hydrogen Production by Nuclear Power; Industrial Complex for Nuclear Export; Institute of Standards and Technology; a graduate school of nuclear science; Technical High School of Nuclear Science; a radiological hospital; and a nuclear safety culture center. Meanwhile, the GUD Bidding Committee for the International Science & Business Belt was launched on 25th January, under the objective to attract the national science & business belt project to Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (G), Ulsan Metropolitan City (U), and Daegu Metropolitan City (D).
庆尚北道知事金宽容在强调建立东海岸核能产业园区的重要性 Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Kwan-Yong Kim emphasizes the importance of building the East Coast Nuclear Energy Cluster 岭南地区为了引进国际科学商务圈正式出台3个市道引进推进委员会 The GUD Bidding Committee for the International Science & Business Belt was launched.
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
乌兰巴托市 - 蒙古 ■由 韩蒙交流振兴协会主办的“绝非神话”读后感征文 颁奖仪式 由韩蒙交流振兴协会主办的李明博总统蒙语版自传《绝非神话》读 后感征文活动于12月28日在蒙古乌兰巴托市举办了颁奖仪式,两国邀请 嘉宾及获奖者参加了活动。在参选的280余篇文章中,选出了一等奖至 五等奖各一人、六等奖30个人,共有35人获奖。名为蒙古教育部部长奖 的一等奖得主门和泰格士(Munkhtegsh)获得了全体评委的认可。据说 门和泰格士只接受过正规初中教育,而他的作品却从各界人士的参选作 品中脱颖而出,使其在颁奖仪式前就以备受关注。在发表获奖感言时, 他说“这本书使我重新诞生”,文章不是为了卖弄优秀的文笔而是为了 表现自己信念的变化。他还说这本书“将曾经陷入挫败感中的我拯救出 来,使我蜕变成年轻精英站在这里,就是这本书给我带来积极影响的第 一个证据。它还提醒读者,人生的主人就是自己”。之后他还表示出将 以努力和诚恳通过人生考验的意志,收到了在场的热烈掌声。
Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia ■ Book Review Awards:“There is No Myth” The award-granting ceremony for the Book Review Competition “There is No Myth” was held on 28 December, 2010 in Ulaanbaatar, organized by the Korea-Mongolia Exchange Promotion Association and participated by award winners as well as officials from both countries. Among 280 contestants who reviewed the Mongolian edition of the Korean President Myung-Bak Lee’s autobiography “There is No Myth,” a total of 35 prizes were awarded, inclusive of 1st to 5th prizes and 30 consolation prizes. The Mongolian Minister of Education’s Prize or 1st prize went to Mr. Munkhtegsh who unanimously captivated the jury. He drew attention even before the ceremony when it was known that graduation from middle school marked the end of his last formal education. “This book made me born again,“ he said in his acceptance speech, demonstrating a change in mindset, apart from his talent of writing. “The book’s powerful influence on my life is proved by the fact that someone like me who used to be a discouraged, gloomy person stands here now as a renewed, inspired young man. It made me realize I am the master of my life.” His firm will to overcome “the tests of life” with integrity and faithfulness was warmly applauded by participants.
◄ 读 后感颁奖仪式后,获奖者合影 Award winners pose right after the award-granting ceremony for the Book Review Competition “There is No Myth.”
阿尔泰边疆区 - 俄罗斯
Altai Territory - Russia
■“阿尔泰旅游—阿尔泰度假胜地” 旅游博览会将于4月7日至8日隆重开幕
■ “Altai Tour, Altai Resort ” Upcoming on 7 – 8 April
阿尔泰边疆区在旅游领域是当前俄罗斯联邦内最有潜力的地方。将 在4月份举行的“阿尔泰旅游—阿尔泰旅游胜地”博览会上,将展出阿 尔泰旅游相关企业的各种旅游商品与服务商品,届时,有关西南西伯利 亚旅游发展的各机关也将进行共同特别会议。
Today, Altai is one of the regions with greatest potential for tourism within the Russian Federation. The “Altai Tour, Altai Resort” to be held in this April, will exhibit various types of tourism and service products of Altai tourist companies. Also, a lot of events are planned: meetings among the representatives of the regional and state departments on tourism development from the southwestern Siberia, seminars, round-tables, project presentations on Altai tourism, summer programs and etc.
详细信息请参考 www.tourism.altfair.ru (咨询 e-mail : altfair@altfair.ru , T : +7-3852-658844)
Detail information: www.tourism.altfair.ru e-mail: altfair@altfair.ru Tel.: +7-3852-658844
◄ 在阿尔泰享受攀岩乐趣的女士 Altai is the place for mountain lovers
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
托木斯克州 - 俄罗斯
Tomsk Region - Russia
■ 介绍第14届创新论坛
■ The 14th Tomsk Innovation Forum (INNOVUS)
第14届创新论坛INNOVUS将于2011年5月26日至27日在俄罗斯联邦托 木斯克州召开。此活动将以“创新的领导:研究开发的新运行模式”为 主题,包括诺贝尔奖得主在内的俄罗斯海内外著名学者及创新企业代表 将前来参加,论坛将为他们提供能针对创新、经济、建设等多种领域进 行讨论的平台。活动有关详细信息请查阅 http://innovus.biz(英语、 俄语)。希望大家踊跃参加!
The annual innovation forum INNOVUS will be held on 26th and 27th of May in Tomsk Region, Russia. This event is expected to provide a platform for discussion on different aspects of innovation in economy building under the theme of “Innovation Leadership and New R&D Management Methods,” participated by CEOs of innovation companies and renowned experts from home and abroad including Nobel laureates. Welcome to INNOVUS! Additional information available at http://innovus.biz (Russian and English variants).
▲ 托 木斯克州州长克列斯(左起第四位)和总统首席经济顾问达瓦科维奇(右起第三位) Governor Victor Kress of Tomsk Region (left fourth) and Presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich (right third)
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
2011年NEAR活动日程 分类
2011 NEAR Events Schedule
教育文化交流专门委员会 (2011东北亚国际文化调 5.29(拟定) / 色板事业/ 2011东北亚交 7.29~8.3 流之翼in岛根)
NEAR秘书处 宁夏回族自治区 外事办公室 会员地方政府 T.+86-951-5044-307 F.+86-951-5044-307
京畿道经济政策课 会员地方政府 T. +82-31-249-2191 F. +82-31-249-3218
岛根县 (松江市) / 岛根县内
岛根县环境生活部文化国际课 俄罗斯/ 会员 T. +86-852-22-6464 地方政府 F. +86-852-22-6412
宁夏回族自治区 (银川)
9月 12日-14日 (拟定)
(财)环日本海环境合作中心 T. +81-76-445-1571 F. +81-76-445-1581 www.npec.or.jp/northeast_asia
东方省行政局 会员地方政府 T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739
伊尔库茨克州(伊尔 库茨克市)
大邱广域市国际通商课 T. +82-53-803-3265 F. +82-53-803-3259
山东省外事办公室 会员地方政府 T.+86-531-86061762 F.+86-531-86902739
联合会活动 能源气候变化专门委员会
庆尚北道国际通商课 会员地方政府 T. +82-53-950-2919 F. +82-53-950-2177
河南省外事办公室 会员地方政府 T.+86-371-65688841 F.+86-371-65688841
会员地方政府 马加丹州
兵库县防灾计划课 会员地方政府 T.+81-78-362-9870 F.+81-78-362-9914
会员地方政府 NEAR秘书处
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Yinchuan), China
NEAR Secretariat Foreign Affairs Office, Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region T. +86-951-5044-307 F. +86-951-5044-307
Sub-Committee on Science & Technology
Gyeonggi-do Province (Suwon), Korea
Economic Policy Division, Gyeonggi-do Provincial Government T. +82-31-249-2191 F. +82-31-249-3218
Sub-Committee on Educational & Cultural Exchange(Northeast Asia Cultural Palette Project 2011 / Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011)
29 May (TBC) /29 July ~ 3 August
Shimane Pref. (Matsue) / Shimane Pref., Japan
Culture and International Affairs Division, Shimane Prefectural Government T. +86-852-22-6464 F. +86-852-22-6412
NEAR Working Committee
The 10th SubCommitteeonEnvironment
Toyama Pref. (Toyama City), Japan
Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center T. +81-76-445-1571 F. +81-76-445-1581 www.npec.or.jp/northeast_asia
Sub-Committee on Women & Children
Dornod Province, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Administration Bureau of Dornod Province T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739
Sub-Committee on Cross-border Cooperation
12-14 September (TBC)
Irkutsk Region (Irkutsk City), Russia
Economic Development Department, Government of Irkutsk Region
Sub-Committee on Energy & Climate Change
Daegu Metropolitan City (EXCO), Korea
Sub-Committee on on Ocean & Fishery
Shandong Province, Japan
Sub-Committee on Economy & Trade
Sub-Committee on Tourism
Henan Province, China
Foreign Affairs Office, Government of Henan Province T. +86-371-65688841 F. +86-371-65688841
Sub-Committee on Mineral Resources Development & Coordination
Magadan Region, Russia
Government of Magadan Region
NEAR Secretariat
International Affairs and Trade Division, Gov. of Daegu Metropolitan City T. +82-53-803-3265 F. +82-53-803-3259 Foreign Affairs Office, Government of Shandong Province T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739 Division of Economy and Trade, Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Gov. T. +82-53-950-2919 F. +82-53-950-2177
The 10th Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention
March 2012
Hyogo Pref., Japan
Division of Disaster Prevention Policy Planning, Hyogo Prefectural Government T. +81-78-362-9870 F. +81-78-362-9914
NEAR Working-level Workshop
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea
NEAR Secretariat
NEAR-AER World Forum
Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (Gyeongju City), Korea
NEAR Secretariat
会员专栏 - Feature Report
Feature Report
再会了,秘书处!再会了,韩国! 采访秘书处俄罗斯派遣职员安娜
See you Secretariat, See you Korea!! - Interview with Anna Zakharova
NEAR秘书处在荣州浮石寺集体合影 NEAR Secretariat members pose at the Buseoksa Temple in Yeongju
NEAR各会员地方政 府们,大家好!我是来 自俄罗斯阿尔泰边疆区 的公务员安娜,于去年3 月25日派遣来到韩国, 至今已在秘书处工作了 近一年时间。在此,特 通过大家十分熟悉的 《NEAR NEWS》向大家致 以问候。
下面我将与大家分享过去一年我在美丽的韩国和NEAR秘书处生活 的美好回忆。 - 回顾过去的一年 过去的一年时光飞逝,我会永远记得在这里的各种回忆、感受、 邂逅,以及接触到新知识的点滴瞬间。韩国使我增长了不少见识,这 是第一个我居住过的亚洲国家,我有生以来第一次体验海水浴的国 家,也是第一个使我感受到与俄罗斯文化、风俗、传统等有巨大差异 的国家。而韩国给我留下最鲜明与最特别印象的还是这里的“人”。 在我眼里,韩国人十分亲切、意志坚定、热情好客,也十分开放。这 样一个面积不大的国家有着能使人刮目相看的潜力,大概正是这些 “韩国人”。 - 第一次接触秘书处工作的感想与逸话 在众多业务中,最重要且最有助于积累经验的工作就是翻译 《NEAR NEWS》月刊等各种资料,收集有关各地区的信息,以及参加各 种国际活动等。 我来到韩国参加的第一个国际活动就是2010年事务人员工作会 议。坦白说,我当时十分紧张,根本不知道自己应该说什么做什么。 在事务人员工作会议上,我向大会代表们宣传了我的故乡阿尔泰边疆 区。这应该感谢当时不断鼓励我、为我带来勇气的秘书处的领导和同 事们。正是通过那次活动,使我渐渐开始了解联合会为促进东北亚发 展和世界和平的宗旨和目标。 - 韩国语学习 我来到韩国的另外一个目的就是学习韩国语,这将有助于我了解 这个国家的风土人情和文化。对于一年前的我来说,韩国语还只是一 门完全看不懂、听不懂的陌生语言,然而现在我的读写能力已经得到
了很大的进步。虽然口语相对来说比较难,但我相信只要努力也一定 能很快得到提高。在此,特向倾注精力为我准备并讲授特别语言课程 的秘书长夫人李春桧老师表示衷心的感谢。在我学习韩国语过程中每 当遇到难题,李老师都耐心地帮助我解决。我打算在回到故乡俄罗斯 后继续学习韩国语,进一步深入了解韩国的风土和文化。 - 探访韩国各地十分充实、有趣! 秘书处工作以外的韩国生活也十分愉快。韩国有着美丽的自然风 光和悠久神秘的历史,是一个充满魅力的旅游度假圣地。很遗憾在这 里逗留期间没能将希望去的地方都走遍,但这也恰好将成为我将来再 次来韩国的契机。在庆尚北道,我走访了浦项市、庆尚北道植物园和 不愧于“美丽的庆州”称号的庆州市。 - 外国朋友到韩国来,我一定会向他们推荐。 在庆州我游览了古代韩国的天文台(瞻星台)和传统佛教寺院佛 国寺,在那里我仿佛走进了古代韩国的历史当中。若是在樱花盛开的 季节来到庆州,其美景更是只能用“百闻不如一见”来形容。另外, 我还访问了位于龙仁的韩国民俗村和号称世界最大规模的游乐园之一 的爱宝乐园,也非常有意思。 - 向NEAR秘书处的同事们说一声“谢谢”! 在这里想向去年认识的新朋友们:娥滥、承基、希西格、尚贤、 董科彤、真弓、凤焕、晚奉、惠贞、喜淑等所有同事们表示感谢。感 谢他们在我有困难的时候给予理解、关心和支持,以及热情的款待, 让我有了回家一般的感觉。特别感谢李海斗秘书长给我这个能在秘书 处为东北亚的繁荣发展努力工作的机会,以及对我无微不至的关怀和 照顾。 - 最后想说的话 在秘书处工作过程中,我深切感受到这个工作岗位的重要性,以 及代表阿尔泰边疆区的责任感和使命感。在此特向一直支持和帮助我 的阿尔泰边疆区行政部同事们表示感谢,特别向是波利斯•拉林副知事 表示衷心的感谢。 阿尔泰地区拥有温暖的传统和丰富的文化遗产,是一个在社会和 经济领域快速发展的地区。真诚的邀请大家到阿尔泰来,我们一定热 情的款待各位。 再次感谢秘书处的各位同事,我们后会有期!
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
会员专栏 - Feature Report
❶ 与李春桧老师、日本派遣职员山元真弓一起在浦项合影 With Mrs. Chun-Hoe Lee and Mayumi, a Secretariat staff from Japan ❷ 在庆尚北道植物园 At the Gyeongsangbuk-do Botanical Garden ❸ NEAR秘书处职员 们体验韩国传统“四君子”绘画 Drawing “Four Noble Plants (plum, iris, chrysanthemum, and bamboo)” in Yeongju Seonbi Village, Gyeongsangbuk-do ❹ 雪后浦项上班路 Way to Work
Dear NEAR friends! My name is Anna, and have worked at the NEAR Secretariat for almost a year since being seconded from Altai Territory, Russia on the 25th of March, 2010. I’m glad to greet you through this very familiar journal. On these pages, I’d like to share my life, work and momories in the beautiful country Korea and the Secretariat of the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments.
Looking Back on Last Year... The last year has passed so quickly. There are so many impressions, emotions, meetings, acquaintances, perceptions, which will be enough for the whole life. For me Korea - it’s the country of revelations. This is the first Asian country I've ever visited; the country, where I swam in the sea for the first time; the country where I was exposed to different culture, customs and traditions than Russian. And, the most impressive part is “people.” As far as I understand, Korean people are very kind, attentive, tolerant, hospitable and open-hearted. And it is the people, in my opinion, that is the most remarkable asset of this not-so-large country.
About Your Work at the Secretariat and Some Episodes Among my work duties, I could learn many practical things and accumulate new experiences especially through translating various books and materials including the NEAR NEWS articles, searching various information about NEAR regions and, of course, participating in international forums and events. The very first of international event where I represented the interest of my region Altai was the NEAR Workshop 2010 in May. Frankly speaking, I was so much worried; I didn’t know what to say, what to do and where to go. However, my collegues and superiors gave me enouragments and inspirations which eased my tension and anxiety. From that Workshop on, I began to understand the true goal of NEAR? contributing to the harmony of North East Asia and creating peace in the world.
About Learning Korean Language One of the purposes why I came to Korea was to learn Korean language and the custom and culture of this country. Just a year ago I couldn’t even imagine that I would speak, write and read in an unknown language. However, I learned quickly. It may sound arrogant, but I can now read and write Korean language well. I still have some problem in speaking but hope it will be overcome in time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teacher Mrs. Chun-Hoe Lee, the wife of NEAR Secretary General, for her compassion and efforts to encourage me whenever I was struggling with obstacles. I wish to continue to study Korean language, culture and custom in my homeland which brought me closer to the Korean people.
It Was So Much Fun to Visit... The life out of the office was also very exciting. I think this country is beautiful in its nature, mysterious in its history and have very attractive tourism and leisure spots. I'm sorry that I couldn't visit so many places as I wished during my stay. It's fine, too, because this is another excuse to come back to Korea. In Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, where the Secretariat is located, I managed to see Pohang city, visit the Botanical Garden of Gyeongsangbuk-do as well as Gyeongju city, whose beauty befits its slogan(“Beautiful Gyeongju”).
The “Must-Visit-Place” You Recommend
In Gyeongju I had an opportunity to see the ancient Cheomseongdae Astronomical Observatory, visited the historical buddhish Bulguksa Temple. Being there, you have no choice but to plunge in the ancient Korea times. But when the season of cherry blossom comes - it’s impossible to express the beauty of the city. As the Russian saying goes, “It is better to see once than 100 times to hear” It’s unforgettable. Also I visited Yong-in city of Gyeonggi-do Province, where the Traditional Korean Folk Village and the “Everland Park,” one of the largest amusement parks in the world are located. And you should definitely visit Andong city and Mungyeong village, which is famous for delicious apples. You can never leave out Seoul. Splendor and simplicity, history and modernity, colors and impressions of every sort and kind? this is Seoul.
You Want to Thank...
I’d like to tell the words of gratitude to all my new friends - Aram, Hishgee, Park Seung Gi, Sang Hyeon, Dong Ketong, Majumi, Bong Hwan, Park Man Bong, HyeJung, Hi Zook and many many others for their countenance, understanding, compassion and hospitability. You all helped me to feel like at home. Special thanks go to Secretary General Lee Hae Doo for this opportunity to work at the Secretariat for the harmony of North East Asia, and for his sincere help and encouraging words.
Last Words
And of course, working in South Korea, I came to understand the meaning of responsibility, importance of my activities and role as representing the Altai Regional Administration. I am very thankful to my colleagues back in Altai for their help and countenance, and especially to the Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory Boris Larin. In conclusion, I would like to invite all of you to Altai Krai, the region of hospitality, tradition, abundant cultural heritage, and of rapid economic and social development. Thank you for all! Good-bye for a moment!
走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour
NEAR Member Tour
光州,大韩民国西南地区中心城市 Gwangju, the core of southwest korea 努力发展CGI、工艺文化、3D、文化软件等领域,积极引进投资。 光州作为韩半岛的骄傲,以高水平的传统文化及南岛文化为优秀条 件,相信如此的文化精髓一定具备了能够创造高附加值的世界性竞争力。 “光之乡”光州为了成为亚洲文化中心城市,在继承故有的文化资产 的同时,将以开放的姿态不断包容世界各地文化,实现创造性的发展。 光州将为东北亚地区地方政府间的紧密团结与沟通,创造人类幸福与 共同繁荣事业做先锋表率。谢谢。
Gwangju Metropolitan City is a core city of the southwestern region of the Korean Peninsula. For a long time it has been known as a hometown of culture and art and recognized as the symbol of the democratization movement in Korea advocating democracy, human rights and peace. ▲ 光 州广域市市区 The City of Gwangju
光州作为韩半岛西南地区的中心,是一 个以悠久的历史和传统为骄傲的文化艺术之 城,还是象征着韩国民主化,代表民主、人 权与和平的城市。 光州市在亚洲首创“光州双年展”,引 领现代美术的潮流,发展尖端科学的知识基 础产业和文化产业,逐渐成为亚洲文化中心 城市。 1980年5·18民主化运动是光州市民们 ▲ 光州广域市市长 姜云太 Mayor Un-Tae Kang of Gwangju Metropolitan City 为了守护自由与民主主义而集体携手发起的 民众抗争运动,使世界自由市民们了解了人权的重要性。 光州的历史文化上的本质性使时代文化得到升温,对地区发展起到新 的原动力作用。 光州致力于培养光通信、发光二极管等光相关产业,迅速飞跃成为亚 洲最大“光”产业集积城市和世界五大“光”产业城市。另外,光州还开 发电瓶车、发展清洁柴油汽车核心配件产业与配件素材产业,将成长为世 界性汽车城市。 以国际企业三星电子的家电工厂为基础,推动智能家电机器人与IT产 业的融复合行事业等逐渐坐稳了数码家电生产据点城市的地位。 紧跟绿色成长时代的步伐,光州市积极研发新再生能源、光·纳米等 新素材,被指定为研究开发特区,正向着成为引领东北亚高端科学发展的 科学公园方向迈进。 特别是迎接文化时代的浪潮,光州被指定为文化产业投资振兴地区,
In an effort to transform itself as a cultural hub of Asia, Gwangju founded the Gwangju Biennale committed to an international approach to modern art among many other efforts to promote culture industry. The May 18th Democratization Movement refers to a popular movement in the city of Gwangju during which citizens rose up against former Korean President Jeon Duhwan's illegal military dictatorship and called for democracy. This movement was recorded as a symbolic struggle to preserve human rights setting an example for many Asian countries who are aspiring freedom and justice. Such cultural and historical identity of Gwangju has acted as a new driving force for regional development in the era of culture where creativity blooms. Meanwhile, by developing photonics industry, including optical communication, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical access network, Gwangju has become a city with the biggest agglomeration of light-related industries in Asia and one of the top five photonics cities in the world. Moreover, it is growing into the “city of automobile and digital electronics” by developing electric vehicles, key components of clean diesel vehicles and promoting IT convergence and intelligence home service robot industry based on Samsung home appliance factories. Also, fostering research and development of renewable energy and new materials in photonics and nanotechnology, Gwangju is designated as a National R&D Special Zone and committed to create a science park that will lead high-tech industry in Northeast Asia. We are assured that the higher level of sophistication of its artistic
走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour
culture and advanced technology will secure a global competitive edge to create high added value. The 'city of light' Gwangju will continue to enhance its unique cultural assets while promoting creative acceptance and amalgamation of various cultures of the world with a flexible attitude and an openminded heart. Gwangju Metropolitan City is committed to promote harmony and better understanding among NEAR member regions contributing to happiness and prosperity of humanity. Thank you.
■ 市民幸福的创新城市,光州! 大韩民国五大城市之一的光州,人口147万、面积501.2平方公里, 由5个自治区和93个行政洞组成,在韩国西南部的经济、文化、教育、 行政、交通等方面发挥中枢作用。 光州名为光之故乡的意思,拥有千年的悠久历史,自古以来被称为 文化艺术优秀的“艺乡”、代表韩国美味“味乡”、爱护民主·人权· 和平的“义乡”。 随着2010年7月第5任民选市长姜云太的就任,市政目标改为“能作 为世界模型的创新城市”、“社会弱者也能有梦想和希望的幸福共同 体”,为打造“幸福创新城市-光州!”市民与公务员同舟共济,精诚团 结。
▲ 5 ·18民主广场喷泉夜景 A night view of the fountain of the May 18 Democratic Square
动奠定韩国民主化的基石,成为抵抗压迫的世界民主化楷模。 光州广域市超越国境带头开展世界人民人权与和平运动,还设立光 州人权奖,每年颁发给在人权与和平事业上作出贡献的国内外人士。 此外,光州市还开发“人权指数”,建立符合民主、人权、和平城 市的制度,创立人权论坛,拟定于2011年5月召开,并为被联合国指定为 人权城市做积极努力等。光州正逐渐成为世界型的人权城市。
■ The Happy, Creative City of Gwangju With a population of 1.47 million, Gwangju Metropolitan City is the fifth largest city in South Korea. Covering an area of 501.2㎢ divided into five districts, it is the center of economy, culture, education, administration and transportation in Southwest Korea. The name of Gwangju means “the City of Light,”which dates back to a thousand years. For a long time the city has been known as a hometown of justice, art and beauty because citizens have never turned a blind eye to injustice and enjoy art, flavor and taste. Gwangju, having faced its fifth election by popular vote in July 2010 and as Mayor Un-Tae Kang sworn into office, holds the goal of establishing “The Happy, Creative City of Gwangju,”and “The Happy, Warm Community in Which Everyone Can Have Hopes and Dreams.”
■ 民主、人权、和平的城市 光州是不屈服于非法与不义,在国家和民族处于危难时奋然而起克 服国难的精神世代相传的城市。1980年5月抗拒军部独裁的5•18民主化运
■ City of Democracy, Human Rights and Peace Gwangju's other cultural heritage is of democracy, peace and human rights, born from the 18th May (5.18) 1980 Democratic Uprising in the city. In a time of national crisis, the spirit of Gwangju’s 5.18 Democratic Uprising brought democracy into South Korea, setting an example for many countries who are aspiring freedom and justice. Gwangju has advocated human rights and peace across the world. The Gwangju Prize for Human Rights was established to celebrate the spirit of the May 18 Gwangju Uprising by recognizing both individuals, groups or institutions in Korea and abroad that have contributed in promoting and advancing human rights, democracy and peace through their work. Gwangju has been involved in the development of human rights index, improved legal systems and established the Gwangju Asian Human Rights Forum, which is to be held in May 2011. UN designation of Gwangju as a human rights city is also being promoted.
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■ 文化艺术之城 光州自古以来便是音乐、美术、文学等艺术活动活跃的地区,1994 年成立的光州双年展是代表亚洲的全球性现代美术庆典。通过设计双年 展、国际表演艺术节、郑律成国际音乐节等多样文化艺术庆典,正逐渐 发展成为国际文化艺术城市。 不仅如此,“打造亚洲文化中心城市”事业作为国策事业,从2004 年至2023年将投资48亿美元建设“国立亚洲文化殿堂”、“文化产业投资 振兴地区”等,用于集中发展设计、游戏、3D映像等文化产业。 为使各种各样丰富的亚洲文化相互融汇,使亚洲文化汇聚成一股创 新能量,光州正不断发挥积极作用。
■ City of Culture and Art Gwangju has long been regarded as a city rich in music, art and literature. The Gwangju Biennale, founded in 1994, has become Asia's oldest and most prestigious biennial of contemporary art. Also, Gwangju Design Biennale, Gwangju International Performing Arts Festival, Jeong Yul-seong International Music Festival and many others have further enhanced Gwangju's worldwide reputation as a city of art. Furthermore, the city has been pushing forward “The Hub City of Asian Culture Project” at the national policy level with the investment of USD 4.8 billion from 2004 to 2023. The project aims to foster culture industry such as design, game and 3D movie by constructing the Asian Culture Complex and designating an Investment Promotion Zone for Culture Industry. Gwangju will continue its role in communicating with various, rich cultures of Asia and joining them into a creative energy.
产业等高端科学领域产业从90年代以后开始急剧发展,城为出口主导型 新生尖端产业城市。(2000年出口总值32亿美元 → 2010年116亿美元) 特别是规模为18.73㎢的国家指定光州研究开发特区指向国际开放 型特区,使海外研究机关与公司也能够入驻。同时,还有计划谋求与中 国、日本主要研究开发特区的合作方案。 以高端产业和研究设施的集中、丰富的优秀人才资源、与其他城市 相比更加干净且地价低廉等为优势,光州正成为引人注目最佳投资地。 最近还引进了具有触摸屏感应技术的企业、光通信模数企业等,正在积 极进行国内外的招商引资活动。
■C ity of High-tech Industry and Quality R&D Infrastructure Gwangju has nurtured photonics industry since 2000. Its infrastructure includes: Korea Photonics Technology Institute; Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development; Korea Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute; Advanced Photonics Research Institute; and the Photonics Industry Cluster with 350 companies. Gwangju has been rapidly emerging an export-oriented, high-tech industrial city since the rapid growth of sophisticated industries such as home appliance robot, digital electronics, key components of clean diesel vehicles and fiber convergence technology in the 1990’s. there is soaring demand for components and materials from companies including KIA Motors, Samsung Electronics. Also, Gwangju has promoted the Gwangju R&D Special Zone (18.73㎢) into an open special zone where foreign research institutes and companies can move in, especially in cooperation with R& D special zones in China and Japan. Gwangju has been known as an optimal place for investment based on the advanced high-tech industry, competitive R&D infrastructure, quality human resources, clean environment, low-priced land and various incentives. Recently, many domestic and foreign companies have invested in Gwangju, including a company that owns the original technology of touch sensor and optical communication module manufacturers.
▲ 光 州世界泡菜文化庆典的游客们亲自动手做泡菜 Visitors of the Gwangju Kimchi Culture Festival make their own Kimchi
■ 指向国际化都市 ■ 完备高端产业及研究基础设施的城市 光州自2000年开始集中建设光产业,建设了韩国光技术院、韩国光 产业振兴会、光通信研究中心、高等光技术研究所等基础设施及由350 间相关企业组成的光产业园区。
积极扩大与海外城市在经济、文化艺术、运动等领域的交流,积极 参加国际社会的活动逐渐发展为全球性城市。至今,已与9个国家11个 城市缔结友好合作关系,并加入8个国际机构,积极参加活动。为了进 一步扩大国际交流,努力扩大国外友好城市的范围以及加强合作关系。
另外,三星电子家电工厂家电机器人产业研发等数码家电产业、起 亚汽车光州工厂清洁柴油汽车配件产业开发等汽车产业、光基盘IT融合
在此活动背景下,去年光州市市长姜云太被选为世界地方政府联合 亚太分部(UCLG-ASPAC)的共同主席。今后,光州市计划更加重视民间
The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments
走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour
■ Toward a Global City Through a wide range of international exchange programs with foreign cities abroad in diverse field, including economy, culture, art and sports, Gwangju has been growing into a leading global city in the 21st century, the era of globalization. Gwangju has made continuous efforts to expand international exchanges and solidify international partnerships. As of now, it has sister city and cooperation relationship with 11 cities from 9 countries and is a member of 8 international organizations. Against this backdrop, Mayor Un-Tae Kang was elected as a Co-Chair of the United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC).
Gwangju is committed to further international exchange and cooperation especially in the private sector and expand partnership with foreign cities.
■ 通过东北亚地区地方政府间的合作,谋求共同发展 21世纪世界经济中心轴逐渐向东北亚地区转移,这是东北亚地方政 府间增进友好合作最重要的时机。 光州正在积极进行2015年世界大学生运动会筹备工作、打造亚洲文 化中心城市事业、指定开放型研发特区等项目,为实现国际社会及共同 繁荣,我们将付出更多的努力。
光州继续将扩大与东北亚地区地方政府联合会(NEAR)会员地区的 实质性交流合作,对于环境、资源开发等共同关注的领域共同开展讨 论,为东北亚的共同发展与繁荣做出贡献。
■C ooperation with NEAR Members toward Co – development The axis of global economy has shifted to Northeast Asia and closer partnership among NEAR members has become ever more important.
As preparing to host the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade, we reassure our commitment to work for co-prosperity of the international community and of Northeast Asia. We will continue to communicate with NEAR members on issues of common interest such as environment and resource development and try our best to promote practical cooperation exchange. ❶ 2010光州设计双年展 2010 Gwangju Design Biennale ❷ 在为纪念韩国板索里(歌剧式的韩国传统音乐之一)著名歌唱家林芳蔚先生每年举办林芳蔚国乐节上现场表演的板索里演唱者 A Pansori performer sings passionately at the Im Bang Ul's Korean Traditional Music Festival, which is held every year in Gwangju to commemorate Im Bang Ul, a very popular Pansori singer in the 1930s (Pansori is a genre of Korean traditional music; a kind of solo opera in which the singer tells a love story or satire through song) ❸ 五光十色的光州世界光博览会展示馆 The exhibition hall of the Gwangju World Photonics Expo ❹ 欣赏第8届光州双年展作品的游客 Visitors look at an artwork at the 8th Gwangju Biennale
大韩民国 庆尙北道 浦项市 南区 芝谷洞 601 浦项 Technopark 3层 电 话 :+82-54-223-2320, 2326 传 真 :+82-54-223-2309 电子邮箱 :Cham0284@gmail.com 网 址 :http://www.neargov.org 3F, Pohang TP, 601 Jligok-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang City, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea, 790-834 T e l : +82-54-223-2320, 2326 F a x : +82-54-223-2309 E-mail : Cham0284@gmail.com http://www.neargov.org
东北亚地区地方政府联合会秘书处 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments