NEAR news vol.38 (CHN)

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领导东北亚时代的 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia

2011年 3月-4月 / 第38期


沙漠与骆驼,宁夏回族自治区(第8次NEAR事务委员会举办地兼主席地方政府) Camels on the desert, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China (The Chair Region of the 8th NEAR Working Committee)

特别投稿 通过规制改革促进地方经济发展

Special Contribution Activate Regional Economy through Regulatory Reform

本月动态 NEAR 联合会活动│秘书处消息│会员地方政府动态

NEAR This Month NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News

会员专栏 塞上江南、神奇宁夏、良田沃土、人杰地灵

Feature Report Ningxia - a Mysterious Land with Fertile Land, Rich Resources and Outstanding Talents

走访会员地方政府 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区-俄罗斯

NEAR Member Tour Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia

东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

作为NEAR的机关刊物,是以促进会员地方政府之间的信息交流, 共享信息为目的而创刊的定期 杂志。内容包括NEAR的活动情况,各会员地方政府的有关信息、国际趋势、投稿、公告栏等, 发送 至各会员地方政府及有关机构。NEAR网站(上也可以阅览到同样的内容。 NEAR NEWS 是由各会员地方政府共同制作的信息杂志,欢迎对NEAR和东北亚地区有兴趣的所有人 的投稿。如果各会员地方政府和一般读者有什么意见和建议,请与秘书处联系。

NEAR News “NEAR News” aims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share information among members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news, international issues, contributions, notification, etc. NEAR News is translated into 5 languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian) and distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free of charge. It is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage. NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles or creative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat.

庆尚北道庆州市佛国寺 Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju City, Korea




东北亚地区地方政府联合会 是于1996年9月由韩国,中国,日本,俄罗斯等东北亚4个国家的29个地方政府代表在大韩民国庆尚北道共同携 手发起成立的国际组织。 联合会本着共同繁荣的基本原则,通过了联合会宪章。目前,在经济通商、敎育•文化交流、环境、防灾,边疆 合作,科学技术,海洋•漁业•观光等各项领域进行着积极广泛的交流与合作。 包括北韩和蒙古地方政府在内的地方政府相继加入了联合会,本联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政 府,正在发展成为代表东北亚的地方外交合作体。

NEAR 欢迎大家的参与 任何一个位于东北亚的地方政府,只要同意联合会的宗旨,都能通过联合会的批准成为 NEAR 的会员。

NEAR is... an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea. NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments, NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast Asia with 70 member governments from six countries.

NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly.


特别投稿 - Special Contribution

通过规制改革促进地方经济发展 Activate Regional Economy through Regulatory Reform 安忠荣


AHN Choong-Young Chairman, the Korean Presidential Committee on Regulatory Reform

在当前世界金融危机的大环境下,东北亚的地方政府正以地区 与地区间由下而上(bottom-up)式的合作活动带头推动东北亚地 区经济整合运动。在此过程当中,东北亚地区地方政府联合会做 出了卓越的贡献。通过进行规制改革,推动商品、服务、投资、 人力等的自由来往,将使超越国境的地区与地区间的经济合作进 一步加快。 规制改革的目的是为了废除所有妨碍经济成长和投资领域上的 不必要行政规制,合理管理政府新设和加强的规制。韩国设立了 作为总统直属机构的规制改革委员会,由17位民间专家和政府各 部门代表6人组成,国务总理和民间委员长共同担任委员长。如能 在行政领域上全面进行规制改革,将有利于促进人民与企业经济 活动上的创新与自由,并提高有关人民生命与安全等规章制度的 品质。 根据经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的实证性研究,规制改革被 评价为能够使用最少的经费,达到有效促进增长、创造就业机会 并使经济结构更加先进化的高效政策手段。目前韩国的规制改革 委员会正通过接受市场规律、民间主管、国际优秀惯例等,明确 规制审议的原则,积极向经济先进化道路迈进。 行政规制有中央政府主管的规制以及给地方政府托管的许可认 可权、市场进入和公平竞争等规章制度。若中央政府能将各种规 制的执行权转交给地方政府,地方政府就可行使符合地方时政状 况的裁量权,从而有助于搞活地方经济。济州岛开始实行免签制 度及建立免税购物中心后,邻近国家的游客不断增多。目前韩国 为了引进外国人的直接投资,指定并实行6个地方“经济自由特 区”。为鼓励外国人投资,若能授权地方政府实行符合地方时政 的规制,提供各种优惠和实行认可许可权,那么地方政府和市民 团体就能促进近邻国家的地方企业进行定向型投资。在全球化时 代,如能完善规制,使地方企业超越国界自由地参与供应链环 节,就能出现超越国界的超级地区或超级城市,并使现存的超国 境地区更进一步发展。若能通过改善规制系统,使东北亚各地区 的人民与外国人能自行发掘和整改那些不合理的规制,就能提早 带动东北亚经济整合及共同生活圈的发展。


Even in the face of the global financial crisis, regional governments in Northeast Asia have taken the lead in regional economic integration based on “bottom-up cooperation” among regions, and the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments (NEAR) has played an integral part in such efforts. Due to geographical proximity, economic cooperation between cross-border regions on a local level can be accelerated by regulatory reform focused on free movement of goods, service, investment and human resources. The objective of regulatory reform is to remove all unnecessary regulations that hamper growth and investment and to control new ones in a reasonable manner which the government intends to set up or strengthen. In Korea, a regulatory reform committee was established under the Presidential Office, consisting of 17 specialists from the private sector and six representatives of governmental authorities, co-chaired by the Prime Minister and the head of the specialists. Regulatory reform in all administrative sectors can give greater autonomy to the people and businesses in their economic activities, promote creativity and improve the quality of regulations related to protecting people's lives and security. As reported in an empirical study of OECD economies, regulatory reform is evaluated as an effective policy measure to boost growth, create jobs and advance the economic structure at the lowest cost. The Korean Presidential Committee on Regulatory Reform has endeavored to review regulations in favor of the principles of market economy, private initiative and standards of international practice aimed at advancing the national economy. Administrative regulations include those controlled by the central government and others entrusted to regional governments on licensing, permission, market entry and fair competition. Transfer of enforcement authority will give more discretionary power for regions to activate regional economies in a more efficient manner. For example, since the approval of visa-free access arrangement and duty-free shopping centers, Jeju Island (Jeju Special Self-governing Province, Korea) has attracted an increasing number of tourists from neighboring countries. Also, as there are six Free Economic Zones today in Korea to attract foreign direct investment, the shifting of authority on incentives and licensing will empower regional governments and civic groups to come up with customized regulations suitable for their own circumstances to enhance foreign direct investment. Loosened regulations that allow local companies to freely participate in the global supply chain will form a “mega-region” or a “mega city” encouraging development of existing trans-border regions. If each region identifies and improves existing regulations which cause inconveniences to the local and foreign residents, people will be able to share common life circumstances beyond borders which in turn will advance the economic integration in Northeast Asia in a more practical sense.

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

NEAR 联合会活动 NEAR Activities ■ 第9届防灾专门委员会召开获好评 第9届防灾专门委员会活动于2011年3月7日(周一)~3月10日 (周四)在兵库县JICA Hyogo胜利召开。会议以NEAR会员地方政府 的防灾及安全部门具体负责人为对象,共有5个国家相关部门的41 位工作人员以及秘书处一行参加了此活动。在8日上午的演讲中, 兵库县防灾部门工作人员针对国际紧急援助方面分享了许多有益的 经验和信息,获得了各国参会者的好评。 活动中,参会者参观了“人与防灾未来中心”、E-Depens、日 本红十字会兵库县分部、兵库县消防学校等,并在广域防灾中心利 用设备进行了7级强度地震及各种自然灾害的体验。尤其参会者还 亲自带上氧气面罩、身穿防火服,进行了用灭火器灭火后,救出重 达35公斤的人物模型的演习训练。日本国家电视台NHK对活动还进 行了专题报道,活动进行的有声有色。

■ T he 9th Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention Well Received The 9th Sub-Committee on Disaster Prevention was held on 7-10 March, 2011 at the Hyogo JICA Center. 41 officials overseeing disaster management efforts in 5 countries, which is almost double the number of participants last year, and the Secretariat delegation joined the meeting. The morning session was dedicated to a presentation by a Hyogo disaster management official on international disaster relief based-on hands-on experience, which was well received by the audience. Also, attendees made a study-visit to Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, E-Defense, Japanese Red-Cross Society Hyogo Prefectural Chapter, and Fire Fighters' Training Institute. At Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management and Training Center they participated in disaster simulation exercises, including an earthquake with a magnitude of 7. Also, practical rescue drills were conducted where participants in fireproof clothing and oxygen masks were tasked to extinguish fire and rescue a 35 kg-doll, which was broadcast by national broadcaster NHK.

➊ 防火训练现场

Fire-fighting training

➋ NHK正在拍摄韩国、中国、蒙古代表与日本消防学校教官一起训练的场面

NHK, the national broadcaster, broadcasts the drill participated by Korean and Russian representatives under the guidance of the instructor.

秘书处消息 Secretariat News ■ 呼吁联合会会员关心支持日本地震灾区

■ Attention Called to the Massive Earthquake in Japan

3月11日,日本发生前所未有的强烈地震和海啸,造成严重人员 财产损失,秘书处第一时间向日本驻韩大使馆发送了慰问函电。同 时联合会的10个日本会员地方政府的受灾情况也令人担忧,在此呼 吁其他NEAR会员地方政府给予日本会员地方政府更多关心。

NEAR Secretariat sent a letter of condolences to the Japanese Embassy in Korea, in which it expressed deep condolence to the Japanese people for the loss of lives and properties as a result of the unprecedented earthquake and tsunamis. As there is concern that the damage could spread to other prefectures, including 10 NEAR members in the country, the Secretariat called on the rest of the NEAR members to provide further attention and support.


本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

秘书处消息 Secretariat News ■ 秘书长李海斗离任

ecretary General Lee, Hae Doo Leaves Office ■S

总管秘书处所有业务的李海斗秘书长自2006年3月至今完成了5年的工 作任期,即将离开联合会。他将赴韩国庆州的威德大学任客座教授,并兼 任该大学亚洲·太平洋研究所的所长。李海斗秘书长在任期间,联合会规 模自创立之初的4个国家29个地方政府扩大为6个国家70个地方政府、将6个 专门委员会增设为11个专门委员会,使联合会充分具备了作为国际机构的 地位。此外,任期内胜利举办釜山、山东省、京畿道的3次全体会议,并从 2007年开始举办的“NEAR国际经济论坛”也是每年邀请来自5个国家的学 者、经济专家、国际机构代表,围绕东北亚的共同繁荣进行讨论,逐渐提 高联合会的国际地位。 尤其是,2009年李海斗秘书长一行访问了AER(Assembly of European Regions:欧洲地区装配)秘书处,双方同意共同举办“NEAR-AER世界经济论 坛”。2010年受AER主席米歇尔•萨班(Michel Sabban)女士邀请,李海斗出 席了在伊斯坦布尔举行的AER创立25周年全会,并以“连接欧洲-亚洲的新 千年丝绸之路”为主题进行了发表,双方协商拟定于9月在庆州举行首届 “NEAR-AER世界论坛”,联合会的活动影响将波及到整个欧洲地区。AER作 为欧盟国际组织的根基,是一个已有欧洲33个国家270个省级地方政府加 入的国际机构。 另外,李海斗秘书长还在2009~2010年期间主持发行了记载联合会活生 生历史的六种语言版本《NEAR白皮书》以及开设秘书处以来一直发行的双 月刊《NEAR News》并寄发给各会员地方政府以及国内外相关组织,积极宣 传NEAR。通过每年举行的“事务人员工作会议”以及接受各国派遣职员, 加强联合会团结、巩固基础。 最后,他表示“今后,即使我的人离开了联合会,但我的心灵将永远 与NEAR在一起。同时,我将积极探索NEAR与亚洲·太平洋研究所的共同合作 之路。”。 ※ 联系方式 威德大学地址:760-713 韩国 庆尚北道 庆州市 江东面 有琴里525 Tel: +82-(0)54-760-1740, Fax: +82-(0)54-760-1540 Mobile : +82-(0)17-508-1921 E-mail: 居住地地址:: 706-933 韩国 大邱市 寿城区 黄 金洞 Castle Gold Park #1308-907

Lee, Hae Doo, who has led the NEAR Secretariat since March 2006, left the office of Secretary General after five years to join Uiduk University in Gyeongju city as a chair professor and the chief of the Asia-Pacific Research Institute of the same university. Mr. Lee laid the foundation for NEAR operations by expanding the membership from the founding 29 in four countries to 70 regions in six countries, while the number of Sub-Committees also increased from 6 to 11. Under his leadership, three General Assemblies were successfully held in Busan Metropolitan City, Shandong Province and Gyeonggi-do Province while “NEAR International Economic Forum” was established in 2007 as a platform to bring together renowned economic experts and scholars from five Northeast Asian countries and international institutions to discuss co-prosperity of Northeast Asia. In 2009, he visited the Secretariat of the Assembly of European Region (AER) to meet with Secretary General Klaus Klipp and agreed to establish “AER-NEAR Joint World Forum.” Next year, at the invitation of AER President Michel Sabban, he attended the AER General Assembly which was held in Istanbul, Turkey in commemoration of its 25th anniversary, where he made a presentation on “Collaborative Development between Europe and Asia: The New Millennium Silk Road,” raising NEAR’s profile in the European arena. AER is an international organization bringing together over 270 regions from 33 countries across Europe. Furthermore, he published the “NEAR White Paper,” the record of every step taken by NEAR, in six languages and distributed it along with the bi-monthly magazine “NEAR News Letter” to member regional governments and relevant organizations in and out of Korea. He further stepped up solidarity among NEAR members by introducing “NEAR Working-level Workshop” and the secondment program for public officers of member regions who would like to work at the Secretariat. “Though I'm leaving, my heart will always be with NEAR,” Lee said, expressing his willingness to promote cooperation between NEAR and the Asia Pacific Research Institute. ※ Contact address of Mr. Lee, Hae Doo: Uiduk University: 5 2 5 Yo o g e u m - r i G a n g d o n g - m y u n , G y e o n g j u c i t y, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Republic of Korea 760-713 Tel: +82-(0)54-760-1740, Fax: +82-(0)54-760-1540, Cell: +82-(0)17-508-1921 E-mail: Home: B1308-#907, Castle Gold Park, Hwang geum-1 dong, Suseung-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea 706-933

前任 NEAR 秘书长李海斗 LEE Hae Doo Secretary General Secretary

■ 秘书处新任事务局长黄永锡

■ Hwang, Yeong Seok Appointed as New General Director

于2月11日接替前任事务局长具然吉,就任新任事 务局长黄永锡

On February 11th, Hwang, Yeong Seok took office as the new General Director of the NEAR Secretariat, succeeding his predecessor Ku, Yeog Gil.

新任 NEAR 事务局长 黄永锡 Hwang, Yeong Seok NEAR General Director

■ 2011NEAR事务人员工作会议

■ NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011

为使NEAR事务人员通过人际网络建立高效的业务体系、加强团结, 同时为将在7月举行的第八届事务委员会做准备,“2011年NEAR事务人员 工作会议”定于5月18日-20日在韩国庆尚北道庆州市召开。此次会议拟 进行2011年度秘书处主要工作说明、参会会员地方政府宣传发表等内 容。特别还安排了以“NEAR会员地方政府地区间交流合作方案”为主题 的特别演讲和会员地方政府探访(韩国大邱广域市)等项目。

NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011 will be held on 18-20 May in Gyeongju-city, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea with an aim to enhance solidarity among NEAR member regions by facilitating networking of working-level officials and to prepare for the 8th Working Committee scheduled for the coming July. At the meeting, presentations will be made on the 2011 plan of the Secretariat and major projects run by member regions. Also, a special lecture will be delivered under the theme, “Toward better cooperation among NEAR member regions” while participants make a cultural tour to Daegu Metropolitan City, one of NEAR members in Korea, as part of “ Discover the Region” program.


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News 黑龙江省 - 中国 ■ 第22届中国哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会 ·期间:2011年6月15日~19日(展览时间 每天8:30~17:00) ·地点:哈尔滨国际会展体育中心 ·展览规模:76,000平方米、3000个国际标准展位 ·官方网站

Heilongjiang Province - China ■ The 22th China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair ·Date: 15 -19 of July 2011 (exhibition period: daily 8:30~17:00) ·Location: Harbin International Congress Center ·Exhibition area: 7 6,000 sqm, 3,000 stand ·Web-site:

◄ 哈 洽会韩语介绍书封面 Brochure of the 22th China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair (Korean)

湖北省 - 中国 ■ “2011韩国·湖北友好周”将于6月在汉举行 为进一步促进与推动湖北省与韩国的友好合作,湖北省政府将 与韩国驻华大使馆于今年共同举办“2011韩国•湖北友好周”活动。 经过双方协商,“韩国周”活动拟定于今年6月的第二周在汉举办, 为期近一周时间。内容以经贸活动为主,以文化交流活动搭建平 台,将以举办投资经贸洽谈会、湖北省领导与韩国知名企业负责人 恳谈会、韩国企业就业说明会、行业协会会议等形式,为湖北省与 韩国经贸合作提供商机;并将通过韩国图片展览、文艺演出、韩国 饮食文化节等一系列丰富多彩的活动,向湖北省人民提供了解韩国 文化、结识韩国朋友的机会。

Hubei Province - China ■ “Korea and Hubei Week of friendship 2011” Upcoming in June Hubei Province in association with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in China will host the “Korea and Hubei Week of friendship 2011” aimed at promoting exchange and friendship between Hubei Province and Korea. Business opportunities will take various forms within the framework of the event, which will be held in the second week of June in Wuhan city according to mutual agreement: trade and investment meetings, meetings between the leadership of the Hubei Provincial Government and Korean major enterprises, information sessions by Korean enterprises and etc. Furthermore, participants will be able to take part in photo exhibitions on Korea, performances, Korean cuisine festival and other cultural exchange, which will serve as a unique chance to find friends and partners from Korea.

◄ 2 004年“中国湖北省·韩国友好周”活动开幕式 Opening Event of the “Korea and Hubei Province Week of Friendship2004”


本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News 山东省 - 中国 ■ 山东省大力推进黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设 黄河三角洲是中国最具发展潜力的大河三角洲之一,2009年11月 国务院批复《黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划》,使黄河三角洲 地区的开发上升为国家发展战略,也是全国首个以“高效生态经济” 为功能定位的区域发展战略。 黄河三角洲高效生态经济区的范围包括山东省东营市等19个县 (市、区),总人口约985万人,陆地面积2.65万平方公里,发展重点 为绿色种植业、生态畜牧业、生态渔业、高技术产业、装备制造业、 轻纺工业、现代物流业、生态旅游业、金融保险业、商务服务业等 产业。

Shandong Province - China ■ Shandong Steps up Development of "High-Efficiency Ecological Economic Zone of the Yellow River Delta The Yellow River Delta is one of the regions with the highest growth potential in China. In November 2009, the State Council approved the “Development Plan for High-efficiency Ecological Economic Zone of the Yellow River Delta”, incorporating the development of the Yellow River Delta region into the national development strategy. It is expected to become the first eco-efficient economic zone in China. The economic zone covers 19 cities including Dongying city of Shandong Province, stretching over a total area of 26,500 square kilometers with a population of 9.85 million. Priority industries for development are afforestation, ecological animal husbandry, environment-friendly fisheries, high-tech industries, equipment manufacturing, light industry, textile, logistics, eco-tourism, finance and insurance, service industry and etc.

◄ 黄 河三角洲高效生态经济区行政区划图 High-Efficiency Ecological Economic Zone of the Yellow River Delta

京都府 - 日本 ■ 京都府“产业21上海代表处” 京都府以开拓正在持续快速发展的中国市场和支持商务合作为 目标,与京都府商工会议所联合于2010年末成立了“京都产业21上海 代表处”。该代表处以2名日本人和2名中国人作为常驻职员,向来自 京都的企业提供咨询服务,以及直到与中国企业成功签约为止,持续 提供支持的“半徒刑支援”服务。 根据志愿者要求,代表处建立了免费的“京都企业支援网”支持 系统。此网络由早已进入中国市场的京都企业及人才参加,为其他同 乡企业的在华顺利开展业务及生活提供支持和帮助。

Kyoto Prefecture - Japan ■ Business Support Center in Shanghai Opened The Administration of Kyoto Prefecture jointly with the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry established a business development support center in Shanghai aimed at making inroads into the market and providing business support services. Since late 2010, four resident experts each two from Japan and China have worked in the center offering counseling assistance for companies from Kyoto to conduct more effective negotiations with Chinese partners up until an agreement is attained. Together with the center, the “Kyoto Businesses Support Network” was established to provide free-of-charge services on a voluntary basis. The network made up of Kyoto enterprises and experts already operating in China offers assistance for newcomers to easily settle down their businesses and lives.

◄ 京 都产业21上海代表处开设仪式(左起第三位京都府知事山田启二) The opening ceremony of the Business Support Center in Shanghai (Kyoto Governor Keiji Yamada, third from left)


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News ■ 举办“第26届国民文化祭·京都2011” 2011年秋季,京都府将以“整理心情~文化发心”为主题,举办 “第26届国民文化祭·京都2011”活动。此活动以与京都府市民分享 地区文化为目的,环顾京都历史和自然孕育的文化,使下一代继承日 本“心”。同时,京都府还将邀请国外地区(中国陕西省、印尼日惹 特区、美国俄克拉何马州、俄罗斯列宁格勒州、英国爱丁堡)的文化 交流代表团,指向成为国际文化交流庆典, 力求使民众提高对友好地区的了解。

■ The 26th People's Culture Festival Kyoto 2011 Meanwhile, in the autumn of 2011, “The 26th People’s Culture Festival Kyoto 2011” will be held in Kyoto Prefecture aiming to enhance cultural communication among local residents. As a “comprehensive” festival, it will not only look back on the local culture of long history influenced by Kyoto's unique natural environment to pass down the "heart" of Japan to the next generation; but also invite cultural delegations from five sister regions to enhance Kyoto people's understanding on them. (They include, Shaanxi Province of China, Yogyakarta Special Territory of Indonesia, Oklahoma of USA, Leningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation and the City of Edinburgh, UK.)

◄ 第26届国民文化祭象征物“马友马卢” “Mayumaro,” the mascot of the 26th People's Culture Festival

兵库县 - 日本 ■ 举办第1届神户马拉松和第19届亚洲田径竞标赛 想与兵库县的市民马拉松选手们一起奔驰在明石海峡大桥和 神户Harborland等景点吗?第1届神户马拉松将于2011年11月20日 (周日)在兵库县神户市隆重举行。海外的外国人也可报名,网 上报名截止时间为5月20 日。 神户有着神户牛肉、神 户Sweets(一种糕点)、新 鲜的水产、美丽的港口风 景,以及由纯女性组成的 在日本具有代表性的宝塚 歌剧团,是一个充满魅力 的城市。我们也热烈欢迎 各位前来观赛!请一定要 来兵库县!(http://www. 第19届亚洲田径锦标赛 兵库•神户大赛将于2011年7 月7日- 10日隆重开幕。 ( culture/asia/index.html)

Hyogo Prefecture - Japan ■ T he 1st Kobe Marathon 2011 and the 19th Asian Athletics Championships Hogo/Kobe Competition An unusual chance is coming to run with Hyogo citizen marathoners along the beautiful Akashi Kaikyo Bridge and the Kobe Harborland! The Kobe Marathon 2011, the 1st of its kind ever, will be held on 20 November, 2011. Foreign participants are also cordially welcome. Applications can be made by 20 May on the internet. The picturesque city of Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture is known for its exquisite cuisine like Kobe Beef, Kobe Sweets, fresh marine products, the beautiful scenery of the harbor and the Takarazuka Revue, a Japanese all-female musical theater. Visitors to cheer the marathoners are welcome with open arms, too! ( Also, the 19th Asian Athletics Championships Hogo/Kobe Competition is coming soon on 7-10 July, 2011. ( html)

◄ 第1届神户马拉松海报 Poster of the 1st Kobe Marathon 2011


本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News 庆尚北道 - 韩国

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea

■ 庆北道民们为成功申办“世界水论坛”表决心

■G yeongsangbuk-do in Full Swing to Host the World Water Forum

为迎接联合国指定的世界水之日(3月22日),庆尚北道于3月21 日在庆州举行了第19届世界水之日纪念活动。活动以“为了城市的 水”为主题,包括与水相关的环境团体、道民、学生、公务员等共有 800余人参加,明确了“节约水实践运动生活化”的决心。 在2015年第7届世界水论坛举办地将于今年10月底最终选定之际, 此次活动集结300万庆北道民的力量,为祈愿申办水论坛成功,所有 参会人员一致高呼“让2015世界水论坛到庆北来!”,表达了志在必 得的决议。庆尚北道知事金宽容在活动上发表纪念词时说:“通过拯 救洛东江工程,在改善水质的同时确保丰富的水量。在为向市道民们 供给洁净的水源而作最大的努力的同时,我们将与大邱市一同举办各 种为宣传申办“世界水论坛”的活动,并积极向海外进行宣传。”

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province held a commemorative ceremony on occasion of the United Nations 19th World Water Day (March 22) on 21 March in Gyeongju City. Under the theme of “Water for City,” 800 people including water-related international organizations, citizens, students and public officials gathered and reconfirmed their determination to take the lead in preserving the precious resource in everyday lives. Also, as the host nation of the 7th World Water Forum will be decided in the coming October, each and every participant chanted the slogan “2015 World Water Forum to Gyeongsangbuk-do!” reaffirming their resolve to win the bid based on the concerted efforts of the 3-million Gyeongsanbuk-do citizens. “The government will do its best to maintain secure supplies of clean water by pushing ahead with the Nakdong River Restoration Project. Also, we will put our efforts into raising the profile of our province overseas by organizing promotion events in cooperation with Daegu Metropolitan City”, said Governor Kim Kwan Yong.

◄ 达 成“节约水资源实践”和申办世界水论坛决议的庆北道民们(第一排中间庆北道知事金宽容 ) ( Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Kim, Kwan Yong, front row, center)

全罗南道 - 韩国

Jeollanam-do Province - Korea

■ 第13届 潭阳竹子节

■ The 13th Damyang Bamboo Festival

· · · · ·

时间: 2011年 5月 3日 – 5月 8日 地点: 竹绿园 (竹乡文化体验村)、官防堤林一带 口号: “翠绿的竹林、明朗的精神” 主题: “健康竹林、绿色休止符” 承办/主办: 潭阳郡/(社团法人)潭阳竹子节委员会

· When: 3-8 May, 2011 · Where: Juknokwon (Jukhyang Culture Village), Gwanbangje Forest · Slogan: “Fresh Mind in Green Bamboo Forest” · Theme: “Take a Green Break in a Healthy Bamboo Forest” · Hosted by/ Organized by: Damyang County / Damyang Bamboo Festival Committee

▲ ➊ 参天的潭阳竹子 Tall bamboo trees in Damyang stretching toward the sky ➋ 体验竹钓 Fishing with bamboo fishing rod


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

会员地方政府动态 NEAR Member News 济州特别自治道 - 韩国

Jeju Special Self - Governing Province-Korea

■ 第六届济州论坛

■T he 6th Jeju Forum

通过东亚地区的对话与合作,作为培养共同体意识和为建设和平 与繁荣的共同体而努力的一环出台的“第6届济州论坛”将在5月27日 -29日隆重召开。此次济州论坛将围绕环境保护与新成长动力、自由 贸易与网络、亚洲文化统一与共同体建设、企业的社会责任与女性的 作用、次世代领导者与新的标准、新城市建设与电子商务交易、化解 历史矛盾与海洋安保、图们江开发与东北亚和平、韩中经济合作与朝 核问题的解决等各种与东亚的未来息息相关的主题开展。

The 6th Jeju Forum is taking place on 27-29 May with an aim to cultivate the possibility of multilateral security and economic cooperation in East Asia. Various topics to be discussed include: environmental conservation and new growth engines; free trade and network; fusion of Asian cultures and community-building; corporate social responsibility and the role of women; North Korean nuclear crisis and KoreaChina economic cooperation; the Great Tumen Initiative and peace in Northeast Asia; and fusion of Asian culture and community-building, to name just a few.

主题: “新亚洲: 为了和平与繁荣” 时间: 2011. 5. 27 ~ 29 ■ 地点: Haevichi hotel & resort Jeju ■ 承办单位: 济州特别自治道、国际和平财团、东北亚财团 ■ 主办单位: 济州和平研究院 ■ ■

When: May 27-29, 2011 Where: Haevichi Hotel & Resort, Jeju, Korea Theme: “New Asia: for Peace and Prosperity” Hosted by: J eju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation ■ Organized by: Jeju Peace Institute ■ ■ ■ ■

鄂尔浑省 - 蒙古

Orkhon Province - Mongolia

■ “额尔德内塔”矿业集团晋升为世界级企业

■E rdenet Mining Corporation Named as the “Best Enterprise of the Year 2010”

日前,蒙古业内排名第一的“额尔德内塔”矿业集团(以下简称 “额尔德内塔”)被欧洲企业协会选定为“2010年最佳企业体”,于 2011年3月2日在伦敦召开的能源部长级会谈上,将该奖项颁发给额尔 德内塔代表。此外,被选为最佳企业体的企业经营者也被选为“最佳 管理人”,额尔德内塔代表理事冈泽力获得了“2010年最佳管理人” 的殊荣。

Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC), one of the leading companies in Mongolia was named by the European Business Assembly a nominee to receive the prestigious award “The Best Enterprise of the year 2010.” The prize was presented to EMC delegates during the Energy Ministerial Conference held on 2 March, 2011, London. Also, EMC General Director Ch. Ganzorig, received, “The Best Manager of the Year 2010.”

布里亚特共和国 - 俄罗斯

Republic of Buryatia - Russia

■ 在韩国首尔召开招商引资说明会

■ I nvestment Promotion Meeting to Be Held in Seoul, Korea

布里亚特共和国行政部拟定于2011年6月初在韩国首尔召开招商引 资说明会。布里亚特共和国位于东南西伯利亚山区,占世界淡水资源 25%的贝加尔湖3/2的面积和60%的沿岸线均在共和国境内,贝加尔湖拥 有优质水资源,并 已被登录为世界自 然遗产。希望各 NEAR会员对活动给 予关心与积极的参 与。

The Administration of the Republic of Buryatia will hold an investment promotion meeting in early June 2011 in Seoul, Korea. The Republic of Buryatia is located in the southern part of East Siberia to the south-east of the Baikal Lake, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site which contains 25 percent of the world's freshwater reserves. Two thirds of the water area and 60 percent of the shoreline of the unique lake is within the territory of Buryatia. We request support and participation by NEAR members.

◄ 拥 有世界25%淡水的贝加尔湖 Lake Baikal contains 25 percent of the world's highest quality freshwater reserves


本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month

2011年 NEAR 活动日程 地方政府(国家)

Events Schedule of NEAR Members 2011





NEAR 事务人员工作会议

5月 18日

庆尚北道 庆州市(韩)

NEAR 秘书处 T. +82-54-223-2318(英) +82-54-223-2320(中) +82-54-223-2317(日) +82-54-223-2384(蒙) +82-54-223-2319(俄) F. +82-54-223-2309

2011 东北亚国际文化调色板事业 (教育文化交流专门委员会)

5月 29日

岛根县 松江市(日)

岛根县环境生活部 文化国际课 T. +86-852-22-6464 F. +86-852-22-6412


中国哈尔滨国际经济贸易洽谈会 China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair

6月 15~19日


T. +86-451-82340100 F. +86-451-53641940


中国三门峡国际黄河旅游节 Sanmenxia International Yellow River Tourism Festival

5月 18~25日


河南省外事办公室 T. +86-371-65688841 F. +86-371-65688841




5月 28日~6月 1日


世界业余围棋锦标赛岛根县大会组 委会秘书处 T. +81-852-22-5503 F. +81-852-22-0108


“科布多-2011” 国际呼麦庆典



T. +976-1432-22393 F. +976-1432-22022


釜山亚洲短篇电影节 Busan Asian Short Film Festival

5月 11~15日


釜山广域市 映像文化产业课 T. +82-51-888-8101


2011 大邱国际田径预选赛 2011 Colorful Daegu PreChampionship Meeting

5月 12日


大邱国际田经预选赛组委会 T. +82-53-803-9000 F. +82-53-803-9159


潭阳竹子节 Damyang Bamboo Festival

5月 5~10日


潭阳郡旅游休闲课 T. +82-61-380-3151


2011 国际自动化精密机器展 (International factory Automation System Show 2011

5月 17~20日

昌原市 昌原会展中心 (CECO)

庆南道厅国际通商课 T. +82-55-211-3155

济州特别自治道 (韩)

第6届 济州论坛

5月 27~29日


济州特别自治道 和平协力课 T. +82-64-710-6262 F. +82-64-710-6259


第14届托木斯克革新论坛 INNOVUS

5月 26~27日


托木斯克州行政部 T. +7-3822-51-13-79 F. +7-3822-51-13-72


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

本 月 动 态 - NEAR This Month






NEAR Working-level Workshop

May 18~20

Gyeongju City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea

NEAR Secretariat T. +82-54-223-2318 (English, Korean) +82-54-223-2320 (Chinese) +82-54-223-2317 (Japanese) +82-54-223-2384 (Mongolian) +82-54-223-2319 (Russian) F. +82-54-223-2309

Northeast Asian Cultural Palette Project 2011 (Sub-Committee on Educational & Cultural Exchange)

May 29

Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan

Culture and Int'l Affairs Division, Shimane Prefectural Gov. T. +86-852-22-6464 F. +86-852-22-6412

Heilongjiang Province (China)

China Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair

June 15~19

Harbin City

T. +86-451-82340100 F. +86-451-53641940

Henan Province (China)

Sanmenxia International Yellow River Tourism Festival

Henan Province

Foreign Affairs Office, Henan Provincial People's Gov. T. +86-371-65688841 F. +86-371-65688841

Shimane Prefecture (Japan)

The World Amateur Go Championship Shimane Tournament

May 28 ~ June 1

Matsue City

Execution Committee Secretariat of the World Amateur Go Championship Shimane Tournament T. +81-852-22-5503 F. +81-852-22-0108

Khovd Province (Mongolia)

The Hoomi Festival of Mongolia


Khovd Province

T. +976-1432-22393 F. +976-1432-22022

Busan Metropolitan City (Korea)

Busan Asian Short Film Festival

May 11~15

Haewoondae Beach

Division of Film & Cultural Industry, Busan City Gov. T. +82-51-888-8101

Daegu Metropolitan City (Korea)

IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011

May 12


IAAF World Championships Daegu Organizing Committee T. +82-53-803-9000 F. +82-53-803-9159

NEAR Activity

May 18~25

Jeollanam-do Province (Korea)

Damyang Bamboo Festival

May 5~10

Damyang City

Division of Tourism & Leisure, Damyang County Gov. T. +82-61-380-3151

Gyeongsangnam-do Province (Korea)

International factory Automation System Show 2011

May 17~20

CECO, Changwon City

Division of Int'l Relations and Trade, Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Gov. T. +82-55-211-3155

Jeju Special Selfgoverning Province (Korea)

The 6th Jeju Forum

May 27~29

Jeju island

Division of Peace and Cooperation, Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Gov. T. +82-64-710-6262 F. +82-64-710-6259

Tomsk Region (Russia)

The 14th Tomsk Innovation Forum, “Innovus 2011”

May 26~27

Tomsk City

Tomsk Administration T. +7-3822-51-13-79 F. +7-3822-51-13-72


会员专栏 - Feature Report


Feature Report

贺兰雄姿 The towering Helan mountain

塞上江南、神奇宁夏、良田沃土、人杰地灵 尊敬的联合会成员们,欢迎您来参加2011中国宁夏第八次事务委员会, 下面向您介绍宁夏概况及此次会议简况: 宁夏地处中国西北,是中国五个少数民族自治区之一、也是中国最 大的回族聚居区,回族人口占全区人口35.8%。全区国土面积6.64万平 方公里,2010年总人口625万人。全区辖银川、石嘴山、吴忠、固原、

产业格局,完善了城市功能,奋力打造“黄河金岸”的宏伟构想。 宁夏与世界上120多个国家和地区开展经贸往来与友好交流,与17 个国家的23个省州市县建立了友好城市关系,对外交流不断发展。

中卫5个地级市,22个县、市(区),首府银川市。 作为东道主,宁夏正在认真筹备东北亚地方政府联合会第八次事务 宁夏地势东西窄南北长,地势南高北低。平原约占全区土地面积的 1/4,海拔平均1090米。宁夏历史悠久,风情独特,资源丰富,是中国 西部重要的能源化工新材料基地、现代农业示范基地和独具特色的旅 游目的地。近年来,宁夏大力推进新型工业化、城市化和农业产业化 战略,加快经济结构调整,着力培育经济发展新优势,全区经济社会 呈现出持续快速发展的良好势头。此外,宁夏加快城市建设,调整了


委员会会议,我们期待着与各位嘉宾相聚在美丽的湖城,在东北亚地 区地方政府联合会这个平台上,加强区域间合作,实现互利共赢,共 创东北亚地区繁荣和谐美好的明天!

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员专栏 - Feature Report

Ningxia - a Mysterious Land with Fertile Land, Rich Resources and Outstanding Talents Dear NEAR Members, Welcome to the 8th Working Committee in Ningxia!

You are cordially invited to the 8th NEAR Working Committee in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. The host region Ningxia, situated in northwestern China, is the home of the Hui people and one of the five ethnic minority autonomous regions in China. It covers a total area of 66,400㎢ with a population of 6.25 million, of which the Hui people accounts for 35.8% (as of 2010). It is divided into five prefecture-level cities, including Yinchuan, Shizuishan, Wuzhong, Guyuan and Zhongwei and 22 counties (county level city and districts) and Yinchuan is the capital. Ningxia, from its geographic shape, is slim and high in the south and low in the north, and its average elevation is around 1090 m. Plain accounts for a third of the region's land area. While featuring long history and unique Hui culture, Ningxia is also an important base of energy, chemical industry and new materials, a pilot area for modern agriculture and a distinctive tourist destination. For the recent several years, pushing ahead with a new strategy for industrialization, urbanization and agricultural development, we have accelerated economic restructuring and promoted new strategic industries. Furthermore, we have put focused efforts into city construction and improvement of industrial structure and city function system to realize our dream, “Golden Shore of Yellow Sea.” Ningxia has developed foreign relations by establishing economic and friendly relationship with more than 120 countries across the world and has 23 sister regions in 17 countries. We are making all-out efforts to ensure the 8 th NEAR Working Committee to be a success and look forward to meeting you in the beautiful lake city Yinchuan.

Let Us Build a Beautiful, Harmonious and Prosperous Future of Northeast Asia with NEAR as a Platform for Mutual Cooperation and Coexistence!

➊ 东方金字塔——西夏王陵 The Xixia Mausoleum: The Oriental Pyramids ➋ 青铜峡108塔 The Qingtongxia 108 Pagodas ➌ AAAA级风景区——沙湖 The Sand Lake ➍ 治沙成果 Desert control


会员专栏 - Feature Report

■ 2011年第八次事务委员会会议概要 一、会议日期:2011年7月18日至7月21日 二、会议地点:中国 宁夏 银川 锦湖饭店 三、会议主题:深化合作 共创繁荣 四、会议语言:汉语 韩语 日语 蒙语 俄语 五、参会范围: 邀请东北亚70个会员地方政府的厅长(局长、部 长)及工作人员参加(约200人) 六、2011年NEAR第8次事务委员会活动日程表 日期 7.18 (主要)

7.19 (周二)

7.20 (周三)


全日 18:00~18:30 18:30~ 09:00~09:50 09:50~10:00 10:00~12:00 12:00~13:30 13:30~14:45 14:45~15:00 15:00~17:30 17:30~18:30 18:30~20:00 08:10~08:30 08:30~09:40 09:40~10:30 10:30~12:00 12:00~14:00 14:00~15:00 15:00~16:10 16:10~18:30 18:30~ 全日

主要日程 报到 宁夏回族自治区政府领导会见各代表团 宁夏回族自治区政府欢迎晚宴 第八次会议开幕式、全体会员代表合影 茶歇 ·各专门委员会及联合会秘书处工作报告 ·各会员地方政府发言 午餐 ·2012年全会审议提案及联合会发展方案 茶歇 ·自由讨论、讨论会议纪要 休息 晚餐 出发 参观贺兰园艺产业博览园 赴沙湖 参观沙湖 午餐 出发 参观西夏王陵 出发 参观宁夏回乡风情园 晚餐

■ Overview of the 8thWorking Committee 2011 1. Date: 18-21 June, 2011 2. Venue: JINHU(錦湖)Hotel, Ningxia 3. Theme: “Toward Co-prosperity through Closer Partnership” 4.Official Language: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian 5. Participants: Director general and working-level public officials from 70 member regions of NEAR 6. Agenda of the 8th NEAR Working Committee 2011

18 July (Monday)

Whole day 18:00~18:30 18:30~

12:00~13:30 13:30~14:45 14:45~15:00 15:00~17:30 17:30~18:30 18:30~20:00 08:10~08:30 08:30~09:40 09:40~10:30 10:30~12:00 12:00~14:00 14:00~15:00 15:00~16:10 16:10~18:30 18:30~

Registration VIP meeting with the leadership of Ningxia Welcoming Dinner hosted by the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Opening Ceremony & photo session Coffee break · Report on Sub-Committee activities & 2011 work plan of NEAR Secretariat ·Presentations by NEAR members Luncheon ·Proposal for the 2012 General Assembly Coffee break ·Free discussion and agreement Break Dinner Travel to cultural sites Ningxia Garden & Flower Expo Park Travel Ningxia Sand Lake Lunch Xixia Mausoleum Travel China Hui Culture Park Dinner

Whole day


09:00~09:50 09:50~10:00 10:00~12:00 19 July (Tuesday)

20 July (Wednesday)

21 July (Thursday)

※ 以上内容有可能由主办单位变更日程安排。




※ The schedule can be adjusted by the organizer. ➊

➊ 须弥山大佛 The Xumishan Grottoes ➋ 回乡风情 The Muslim Hui folk customs ➌ 塞上湖城——银川 Scene of Yinchuan City



The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour


NEAR Member Tour

克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区-俄罗斯 Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克标志

▲ vivi湖 Lake Vivi (Photo by Valeria Bekeshna)

■ 概要 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区是俄罗斯联邦面积最大的州之一,从北 冰洋到阿尔泰萨彦岭南部,领土延伸约240万公里,占俄罗斯总面积的 13.7%。边疆区位于俄罗斯联邦的中部,位于区中心的VIVI湖的东南部 湖岸是整个俄罗斯地理上的中心。区首府是东西伯利亚最大的经济文 化中心地克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市。始建于1628年的克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市 位于莫斯科东面,距离3955公里。

■ Overview The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest territories of the Russian Federation. Its total area is about 2.4 million sq. km (13,7% of the territory of all country).

▲ 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区行政长官 列夫•库兹涅佐夫(Kuznetsov Lev Vladimirovich) Governor Kuznetsov Lev Vladimirovich of Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in the centre of Russia, covering the huge area of 3 thousand kilometers - from Arctic Ocean to southern slopes of the Altay-Sayan mountain system. There is a


走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour

➊ 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区州政府全景 The Administration of Krasnoyarsk Territory ➋ 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克产的矿产品 Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in mineral resources. ➌ 凡科尔斯克油气田 the Vankor oil and gas deposit

geographical centre of Russia in the centre of the region, on the southeast coast of Lake Vivi. The administrative centre of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk city - is the largest economic and cultural centre of Eastern Siberia. Founded in 1628, it is located 3955 km east from Moscow.

■ 经济与产业 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区是共占据俄罗斯国内生产总值50%以上的 10个地区中的一个,最近4年间地区生产总值增长了19.6%,在俄罗斯联 邦的80个州中排第九位。地区主要产业为工业,约占地区总产值的 50%,原材料开采及加工、燃料-能源相关企业组成了工业构成的基础框 架。为发展燃料-能源园区和尖端技术产品的生产,机械工业受到高度 重视,特别是认识到这将是被选定为俄罗斯的金属、燃料、能源资源的 出口和地区稀贵自然资源竞争力第一的必备领域。

■ Economy and Industry Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the top ten regions, which provide more than 50% of the Russian gross domestic product. For the last 4 years, its GRP(Gross Region Product) has increased by 19,6%, ranking 9th among 80 regions of the Russian Federation. The economy is based on mining, raw material processing and fuel energy industries which collectively accounts for 50 percent of the GRP. Mechanical engineering is mainly oriented toward serving raw material and fuel-energy complexes, and towards manufacturing different kinds of advanced technology products. These features are caused by the general orientation of the modern Russian economy to export of metal, raw materials and fuel, and Kransnoyarsk’s competitive advantage of valuable, rare natural resources.

■ 有用矿产 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区境内矿产蕴藏量十分丰富,其中镍矿藏量占 俄罗斯全国的80%、白金合金占99%、铜占43%、钴占50%、铝占28%、黄 金占20%,还有大规模的铅、锌、锰矿。不仅如此,碳埋藏量也超过俄 罗斯总蕴藏量的25% ,约保有被认定为世界最高品质的木材原料的 15%。另外还有30个以上的石油、天然气矿井正在开发当中。


■ Natural resources There are more than 80% of Russian nickel reserves, 99% of platinum, 43% of copper, 50% of cobalt, 28% of aluminum and 20% of gold deposits in Krasnoyarsk. Also, large deposits of lead-zinc and manganese ores are located in the Territory along with the greater part of coal reserves and timber (more than 25 percent of the total reserves and 15 percent of high quality timber in Russia, respectively) .More than 30 oil and gas deposits are under development.

■ 投资活动 地区投资活动的规模以俄罗斯和克拉斯诺亚尔斯克的自然资源开 发为首的经济开发决定了很多部分。近5年对克拉斯诺亚尔斯克的投资 增长了2.8倍,营造有利的投资环境是投资增长的主要原因。克拉斯诺 亚尔斯克边疆区政府为此不仅为投资者们提供企业资产和收益方面的 税费优惠,还为必要的交通和基础设施建设单独分配预算。针对为租 赁费支付的支出和投资预备金,还提供对利息补助金的保证。目前, 区内正在加紧国家战略项目凡科尔斯克(Vankorsk)油气田开发和为尼 兹尼普里昂噶尔(Niznie Priangarie)地区提供战略供给的博古参斯克 (Boguchansk)水电站等大规模基础设施的建设。

■ Investments Exploration of mineral wealth for the sake of the Territory and the country and economic development are dependant to a large extent on the scale of investment activity in the Territory. Investment into the region has increased by 2.8 times for the recent five years mainly due to the creation of favorable conditions for investors. It includes not only property-and income tax benefits, but also the state-financed capital investment in building of transport-energy infrastructure which is necessary for implementation of investment projects, providing government guaranties and subsidizing part of the interest rates of investment loans and lease payments. Today, a number of large-scale investment projects are underway in Krasnoyarsk such as development of the Vankor oil and gas deposit and construction of Boguchansky hydroelectric power station, which is strategically important not only for the region, but also for the country.

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

走访会员地方政府 - NEAR Member Tour

➊ 西伯利亚联邦综合大学(SFU) The Siberian Federal University ➋ 耶尔嘎其自然公园(照片作者: Aleksandra Kuprianova) (Photo: Aleksandra Kuprianova) ➌ 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克经济论坛 Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum

■ 教育

Natural Park “Yergaki.”

西伯利亚联邦综合大学(SFU)作为代表性的高等教育机关,拥有 17个单科学院和20个创新科学领域的相关机构。作为俄罗斯东部地区最 大规模的大学,共有超过41000名学生在共172个多种领域的专业中学 习,包括教授在内的所有教职员工数达8000人。俄罗斯现任总统梅德韦 杰夫是该大学的理事长。

“Stolby” is a famous tourist destination among residents and visitors of Krasnoyarsk city. Annually it is visited by more than 200 thousand tourists. Fanciful cliffs which rise to 90-100 meters are named as “Grandfather” “Feathers,” “Lion’s gate,” and “Twins” due to their appearance.

■ Education SFU (Siberian Federal University) is one of the leading organizations of higher education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as well as the largest university in the eastern part of Russia. It consists of 17 institutes, 20 scientific innovative divisions. More than 41 thousand of students study in 172 departments with more than 8 thousand teachers and employees. The incumbent President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev is the Chairman of the SFU Trustees Council.

■ 美丽的自然资源和旅游 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区大部分地区都是国立自然保护区。最具代 表性的地方有斯托尔比(S t o l b y)自然保护区、萨彦- 舒申斯克 (Sayan-Shushensky)生物保护区、舒申斯克伯尔国立公园、耶尔嘎其 (Ergaki)自然公园等。 斯托比尔自然保护区是游客和地区居民喜爱的旅游修养地,每年接 待超过20万的访客。高达90-100米的奇岩怪石耸立在岩石峭壁上,因它 们奇异的形状而被游客们赋予“爷爷”、“羽毛”、“狮子之门”、 “双胞胎”等有趣的别名。 位于边疆区南部的旅游中心耶尔嘎其自然公园有着美丽的湖水、纯 净的河流、郁郁葱葱的针叶林、有型的花岗岩山峰等无法言喻的自然风 光,素有“西伯利亚的珍珠”和“游客的天堂”之称。 另外,克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区舒申斯克村还从几年前开始每年连 续举办名为《萨彦的戒指》的世界民俗音乐节活动。

■ Natural wealth of the region and tourism There are a lot of special protected natural areas in Krasnoyarsk, including National Nature Reserve “Stolby,” Sayano-Shushenskiy Biosphere Reserve, National Park “Shushenskiy Pine Forest” and

Natural Park “Yergaki” is the tourist centre of the south of the Territory and the most visited part of Western Sayan Mountains. The natural park, certainly, is a pearl of Siberia and paradise for travelers featuring fine lakes, pure rivers, rich Siberian taiga and beautiful granite peaks. The world ethnic music festival "Sayan Ring" has been held in the Shushenskoye village for many years.

■ 国际活动举办地克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区经常举办各种国际体育赛事,其中最具代 表性的就是每年举办的伊万亚雷金杯摔跤大奖赛。 另外,我们还定期举办作为俄罗斯社会经济发展问题重要讨论场所 的“克拉斯诺亚尔斯克经济论坛”,现任总统梅德韦杰夫还是大选候选 人时曾在此论坛上发表公约。此论坛不仅对在政策决定上有着重要影响 的政治家、政府所属的经济专家、俄罗斯大企业代表、政府部门以及社 会团体,甚至对社会与商业的整合都起着重要的作用。韩国、中国、日 本等亚太地区的国家均有由学术团体、事务人员、政府相关人员组成的 使节团前来积极参加论坛活动。

■ Krasnoyarsk-the place of international events Various sports events are held in Krasnoyarsk, including the annual Ivan Yarygin Wrestling Tournament. Also the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum takes place every year as one of the leading platforms to discuss national issues of social and economic development of Russia. It was a place where then-presidential hopeful Dmitry Medvedev announced his electoral pledge. The forum has traditionally served as a bridge between people, including leading politicians and economists of the country, independent experts, heads of leading Russian enterprises, federal authorities and social organizations. Among the participants are also distinguished delegations of business and scientific circles from the Asia-Pacific regions, in particular from South Korea, China and Japan.


大韩民国 庆尙北道 浦项市 南区 芝谷洞 601 浦项 Technopark 3层 电 话 :+82-54-223-2320, 2326 传 真 :+82-54-223-2309 电子邮箱 网 址 : 3F, Pohang TP, 601 Jligok-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang City, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea, 790-834 T e l : +82-54-223-2320, 2326 F a x : +82-54-223-2309 E-mail :

东北亚地区地方政府联合会秘书处 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

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