NEAR news vol.39 (CHN)

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2011NEAR事务人员工作会议 NEARNEAR Working-level Workshop 2011

领导东北亚时代的 NEAR | NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia

2011年 5月-6月 / 第39期


特别投稿 作为东北亚地区地方政府联合会成员的东方省交流合 作成果及展望

Special Contribution Achievement and Prospect of Dornod’s International Cooperation as Part of NEAR

NEAR This Month 本月动态 NEAR 联合会活动│秘书处消息│会员地方政府动态 NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News Feature Report 会员专栏 NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011 2011NEAR事务人员工作会议 结交新朋友,巩固老朋友!

“Forge New Ties and Cement Old Friendship”

走访会员地方政府 蒙古库苏古尔省

NEAR Member Tour Khuvsgul Province, Mongolia

东北亚地区地方政府联合会 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


vol. 39

作为NEAR的机关刊物,是以促进会员地方政府之间的信息交流, 共享信息为目的而创刊的定期杂志。内容包括NEAR的活动情况, 各会员地方政府的有关信息、国际趋势、投稿、公告栏等, 发送至各会员地方政府及有关机构。NEAR网站(上也可以阅 览到同样的内容。 NEAR NEWS 是由各会员地方政府共同制作的信息杂志,欢迎对NEAR和东北亚地区有兴趣的所有人的投稿。如果各会员地方政府和一 般读者有什么意见和建议,请与秘书处联系。 。ー”NEAR News” aims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share information among members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news, international issues, contributions, notification, etc. NEAR News is translated into 5 languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian) and distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free of charge. It is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage. NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles or creative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat.

庆尚北道树木园 Gyeongsangbuk-do Arboretum


オソコマセニステセニチェタレト 。エワテシソャヌユ The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

东北亚地区地方政府联合会 是于1996年9月由韩国,中国,日本,俄罗斯等东北亚4个国家的29个地方政府代表在大韩民国庆尚北道共同携手发起成立的国际 组织。 联合会本着共同繁荣的基本原则,通过了联合会宪章。目前,在经济通商、敎育•文化交流、环境、防灾,边疆合作,科学技术,海 洋•漁业•观光等各项领域进行着积极广泛的交流与合作。 包括北韩和蒙古地方政府在内的地方政府相继加入了联合会,本联合会的规模扩大到6个国家70个会员地方政府,正在发展成为代 表东北亚的地方外交合作体。

NEAR 欢迎大家的参与 任何一个位于东北亚的地方政府,只要同意联合会的宗旨,都能通过联合会的批准成为 NEAR 的会员。

NEAR is... an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea. NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments, NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast Asia with 70 member governments from six countries.

NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly. 03

特别投稿 | Special Contribution

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

作为东北亚地区地方政府联合会成员的 东方省交流合作成果及展望 Achievement and Prospect of Dornod’s International Cooperation as Part of NEAR 尊敬的NEAR会员们: 首先,我谨向联合会秘书处及会员地方政府设立妇女儿童专门委 员会、并在东方省有幸担任协调员工作中给予的支持表示由衷感谢。 东方省在2006年韩国釜山召开的第6届全会上,经批准同其他蒙古 地方政府正式加入联合会,从而东方省就拥有了扩大与东北亚地区国家

东方省省长 詹拉布(Ts.Janlav) Governor Ts. Janlav of Dornod Province

Dear respectful members of NEAR, Let me begin by extending my warmest thanks to the NEAR Secretariat and member regions for supporting us, as we establish the Sub-Committee on Women and Children as the newly inaugurated Coordinator region. Dornod Province joined NEAR with other Mongolian regions at the 6th General Assembly held back in 2006 in Busan Metropolitan City, Korea. By doing so, more opportunities opened up for us in expanding partnerships with Northeast Asian countries


and regions. Since then, Dornod has participated in various activities and events of NEAR,


including the Sub-Committee meetings in such fields as science & technology, education

门委员会活动及各种联合会活动。自2008年至2009年初将本省负责国际 交流业务的公务员派遣到联合会秘书处工作一年。 过去,东方省主要交流国家为邻接的俄罗斯、中国,但自2010年10 月京畿道全体会议上正式被选定为妇女儿童专门委员会的协调员,我省

& culture and economy & trade. Also, we seconded one of our foreign relations officers to the Secretariat office to work for an year from 2008 to 2009. It was in October, 2010 at the General Assembly in Gyeonggi-do Province that we were officially appointed as the Coordinator region of the Sub-Committee on Women and Children. Since then, our international partnership network has been brought to another new level by being able to host Sub-Committee meetings attended not only by regions


from China and Russia, which we used to carry out exchanges mostly with, but also from


other Northeast Asian countries. Dornod has been actively engaged in the effort to promote the rights of women and


children: Children's organizations of Dornod have conducted cultural exchanges with their


counterparts in China and Russia and also jointly worked with German education

东方省的妇女协会从1960年成立至今已有50年的历史,主要活动是 保护东方省人口中占60%的妇女的权利,此外,每年举办“典范家 人”、“一千人母亲庆典”、“胎教与母亲”等活动。 东方省以妇女儿童专门委员会成立为契机,将为我省与蒙古东部 已至东北亚全地区的妇女儿童领域的发展、交流、合作做出贡献。 特别是,我省将于7月8日至9日在东方省召开妇女儿童专门委员会 成立大会。我认为此活动能够为会员地方政府间构建妇女儿童领域的可

organizations to promote children education projects as well as with those in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, U. K. Meanwhile, Dornod Women’s Association, founded back in 1960, has championed the rights of women, which account for 60 percent of Dornod’s total population, and organized various events including “Standard Family,” “Thousand Mothers’ Festival,” “Prenatal Upbringing and Maternity,” and etc. The Inaugural Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Women and Children is scheduled for 8~9 July. Dornod will take this opportunity to contribute to the development and cooperation of women and children beyond Dornod province to the eastern part of Mongolia and Northeast Asia as a whole. This event will serve as a platform to build


sustainable partnership in the field of women and children among NEAR members.


Representatives of NEAR and women and children’s organizations are cordially invited.



Let us build a better future for Northeast Asia by joining hands in making better lives for women and children.

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

NEAR 联合会活动 | NEAR Activities 第8次事务委员会会议将在宁夏召开 东北亚地区地方政府联合会第8次事务委员会会议第一次收集回执时间已 截止,但是作为主办方的宁夏回族自治区人民政府及联合会秘书处为提高参会 率和会议实效性,将截止时间延至5月底。并且,二者在2011年事务人员工作 会议上向参会的各会员地方政府进行了积极宣传。后来,包括蒙古在内的多数 会员地方政府已把参会回执交至宁夏。本次事务委员会会议将围绕成功举办联 合会第9届全体会议及带动会员地方政府的实际发展、申办下一届全体会议及 联合会秘书处、申请担任专门委员会的相互协调、提请2012年全会与东北亚园 艺产业研讨会同期举办等议题进行讨论。

第3届科学技术委员会及第10届环境专门委员会活动延期 今年拟于7月举办的第3届科学技术专门委员会(协调员:韩国京畿道)活 动及第10届环境专门委员会(协调员:日本富山县)活动延期至今年下半年。

The 8th NEAR Working Committee to be Held in Ningxia The official deadline of registration for the 8th NEAR Working Committee ended on 29 April. However, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the chair region, and the NEAR Secretariat extended the deadline until the end of May to enhance effectiveness of the meeting while actively encouraging participation among representatives at the Working-Level Workshop held on 19 May. As a result, a number of NEAR members additionally registered for the conference. As a preliminary meeting for the 9th NEAR General Assembly, the upcoming Working Committee Meeting will discuss various agendas: Applications for hosting the 10th General Assembly; the term of the Secretariat; co-coordinatorship of the Sub-Committees; and the proposal on organizing a horticulture industry seminar back-to-back with the 9th General Assembly.

The 3rd Sub-Committee on Science & Technology and the 10th Sub-Committee on Environment Postponed The 3rd Sub-Committee on Science & Technology (Coordinator : Gyeonggido Province, Korea) and the 10th Sub-Committee on Environment (Coordinator : Toyama Prefecture, Japan), initially scheduled for this July, were postponed to the latter half of the year.


Sub-Committee on Educational & Cultural Exchange

(1) 召开“东北亚国际文化调色板”活动 岛根县将东北亚国际文化调色板活动看做教育文化交流专门委员会的一个 重要部分,在5月26日至6月4日(10天)召开了此活动。岛根县邀请俄罗斯滨海 边疆区海参崴市的“亚尔马尔卡(Jarmarka)”少女合唱团进行了表演。她们 在此次活动中与岛根县的合唱团共同演出,且在停留期间以寄宿当地居民家、 访问学校等形式与岛根县县民进行了交流。

(1) “International Culture Palette of Northeast Asia”

(2) “2011东北亚交流之翼in岛根” 岛根县将于7月29日至8月3日(6天)在县内迎接东北亚各国的青年,实施 与岛根县青年一起住进集团宿舍的交流项目。2011年的活动主题为“自愿慈善 活动”,即由四个国家(韩、日、中、俄)的青年进行讨论,并进行文化、运 动等方面的交流。

Shimane Prefecture held the “International Culture Palette of Northeast Asia” for ten days from 26 May to 4 June. The Russian Girls’ choir “Yamarka” was invited from Vladivostok, Primorsky Region to put on a joint performance with school choirs of Shimane. The members of the choir were provided home-stay accommodation while visiting local schools to build friendship with prefectural residents. (2) “Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011” “Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane 2011” is to be held from 29 July to 3 August, where youths from Northeast Asian countries visiting Shimane Prefecture will stay together with local students for six days. The theme for 2011 is “Volunteer

※ “东北亚交流之翼”项目是岛根县邀请东北亚地区会员地方政府(友好交流地 方政府优先)在岛根县内学习并体验日本文化,是促进各国青年交流的项目。 未缔结友好关系的会员地方政府亦可参与此活动,如希望参加可直接与岛根县 联系咨询(联系人:YAMAMOTO MIKA,Email:yamamoto-mika@pref.shimane.。目前,岛根县正对未建立友好关系的俄罗斯会员地方政府进行选择。

Activities” and youths from four countries including China, Japan, Korea and Russia will be engaged in discussions and cultural and sports exchange activities. ※ ‘ Wings of Exchange’ is a project aimed at promoting exchanges among youths and university students from NEAR members (preference given to sister regions) by inviting them to experience and learn Japanese culture. NEAR members without sisterly ties with Shimane can also apply. Please contact Shimane Prefectural Government at (Mika Yamamoto) if interested to participate in the program this year. For now, among non-sister regions, those from Russia are on the list of candidates for 2011.


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

秘书处消息 | Secretariat News 新任秘书长金在孝就职ォテムタ コホタモ

New Secretary General Inaugurated Kim Jae Hyo, the NEAR’s new Secretary General took office on 12 May. In accordance with Article 13 of the Charter, the Secretary General shall be recommended by the head of the member regional government where the Secretariat is located (Governor Kim Kwan Yong of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea) and be appointed by the Chair of NEAR (Governor Wang


Zhengwei of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China).

Kim Jae Hyo

Secretary General of NEAR

5月12日,NEAR新任秘书长金在孝先生,根据联合会宪章第13条,经秘书处 所在地方政府庆尚北道知事金宽容推荐,由联合会主席、宁夏回族自治区主席 王正伟任命正式就职,新秘书长金在孝简历如下:

1974年毕业于首尔大学 1976~2005年 大韩贸易投资振兴公社(KOTRA) 历任经营管理部部长、情报化事业团团长、CIS地区本部长、北美地区本部长、常 任理事。 ※ 海外勤务地区:历任纽约、莫斯科、赫尔辛基、华沙、吉隆坡、吉达地区贸 易馆长 1997年 庆尚北道知事通商振兴顾问 2006~2007年 大邱会展中心(EXCO)经营/事业本部长 2011(社)韩国展示产业振兴会 会长 大邱会展中心(EXCO)代表理事 社长

公布2011海外公务员秘书处派遣职员 秘书处确定了自2011年5月至2012年4月一年在秘书处工作的国别派遣职 员,并已向各会员地方政府进行了通知,名单如下:

Curriculum Vitae ´74 Seoul National Univ. ´76 ~ ´05 Director of KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) Overseas offices (Helsinki, Finland; London, U.K.; Jedda, Saudi Arabia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Warsaw, Poland) Director of KOTRA Russia and CIS head office (Moscow, Russia) Director of KOTRA North America head office (New York, USA) ´06 ~ ´08 Vice President of EXCO ´08 ~ ´11 President & CEO of EXCO

Announcement of New Staffs Seconded from NEAR Members to the Secretariat The list of staffs seconded from NEAR members to work at the Secretariat from May 2011 to April 2012 is finalized.

国家 Country

地方政府 Region

中国 China

宁夏回族自治区 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

刘伟伟 Liu Weiwei

日本 Japan

富山县 Toyama Prefecture

山元眞弓 Mayumi Yamamoto

南戈壁省 Umnu-Govi Province

艾尔汗巴塔尔 Tseenyambuu Erkhembaatar

克麦罗沃州 Kemerovo Region

施马拉艾娃•伊莲娜 Shmaraeva Elena

蒙古 Mongolia (左起) 车纳姆布·艾尔汗巴塔尔 (蒙古)、施马拉艾娃·伊莲娜(俄罗斯)、刘伟伟(中国)、山元眞弓(日本) From left - Tseenyambuu Erkhembaatar (Mongolia), Shmaraeva Elena (Russia), Liu Weiwei (China) and Mayumi Yamamoto (Japan)


俄罗斯 Russia

姓名 Name

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

秘书处消息 | Secretariat News CLAIR Delegation visited NEAR Secretariat

日本地方政府国际化协会专务董事一行访问NEAR秘书处 5月9日,日本地方政府国际化协会专务董事上田纮士等4人访问了NEAR秘书

A delegation of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations


(CLAIR), composed of four staffs led by Executive Director Hiroshi Ueda


visited the NEAR Secretariat on 9 May. The delegation was told about the


status of NEAR activities, membership and the role of the Secretariat while exchanging views on operational issues. The visit was intended to boost up


development of both organizations through a frank dialogue with NEAR, a


non-profit organization which aims to promote development and cooperation


among Northeast Asian regions.


“CLAIR and NEAR share many objectives including our goal to promote the


development of regional authorities. I hope that both organizations will deepen


partnership through information exchange,” said Mr. Ueda. The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) was established in July 1988 in response to rising concerns about local-level internationalization in Japan. In addition, CLAIR has established a network of overseas offices in major cities around the world such as Seoul, New York, London, Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Beijing.

◄ 事务局长在说明NEAR现况 NEAR General Director Hwang points to NEAR members on a map ► 上田专务董事接收礼品 Executive Director Ueda (left) receives a souvenir from General Director Hwang


2011 NEAR Working-Level Workshop


NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011 was held on 18~20 May in Gyeongju


City, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea with an aim to enhance solidarity


among NEAR member regions by facilitating networking of working-level


officials and to prepare for the 8th Working Committee scheduled for the

表协助事项。本次活动特别加入以东北亚地区地方政府间的合作方案为主题邀 请韩国外交通商部人士的演讲、走访会员地方政府(韩国大邱广域市)的项目 (相关信息见16页)

coming July. At the meeting, presentations were made on major projects of the Secretariat and member regions for the year 2011. Also, a special lecture was delivered under the theme “Toward Better Cooperation among NEAR Member Regions,” while participants made a cultural tour to Daegu Metropolitan City, one of NEAR members in Korea, as part of “Discover the Region” program (Continued on Page 16)


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 湖南省 - 中国 “意大利湖南周”6月走进意大利 推介旅游产品

Hunan Province - China

“Italy-Hunan Week” Steps into Italy in June to Promote Tourism Products

今年6月,湖南省将组团参加“2011年意大利中国文化年——意大利湖南 周”,期间将在意大利罗马举办“中国湖南旅游产品推荐会”, 届时湖南省

In June, a delegation from Hunan Province will visit Italy to participate in the


“Year of Chinese Culture in Italy 2011-Italy-Hunan Week” in Rome while the


“Tourism Products Presentation Seminar of Hunan of China” will be attended


by Hunan Governor, Xu Shousheng in person. The member of the Standing


Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee and Deputy Governor, Guo Kailang expects that high-level officials of both sides will continue to maintain a sound trend of mutual visits to promote cooperation in the fields of design, high technology, machinery, environment protection, culture industry and etc. This will facilitate Hunan’s enterprises’ investment in Italy and encourage more Hunan tourists to visit the country.

◄ 3月份在湖南省举办的“意大利湖南周”活动筹备恳谈会 A preliminary meeting was held in March to prepare for the “Year of Chinese Culture in Italy 2011-Italy-Hunan Week”

河南省 - 中国 促进韩国与河南经贸合作 郑州韩国贸易馆6月开馆

Henan Province China

Korea Business Center Opens in June to Promote Korea-Henan Co-operation

4月6日,河南省副省长陈雪枫在省政府会见了大韩贸易投资振兴公社社长 赵焕益一行。据悉,赵焕益访问河南省旨在进一步促进韩国与河南的经贸合 作,与河南省商谈举办中韩综合产品洽谈会、开办郑州韩国贸易馆等事宜。韩 国贸易馆计划在6月开馆,4月底还将在郑州举办韩国企业与河南企业的大型商 贸活动,相信韩国与河南的交流合作将会更加深入广泛。大韩贸易投资振兴公 社是韩国政府属下非盈利贸易促进机构,旨在促进韩国与海外地区的贸易与投 资,目前在中国已设有上海、北京等10个贸易馆。

On 6 th April, Henan’s Deputy Governor Chen Xuefeng met with the delegation of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), headed by President Cho Hwan Ik in the Hunan’s Provincial Government. It is reported that Mr. Cho’s visit aims to push forward the economic and trade co-operation between Korea and Henan Province and confer on such issues as hosting the conference on Chinese-Korean comprehensive products and the opening of the Korea Business Center in Zhengzhou. Large-scale commercial activities between Korean and Henan’s enterprises at the end of April were followed by the decision to launch the Korean business agency in June, which is expected to deepen the exchange and co-operation between Korea and Henan Province. KOTRA, a non-profit national investment promotion agency, currently operates with the objective of making contribution to the trade and investment between Korea and overseas areas. At present, KOTRA has opened 10 Korea Business Centers in China, including those in Shanghai and Beijing.

◄ 韩国贸易馆(KBC)在中国分布图(来源:KOTRA官网) Korea Business Centers in China (Photo: KOTRA official website)


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 宁夏回族自治区 - 中国 中国国际文博会“感恩母亲河”活动宁夏举行 5月8日,由文化部、国家民委、水利部、国家广电总局、国家旅游局、中 国人民对外友好协会与自治区政府共同主办的第三届中国(宁夏)国际文化艺 术旅游博览会“感恩母亲河”活动开幕式,在青铜峡金沙湾畔新落成的中华黄 河坛隆重举行。来自海内外的万余名华夏儿女汇聚在母亲河畔,礼赞源远流长 的华夏文明,感念黄河母亲的千载哺育,共同见证中华儿女传承、弘扬黄河文 化的庄严时刻。第三届文艺旅博会“感恩母亲河”活动,为已经连续举办两届 的文艺旅博会注入了黄河文化的崭新内涵,标志着部省合作取得了新的成果。

Ningxia Province - China

China International Cultural Art and Tourism Fair “The Grace of Mother River” Held in Ningxia On 8th May, the opening ceremony of the 3rd China (Ningxia) International Cultural Arts and Tourism Fair “The Grace of Mother River” was ceremoniously held at the newly-built Yellow River Altar in the Jinshatan Bank of Qingtongxia City, jointly sponsored by Ministry of Culture, State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Over 10,000 descendants of the


Chinese Nation from home and abroad gathered at the mother river bank to honor the


Sinic Civilization with a long history, give thanks to Mother Yellow River's thousands


years of nurture and jointly witness the solemn moment of Chinese people’s continuity and promotion of Yellow River Culture. The 3rd China (Ningxia) International Cultural Art and Tourism Fair “The Grace of Mother River” infused new concepts of Yellow River Culture into the previous two fairs, as a result of successful co-operation between ministries and provinces. Under the premise of protecting the mother river well, Ningxia will vigorously carry forward the Yellow River culture, forcefully create Yellow River Gold Bank and advance the construction of the special economic zone along the Yellow River so as to write a new chapter of economic development, improvement of people’s livelihood, social harmony and national unity. ◄ 中华黄河坛隆重举行的开幕式 The grand opening of “The Grace of Mother River” at the Yellow River Altar

富山县 - 日本 「东北亚地区环境体验计划」会议概要 1目 的:自治团体、经济界和学术界携手,通过为青少年(中学生、高校 生)提供直接体验东北亚地区环境现状的机会,提高他们对环境现状的认 识,同时加深对国际环境合作事业的了解,从而培养能够积极思考并付诸 行动的人才。 2 会议日期:2011年8月27 日(星期六)~ 28日(星期日) 3 会议场所:俄罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克地方、哈巴罗夫斯克地方校外教育活动中 心“kdcsozvezdie”野营「kdcsozvezdie」(Region Lazo)(〒680026 Khabarovsk, Pacific street, 75 TEL:+7-4212-91-04-59 URL: ほか 4 主办方:主办— — 俄罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克地方(天然资源省环境保护委员 会、森林厅)、日本国富山县(生活环境文化部)协办— — 未定 5 计划参加者:学生(中学生、 高中生)以及他们的领队(原 则上每个自治团体参加10名以 内(包括领队))

Toyama Prefecture - Japan

“The Northeast Asia Environment Experience Program for Youth Training” · Objective : The program, supported by regional government authorities, academia and the economic community, aims to provide the youth (secondary school) with an opportunity to learn firsthand about environmental issues in Northeast Asia and to raise environmental awareness. It will broaden the horizons of young people on international environmental cooperation and develop independent thinking and decision making skills. · Date : 27 (Saturday) - 28 (Sunday) of August 2011 · Location : Khabarovsk Regional Center for extracurricular activities “Constellation” camp (Lazo Region), Khabarovsk Territory, Russia (680026 Khabarovsk, Pacific street, 75 Tel.: +7-4212-91-04-59 · Organized by : Government of Khabarovsk territory (Committee for 區 Bureau of Forestry), Toyama Prefecture Government (Department of Culture, Life and Environment) · Participated by : School children (middle and senior) and teachers. (Not more

► 参加2010年东北亚地区环境项目体验的青少年 Youths who participated in the Northeast Asia Environment Experience Program for Youth Training 2010

than 10 participants from each region (including teachers)


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News Ishikawa Prefecture - Japan

石川县 - 日本

Ishikawa Japanese Language and Culture Study Program

石川县日语、日本文化进修项目 石川县以学习日语的许多大学生团体为对象,实施一边在县内一般家庭民

Ishikawa Prefecture runs “Ishikawa Japanese Language and Culture Study


Program” for foreign students who want to learn Japanese language and


culture. This program provides a closer look at the traditional culture of the


Ishikawa Prefecture, helps better understanding of Japanese language, society


and customs in their everyday lives through homestays. This year, after April, trainees from University of Montreal, Canada, and Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland will be invited. The program has been highly rated among Japanese educational institutions around the world.

■ 官方网站 Website ·日语 Japanese) ·英语 English)·

◄ 进修日语的情景 Students listen to the teacher in the Japanese language class

Tottori Prefecture - Japan

鸟取县 - 日本 国际旅游度假村鸟取县欢迎您的到来!

Welcome to the International Tourism Resort Tottori!


On the back of rich recreational resources and beautiful landscapes, Tottori


Prefecture has produced many world-renowned comic artists and distributed

月,因美丽的形山阴海岸和其地质学的价值,也因地质公园举行的活动获得认 可,其被选定为世界地质公园网络加盟地区。 鸟取县具有连接世界枢纽的韩国仁川机场与鸟取县的定期航线,此外俄罗 斯海参崴、韩国东海、鸟取间的定期货船线也在运作。希望会员地方政府的各 位一定前来交通便利的国际旅游度假村—鸟取县! ■ 鸟取县旅游信息网站 Information about Tottori Prefecture

In September 2010, Tottori was selected as the host of “The international Comic Artist Conference 2012,” while its beautiful coast of Sanin joined the Global Geoparks Network in the same year. Transport : There is a regular flight between Tottori Prefecture and Inchon International Airport of Korea. Also, regular passenger ferries travel from the Port of Donghae in Korea to Tottori and the Port of Vladivostok in Russia. Dear Member regions! You are welcome to the international tourist resort Tottori Prefecture. You can expect unforgettable adventure!

◄ 浦富海岸蓝汪汪的海水a of the Uradome coast ► 鸟取决定申办“2012年国际漫画家大会”的 情景 Announcement of Tottori as the host of the “The international Comic Artist Conference 2012”


the tourist information across the world.

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 釜山广域市 - 韩国 2011年釜山国际摇滚音乐节

Busan Metropolitan City - Korea

Busan International Rock Festival 2011


“Busan International Rock Festival 2011” is scheduled for 5~7 August in


Samnak Riverside Park, Busan Metropolitan City. The festival, organized


by the Organizing Committee for Busan Culture & Tourism Festival and


sponsored by Busan Metropolitan City Government, will gather young


people from home and abroad who want to feel the burn this summer under


the slogan “Sea, Youth, Love.” On the eve of the festival, an indie band competition will take place along with invited performances of Korean rock bands while 15 bands from five countries will perform at the main event. Autograph signing sessions will be open to the public as well.

来自加拿大的散心和日本的土屋安娜在釜山国 际摇滚音乐节上演出 Scatterheart(Canada) and Anna Tsuchiya(Japan) perform at the Busan International Rock Festival

庆尚北道 - 韩国 2011年国际IT融/复合产业展

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea

International IT Convergence Exhibition 2011


The International IT Convergence Exhibition 2011 (IICE 2011) was held

融/复合产业展(IICE 2011)”于5月25日至27日在大邱国际会展中心(EXCO)举

on 25~27 May in Daegu EXCO, hosted by Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

行。以“融合”为主题的此次展会展示了移动通信设备、嵌入式系统、IT模块 等各种各样的新电子产品,这对庆尚北道和大邱广域市的电子产业来说是一件 引领前沿的大事。此次展会的展品范围涵盖了IT映像(机器人、3D映像、健康 信息技术、交通工具电子技术、海洋电子技术);电子零件与电子材料(注塑 制品、表面处理技术、天线模块、蓄电池);移动-嵌入式系统(移动手机浏 览器、移动手机作业系统、移动应用、嵌入式开发设备)等。同时,也召开了

and Daegu Metropolitan City and organized by the Mobile Technology Convergence Center. The business exhibition displaying various new products under the theme “convergence” is a leading IT convergence event in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. The Exhibition profile covered IT Convergence (robot, 3D convergence, IT health, vehicle IT, marine IT); IT Parts and Materials (injection molding articles, surface treatment technology, antenna module, secondary battery);


Mobile & Imbedded Solution (mobile browser, mobile OS, mobile apps,


imbedded development equipment) and etc. Concurrent events included IT


Convergence Industry Seminar, IR for technology transfer and export


consultations. Meanwhile, in the coming September, Gyeongsangbuk-do is organizing the “International Information Technology & Electronics Expo 2011” in Gumi City. ◄ 2011年国际IT融/复合产业展参展者向访客介绍产品. Exhibitors explaing their products to visitors at IICE 2011


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 肯特省 - 蒙古 肯特年轻人将在韩民大学被培训为“新村”领头人

Khentii Province - Mongolia

Khentii’s Young People to Be Trained as “Saemaul” Leaders

由行政管理部部长巴特佐里格、社会发展部部长尔登扎格组成的蒙古肯特 省代表团在2011年东北亚联合会事务人员工作会议前的5月17日至18日拜访了韩 民大学的赵浚相校长。 去年11月19日,位于韩国庆尚北道省的大学与肯特省的省长签订了一项协 定。根据此协定,肯特省的20名高中生将就读于即将落成的新村部主办的大 学。基于这一协定,肯特省代表团和周校长决定于6月22至23日在肯特省联合举 办一个注册登记大会来招募这些未来的新村领头人。毕业后,这些学生将回到 他们的家乡,建立新村运动中心并作为专业人士进行工作。 新村运动或者新农村运动是由前任韩国总统朴正熙发起的一场社会改革运 动,旨在消除贫困、促进韩国农村经济的现代化。

Khentii delegation composed of Director Batzorig of the Administration Department and Director Erdenjargal of the Social Development Department met with President Cho Joon Sang of Hanmin Univ. in Korea on 17-18 May before participating the 2011 NEAR Working-Level Workshop. According to the agreement signed between the university situated in Chungcheongnam-do Province of Korea and Khentii Governor Erdenbaatar in 19 November last year, 20 high school graduates in Khentii will be educated at the soon-to-be-established Department of Saemaul* of the university. Based on the agreement, the Khentii delegation and President Cho decided to jointly hold a recruitment event on 22-23 June in Khentii to attract would-be Saemaul leaders. After graduation, students will go back to their hometown, establish Saemaul Movement Centers and work as professional workers. *Saemaul Movement or the New Village Movement is a social reform movement launched by former South Korean President Park Chung Hee to break the vicious circle of poverty and modernize the rural South Korean economy.

克麦罗沃州 - 俄罗斯 首届世界矿业大会俄罗斯克麦罗沃州举行

Kemerovo Region - Russia

First National World Mining Congress was held in Kemerovo

2011年5月14日,世界矿业大会在俄罗斯克麦罗沃州首府克麦罗沃举行。 来自中国、澳大利亚、德国以及波兰煤矿工程公司的参会代表就煤炭业前景这 一议题进行讨论,议题的内容主要包括初级能源、环境保护以及热化学煤炭转 化等问题。正如瑟吉•沙迪洛夫议员所说,目前俄罗斯乃至全世界都需要重新 构建能源平衡模式。 克麦罗沃州长阿曼•图列耶夫说到,2010年我们共开采了1.855亿吨煤炭。 库兹巴斯煤炭的传统最终市场是欧洲地区的国家,主要包括德国、英国、波

The World Mining Congress was held on 4~11 of May in Kemerovo Region. Participants, including representatives of Chinese, Australian, German, Polish coal mining and engineering companies discussed the prospects for coal as a primary source of energy, thermochemical coal conversion along with critical environment issues. Senator Sergey Shatirov of the Council of Kuzbass (Kemerovo) said that the pattern of energy balance is under restructuring not only in present Russia, but across the world.

兰、乌克兰以及土耳其。目前我们已经向欧洲地区供应了0.44亿吨煤炭。 从长远发展来看,我们将向亚太地区供应0.5亿吨煤炭,这些亚太国家主 要是中国、日本、韩国以及印度。

In 2010, 185.5 million tons of coal was mined in Kemerovo, of which approx. 44 million tons were exported to Germany, Great Britain, Poland, the Ukraine and Turkey. “In the long term, 50 million tons of coal will be supplied to the Asia Pacific countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, and India,” said Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuleev.

◄ 世界矿业大会 The World Mining Congress


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员地方政府动态 | NEAR Member News 萨哈共和国(雅库特) - 俄罗斯 萨哈共和国总统叶戈尔鲍里索夫访问韩国

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Russia

Sakha President Egor Borisov Visits Korea


The delegation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) lead by President Egor


Borisov visited Korea to strengthen economic ties with Korean business and

员组成:萨哈共和国首任副总理阿里克斯• 斯特鲁奇科夫、 萨哈共和国外交部 部长瓦莱里•马克西莫夫、 萨哈共和国企业、旅游发展与就业部部长叶卡捷琳 娜• 科尔米利钦娜、东北联邦大学校长阿莫索夫• 叶夫根尼• 米哈伊洛夫、南 雅库特发展公司、俄罗斯石油股份公司托马达-内夫特工程、共和国投资股份 公司和GeoPro矿业有限责任公司的首席执行长官们以及商界的代表们。 按照行程, 萨哈共和国代表团拜会了由政府官员与企业代表组成的韩国 接待团,团组成员主要有外交通商部的副部长李时荣先生以及韩国知名企业的 代表们如现代汽车集团、LG国际电子集团、SK集团以及韩国瓦斯公社等。 萨哈共和国代表团在COEX国际酒店举行了介绍会。他们与韩国企业互相交 流商业信息,就合作项目的实施与开发进行了商谈,最终韩萨双方——萨哈共 和国共和国政府、俄罗斯联邦以及韩国瓦斯公社就油气资源的发展与管理签订 谅解备忘录。

academic community. The delegation included First Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Struchkov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Valery Maximov, Minister for Enterprise, Tourism Development and Employment Ekaterina Kormilitsyna, Rector of the North-East Federal University n. a. M. K. Ammosov Yevgeny Mikhailov, CEOs of Development Corporation of South Yakutia, OJSC oil c o m p a n y Tu y m a a d a - N e f t , a n d L L C G e o P r o M i n i n g a m o n g o t h e r representatives of the Sakha business circle. As part of the visit, meetings were held with Korean Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Lee Shi Hyung as well as representatives of major Korean companies such as Hyundai, LG International, SK and Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS). Also, during the Sakha Investment Seminar at the Hotel Intercontinental COEX, information exchange and discussion was made on the implementation of joint projects between business delegations, while a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Republic Sakha (Yakutia) and KOGAS was signed on the cooperation in gas and oil resources development and management.

► 访问韩国的萨哈共和国招商代表团(左边:萨哈共和国总统叶戈尔鲍里索夫) Delegation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (left, President Egor Borisov) ▼ 与韩国代表团会见 Sakha delegation met with representatives of Korean businesses


本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

2011 NEAR 活动日程 地方政府







宁夏回族自治区外事办公室 T. +86-951-5044307, 5043357 F. +86-951-5044308 宁夏回族自治区(中) , NEAR秘书处

联合会活动 第1次妇女儿童专门委员会


石川县 (日)

召开JAPAN TENT事业(留学生交流活 动)

第12届釜山国际摇滚音乐节 釜山广域市(韩) The 12th Busan International Rock Festival



2011大邱世界田径锦标赛 IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011


第39届康津青瓷庆典 Gangjin Celadon Festival













伊尔库茨克州 (俄)

第20届国际会议“天然气石油、能 源、通信产业的新技术”





济州特别自治道 (韩)

俄罗斯作家“阿尔泰舒申克之日”/ 阿尔泰边疆区(俄) 第7届舒申克电影节



东方省行政局 T. +86-531-86061762 F. +86-531-86902739 NEAR秘书处 岛根县环境生活部文化国际课 T. +86-852-22-6464 F. +86-852-22-6412 JAPAN TENT 组织委员会 T. +81-76-260-3470 F. +81-76-260-3469 釜山文化观光庆典组织委员会 T. +82-51-441-3121 2011大邱世界田径锦标赛组织委员会 T. +82-53-803-9000 F. +82-53-803-9159 康津郡典礼经营组 T. +82-61-430-3191

韩国智力残障人大会福祉协会 T. +82-2-592-5023 济州特别自治道 济州市 F. +82-2-592-5026 伊尔库茨克市


伊尔库茨克州住宅政策、能源、交通通信部 T. +7-3952-24-14-00 阿尔泰文化局 T. +7-3852-24-9696 F. +7-3852-24-8943 E-mail:

本 月 动 态 | NEAR This Month

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

Events Schedule of NEAR Members 2011 Member Region(Country)


NEAR Working Committee


18-21 July


Foreign Affairs Office, People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Yinchuan City, T. +86-951-5010634, 5044307, Ningxia Hui 5044708, 5043357 Autonomous Region F. +86-951-5044308 (China) E-mail : h NEAR Secretariat

NEAR The 1st Sub-Committee on Women & Children

2011 Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane Ishikawa Prefecture (Japan)

JAPAN TENT (Foreign student exchange event)

Busan Metropolitan City (Korea)

The 12th Busan International Rock Festival

8-9 July

29 July-3 August

18-24 August

5-7 August


Dornod Province (Mongolia)

Administration of Dornod Province T. +976-531-86061762 F. +976-531-86902739 NEAR Secretariat

Culture and International Affairs Division, Matsue City, Shimane Prefectural Government Shimane Prefecture T. +81-852-22-6464 (Japan) F. +81-852-22-6412 JAPAN TENT Organizing Committee T. +81-76-260-3470 Ishikawa Prefecture F. +81-76-260-3469 Samnak Riverside Park

The Organizing Committee for Busan Culture & Tourism Festival T. +82-51-441-3121

Daegu Metropolitan City (Korea)

IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011

27 August- 4 September

Daegu Metropolitan City

The Organizing Committee for the IAAF World Championships Daegu 2011 T. +82-53-803-9000 F. +82-53-803-9159

Jeollanam-do Province (Korea)

The 39th Gangjin Celadon Festival

30 July-7 August

Gangjin County

Gangjinkun Native Festival Promotion Committee T. +82-61-430-3191

Jeju Special Self-governing The 20th Asian Conference on Province Intellectual Disabilities (Korea)

21-26 August

Jeju City

Korean Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities T. +82-2-592-5023 F. +82-2-592-5026

The 20th International Irkutsk Region Conference “NewTechnology in Gas, Oil, Energy and (Russia) Communication Industry”

23-26 August

Irkutsk City

Ministry of Housing Policy, Energy, Transportation and Communication, Irkutsk Regional Government T. +7-3952-24-14-00

Srostki Village

Bureau of Culture, Altai Regional Government T. +7-3852-24-9696 F. +7-3852-24-8943 E-mail:

Altai Territory “Shukshin’s Day in Altai” / (Russia) The 7th Shukshin Film Festival

20-24 July


会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

结交新朋友,巩固老朋友! Forge New Ties and Cement Old Friendship

NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011


Conference hall


The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

会员专栏 | Feature Report


Since 2006, working-level officials of five countries in charge of NEAR


Affairs have got together every year in spring. This year, 83 people


representing 36 organizations from five countries attended the NEAR


Working-level Workshop 2011, including five regions from China, four


Japan, ten Korea, twelve Mongolia, three Russia and observers (UN

特别是,本次活动特别邀请韩国外交通商部东北亚3课课长许承宰,做出 了对于语言、文化、历史不同的东北亚地区5个国家地方政府间加强合作方案 的演讲,以中央政府立场再次重申已有15年历史的NEAR的意义、以及未来发展 方向。此外,还增加了走访会员地方政府的项目,如此次访问大邱广域市受到 NEAR事务人员的热烈欢迎。

Project Office on Governance, Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, NEAR Secretariat) on 18-20 May to renew their friendship and reflect on NEAR's mission and goals. At this meeting, new programs were added, which were warmly received by participants, such as a special lecture by Hur Seong Jae, Director of the Northeast Asian Affairs Bureau of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) on how to strengthen cooperation among regional governments with different language, culture and history. It shed new light on the future trajectory of the 15-year-old NEAR from the perspective of the central government. Also, a tour was made to Daegu Metropolitan City as part of “Discover NEAR Members” program.


旧友和新友 来自各国事务人员代表团在工作会议召开地韩国庆州卸下行李、入住酒店, 相识只在电话上联系的朋友、新任工作人员,并与旧友叙旧。

Old Buddies and New Friends

After a long trip away from home, government officials from each of five countries finally arrived in Gyeongju, Korea. At the welcoming dinner, participants exchanged greetings with each other who they have known only over the phone for the past year, got to know newcomers or saw old friends and spend some time catching up.

➊ 在欢迎晚宴上交流的中国代表团 ➋ 与NEAR秘书处互致问候的岛根县代表团 ➊ Chinese participants talk to each other at the dinner hall ➋ Shimane public officials exchange greetings with Secretariat staffs


会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

➍ ➏


➊ 韩国事务人员在阅览报道桌上的宣传册 ➋ 介绍俄罗斯宝库克麦洛沃州的古兹巴斯工商会议所所长阿列色列娃塔堤亚纳 ➌ 会场 ➍ 济州特 别自治道金材妍主务官针对NEAR NEWS杂志的改善发表意见 ➊ Korean participants look at the brochures displayed on the registration desk ➋ Ms. Kim Jae Yeon of Jejudo Special Selfgoverning Province is making suggestions on NEAR News ➌ President Alekseeva Tatiana of the Kuzbass Chambers of Commerce and Industry is making presentation on Kemerovo Region rich in mineral resources

事务人员工作会议 会议当天,外交通商部许承宰课长通过特别演讲,就具有不同语言、

Workshop Meeting

On the second day, in his lecture, MOFAT Director Hur Seong Jae pointed

经济发展程度、价值观等异质性和多样性的5个国家地方政府间的国际交流 out some key problems to be improved when it comes to international 问题进行分析,提出解决方法。许课长提出目前存在着个人性质的交流合 relations among regional governments, each of which characterized by 作、交流条件检讨不足、地区人民参与率低、专门人才及信息不足等问 题,提出应加强省级地方政府间、县级与省级地方政府间的信息共享,以 及构建地方政府与中央政府的合作关系等方案。 本次演讲中提出的 “一系列NEAR会员地方政府间构建的合作特性及改 善点”一致获得参会人员的好评。此外,会员地方政府还宣传了本地正在 进行的项目、投资潜力,并为更实效运作NEAR交换了意见。

different language, economic development stage and values. Those are: Exchange activities often motivated by individual goals (of governors); insufficient review of diverse exchange conditions; low participation by the local community; and lack of information and professional resources. Solutions were suggested as well: Frequent information exchange among large-unit local governments and between large- and basic-unit local governments; enhanced cooperation with private organizations; closer partnership with the central government and etc. The lecture was well received by participants, as it “gave a clear picture on the nature of cooperation among NEAR members and where it can improve.” Also, the delegation made presentations on their respective projects and investment potentials, which was followed by an open discussion on better governance of NEAR.


会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


走访韩国会员地方政府大邱广域市 第三天,作为走访会员地方政府的项目访问大邱广域市,参观了东山宣教 师故居、桂山天主教堂、李相和故居、韩医学文化馆等地。(大邱广域市主 办)

Discover Daegu Metropolitan City

On the last day, participants made a cultural tour to Daegu Metropolitan City as part of “Discover the Region” program and visited the Dongsan Missionary Residence, Gyesan Cathedral and the Yangnyeongsi Oriental Medicine Cultural Center.

根据晚宴着装要求,穿着本国传统服装的参会人员(从左起顺时针方向) ➍ 蒙古 ➎ 俄罗斯. ➏ 蒙古 参会人教授NEAR秘书长蒙古式见礼习惯 ➐ 秘书处郑重泰课长穿着改良韩服表演抽小烟斗的韩国爷爷 ➑ 兵库县绪方孝昭课长大呼“Play,Play!JAPAN!”,为地震、海啸后重建的日本注入一股活力 ➒ 中国代表团在介绍中国传统剪纸和京剧图案的丝巾 Participants in traditional costumes, the “dress code” of the banquet : ➍ Mongolian women ➎ A Mongolian participant teaches the Secretary General a traditional way of greeting ➏ Chinese delegation introduces “Jianzhi,” or Chinese paper cutting ➐ Director Takaaki Ogata of Hyogo Prefecture is shouting chants to cheer NEAR members. “Play, play NEAR!” ➑ Director Jeong Joon Tae performs in modernized “Hanbok,” the Korean traditional costume ➒ Russian delegation in costume

➊ 东山宣教师故居是1910年到韩国的美国传教士居住的地方。此修缮过的小博物馆展示了各种各样的物品,范 围涵盖了基督教用品、罕见的古医疗器械等。 ➋ 在桂山天主教堂前 ➌ 正在休息的俄罗斯代表团 ➍ 参会人员在韩国古屋里享受韩式烤肉 ➎ 代表团在韩医学文化馆里试穿韩服 ➊ Dongsan Missionary Residence is where American missionaries who came to Korea in 1910 had resided. The renovated small-scale museums displays exhibits of all kinds, ranging from Christian artifacts to rare ancient medical instruments ➋ In front of the Gyesan Cathedral ➌ Russian team taking rest ➍ Enjoyable "Bulgogi" lunch at a traditional Korean-style house ➎ Wearing traditional Korea clothes at the Yangnyeongsi Oriental Medicine Cultural Center


会员专栏 | Feature Report

The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

为提高NEAR运作实效性,会员地方政府提案事项及改善方案(2011NEAR工作会议) 提案事项(会员地方政府)


釜山广域市: 为加强东北亚会员地方政府间的沟通与交流1、再次整顿与积极使用 NEAR网站的视频会议系统2、开设电子邮件服务。

收集会员地方政府的意见,对构建此系统进行预算。通过“电子邮件服务”,探 寻满足会员地方政府要求的方案。

湖南省、伊尔库茨克州: 希望NEAR各种会议主办单位活动前公告具体的会议主 题。以后的事务人员工作会议将参照此种模式。

以后,会先与地方政府沟通,确定会议主题后进行活动。事务人员工作会议将要 积极汇聚会员地方政府的意见来组织会以。

济州特别自治道: 外交通商部的“东北亚交流”演讲很有收获,希望此后针对 中、日、蒙、俄等国家的国际交流情况及趋势作演讲。






济州特别自治道:要求增加NEAR NEWS的篇幅

目前“会员专栏”及介绍会员的栏目占有2~3页,希望登载的会员地方政府给予协 助

全罗南道:要求把NEAR NEWS登出在网站上

至2010年的NEAR NEWS已登出在网站上,正在更新2011年的资料。

湖南省: 各地方政府重视经贸方面的发展,如矿产开发等信息必要共享。为NEAR 的发展,希望促进事务性的经贸领域交流。

秘书处为促进经济通商、矿产开发调整专门委员会活动给予积极协助,希望各协 调员会员地方政府活跃运作专门委员会。

Members’ Suggestions for Better Governance of NEAR(NEAR Working-level Workshop 2011) Suggestion (Member Region)

Improvement Plan (Secretariat)

Busan Metropolitan City: 1. Maintain and use the video conferencing system of the NEAR website 2. Introduce an e-mailing service for better information exchange

Realization of the video conferencing system is rather a long-term issue related to budgetary issues and opinions of other members; The Secretariat will come up with an “e-mailing service” to meet the request of member regions.

Hunan Province, Irkutsk Region: Themes of each NEAR event should be clearly specified by organizers; Working-level workshops can also be organized under specific themes such as tourism or culture

Clear themes will be specified for the General Assembly in consultation with the Chair region; The second suggestion will be reflected based on opinions of other members.

Jeju Special Self-governing Province: Special lecture by MOFAT was useful. Invite government officers also from China, Japan, Mongolia and Russia to give lectures on int’l relations of respective country from the perspective of the central government

Suggestion will be reflected in next NEAR events.

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: Submit registrations for the 8th Working Committee

Submit registrations for the 8th Working Committee

Bayankhongor Province: Hope to organize the Sub-Committee on Tourism in Bayankhongor

The suggestion should be discussed with Henan Province, the Coordinator of the Sub-Committee on Tourism

Jeju Special Self-governing Province: Give more spaces to post NEAR member news on NEAR News magazine

Each of “Feature Report” and “NEAR Member Tour” section covers two to three pages. Member regions may make the most of those spaces

Jeollanam-do Province: Post NEAR News magazine on the Website

NEAR News for 2010 are posted on the website. Materials of 2011 will soon be updated

Hunan Province: Economy and Trade are very important themes for each regional government. Information on those fields including mineral resources development must be shared. NEAR must put more efforts into promoting partnerships in economy and trade sectors among member regions

The Secretariat will provide active support to revitalize activities of the Sub-Committee on Economy & Trade and the Sub-Committee on Mineral Resource Development and Coordination. Each Coordinator of the Sub-Committee is called to do the same.


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