Coerver Coaching ACT Newsletter April School Holiday Clinics
March 2011 April School Holiday Clinics
Alfred Galustian
Coerver Academy 2011
Jason Lancsar
Coerver in your school
Coerver in your club.
DVD: Season Planner buy now. Contact:
Jason Lancsar 0421 907788
Coerver Coaching ACT Newsletter April School Holiday Clinics March 2011
April School Holiday Clinics. April School Holiday Clinics
Is there a better way to get ready for the 2011 season? Coerver Coaching School Holiday Clinics fill up fast.
Academy Winners 2011
Two venues, North and South Canberra. Participants receive Coerver T-shirt, ball, drink bottle, homework plan and great coaching.
Alfred Galustian
Download the form and sign up now. Or contact Jason Lancsar on 0421907788 or
Jason Lanscar Coerver in your club Coerver in your school. DVD Planner for Coaches
Alfred Galustian explains a Technical detail to Canberra United star Kahlia Hogg on the recent Youth Development course
Alfred Galustian in Canberra. Coerver Co-founder and International Director Alfred Galustian presented the first Coerver Coaching Youth Diploma here in Canberra recently. Over 50 Coaches/Players attended including Woden Valley’s Premier League Coach Ed Hollis, Canberra United Star Kahlia Hogg and many local and interstate coaches.Alfred will return for the Youth Development Diploma and Advanced Diploma in early 2012.
DVD: Fantastic Session Planner for all Coaches. Coerver Coaching Diploma in Youth Development Graduates received a fantastic five disc DVD Coaching Session Planner. Now you can get the Warm-up, Speed, Moves 1 v 1, Group Play, and Small Sided Games DVD in an all in one pack. Coerver “Coach Great Soccer” has it all. From professional one-off sessions to season planners. Your players will love your knowledge, and you’ll love the expertise and coaching drills you will get. Can you afford not to have the best?
Coerver Coaching ACT Newsletter April School Holiday Clinics
Coerver Coaching ACT Newsletter April School Holiday Clinics