Newsletter July 2015

Page 1 Newsletter

In this issue

33 years old in 2015

July 2015


In February 2015 Scott Findlay and his family received Finny some awful news: Scott, at only 40 years of age and who has never smoked in his life, was diagnosed with Wet Weather Stage IV Metastatic Lung Cancer. News

Scott has been playing for Belwest for nearly 15 years and has also coached his 2 sons who have been with Presentation Belwest since peewees. Dates With significant medical costs mounting on the Kanga Cup family the Belwest community dug deep on Saturday the 27th June to help out. All proceeds from the Mid Season canteen and BBQ were donated as well as people Reviews placing money in donation tins. We managed to raise a whopping $2,236.50! QuizTime The Belwest committee and the Findlay family would BBQ like to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who Canteen donated, the money raised will help out Scott and his Roster family greatly. Every donation, big or small helps. Go to Fight for Finny for more information Contacts Kanga Cup Reviews and Photos inside Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

CANTEEN CO-ORDINATORS NEEDED After several years of assistance our dedicated canteen co-ordinators, Cathy and Suzy, have decided that it is time for them to hang up their aprons at the end of the 2015 season. This will be a massive loss for our club and the Belwest Committee are seeking expressions of interest from people willing and interested to take over their role and keep the canteen running. If you are interested and would like more information please pop down on a Saturday and have a chat to the ladies or contact the Secretary email:

Belwest Sponsor: Awesome Patios

Please support our Referees and Game Leaders in 2015.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015


Every Saturday our dedicated committee members and volunteers get up early and set up the fields at Latham for everyone to play on. Some days it is beautiful and warm but on others it is cold, wet and foggy. Below are a few photos taken only a matter of weeks ago of our lovely volunteers braving the cold to get the grounds ready for us all. Thank you to all those who help out on a Saturday morning!

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Latest News: Belwest Training fields Wet Weather Undoubtedly though we will see some bad weather interrupt our games and training, so here is what you need to know: Training: Check whether ACT sportsgrounds are open, from the website or phone 6207 5957 for a recorded message. Notifications will also be advised over the radio stations SSSFM (103.9), FM104.7, FM 106.3, 2CA and 2CC. If the grounds are open but the weather has turned bad, it is up to each individual club to decide whether matches to be played at their home ground proceed or not. Belwest will post a message on our website by 8.30am if games are called off at Latham. If Coaches and Managers are unsure please call the Grounds co-coordinator Brian Golledge to confirm. If you are playing at other grounds you will need to check their website for details. Game Day - Wet Weather Watch. As we now know the weather sometimes gets a little wet at this time of year. If we need to cancel games it will be on the website on Saturday morning by 8am. Notification will also be advised over the radio stations SSSFM (103.9), FM104.7, FM 106.3, 2CA and 2CC. Please ensure your child’s coach has the most up to date contact details for you.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

COACHES AND MANAGERS PRESENTS If you are looking for something to get your team coach and manager don’t forget to pop in and see Toni at Latham. There is a range of merchandise available and she can even order things in if needed but get in early to avoid missing out! The Merchandise shop is open from 9am till 2pm each Saturday. Issues, complaints, suggestions or praise? The beginning of each season is very busy for everyone as the club attempts to form over 70 teams comprising over 660 players from peewees through to Masters. As such we do sometimes get things wrong and do miss things. If there is an issue you see, a problem that needs attention, or something you just don’t understand please contact someone on the committee so that we can look into it for you. We may not be able to fix everything, but we will certainly try. Please don’t wait till the end of the season to tell us something. On the other hand we always love any positive feedback – at any time during the season. If you do have any issues please contact the relevant registrar for the age group, the president or vice president. Contact detail are on the website and at the end of this newsletter.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest Profile: Junior League Coordinator - Brian Golledge. Brian was a founding member of the Belwest Foxes Soccer Club and since that time has held various roles within the club: President; Secretary; Junior League Rep.; Players Registrar; Publicity Officer; Grounds and Fixtures; and Disputes. He’s done the lot! He has been a referee and a coach and can be found at Latham early every Saturday morning setting up the grounds, keeping teams up to date on ground closures and ensuring everything is ready to go for junior games.

He was the Chairman of the then Junior League for 9 yrs, was a member of the ACTSF Board during the introduction of the Canberra Cosmos and helped bring the Kanga Cup to Canberra from Sydney. Brian is a Life Member of Belwest, Life Member of the ACT Soccer Federation and has been awarded an OAM for service to Junior Soccer. If you see Brian around the club make sure you say hi! He is the one who has time for everyone and always has a smile on his face. Thank you Brian for everything you have and continue to do for Belwest, we would be lost without you.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Key Dates BELWEST JUNIOR AND SENIOR PRESENTATION DATES Peewees, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11 – Belconnen Labor Club Saturday September 12th 2015 – Times to be advised at a later date U12 – U18 – Belconnen Labor Club Tuesday September 15th 2015 – Times to be advised at a later date Senior Men and Women – Belconnen Labor Club Friday September 18th 2015 – Times to be advised at a later date BELWEST JUNIOR AND SENIOR TEAM PHOTOS Team photos will be taken on 8th, 15th and 22nd August. All coaches and managers have been advised of their teams date and time and in due course will relay the information to parents and carers. ALL ABILITY LEAGUE Belwest is involved with the All Ability League again this year through Capital Football with 3 other clubs - Belnorth, Belsouth and Tuggeranong. We will be holding one of their game days at Latham again this year on Saturday 15th August 2015 from 9 – 11am. Belwest teams playing fields will be moved around to accommodate the Gala day so please double check the board for further information on the day.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

2015 Kanga Cup This year the Kanga Cup celebrated its 25th year. The Kanga Cup is the largest International Youth Football Tournament in the Southern Hemisphere. The Belwest Tigers, Belwest Lions, Belwest Sharks and Belwest Redbies all tested themselves against teams from all around Australia and we are very proud of the efforts of each and every player, coach, parent and supporter for helping to make this happen. Congratulations for playing a fantastic tournament and showing all those teams what it means to play for Belwest. Video Highlights can be viewed HERE

Three Belwest teams at Kanga Cup Opening Ceremony

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

2015 Kanga Cup (Cont) U13 Belwest Redbies The Belwest Redbies were drawn in Pool C of the Under 13's Male Plate and gave a good account of their abilities against some tough teams from NSW. This included two hard fought 3-nil losses, one 3-1 loss, a 10-0 win and a 6-1 win. The team thoroughly enjoyed playing against some of the best interstate players in Australia, gave their best and had a strong team ethic which was all helped with their families and friends cheering them on from the sidelines. Overall we were happy to participate in this wonderful event and hope to have the opportunity to represent Belwest again next year.

Under 10s defend

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

2015 Kanga Cup (Cont) U10 Belwest Sharks The Belwest u10 Sharks, along with fantastic support from Ben, Nathan, Hayden and Matthew competed for the first time in this year’s Kanga Cup. After the opening ceremony on Sunday, in which the team got to walk around the ground to the cheers of the bustling Canberra Stadium, our six game schedule over four days kicked off on Monday. Our first game saw us play some outstanding football, cruising to a comfortable win. Our second game on Monday pitted us against a much stronger Sydney team, and whilst again playing some fantastic football, we narrowly went down. Over the next two days we played some tough opposition and were unlucky not to manage a draw. Our last two games on Thursday saw us claim a great win in the first game, and our last game, after ending 1-1 after full time and extra time, went to penalties – a first for all the players. It was an exciting but cruel way (as we lost the shootout) to finish the tournament. The team played some great football over the week, had lots of fun and were surprising well behaved! A special thanks to the all the families and friends that watched us all week. Coach Rosco and Stu!

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

2015 Kanga Cup (Cont)

Thanks to our Major Sponsor

July 2015 Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest U18 Division 2 - Half season review. Why a loss is not a bad thing. The U18 season started off with a bunch of new faces at pre-season, which usually makes it hard to build on the progress made in the previous year. It means starting the formation and tactics from scratch again to accommodate the new players. But what became clear very early is that the standard of player we had was promising and some of the guys were already friends so that has made things easier. A bonus was that some of the new players were experienced in the style of play and attacking formation I intended to use this season. I always set a benchmark in the first few weeks of pre-season that I aim to hit by September, and I’m glad to say I’m very rarely wrong. This year I had to adjust my benchmark twice before the school holiday break. I started off with a top six finish being my goal. It’s hard to take an u16 team straight into the u18 division when all the players are 17 or younger and we have no player experienced at the older age bracket. 18 year olds are big dudes! Plus putting a reasonably new squad together meant I had to build this year instead of continuing a proven system. But by the second game of the season after friendly wins against senior squads, Woden and Marist Sky I had seen enough to push my benchmark to top 4. In those games we had shown attacking creativity and ability to finish, a strong reserves bench and most importantly against Sky, an ability to turn a game around that we started poorly. Teams usually have either an ability to grind out wins or the ability to destroy teams if things go well, so seeing both sides of my squad within 2 weeks gave me incentive to push them even harder.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest U18 Division 2 - Half season review. (Cont) Despite all the whinging and carrying on, the players respond well to training, they work hard and they (usually) take on board the strategic side of training quickly. This meant I could skip ahead a lot of the basic work and move straight into playing styles and tactics to break down teams, hold shape etc. The team worked hard together at training and we went on another 4 win streak beating some of the top 6 teams comfortably. Games against Yass and Cooma were tough games and again we were in the situation where if we are not playing relaxed and play our game to our strengths, then we struggled. But once again the team the team fought back from some periods of being second best and put together long periods of dominance where we controlled the game, and when that happens we always find the net. Always. By the time the Marist Royal game was upon us, I had adjusted our benchmark to top 2. There was no way around it. We were playing great football for 70 mins of a game, we have the ability to always score goals no matter what the circumstances, and the ability to grind out wins when we were not playing particularly well. We had beaten every team in the top 6 except our next opponents. Losing to Marist Royal was hard.. Not because of the scoreline, 4-2. Not because we had lost our first game and it made the rest of the season a series of knockout games. But hard because once again we played the better football, and at times some of the best football I had seen. Even with everything going against us; a penalty; a half way freak goal; abusive opposition coaches; we never stopped working and never stopped believing we could win. It was a pleasure to watch and we did it all with beautiful football.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest U18 Division 2 - Half season review. (Cont) We did let the occasion, the ref and the opposition tactics affect our composure and I think that cost us some goals. But it was a game of seconds and inches, and we came up short. But a loss is not a bad thing. Especially at this stage of the season. A loss is the best way to see your gaps in the way we play. Our team is set up in a very attacking formation and our playing style is even more so. So regardless of the scoreline, did we create chances? Absolutely. Some of the best combination play around the box all season. Did we struggle to contain them in our defensive third? No way. Marist only orchestrated one goal and created only a couple more. The other three goals had nothing to do with our defensive capabilities in the final third. But we did need to tweak the midfield trio to ensure we can cover the freak halfway shots; the speculative long range efforts because that was the only option; and long balls into the box hoping for a penalty or lucky bounce. Did we stop working for each other has the game got harder? Nope. Were our strikers lacking when it came to the crunch? Again, nope. One of our players hit the sweetest left foot with the ball traveling away from his body I had ever seen. It was absolute perfection, and was going straight into the bottom corner. Yet somehow the keeper palmed it away. In fact, we had as many shots on goal as any other game, except the keeper was equal to them this time. He was exceptional and will take some beating. Marist have let in half as many goals as anyone else in the league. They average one goal a game. We scored two. Lastly, our mental strength needed work, which unfortunately can only be built by a loss.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest U18 Division 2 - Half season review. (Cont) You don't build mental strength with a win. You can develop small amounts by coming back from 2-0 down against Marist Sky. You can develop some when playing bad for 20 mins and losing a couple of goals only to work hard and regain control to come up on top by 90 mins. But to build the mental strength it takes to go into a must win game against an undefeated team, when you couldn't win previously playing some of the best football of the year, that takes a loss. A loss that you keep with you until that must win game kicks off. Marist Royal will not be used to losing; not be comfortable being behind on the score sheet; they will have not had to come back against a team that knows how to score for every minute of the 90. And we will use that against them. What the loss did for me, was make me adjust my benchmark for the third time. Top of the table Premiers. More from the Kanga Cup

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest U10 Hammerheads – Half Season Review The Belwest Hammerheads are playing in the U10 Blue competition in 2015. We're a new team in 2015 with several kids joining from other teams and a few new soccer players. After a couple of losses early in the season, we've bounced back well with a couple of great wins and generally very even matches. Every week we seem to play better as a team and our individual skills are improving. Most importantly though, the kids are having lots of fun and playing the game in the right spirit. The kids are starting to fall into their best positions.

Josh has proven himself as a true striker with plenty of strong goals, Christopher has great dribbling skills with the ability to beat tackles, Evan, Mikelle, Ben, Harry and Logan show lots of energy in the mid-field and are really starting to find some good combinations. Carla and Josh show great bravery each week as well as a knack for stopping opposition attacks, Adrian is our key defender, as well as having a few tricks in his kit bag when needed. Aiush has got the strongest kick in the team (and a hunger for goals), and BJ has proven himself as a great goal keeper with some terrific saves during the season. I look forward to lots more fun with these great kids and some good results on the field.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

BELWEST HISTORY SNIPPETS BELWEST HISTORY SNIPPET 1 In 1981 Belwest was affiliated along with Belnorth and Belsouth under the umbrella of Belconnen United. Discussions at the time though indicated that a change in direction was needed by Belwest and hence began in earnest the desire to be truly independent for the 1982 season. BELWEST HISTORY SNIPPET 2 History has it that a relationship existed with the Jim Beam Bottler’s Club of Belconnen (perhaps by the then current Committee members??) and thus Belwest made a successful approach to them to be the primary sponsor of the senior teams.

Belwest Mascot, originally Harry now known as Basil..

At the November 1981 committee meeting discussions centered on a logo for Belwest, and it was agreed that Belwest adopt the Jim Beam “Beamer” commonly known as a type of fox in America. Today we all know him as the Belwest Fox, affectionately known as Basil, but his original name was Harry….

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

From the Grill: Shaun (Comber) & ‘The Chef’ Best of the Half Season to you all, amazing how it moves along so quickly..... Our supporters are still turning up with that regularity which makes the day a success for the club. We are still a bit short early in the mornings for help with cutting and buttering the buns, if you have a spare half hour between 8-830am on Saturday mornings, your help would be’s warm and we have coffee!! Look forward to seeing you at the Latham fields Shaun & Thomas Please support our Sponsors

Belwest Sponsor: React Roofing

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter

33 years old in 2015

July 2015

Belwest Quiz:

Are you a “Deadset” Belwest Legend? Take the quiz and see where you rank. • Pts 0-2 Belwest Fox - does this sort of Fox exist? It’s early in the season so don’t despair - you will improve:) • 3-6 A Belwest Fox who needs a little work in the off-season. Less hibernation more football? • 7 - 10 A Belwest Fox with some potential. Outstanding work clearly you know your stuff. • 11 - 14 You are a great Belwest Fox. Maybe more time on school work from here on? • 15. Deadset Belwest Legend - tell your friends. Quiz Time - answers on next page - (marks in brackets) Q1. Who is Belwest President? - see photo below. (1) Q2. In your game when is the Ref wrong?(1) Q3. It’s a penalty - can your team pass the ball forward to another player to run in and have shot? (1) Q4. Q5. (1) Q6. Q7.

Matildas - How many games did they win at the recent World Cup? 1, 2, or 3 (1) A Matildas player is on the face of FIFA 16. Lisa De Vanna, Sam Kerr or Steph Catley. Name any Canberra United player in the Matildas World Cup Squad. (3) Socceroos keeper Matt Ryan has moved to which Club and Country? (2)

Q8. Which 2 A-League Clubs did Liverpool score in July? (2) Q9. Which Australian player scored against Liverpool in the first game? (1) Q10 How many MEDIA staff did Real Madrid bring from Spain for the recent tour of Australia? 1, 5 or 20? (1)

Thanks to our Major Sponsor

May 2nd


Snr Men/Womens Teams

May 9th


U08 Emus & U10 Marlins

U13 Div 2

May 16th


U07 Albatross & U08 Joeys

U18 Div 2

May 23rd


U07 Eagles & U09 Tigers

U16 Girls

May 30th


U08 Bilbys & U09 Lions

U11 Phoenix

June 13th


U09 Leopards

Newsletter June 20th


33Tongues years old inKangaroos 2015 July 2015 U08 Blue & U08 U10 Hammerheads

Snr Men/Womens Teams

U10 Sharks

U07 Ravens & U08 Wallabies U13 Div 3 June 17ROSTER BBQ 27th & CANTEEN FOR BELWEST 2015 July 18th


U07 Pelicans & U09 Cougars

U12 Scorpions

July 25th


U07 Penguins & U09 Cheetahs

U12 Panthers

Aug 1st


U07 Parrots & U09 Pumas

U10 Stingrays

Aug 8th

Photos 24 U07 Hawks & U08 Tassie Devils

U14 Girls

Aug 15th

Photos 15 U09 Panthers

U16 Div 2

Aug 22nd

Photos 17 U07 Magpies & U08 Goannas

U13 Girls

Aug 29th


Sep 5th


U10 Dolphins Snr Men/Womens Teams


No team available until redraws Snr Men/Womens Teams

NOTE- Minimum of 4 parents required per shift 2 for the BBQ and 2 for the canteen When two teams are on the roster together, Belwest does require both teams to turn up, one can do the canteen and one can do the BBQ Teams are asked to do one 3 hour session in a season, if you do a roster between your parents they Quiz Answers: should be there Pole. no more than an hour. Parents are asked to work this out amongst themselves and Q1. Matthew (1) give the coach and manager time off to spend with the team playing. Q2. Never - let’s supportthe our Referees.(1)

Q3. Yes, but the player receiving the pass must start from outside the box. (1) We do as some team have to do (1) roster twice Q4. 2. apologise They beat Nigeria and Brazil Q5. Steph Catley. (1) If teams do not Sykes, attend the canteen will be closed for that session (3) Q6. Ashleigh Lydia Williams, Michelle Heyman Q7. Valencia/Spain (2) Q8. Brisbane Roar, Adelaide United (2) Q9. Dimi Petratos (1) Q10 Just TWENTY media staff (1)

Thanks to our Major Sponsor Newsletter Position President Vice President Treasurer Secretary BBQ Coordinator Canteen Coordinator Canteen Coordinator Coaching Director Communications Officer Equipment and Playing Strips ​Business & Community Partnerships (Fundraising / Sponsorship) Grounds/Fixtures Grounds/Fixtures Assistant Junior League Coordinator Mens League Coordinator Merchandising Players Registrar Peewees, U7 & U8 Players Registrar U9, U10 & U11 Players Registrar U12 onwards Points Registrar (Match cards) Referee Alloctions & Co-ordinator Special Events Website Women’s League Coordinator

33 years old in 2015 Committee 2015

Name Matt Pole Matt Stephensen Stuart Wise Renee Osburne Shaun Comber

Mobile No. 0407 825 914 0402 475 236

Suzy O'Brien

0427 291 240

0434 568 684 0418 977 834 0418 264 654

Kathy Chick

July 2015

E-Mail Address vicepresident@belwestsoccer. com au

Harry Leins Vacant

0405 845 156

Toni Dodd

0409 910 412

Sean McCaffrey

0466 444 446

Brian Golledge Adrian Dodd

0422 630 665 0409 910 412

Brian Golledge

0422 630 665

Brad Francis

0411 890 388

Toni Dodd Emma Georgiou Bec Colson

0409 910 412 0439 040 817

Renae Ferdinands Toni Dodd

0431 141 940 0409 910 412 registrar9-11@belwestsoccer. com registrar12-18@belwestsoccer. com

Ben Naughton

0412 975 835

0404 905 079


Eamonn Flanagan

Kerrie Murray

0407 049 955

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