Coaching @ Majura FC Contact: Hello and welcome again from Majura FC and from me, Paul Whittingham, the Technical Director at Majura FC. Contact:
In Coaching@Majura FC bulletin number 2 you’ll find: Coaching News and Technical Developments from Majura FC Questions from Majura Coaches Upcoming Courses and resources I hope that future editions will continue to be driven by what you want to know so please, email me and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.
Coaching News
Majura Technical Working Group The first meeting of this group is set for Monday 28 June at the Majura Club House (Antil Street Dickson) at 7.30. The first topics for discussion will be trialing policies and coach education. Majura needs and values your input so please be a part of this working group and help Majura FC to continue to grow (email: to register your interest).
Coerver Program for under 11 to under 14 Majura FC players In line with the successful and ongoing trial of Coerver training for girls aged 10-12, we have negotiated a program aimed at under 11 to under 14 players. The program will be run from Sunday 25 July for 7 consecutive Sundays at Hackett playing fields from 10.00 to 11.30. There will be a cost for this program of $150 per player and players will receive not only 10.5 hours of expert training, but a ball and a shirt as well. Players register here. The players will pay Coerver directly and can register here. Our Committee is also looking at the potential to reimburse a small part of the cost to parents if sponsors can be found.
U7 Saturday Skills training sessions are continuing and will finish on Saturday 26 June with a session for our under 7 girls teams. In the second half of the season, there will be additional skills clinics run over 5 consecutive Saturdays, commencing 31 July (same time, 11.00 to 12.00). These clinics will be available for up to 16 Majura FC players from the under 7s (boys and girls) and aimed at those players who want to learn and build their individual skill base. Under 7 Managers, please tell your players so they can register to attend – with places limited for each session, it will be first come, first served.
U10 Development Squads. The development programs are running very well with Jason Thornton looking after the boy’s squad on Saturdays and Paul Whittingham taking the girl’s squad on Sundays. The boys’ squad has been entered into the Kanga Cup this year and we will be looking to have boys and girls representing Majura FC at some end of year competitions if possible. We’ll continue to bring you updates in later bulletins.
Coaching @ Majura FC Contact: Q & A with Paul Whittingham This section is devoted to the questions that you have asked over the last few weeks. Please keep the questions coming because other coaches may be puzzling over the same things. Q: I'm coaching an u10 team and am trying to encourage the boys. I'm not the
most vocal coach preferring to let the boys play but I've a number of parents who give their own instructions every week? A: It’s really important that the players understand that you as the coach will be the one providing guidance or instruction at training and at the game. It is equally important that the parents / spectators acknowledge this as well. I suggest that you re-enforce with your players that they need to listen to you and not anyone else. At the same time let the parents know that although you appreciate their support for the team and want them to continue to cheer the team on, instructions from anyone else confuses the players and may interfere in a game plan the team is working on. Most parents are pretty good about it and will try to curb their enthusiasm. To make sure that you get to all of the parents, put together a short, diplomatically worded letter to the parents explaining what they can expect from you and what you expect of them. You can also enlist the parents by telling them you would appreciate their support in getting the message across to all of your spectators – that will help your message to be self sustaining.
Q/ I want to take some under 7s for training on a Monday night. What should such a parent focus on in a 40 minute session? A: The best thing is to keep your focus on a couple of things over the course of training young players and keep it interesting by varying the drills. In under 7s and under 8s, I prefer to focus on getting the players to spread out, teaching them to run with the ball and teaching them to pass the ball over 2 to 5 metres. Each session should target one skill / technique and all of the drills should have them as their focus. There are many drills you can use and the links in the ‘Further useful links’ section following will offer some help. Majura FC also has a Mini Soccer Handbook which is available from the clubhouse. A good tip is always finish with a free form game with little or no coaching – just encouragement.
Coaching @ Majura FC Contact: Upcoming Capital Football Coaching Courses: See the web site for more information.
Saturday July 3, 2009
Youth Certificate I (1 Day) in association with the 2010 9amKanga Cup 5pm
Wednesday July 7 2009
McDonalds Kanga Cup Coaching Seminar
Further useful links: FFA Coaching Resources. Including Optus Small Sided video with simple techniques from Lucas Neill for our younger players. Coerver Skills and drills presented at FFA Coaching Clinic in March. Can be adapted to suit most age ranges. Capital Football Coaching Resources Aimed at the older teams. More drills for all ages. From