Ocean Surface - A New Foundation of Sustainable Habitat

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MSc in Architecture and Urban Design Academic Year 2020 - 2021

Nebojša Jeremić_10722011 nebojsa.jeremic@mail.polimi.it




How can floating cities provide sustainable living and continuity of urban identity with accelerated sea level rise and population growth on a global scale?

January 17th, 2022

Thematic Research Seminar GLOBAL ARCHITECT Prof. Gaia Caramellino, Prof. Pierre-Alain Croset


“Sustainable floating cities are a part of the arsenal of climate adaptation strategies available to us. Instead of fighting with water, let us learn to live in harmony with it. We look forward to developing climate adaptation and nature-based solutions through the floating city concept.” (UN-Habitat, 2019)

This paper represents a structural outline for the research, as part of development of the thesis „Ocean Surface: A New Foundation of Sustainable Habitat“. The focus of the Paper is on the mechanisms and planning strategies that deal with the rising sea level which threatens the urban coastal areas worldwide, specifically, on the emerging floating habitats determined to become a sustainable, long-term solution in confrontation of the rising ocean, compounded with accelerated and inevitable coastal overpopulation on a global scale. Floating city, although envisaged as an independent, self-sustainable and self-sufficient system has a potential to become initiator of a new planning and design approach in confronting the ongoing environmental and existential issues. With a critical review on the concept of floating settlements, this paper aims to contribute to the vision of a new sustainable human habitat, by integrating it in a unique coexistive system with the coastal cities on the frontlines of climate-related risks, through design research which will be subsequently substantiated in my thesis. Reflecting on uncertainties regarding the concept of the floating city, this paper divides the research into three principal parts, which highlight respectively the aims and contribution of this paper to the field of study: 1. ON THE FRONTLINES OF CLIMATE-RELATED RISKS To demonstrate why and how floating cities in a long-term take precedence over other confronting strategies against the rising oceans and climate change in general, highlighting the positive and negative aspects of defensive strategies respectively. 2. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF AQUATIC HABITATS To investigate what causal factors in different epochs led to origins of the floating city phenomenon, and how it developed and evolved through time (conceptually, functionally, technologically, etc.). To elaborate that the potential colonization of the ocean’s surface is not a mere battle between humanity and water, overpopulation and resources, global warming and biodiversity, but a patrimonial, anthropological leap in the expansion of the human habitat in which people can live in harmony with nature, recovering the biodiversity in the process. 3. TAKING POSITION How the concept and design of floating habitats can be based on principles of sustainability while at the same time attaining the continuity of urban development and identity of global coastal cities - two principal conditions of mutual coexistence and longevity? This research report is substantiated by literary references and examples of projects that exemplify the key notions, and will be investigated at length and expanded in the research part of the thesis. Keywords: Floating Citiy, Sea Rise, Sustainability, Coexistence, Continuity


















00 INTRODUCTION Coastal cities are on the frontlines of climate-related risks. Flooding is destroying billions of dollars worth of infrastructure and forcing millions of climate refugees to leave their homes. The challenge is huge: two out of every five people in the world live within 100 kilometers of the coast, and 90 percent of mega cities worldwide are vulnerable to rising sea levels. Many countries have started coping with these issues, implementing different strategies to protect their coastal habitats. Some of them consider various ways to build barriers in order to prevent the flooding, while others simply pour sand into the ocean to create new land, destroying millions of hectares of the ocean and marine life in the process. However, some organizations tend to consider more sustainable and environmentally acceptable solutions, with initiatives such as the „Oceanix city“ , initiated by UN Habitat. Designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, this floating city model is envisaged as a flood-proof infrastructure that rises with the sea and produces its own food, energy and fresh water with fully integrated zero waste closed-loop systems. (UN-Habitat, 2019) As is the case with most visionary, megastructure proposals going beyond conventional models of urbanism and even architectural design, the concept and realization of floating cities raises the number of uncertainties regarding various aspects: - Compared to the conventional means of defense against the sea level rise, what makes the model of the floating city more superior, suitable and sustainable? - Considering the accelerated population growth and the race between the implementation of floating settlements and the rising ocean, many concerns regard the feasibility, capacity and long-term legitimacy of these structures. - From the architectural point of view the socio-cultural migration from land to marine habitat poses the question of coexistence of cities, the continuity of urban and architectural identity, longevity of genius loci, as well as operative prospects, and migrating consequences for coastal environments worldwide. The biggest concern however is to secure the sustainable model of living, having in mind the limited land area, protection from natural disasters (such as hurricanes and tsunamis), as well as the high energy demands, waste products and maintenance of these structures. 1

01 ON THE FRONTLINES OF CLIMATE-RELATED RISKS DEALING WITH GLOBAL SEA LEVEL RISE The sea level is rising due to a number of causes, including warming waters that are expanding, a slowing Gulf Stream, and sinking land. However, melting ice from the North and the South Poles is the biggest contributor to sea level rise. Scientists worry about Antarctica the most, because it contains 90% of Earth’s ice, and the rate of Antarctic ice melt has tripled from 2012 to 2017. The effect on sea levels is compounded by the fact that seawater expands with rising temperatures. Currently, sea levels are rising at a rate of roughly 3 millimeters per year. (Quirk, 2017) If this rate continues, many coastal cities and even some island nations are threatened with extinction. According to conducted research, predictions are that by 2050 approximately 90% of the world’s largest cities will be exposed to the rising seas. (UN-Habitat, 2019) How coastal cities globally respond to the sea level rise? Flooding due to sea level rise is a big challenge, but there are solutions that many cities around the world use to keep their coastal communities safe. Some of these methods are effective against storm surges, or tidal waves, but not as a long-term strategy against climate change driven rising seas. In fact, accelerated sea level rise forces governors, engineers, city planners, architects and other experts to rethink about the future security of coastal communities, as well as the consequences of urban transformation caused by potential implementation of these mechanisms. ( With technological advancements in the recent years different approaches have emerged, but essentially two principal solutions are most commonly addressed when talking about the protection against the global rise of the sea level: 1.1. 1.2.

Physical barriers Floating infrastructures

* Map created by Richard Weller, Claire Hoch, and Chieh Huang using data/ information from the following sources: 1) R. Z Poore, R. S. Williams Jr., & Christopher Tracy, “Sea level and climate,” US Geological Survey Fact Sheet 002-00 (2000). Available at http:// pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs2-00/. 2) NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) of the Center for International Earth Science Information (CIESIN) / Columbia University, “Low Elevation Coastal Zone: Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates version 2,” (Palisades, NY: 2013). 3) Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, “The Biodiversity Hotspots,” http://www.cepf. net/resources/hotspots/pages/default.aspx

Fig. 1: Illustration of sea rise resiliance in coastal cities worldwinde DEALING WITH THE GLOBAL SEA LEVEL RISE *

HofenCity, Anti-flooding neighborhood Hamburg (GER)

OceanixCity, first sustainable floating city project Busan (KR)

Dryline, Huricane defence wall project New York (USA)

WINSUN, First 3D printed revetment dam Shanghai (CH)

Waterbuurt, Floating residential neighborhood Amsterdam (NL)

Wetropolis, Flood-resistant community project Bangkok (TH)

MOSE, Mobile barriers from high tides Venice (IT)

KEY 80.32m rise (all ice caps melted)


Inundated Urban Areas 50 large cities displaced 2 Hotspots 3




Physical barriers such as seawalls, artificial or natural embankments, raised infrastructures, gabions, beaches, floodgates and others are the most commonly used mechanisms against flooding of any kind. They are often referred to as “gray infrastructure” with a sole purpose of protection from water, lacking visual identity in the city’s landscape. Threatened by severe sea flooding coastal cities such as New York, Shanghai, Hamburg or Venice have initiated the construction of flood proof barriers in various forms.

4) “Rebuild by Design” http://www.rebuildbydesign. org/our-work/all-proposals/ big-u (Accessed January, 10, 2022)

The project called “Dryline” proposes a 12 km long protective ribbon around Southern Manhattan, an infrastructural barrier that incorporates public space with the high-water barrier doubling as parks, seating, bicycle shelters or skateboard ramps. Embankments add green areas and spaces beneath elevated roadways are built out with pavilions for public use. In an emergency, the shutters close forming a flood water barrier. The validity of the proposal lies in the idea to observe the infrastructural barriers beyond their principal utility, regarding them as unique urban design features which bring new character and activities into public space. The concept of transformability allows the public spaces to be used in various ways even if the significant flooding occurs.4 However, the cost of these types of projects are proving to be substantial even for the economic giants like New York, and the funding for this proposal still remains an open question. In addition to the immense value of these water defense mechanisms the questions are raised regarding the maintenance and environmental impacts in an already alarming state of global temperatures and climate changes. Furthermore, the reliance on hard barriers only protects certain areas and raises the risk of catastrophic failure. More deeply, these approaches reflect an attempt to preserve society as it exists today, denying the reality that the multi-millennia process of climate change necessitates a more profound reevaluation of how society operates. (Al, 2018)

Fig. 2: Bjarke Ingels Group, Dryline, New York, 2019 [proposal].




The concept of the floating structures is to rise with water instead of confronting its penetration. These infrastructures use various mechanical and technological solutions which usually consist of two main parts: (1) a platform and/or a building component above the water surface and (2) submerged mechanical features that allow the floating and structural stability. The technology exists for us to live on water and many countries are coping with these innovative concepts with success. Currently 3 million people permanently live on the water surface globally, and this number is predicted to grow due to the new, high-tech floating habitat projects, such as the UN-Habitat’s “Oceanix city” designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, which has the capacity to house approximately 300 inhabitants per one module. It is based on the principles of: Net-zero energy; Fresh water autonomy; Plantbased food; Zero waste system; Shared mobility; and Habitat regeneration. (UN Habitat, 2019) From the technological perspective these cities can provide a self-sufficient, bio-regenerative and sustainable model of urban planning and architectural design, but they are envisaged as independent, free-standing habitats. With the current pace of global warming causing accelerated sea level rise and with nowhere to expand, rapid urban population growth is pushing people closer to the water, compounding the existential problems which are facing the coastal cities globally. If the Floating city is envisaged to live in harmony with nature, why couldn’t it live in harmony with coastal communities as well? With unlimited water surface to expand into, and with the capacity to provide suitable living conditions for climate refugees the Floating city is a favorable solution for habitats threatened by sea flooding and overpopulation. In addition, from an environmental perspective the contribution to the regeneration of biosphere and re-establishing balance in biodiversity this model is superior compared to the infrastructural mechanisms of coastal barriers (sea walls, embankments, raised transportation, etc.).


Fig. 3: Bjarke Ingels Group, UN-Habitat - Oceanix City, 2019 [proposal].



Floating habitats date back to the periods of primitive human settlements, although it’s still possible to find these formations in which life takes place as in ancient times. After the Industrial Revolution a rapid expansion of the cities occurred, and overpopulation of coastal communities began on a global scale. With a progressive rise of the sea levels, effects of climate change, frequent threats from weather and sea floods this traditional model experiences a renaissance in the domains of modern urbanism, and architecture. The movement, founded by a group of Japanese architects in 1960 known as Metabolism, created, among other things, the first marine megastructure projects, as a longterm proposal to address rapid urbanization challenges of Tokyo. Although regarded as utopian, these unbuilt proposals were pioneers in confronting the rapid urbanization with environmental and demographic issues facing the coastal cities of that time. Their vision of the city as an organism radically transformed the approach in perceiving city planning, as well architectural and urban design. (Zhong-Jie, 2007)

Fig. 4: Historical overview of floating habitats.

Floating village of Wusong Ancient Chinese civilization Vernacular fishing village Shanghai (CH)

2000 BCE

As the world continued to warm up progressively, and the global sea-level rise became evident, architects once again started to visualize these ideas of floating cities, as a potential answer to ongoing environmental and overpopulation issues. With technological advances in more recent years, the prototypes of floating habitats started to emerge simultaneously on a global scale, together with new visionary models of floating cities of tomorrow.

Tenochtitlan Aztec altepetl/ demolished Aquatic city Lake Texcoco (MX)

1325 1200 BCE

Floating islands Uros civilization Vernacular village Lake Titicaca (PE)

A plan for Tokyo Kenzo Tange Metabolism / unrealized Tokyo (JP)



1958 Marine City Megastructure Kiyonori Kikutake Metabolism / unrealized Tokyo (JP)

Urban Rigger, BIG Architecture Studen housing / realized Copenhagen (DN)

2011 Waterbuurt Neighborhood Marlies Rohmer Floating district / realized Amsterdam (NL)


Un-Habitat’s OceanixCity, BIG Architecture First sustainable floating city Busan (KR) / developing

2020 2019

Floating farm, Goldsmith studio Urban agriculture/ realized Rotterdam (NL)

2021 Wetropolis, S+PBA studio Floating city Bangkok (TH)

02.1 ANTHROPOLOGICAL URGE FOR AQUATIC HABITATION The proximity of a body of water, whether a river, a lake or the sea has always been a great consideration in the choice of a community. Throughout history, many communities have recognized the benefits of water and found ways to use it for their own purposes, whether for drinking water, agriculture, fishing, defense, or all of the above. Many examples of aquatic habitats have disappeared over time but there are those who have found ways to survive to this day. Today, these examples of “primitive” aquatic habitats stand as a testament to man’s ability to live in harmony with water and in balance with nature. (Rudofsky, 1964) In his 1964 book “Architecture without architects”, Rudofsky describes aquatic architecture, looking back at fishing villages in Shanghai’s Wusong river: “The advantages of the site are evident – the waterways never need to be torn up for costly repairs, drains suffer no stoppage, a bath is ready at all hours.” (Rudofsky, 1964) Despite the efforts of the early Communist Party to relocate the inhabitants onshore, these fishing ports still prevail to some extent, with the population significantly decreasing from approximately 100 000 in 1950-s to barely 6000 today.5

5) “In China, an Ancient People Watch Their Floating Life Dissolve” https://www.nytimes. com/2017/01/23/world/ asia/china-tanka-river-people-datang.html (Accessed January, 14, 2022)

Another aquatic community which refuses to leave its habitat is the group of Uros people living on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca. Around 1,200 out of 2000 Uros people in Peru still live on the floating islands made of totora reeds exhibiting the longevity and relevance of vernacular architecture in contemporary age. (Quirk, 2017)


Fig. 5: Vernacular floating islands of Uros people, Lake Titicaca in Peru.



Dramatic growth of population and rapid concentration of industries in Tokyo in the post-war period created unprecedented pressure on its urban development. Tokyo’s population tripled in barely 15 years after World War II, from 2.78 million in 1945 to 8.31 million in 1960. In the same year, a group of young architects who called themselves the Metabolists emerged at the World Design Conference in Tokyo. Included in the group were the architects Kiyonori Kikutake, Masato Otaka, Fumihiko Maki, Noriaki Kurakawa and the architectural critic Noboru Kawazoe. These architects rejected the Modernist notion of the city as a mechanical object, and viewed it instead as an organic process. Stimulated by rapid technological progress, they proposed visions of new cities expanding in futuristic ways - erected on the sea or spiraling into the sky. (Zhong-Jie, 2007). Kenzo Tange’s plan for the expansion of Tokyo Bay is considered one of the most monumental of the metabolist proposals. The goal was to shift Tokyo’s centripetal urban organization to a more linear development and to discover methods to transfer urban structures, the transport system and the architecture of the city in a single organic unit while finding a new order for the urban space that would reflect the open organization and spontaneous mobility of the contemporary society (Tange, 1961). Thus, the proposal consists of a long structural axis spanning across the entire bay, hosting all necessary infrastructural services, with great importance placed on a multi-scalar transport network. Expanding outwards from the structural axis are tent-shaped residential quarters, modular and adaptable in their design as to respond to the growing population of Tokyo. (Koolhaas, 2011) However, it remained a visionary dream with no possibility of being carried out because of both technical and socio-political constraints. Nevertheless, Tange’s Tokyo Bay Plan came as a particularly strong stimulus for the ensuing urban developments in Tokyo. Due to the increasing concentration of population and industries, more and more political leaders, industrialists and professionals realized that the expansion of the city into the Bay was not only a reasonable solution, but also probably the best one. (Zhong-Jie, 2007)

Fig. 6: Kenzo Tange standing next to his ‘Plan for Tokyo 1960’, 1960 [unbuilt].




Floating Amsterdam - The development of IJburg’s Waterbuurt With technological advancements in the decades following the Metabolist movement the concerns of radical urbanization shifted towards the fight against climate change. The intentions to learn how to live with water resulted with the emergence of contemporary floating districts, unsurprisingly across the cities of the Netherlands. Designed by Dutch architect Marlies Rohmer, the largest floating district in Europe offers a variety of housing types, interconnected and moored to steel pylons, so they only move vertically with the changing tide. With two-thirds of the Netherlands’ population living below sea-level, living in these floating units is certainly much safer than living on land. Residents can grow food or other plants on the green roofs of the floating homes which also collect rainwater. (Paul Witsen,... van der Vegt, 2011)

UN-Habitat: Oceanix city With strategies to adapt to the changing climate on a global scale major organizations and initiatives, such as the UN-Habitat, generated significant financial investments and efforts which resulted with a vision for the world’s first resilient and sustainable floating community. In 2021, Busan Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea, UN-Habitat and Oceanix signed a historic agreement to build the world’s first prototype sustainable floating city community for 10,000 residents on 75 hectares. Designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, it is anchored in the Sustainable Development Goals, channeling flows of energy, water, food and waste to create a blueprint for a modular maritime metropolis. It is designed to grow, transform and adapt organically over time, evolving from neighborhoods, to villages, to cities with the possibility of scaling. (UN Habitat, 2019) 8

Fig. 7: Marlies Rohmer,

Waterbuurt floating district, Amsterdam, 2011 [built].



Considering the uncomforting future of coastal cities in the decades to come, the notion to put these issues behind the initiative to invest enormous fundings and efforts into construction and realization of the new, technologically far more advanced and above all generic self-sustainable solutions appears to be the least pragmatic or rational approach in confronting the global problems. Floating cities are on the path of becoming a replacement for the existing cities on endangered shorelines. With reference to the Plans for Tokyo Bay the concept of mobility can be considered from the point of view of having no boundaries when floating on the water’s surface. The floating city can expand as envisaged but not as an independent, freestanding, self-sufficient structure. The city on the water surface has a potential to become a foundation of urban expansion, a radical regeneration and redevelopment of its coastal counterpart. Having the flexibility on the boundless water surface new sustainable and environmental models and strategies of urbanism can be applied in the process of planning, urban and architectural design. The floating complex as an extension of the coastal city has a possibility to correspond to its context, which provides the base for continuity of genius loci and progressive development of urban identities of both coastal and aquatic components. The concepts of net-zero energy, fresh water autonomy, plant-based food, zero waste system, shared mobility, and habitat regeneration should be retained, not as a closed-loop independent system but rather in sintesys with the coastal environment. (UN Habitat, 2019) The coexistence of two habitats is based on the exchange of resources, energy, ideas, culture, identity, etc. Fig. 8: Illustration of the concept of Continuity and Exchange between costal and future floating cities, 2021. community




energy resources




With the vision of floating cities as a tool that can contribute to solving the existential and environmental issues of coastal cities through urbanism and architectural approaches, this thesis continues to explore the components on which sustainable coexistence and symbiosis of future aquatic and coastal communities depend. Envisioned as a research by design the thesis would consist of two principal parts. First part of the thesis includes a thorough research component outlined in this paper through questions raised, and topics evoked and discussed to some extent. This includes the extensive investigation of the main chapters elaborated in this paper regarding the phenomenon of sea-level rise, its consequences on coastal communities on a global scale, and the possible response to the challenge. This analysis is followed by investigation of state of the art and reference examples and projects from different periods of the past, understanding the causal factors, development and benefits of floating habitats through history. Collection of information and conclusive research create a framework for defining attitudes and possible design strategies for the multi-scalar proposal of a floating habitat in a subsequently defined context, based on the principles of urban continuity, inclusion, coexistence, mutual exchange, sustainability and regeneration of biodiversity.

05 CLOSING REMARKS The ocean covers two thirds of the planet. It is a vast resource that can help solve the complex challenges coastal cities face. However in the process of ocean colonization, life on its shores should not be forgotten. Rising sea does not have to be the border between old and new cities, but the basis of their joint effort for the survival and regeneration of the planet „Water plays a pivotal role in how the world mitigates and adapts to the effects of climate change. An integrated view on water, the biosphere and environmental flows is required to devise sustainable agricultural and economic systems that will allow us to decelerate climate change, protect us from extremes and to adapt to the unavoidable at the same time.“ (UN Habitat, 2019)




FIGURE 1 Illustration of sea rise resiliance in coastal cities worldwinde Source: Author’s illustration based on the map created by Richard Weller, Claire Hoch, and Chieh Huang. FIGURE 2 Bjarke Ingels Group, Project Dryline, New York, 2019 [proposal]. Source: https://www.theverge.com/2014/10/1/6874925/can-amassive-seawall-save-new-york-from-flooding FIGURE 3 Bjarke Ingels Group, UN-Habitat - Oceanix City, 2019 [proposal]. Source: https://oceanixcity.com/ FIGURE 4

Historical overview of floating habitats. Source: Author’s illustration

FIGURE 5 Vernacular floating islands of Uros people, Lake Titicaca in Peru. Source: https://www.peruhop.com/lake-titicaca-facts/ FIGURE 6 Kenzo Tange standing next to his ‘Plan for Tokyo 1960’, 1960 [unbuilt]. Source: Koolhas, 2011 FIGURE 7 Marlies Rohmer, Waterbuurt floating district, Amsterdam, 2011 [built]. Source: https://rohmer.nl/en/projects/waterwoningen-ijburg/


Illustration of the concept of Continuity and Exchange between costal and future floating cities, 2021. Source: Authors illustration




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