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Nataisha Martin
NECA ACT Member Manager
Welcome back from the holidays and into 2022. i hope you’ve had a safe and positive start to the new year.
2021 NECA end-of-year industry dinner
NECA ACT ended 2021 with an industry dinner at the beautiful pialligo Estate. The food, free-flowing drinks and view was exquisite. Everyone had a great time, enjoying the live music and company. After being in lockdown for so long, it was really nice to get to network and relax with our members and bring in the festive season.
Industry nights postponed
Once again, NECA has made the heartbreaking decision to postpone this year’s industry Nights, until a time when we are less impacted by COViD-19 conditions. We expect them to be rescheduled for later in the year, around June or July. Stay tuned for more details, which will be included in NECA’s weekly e-newsletter.
NECA’s weekly e-newsletter
Operating a business in the ongoing pandemic can be difficult, with official regulations and requirements constantly changing. NECA’s weekly e-newsletter provides valuable industry information and the latest updates in technical, industrial relations, legal, human resources, workplace health and safety and COViD-19 issues. They are a great way to keep yourself and your business abreast of any changes. if you are not receiving our weekly e-newsletter, scan the Qr code and fill out your details.
Are you looking for labour?
if you need additional workers, you can now advertise your requests in NECA’s weekly e-newsletter as part of our labour Exchange section. For details on how to submit a request, check our next e-newsletter.
Solar Industry: NECA wants to help you!
if you know someone within the solar industry, who requires assistance with their documentation or technical support, please get in touch. Getting the basics right from the start can improve your business reputation. Your NECA membership provides you with the support and resources that you need to become a successful solar installer.
Nominations for the 2022 NECA Excellence and Apprentice Awards have opened!
We are very pleased to be running our Excellence and Apprentice Awards again, which will provide valuable industry recognition for members. This year a new section featuring small business awards has been introduced for businesses with fewer than 10 employees. There are three awards in this new section: Emerging Small Business, Small Contracting Business of the Year and Small Business project of the Year. Nominations for all 2022 NECA Excellence Awards close on 18 May, and the awards night will be held on Friday 19 August, at the Hyatt Canberra. For more information, visit the NECA website neca.asn.au/necagroup For inspiration, flick through to the following page, and read about NECA member Chris Hart of Davis Hart Electrical Solutions, who won last year’s Emerging Small Business Award.
Supporting your business
lastly, i personally want nothing more than to see you learn, succeed and continue your business growth. The NECA team is here to provide you and your business with the support, expert advice and resources you need so your business can thrive. if you have any questions regarding NECA membership or require industry advice in general, please contact Member Services or myself. We look forward to hearing from you. Take care.
At last year’s end-of-year industry dinner, Michael Mosslar from Access Canberra conducted a question and answer session covering the latest updates within the ACT electrical industry. We’ve shared some of his insights below.
Can contractors come out with inspectors to see what you do, in a similar method that is conducted for apprentices prior to their capstone application?
in short no. However, any electrical contractor is welcome to attend with the Electrical inspector when their Certificate of Electrical Safety is audited.
Does the ACT have mutual recognition for licences from other Australian States?
Yes, it is a manual mutual recognition process, which means they must apply for an ACT licence using their interstate licence. From 1 July 2022, it is proposed that the ACT moves to an Automatic Mutual recognition (AMr). This is a Commonwealth reform from the National Cabinet, so the ACT is working hard to achieve the timelines required.
Are contractors required to do any testing to obtain their ACT licence?
Unlike Victoria, which has a licensed Electricians Assessment (an exam run by Energy Safe Victoria to gain a contractor’s licence), the ACT and most other jurisdictions do not. To gain your contractor’s licence, the requirement is to have a qualified nominee.
How does the industry protect against non-compliant workmanship, and where should someone go to report non-compliance?
Access Canberra is responsible for assessing and investigating complaints about breaches of the Construction Occupations Licensing Act. Go to our website and search construction occupations complaint or go to www.bit.ly/act-complaint
Do you find under-pricing jobs reflects in poor quality of workmanship and materials?
We do not get into workmanship or pricing. These are contractual matters between the client and electrician. What we do is regulate the minimum requirements of the Wiring rules.
Where do you find the most defects within the industry? Would they occur in domestic, solar, commercial or industrial?
This would occur in solar, and is usually around documentation, such as direct current (DC) cables touching the roof and incorrect overload protection on alternating current (AC) cables. Another defect we have come across is in the domestic sector, around pools and wet areas.
In the standard AS/NZS 5033, there is a discrepancy in 3.1. It identifies that solar cannot be greater than 1000 volts DC in domestic. However, in standard AS/NZS 4777.1 clause 2.3, it states that domestic dwellings shall not have voltage greater than 600 volts DC. Is this an error?
No, it is actually a timing issue. AS/NZS 5033 has been recently updated, with AS/NZS 4777.1 to follow in due course.
All NECA members have free technical advice and access to NECA Members Technical Knowledge Base (TKB), where they can view a copy of AS/NZS 4777.1 and other industry standards.
If you would like to speak to a NECA Technical Advisor, contact 1300 361 099.

Access Canberra Electrical Inspections Team
(02) 6207 7775
8:30am to 4:30pm Business Days electrical.inspections@act.gov.au www.ccesscanberra.act.gov.au
AS/NZS 3000:2018 A2 clause requires all Switchboards (SWB) and Distribution Boards (DB) with a connected load exceeding 125 Amps r.m.s. per phase or subject to a fault level greater than 10kA to comply with either the AS/NZS 61439 series or AS/NZS 3439 series of Standards. This change is due in part to a general increase in fault level at switchboards that are connected to the electricity distribution infrastructure.
AS/NZS 61439 series has now replaced AS/NZS 3439 series of standards and either standard may be used to achieve compliance with AS/ NZS 3000:2018 A2 clause
When Standards Australia withdraw the AS/NZS 3439 series or a further amendment to AS/NZS 3000 removes reference to it, then only AS/NZS 61439 can be used to achieve compliance.
Electricians are advised to have their certificates of compliance from the switchboard manufacture on hand when they book the electrical inspection with Access Canberra.
Please Note: The requirement between ACT and NSW may differ and electricians should check the requirements in NSW before using AS/NZS 3439 series for compliance.
NECA member Sea 2 Sky Electrical, was recently awarded NECASafe’s platinum Accredited Certificate, after they completed NECA’s On-Track implementation program as a part of the Safety EliTE management system.
Sea 2 Sky Electrical invested time entering and organising data into the electronic database, and reviewing and improving their safe systems of work. Not only have they been successful in obtaining their accreditation, but they are also now in the process of being triple iSO certified.
Achieving NECASafe Accreditation can make a big difference for members who want to become a Level 1 accredited service provider (ASP).
What are the eligibility requirements to become a Level 1 ASP?
The eligibility requirements to become a level 1 ASp include:
½ a specified person or persons who are appropriately qualified and competent to perform work aligned to certain classes of accreditation; ½ specified insurance policies; and ½ specified management systems in place.
in addition, registered ASps must maintain their management systems, including policies, safe work method statements, a training register, contractor management and plant and equipment registers. level 1 ASps are graded from A to C by an independent auditor at the time of accreditation. These grades are intended to reflect the ASp’s general level of competence and expertise. When an ASp completes their work, the inspection fees charged by the local electricity distributor may vary according to the ASp’s grade. Obtaining high scores during this audit, will reflect well when an ASp requests a re-grading.
How can NECA’s work health and safety (WHS) team assist you with Level 1 ASP accreditation?
NECA has mapped out the level 1 ASp audit and developed a program to help members obtain the maximum score during grading. The online platform is easy to access, and the NECA WHS team will be with you at each stage, from implementing the platform through to training and setting up alerts (for when things need to be done so you can maintain your system). The end result is a comprehensive ‘answer guide’, that you can use during your audit to ensure the highest scores.
if you would like more information about Safety EliTE or becoming an ASp Contractor, please get in touch with NECA Member Services on 1300 361 099.

Winner of NECA ACT Emerging Small Business 2021

As a proud Canberra-owned commercial electrical contracting business, Davis Hart Electrical Solutions dedicate their business to delivering the highest quality of services and installation for their customers. The award recognised their commitment to continuous improvement and establishment of a second-party accredited quality management system. Joint owners Chris Hart and Barry Davis shared their experiences of running an award-winning business.
What inspires you to go to work every day?
We have a wealth of industry and management experience within large electrical contracting companies. Together as a team, we are passionate about the industry and enjoy working closely with builders and clients to achieve successful project outcomes.
What has winning the Emerging New Small Business Award done for your business?
Winning the award has been great for us. Not only has it enabled us to gain more exposure in the market, the award allowed us to take a brief step back and review how far our business had grown over the past eighteen months. Winning such a big award says a big thank you to all our employees who, with their hard work and dedication to the profession, have contributed to the business’s success. it provided positive recognition for everyone involved.
How do you feel that your business differs from other small businesses?
Our business has strong and successful relationships with both our suppliers and clients within the ACT, and we believe that is because of the dedication of our team of highly skilled tradesmen. Clients and builders alike have always commended the efforts of our company, which has resulted in us becoming the single select or preferred contractors.

Employ an Australian Apprentice in the following certificate III trades in 2022

• Bricklaying / Blocklaying • Civil Construction – Various • Construction Waterproofing • Flooring Technology • Locksmithing • Painting & Decorating • Mobile Plant Technology • Plastering – Solid • Plastering – Wall & Ceiling Lining • Roof Plumbing • Stonemasonry
Financial Benefits for Employers 2022 INCENTIVES
The objective of providing incentives is to develop a more skilled workforce and to increase the employment and training opportunities for Australian Apprentices in the ACT. The ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority is providing funding for employers who employ a 1st year Apprentice in the listed trades during 2020.*
• 1st Year Apprentice in approved
ACT Contract of Training • Excludes existing workers • ASBA payments at 50% rate • Max per apprentice payable to employer: 50% after 3 mths 50% after 12 mths
*Applicable to First year Apprentices commencing with a new employer in the Building and Construction sector from 1st January–31st December 2022 under an ACT Contract of Training. a) Skill Shortage $6000 b) Women $4000 c) Indigenous $4000
#) Mature Age (in above a, b or c) $4000**
(25-44yrs of age at commencement date)
**Applicable to eligible skill shortage, women and indigenous in trades
For further information please call Michael Doyle—Industry Liaison Officer on 6262 5630 or email:
Disability support: upon application
What major project are you currently working on?
Currently, our biggest project is installing external red, green and blue (rGB) up-lights on several government buildings. These lights assist with brightening Canberra’s skyline and the colours can be changed in line with other government buildings to bring awareness to particular themes or issues.

What challenges has the business faced throughout the pandemic?
One of the biggest challenges has been to ensure that our employees were looked after and that we were able to work with each of our clients to create a COViD-safe work environment. Thankfully, our business has been able to grow significantly despite the challenges of COViD-19.
What advice would you give to other businesses who are starting up?
My first piece of advice is to develop and maintain good working relationships with your suppliers and wholesalers. Along with your hard work, they are an important part when it comes to ensuring you meet targets and deadlines for your clients. in addition to good working relationships, my second piece of advice is to employ skilled and hardworking people for your team.
Any last comments?
Throughout the years, NECA has always been helpful and supportive, with NECA’s safety systems and the Technical Knowledge Base playing an integral part in helping us to manage the safety side of our business.
For advice and support in legal, Hr & ir, technical, WHS, ppE & workwear, training and apprenticeships, or if you would like us to tell your business success story, get in touch with your NECA ACT Member Manager, Nataisha Martin.
As an Australian Apprenticeships
Support Network (AASN) provider,
we connect employers, apprentices and trainees to the right tools, resources and support to build the skilled workforce of tomorrow.