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Brett Carew
NECA NSW Member Manager
We are almost a quarter of the way through the year and there is already plenty to look forward to, but one thing that remains is our COViD-19 pandemic. NECA has remained focused and committed to providing you, our members, with the most accurate, up-to-date information to help you and your business through this time.
NSW cabinet reshuffle
Just before Christmas the NSW Government announced a cabinet reshuffle with many new ministers being appointed. This included new ministers such as Alister Henskens as the Minister for Skills and Training, Eleni petinos in Small Business and Fair Trading, and Matthew Kean remaining as the Minister for Energy, but also being appointed as the State Treasurer. NECA’s policy and Government relations Team has proactively reached out to all new ministers to introduce NECA, and to ensure the issues that affect our industry and members remain at the forefront of any government decisions or policy changes.
in April, we are excited to be hosting Minister Henskens’ visit to our head office in Chullora, where he can see first hand the great work our training centre does in training the next generation, as well as seeing the other training capabilities at this tremendous facility.
NECA 2022 industry nights
NECA is holding a series of industry Nights throughout May and June this year. Stay tuned for more details.
Now is the time to expand your mind and learn about the latest industry insights in NECA’s new weekly newsletter: The Future of the Electrical and Communications industry.
The newsletter delivers insights on exponential technologies transforming the field of the electrical and communications industry, including the latest in solar, smart homes and battery technology, robotics, renewable energy, automation and cyber security.
Scan the Qr code and subscribe to receive this free weekly newsletter, delivered to your inbox every Friday. Connect yourself to the future – subscribe now!
Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Scheme
The ASp Scheme is something that is close to NECA’s heart, as it is with so many members. This is why we are constantly advocating for a better, modern and user-friendly scheme.
in December 2021, The Department of planning, industry and Environment released its position paper as its next step in the revision of the ASp Scheme. This paper has recognised and proposed many of NECA’s suggested changes including:
½ improved response times to ASp accreditation applications; ½ expanding the scheme’s scope; ½ reviewing the training requirements against the types of ASp work; ½ increased requirements for new and renewed accreditation; ½ changes to level 3 ASp requirements, including allowance for the next generation to be trained on the job and grading of level 3 ASps; and ½ establishing an industry-led advisory body that can provide advice on real issues.
Submissions closed on Friday 25 February 2022.
NECA in the news
2022 promises to be a big year and we will be working tirelessly to ensure NECA is at the forefront of all media releases. Since December we have successfully published media content on a number of occasions covering matters such as: ½ Direct current (DC) isolator and inverter issues. Following the implementation of AS/NZS 4777, our members were faced with the distinct possibility of ceasing all rooftop solar installation work. NECA lobbied state and federal governments to ensure that changes allowed for a greater timeframe for inverter manufacturers to comply with the new requirements. ½ Continued COViD-19 updates to members.
As changes to state border restrictions, and other restrictions have eased, NECA has been actively updating our members. ½ Supporting the rollout of electric vehicles and lobbying for more support for their continued update and the installation of charging stations.
Nominations for the 2022 NECA Excellence and Apprentice Awards have opened!
We are very pleased to be running our Excellence and Apprentice Awards again, which will provide valuable industry recognition for members. This year a new section featuring small business awards has been introduced for businesses with fewer than 10 employees. There are three awards in this new section: Emerging Small Business, Small Contracting Business of the Year and Small Business project of the Year.
Nominations for all 2022 NECA Excellence Awards close on 18 May, and the awards night will be held Friday, 16 September.
For inspiration, flick through to the following page, and read about NECA member Joe Edginton of Energy Culture, who won last year’s Emerging Small Business Award.
Members whose businesses have been impacted by the Omicron wave, can apply for funding through the NSW Government’s 2022 Small Business Support funding program.
Eligible businesses with a turnover of between $75,000 and $50 million, that experienced a minimum 40% decline in turnover in January 2022 – and the first fortnight of February 2022 – can apply for support through this program.
Employing businesses will be eligible to receive 20% of weekly payroll as a lump sum for the month of February, with a minimum payment of $750 per week and a maximum payment of $5,000 per week. Non-employing businesses will receive $500 per week, paid as a lump sum of $2,000.
Visit www.business.gov.au for more information on how to apply.
Another support program to take advantage of, is the Government’s small business fees and charges rebate for sole traders and small businesses. This rebate also helps businesses recover from the impacts of COViD-19 and encourages growth by reducing the cost of running a business. Eligible businesses only need to apply for the rebate once, submitting multiple claims up to $2,000 in total. Visit service.nsw.gov.au for more information and to apply.
Private power pole construction and rules
Members have recently expressed concerns around the use of noncompliant construction materials and installation for private power poles in regional NSW. local contractors have been seen using inferior steel that is not compliant with standards. Additionally, rapid set concrete is being used by most contractors to install the poles.
This is one example of noncompliance taking place in an effort to reduce costs, which is making it very difficult for contractors who are code compliant to compete.
Are you following the correct procedures?
NECA’s weekly e-newsletter
Operating a business in the ongoing pandemic can be difficult, with official regulations and requirements constantly changing. NECA’s weekly e-newsletter provides valuable industry information and the latest updates in technical, industrial relations, legal, human resources, workplace health and safety and COViD-19 issues. They are a great way to keep yourself and your business abreast of any changes. if you are not receiving our weekly e-newsletter, scan the Qr code and fill out your details.
Are you looking for labour?
if you need additional workers, you can now advertise your requests in NECA’s weekly e-newsletter as part of our labour Exchange section. For details on how to submit a request, check our next e-newsletter.
Business support
The NECA team is here to provide you and your business with the support, expert advice and resources you need so your business can thrive. if you have any questions regarding NECA membership or require industry advice in general, please contact Member Services or myself. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep safe.
Winner of NECA NSW Emerging Small Business 2021 ENERGY CULTURE

What is the source of your inspiration?
After 20 plus years in the electrical trade, Energy Culture was developed in response to a customer who was looking for sustainability in the trades industry. My increased focus on more sustainability in both the electrical and solar industries, saw me rebrand the business just over six years ago. This enabled me to provide better support and training to my staff, and offer a better quality of products and services to not only my customers, but to the industry as a whole.
What are some of the challenges your business has faced?
We’ve had a few challenges recently, including keeping high levels of motivation in difficult times. lack of quality staff has been a big issue for the business. We also have the ongoing challenge of operating a quality-focused business in a heavily-regulated industry. “Our mission is to help create a world where the next generations can enjoy the same environment and planet as we have and where each of us is able to generate store, use and supply their own clean renewable energy.”
Can you tell us about your business highlights?
One of the turning points that has defined my business, has been knowing that by running a sustainable operation, in all aspects of environmental, financial and social, i am making a positive impact on the electrical and solar industries.
Winning the Sustainable Business of the Year Award from the Northern Beaches Council, was another highlight that recognised our active pursuit of sustainable practices. We were also nominated for both the Telstra Business Awards and the Green Globe Awards. NECA MEMBEr, JOE EDGiNTON OF ENErGY CUlTUrE, WAS rECENTlY AWArDED NECA NSW’S 2021 EXCEllENCE AWArD iN THE EMErGiNG NEW SMAll BUSiNESS CATEGOrY. WiTH A pASSiON FOr SUSTAiNABlE prACTiCES, JOE KNOWS THAT SUSTAiNABiliTY iS A BETTEr WAY FOr BUSiNESSES iN THE FUTUrE. iN THiS ArTiClE, WE TAlK TO JOE ABOUT WHAT DriVES HiS SMAll BUSiNESS SUCCESS.
Why did you nominate your business in the Emerging New Small Business category?
Ultimately, we want our business to be recognised nationally for our contribution to energy reduction, sustainable business practices and our commitment to educating and supporting Australian communities.
Being recognised and awarded by industry brings greater exposure to the work we do. Our unique point of difference should encourage other businesses within our industry to understand that sustainability is not only good for the environment, but is also good for business.
How do you think that your business differs from other small businesses?
Being in the industry for over 20 years, means that i have experienced the pitfalls of running my own business. Two of the most important things that i have learnt, is that receiving strong customer feedback and setting clearly defined plans, will ensure that you meet your business’s goals and objectives.
A significant issue in the industry is the quality of work that is being done. For
us, all our projects and installations are done with quality in mind and a focus on delivering a quality result every time.
For all our onsite queries, we use NECA Technical Knowledge Base (TKB) and the AS/NZS 3000 testing standard. We ensure that each worker understands how to read the regulations and record the outcomes in our management system. We put quality products above all things, even if it means taking a little longer to complete a job. Our customer satisfaction derives from the knowledge that the product is good for the lifetime of the material.
Tell us about a major project that you recently worked on?
We have partnered with a business over the past three and a half years, to help build ‘passive homes’ that are energy efficient and help reduce buildings’ ecological footprints. This has led us to working closely with suppliers to ensure they are offering the market leading solar products at market competitive prices, so we can then pass the savings on to our customers. The success factor in this project is that the building company shares the same values as our business, and has a strong focus on the environment, social impact and energy reductions.
What advice would you give to other businesses who are starting up?
Diversity is important in any business. if you are going to specialise in any one particular field, then find what gives you purpose and take the time to define what that means to you.
Also, safety is a big factor in our industry. We use NECA’s SAFETYGEN to implement workplace health and safety, ensure safe work practices and to keep us up to date with all the changes.
For advice and support in legal, Hr & ir, technical, WHS, ppE & workwear, training and apprenticeships, or if you would like us to tell your business success story, get in touch with your NECA NSW Member Manager, Brett Carew.