Caraga Today January-March 2018

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21|Q3 2017 Regional Economic Situationer 30|4th Quarter 2017 Regional Project Monitoring Report 7|Caraga Regional Development Council reports 2017 accomplishments

today caraga

January-March 2018 Vol. XXI, Issue 1

A Publication of the Caraga Regional Development Council


In brief:

Communication Plan of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022

caraga today Volume XXI Issue 1

January-March 2018

On this issue

HIGHLIGHT Communication Plan of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022 logo. The symbol represents the socio-ecological model that postulates that our behavior is affected and influenced by our environment, the enabling and hindering factors created by our society, and our own behavior and biology. The same model was used as the fundamental principle in crafting this Communication Plan. The circle at the middle represents the primary audience of this Communication Plan. Its bigger size symbolizes the fulfilment of the Regional Development Plan (RDP) outcomes and the long-term vision of having a “matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay.” Outside the bigger circle are circles representing the motivators and influencers of the primary audience – family, peers, and the community. At the fringes are circles symbolizing the government institutions. Its smaller size signifies that the distance between government and its people are narrowing. It likewise represents the long-term vision for the country of having a clean, efficient, and service-oriented Government. Lastly, the RDP outcomes cannot be fulfilled without unity among Caraganons. One Caraga will be this Communication Plan’s overall message.

NEWS journey continues: Duterte names 4 The Gov. Sol Matugas as Caraga Regional Development Council Chair


Caraga Regional Development Council reviews 2019 Regional Budget


Caraga Regional Development Council trains planners on land use planning


Caraga partakes in Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan formulation

Regional Development 6 Caraga Council, Regional Peace and Order Council converge

FEATURES 14 15 16

Caraga scales up indigenous peoples’ education 2018 National Women’s Month Celebration TRAIN chugs along: Understanding tax changes for better economic choices

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


Editor’s Note Melanie A. Maur

The year 2018 started with two new things: one is the appointment of the Regional Development Council Chairperson, Governor Sol Matugas of the Province of Surigao del Norte, while the other one is the implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law. Thus, in this issue, we highlight the recent appointment of Gov. Sol Matugas as the RDC Chairperson. President Rodrigo Duterte signed Governor Matugas’ appointment on February 20, 2018, signaling her 3rd term as the RDC Chairperson. We also feature the first package of the TRAIN Law or Republic Act 10963 as it took effect in January 1, 2018. The article gives you an overview of the effect of the tax reform to the public. At the centerfold, you will find the Communication Plan of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022. It primarily aims to ensure that the goals of the Caraga RDP are received, understood, and acted upon by the target audiences. As a support document to the RDP, the ComPlan follows the strategic framework of the RDP. One Caraga serves as the ComPlan’s overall message. This issue likewise presents the celebration of the 2018 National Women’s Month in March. The RDC-Gender and Development Committee (RGADC) leads the celebration

with the theme, “We Make Change Work for Women,” which emphasizes on enabling women to become active contributors to and holders of development. Feature articles on scaling up indigenous peoples’ education as well as activities in the celebration of the 45th founding anniversary of NEDA are also included. You also get a glimpse of the 2017 Regional Economic Situationer and the Regional Project Monitoring updates. Further, the Budget Review for FY 2019 is presented with an outline of consultations leading to the endorsement of the RDC. Finally, we elaborate the achievements of the Caraga Regional Development Council and its Sectoral Committees for the year 2017.

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The journey continues: Duterte names Gov. Sol Matugas as Caraga Regional Development Council Chair by Hazel Fuentes, NEDA-Caraga

Pres. Rodrigo Duterte has recently appointed Surigao del Norte Governor Sol Matugas as the Caraga Regional Development Council (RDC) Chairperson on February 20, 2018. The appointment of Gov. Matugas signals her 3rd consecutive term as RDC Chairperson. She previously served as RDC Chairperson from 2011-2013 and 2014-2016. The governor will serve a term, which is coterminous to her regular term as local elective official. During her terms, the “One Caraga: One Vision, One Mission” theme was adopted to promote convergence in the region. She emphasized that progress in the region is forged by unity and a collective journey towards building resilient communities. Caraga Region achieved economic gains by pushing for reforms and shaping strong alliance with Congressional Representatives and Department Secretaries to ensure that Caraga’s development thrusts are included in the nation’s priorities. She believes that while achieving the RDC’s ultimate goal of providing high quality of

life to Caraganons is still a long way, but with the RDC members’ dedication and commitment, this will soon be within reach through the vision of One Caraga: One Vision, One Mission. With this new mandate, Matugas will continue the journey towards bringing greater development in Caraga. Under her leadership, the Caraga RDC will pursue policies that will steer the region towards becoming the Fishery, AgroForestry, mineral, Eco-Tourism (FAmE) Center of the country. The RDC will continue to discuss regional issues and address these to improve the lives of the Caraganons particularly the poor and the marginalized. The RDC is the highest planning and policy-making body in the region and serves as the counterpart of the NEDA Board. It is composed of representatives from LGUs, regional line agencies, and private sector representatives.

Gov. Sol Matugas, the newly appointed RDC Chairperson for the period 2017-2019. Photo by: Sherwin Verdun, NEDA Caraga

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Issue 1


Caraga Regional Development Council reviews 2019 Regional Budget by Mirasol P. Montenegro, NEDA-Caraga

Regional Development Council is tasked to review and endorse to the national government the annual budgets of agency regional offices (AROs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and special development authorities pursuant to Executive Order No. 325, Series of 1996. The review aims to ensure alignment and harmonization of the programs, projects, and activities of national government agencies (NGAs) and local government units for greater impact at the grassroots level. It also aims to broaden the participation of civil society organizations and other stakeholders in the budget preparation process to promote transparency in the delivery of government’s key public services. The National Budget Memorandum (NBM) No. 129 dated 03 January 2018 recognizes the critical role of the Regional Development Councils (RDCs) in the FY 2019 national budget preparation. Parallel to NBM 129, the Caraga RDC issued the FY Regional Budget Call for FY 2019 to ensure that the budget proposals of agency regional offices (AROs), state universities and colleges (SUCs) and other government instrumentalities consider the development thrusts and priorities of the region. In addition to the existing regional budget criteria, the

FY2019 budget call has added one priority criterion which is the need to allocate budget for PPAs that support the implementation of the Caraga Roadmap for Peace. The Caraga RDC commenced the budget review process for FY 2019 by conducting a Budget Forum on 26 January 2018 in Butuan City. The said activity was designed to orient the planning and budget officers of government agencies on the regional budget guidelines and

processes. The CSO consultation followed on 07 February 2018, where the AROs gathered substantial inputs from the CSOs and private sector. These inputs were considered in the revised proposal which shall be presented to the RDC for endorsement. The RDC scheduled a series of activities relating to the regional budget review process for FY 2019 that is consistent with the prescribed timelines of NBM 129.



Regional Budget Forum Civil Society Organization (CSO) Consultation RDC Sectoral Committee Budget Review Economic Development Committee Social Development Committee Infrastructure Development Committee Development Administration Committee RDC Full Council Budget Consultation RDC-Advisory Committee Budget Consultation RDC Consultation/Dialogue with Selected ACOs

26 January 2018 07 February 2018

14 February 2018 15 February 2018 19 February 2018 20 February 2018 02 March 2018 08 March 2018 April 2018

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The Regional Development Council (RDC) and the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) conducted its first meeting on December 14, 2017 at LMX Center, Butuan City. Agusan del Norte Governor Angelica Rosedell Amante-Matba and Acting RDC Chairperson Mylah Faye Aurora Cariño chaired the joint meeting to discuss issues concerning the socioeconomic development and peace and order situation in Caraga. Undersecretary Anneli Lontoc of the Department of Transportation served as the guest of honor. She presented the flagship programs of DOTr in Caraga Region and Mindanao, which include the status of CY 2016 to CY 2017 Airport, Sea Port and road projects. For Caraga Region, these projects include the P205.52 million upgrading of Siargao Airport and additional P393.5 million for CY 2018 for the upgrading of Surigao, Bislig and Butuan Airports. USec. Lontoc also presented updates on the construction of the Mindanao Railway project, which will commence in the third quarter of 2018. She further said that the DOTr is accelerating the implementation of the project which is hoped to be completed by the end of the Duterte administration. Meanwhile, RD Cariño presented the potential investments in the Region affected by peace and security related concerns as well as the issues on land administration and conflicting tenures. Director

Caraga Regional Development Council, Regional Peace and Order Council converge by Paul Edward B. Castillo and Melanie Maur, NEDA-Caraga

Cariño cited that some potential investments did not materialize due to peace and security related concerns in the region. Across Caraga, the foregone investments include the $800 million tree plantation-based pulp mill for Eastern Mindanao, the P1.2 billion oil palm production that has relocated in Palawan, the P360 million AGUMIL expansion project, and the P20million Banana Industry Cluster DOLEStanfilco 400-hectare plantation. Also, some government projects such as DILG’s PAMANA and DENR’s biodiversity and critical habitat monitoring were suspended due to the presence of insurgents.

The presentation on the Peace and Development Zones (PDZs) from the DILG highlighted the government’s initiatives in addressing conflict in various areas of the region. DILG Provincial Director Charissa Guerta stressed that PDZs are area-specific, and is a strategic approach for conflict resolution, management and transformation, thereby contributing to the attainment of the desired results for peace and development.

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


Caraga Regional Development Council reports 2017 accomplishments by Michelle dela Calzada and Paul Edward Castillo, NEDA-Caraga

accompanying documents, Caraga Results Matrices 2017-2022 and Caraga Regional Development Investment Program 2017-2022. Further, Caraga RDC and RPOC have met for the very first time for the Joint RDC-RPOC Full Council Meeting to discuss pressing issues on peace and order, and identify possible development directions for the region.

The year 2017 marks a historic year of Caraga Regional Development Council (RDC) as it continues to steer the development of the region by conducting strategic activities, adopting policy directions and operationalizing the Development Plan of the new administration. The Caraga RDC conducted four Full Council meetings, 1 reorganizational meeting and passed 95 resolutions. During these meetings, the Council endorsed a total of 17 programs/ projects were endorsed by the Council to the appropriate agencies/funding institutions, and supported 16 policy reforms/ proposals. During the 90th RDC Meeting on March 2, 2017, the Council endorsed the Fiscal Year 2018 proposed budgets of 29 regional

line agencies (RLAs) and 4 state universities and colleges (SUCs) amounting to Php 126.6 billion. The proposed budgets underwent a rigorous process of consultation with different stakeholders including civil society organizations (CSOs) and the sectoral committees before securing the endorsement of the RDC. A meeting with the Congressional Representatives in Caraga Region was also held where selected regional line agencies presented their RDCendorsed FY 2018 proposed budgets to ensure alignment of priorities between the RDC and the Congresspersons. Among the highlights of its accomplishments in 2017 are the launching of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022 and the finalization of its

2nd round of Provincial Consultations The Caraga RDC conducted the second round of provincial and city consultations last January 2326, 2017 to solicit additional inputs for the enhancement of the draft Caraga Regional Development Plan (CRDP) 20172022. The members of the Provincial and City Development Councils (P/CDCs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) actively participated in these public consultations throughout the provinces and cities in Caraga Region. Regional and Provincial Launching of Caraga RDP 2017-2022 The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) launched the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 20172022 and unveiled its regional counterpart, the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022 on

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RDC in Action...

Photo taken during Joint RDC Executive Committee and Regional Peace and Order Council Meeting held on June 2, 2017. The RDC Regional Gender and Development Committee (RGADC) conducts general assembly, and leads in the celebration of 2017 National Women’s Month

A Dialogue between the RDC members and PEZA represented by DG Plaza was held last June 23, 2017, where LGUs and selected regional line agencies attended.

Taken during meetings of the Regional Land Use Committee (RLUC)

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

August 1, 2017 at the LMX Convention Center in Butuan City. NEDA Undersecretary for Regional Development Adoracion Navarro served as the keynote speaker and unveiled the said plans during the launch. To complement the launching and unveiling activities in Butuan City, the RDC also launched The PDP and Caraga RDP 2017-2022 in the Province of Dinagat Islands on July 19. Representatives from the local government units, private sector, and civil society organizations actively participated in the event. Also, the RDC sectoral committees namely, RDCDevelopment Administration Committee, Economic Development Committee, Infrastructure Development Committee and Social Development Committee conducted its quarterly meetings. The Regional Project Monitoring Committee (RPMC) conducted four meetings, four technical working group (TWG) meetings and four monitoring activities. It has also conducted


capability building activities on Monitoring and Evaluation and Geotagging. With its regular and monitoring visits, the Committee was able to prepare four monitoring reports. During the 4th quarter of 2017, the Caraga RPMC, through its monitoring teams, inspected 32 infrastructure projects. The Gender and Development Coordinating Committee (GADCC) continues to take the lead in implementing gender and development initiatives. During the Women’s Month Celebration, the RDC-GADCC conducted a Press Conference, Roll-out of the Gender Ombud Guidelines, Kalandrakas Year XIII, Counseling, medical mission and Mid-term Pre-planning Workshop. The region’s call to end violence was also highlighted with the conduct of the 18 day campaign to end violence against women and children where various activities were conducted. Meanwhile the Regional Land Use Committee (RLUC) conducted two meetings, two technical working group

meetings, passed two milestone resolutions namely, Resolution No. 13, S. 2017, “Requesting President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to Declare the Proposed Land Administration Reform Act as an Urgent Legislative Measure” and Resolution No. 21, S. 2017, “Endorsing the Passage of House Bill No. 5948 and Senate Bill No. 2179 Seeking to Establish the National Greenbelt Program and Provide Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes.”

Released four issues of Caraga Today, the official RDC Magazine

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Major Publications for 2017

The Caraga RDC passed Resolution No. 08 series of 2017, “Approving and Adopting the Regional Development Plan 2017-2022” on March 2, 2017.

The Caraga RDC passed Resolution No. 09 series of 2017, “Endorsing the 2019 Annual Investment Program”.

Communication Plan of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2017-2022 Approved thru Joint RDC-RPOC Resolution No. 09-A, S. 2017

Results Matrices for the Caraga Regional Development Plan 20172022 Approved and Adopted thru RDC Resolution No. 10-A, S. 2017

Finalization of the Caraga Research Agenda Approved and Adopted thru RDC Resolution No. 18, S. 2017

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


2017 RDC Resolutions Passed Development Administration Committee

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Endorsing the Proposed Budgets of Regional Line Agencies Under the Development Administration Committee for FY 2018 Confirming Atty. Jerefe D. Tubigon-Bacang as RDC GADC Chairperson; Dr. Herwin Y. Villamor as PSR for Surigao Del Sur; and RD May B. Eclar as RDC SDC Chairperson Approving and Adopting the Regional Development Plan 2017-2022” Approving the 2017 RDC Work and Financial Plan Encouraging LGUs to Implement a Program Similar to that of the Substance Use Recovery and Enlightenment (SURE) Program of the Province of Agusan Del Sur Creating the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Committee under the Regional Development Council

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Approving and Adopting the Flood and Earthquake Rehabilitation and Recovery Strategic Plan Approving the Special Non-Voting Membership of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority to the Caraga RDC Endorsing to the Department of National Defense the Construction of the Proposed Camp of the Philippine Army in Dayoan, Tago, Surigao del Sur for Inclusion in Its 2019 Budget Enjoining the Local Government Units to Comply with the Mandatory Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Local Legislative Councils and Special Bodies Especially Those that have been Issued Certificate of Affirmation by NCIP and Certificate of Recognition by DILG Supporting the Conduct of the Search for the Most Gender Responsive LGU

Infrastructure Development Committee    

Endorsing the Proposed Budgets of Regional Line Agencies Under the Infrastructure Development Committee for FY 2018 Approving and Adopting the Results Matrix for the RDP 2017-2022 Subject to the Completion of the Other Targets Endorsing the Proposed Tago River Pump Irrigation Project Endorsing to the DPWH and OCD the Proposed Rehabilitation Projects of the Surigao City College of Technology Due to the Damage Caused by the 6.7 Magnitude Earthquak Endorsing the Proposed Projects of the Caraga Region under the Convergence Program under the Roads Leveraging Linkages of Industry and Trade (ROLL-IT) Endorsing the Proposed Rehabilitation Projects of DPWH and NIA Regional Offices XIII on Infrastructures Damaged by the 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake in Surigao City and Surigao del Norte, TD Auring and the Tail-End of the Cold Front Endorsing the Construction of Cut-off Channel at Masao River, Butuan City with Dredging/Desilting at Masao Rivermouth

Supporting the Proposed Inclusion of Functional Local Project Monitoring Committee as a SubIndicator of the DILG’s Seal of Good Local Governance Requesting President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to allow the Commencement of the Second Phase of the Mindanao Railway Project simultaneously with the First Phase Endorsing the Road Construction/Concreting of the Remaining 10.49 km of Libjo Coastal Road Access to Dinagat Islands (PAMOQS) Roads and Bridges Project, Municipality of Libjo, Province of Dinagat Islands Endorsing the Remaining Unfunded Strategic Roads and Infrastructure Investments (SRIIs) for Government or External Funding of the Province of Dinagat Islands Requesting the NDRRMC and DoTr to Allocate Funds for the Rehabilitation of the Surigao City Airport in 2018

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Economic Development Committee

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Endorsing the Proposed Budgets of Regional Line Agencies Under the Economic Development Committee for FY 2018 Approving and Adopting the Regional Development Investment Program 2017-2022 Requesting the PSA to Conduct Barangay Agriculture Profile Survey (BAPS) and Hotels, Restaurants and other Institutions (HRIs) Survey for FY 2016 Endorsing and Supporting the Mindanao KAKAO KONEK 2017 Commending the DTI as the Lead Agency for Industry Diversification in the Region Endorsing the Passage of House Bill No. 5948 and Senate Bill No. 2179 Seeking to Establish the National Greenbelt Program and Provide Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes Supporting the Caraga Business Conference 2017 and CARAT Expo 2017 Reiterating the Request to DBM for the Creation of Additional Plantilla Positions for DOLE Caraga Supporting the Caraga Solid Waste Management Conference scheduled in March 2018 in Siargao Island Enjoining the Regional Line Agencies (RLAs) and Local Government Unites (LGUs) to Patronize DOTAccredited Tourism Related Establishments in the

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Conduct of their Activities Enjoining Local Government Units to make the DOTAccreditation a Requisite in the Issuance and/or Renewal of Business Permits for Primary TourismRelated Establishments Endorsing the Rural Agro-Enterprise Partnership and Inclusive Development (RAPID) Growth Project Requesting the DENR to decentralize the Processing of Wood Processing Plants Permits and to Implement Measures to Accelerate the Growth of the Wood Industry in Caraga Region Reconstituting the RDC - Committee for Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises (CODE SME) Adopting the Creative Industry Cluster Endorsing the Proposed Clustered Laboratory in Mindanao of EMB Caraga Endorsing the Major Infrastructure and Economic Projects of Butuan City and the Province of Agusan del Norte Endorsing the 2019 Annual Investment Program Approving the Regional Guidelines for the Preparation of the FY 2019 Agency Budget Proposal Requesting President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to Declare the Proposed Land Administration Reform Act as an Urgent Legislative Measure

Social Development Committee

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 Endorsing the Proposed Budgets of Regional Line Agencies Under the Social Development Committee for FY 2018  Approving the Regional and Provincial/ City Launching of the RDP 2017-2022 Endorsing the Establishment of Mathematics and Statistics Computing and Research Center (MSCRC) Endorsing Establishment and Operationalization of Center for Robotics, Automation, and Fabrication Technologies (CRAFT) Approving and Adopting the Caraga Research Agenda Endorsing House Bill No. 4689, “An Act Mandating the Creation of a Local Population Development Office in all Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities and Prescribing its Duties and Functions” Endorsing House Bill No. 4742 “An Act Providing for a National Policy in Preventing Teenage Pregnancies,

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Institutionalizing Social Protection for Teenage Parents, and Providing Funds Therefore” Adopting the 2016 Regional Development Report Approving the Formulation of Communication Plan of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 20172022 Supporting the 28th National Statistics Month Celebration Endorsing the Caraga Regional Technical Education and Skills Development Plan 2017-2022 Reiterating RDC’s Request for the Establishment of HLURB Office in Caraga Region Requesting the Home Development Mutual Fund to Decentralize the Processing of Housing Loan Applications Approving the Communication Plan of the Caraga RDP 2017-2022 Requesting the DepEd to Integrate Peace and Development Concepts and Conflict Sensitivity in the Basic Education Curriculum

Vol. XX XXIIssue 1 Issue 1


Caraga Regional Development Council trains planners on land use planning by Gemeniano Crisante, Jr. NEDA-Caraga

Participants together with the resource person, Dr. Elmer Mercado, former Undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and a Licensed Environmental Plannning Professional (EnP).

NEDA Caraga kicked off its 2018 capacity building initiatives for LGU planning and development coordinators in the region by holding a “Lecture-Orientation Workshop on Land Use and Spatial Planning Principles/ Practices for Local Planners” last January 16-18, 2018. Seventythree LGU planners and 29 NEDA technical staff learned from Dr. Elmer S. Mercado, former Undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and environmental planning expert. NEDA organized the training to help build the capacities of local government planners in Caraga Region. The effort is in

line with NEDA Caraga’s aim to improve the City/Municipal/ Provincial Planning and Development Coordinators’ understanding of and technical knowledge in formulating land use plans and its integration to the new Regional Spatial Development Framework (RSDF) for 2015-2045. This training was also intended to further capacitate NEDA staff as it gears up for the preparation of the RSDF for 2015 -2045. Dr. Mercado discussed the following topics through a combination of lectures and group -based workshops: Key principles, concepts, and methodologies in Land Use and

Spatial Planning; Incorporation of integrated ecosystem management (IEM) planning framework into the local land use and spatial planning activities; Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Change Adapatation (DRR-CCA) into the local land use and spatial planning framework; Sustainable land use planning; and Context and issues in public land management in the Philippines, including a review on the relevant Philippine laws. To process the concepts they learned in the training, groups were then asked in turn to present the application of land use and spatial planning concepts into their specific provincial contexts, as well as issues and challenges encountered using the framework on elements of land use planning shared by Dr. Mercado. Awards were given to participants during their graduation ceremonies to also encourage attitudes and behaviors worth emulating for all future NEDA-initiated trainings. The Land Use and Spatial Planning Training is the first of several capacity building activities that NEDA Caraga has lined up for provincial, city, and municipal planners for 2018.

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The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga held a Hand-over Ceremony for two units of 2-classroom school building implemented under Classroom Construction for Lumads (CCL) modality last October 3, 2017. The recipient of the school buildings was DOP Balit IP School (IPA), a public elementary school located in barangay Balit, San Luis, Agusan del Sur. The buildings were constructed through Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (Kalahi-CIDSS) program. This is the government’s strategy to provide basic education services to the indigenous communities in geographically-remote areas. During the ceremony, DOP Balit IP students presented an oration pieced entitled, “Si Palamboan ug si Palagsulat” that narrates the tale of two brothers who took separate journeys toward culture preservation and civilization. They were clothed in vibrant hues of blue, red, and yellow which represented the rich

Caraga scales up indigenous peoples’ education by Joana Rica P. Millama and Marko Davey D. Reyes, DSWD-Caraga

colors of the lumad community. The oration concluded with a strong message of unity, “Kitang tanan, Lumad man o Bisaya, giumol sa usa lang ka kaliwatan.” Barangay Balit is home to Banwaon tribe, a group that remains faithful to its inherited customs, traditions, and beliefs despite modernization. This is evident in its 40-year old indigenous people (IP) school where culture-based education is firmly preserved. This school was established to equip tribe members with knowledge to protect their community and their customs. In an interview, DOP Balit IP School Head Rene Dator said “Nagsugod ang pagpatukod sa usa ka-tulunghaan alang sa mga kaigsuonan natong Banwaon niadtong tuig 1977. Tungod sa taas nato nga respeto sa Lumadnon nga tradisyon, atong

giapil ang Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices (IKSP) sa ilang panulun-an sa Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) aron magpadayon lang gihapon ang ilang kulturang sumbanan.” (The construction of one school intended for our Banwaon brothers started in 1977. Because we have high respect for their inherited tradition, we included the Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices as part of the EPP subject to protect their distinct way of life and raise awareness on its importance). This project is one of the 94 classroom construction projects that will be implemented in the entire region. These culturesensitive schools are perceived as stepping stones for the Lumad groups towards poverty alleviation as this will give them access to quality education.

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Issue 1


THEME The National Women’s Month Celebration theme “We Make Change Work for Women” highlights the empowerment of women as active contributors to and claimholders of development. This pursuit of development is also anchored on the commitment of “Malasakit at Pagbabago” or True Compassion and Real Change. ELEMENTS OF THE THEME • We stands for Women’ Empowerment – empowering women enables them to confidently and meaningfully engage with appropriate institutions to ensure that they contribute to and benefit from development and changes. Thus, women’s empowerment will make the change that we are espousing or any development effort responsive of women’s concerns. • Make Change Work = MCW = Magna Carta of Women – making change work for women necessitates strengthening the implementation of the MCW at all levels. It means putting in place functional mechanisms as well as implementing and making known to citizens, programs and services that address strategic gender needs of women. • Change – also means Compassionate and Harmonized Actions and Networks for Gender Equality. • We / us or “kami / tayo” in Filipino – who is going to pave the way for an enabling environment for women to be empowered? Who is going to ensure that the MCW is implemented at all levels? Who is going to make change work for women? It all of us, in our various capacities whether as government officials and employees, members of the private sector, the academe, non-government organizations, or as private individuals can be partners for a change that is genderresponsive. It emphasizes our collective effort, collaboration and participation to ensure that women will not be left behind in the pursuit of change. OBJECTIVES This year’s celebration aims to:  inform and engage women as stakeholders of government programs and services – to promote citizen-centric governance and make “change” a conscious effort to know, understand, and provide what ALL citizens need;  create and facilitate platforms to discuss good practices, gaps, challenges , and commitments in pursuing gender and development (GAD) – to strengthen implementation of the Magna Carta of Women; and  inspire and empower women and girls to be agents of change – to contribute in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women.

Schedule of Activities March 1, 2018 Advocacy Walk Kick-off Activity/One Billion Rising Venue: Guingona Park, Butuan City March 8, 2018 2018 Women’s Summit Launching of Search for Caraga’s Most Gender Responsive LGU Venue: LMX Convention Center, Libertad, Butuan City March 21-24, 2018 Outreach Program Venue: Brgy. Babuyan, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur April 6, 2018 Culmination Activity Venue: Agusan del Norte Covered Court , Butuan City

Reference: Philippine Commission on Women

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TRAIN chugs along: Understanding tax changes for better economic choices by Hazel Fuentes, NEDA-Caraga

The new tax system known as Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law or RA 10963 took effect on January 1, 2018. The goal of the TRAIN law is to create a simpler, fair, and more efficient system. It aims to achieve the following: Generate revenue to fund a multi-billion dollar infrastructure program key to the government's economic agenda; Rural and Urban Infrastructure Concretize:14,168km of national roads and 30,209km of local gravel roads Provide: Road access to 7,834 isolated barangays and 23,293sitios Irrigate: 1.3million hectares of land

Fund investments in education, achieving a more conducive learning environment with the ideal

teacher-to-student ratio and classroom-to-student ratio;

100% Enrollment and Completion rates

Build 113,553 Classrooms

Hire 181,980 teachers

Invest more in the country’s healthcare by providing better services and facilities; and

Upgrade 704 local hospitals Establish 25 local hospitals

100% Philhealth coverage with better services

Upgrade 263 rural and urban health units to disasterresilient facilities

Hire 176,922 more health professionals: 4, 824 doctors; 104,629 nurses; 16,300 midwives; 51,169 dentists; pharmacists; medical technologists; and public health associates

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


Personal income tax (PIT) rates fall Old System Earning Php 10,000 and below annually is taxed at 5% while those earning above Php 500,000 is subject to 32% tax

TRAIN Law Increased tax exemption for those individuals who earn up to Php250,000 annually while those earning above Php 8 million will be subject to 35% tax

Bonus exemptions The exemption of bonuses below P82,000 are retained. These bonuses include 13 th month pay and other benefits such as productivity incentives and Christmas bonuses.

Lowered estate tax and donor tax Old System Progressive rate starting 5% Exemption of Family home valued at Php1million

TRAIN Law A flat rate of 6% Family Home valued up to Php10 million are exempted from estate tax

Estate tax was lowered from 5-32% down to a flat rate of 6%. The donor’s tax was also lowered to a rate of 6% from a tax that went up to 15% if the donor and the donee are related and 30% if they’re not.

The following are the relevant areas where the impact will most likely be felt: personal income tax rates, excise tax and the prices hike of commodities. Under the TRAIN law, personal income tax rates are lowered. The new tax threshold is the amount above P250,000. Filipinos with a taxable annual income of P250,000 and below no longer need to pay any income tax. For individuals who earn more than P250,000 annually, they are taxed in excess of P250,000. Filipinos earning above P8 million bear the impact of 35% personal income tax, higher than the preceeding 30%. In Caraga, approximately 48% of the total workers 15 years old and above (non-agricultural) take home more of their income for personal expenditures than what

the old tax system enacted. According to the DOF, the new tax system is “designated to shift the tax burden from the lower 99 percent of the community to the wealthiest 1 percent.” Personal income tax rates are now lowered while target revenues will be recouped by higher excise tax on fuel, cars, mining, among others. Excise tax is imposed on products that have negative effect on health or environment. It is also imposed on non-essentials and luxury items. TRAIN increases the excise tax for sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). The products covered by the SSB excise tax are sweetened juice drinks, sweetened tea, carbonated beverages with added sugar,

flavored water, energy drinks, sports drinks, powdered drinks not classified as milk, and other beverages that contain added sugar. Exempted from the excise tax are 3-in-1 coffee, milk and 100% natural juice drinks. World Health Organization called the excise tax on SSBs as a “great step forward in protecting the health of Filipinos”. According to the DOF, imposing tax on SSBs is meant to encourage Filipinos to consume healthier products and raise awareness on the negative effects of SSBs on one’s overall health.

see page 34

In brief: Communi Caraga Regional Develo 2040: Long-term Vision

Matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay

2022: Caraga’s Goal

Fishery, agro-forestry, mineral, and eco-tourism (FAmE) center of the country

“Malasakit”: Enhancing the social fabric

“Pagbabago”: Inequality-

The aim is to regain peoples’ trust in public institutions and cultivate trust in fellow Filipinos. This entails making public institutions citizen-centered, efficient, and clean. Administration of justice will be swift and fair and Filipinos will have increased awareness of, and will learn to value, the country’s cultural diversity and shared heritage.

By expanding economic opportunities particularly of economic groups that u ground. A key strategy is fostering l service sectors. This will be coupled with redu communities by strengthening social protection

Credible, efficient, and citizencentered governance achieved

Caraganons are vigilant and engaged in people-centered, clean and efficient governance

Robust growth in agriculture, forestry and fishery

Swift and fair administration of justice ensured

Caraganons have high confidence in the swift and fair administration of justice

Local culture and values promoted

Caraganons respect, observe, promote and preserve local culture and values

Caraganons practice excellence in agriculture, forestry and fishery

Implement strategic Globally competitive, safe and healthy individuals

Ensure peace and security

Robust growth through strategic infrastructure

Caraganons respect, observe, promote and preserve local

Caraganons feel safe and protected Caraganons engage in sustainable socio-economic

ication Plan of the opment Plan 2017-2022 Filipinos live a simple and comfortable life

2040: Overarching Communication Objective

Caraganons proactively engaged in sustainable agriculture, fishery, forestry, mineral, and ecotourism activities

2022: Regional Communication Objective

-reducing transformation

“Patuloy na pag-unlad�: Increasing growth potential

s and increasing access to these opportunities, used to lag behind, growth will be felt on the linkages in agriculture and the industry and ucing vulnerability and ensuring resiliency of n and prioritizing human capital development.

It is imperative that economic growth is accelerated and sustained. Major strategies include advancing to a knowledge economy and accelerating the full harvest of the demographic dividend. Technology adoption will be promoted and innovation encouraged. There will also be aggressive efforts to ensure that families will be of the size that can be adequately cared for.

Sustained growth in industry and services

Caraganons engage in sustainable industry and

Technology adoption promoted and accelerated; Innovation stimulated

Caraganons live in a science, technology and innovation (STI) enabled society

trade and fiscal policy, maintain macroeconomic stability, promote competition Globally competitive, safe and healthy individuals

Empowered Caraganons live resilient lives

Growth through maximized demographic dividend achieved

Globally competitive, safe and healthy individuals

Caraganons live in safe and secure communities

Ecological integrity, clean and healthy environment ensured

Caraganons and institutions are practicing environmental protection and conservation

Caraganons enjoy well-planned and healthy families, and globally-competitive education

caraga today


Caraga partakes in Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan formulation by Marx Rev Buenavidez, NEDA-Caraga

Caraga participated in the formulation of the Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan (PWSSMP) during the Regional Workshop and Stakeholders Consultation from January 23 to 25, 2017 at Watergate Hotel, Butuan City. The PWSSMP aims to gather information, discuss issues and concerns on the present water supply and sanitation situation, and generate policies and strategies from all over the country. As contained in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, the Philippine government targets to increase the proportion of households with access to safe water supply and basic sanitation to 95.16% and 97.46%, respectively. Thus, the PWSSMP is critical as it provides the action plan and corresponding investment mechanism to implement the water supply and sanitation programs and projects. Moreover, the master plan will also contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG No. 6 states that by 2030, there shall be universal and equitable access to safe and affordable water and universal access to adequate and equitable sanitation. During the workshop, NEDA Caraga Regional Director Mylah Faye Aurora Cariùo stressed the

importance of coming up with a counterpart regional master plan. She pointed out that the increasing population, expanding services and industry sector, and the continuing rise of the tourism industry would further put pressure on the water supply and sanitation services of the region. Thus, to sustain the growth momentum of these sectors, water and sanitation projects should be in place. RD CariĂąo also emphasized the important role of national government in providing timely support at the ground level especially in providing assistance in generating feasibility studies for infrastructure projects. The three-day assessment and planning workshop was facilitated by a joint venture of three consultancy firms, namely: Engineering and Development Corporation of the Philippines, Tractebel Engie, and Orient Integrated Development

Consultants, Inc. The joint venture was led by Engr. Noel M. Ortigas who commended the participants for their substantial inputs. More than 50 participants attended the activity representing various line agencies, such as NEDA Regional and Central Offices, Department of Budget and Management, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Health, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Public Welfare and Highways, Environmental Management Bureau and National Irrigation Authority, the local government units, the water districts, and nongovernment organizations.

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


Q3 2017 Regional Economic Situationer Inflation rate maintains 3.0 2.5

2.7 2.3

2.2 2.2


Macroeconomic Performance


2.2 2.2




Inflation and Consumer Price Index Caraga region’s inflation rate registered an average of 2.2 percent in the 3rd quarter of 2017. This is the same rate recorded in 2016 for the same period. Agusan del Norte registered a steep climb of 133.33 percent to reach an inflation of 2.57 percent in 2017. Agusan del Sur followed with 2.40 percent inflation rate. Surigao del Norte and Surigao del Sur experienced a drop of 35.96 and 20.97 percent, respectively. In the 3rd quarter of 2017, Caraga’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) averaged at Php166.60. This is 2.17 percent higher than the CPI of the same period last year. Among the provinces, Surigao del Sur posted the highest average CPI of PhP187.87 followed by Agusan del Sur (PhP162.03), Agusan del Norte (PhP156.13), and Surigao del Norte (PhP153.93). Consequently, the purchasing Power of Peso in the region weakened by 1.64 percent with an average of only 0.60 in the third quarter of 2017 compared to 0.61 in 2016.

0.5 0.0 July

August 3Q 2016



3Q 2017

Purchasing power of peso decreases 0.62 0.61














0.60 0.60

3Q 2016

3Q 2017

Consumer price index increases 168.00 166.50










166.00 164.00 162.00



3Q 2016


3Q 2017

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

caraga today


Employment rate increases Key Labor Statistics, Caraga Labor Force (in thousands) Labor Force Participation Rate Employment Rate Unemployment Rate Underemployment Rate

Labor and Employment The region’s labor force increased by 2.49 percent from 1.806 million in July 2016 to 1.851 million in July 2017. On the contrary, labor force participation rate declined by 0.96 percentage points from 62.3 percent in July 2016 to 61.70 percent in 2017. Employment rate grew by 0.84 percent which resulted in a decrease by 21.67 percent in the unemployment rate of the region. Underemployment rate increased from 26.20 percent to 27.10 percent. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Palay During the third quarter of 2017, palay production posted a growth of 36.86 percent, from 27,574 metric tons (MT) in the third quarter of 2016 to 37,739 MT in the third quarter of 2017. The improvement in production is attributed to the increase in area planted from a total of 4,460 hectares in 2016 to 4,860 hectares in 2017. Irrigated and rainfed farms increased by 11.21 percent and 272.30 percent, respectively. Surigao del Sur recorded as the biggest producer of palay contributing 42.45 percent of the

3Q 2016

3Q 2017

Percent Change






















overall output for 2017. Agusan del Sur followed with 23.30 percent contribution and an increase of 96.69 percent. Surigao del Norte contributed 20.39 percent with 82.71 percent increase in production. Agusan del Norte and Province of Dinagat Islands trailed with 11.13 and 2.84 percent shares, respectively. Corn Total corn production of 49,636 MT in the third quarter of 2017 posted an increase of 38.64 percent compared to last year’s output of 35,803 MT. The growth is attributed to the increase in area planted. Area planted reached 14,566 hectares during the third quarter of 2017 compared to 11,283 hectares of the same period last year. The province of Agusan del Sur is the top corn producer of the region for the quarter, with 76.40 percent contribution to the total corn production. Its production increased by 48.13 percent. Agusan del Norte increased by 30.99 percent and contributed approximately 13.65 percent to the region’s total output. However, Surigao del Sur and Surigao del Norte which contributed 9.10 and 0.63 percent

Source: PSA

share to total output, dropped by 19.50 and 8.44 percent, respectively. Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority indicates that area planted with white corn which accounted for 55.86 percent of the total area also increased by 19.72 percent. From a total of 6,796 hectares in the third quarter of 2016 it went up to 8,136 hectares in the third quarter of 2017. Similarly, area planted with yellow corn increased to 1,943 hectares. Fruits Total fruit production in the third quarter of 2017 improved by 9.86 percent reaching an aggregate output of 99,583.13 MT compared to 90,647.56 MT in the same period of last year. Majority of the region’s total fruit production is attributed to the output of major fruits (banana, calamansi, mango and pineapple) with 95.83 percent share. The group posted an increased production of 10.84 percent. Other fruits increased by 8.86 which contributes 2.40 percent. However, priority fruits (balimbing, durian, lanzones, mangosteen, papaya, rambutan, tamarind, watermelon, mandarin and orange) reduced by 25.25 percent in third quarter of 2017.

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

The growth in fruit production was prompted by the improved performance of banana with 10.55 percent growth contributing 86.64 percent of the total output; from 78,040.06 MT in the third quarter 2016 it grew to 86,274.22MT in the third quarter 2017. Moreover, calamansi, mango and pineapple productions also improved by 3.98 percent, 12.40 percent and 27.43 percent, respectively.


Agriculture Production Palay production improves Palay production improved by 36.86 % Agusan del Norte: 38.17% Agusan del Sur: 96.69 % Dinagat Islands: 36.09 % Surigao del Norte: 82.71 % Surigao del Sur: 6.08% 60,000

Vegetables Vegetable production improved its performance in the 3rd quarter of 2017. Total output in 2017 reached 30,049.55 MT from an output of 27,168.38 MT in 2016 posting a 10.60 percent increase. The growth is largely attributed to the increase in production cassava, camote, tomato, cabbage, peanut and mongo. Major vegetables still account for the biggest share with 68.45 percent contribution to the total output. Priority vegetables followed with 23.56 percent share while other types of vegetables contributed 7.99 percent. Non-Food and Industrial Crops Total output of Non-Food and Industrial Crops (NFIC) reached an aggregate of 246,216.47 MT in the third quarter of 2017. This represents a 1.18 percent increase from the 243,338.14MT in the third quarter of 2016. Major NFIC improved by 2.59 percent while priority NFIC and other types of NFIC reduced by 4.95 percent and 13.01 percent, respectively compared to its performance in the third quarter of 2016.

50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 3Q 2016 Production (MT)

3Q 2017 Area (Ha.)

Corn production increases Corn production increased by 38.64% Agusan del Norte: 32.71 % Agusan del Sur: 48.13% Dinagat Islands: 40.79% Surigao del Norte: -11.86% Surigao del Sur: -3.15% 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 3Q 2016 Production (MT)

3Q 2017 Area (Ha.)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority-Caraga

caraga today


Agriculture Production Q3 2017 Q3 2016

Q3 2017 Q3 2016

Q3 2017 Q3 2016

Q3 2017 Q3 2016




































Mango Source: Philippine Statistics Authority-Caraga

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

The improved performance is due to the rise in coconut production which accounted for 79.82 percent of the total NFIC output; from 191,748.85 MT in the third quarter 2016 it went up by 196,524.18 MT in the third quarter 2017 posting 2.49 percent increase. Livestock and Poultry Livestock production measly improved by 0.70 percent. From 632 MT in the third quarter of 2016, production went up to 636 MT in the third quarter of 2017. The minor growth is attributed to the increase in production of hog which bears nearly 1 percent increase, accounted 82.89 percent of the total produce. Carabao and goat also increased its output by 0.56 percent and 0.37 percent respectively. However, cattle decreased in production by 0.92 percent. Poultry production also grew by 3.46 percent from 531.78 MT in 2016, it went up to 550.17 MT in 2017. The growth is attributed to the added chicken meat production during the quarter which improved by 2.52 percent. Chicken meat produce contributed 74.72 percent of the total output. Chicken eggs production also increased by 7.67 percent contributing 22.11 percent of the total output. On the other hand, duck meat and eggs production dropped by 1.60 percent and 2.50 percent, respectively.


Forestry Log production decreased by 10.26 percent compared to the production of the same period in 2016. From an estimated 134,550.79 cubic meters produced in the third quarter of 2016, it went down to 120,746.00 cubic meters in 2017. The decrease is highly attributed to low veneer production. Per DENR’s record, most of the WPPs (Plywood Plat) in Caraga acquire imported veneer from other countries. Due to the supply of imported veneer, the local log requirement for veneer production is reduced. Further, the number of operating WPPs in the third quarter 2017 has decreased from 41 WPPs from the third quarter of last year to 36 WPPs. Fishery Total fishery production declined by 6.87 percent in the third quarter 2017. The subsector posted an aggregate output of 18,278.88 MT. Tiger prawn production contracted in the third quarter of 2017 reaching 23.99 percent. Production of milkfish and other types of fish likewise dropped by 15.72 percent and 10.05 percent respectively. Other types of fish contributed 65.97 percent to the total production. However, seaweed production revived resulting in a meager increase of 0.74 percent.

Trade and Industry Trade The Department of Trade and Industry recorded a 26.78 percent improvement in domestic sales of the region in the third quarter of 2017, accumulating a total domestic sales of P238.73 million compared to the 188.30 million for the same period in 2016. Among the provinces, Agusan del Norte had the biggest share with 58.12 percent. Agusan del Sur followed with 27.91 percent share; Surigao del Sur with 7.41 percentage share; Dinagat Islands contributing 4.36 percent; and Surigao del Norte with 2.20 percent share. In terms of growth, domestic sales in Agusan del Norte improved by 108.94 percent or PhP139 million. Agusan del Sur grew by 13.61 percent or P66.63 million more than the sales in 2016. Dinagat Islands came in next with an increase of 5.05 percent; and Surigao del Sur by 4.99 percent. However, total domestic sales in Surigao del Norte declined by 85.61 percent. On registration of new business names (BN), DTICaraga recorded an aggregate of 2,193 in the third quarter 2017. This represents 28.17 percent growth from the 1,711 recorded in 2016. The increase of BN Registrants in third quarter 2017 was attributed by the intensified BN monitoring in the LGUs and efforts in requiring business owners to register their respective business names and more access on BN registration through the establishment of Negosyo centers in the region.

caraga today


Forty percent of the new BN registrants in the region were from Agusan del Norte which improved by 29.77 percent. Surigao del Norte followed with 20.02 percentage contribution as it increased by 5.02 percent. Surigao del Sur with 17.01 percent share, contribution also increased by 61.47 percent which is more than 50 percent. Agusan del Sur contributing 16.69 percent to total registrants increased by 3.65 percent and Province of Dinagat Islands with 3.15 percentage share increased by 25.45 percent. However, total number of jobs generated by MSMEs declined by 36.37 percent reaching only 2,549 in the third quarter 2017 as compared to the 40,006 generated in 2016. Services Tourism Tourism has sustained its positive growth as it recorded a total of 1,005,869 tourist arrivals in 2017. This shows an increase of 12.48 percent compared to the 2016 tourist arrivals of 894,273. Ninety-five percent or 959,145 of the aggregate figures in 2017 are local tourists. This posed an increase of 14.11 percent from its total in 2016. Foreign tourists contribute 4.48 percent which decreased by 11.46 percent; while the remaining 0.16 percent of the total tourists are OFWs or “balikbayan� which also decreased by 42.05 percent in the third quarter of 2017 with a total of 1,651 compared to the sum of 2,849 in the same period last year. The highest growth among the provinces was observed in

Trade and Industry Domestic sales grows Domestic sales grew by 26.78% Agusan del Norte: 108.94 Agusan del Sur: 13.61% Dinagat Islands: 5.05% Surigao del Norte: -85.61 % Surigao del Sur: -4.99%


250 200 150

100 50 -

Caraga Q3 2016

Q3 2017

Business name registration increases Business name registration increased by 28.17% Agusan del Norte: 29.77% Agusan del Sur: 31.65% Dinagat Islands: 25.45% Surigao del Norte: 5.02% Surigao del Sur: 61.47% Source: Department of Trade and Industry-Caraga

300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0

3Q 2016

3Q 2017

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

Surigao del Norte registering 137,910 tourist in the third quarter of 2017 compared to 134,612 in 2016. Agusan del Sur came in second with a growth of 12.59 percent. The Province of Dinagat Islands which contributed 6.12 percentage share of the total tourist arrivals also increased by 67.53 percent. While Agusan del Norte and Surigao del Sur’s performance decreased by 17.80 and 44.42 percent, respectively. As to cities, Butuan City recorded the highest number of tourist arrivals in the third quarter of 2017, followed by Cabadbaran City with 2.34 percentage share with an increase of 10.51 percent. Tandag City also grew by 4.89 percent. Despite Surigao City’s weight in the overall arrivals which recorded 20.35 percent share, the city experienced a decline by 7.47 percent. Bislig City also suffered a decline of 36.37 percent. Air Transport The total number of flights in the region reached 2,298 in 2017 posing a 22.04 percent increase from 1,883 flights in the same period last year. Both incoming and outgoing flights grew by 22 percent from more than 900 flights in 2016 t0 1,149 flights the same period in 2017. Total incoming passengers reached 105,205 or an increase of 22 percent. Total outgoing passengers reached 111,166 indicating an increase of 23 percent from last year’s 90,442 passengers. Butuan City airport remained as preferred airport of passengers in the region generating 81.67 percentage contribution of the total flights.


Services Tourist arrivals increases 1,050,000

1,000,000 950,000 900,000

850,000 800,000 3Q 2016 3Q 2016

3Q 2017 3Q 2017

Source: Department of Tourism-Caraga 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Agusan del Agusan del Surigao del Surigao del Norte Sur Norte Sur

3Q 2016

Dinagat Islands

3Q 2017

Tourist arrivals by type of tourists 1,200,000

1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000

200,000 0




3Q 2016




3Q 2017




caraga today


Total cargoes decreased by 7.47 percent in the third quarter 2017 with a total of 2.208 Million kilos as compared to the recorded 2.386 Million kilos in the same period in 2016. Total volume of cargoes in Tandag City increased by 180.41 percent. However, Butuan City Airport’s cargoes dipped by 7.56 percent.


Land Transport Motor vehicle registration grew by 39.49 percent in 2017; from a total of 39,272 in 2016, it went up to 54,782. This is attributed to the increase in the registration of all class or types of motor vehicles. Private vehicles, which comprised 91.52 percent of the total registered vehicles, improved by 42.57 percent. According to the Department of Transportation (DOTr), new vehicle registrations increased significantly with a total of 19,459 for the third quarter of 2017 alone. This shows an uptick of 119.78 percent from the 8,854 new vehicles registered for the same period in 2016. Likewise, vehicle registration by 16.13 percent in the third quarter of 2017 with a total of 35,323 from 30,418 for the same period in 2016.


Peace and Security Total crime volume in Caraga Region declined by 10.81 percent. From a total of 2,480 in the third quarter of 2016, crimes in the region decreased to 2,212 for the same period in 2017. All provinces reflected a drop. Of the total crime volume for 2017, 20.71 percent are index crimes, while 79.29 percent are non-index crimes.

Volume of air cargo decreases 1,400,000

1,200,000 1,000,000

800,000 600,000 200,000 0 3Q 2016





3Q 2017 1,170,292 1,038,143 Number of flights increases

Number of flights increases 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0



3Q 2016



3Q 2017



Motor vehicles registered decreases 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

3Q 2016

3Q 2017







Source: CAAP Butuan, Surigao, Siargao. Tandag

Source: DOTr-Caraga

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

This development was attributed to the responsive adjustments made by the lower units in the implementation of strategic police interventions and crime prevention programs through Managing Police Operations that resulted in significant gains in law enforcement. Furthermore, the PRO 13 intensification of the campaign against illegal drugs and criminality had pulled down crime rates region-wide. As to the disaggregation by LGU, Surigao del Sur topped the other places by accounting for 23.42 percent of the total crime incidence with a decline by 15.77 percent. This is followed by Butuan City with 6.32 percent decrease, Surigao del Norte dropped by 19.03 percent contributing 19.62 percent share. Agusan del Sur contributed 18.72 percent declined by 4.17 percent. The Province of Dinagat Islands also declined in crime rates by 43.62 percent contributing 2.40 percent while Agusan del Norte registered an increase by 9.06 percent which accounted for 13.07 percent to the total crime incidence. More significantly, index crimes for the period dropped by 26.84 percent. Occurrences of index crimes decreased significantly during the period as compared to third quarter 2016 except for carnapping which expressively grew by 183.33 percent. Crime Clearance Efficiency (CCE) improved during the period by 3.08 percent with 2 percentage points as compared from the previous period. While Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) remains the same in the third quarter of 2017.


Peace and Security Index and non-index crime drops Index Crimes

Crime volume drops by 10.81%

Non Index Crimes


Butuan City: -6.32% Agusan del Norte: 9.06% Agusan del Sur: -4.17% Dinagat Islands: -43.62% Surigao del Norte: -19.03% Surigao del Sur: -15.77%




3Q 2016

3Q 2017

Crime Clearance and Crime Solution Efficiency 68% 66% 64% 62% 60% 58% 56% 54% 52%

Crime Clearance Efficiency

Crime Solution Efficiency

3Q 2016



3Q 2017



Source: Philippine National Police-Caraga

caraga today


4th Quarter 2017 Regional Project Monitoring Name of Project Construction/Upgrading/Rehab of Drainage along Daang Maharlika (Agusan-Davao Sect.) (S00439MN) – K1351 + 240 – K1351 + 900 Bunawan Nationa High School, 1-3 storey, 6-CL BEFF Batch 11

Location Bunawan, Agusan del Sur Bunawan, Agusan del Sur

Widening of Tagconayon Br. (to more San Francisco, than 2 lanes) (B00915MN) along Daang Agusan del Maharlika (Agusan-Davao Sect), Sur K1314+501-K1314+525 Widening of Lagcogangan Br. (to more San Francisco, than 2 lanes) (B00918MN) along Daang Agusan del Sur Maharlika (Agusan-Davao Sect), K1320+544-K1320+566 NRJ Dugmanon-Enchanted RiverBaculin Road leading to Enchanted River (Dugmanon Bridge) P00030125MN-CW115N00142

Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur

Tabon M. Estrella NHS (Const. of One San Fernando, Storey Two Classroom School Building Bislig City) San Fernando Integrated School

Fund Utilization (%)

Physical Status (%) as of November 16, 2017 Planned (%) Actual (%) Slippage (%)










No data




The project is still ongoing with negative slippage.

No data




The project is still ongoing with negative slippage.





The project was completed on Nov. 15, 2017. The project is ongoing with a negative slippage of 34.05%




Mangagoy Central Elementary School

Mangagoy, Surigao del Sur

No data




No data




No data




Gamut, Surigao del Sur

The project is still ongoing with negative slippage.


No data

Construction of one unit two-storey 12 Classroom School Building Gamut National High School 5th Batch SHS

The project is still ongoing with negative slippage.


Bislig City, Surigao del Sur

Bislig City

The project is still ongoing with negative slippage.


Construction of Two Storey Four Classroom School Building, Tabon M. Estrella NHS,13th Batch BEFF

Construction of 2 units one storey 6-classroom stand alone SHS School Building with toilet attached


Construction of one (1) unit two (2) Storey Eight (8) Classroom School Building Gamut National High School 5th Batch SHS

Gamut, Surigao del Sur

No data




Repair/Renovation of Hospital, Marihatag District Hospital

Marihatag, Surigao del Sur

No data




The project was completed under liquidated damages. The project was completed on April 2017. The project is ongoing with negative slippage

The project is ongoing with high negative slippage. The project is ongoing.

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

Name of Project

31 Location

Fund Utilization (%)

NRJ SDCR-San Isidro-Quezon Tandag Airport Bypass Road, including Bridge, Surigao del Sur 1st LD P00002799MNCW1/P00002799MN-CW2 15N00124

Tandag, Surigao del Sur

No data

Concreting of Cagbo-Awasian Road with Construction of Bridge17NH0049

Tandag, Surigao del Sur

No data

Concreting of Cagbo-Awasian Road, T17NH0046

Tandag, Surigao del Sur

No data

Taft National High School - Annex

Surigao City

ANOMAR National High School Surigao Port Improvement

Daang Maharlika (Surigao-Agusan Sect) - K1181+500- K1181+740, K1181+970K1183+460, K1183+690- K1183+815 P00005122MN-CW1 16N00024

Improvement/Widening of National Road Daang Maharlika (SurigaoAgusan Section) K1168+(-)823-K1168+ (-091), K1168+444-K1168+711 2nd LD P00005116MN-CW1 16N00032

Physical Status (%) as of November 16, 2017


Planned (%) Actual (%) Slippage (%) 100.00



The project is ongoing with negative slippage.





The project was completed.

Surigao City





The project was completed.

Surigao City

No data




The project is on-going and PPA has applied for time extension. There is a revision of contract duration due to earthquake damages which incurred additional repair works and increased in Bill of Quantities. Frequent rainfall also rendered the site unworkable. The new target completion date is January 15, 2018.


No data




The project is on-going. The construction of field office within the school premises will be turned over to the school upon project completion. Ongoing works include asphalt transition, PCCP and shouldering.

Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte

No data




The project is on-going. The field office is constructed within the school vicinity and to be turnedover after completion. Accompanying DPWH Engineer informed that road widening was recomputed to cover only one side and not both sides of the road because of ROW. Ongoing works include asphalt transition, line canal, PCCP and two meter paved shoulder.





The project is on-going. There is a revision in PCCP length from 6.0kms. to 5.3kms. due to additional six (6) RCBC structures.

Circumferential road leading Lake Mainit Mainit, (Mainit-Poblacion-Tagbuyawan), Surigao del 15N00114 Norte

caraga today

32 Name of Project


Physical Accomplishment (%) as of Fund August 27, 2015 Utilization (%) Planned (%) Actual (%) Slippage (%)


NRJ Daang Maharlika, Taguibo -Masao Butuan City, Port (Pagatpatan-Lumbocan-Masao Agusan del Section), Butuan City, Agusan del Norte Norte 1st LD P00013019MN-CW1 16N00004





This project is on-going with high negative slippage. The contractor’s field office observed segregation of waste.

New Camalig Br. (B00829MN) ALONG Daang Maharlika (Surigao-Agusan Section), Jaboanga, Agusan del Norte P00002388MN-CW1 16NA0032





The project is on-going. Ongoing works include piers, railings, stone masonry, roadway excavation, PSCG and PCCP pavement , among others

NRJ Daang Maharlika, Taguibo - Masao Butuan City, Port (Banza-Maug Agusan del Section), Butuan City, Agusan del Norte Norte 1st LD P00013018MN-CW1 16N00019

No Value




The project has been suspended.

4STY20CL STAND ALONE NO. 1 Butuan City

No Value




The project is on-going with negative slippage.





The project is on-going.




The project was completed.

Jaboanga, Agusan del Norte

Butuan City, Agusan del Norte

Butuan-Cagayan de Oro-Iligan (AgusanNasipit, Misamis Or) - K1256+000- K1259+860, Agusan del K1261+100- K1261+980, K1262+800Norte K1263+000 Nasipit, Agusan del Norte P00005385MN-CW1 16N00030 Daang Maharlika (Alternate Route) (NRJ - Mayor Democrito D. Plaza II Avenue - Las Nieves - Sibagat), Bilay Maguinda Section, Butuan City, Region XIII P00013011MN-CW1 16N00020

Butuan City, Agusan del Norte


Construction of Main Drainage Canal Butuan City, along JCt. Montilla Blvd.-T. Calo St.-Jct. Agusan del Ochoa St.-LADP Main Drainage Canal, Norte Butuan City P00021018MN-CW1 16N00007

No Value




The project is on-going with negative slippage.

Construction of Port Operations Building

Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

No Value




The project is on-going with negative slippage. The building will be the new office of PPA in Butuan City. The source of aggregates comes from the Municipality of Balingasag, Misamis Oriental. There is a variation order due to obstruction on existing NIASSI Bldg.

Agusan-Bukidnon Rd - K1261 + 500 K1261 + 578.85, K1261+607.81 K1261+740, K1261+920 K1261+982.77, 1262+000- K1262+040, K1262+080, K1262+140, K1262+190K1262+250, (S00395MN)

Bukidnon, Agusan





The project is on-going. Remaining work items include metal guardrails including concrete post, concrete shoulder, hand laid rock embankment and structural concrete.

Vol. XXI

Issue 1

Name of Project

33 Location


Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte

Repair/Retrofitting/Strengthening of Tago-Lapaz Bridge along SurigaoDavao Coastal Road

Tago, Surigao del Sur

Fund Utilization (%)

Physical Accomplishment (%) as of August 27, 2015


Planned (%) Actual (%) Slippage (%)





No data




The project is on-going with negative slippage. The project is ongoing with negative slippage.

caraga today


TRAIN chugs along… continued Further, TRAIN law highlights the staggered increase in oil excise tax. Based on DTI’s estimates, TRAIN law will result in a four-centavo increase in the prices of sardines, three-centavos in prices of powdered milk, 3centavos in instant noodles, 14centavos in loaf bread, six-cents

in prices of pandesal, fourcentavos in laundry soaps, and 7centavos in canned goods. For Trade Sec. Lopez, TRAIN law’s impact on basic commodities will not be huge. The new tax system also increases the excise tax on automobiles which results in

higher prices of cars. The government sees this particular excise tax as a way to effectively cut off the influx of cars that comes along with the lowered PIT. Further, gains from lower PIT may offset additional expenses caused by higher oil prices and inflation.

Excise tax rates increase Old System None

TRAIN Law Php6.00/liter for those with caloric and non-caloric sweeteners Php 12.00/liter for those with high fructose corn syrup

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) Old System 2% for up to Php600,000 Php12,000+20% of excess over Php600,000 Php112,000+40% of excess over Php1.1 million Php512,000+60% of excess over Php 2.1 million

TRAIN Law 4% for up to P600,000 10% for over Php600,000 to Php1 M 20% for over Php1 million up to Php4M 50% of excess over Php4 million

Automobiles Old System Under the existing sin tax passed in 2012, the tax rate would be Php31.20


TRAIN Law An increase to Php32.50 for the first 6 months of 2018 (January 1 to June 30) Php35.00 from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 Php37.50 (24months) Php40.00 (24months) 4% annual increase after

Old System Php10.00 per metric ton

TRAIN Law Php50.00 per metric ton in the first year of implementation Php100 in the second year Php150 in the third and succeeding years

Coal Old System Php0.00 tax per liter on Diesel


Unleaded and premium gasoline is taxed at Php4.35 per liter

TRAIN Law Php2.50 per liter in 2018 Php4.50 per liter in 2019 Php6.00 per liter in 2020 For gasoline Php7.00 per liter in 2018 Php9.00 per liter in 2019 Php10.00 per liter in 2020

Vol. XXI

Issue 1


“The long-term effect of TRAIN is different from short-term effect. The long-term effect is anti-inflationary to the extent that the infrastructure will reduce transportation costs and increase productivity... In the long run, TRAIN should reduce the inflation rate.” -Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board member Felipe Medalla

Colophon Edition Caraga Today Volume XXI Issue 1 January-March 2018 Publisher Caraga Regional Development Council Address NEDA-Caraga Building JA Rosales Avenue, Butuan City 8600

Complementary Measures To alleviate the concerns over the impact on prices of commodities, the government’s subsidies through a cash grant program aid the poor families in meeting their daily needs. If inflation goes out of control, certain measures will be put in place, like the Pantawid Pasada Program and targeted cash transfers. The government plans to provide the poorest 50% of households a P2,400 one-time support and upgrade public transport to be more fuel-efficient. In a nutshell, the new tax system is seen as a win-win situation. The effects will be significant: compensation earners will have higher take home pay, prices for goods and services will rise but according to DTI, the

Telephone 085 342-5774 085 815-0308

increase is not as much as people fear. Under TRAIN, the government will have more money to invest in many projects designed to help the country become better off by 2022. The tax system also makes tax collection easier and simpler.

Email Online Versions Editor-in-Chief Melanie A. Maur Managing & Lay-out Editor Hazel Fuentes Writers Michelle dela Calzada Melanie A. Maur Sherwin E. Verdun Marx Rev A. Buenavidez Shiela M. Bermoy Paul Edward B. Castillo Marisol P. Montenegro Shirley C. Torotoro Gemeniano Crisante, Jr. Hazel O. Fuentes Contributors Joana Rica P. Millama Marko Davey D. Reyes Graphics designed by Freepik and distributed by Flaticon,


Advisers RD Mylah Faye Aurora B. Cariño ARD Roy B. Kantuna

caraga today


In Photos: NEDA celebrates 45th founding anniversary National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) celebrated its 45th founding anniversary with an Opening Program on February 6, 2018.

One NEDA Through the Years:

Promoting Malasakit, Pagbabago, at Patuloy na Pag-unlad

President Rodrigo Duterte graced the 45th founding anniversary of NEDA in Pasig City on February 6, 2018. Photo Credits: NEDA (@NEDAhq) /Twitter

USec. Jose Miguel Dela Rosa together with the Mythical 6 of the Olympics Volleyball Photo Credits: NEDA (@NEDAhq) /Twitter

Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia led the ribbon cutting at the Central Office NEDA ground, Pasig City

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