Nyu Essay Prompts

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Five year ago I was a lonely boy in a little town, uncertain of my future and eager to explore the world beyond the Dominican Republic. I didn't expect my life to change, but I knew I wanted study in a place where my ideas could have impact. When I moved to New York City, my mind was exposed to a world of infinite possibilities, where my knowledge would be enriched by influential ideologies offered by New York's diversity. The cultural diffusion that I experienced in New York City has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and explore new things such as writing. Writing has become a hobby instead of an obligation. Through writing I can express myself in a way that can provide others with insight and depth to my perspective. At NYU, I will be surrounded by people from all over the world, who can contribute to my growth. NYU also will allow me to explore my myriad of interests and discover new one's. NYC shaped who I am today, because of this I would like to not only give back to the community that saw me grow, but the world. NYU's global network will allow me to connect with other people to create something greater and set an example to others. As an immigrant student I feel the need to be example of perseverance. I want others to understand that the road to success is not having...show more content...

I want to help immigrants achieve their goals, just like I am working hard to become a doctor. My interest in medicine, specifically dermatology, comes from my journey with the English language. I feel that a lot of people are not comfortable in their own skin, just like I used to feel while learning English. Their experiences resonate with me; I want to encourage them to be healthy and work harder. I know that at NYU I will be able to satisfy my hunger for knowledge and create life long relations that will develop into extraordinary projects to help

NYU Essay Examples
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As a filmmaker, it is my job to tell fascinating stories. I am drawn to NYU's Film and Television program because I realize that the greater the diversity of people I know, the broader range of perspectives I gain, and the more unfamiliar locations to which I travel, the better storyteller I will become. Gaining a deeper understanding of the world is not only beneficial to a filmmaker, but to anyone who wishes to become a well–rounded and better–educated individual. With NYU's global presence, in addition to its diverse student body, the metropolitan university will prepare me to be a globally aware citizen, which is crucial in today's fast–paced, technologically interconnected world. Furthermore, the fact that NYU's main campus is located in the city of New York creates unlimited potential for me as a filmmaker. New York City is one of the most rapidly expanding, vibrant film hubs...show more content...

I am drawn to Tisch because it offers students far more than the skills to make a narrative story; the school affords a comprehensiveeducation on all aspects of film production, enabling a student to create music videos, documentaries, and commercials, or explore careers in off–screen work such as film promotion, film economics, and film history. Because I would love to one day start my own production company, I was excited to see programs at Stern such as the dual degree with a B.S. in Business and the minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. NYU is connected like no other university, and offers precisely the kind of immersive education that would benefit mylearning style. I have chosen NYU because I am confident that it has the resources that will enable me to make great contributions to the ever–changing and ever–exciting world of

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NYU Personal Statement

NYU promotes diversity in a world that is undergoing multiple racial, religious, and ethnic conflicts. As I attended NYU SPS Career Edge–which is a high school summer course for career immersion– I found that I did not feel like an outsider. At many universities, the demographics tend to be one race or ethnicity, while at NYU I found that there was no in lack diversity.While at the summer program, I was able to make new friends despite coming from distinct ethnic, religious, and even familial backgrounds. At the NYU, New York campus, I could explore the area around me and learn about new cultures, while remaining in the city. On top of that, NYU has one the best study abroad programs. If I had the opportunity to study abroad, I would take full advantage by study the language, experience the way of life, and learn in a new setting. While studying abroad, one has the opportunity to actually visit the monuments, art, and museums instead of listening or reading about it in a book. While visiting a the actual place one can actually feel and observe the atmosphere on top of the looking at the architectural detail that may not be picked up in a pictures....show more content...

In the lecture we learned that we should listen to both sides of the participants argument instead of jumping to conclusions and becoming aggressive to succeed in the negotiation. On top of that, the professor delivered her lecture in a way that was intriguing and she connected to her personal life. Sitting in that lecture hall, I felt personally connected to the class and Inspired to apply what I had just learned to my

NYU Promotes Diversity
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My Interest In NYU

My interest in NYU has a lot to do with your outstanding legacy and prestige reputation. I know NYU would be a more than perfect fit for myself and my career goals. I am extremely committed to the major of communications, in which I hope to aspire to become a Sports Broadcaster. Also from the second I saw the New York City campus, I knew that it was the absolute and idealUniversity for me to continue on with my education. The University where I will thrive the most and reach my full potential. It was a realization for me when I first started researching NYU. A realization of where I needed to be to become the woman I want to be and have the full potential of becoming. I can not imagine attending any other University and reaching my full

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Now and Then Interview

"Times sure have changed" is a quote that comes to mind when thinking of the different between being an adolescent today compared to being an adolescent sixty years ago. To find out more about the differences I was able to speak with a male, currently age 82, and a female age 18. I am familiar with both of these individuals one, a close friend of the family, and my cousin's daughter was able to answer some questions for me also. These two people both grew up in the United States. The eighty–two year old lived in Kentucky as an adolescent. The eighteen year old currently resides in Arkansas. Times have changed and I learned a little about just how much in speaking with my willing participants. These two...show more content...

He worked because it was what he had to do. Working from such a young age in his home doing mandatory chores, and additionally having to work outside the home to help his father gave him a strong work ethic. Even though he is retired, this gentleman still lives alone, owns three vehicles, which he does all basic maintenance himself. Reading from the text book on page 419, the author makes it seem that working at a young age can harm an adolescent. This goes against my personal beliefs and what I found in doing these interviews, going to school and working helped both of my interview subjects, and from my own personal experience, it gave even me a better sense of responsibility and expectation for becoming an adult. From questions about school and job situations I moved into asking these individuals about the relationships they have or had with their parents. Neither subject spoke of conflicts with their parents. They both shared that their parents trust them to make correct decisions. The elderly man shared that his community was small, so his parents would warn that if he did something wrong it would get back to them. He claimed that he and his siblings knew to "just be a good citizen," and if they did something wrong not only would their parents find out, but neighbors would correct them verbally if they were found to do something inappropriate, "it was a

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Then and Now Essay

When my family first moved to the United States from Dubai, my Dad and I explored NYU's Washington square campus in admiration of how a congested city could hold such a beautiful campus. At that point attending NYU became an aspiration I wanted to fulfill. While preparing my college application, my family was not doing well financially. Therefore, I attended Baruch because tuition was covered through scholarships and financial aid. Although Baruch provides a great education, I realized that I was not driven to pursue actuarial science. Later on, I discovered that pursuing computer science at NYU was the perfect fit for me.

At Baruch I had taken a communication course with a professor who teaches at NYU, Beth Seplow. Professor Seplow adept way of teaching assigned us define our academic purpose. Professor Seplow inspired me to find a major I was enthusiastic about and I hope to encounter faculty at NYU that can do the same. Looking back through my past academic and work experiences,...show more content... Therefore, to further my academic interests I needed to transfer to a school with an excellent computer science program. NYU would best suit my academic career for several reasons. NYU offers one of the best computer science programs in the nation. Furthermore, NYU's renowned core curriculum can expand my academic interests, as computer science is a major that can be implemented in a plethora of fields. In this way, I can participate in events and opportunities such as IACR and Google fellowships. In addition to learning from prestigious alumni such as David Korn. Attending NYU, I can continue my job, help my family, maintain and explore new volunteer opportunities in addition to receiving exceptional financial aid. In essence, I hope to graduate from NYU, one of the nation's top computer science program to cultivate my passion to learn computer Get

NYU Application Essay
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Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, the rays of sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly dragged my limp body out of ...show more content...

Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready, and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars. Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling

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High School Graduation Essay

My Teenage Years

My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives.

I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage

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