What Is Faith Essay

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Faith Definition Essay

The dictionary definition of faith is "complete trust or confidence in someone or something". Now how many of us people who consider ourselves Christians can say we have complete trust in God. Practically no one, so by that definition the approximate 2.1 billion people in the world who identify as Christian can't be true Christians because it's human nature to rely on our own self rather than anyone else. But who am I to say who or what a true Christian is. Who am I to measure your relation with God. I am not you, I'm not in your mind, and I'm certainly not God. So what I mean by a true Christian, is being a clone of Christ, which is the goal but unfortunately, very few actually reach it. You can't compare your walk with God to anyone else's.

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Faith and Reason Faith and reason can be viewed as opposites. Faith is an element of belief, something an individual does not necessarily require a reason for accepting without reason. For example, an individual's reason for believing in God may not seem too rational when they are trying to explain them. They may not even stand up to criticism. On the other hand, reason is constructed as a formula. Faith is basically something we believe in, like something we learn in church. Reason is something we learn in school, such as a math formula. A long time ago, prior to the scientific revolution, it was considered anti–Semitic that reason supported religion. The Counterbalance Foundation website observes that before this time, science that...show more content...

Many people, including those of Christian belief then read the works of these classical writers. Of the many classical writers whose works were available to the medieval scholars, the most influential one had to be Plato. In Norman Cantor's book, he observes that, "Christianity was built as much on Plato as on the Judaic tradition" (Cantor, 18). Because Plato's work so influential, it would be illuminating to look at exactly what Plato's ideas were, as well as how they were reinterpreted by medieval scholars. According to Cantor, "To Plato ideas, or conceptual forms, were not idle fantasies, but essential realities. When we refer to 'justice' or 'the state' or 'love', we are actually referring to something that has an independent existence outside our minds" (Cantor, 16). On the other hand, material objects such as a table, which are commonly assumed to have more "reality" than mere ideas, actually have less reality to a Platonist, because "A table would not have come into existence without the idea of a table; it is the idea that gives it shape and reality. Pure, ultimate reality is pure Idea, and the physical world that we touch and see has a reality only insofar as it participates in or is formed by pure Idea" (Cantor, 16). It is easy to see how a philosophy like this could have been eagerly assimilated into medieval Christianity, which denigrated the body in favor of the spirit, and all material things in favor of God. However, it is important to Get more content

Faith and Reason Essay

What Is Faith

March 24, 2017

What is Faith

This paper will be based on the reading "What is Faith," posted on blackboard. In addition, I will delineate the key outlooks and positions of the author. First of all, I have to say about the author of the book posted on Blackboard that from the beginning to the end of his writing he keeps through examples and comparison that everyone has faith in something. Terrence opens the introduction remarking that is very important that people has started more and more to familiarize with the powerful human reality (Faith), even in many times it's been disregarded in our lives, and hard to recognize the principal importance of faith in the societies. In addition to this...show more content...

First of all, Tilley makes a good distinction between belief and faith, what he wants us to see is that faith and belief are not the same, and just belief is a part or portion of faith. Moreover, He claims that faith has an independent support and belief does not, this statement is made through his explanation between a colleague and President Bush. My point of view about this argument is that when we have faith on something and have enough proof of that we easily tend to belief on it, but when we don't have the support we lose our faith on that. In addition to that, he expresses that faith has a risk and validates it with Pascal's Wager that means that the true way to get happiness after dying is to bet on the existence of God. Second misunderstanding of faith is morality. He manifests very clear that faith is not equal to morality, because according to the author moral choices are self–inflicted, and when they are involuntary you are not responsible for them morally. After that he explains through an example the relation between faith and will, where he called it "genuine option situation," and the meaning of that is simple when you have multiple options to choice but you do not know is the best option, you should choice what you hope is the best. Also, he makes a comparison between faith and hope. According to Tilley, hope is about future and it is not faith. In sum, we can say that hope, will, morality, choices, and habits have a relation with our faith, but they are not the same. The third one is feeling or emotion. He tries to make us understand the emotion is not the whole of faith, but faith without emotions is like dead or dry. In addition to that, Wallace relates them, and make a conclusion saying that they have a

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Experiences with Faith Essay

What is faith? Faith is something different to everyone. If you asked a hundred different people, you would get many different answers. Faith holds an extremely complex meaning when discussing it in the context of religion. Faith is a belief. It holds true to every religious and non–religious person. Every faith involves a decision. It is not about what we claim to believe, but what we actually do believe, that is true faith."Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverb 3:5–6 That has to be my favorite proverb from the bible, whenever I feel like screaming "Why Me", I simply play that proverb in my head and just tell...show more content...

In a time of need, faith is always the answer to the problem. God's help is the best that you can get, he is the almighty and can teach us right from wrong. I went to public school most of my grade school years so I did not have religion class until 8th grade, but I attended Religious Education (CCD) every Sunday at 9 a.m. I had a great teacher, Ms. *******. She made learning actually fun, we would have a bunch of open discussions and at the end of each class we would play trash can ball with facts we learned in class. The only thing I did not like about the class is I felt like it wasn't well organized, we were thrown all this information out of order and all at once. I had my first communion in second grade with my CCD class at ************, Georgia. I am not yet confirmed but I will be getting confirmed this year. I am very excited to be officially in the Catholic Church. I was baptized when I was very young at ***********************. My family is very religious. My family consists of my dad, my mom , my sister , me ,and of course my dog. We pray together before every meal and at night before we all go to bed. We also always attend mass as a family, It would not be the same going to mass without my entire family there. It is fantastic to have a religious family because when ever I have a question about the Bible or even my Catholic faith in general, I always have someone to go to. I feel very lucky

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Definition Of Faith

From the first moment I could remember, I was taught to have faith in what I could not see. I believed Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, despite the fact that I had never, even once, laid eyes on them. My family has always consistently attended church, so the idea of believing in a God that cannot be seen with the naked eye was something that I just accepted. As I have grown older, I have realized that there is a whole lot more to faith than just simply stating that something has an existence. A general definition of faith is thetrust that one has in a person, place, thing, or idea. When I see someone struggling to complete a task that they have been assigned, I would normally say, "You can do it. I have faith in you." This...show more content...

There are families every day who endure horrible situations like divorce, bankruptcy, death, poverty, and disease. My own family has experienced a great deal of hardship and heartache, especially in the past year. A year ago I was living in the house that I grew up in, my family was complete, and the biggest problem I had was figuring out how I was going to pass Chemistry I. Now I live in an apartment, my mom is out of the picture, and I care more about being strong for my family than passing my classes with the grades I desire. My life literally changed completely overnight, and, for a while, I believed that my life was falling apart. Needless to say, my life actually fell into place. The emotional, and even the physical, health of my family has greatly improved. My family is happier now than we ever were before, and the catastrophe that my family experienced was a giant lesson in faith. To my family, faith means that God is in control, and that everything will be ok. I know for sure now that God has a plan and that no matter what happens, His Will will be Get more content

Reflection Of Faith

What is faith? Is it a feeling? Is it a thought? Is it a concept? Luther defines faith when you cannot do works to get into heaven. Faith is believing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When one thinks of faith, you should think of your personal relationship with God and the unconditional love He has for you. Faith is believing without seeing.

There are two main parts to faith. The first part of faith is belief. Belief in God and that He does exist. God loves us and sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to save us. If you have faith, then you shall believe that God exist and you don't question His existence or even think for a second that there is vague hope. Hebrew 11:16 says "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." The second part of faith means commitment. If you believe that Christ can save us, then you are fully putting trust and your life into His hands. Ephesians 2:8 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith." God cares about you and if you put your trust and faith in Him, your life will be far better. God wants you to trust Him and get to know Him. If you pray upon Him and faith, and you ask him to come into your life, he will. Faith is something that we don't quite know the entirety of. There are possibilities that we have yet to understand which allows us believe in things that are beyond ourselves.

One of the main arguments

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