Green Language Repertoire
The Green Language Repertoire is a compilation of exact wording taken from Bid Solicitation documents, Requests for Standing Offers and Requests for Supply Arrangements. Procurement personnel can use this Repertoire to assist them in developing evaluation criteria, clauses and conditions, statements of work or supplier surveys that must include environmental considerations. This Repertoire will be updated periodically by the Green Procurement Team in the Acquisitions Branch of PWGSC. The Green Procurement Team can be contacted at: Please note: The sample language was gathered from solicitation documents that have been issued on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (currently hosted on MERX). However, please do not assume that this language has been approved by the Acquisition Policy and Process Directorate (APPD) in PRISM or by Legal Services. To use the language in upcoming solicitation documents, procurement personnel must: 1) Tailor the wording to fit the good or service in question; 2) Ensure that all wording is approved by APPD or Legal Services. Please stay tuned: APPD, in collaboration with the Green Procurement Team, is developing standard clauses and conditions related to green procurement for inclusion in the SACC Manual.
TABLE OF CONTENTS MANDATORY EVALUATION CRITERIA................................................................. 5 Bond Papers................................................................................................................... 5 Converged Network Services ....................................................................................... 6 E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) ................................................................................ 7 Furniture – Cabinets..................................................................................................... 8 Furniture – Desking...................................................................................................... 9 Furniture – Free Standing............................................................................................ 9 Furniture – Panels......................................................................................................... 9 Furniture – Mobile Shelving ...................................................................................... 10 Indoor Air Quality Services ....................................................................................... 11 Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies................................................................... 11 Postage Meter Equipment.......................................................................................... 12 Remanufactured Toner Cartridges........................................................................... 15 Virgin Toner Cartridges............................................................................................. 15 RATED EVALUATION CRITERIA ........................................................................... 15 Car Rental.................................................................................................................... 15 Commercial Print........................................................................................................ 16 Courier and Freight Services..................................................................................... 18 Data Centre Co-Location ........................................................................................... 20 Events Management Services..................................................................................... 24 E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) .............................................................................. 25 Facsimiles (non-secure) .............................................................................................. 26 Flat Printing ................................................................................................................ 27 Graphic Design............................................................................................................ 28 IT Hardware – Desktop.............................................................................................. 28 IT Hardware - Notebook ............................................................................................ 29 IT Hardware - Server ................................................................................................. 30 Media Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 31 Postage Meter Equipment.......................................................................................... 31 Promotional Items....................................................................................................... 32 Reprographics and Copying Services ....................................................................... 33 CLAUSES, CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ................................................... 36 Desktop and Network Printers including accessories, supplies and services ........ 36 Digital Convenience Photocopiers/Multifunction Devices ...................................... 38 Document Scanners .................................................................................................... 41 Events Management Services..................................................................................... 41 E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) .............................................................................. 42 Facsimiles (non-secure) .............................................................................................. 43 Fuels – Ethanol and Bio-Diesel .................................................................................. 44 Furniture – Free Standing.......................................................................................... 46 Furniture – Panels....................................................................................................... 46
Government Cellular Services ................................................................................... 47 Government Toll Free Service................................................................................... 47 Graphic Design............................................................................................................ 48 Hotel ............................................................................................................................. 49 Integrated Relocation Program ................................................................................. 51 Learning Services........................................................................................................ 51 Managed Print Solutions............................................................................................ 52 Media Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 53 Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies................................................................... 54 Optimized Weapon Systems Support (OWSS) Wheeled Light Armoured Vehicles (WLAV) Phase 2 ......................................................................................................... 55 Promotional Items....................................................................................................... 59 Storage Area Networks............................................................................................... 60 Tape and Optical Archival......................................................................................... 61 Task Based Professional Services .............................................................................. 62 STATEMENT OF WORK............................................................................................. 63 Commercial Print........................................................................................................ 63 Envelopes ..................................................................................................................... 64 Events Management Services..................................................................................... 64 E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) .............................................................................. 64 Furniture – Cabinets................................................................................................... 71 Government Cellular Services ................................................................................... 71 Government Managed Cabling Services .................................................................. 73 Graphic Design............................................................................................................ 73 Integrated Relocation Program ................................................................................. 74 IT Hardware – Desktop.............................................................................................. 74 IT Hardware – Notebook ........................................................................................... 76 IT Hardware – Server ................................................................................................ 77 Media Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 77 Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies................................................................... 78 Promotional Items....................................................................................................... 79 Reprographics and Copying Services ....................................................................... 80 Storage Area Networks............................................................................................... 80 SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS ..................................................................... 80 Facsimiles (non-secure) .............................................................................................. 80 SURVEYS........................................................................................................................ 81 Bond Papers................................................................................................................. 81 Electrical and Electronic Supplies............................................................................. 84 E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) .............................................................................. 87 Furniture – Desking.................................................................................................... 93 Furniture – Free Standing.......................................................................................... 94 Furniture – Panels....................................................................................................... 94 Furniture – Mobile Shelving ...................................................................................... 95 Furniture – Office Seating.......................................................................................... 97
Government Managed Cabling Services ................................................................ 101 Promotional Items..................................................................................................... 103
Bond Papers E60PD-070004 2007-10-17 Page 21 RFSO
Annex A - A.3.1 Products - Virgin Alkaline Copy Paper: Virgin paper must meet Canadian General Standards Board specification CAN/CGSB9.51-93 for dry toner xerographic copy and electrostatic duplicating copy paper. - Recycled Paper Recycled paper must contain a minimum of 30% recycled content (pre-consumer waste and/or post consumer fibre). Pricing Basis "B" includes: - Certified paper: As part of a first step to greening its paper supply chain, the Government of Canada would like to provide the opportunity for departments to buy paper stocks considered to be environmentally friendly. Selection of these papers is based on factors such as sustainable development, life-cycle management and/or forest management. For this standing offer, in Pricing Basis “B”, Offeror must provide a price for paper from manufacturers certified under the Environmental Choice Program (ECP) or equivalent, or who are using fibre originating from a sustainably-managed forest certified to a third-party verified forest certification standard such as or equivalent to the Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CSA/SFMS), the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). Canada reserves the right to request proof of such qualifications during the bid evaluation process or any time after issuance of the Standing Offer. A.3.2 Equivalent Certification(s) Equivalent Certification for Pricing Basis “B” includes: The Environmental Choice Program (ECP) or equivalent, or who are using fibre originating from a sustainably-managed forest certified to a third-party verified forest certification standard such as or equivalent to the Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CSA/SFMS), the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). 1. Products that are equivalent in certification to the certifications specified in the offer solicitation will be considered where the Offeror: (a) designates the certification(s) name of the product; (b) states that the substitute certification is fully interchangeable with one of the certifications specified in the offer;
(c) provides complete specifications and descriptive literature for each substitute certification; (d) provides compliance statements that include technical specifics showing the substitute certification meets all mandatory performance criteria that are specified in one of the certifications specified in the offer; and (e) clearly identifies those areas in the specifications and descriptive literature that support the substitute product's compliance with any mandatory performance criteria. 2. Certification(s) offered as equivalent in form, fit, function and quality will not be considered if: (a) the offer fails to provide all the information requested to allow the Standing Offer Authority to fully evaluate the equivalency of each substitute certification; or (b) the substitute certification fails to meet or exceed the mandatory performance criteria of one of the specified certifications identified in the offer. 3. In conducting its evaluation of the offers, Canada may, but will have no obligation to, request Offerors offering a substitute certification to demonstrate, at the sole cost of Offerors, that the substitute certification is equivalent to the certifications specified in the offer.
Converged Network Services EN869-093895/A Part 2, Appendix A 2009-06-26 Page 15, 16 RFP
9 GREEN Procurement Requirements The Federal Government is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its operations. In April 2006, the Government of Canada issued a “Policy on Green Procurement� directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to incorporate environmental performance considerations into their procurement decision-making processes. The Policy applies to all phases in the management of goods and services, from the planning and requirement definition phases through acquisition, use, operation and maintenance, and ultimately disposal or closeout activities. This RFP for CNS Service Solution procurement supports this Policy and mandatory Greening requirements are contained in this Section. (I) The Contractor shall have a Corporate Environmental policy that addresses ewaste, hazardous material waste and packaging waste. (M) The Contractor shall have a policy for waste reduction and recycling such as: (M) i) A recycling program for e-waste and hazardous waste; and ii) Compliant with IEEE 1680 criteria for packaging (EPEAT) requirements.
6 The Contractor shall provide all maintenance reports, billing, and training documentation in electronic formats through the CNS Service Portal. (M) The Contractor shall incorporate a product buy-back or take-back program for all technologies deployed to enable CNS Service Solutions. (M) The Contractor shall pursue ISO 14000 certification. (M)
E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) E60SQ-080007/C 2009-07-10 Page 10, 11 RFSO
PART 4 - EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND BASIS OF SELECTION 1. Evaluation Procedures 1.1.1 Mandatory Requirements Any Offer that fails to meet the Mandatory Requirements stipulated below will be deemed nonresponsive and will be given no further consideration. At bid closing time, the Offeror must comply with the Mandatory Requirements and provide the necessary documentation to support compliance. Item
Evidence required
Offeror must have been in business as a electronic recycling processor for a minimum of three (3) years before the closing date of the RFSO and demonstrate an annual minimum of 3,000 metric tonnes of electronic materiel was processed. References are required: • Client Name • Address • Contact information (phone or email) References will only be contacted to confirm information provided in the Offer.
Copy of Certificate of incorporation and up to three projects or clients per year for whom electronic processing was undertaken that totals 3000 metric tonnes.
The Offer must identify annual and current through put capacity, equipment and storage capacity for e-waste.
Provide annual maximum throughput capacity and current mass quantities in metric tonnes, make and model of shredding equipment and indicate total space available to store e-waste received for processing.
The Offeror must demonstrate compliance to
Copy of Provincial Workplace
the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
Safety and Insurance Certificate indicating coverage is up to date.
The Offeror must demonstrate current certification under a national or an Internationally recognized environmental management System.*
Copy of certificate provided or evidence of certification under another equivalent nationally recognized system.
* For example, International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001, or European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
Furniture – Cabinets E60PQ-070005 2007-11-20 Pages 35, 39 RFSO
Annex B2 Section 2 – Environmental Requirements Section 2.1 Section 2.2 Section 2.3 Section 2.4
- literature providing information on corporate environmental policy - literature providing information on history of environmental initiatives and further plans for future improvements - literature on manufacturing process - literature on packaging and distribution
Annex D 2. Environmental Requirements The following environmental requirements must be submitted and any supporting documentation as required must be provided upon request, either on corporate letterhead, as corporate documentation or provide the Offeror's web site address where this information resides in order to be considered responsive. Manufacturer’s commitment to the environment 2.1
The Offeror must provide information on their corporate environmental policy
The Offeror must provide information on their history on environmental initiatives and further plans for environmental improvements.
Manufacturing 2.3
The Offeror must provide information on how the waste material from the manufacturing process is minimized and/or recycled.
Packaging and Distribution 2.4
The Offeror must provide information on how the packaging being used is designed to minimize waste and how the packaging is accepted for reuse, recycling or recovery.
Furniture – Desking
Furniture – Free Standing Furniture – Panels
E60PQ-080002/BE60LM080001 2008-11-07 Pages 10, 11 RFSO
E60PQ-080001/B 2008-10-15 Page 9 RFSO
E60PQ-080005 2008-12-08 Pages 10, 11 RFSO
1.1 Mandatory Technical and Environmental Evaluation 1.1.2 Mandatory Environmental Criteria must be submitted with the proposal (Failure to do so will render the bid non-responsive) Mandatory Environmental Criteria
Manufacturer’s Commitment The Manufacturer must provide an environmental policy The manufacturer must provide past performance on environmental improvements and initiatives The Manufacturer must provide their commitment to continuing environmental improvements and initiatives Manufacturing Waste material from the manufacturing process must be minimized and/or recycled The manufacturer must submit a certification that the product contains no CFC's or PBDE's The manufacturer must demonstrate that a hazardous and toxic material management system is in place at their manufacturing facilities. Packaging and Distribution Corrugated containers used for packaging must contain a minimum of 80% recycled content paper fibre Other Manufacturers must indicate how their product would assist in scoring points for LEED - Canada CI (commercial interiors) credits in the following categories:
Supporting documentation Required * * *
* * *
Materials & Resources 4.1 Recycled Content, 10% 4.2 Recycled Content, 20% 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials; and 7 Certified Wood Indoor Environmental Quality 4.1 Low-emitting Materials, Adhesive and Sealants; 4.2 Low-emitting Materials, Paints and Coatings; 4.4 Low-emitting Materials, Composite Wood and Laminate Adhesives; and 4.5 Low-emitting Materials, Systems Furniture and Seating
Furniture – Mobile Shelving E60PQ-050001 Page 46 RFSO
Annex E – Environmental Attributes 1)
As part of the federal government’s commitment to environmentally responsible procurement, PWGSC encourages the private sector to develop and implement environmentally responsible initiatives in manufacturing processes, products, business management systems and packaging.
As part of PWGSC's commitment to keep clients informed, specifically in the area of environmental attributes of products available on National Master Standing Offers, a completed Annex B - " Environmental Attributes," will be posted on the PWGSC Government Electronic Network (GENet).
In addition to completing Annex B, Bidders must submit information and /or substantiating documentation regarding their stated environmental initiatives, and the details of the environmental impact of the goods proposed in terms of overall environmental management, for example: a. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. b. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible waste disposal initiatives c. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to waste reduction initiatives d. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to re-use strategies. e. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to recycling
Your firm must complete Table 1 – Recycled Content of Source Materials, identifying all major materials applicable to the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content.
If your firm has a corporate environmental policy, you must submit a copy of this policy either on corporate letterhead, as corporate documentation or provide your firms web site address where this information resides. In support of your firm's environmental policy you must provide documentation regarding the environmental principles referenced in your policy and details of the environmental policy and its impact in terms of overall environmental management.
If your facility has established a program for solid waste auditing, has prepared a waste reduction plan and has instituted a means to track progress towards waste reduction and diversion from disposal of materials such as metals, plastics, fabrics, wood, fiberglass, glass etc., a description of this program and or a copy of the most recent waste audit shall be submitted.
Indoor Air Quality Services EN438-060278 2007-04-17 Page 4 RFSO
Waste Plan
Offerors must use registered Landfill Sites (toxic vs. nontoxic) for the disposal of all waste generated as a result of the services provided for this requirement. The Offeror must submit a brief one (1) page summary of their waste management plan with their offer indicating that they use registered Landfill Sites for disposal in the Province or State in which the laboratory is located. The Waste Management Plan shall refer to the applicable regulations governing their operations and how the Offeror meets the requirements of these regulations, including a current waste generator number and its associated waste classification(s). In addition, if Hazardous Waste Management firms are used then a Certificate of Approval for this firm must also be provided.
Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies E60PD-090001/F 2010-03-04 Page 11, 16 RFP
4.2.2 Technical Mandatory Criteria Prior to Standing Offer Issuance c) Environmental Programs Offeror is requested to inform PWGSC of any environmentally policies, programs they may have in place or any environmental certification they have received. If such policies or programs exist, Offeror is requested to provide details. d)
2010 hard copy catalogues Offeror is requested to submit their 2010 hard copy catalogue with the offer document. The 2010 hard copy catalogue must include an extensive range of office and desk supplies from a choice of various product manufacturers (minimum items of 3000 office and desk supplies). All catalogues must include an index for easy product reference and identifiable logo for the green products listed.
PART 6 - STANDING OFFER AND RESULTING CONTRACT CLAUSES 6.A STANDING OFFER 6.A.3 Standing Offers Reporting The Offeror must compile and maintain records on its provision of goods, services or both to the federal government under contracts resulting from the Standing Offer. This data must include all purchases paid for by a Government of Canada Acquisition Card. The data must be submitted every two months to the Public Works and Government Services Canada Standing Offer Authority: Electronic reports must be completed and forwarded to the Standing Offer Authority no later than 15 calendar days after the end of the two month period. An electronic version of the form in Excel and/or Lotus spreadsheet format will be provided to the Offeror electronically by the Standing Offer Authority.
Postage Meter Equipment 66HAL-070018 2009-07-21 Page 10, 79 RFSO
PART 4 - EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND BASIS OF SELECTION 1.2.2 Evaluation of Financial Proposal Point Rated Environmental Programs The following Environmental Programs are an optional requirement for which the Offeror will receive a maximum Evaluation Reduction of up to 3% against the evaluated price of the applicable product as well as receiving recognition/identification in the NMSO document: 1) 3rd Party Performance Labeling (such as Energy Star),
2) ISO 14001 Certification. ANNEX A – SECTION 4 Environmental Considerations 1) Mandatory Environmental Programs The following Environmental Programs are mandatory: A) ISO 14001 Certification The Offeror (or its Original Equipment Manufacturer) must be registered under ISO 14001 from a nationally accredited registrar under the ISO 14001 Program for the manufacturing facility where the specific equipment being offered as part of this Standing Offer are manufactured. B) Consumables Container Recycling Program The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing consumables container recycling program as per the following: For all locations in Canada covered by this NMSO where consumables containers cannot be recycled through local “blue-box” recycling programs, the Offeror must provide its own consumables recycling program by either: 1) providing prepaid, postage-return packaging with the consumable when it is originally delivered, or available for download from the manufacturer’s website; OR 2) picking up used consumables containers at no charge. C) Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program as per the following: 1) The Contractor must control electronic waste through the establishment of an ongoing hardware take-back and recycling program. 2) At the end of any lease, the Contractor must take back any leased products supplied under any Call-ups at no charge. 3) The Contractor must recycle or dispose of all equipment taken back in an environmentally sensitive manner. At a minimum, the recycling of equipment should involve material recovery and metals recovery processes. Facilities used to process end of life electronics must meet all applicable health, safety, environment, transport and export regulations. Facilities must possess all required permits and appropriate insurance. Acceptable processes include manual dismantling and sorting into major material categories (non-hazardous materials, electronic scrap materials, and hazardous materials) and mechanical processing for dismantling and/or material separation, with provision of dust collection and operator risk assessments and protection.
Major Material categories are defined as follows: i) Non-Hazardous Materials include ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, other metals (brass, bronze, metal fines), plastics, wood, and glass (non-leaded). ii) Electronic Scrap Materials include cables and wires, printed circuit boards (high, medium and low grade), components, including hard drives, chips and other electronic components. iii) Hazardous Materials include cathode ray tubes (CRT), CRT frit, leaded plasma display glass and other leaded glass, rechargeable batteries, nonrechargeable batteries, including alkaline, lead acid, and coin cell batteries on circuit boards, mercury bearing lamps and switches, components containing polychlorinated biphenyls, Ink and toner cartridges. Electronic scrap materials and hazardous materials: - may not be landfilled, exported to non-OECD or non-EU member countries, or processed with the use of prison labour. - exporting of these materials must be done in compliance to the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulation (EIHWHRMR). 4) In the event that it is determined by Canada that an Offeror is refusing to take back product or not recycling that product in accordance with the minimum requirements of the standing offer, Canada will arrange to have the subject material recovered and disposed off appropriately at the cost of the Offeror. In addition, the Offeror will have their standing offer deauthorized and will be excluded from holding a similar standing offer with Canada for a minimum of one year from the date of determination. D) Packaging Recycling The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing packaging recycling program as per the following: 1) All materials in which the Products are packaged and shipped must be recyclable. 2) The Offeror must take back all packaging from the Identified User’s site at the time of product installation. 3) The Contractor must reuse, recycle or dispose of all packaging materials removed from Products delivered under any Call-up in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Remanufactured Toner Cartridges E60PS-040067 2005-12-20 Pages 16, 17 RFSO
Part 3: Proposal Preparation Instructions and Evaluation Procedures 3.2 Mandatory Requirements I) The Offeror must have a process in place for the return/pick up of empty cartridges from the client, at no additional charge. (Refer to Appendix A, article A.1) Offeror must provide the steps / process the client is to follow for the return / pick up of empty cartridges. K) Offeror MUST have environmentally responsible programs in place. This would include the re-manufacturing process, waste disposal (e.g. Old toner, end of life cartridges, paper, in-house garbage), packaging. (refer to Appendix A.1). Detailed information that will provide the steps / processes of the environmental program(s) must be submitted with offer (refer to Appendix A.1)
Virgin Toner Cartridges E60PS-040069 2005-09-28 Page 13 RFSO
Part 3: Proposal Preparation Instructions and Evaluation Procedures 3.2 Mandatory Requirements H) The Offeror must have a process in place for the return/pick up of empty cartridges from the client, at no additional charge. (Refer to Appendix A, article A.2) Detailed information that describes the return/pick up procedures, must be submitted with offer (refer to Part 2, article 2.1). I) Offeror must have an environmentally responsible recycling process (es) in place for all aspect of their operations, such as waste disposal (e.g. Toner, non-recyclable material), packaging and machinery. (refer to Appendix A.3). Detailed information that describes the steps of the recycling process involved, must be submitted with the offer (refer to Part 2, article 2.1).
Car Rental E60LP-080005 2008-07-21
Page 79 RFSO
VII. Technical Point-Rated Criteria 2 Greening The Government of Canada (GC) is making "greening" a priority in its procurement activities. As a measure for achieving this through the Car Rental Directory, the GC would like to increase its relative usage of vehicles which are less harmful to the environment. Such vehicles would include but may not be limited to: hybrid-electric vehicles, factory-produced natural gas, propane or E-85 fuelled vehicles; 4 cylinder vehicles; ultra low-sulphur diesel fuelled vehicles, and other low-emission vehicles. The Offeror should provide details on its fleet as it pertains to the bidder's environmental offering for this requirement. The Offeror should also provide details on other environmental initiatives it is taking, including but not limited to: environmental vehicle maintenance; using environmentally-friendly vehicle cleaning products. (25 points)
Commercial Print EN578-070405 2008-02-28 Page 68 RFSA
A-R.4 Environmental Practices A-R.4.1 Environmental practices related to materials 0 Points = The description does not demonstrate that the Bidder has incorporated any environmental practices into on-going business activities or no description provided. 2 Points = Description demonstrates an ad-hoc approach to recycling and waste disposal. 4 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated informal environmental practices into on-going business activities or that they are in the process of implementing formal environmental practices into on-going business activities 6 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going business activities and recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposal for scrap paper; scrap packaging materials, binding material, metal plates, waste printing and finishing inks, chemicals, and adhesives.
8 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going business activities and recycles all scrap paper; recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposal for scrap paper; scrap packaging materials, binding material, metal plates, waste printing and finishing inks, chemicals, and adhesives. 10 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going business activities and the Bidder’s materials recycling and waste disposal practices conform to ECP certification requirements OR Bidders have obtained by bid closing certification under at least one (1) of the following environmental programs. Bidders must provide a copy of their current certification with their proposal. Certification status will be verified. - EcoLogoM Program CCD-041 (Lithographic Printing Services) - Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Certification Printers. A-R.4.2 Environmental practices related to purchasing 0 Points = Description does not demonstrate Bidder has incorporated any environmental practices into on-going business procurement activities and/or purchasing decisions. 2 Points = Description demonstrates an ad-hoc approach to purchasing decisions. 4 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated informal environmental practices into on-going procurement activities or that they are in the process of implementing formal environmental practices into on-going procurement activities. 6 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going procurement activities and procurement practices encourage purchasing paper made by companies holding FSC, SFI or CSA/SFMS certification and vegetable based inks. 8 Points = Description demonstrates that the Bidder has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going procurement activities and the Bidder uses only paper made by companies holding FSC, SFI or CSA/SFMS certification unless specifically instructed to do otherwise by the client organization. The Bidder uses only vegetable based inks for printing. 10 Points = Bidder’s purchasing practices conform to ECP certification requirements
Courier and Freight Services E60LM-080001 Undated Page 6, 7, 8 RFSO
Submission of Offers
Environmental Performance Considerations
Canada is committed to protecting the environment by incorporating environmentally responsible principles and practices into its operations, and promoting environmental stewardship by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement process. In accordance with this initiative, Offerors are asked to provide, with their offers, information regarding their use of environmentally friendly/"green" practices in their service delivery. This information will not be used in evaluation, but is for information purposes only. Canada will use a star rating system (0-3) to assess Offerors that can prove they are greener and include such information into the resulting Standing Offers to provide Shippers with the option to choose a greener service. The star rating for each Offeror will be identified in each successful Offeror’s Standing Offer. It will then be up to each Offeror to market to Shippers their green star rating. Canada plans to identify to Shippers the Offeror’s green star rating, but it is the responsibility of Offeror’s to market any rating they may receive. The maximum total points are 32.
No star will be given to an Offeror if it does not provide adequate information to this section, or it obtains zero (0) point. One (1) star will be given to an Offeror that obtains any points up to 10 points. Two (2) stars will be given to an Offeror that obtains more than 10 points and up to 20 points. Three (3) stars will be given to an Offeror that obtains more than 20 points and up to 32 points.
Offerors should provide examples to demonstrate how they comply with the elements below. Canada reserves the right to verify what the Offeror claims. Elements to be considered in the rating system are, but not limited to, the following:
Newer fleets that pollute less.
if at least 50% of fleet is less than 5 years old. (worth 4 green points) if 25%-49% of the fleet is less than 5 years old. (worth 2 green points) if 0%-24% of the fleet is less than 5 years old). (worth 0 green point) Percentage of vehicles using Alternative Transportation Fuel (ATF) in the fleet. Alternative Transportation Fuel includes, but not limited to, the following: hybrid gas/electrics, E85 (fuel mixture consisting 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline mix), E10 (fuel mixture consisting of 10 per cent ethanol and 90 per cent unleaded petrol), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), propane-powered vehicles, etc.
Proper maintenance of the Offeror’s fleet If a formal program exists and a regular scheduled maintenance is conducted at least once a year on the following items, one (1) green point will be granted for each item.
if at least 50% or more of the fleet uses alternative fuel. (worth 3 green points) if 25%-49% of the fleet uses alternative fuel. (worth 2 green points) if 1%-24% of the fleet uses alternative fuel. (1 green point) if 0% of the fleet uses alternative fuel. (0 green point)
Conduct inspections such as tire pressure, leaks of coolant. (worth 1 green point) Follow vehicle’s maintenance schedule. (worth 1 green point) Optimize the tire pressure. (worth 1 green point) Regular wheel alignment check. (worth 1 green point) Use engines equipped with electronic devices that automatically stop-start the engine to minimize idling and warm-up times. (worth 1 green point) Use auxiliary equipment such as directed -fired heaters and auxiliary power generators, rather than idling engines to meet heating, air conditioning and electrical demands in transport vehicles. (worth 1 green point)
Providing driver training If a formal program exists and a regular scheduled training is conducted at least once a year on the following items, one (1) green point will be granted for each item.
Smooth acceleration and braking. (worth 1 green point) Proper use of cruise control. (worth 1 green point) Elimination of unnecessary shifting. (worth 1 green point) Practising progressive shifting (up shifting at the least possible rpm). (worth 1 green point) Practising block shifting (skipping unnecessary gears). (worth 1 green point) Coasting whenever possible. (worth 1 green point) Elimination of speeding. (worth 1 green point)
Tire, waste oil, glycol, battery recycling programs. (worth 1 green point)
Use of block heater in winter to help reduce engine warm-up period. (worth 1 green point)
Planning of route using Route Optimizing software and hardware (such as GPS, route mapping software, cell phone location software, etc.) to avoid backtracking or crisscrossing the city. (worth 1 green point)
Using a human driven transportation mechanism for shipment and delivery such as bicycles, public transportation, foot delivery, etc. (worth 1 green point)
Consolidateration of loads to cut costs. (worth 1 green point)
Increase drops per delivery with return-to-vendor packaging. (worth 1 green point)
Monitor developments in new fuel-efficient transport technologies such as hybrid technology and electric drive. (worth 1 green point)
Packaging policies that reduce waste such as take back packaging, recycling etc. (worth 1 green point)
Provision of flexible containerization that make it easier to multi-stack, or load more effectively thus adding more leverage of the same vehicle usage. (worth 1 green point)
‘Piggy back’ of courier and freight items on transport vehicles for other items. (worth 1 green point)
ISO 14000, or ISO 14001 registration. (worth 1 green point)
Evidence of an environmental management system. (worth 1 green point)
Data Centre Co-Location EN869-102668/C 2010-06-04 Page 9 RFP Rated Technical Evaluation Criteria R6 – Existing Environmental Efficiencies The bidder should demonstrate its track record for incorporating environmental efficiencies into its existing data centre facilities. Submission Requirement Point Allocation Score The Bidder should describe how the Points Available : 115
following, 1) a) through m), environmental efficiencies have been incorporated into any of the Bidder’s existing data centre facilities: 1. Evaluated environmental efficiencies: 2. Fuel Storage handling – preventing oil spills at on-site storage tanks from entering into the soil, ground water and storm system; 3. Noise reduction measures – minimizing the impact of noise from generators, exhaust fans, chillers and cooling towers; 4. Energy Metering – ongoing monitoring and trend analysis of all data centre draw on power to verify the data centre mechanical and electrical subsystems are performing according to their design specifications; 5. On-site energy generation – use of solar, wind, fuel cells, geothermal or other renewable energy sources to augment power supplied by a Utility; 6. Renewable energy sources – selection of main source of utility power based on renewable sources; 7. Use of salvaged, refurbished or reused materials in the construction of the data centre; 8. Use of “free cooling” techniques; 9. Passive cooling systems eliminating the need for fan power to distribute air; 10. Adaptive cooling systems that automatically increase or decrease their capacity to match heat load; 11. Hot water heating using heat
5 points are available for each data centre environmental efficiency (a to m) up to a maximum of 65 points
recovery from the data centre; 12. Non-use of lead-acid batteries; 13. Ongoing training programs for data centre facility managers that focus on the growing need to manage complex mechanical and electrical subsystems in an environmentally sound manner; and 14. Enrolment as an ENERGY STAR participant. 15. Provide evidence for existing data centre buildings that have achieved and maintain LEED certification over and above the minimum mandatory requirement of LEED Silver certification.
A maximum of 50 points are available for the bidders existing data centre buildings as follows (1 certification per data centre facility): Gold certification = 10 points each Platinum certification = 20 points each
R7 – Proposed Environmental Efficiencies The bidder should describe how it proposes to incorporate environmental efficiencies into the proposed data centre facility. Submission Requirement Point Allocation Score Demonstrate the bidder’s intent to Points Available : 115 incorporate environmental efficiencies: 1. For each of the innovative 5 points are available for each environmental efficiencies data centre environmental demonstrated in Rated efficiency that the Bidder will Requirement R6, submission incorporate into the proposed requirement 1, indicate which of data centre facility up to a these will be implemented in the maximum of 65 points. (Note: Bidder’s proposed co-location Each environmental efficiency facility. Provide a detailed will only be counted once) description of how the bidder intends to incorporate the environmental efficiencies in the design, construction, enhancement, and operation of the proposed data centre facilities. 2. Further to R6 Submission 50 points are available for Requirement 2, if the bidder successfully demonstrating that intends to incorporate LEED the certification will be
Gold or LEED Platinum certification in the proposed datacenter, provide a detailed description of how the bidder will achieve this certification in the proposed data centre facility.
incorporated and how that certification will be incorporated into the proposed data centre facility. 50 points will be achieved for either LEED Gold or LEED Platinum certification.
R8 – Green Operation and Maintenance processes The bidder should have an Environmental Policy that includes consideration for the proposed data centre facility and its impact to the environment. Submission Requirement Point Allocation Score Provide the bidder’s Environmental Points Available : 50 Policy as it pertains to the proposed data centre facility and how it will address the ongoing environmentally related innovation, maintenance, and operations of the data centre facility. 5 points for including a clear 1. The environmental policy policy that demonstrates the should, at a minimum, contain sustainability goals for the clear information on the facility and contains (a) to (e) of following: the submission requirement. (a) Scope: Describe the facility maintenance and operations processes to which the policy applies, as well as the facility components, systems, and materials to which the policy applies. (b) Performance Metric: Describe how performance will be measured and/or evaluated. (c) Goals: Identify the sustainability goals for the building. (d) Procedures and Strategies: Outline the procedures and strategies in place to meet the goals and intent of the policy. (e) Responsible Party: Identify the teams and individuals involved in activities pertaining to the policy, and responsible for their execution. Identify and outline key tasks for the above teams
and individuals. The environmental policy must speak to the following elements of ongoing operations: (f)
Building Exterior and Landscape Management (g) Integrated Pest Management (h) Erosion Control and Landscape Management (i) Storm Water Control (j) Heat Island Reduction: Roof (k) Water Metering and Water Performance Measurement (l) Water Efficient Landscaping (m) Cooling Tower Water Management (if applicable) (n) Energy Efficiency best Management Practices – Planning, Documentation and Opportunity Assessment (o) Ongoing Building Commissioning (p) Energy System Level Metering and Measurement (q) Enhanced Refrigerant Management (r) Sustainable Purchasing Policies (s) Solid Waste Management Policies (t) Green Cleaning Policies (u) Innovation in Operations For more information on these elements of a green policy, please refer to the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operation and Maintenance Rating System. Note that the LEED EB:O&M system is a reference source only and not a requirement of this project.
45 points will be awarded for including any of the listed elements of ongoing operations as follows: # of Policy Elements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Points 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Events Management Services EN578-092644 2010-03-24 Page 22, RFSO
R.4 Environmental Considerations Maximum possible points: 20 points The Offeror / Supplier should provide the following: 
An existing or proposed company-wide environmental statement and mission (including environmental measures undertaken in office operations);
An existing or proposed action plan for energy sourcing (measures taken to improve energy efficiency, intended use of alternative fuel/power sources if the Offeror’s / Supplier’s premises is owned); and An existing or proposed action plan for materials/equipment sourcing (intended use of recycled or reused products, waste management strategy); and An existing or proposed action plan for transportation logistics (minimization of travel, use of green hotels).
Provision of each of the above is worth five (5) points. Partial points will not be awarded. The Offeror / Supplier should also provide a listing of environmental attributes for its firm. This will not be evaluated but will form part of any resulting Standing Offer / Supply Arrangement.
E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) E60SQ-080007/C 2009-07-10 Page 11, 12 RFSO
PART 4 - EVALUATION PROCEDURES AND BASIS OF SELECTION 1. Evaluation Procedures 1.1.2 Point Rated Technical Criteria Each Technical Offer which meets all the Mandatory Requirements will be evaluated and scored in accordance with the point rated technical evaluation criteria provided below. Item
Scoring Methodology
Available Points
The Offeror should provide a full process description at each stage, detailing: • 100% of all of the output streams of resources, • hazards and wastes produced from the recycling of the Material, • their shipping destination and reference (company name, address, contact, telephone and email)
Provide full map of downstream vendors to final resting place.
Maximum 40 points.
Evaluation to be conducted using sample calculations as outlined in Attachment 3 to Part 4.
10 points for each of the four sample calculations. Points for each sample will be awarded based on the Rating Guide, below.
to the Final Resting Place of the stream. The Offeror should complete the sample descriptions for evaluation at Attachment 3 to Part 4. References may be contacted to confirm information provided in the technical proposal only.
The Offeror should demonstrate Occupational Health and Safety Standard (OHSAS) 18000.
Provide a copy of the Certification.
Maximum 2 points.
The Offeror should provide a copy of its Sustainable Development Policy that establishes documented procedures for programs and reporting related to the following:
Provide evidence of relevant policies, procedures and programs.
Maximum 8 points. 1 point per demonstrated procedure OR program to a maximum of 8.
-Use of pesticides on the property for maintenance. -Training and certification of pesticide applicators. -Procurement of supplies and commodities in an environmentally sound manner. -Recycling of waste generated through maintenance of equipment. -Recycling of waste generated by the facilities’ employees. -Conservation of wildlife area surrounding the location of the facility. -Conservation of the community in which the facility is located. -Conservation of energy. -Conservation of water. Total Overall Points Minimum Required Score Rating Guide, R-1 Recycling Rate Greater than 85% and less than 86% Greater than or equal to 86% and less than 87% Greater than or equal to 87% and less than 88% Greater than or equal to 88% and less than 90% Greater than or equal to 90% and less than 95% Greater than or equal to 95% and less than or equal to 100%
50 25
Points 1 point 2 points 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
Facsimiles (non-secure) EC095-080004 2010-6-09 Page 14 RFSO
1.2 Financial Evaluation At the second step of the financial evaluation the offeror shall receive credit, in the form of a percentage reduction of 4% against the evaluated cost per page for facsimiles (s) offered that have Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling. This reduction will be applied to the cost per page calculated as per above and the cost per copy including Environmental Credit will be the amount that is used in the third step of the financial evaluation (see below) to determine the cost per page threshold. (Sample provided at Annex K)
To apply for the reduction, the Offeror shall complete the NSMO Optional Standards section of Annex C - Model Specific Technical Specifications & Standards and as proof that the facsimile has been approved for Third Party Envirionmental Ecolabeling Certification, the offeror must submit a print-out from the certifying body's website identifying the relevant Products as meeting the standard. Acceptable programs are those that conform to ISO 14024:1999, Environmental labels and declarations, Type I environmental labeling and are recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN). If the proof does not confirm that the facsimile meets the NMSO optional standards the offeror's response to the subject optional standard will be considered to be, and modified to read, "not applicable" and the percentage reduction will not be applied.
Flat Printing EN578-060344 Page 39 RFSO
R4 Environmental Practices R.4.1 Environmental practices related to materials Description does not demonstrate Offeror has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going business activities. Description demonstrates ad-hoc approach to recycling and waste disposal. Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposal for scrap paper; scrap packaging materials, binding material, metal plates, waste printing and finishing inks, chemicals, and adhesives Recycles all scrap paper; recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposal for scrap paper; scrap packaging materials, binding material, metal plates, waste printing and finishing inks, chemicals, and adhesives Offeror’s materials recycling and waste disposal practices conform to ECP certification requirements
0 – 2 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
MAXIMUM = 5 Points
R.4.2 Environmental practices related to purchasing Description does not demonstrate Offeror has incorporated formal environmental practices into on-going business activities. Description demonstrates ad-hoc approach to purchasing decisions. Procurement practices encourage purchasing paper made by company holding FSC, SFI or CSA/SFMS certification and vegetable based inks
0 – 2 points
3 points
Offeror uses paper is made by company holding FSC, SFI or CSA/SFMS certification and vegetable oil based inks Offeror’s purchasing practices conform to ECP certification requirements MAXIMUM = 5 Points
4 points 5 points
Graphic Design EN578-092643 2010-03-24 Page 20 RFSO
R.3 Environmental Considerations Maximum points: 15 The Offeror / Supplier should provide the following:
An existing or proposed company-wide environmental statement and mission (including environmental measures undertaken in office operations); An existing or proposed action plan for energy sourcing (measures taken to improve energy efficiency, intended use of alternative fuel/power sources if the Offeror’s / Supplier’s premises is owned); and An existing or proposed action plan for materials/equipment sourcing (intended use of recycled or reused products, waste management strategy).
Provision of each of the above is worth five (5) points. Partial points will not be awarded. The Offeror / Supplier should also provide a listing of environmental attributes for its firm. This will not be evaluated but will form part of any resulting Standing Offer / Supply Arrangement.
IT Hardware – Desktop E60EJ-07000M February 2008 Website: NMSO
4.0 4.1
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES (GREEN CAPABILITIES) NSTL compiles and verifies the list of features provided for each system. The presence of a weighted item results in a score being assigned, while its absence would procure a 0. The features score is a weighted average of scores for individual items. The weights assigned to each item are listed below. The weighted average is then multiplied by 10 to rescale from 0 to 10.
Formula: Features Score = [Sum of the weighted elements / Sum of the weights]×10
0 0 0
Energy Star vers 4.0 certified Power supply 80Plus certified Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Toot (EPEAT) certified – Silver level Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Toot (EPEAT) certified – Gold level Member of national industry association pursuing environmental stewardship including re-use, re-cycle (name/organisation) System unit manufacturer a member of Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) Bulk packaging available (minimum 6 PCs per re-usable container) Electronic user documentation available AMD “Cool and Quiet” enabled ACPI version 1.0b support PC System unit is TCO ’05 certified TCO ’03 compliant default 22 inch LCD monitor TCO ’03 compliant optional 24 inch LCD monitor EPEAT Silver compliant monitor EPEAT Gold compliant monitor System unit manufacturer is ISO 14001 certified Default and optional monitors manufacturer is ISO 14001 certified Video controller and monitor support Display Power Management Signalling (DPMS) CPU fan speed adjust according to system loading
___/ 40
Highest Maximum Green score = 40 points
10 5 4 4 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 4 0 2 2
IT Hardware - Notebook E60EJ-07000 February 2008 Website: NMSO
4.0 Weight 2 2 10 14
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES (GREEN CAPABILITIES) Item Energy Star 4.0 certified Energy Star 4.0 certified AC adapter Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Toot (EPEAT) certified – Silver level Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Toot (EPEAT) certified – Gold level
Member of national industry association pursuing environmental stewardship including re-use, re-cycle (name organisation) AMD Cool ‘n Quiet ACPI 1.0b compliant Bulk packaging available (minimum 8 notebooks per re-usable container) Electronic user documentation available Notebook is TCO ’03 certified CPU fan speed adjust according to system loading
2 2 4 3 3 2 ____/ 47 Highest Environmental Attributes Score = 47 Points
IT Hardware - Server E60EJ-07000M February 2008 Website: NMSO
3.0 POWER METRIC 3.1 In pursuit of the Canadian Federal Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy policies on Green Procurement, PWGSC will instruct NSTL to test for each bid configuration’s power consumption measured by KW/Hr. 4.0 4.1
FEATURES SCORING METHODOLOGY NSTL compiles and verifies the list of features provided for each system. The presence of a weighted item results in a score being assigned, while its absence would procure a 0. The features score is a weighted average of scores for individual items. The weights assigned to each item are listed below. The weighted average is then multiplied by 10 to rescale from 0 to 10.
Formula: Features Score = [Sum of the weighted elements / Sum of the weights]×10
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Weight Item 0 RoHS compliant (IE: Case/Chassis, system board, disk drive controller, disk drive, optical drive, power supply) 0 Member of Electronic Product Stewardship of Canada 0 Contributing Member of “” 0 ISO 14001 certified manufacturer 3 Bulk Packaging 3 (max 9) Certified by Green Electronics Council as meeting EPEAT (Bronze criteria = 2, Silver criteria = 4, Gold criteria = 6) 3 Intel, or AMD identified lower voltage CPU _____ Sum of Maximum Possible Item Scores
Media Monitoring EN578-112214 2011-07-11 Page 44, 50 RFSA
ANNEX "D" SUPPLIERS LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES (To be inserted by the Supply Arrangement Authority prior to Supply Arrangement authorization, if included in the Supplier's response to R.5 Environmental Considerations. Otherwise, this appendix will be deleted.)
Environmental Considerations (15 points)
Evaluation Criteria An existing or proposed company-wide environmental statement and mission An existing or proposed proposed action plan for energy sourcing An existing or proposed proposed action plan for materials/equipment sourcing
Not provided 0 points
Provided 5 points
0 points
5 points
0 points
5 points
Postage Meter Equipment 66HAL-070018 2009-07-21 Page 10, 79 RFSO
2) POINT RATED ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS/CERTIFICATIONS The following Environmental Program is an optional requirement for which the Offeror will receive a maximum Evaluation Reduction of 3% against the evaluated price of the applicable product as well as identified in the NMSO document. A) Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling (3%) The equipment must be approved for Environmental Ecolabeling Certification. Acceptable programs are those that conform to ISO 14024 : 1999, Environmental labels and declarations, Type I environmental labeling and are recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN). Environmental Performance Labeling such as Energy Star Registration.
Promotional Items EN578-121124/A 2011-09-08 Page 26, 28 RFSA
1.1.2 RATED REQUIREMENTS: Description of processes from order taking to fulfillment
Minimum score required (points)
_______/ 64
_______/ 24
_______/ 12
______/ 100
75 Value added service provided Environmental practices
Total Score
1.1.2 POINT RATED REQUIREMENTS Environmental Practices The Supplier should describe and give examples of six (6) of its environmental practices in their day to day operations. (Max 12 points, Min 6 points)
Environmental Practices – Maximum of 12 points
The Supplier should describe 6 environmental practices of their day to day operations and give an example for each of them. (Maximum 1 Point per description and 1 point per example) Environmental practice one description __ example__
Environmental practice two description __ example__
Environmental practice three description __ example__
Environmental practice four description __ example__
Environmental practice five description __ example__
Environmental practice six description __ example__
Total score for ______/12 points
Reprographics and Copying Services EN578-060034 2007-09-17 Page 45 RFSO
R4 Environmental Practices Offerors are to describe environmental practices implemented within their company. At a minimum the description is to provide information on: R.4.1 The offeror’s environmental practices related to materials R.4.2 The offeror’s environmental practices related to hardware
5 points 5 points
Only criteria R.4.1 and R.4.2 will be considered in evaluating the offeror’s pass or fail of point R.4. Points allocated for R.4.3.1, R.4.3.2 or R.4.3.3 are additional to the pass requirement and will be added to the total points for R.4.1 and R.4.2 to determine the final score for R.4. R.4.3 Environmental programs under which the offeror’s NCR facility(ies) is certified:
R.4.3.1 Environmental Choice Program, certification for Digital Printing Services or R.4.3.2 Chain of Custody certification from a Forest Management Program FSC, SFI, CSA/SFMS.
5 points
5 points
or R.4.3.3 ISO Environmental Management Standards certification. Offerors are to supply a copy of any relevant certifications which are claimed as part of their offer.
5 points
The additional points allocated for R.4.3.1, R.4.3.2 or R.4.3.3 will not be considered in evaluating the offeror’s pass or fail of criteria R4. Up to a maximum of five (5) points will be added to the total points for R4.1 and R4.2 for determining the final score for the offer. Should an Offeror hold the Environmental Choice Program, Certification for Digital Printing Services they are not required to respond to criteria R.4.1 and R.4.2. The full 10 points will be assigned. NOTE: Failure to provide a copy of the certification will result in points R.4.1 and R.4.2 not being evaluated and 0 points will be allocated for each. R4.1 Environmental practices related to materials ___ Recycles all scrap paper; ___ Recycles all scrap paper; all scrap plastic and recycles or uses environmentally safe metal binding material. methods of disposing of all scrap plastic and metal binding material. ___ Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposing of used toner and ink cartridges.
___ Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposing of used toner and ink cartridges.
___ Incorporates environmental considerations in purchasing paper.
___ Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposing of binding adhesives and other chemicals.
Offeror’s materials recycling and waste disposal practices conform to ECP certification requirements. ____ 5
___ Offeror uses alkaline paper as “house” brand;
___Offeror uses alkaline paper as “house” brand; AND OR “house” paper is made by company holding FSC, SFI ___ “House” paper is made or CSA/SFMS certification. by company holding FSC, ____ 4 SFI or CSA/SFMS certification; 34
____ 3
Total points____
Total points ____
Total points ____
R4.2 Environmental practices related to hardware Offeror’s equipment ___ Printer/copiers enter __ Printer/copiers enter standby mode after one hour. handling practices standby mode after one conform to ECP hour. certification requirements. ___ Non-automated ___ Non-automated ____ 5 equipment is turned off when equipment is turned off not in use. when not in use. ___ Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposing of used computers and related equipment - e. g. CPUs, monitors, keyboards. ____ 3
___ Printing/copying equipment meets ECP standard for ambient dust and ozone concentration.
___ Recycles or uses environmentally safe methods of disposing of used computers and related equipment - e. g. CPUs, monitors, keyboards. ____ 4
Total points ____
Total points ____
Total points ____
Points for R4 = R4.1 ______ + R4.2 = _______ / 10 Points Additional points possible for R4.3.1 ______, or R4.3.2 ______, or R4.3.3 ______ = ______ /5 Points The additional points allocated for R4.3.1, R4.3.2 or R4.3.3 will not be considered in evaluating the offeror's pass or fail of point R4. Up to a maximum of five (5) points will be added to the total points for R4 for determining the final score for the offer. Total points possible for R4 = 15 Total points allocated for R4 = R4.1 ____ + R4.2 ____ + R4.3.1 ____ or R4.3.2 ____ or R4.3.3 ____ = ____ points. COMMENTS: R4 Environmental Practices ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Maximum Points Possible for R4 Environmental Practices = 15 Points; Score =___/15
Desktop and Network Printers including accessories, supplies and services EZ107-060001 (Extension) 2008-08-17 Website: NMSO
The Environmental Programs required for printers offered under this series of NMSOs are excerpted from Annex A and the programs required of their Offerors are described in Annex B. Annex A: Technical Specifications 1. Mandatory General Specifications for All Printers All printers, under all Groups, Categories and Sub-Categories must meet or exceed the following Mandatory General Specifications: (f) All printers must: (i) be certified as compliant with the Canadian Electrical Code for office printers by an organization approved by the Standards Council of Canada; (ii) be certified by the manufacturer as complying with the Class A or B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Interference Causing Equipment Standard (ICES-003) of Industry Canada, or US FCC Class A or B equivalent emission limits for digital apparatus as set in the Radio Interference Regulations; (iii) be Energy Star qualified at the time of product acceptance. The vendor must ship all products with the Energy Star low-power feature activated or enabled. (iv) be manufactured in facilities that are both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified; and (v) have an Environmental Ecolabeling Certification at the time of product acceptance. (i) The printers must not prevent, through specific design features or manufacturing processes, the use of remanufactured imaging consumables, except where a licensing agreement has precluded the remanufacture. Consumables able to be remanufactured must be available for the printers. In addition, all printers in all sub-categories must be configured to print double-sided (duplex) documents as their default.
Annex B: Environmental Requirements 1. Consumables Containers Recycling Program (a) For all locations in Canada (except CLCA areas) where consumables containers cannot be recycled through local "blue-box" recycling programs, the Contractor must provide its own consumables recycling program by either: providing prepaid, postage-return packaging with the consumable when it is originally delivered, or available for download from the manufacturer's website; OR picking up used consumables containers at no charge. (b) Where consumables are purchased through subsequent standing offers or other purchasing instruments with provisions for Empty Cartridge Return Credit, this credit will be payable to Canada and procedures for return and pick up will be in accordance with the provisions of those standing offers. 2. Hardware Take Back and Recycling Program The Contractor must control electronic waste through the establishment of an ongoing hardware take-back and recycling program. For a period of six (6) years from the date of the Call-up issuance, the Contractor must take back (whether or not the equipment remains in government control) any products supplied under any Call-ups (even if the Warranty Period is complete), if requested by the end user, at no charge, but is not required to pay for shipping and handling. The Contractor must recycle or dispose of all equipment taken back in an environmentally sensitive manner. At a minimum, the recycling of equipment should involve material recovery and metals recovery processes. Facilities used to process end of life electronics must meet all applicable health, safety, environment, transport and export regulations. Facilities must possess all required permits and appropriate insurance. Acceptable processes include manual dismantling and sorting into major material categories (non-hazardous materials, electronic scrap materials, and hazardous materials) and mechanical processing for dismantling and/or material separation, with provision of dust collection and operator risk assessments and protection. Major Material categories are defined as follows: 1) Non-Hazardous Materials include ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, other metals (brass, bronze, metal fines), plastics, wood, and glass (non-leaded). 2) Electronic Scrap Materials include cables and wires, printed circuit boards (high, medium and low grade), components, including hard drives, chips and other electronic components.
3) Hazardous Materials include cathode ray tubes (CRT), CRT frit, leaded plasma display glass and other leaded glass, rechargeable batteries, non-rechargeable batteries, including alkaline, lead acid, and coin cell batteries on circuit boards, mercury bearing lamps and switches, components containing polychlorinated biphenyls, Ink and toner cartridges. Electronic scrap materials and hazardous materials: -
may not be landfilled, exported to non-OECD or non-EU member countries, or processed with the use of prison labour. - exporting of these materials must be done in compliance to the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulation (EIHWHRMR). In the event that it is determined by Canada that an Offeror is refusing to take back product or not recycling that product in accordance with the minimum requirements of the standing offer, Canada will arrange to have the subject material recovered and disposed off appropriately at the cost of the Offeror. In addition, the Offeror will have their standing offer deauthorized and will be excluded from holding a similar standing offer with Canada for a minimum of one year from the date of determination. 3. Packaging Take-Back and Recycling (a) All materials in which the Products are packaged and shipped must be recyclable. (b) The Contractor must reuse, recycle or dispose of all packaging materials removed from Products delivered under any Call-up in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Digital Convenience Photocopiers/Multifunction Devices EZ107-070001 2008-07-30 Website: NMSO
A 4.7.1 The following Environmental Programs are mandatory: a) ISO 14001 Certification The Offeror (or its Original Equipment Manufacturer) must be registered under ISO 14001 from a nationally accredited registrar under the ISO 14001 Program for the manufacturing facility where the specific photocopiers/MFDs being offered as part of this Standing Offer are manufactured. b) Consumables Container Recycling Program The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing consumables container recycling program as per the following: For all locations in Canada covered by this NMSO where consumables containers cannot be recycled through local "blue-box" recycling programs, the Offeror must
provide its own consumables recycling program by either: providing prepaid, postage-return packaging with the consumable when it is originally delivered, or available for download from the manufacturer's website; OR picking up used consumables containers at no charge. c) Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program as per the following: The Contractor must control electronic waste through the establishment of an ongoing hardware take-back and recycling program. At the end of any lease, the Contractor must take back any leased products supplied under any Call-ups at no charge. The Contractor must recycle or dispose of all equipment taken back in an environmentally sensitive manner. At a minimum, the recycling of equipment should involve material recovery and metals recovery processes. Facilities used to process end of life electronics must meet all applicable health, safety, environment, transport and export regulations. Facilities must possess all required permits and appropriate insurance. Acceptable processes include manual dismantling and sorting into major material categories (non-hazardous materials, electronic scrap materials, and hazardous materials) and mechanical processing for dismantling and/or material separation, with provision of dust collection and operator risk assessments and protection. Major Material categories are defined as follows: i) Non-Hazardous Materials include ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, other metals (brass, bronze, metal fines), plastics, wood, and glass (non-leaded). ii) Electronic Scrap Materials include cables and wires, printed circuit boards (high, medium and low grade), components, including hard drives, chips and other electronic components. iii) Hazardous Materials include cathode ray tubes (CRT), CRT frit, leaded plasma display glass and other leaded glass, rechargeable batteries, nonrechargeable batteries, including alkaline, lead acid, and coin cell batteries on circuit boards, mercury bearing lamps and switches, components containing polychlorinated biphenyls, Ink and toner cartridges. Electronic scrap materials and hazardous materials:
- may not be land filled, exported to non-OECD or non-EU member countries, or processed with the use of prison labour. - exporting of these materials must be done in compliance to the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulation (EIHWHRMR). In the event that it is determined by Canada that an Offeror is refusing to take back product or not recycling that product in accordance with the minimum requirements of the standing offer, Canada will arrange to have the subject material recovered and disposed off appropriately at the cost of the Offeror. In addition, the Offeror will have their standing offer de authorized and will be excluded from holding a similar standing offer with Canada for a minimum of one year from the date of determination. d) Packaging Recycling The Offeror must currently promote recycling through an established and ongoing packaging recycling program as per the following: All materials in which the Products are packaged and shipped must be recyclable. The Offeror must take back all packaging from the Identified User's site at the time of product installation. The Contractor must reuse, recycle or dispose of all packaging materials removed from Products delivered under any Call-up in an environmentally sensitive manner. e) Energy Star Registration The Offeror's product must be Energy Star qualified at the time of product acceptance. The vendor must Ship all products with the Energy Star low-power feature activated or enabled. This eliminates the need for users to configure the power-management feature after delivery and helps to ensure that they use the energy-saving feature. A 4.7.2 The following Environmental Program is an optional requirement for which the Offeror will receive an Evaluation Reduction of 3% against the evaluated price as well as mention on the IPMG web site. (a) Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling (3%) The photocopier/MFD must be approved for Environmental Ecolabeling Certification. Acceptable programs are those that conform to ISO 14024 : 1999, Environmental labels and declarations, Type I environmental labeling and are recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN) If the photocopier/MFD proposed does not have Environmental Ecolabeling Certification at time of initial offer but achieves certification subsequent to Standing Offer issue, the
Offeror may submit a request and proof of certification for the additional reduction at any pricing refresh period.
Document Scanners EZ107-080001 2009-08-04 Page 36 NMSO
A.2 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A.2.1 Packaging Take-Back and Recycling a. All materials in which the Products are packaged and shipped must be recyclable. b. The Contractor must reuse, recycle or dispose of in an environmentally sensitive manner all packaging materials removed from Products installed under any Call-up. A.2.2 Environmental Specifications The Offeror (or its Original Equipment Manufacturer) must be registered under ISO 14001 from a nationally accredited registrar under the ISO 14001 Program for the manufacturing facility where the specific document scanners being offered as part of this Standing Offer are manufactured.
Events Management Services EN578-092644 2010-03-24 Page 12, RFSO
Part 2 5. Environmental Considerations Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Environmentally preferable goods and services are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. Environmental performance considerations include, among other things: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air contaminants; improved energy and water efficiency; reduced waste and support reuse and recycling; the use of renewable resources; reduced hazardous waste; and reduced toxic and hazardous substances. In accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement, for this solicitation: 
Offerors / suppliers are encouraged to offer or suggest green solutions whenever possible.
Offerors / suppliers are requested to provide all correspondence including (but not limited to) documents, reports and invoices in electronic format unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority or Project Authority, thereby reducing printed material. The paper format of the offer / arrangement should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content. Offerors / suppliers should recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents (taking into consideration the Security Requirements). Product components used in performing the services should be recyclable and/or reusable, whenever possible.
E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) E60SQ-080007/C 2009-07-10 Page 5, 9, 21 RFSO
PART 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Introduction Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is issuing a Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) for the provision of the environmentally sound disposal of Federal Surplus Electric and Electronic Equipment (EEE) for the Government of Canada (GoC), nationally. The RFSO is in line with PWGSCs’ mandate to assist the Government in its commitment to become a model of environmental excellence in its operations, and within its broader Sustainable Development Strategy. 2. Summary Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), has developed a strategy in cooperation with other government departments that includes the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) Criteria for Recyclers of Federal Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE). ESM is defined as a mechanism for ensuring that wastes, used and scrap EEE are managed in a manner that conserves natural resources and minimizes risk to human health and the environment from the potential adverse effects that may result from the management of such wastes and materials. ESM often implies the utilization of best management practices and continuous improvement. PART 3 - OFFER PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Offer Preparation Instructions Canada requests that Offerors follow the format instructions described below in the preparation of their offer.
(a) use 8.5 x 11 inch (216 mm x 279 mm) paper; (b) use a numbering system that corresponds to that of the Request for Standing Offer; (c) use 30% recycled paper and print double sided. PART 6 - STANDING OFFER AND RESULTING CONTRACT CLAUSES B. RESULTING CONTRACT CLAUSES 2.1 General Conditions Hazardous Waste Disposal The Contractor must dispose of any hazardous waste removed or uncovered in the performance of the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and any applicable law. 5. Invoicing Instructions 3. Invoices must be submitted in electronic format to the electronic mail address identified under the section entitled “Authorities” of the contract. Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader (pdf) formats are acceptable. Facsimiles (non-secure) EC095-080004 2010-6-09 Annex A RFSO
8. Environmental Requirements 8.1 Consumables Containers Recycling Program (a) For all locations in Canada (except CLCAs) where consumables containers cannot be recycled through local “blue-box” recycling programs, the Offeror must provide its own consumables recycling program by either: (i) providing prepaid, postage-return packaging with the consumable when it is originally delivered; OR (ii) picking up used consumables containers at no charge. (b) Where consumables are purchased through subsequent standing offers or other purchasing instruments with provisions for Empty Cartridge Return Credit, this credit will be payable to Canada and procedures for return and pick up will be in accordance with the provisions of those standing offers. 8.2 Packaging Take-Back and Recycling (a) All materials in which the Products are packaged and shipped must be recyclable either by the Offeror when the Product is installed or by the User when the Offeror is not present.
(b) The Offeror must reuse, recycle or dispose of all packaging materials removed from Products delivered under any Call-up in an environmentally sensitive manner. Proof of this would involve, but is not limited to, suppliers providing in their proposals more details with regards to process, recovery rate, technology being used, etc.
Fuels – Ethanol and Bio-Diesel E60HL-8-0027-20-A, E60HL-8-0028-20-A E60HL-8-0029-20-A 2008-09-01 Website: Pages 1, 6 RMSO
1.1 Product Standard The product delivered by the Supplier shall be in accordance with the product description, and instructions where applicable, shown at Appendix "A" related to each requirement, and shall conform to the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Standard indicated hereunder: a) for unleaded automotive gasoline - Standard CAN/CGSB-3.5-2004, as applicable, latest issue; b) for oxygenated unleaded automotive gasoline containing ethanol- Standard CAN/CGSB- 3.511-2005, as applicable, latest issue; c) for automotive (on-road) diesel fuel- Standard CAN/CGSB 3.517-2007, as applicable, latest issue; d) for Oxygenated Unleaded Automotive Gasoline Containing Ethanol- Standard CAN/CGSB-3.511-2005, as applicable, latest issue; Seasonally adjusted (E85) During the cold weather months, approximately October 1 to March 31, the supplier may supply a percentage of ethanol less than 85%, however the minimum shall not be less than 65%. e) for Automotive (On-Road) Diesel Fuel Containing Low Levels of Biodiesel Esters (B1-B5) – Standard CAN/CGSB- 3.520-2005, as applicable, latest issue; 6.8 BQ9000 - Quality Management Program - For "Biodiesel" Requirements The Contractor shall be responsible for implementing a quality system appropriate to the scope of the work to be performed. It is recommended that the quality system be based on BQ9000 – Quality Management Program - Requirements. BQ9000 website: 6.11 Shipment of Hazardous Materials The Contractor must label and ship goods falling within the Hazardous Products Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-3 and regulation(s) in accordance with the said Act and regulation(s) accompanied by the required material safety data sheet(s) completed in either English or French. The label must clearly identify the contents of the hazardous material and the material safety data sheet must explain what those hazards are.
6.12 Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Products 1. The Contractor must mark dangerous goods/hazardous products material which are classed as dangerous / hazardous as follows: (a) shipping container - in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, c. 34; and (b) immediate product container - in accordance with the Hazardous Products Act, R.S., 1985, c. H-3. 2. The Contractor must provide bilingual Material Safety Data Sheets, indicating the NATO Stock Number as follows: (a) two (2) hard copies: (i) one (1) copy to be enclosed with the shipment, and (ii) one (1) copy to be mailed to: National Defence Headquarters MGen George R. Pearkes Building 101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2 Attention: DSCO 3-2-3 (b) one (1) soft copy: on a 3.5 inch diskette in ASCII, Rich Text Format (RTF) or common word processing format (i.e. MS Word or WordPerfect) must be mailed to the address provided at paragraph 2(a)(ii). 3. The Contractor will be responsible for any damages caused by improper packaging, labelling or carriage of goods/products. 4. The Contractor must ensure they adhere to all levels of regulations regarding dangerous goods/hazardous products as set forth by federal, provincial and municipal laws and by-laws. 5. The Contractor must contact the consignee (i.e. Supply Depot Traffic Section) at least 48 hours before shipping dangerous goods/hazardous products in order to schedule a receiving time. (derived from D3010C, 07/11/30) 6.13 Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Products 1. The Contractor must ensure proper labelling and packaging in the supply and shipping of dangerous goods/hazardous products to the Government of Canada. 2. The Contractor will be held liable for any damages caused by improper packaging, labelling or carriage of dangerous goods/hazardous products. 3. The Contractor must clearly mark all merchandise labels with the percentage of volume that is a hazardous item. Failure to do so will result in the Contractor being held responsible for damages caused in the movement of goods/products by government vehicles or government personnel. 4. The Contractor must adhere to all applicable laws regarding dangerous goods/hazardous products. (derived from D3015C, 07/11/30) 7.1 Storage Tanks Conversion to Ethanol Upon request, and at no additional cost, the "Ethanol" supplier shall advise the Requisitioning Authority, on the appropriate process to follow when converting the content in its bulk storage tank(s) from unleaded gasoline to oxygenated unleaded
gasoline containing ethanol. This advice shall include but not necessarily be limited to recommendations related to the cleaning of the bulk storage tank(s) and filtration. 7.2 Storage Tanks Conversion to Biodiesel Upon request, the supplier shall advise the Requisitioning Authority, on the appropriate process to follow when converting the content in its bulk storage tank(s) from Automotive Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel to Automotive Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel Containing Low Levels of Biodiesel Esters (B1-B5). This advice shall include but not necessarily be limited to recommendations related to the cleaning of the bulk storage tank(s) and filtration.
Furniture – Free Standing
Furniture – Panels
E60PQ-080001/B 2008-10-15 Page 35 RFSO
E60PQ-080005-A 2008-12-08 Page 31 RFSO
12.3 Value Added Environmental Attributes (Non-mandatory) The Offeror with additional value-added environmental criteria will be recognized in the procurement process with utilization of e-Purchasing. Refer to Annex D - Value Added Environmental Attributes For e-Purchasing. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS (7.0 for Furniture – Panels) 6.1 Resource Input 6.1.1 Adhesives used in the manufacture of freestanding office desk products and components must be free of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP's). 6.1.2 Metal components must be finished using low VOC content or non-toxic surface coatings. 6.1.3 Steel used in the manufacture of freestanding office desk products and components must contain a minimum of 25% recycled material. 6.1.4 Composite wood products (i.e. particleboard and fibreboard) used in the manufacture of freestanding office desk products and components must contain a minimum of 60% recycled material. 6.1.5 All plastic components must be recyclable at the end of their life. 6.1.6 When the substrate for work surfaces, shelving, modesty panels, support panels or any other component is a composite wood product (i.e. particle board, medium density fibreboard, plywood) that contains urea-formaldehyde-based resins, the substrates must be fully encapsulated on all six sides. 6.1.7 Holes drilled into the composite wood product components at the factory must be supplied with plugs that can be removed when the holes are required for the assembly of the workstation components. Holes do not need to be plugged if the product does not emit formaldehyde resulting in an indoor air concentration of more than 0.5 mg/m3. (This can be achieved by product listing on Ecologo, Greenguard etc.).
6.1.8 Only woods, either in solid or veneer form that have been harvested or traded in accordance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) must be used. 6.2 Product Design 6.2.1 All under-shelf task lights must be equipped with linear or compact fluorescent lamp technology. If a linear fluorescent lighting system is provided, it must have high frequency electronic ballast, and a minimum lamp life of 15,000 hours. Alternatively, if a compact fluorescent lamp technology is provided, it must have electronic ballast and a minimum lamp life of 10,000 hours. 6.2.2 All freestanding office desk products and components must be designed for disassembly. 6.2.3 All freestanding office desk products and components must be designed to keep assembly and disassembly methods and the use of proprietary tools to a minimum. 6.2.4 Wear susceptible parts must be designed to be replaceable.
Government Cellular Services EN869-103095/B 2010-09-02 Page 43 RFP
PART 7 - RESULTING CONTRACT CLAUSES 7.14 Invoicing Instructions (a) Invoicing: (v) The Contractor must provide the monthly invoices either in electronic format and/or in hard copy, as specified by each CTA. The electronic format must be printable and nonmodifiable in a Portable Document Format (PDF).
Government Toll Free Service EN869-068067 2008-12-23 Pages 32, 34 RFP
7.18 (d) Condition of Hardware The Hardware owned by the Contractor and used by the Contractor to provide the Service may include surplus or refurbished Hardware, as long as it is certified “equal quality” to new and unused equipment and meets all the Service performance requirements specified in the Contract. However any Hardware provided by the Contractor to upgrade or expand Service Canada’s Intelligent Contact Manager and Interactive Voice Response equipment must be new and unused. 7.26
Green Procurement Initiatives
It is desirable that the Contractor, in provisioning the Service, procure electronic equipment, such as computer equipment, peripherals and telephony equipment, that meet the most current ENERGY STAR technical specifications for energy efficiency and other environmental specifications such as ISO 14000, WEEE, RoSH, EPEAT and IEEE 1680 standards, without reducing the service quality and effectiveness, whether this equipment is owned by the Contractor or procured by the Contractor for GC customers. It is desirable that the Contractor, in provisioning the Service, procures equipment and implements solutions that minimize the overall energy use without reducing the service quality and effectiveness, whether this equipment is owned by the Contractor or procured by the Contractor for GC customers. It is desirable that the Contractor abide by the guidelines set by the Electronics Product Stewardship Canada’s organization for the disposal and recycling of electronic products owned by the Contractor and used to deliver the Service whether this equipment is located on the Contractor’s premises or on GC customer premises.
Graphic Design EN578-092643 2010-03-24 Page 12 RFSO
Part 2 5. Environmental Considerations Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Environmentally preferable goods and services are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. Environmental performance considerations include, among other things: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air contaminants; improved energy and water efficiency; reduced waste and support reuse and recycling; the use of renewable resources; reduced hazardous waste; and reduced toxic and hazardous substances. In accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement, for this solicitation:
Offerors / suppliers are encouraged to offer or suggest green solutions whenever possible.
Offerors / suppliers should consider the complete lifecycle of products and services provided to favour strategies, processes, and materials that assure sustainable development. Offerors / suppliers are requested to provide all correspondence including (but not limited to) documents, reports and invoices in electronic format unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority or Project Authority, thereby reducing printed material. If correspondence is not provided in electronic format, double-sided printing in black and white is strongly encouraged, whenever possible. The paper format of the offer / arrangement should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content. Offerors / suppliers should recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents (taking into consideration the Security Requirements).
Hotel E60LP-080001 2009-01-01 Website: NMSO
1.2 Environmental Ratings The Government of Canada encourages its employee to choose an establishment, which has an environmental rating. Therefore, the Accommodation Directory provides the properties’ environmental rating as well when an employee accesses the Directory. Establishments are encouraged to participate in an environmental program. (a) Green LeafTM Eco-Rating Program The Green Leaf TM Eco-Rating Program is a graduated rating system designed to identify hotels, motels and resorts committed to improving their environmental performance. The program recognizes an establishment's achievements through a reward of one to five green leaves. Establishments are encouraged to indicate their Green Leaf TM rating to assist individuals traveling on Government business to select environmentally responsible lodging listed in the Directory. The program provides a green leaf designation reflecting the following criteria for each rating level: One green leaf:
Hotel must have identified and initiated some measures to improve environmental performance in areas such as energy use, water conservation and waste reduction. Hotels must score higher than 15 points on the Green Leaf Checklist to be eligible for 1 Green Leaf.
Two green leaves: Hotel has moved beyond an awareness of sound environmental practice and has achieved real results in reducing environmental impacts of its operations. Hotels must score higher than 35 points to be eligible for 2 Green Leaves.
Three green leaves: Hotel has shown excellent progress in achieving improved environmental performance in all areas of facility operations and management. Hotels must score higher than 55 points to be eligible for 3 Green Leaves. Four green leaves: Hotel has demonstrated national industry leadership in terms of outstanding environmental performance for both hotel management and facilities. Hotels must score higher than 75 points to be eligible for 4 Green Leaves. Five green leaves: This designation is reserved for hotel facilities serving as world leaders in eco-efficiency who continually introduce new policies and practices for others in the industry. Hotels must score higher than 90 points to be eligible for 5 Green Leaves. (b) Hotel Association of Canada Green Key Eco-Rating Program The Green Key Eco-Rating Program is a graduated rating system designed to identify hotels, motels and resorts committed to improving their environmental performance. Designed by hoteliers for hoteliers, the program recognizes an establishment's achievements through a reward of one to five green keys. Establishments are encouraged to indicate their Green Key rating to assist individuals traveling on Government business to select environmentally responsible lodging listed in the Directory. The program provides a green key designation reflecting the following criteria for each rating level: One Green Key:
A hotel that has taken steps to reduce environmental impacts by analyzing its operations and identifying opportunities for improvement. An action plan focusing on resource conservation and waste minimization has been established, and is supported by a firm commitment to continual improvement.
Two Green Keys: A hotel that has taken considerable strides to identify environment impacts and implement policies and programs to minimize its ecological footprint. A firm commitment to continual improvement has resulted in programs and actions that have shown effective results. Three Green Keys: A hotel that has made significant advances towards protecting the environment. Strong environmental programs, which identify impact and the implementation of best management practices, training programs, and engineering solutions, have benefited the environment and the local community.
Four Green Keys: A hotel that has shown national industry leadership and commitment to protecting the environment through wide ranging policies and practices. Mature programs that involve management, employees, guests, and the public have shown substantial and measurable results. Five Green Keys: A hotel that exemplifies the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility throughout all areas of operations. The hotel employs cutting edge technologies, policies, and programs, which set the international standard for sustainable hotel operations.
Integrated Relocation Program 24062-070410 2009-04-29 Page 9 RFP
PART 2 - BIDDER INSTRUCTIONS 6. Greening Government Operations Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Assessing the environmental impact of a product or service involves considering the whole life cycle of the product or service.
PART 3 - BID PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bid Preparation Instructions Canada requests that bidders follow the format instructions described below in the preparation of their bid: (a) use 8.5 x 11 inch (216 mm x 279 mm) paper; (b) use a numbering system that corresponds to the bid solicitation; (c) print all documents forming part of its proposal double-sided on Ecologo certified recycled paper or on paper with equivalent post-consumer recycled content, to the full extent to which it is procurable. Learning Services E60ZH-070003 2008-08-13 Page 105 RFSO
10.1 Offerors / Suppliers and Clients will be requested to adhere to the following environmental objectives: a) b) c) d)
When printing, print using the double-sided function; Distribute documents / deliverables electronically; Minimize the number of hard copy documents / deliverables; Conduct meetings via telephone, teleconference, and/or video conferencing in order to minimize travel requirements; e) Use Energy-Star Office Equipment f) Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).
Managed Print Solutions E60CY-07MPSA 2007-11-28 Page 23 RFSA
13. Environmental Considerations The Government of Canada is committed to reducing its impact on the environment and satisfying client organization’s demand for environmentally sensitive products and packaging. In addition to the direct cost reductions in an optimized imaging environment, reducing, reusing and recycling packaging and other materials can significantly cut purchasing, operating and disposal costs. Under contracts resulting from the supply arrangement, Contractors will be expected to address such criteria as:
Opportunities to reduce packaging volume and weight by reducing packaging materials used on the products you manufacture; Opportunities to utilize reusable shipping materials, including reusable plastic, crates, and corrugated boxes; Use of recycled materials in consumable toner packaging you use; and Use of reduced power consumption.
As applicable in resulting request for proposals under the supply arrangement, the following environmental criteria from the National Master Standing Offers for printers and copiers will be used as a baseline for evaluating proposals including hardware that is recommended through consulting contracts, or installed through managed contracts.
Mandatory General Specifications for All Printers; Consumables Containers Recycling Program; Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program; Packaging Take-Back and Recycling; Energy Star Registration; Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling conforming to ISO 14024:1999 and recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN); ISO 14001 Certification.
Additional information can be found at the following URL:
Media Monitoring EN578-112214 2011-07-11 Page 6, 8, 10 RFSA
Environmental Considerations
Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement process Policy on Green Procurement( by taking the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Environmentally preferable goods and services are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. Environmental performance considerations include, among other things: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air contaminants; improved energy and water efficiency; reduced waste and support reuse and recycling; the use of renewable resources; reduced hazardous waste; and reduced toxic and hazardous substances. In accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement, for this solicitation: i. Suppliers are encouraged to offer or suggest green solutions whenever possible. ii. Suppliers should consider the complete lifecycle of products and services provided to favor strategies, processes, and materials that assure sustainable development. iii. Suppliers are requested to provide all correspondence including (but not limited to) documents, reports and invoices in electronic format unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority or Project Authority, thereby reducing printed material. If correspondence is not provided in electronic format, double-sided printing in black and white is strongly encouraged, whenever possible. iv. The paper format of the offer / arrangement should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content.
v. Suppliers should recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents (taking into consideration the Security Requirements). PART 3 - ARRANGEMENT PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.
Arrangement Preparation Instructions
Suppliers are encouraged to: 1)
use paper containing fibre certified as originating from a sustainably-managed forest and/or containing a minimum of 30% recycled content; and
use an environmentally-preferable format including black and white printing instead of colour printing, printing double sided/duplex, using staples or clips instead of cerlox, duotangs or binders.
Environmental Considerations (15 points)
Bidders should provide the following: a) b)
An existing or proposed company-wide environmental statement and mission (including environmental measures undertaken in office operations); An existing or proposed action plan for energy sourcing (measures taken to improve energy efficiency, intended use of alternative fuel/power sources if the Supplier's premises is owned); and An existing or proposed action plan for materials/equipment sourcing (intended use of recycled or reused products, waste management strategy).
Provision of each of the above is worth five (5) points. Partial points will not be warded. Bidders should also provide a listing of environmental attributes for its firm. This will not be evaluated but will form part of any resulting Supply Arrangement.
Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies E60PD-090001/F 2010-03-04 Page 4, 9 RFP
Green Alternate Products - are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. PART 3 - OFFER PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Offer Preparation Instructions Canada requests that Offerors provide their offer in separately bound sections as follows: Section I:
Technical Offer, one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy on Compact Disk / Digital Versatile Disk (CD or DVD).
Section II:
Financial Offer, for Pricing Basis A, one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy on Compact Disk / Digital Versatile Disk (CD or DVD) in excel format (no pdf or similar format).
Pricing Basis B and C one (1) electronic copy on Compact Disk / Digital Versatile Disk (CD or DVD) (no pdf or similar format).
Optimized Weapon Systems Support (OWSS) Wheeled Light Armoured Vehicles (WLAV) Phase 2 W8476-02XA87/002/BL 2008-05-22 Pages 31, 66, 76, 116, 151, 257, 335, 350 Contract
Section 10 - Environmental 10.1 General 10.1.1 Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) considerations shall be incorporated and documented into the decision making process for the Work performed under this Contract. EHS documentation shall be maintained within the project file throughout the life of this Contract. 10.1.2 The Contractor shall comply with Department of National Defence (DND) policies, orders, directives and best practices when accessing DND owned or controlled lands, buildings or equipment. 10.1.3 In this section, the following definition shall apply: “Controlled Products” are products, substances, materials, or wastes that are banned, being phased out, regulated or restricted under any applicable law, including the following: a) Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) – OzoneDepleting Substances Regulations, 1998; The following policies and guidelines will also apply: b) Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics (ARET, 2000). This Environment Canada program aims at substances which are known to be extremely toxic, bioaccumulative or persistent in the environment; and
DND’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS, 2000), which has set specific targets for the elimination and reduction of high-risk hazardous materials and hazardous materials. “Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)” is the consideration of environmental impacts and the health and safety implications of those impacts resulting from the designs and upgrades to the system, this does not include the application of aspects from the OHSAS 18001 standard in the development and deployment of those designs and upgrades.
10.2 Environmental Management System Requirement (ISO 14001) 10.2.1 The Contractor shall have a management system in place to control environmental, health and safety impacts resulting from their activities, Controlled Products or services. ISO 14001 is a benchmark for an effective environmental management system applicable to all types and sizes of organizations. Certification to this standard is preferred but not necessary. The Contractor shall, however, have a formalized set of procedures and control measures in place to achieve conformance with the requirements of this work, while ensuring environmental, health and safety protection and pollution prevention. The Technical or Inspection Authority shall have the right to make examinations and such audits of the work and control processes/procedures and infrastructure with respect to the environmental, health and safety management system as they may think fit. 10.2.2 The Contractor shall keep accurate and complete EHS records, which shall, upon request, be made available to the Technical or Inspection Authority, who may only view such documents. During the performance of the Contract and for any period of time thereafter provided in the Contract, request for copies of any document shall be made formally to the Contractor. 10.2.3 The EMS requirement is applicable to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make reasonable effort to monitor that all subcontractors are in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. 10.3 Controlled Products 10.3.1 The use of any new Controlled Products as part of the Work shall be submitted for review and approval through the Technical Authority before use. The use of Controlled Products shall be reviewed in consultation with Technical Authority, to determine whether replacement by other less hazardous Controlled Products (in accordance with the Canada Labour Code, Part II) that meet performance requirements can be utilized, and if so, to replace these Controlled Products with products or substances of less hazard. It is Canada’s policy to eliminate the use of substances identified under the ARET (Accelerated Reduction / Elimination of Toxics) Program and to comply with all legislated and regulatory requirements. The promulgation of new or amended legislations, regulations, policies or directives throughout this contract period may necessitate changes to support processes and activities. These changes shall be incorporated as required to ensure compliance throughout the contract period, as specified at Article 8.8, Compliance with Applicable Laws.
10.3.4 Hazardous Waste Disposal. The Contractor shall have full responsibility for disposal of any hazardous waste removed or uncovered in the performance of the Work, except when the Work is performed at a DND facility, in which case Sub-article 10.1.2 shall apply. Pursuant to Sub-article 6.1.12, title to such waste shall pass to the Contractor as soon as the Contractor takes possession of the waste, and the Contractor shall dispose of such waste in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, if any, and in accordance with Article 8.8, Compliance with Applicable Laws. 10.3.5 Controlled Products Listing. As part of any subcontract/sublet requirement raised by the Contractor in support of design changes for the Work, the subcontract/sublet will include a clause for the use of the least hazardous Controlled Product necessary, while maintaining operation effectiveness. Controlled Products that are banned shall not be used. When a Controlled Product must be used, the Contractor shall provide justification for its use. As part of the bid process for design changes, the subcontractor/subletor shall provide a list of all Controlled Products to be incorporated into the vehicle, equipment, and weapon system for review by the Technical Authority. The Contractor is required to supply the Technical Authority with the respective Material Safety Data Sheets for all Controlled Products listed. 10.3.7 Controlled Products Instructions. The Contractor shall ensure that appropriate instruction regarding the handling, use, transportation and disposal of Controlled Products are contained in documentation. 10.4 EHS Compliance 10.4.1 Contractor Capability and Facilities. The Contractor shall be reviewed for EHS compliance and capability as described in the Director General Land Equipment Program Management, Environmental Health and Safety Management System (DGLEPM EHSMS) Manual. The results of these checks shall be maintained in the Contractor’s project file. The Contractor shall complete a Contractor Capability Survey (DGLEPM EHSMS Form #17) in accordance with DID PRG-902 and deliver in accordance with CDRL item 2902 for approval by the Technical Authority, as prescribed at Annex F. 10.4.2 Canadian Forces Technical Orders (CFTO). New or amended CFTOs shall incorporate appropriate EHS warnings and instructions in direct relation of the EHS risks presented in the contents. 10.5 Environmental Assessments / Environmental, Health and Safety Impact Reports (EHSIR) / EHS Assessments 10.5.1 As and when required, the Contractor shall prepare Environmental, Health and Safety Assessments (also known as EHSIR) in accordance with DID PRG-901 and deliver in accordance with CDRL item 1901 for approval by the Technical Authority, as prescribed at Annex F. These assessments are controlled documents and shall be retained in the project file and are to be made available upon request. 10.6 Decommissioning/Disposal
10.6.1 As and when required, the Contractor shall prepare and submit disposal plans and decommissioning/disposal instructions for approval by the Technical Authority. In addition to the operational, technical and administrative aspects required, these plans and instructions shall include EHS considerations to ensure the protection of individuals and the environment and to mitigate the EHS impacts resulting from the decommissioning/disposal activities. A Decommissioning/ Disposal EHS Assessment shall be conducted prior to any decommissioning/disposal action being taken to ensure that the proper mitigation measures have been identified and that the instructions/plans are compliant with EHS legislations, regulations, and policies/directives that are in force at that time.
Annex F Data Item Description 1. Title Environmental, Health and Safety Impact Report (EHSIR)
2. Identification numbers PRG-901
3. Description/Purpose The Contractor shall prepare and deliver Environmental, Health and Safety Assessment (also known as EHSIR). 4. Issue Date As required by Task
5. Office of Primary Interest 6. GIDEP Applicable Technical Authority, copy to Contract Authority
7. Applicable References & Interrelationship CDRL Item 1901 Contract Section 10, Subarticle 10.5.1 of 10.5, Environmental Assessments / Environmental, Health and Safety Impact Reports (EHSIR) / EHS Assessments 8. Originator Contractor 9. Applicable forms 10. Preparation instructions The environmental assessment shall review the hardware for potential release into the environment and identify the potential for impact, positive or negative, to human health and the environment from the release. 1.0 HARDWARE OVERVIEW 1.1 Hardware Purpose 1.2 Hardware Operation 2.0 HARDWARE ANALYSIS 2.1 Physical Environmental Aspects 2.2 Hazardous Materials 2.2.1 Material Hazard Risk Assessment 2.3 Release Profile 3.0 IMPACT FROM HARDWARE FAILURE
4.0 MITIGATION and MANAGEMENT ISSUES 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/CONCLUSION Section 1 shall discuss the hardware’ general purpose, giving a brief profile of the requirement for the hardware’ presence. In addition, it shall discuss the key operating functions that will identify potential points of environmental impacts. Section 2 shall analyze the identified aspects by discussing the hardware’ identified physical aspects, as well as assessing the risk for the application of hazardous materials used in the hardware. It shall also identify the potential impacts from the release/failure of the hardware. Section 3 shall discuss in detail the impacts from failure of the hardware. Section 4 shall discuss common mitigation and management issues associated with the identified Section 5 shall discuss the finding, and where possible offer recommendations to improve the hardware.
Promotional Items EN578-121124/A 2011-09-08 Page 7, 8 RFSA
PART 2 - SUPPLIER INSTRUCTIONS 5. Environmental Considerations Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Environmentally preferable goods and services are those that have a lesser or reduced impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose. Environmental performance considerations include, among other things: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air contaminants; improved energy and water efficiency; reduced waste and support reuse and recycling; the use of renewable resources; reduced hazardous waste; and reduced toxic and hazardous substances. Suppliers are requested to provide all correspondence including (but not limited to) documents and invoices in electronic format unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Authority or Project Authority, thereby reducing printed material. If correspondence is not provided in electronic format, double-sided printing in black and white is strongly encouraged, whenever possible. The paper format of the offer / arrangement and reports should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content.
Suppliers should recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents (taking into consideration the Security Requirements). Availability of environmentally preferred end products, such as minimized paper size, format and weight; ink colours and coverage minimized; use of non-toxic or vegetablebased inks; print quantities are accurate and at a minimum; fibres in paper and wood products used are certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest; recycled, reused and processed chlorine free paper and materials used; waste material from production process is minimized; packaging is minimal, reusable and/or recyclable; and end product components (i.e. paper and materials) are recyclable and/or reusable. PART 3 - ARRANGEMENT PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Arrangement Preparation Instructions In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement process Policy on Green Procurement ( To assist Canada in reaching its objectives, suppliers are encouraged to: 1) use paper containing fibre certified as originating from a sustainably-managed forest and/or containing minimum 30% recycled content; and 2) use an environmentally-preferable format including black and white printing instead of colour printing, printing double sided/duplex, using staples or clips instead of cerlox, duotangs or binders.
Storage Area Networks E60EJ-07000S 2008-06-02 Website: NMSO
15. Green Procurement Initiatives Canada has published policies on Green Procurement and Sustainable Development. All manufacturers and Offerors are encouraged to commit to a comprehensive end-of-life electronics management approach and to the reduction or elimination of hazardous materials. Specifically, all manufacturers and Offerors are encouraged to seek membership in a recognized entity specifically established to address end-of-life electronics recycling and reuse in Canada that has demonstrated an investment in environmental stewardship in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. One such example would be “Electronics Product Stewardship Canada� (EPS Canada). While PWGSC in not aware of any formal standards specific to the storage industry in place at this time, manufacturers and Offerors who demonstrate the commitment to significantly reduce or eliminate documented hazardous materials and carcinogens, including lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated flame-retardants and PVC plastics may
qualify, for evaluation purposes, for a percentage reduction of the offered price in response to RVDs issued under any Standing Offers resulting from this RFSO (see the Annex entitled “RVD Process” about the percentage reductions that can apply to desirable features included in individual RVDs). New classes of environmentally-friendly enterprise-class hard disk drives are just being introduced. These new Energy Star 4.0 compliant drives offer reduced energy consumption which could potentially provide significant saving to the Crown. Storage Systems that are based wholly on drives of this type may qualify, for evaluation purposes, for a percentage reduction in the offered price in response to RVDs issued under any Standing Offers resulting from this RFSO (see the Annex entitled “RVD Process” about the percentage reductions that can apply to desirable features included in individual RVDs). Proof of commitment may be provided at any time during the Standing Offer Period. The PWGSC Standing Offer Authority reserves the right to determine whether an Offeror’s commitment qualifies for the price advantage for the purpose of RVDs as standards evolve. Offerors should note that, while no mandatory requirements are being included in this RFSO, mandatory requirements may be introduced in future RFSOs in relation to Green Procurement and Sustainable Development. Tape and Optical Archival E60EJ-04000T 2006-12-15 Page 14 RFSO
A. 19 Green Procurement Initiatives a) Canada has published policies on Green Procurement and Sustainable Development. All manufacturers and Offerors are encouraged to commit to a comprehensive end-of-life electronics management approach and to the reduction or elimination of hazardous materials. Specifically, all manufacturers/vendors are encouraged to seek membership in a recognized entity specifically established to address end-of-life electronics recycling and reuse in Canada that has demonstrated an investment in environmental stewardship in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. One such example would be "Electronics Product Stewardship Canada" (EPS Canada). b) While PWGSC is not aware of any formal standards specific to the storage industry in place at this time, manufacturers/vendors who demonstrate the commitment to significantly reduce or eliminate documented hazardous materials and carcinogens, including lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated-flame retardants and PVC plastics may qualify for a percentage reduction in the offered price in response to RVDs issued under any Standing Offers resulting from this RFSO.
c) Proof of commitment may be provided at any time during the life of any resulting Standing Offers. The PWGSC Contracting Authority reserves the right to determine whether an Offeror's commitment qualifies as standards evolve. d) Offerors should note that, while no mandatory requirements are being included in this RFSO, mandatory requirements may be introduced in future RFSOs in relation to Green Procurement and Sustainable Development.
Task Based Professional Services EN578-070572 2009-05-25 Page 47 RFSO
19. Environmental Considerations As of April 2006, the Government of Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. The environmental impact assessment of a product and/or service considers the whole life cycle of the product and/or service. Hence, in the near future, all government procurement will include more demanding environmental criteria to encourage product/service Offerors to improve their operations to reduce their negative impact on the environment. 19.1 Environmental Properties Behaviour Recommended Paper consumption: Provide and transmit draft reports, final reports and bids in electronic format. Should printed material be required, double sided printing in black and white format is the default unless otherwise specified by the Project Authority. Printed material is requested on minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest. Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements). Travel requirements: Project Authority is encouraged to use video and/or teleconferencing where possible to cut down unnecessary travel. Use of Properties with Environmental Ratings: Contractors to the Government of Canada may access the PWGSC Accommodation directory, which includes EcoRated properties. When searching for accommodation, contractors can go to the following link and search for properties with Environmental Ratings, identified by Green Keys or Green Leafs that will honour the pricing for contractors: Use of public/green transit where feasible.
Commercial Print EN578-070405 2008-02-28 Page 30 RFSA
A.2.3 Environmental Criteria for Printing Inks: In order to reduce the environmental impact of its print publishing activities, the Government of Canada chooses to use inks that are considered environmentally friendly, containing vegetable oil-based materials. The printing inks used in contracts awarded under this Supply Arrangement will adhere to the following criteria for % of vegetable oils as well as the % of VOC within the ingredients composing the ink. A.2.3.1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Criteria: The common VOC in a conventional lithographic printing ink is high-boiling aliphatic petroleum distillate. This distillate is used to dissolve the resins that will eventually bind to the substrate during printing. The amount of ink VOC that is released to the atmosphere depends on the process; heatset inks release 80% of their VOCs while sheetfed inks release only 5%. VOC in an environmentally friendlier ink would be below 18 wt% for sheetfed inks, below 30% for sheetfed varnishes, and below 40 wt% for heatset inks and heatset overprint varnishes. A.2.5 Papers: Whenever possible, the Government of Canada uses only paper stocks considered to be environmentally friendly. Selection of these papers is based on factors such as sustainable development, life-cycle management and/or forest management. For this Supply Arrangement, only papers from manufacturers certified under the Environmental Choice Program (ECP), or who are using fibre originating from a sustainably-managed forest certified to a third-party verified forest certification standard such as the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) or the Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CSA/SFMS) will be acceptable for completion of the work. Paper specifications for each project will be provided to bidders in the RFP during the process for selecting a Supplier. Should a RFP specify a paper brand name that does not meet the environmental criteria stated above, bidders will: so inform the contracting authority for the RFP suggest an alternative paper, having equivalent specifications, that meets the criteria. The RFP Contracting Authority will inform the Contractor in writing of their approval of the suggested alternative paper or of their decision not to change from the originally specified paper.
Envelopes EN578-060033 2006-05-30 Page 12 RFSO
ENVELOPES SPECIFICATIONS: Recycled Envelope Natural Kraft Paper - in 24 lb. or 32 lb. and *24 lb. Grey (item 11 only)
Events Management Services EN578-092644 2010-03-24 Page 51, RFSO
A.3 Environmental Considerations Invitations to, registration of, and correspondence with event participants are to be conducted electronically whenever possible. All non-electronic correspondence and event supplies including reports, documents, invoices, name cards, place cards, banners, registration packages, brochures, handouts, and session notes should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content. Double-sided photocopying will be the default unless otherwise specified by the Project or Contracting Authority. Photocopied documents are to be in black and white format unless otherwise specified. The Contractor is encouraged to access the PWGSC Travel and Accommodation directory, which includes green rated hotels. The Contractor is encouraged to use surplus assets and rented signage, at the request of the Project Authority, and whenever possible and reasonable to do so.
E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) E60SQ-080007/C 2009-07-10 Page 30 – 32, 34 – 40, 49 RFSO
Federal Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE) Statement of Requirement 1. Introduction
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is responsible for developing creative and responsible green policies for planning, acquiring, using and disposing of federal assets on the behalf of the Government of Canada (GoC). The Treasury Board Directive on Disposal of Surplus Materiel require federal departments to dispose of their surplus assets through specific means optimizing both reuse and value for the Crown primarily through donation and resale activities respectively. Treasury Board rules do not define environmentally sound management as it relates to surplus assets at their end of life. The acquisition of Electronic and Electrical Equipment make up a large proportion of overall federal procurement activities. This activity generates significant volumes of surplus as technology upgrades and equipment replacement are required over time. PWGSC is in the process of developing a comprehensive strategy for the disposal of Government of Canada EEE. A key element of the strategy implementation centers on establishing requirements for recyclers of the Government of Canada surplus EEE deemed inappropriate for reuse through donation or resale, to assure that this equipment is subject to environmentally sound management (ESM). 2. Background It is increasingly important to assure that federal surplus EEE, also commonly referred to as “electronic waste”, “e-waste” or “waste EEE”, is processed and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. Globally, the management of e-waste has become a high profile issue, due in large part to the increasingly large quantities of e-waste generated each year, the hazardous substances that may be contained within, and the potential risks posed to human health and the environment if improperly managed. This is particularly true in developing countries where occupational health and safety and environmental requirements may not be as stringent as those in Canada. The e-waste challenge has received increasing attention from governments, manufacturers, retailers, recyclers, environmentalists, and consumers. To date, five provinces in Canada have regulated manufacturers and first sellers to implement programs to collect and process specific types of e-waste, including computer equipment and televisions. In addition, large consumers of electronics such as the Government of Canada are taking leadership positions and are developing their own internal “green” policies and procedures governing the handling of surplus EEE destined for reuse, recycling or disposal operations. 3. Objective PWGSC has developed a strategy in cooperation with other government departments that includes Environmentally Sound Management Criteria for Recyclers of Federal Surplus EEE. ESM is defined as a mechanism for ensuring that wastes, used and scrap Materiel are managed in a manner that conserves natural resources and minimizes risk to human
health and the environment from the potential adverse effects that may result. ESM often implies the utilization of best management practices and continuous improvement and is a concept embraced throughout this Statement of Requirement (SOR). 4. Requirement The Offeror must provide destruction and recycling services related to Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment in the manner defined herein for items stipulated in Appendix 1 to this SOR. The Standing Offer: 4.1. 4.2. 4.3.
Does not include the surplus EEE as defined in Appendix 2. Does not include refurbishment, repair, or resale of surplus EEE, or any parts or components thereof. Will not typically include surplus EEE already eligible for inclusion under provincially regulated extended producer responsibility and product stewardship programs, where they may already exist, including but not limited to, those listed in Article 5.2. The GoC is not precluded from utilizing provincially regulated extended producer responsibility programs to dispose or recycle surplus EEE eligible for provincial recycling programs, where this represents best value for Canada. May include residues generated from Government of Canada preliminary processing of surplus EEE.
5. Relevant Information 5.1 Laws and Regulations The laws and regulations of Canada (federal, provincial, and municipal) as they relate to the Environment, Public Health and Safety, Labour and Dangerous and or Hazardous Wastes and their storage, transportation, and processing, are considered applicable to the Work stated herein and include, but are not limited to, the following: Laws Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Act Canadian Environmental Protection Act Environment Act Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Hazardous Products Act Surplus Crown Assets Act Transportation Act The Weights and Measures Act Regulations -
Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Handling Regulations Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Recyclable Materiel Regulation (EIHWHRMR) Movement of Hazardous Wastes Regulation Canadian Federal Inter-provincial Movement of Hazardous Wastes Regulation (IMHWR) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Regulations Where multiple, similar laws impact the services provided, for example both a provincial and federal law are in effect, the more rigorous law must take precedence. Where processing may occur outside of Canada, processors must operate in accordance with all applicable local laws, regulations, and other requirements of the jurisdiction in which they operate. 5.2 Provincial Extended Producer Responsibility and Product Stewardship Programs The services identified herein do not apply to surplus EEE that is eligible for inclusion under provincially regulated extended producer programs, such as, but not limited to those listed here: Provincial Environmental Website
BC's Ministry of the Environment
Recycling Regulation
Electronics Stewardship BC (ESBC)
Alberta Environment
Electronics Designation Regulation
Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA)
Saskatchewan Environment
Waste Electronic Equipment Regulation
Saskatchewan Waste Electronics Equipment Program (SWEEP)
Nova Scotia's Department of Environment and Labour
Electronic Product Stewardship Regulations
Atlantic Canada Electronics Stewardship (ACES)
New programs will automatically apply to this list if approved under provincially or territorially regulated extended producer responsibility and product stewardship programs. 5.3 Computers for Schools
Regional and National Specifications on the requirements for donation to the Computers for Schools program can be found at the following web-site: 8. Scope of Work The Offeror must provide the expertise, labour, technology, transportation and administration to completely destroy and recycle Materiel and its associated packaging, consolidated at one or several locations in Canada, in an environmentally sound manner according to the specifications of this document. Services are required on an “as and when requested� basis at Federal Government of Canada (GoC) locations across Canada. For ease, the scope of work has been divided into six (6) categories. a. Management Systems b. Transportation c. Receiving d. Storage e. Processing f. Downstream Management 8.1 Management Systems 8.1.1 The Offeror must be registered to, and maintain throughout the term of this Standing Offer, a nationally or internationally recognized environmental management certification, which meets or exceeds the following documentation requirements: d)
A corrective and preventative action system for identifying non-conformance to audit criteria and opportunities for improvement for all aspects of its business including but not limited to environmental, health and safety, operations, and contract performance. The system must include any audit findings from downstream vendor audits.
An Environmental Policy that includes procedures or programs for continuous improvement, training, reporting and management of environmental issues.
A Job description or designation of an employee responsible for the development, coordination, implementation and monitoring of the Environmental Policy.
8.1.2 Downstream vendors of the Offeror, at a minimum, must fully have fully implemented and documented standard operating requirements including systems for facility environmental management and occupational health and safety as per Article 9, Operating Requirements.
8.2 Transportation 8.2.6 If broken Materiel must be transported, it must be manifested in accordance with all applicable regulations, including the federal Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materiel Regulation (EIHWHRMR), the Inter-provincial Movement of Hazardous Waste Regulation (IMHWR), and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation, and all other applicable provincial and territorial regulations. 8.5 Processing 8.5.5 Remove all packaging and re-use or recycle and provide full chain of custody information for each packaging stream to its Final Resting Place. 8.5.9 Shred or manually separate plastics to achieve maximum reuse according to documented process detailed in proposal. Plastics must be, in order of priority: a) separated into pure chemical streams for reuse as plastic; and or b) separated into mixed streams for reuse as plastic; and or c) separated into mixed streams to be used as additives into a different industrial process; or d) separated into mixed streams for energy recovery, either directly in a controlled process or indirectly though the production of fuel; and or e) landfilled (only as a last resort). 9. Operating Requirements 9.1 The Offeror must maintain written policies and standard operating procedures (SOP) in place for the following: r) Timely processing (recycling). 9.3 The Offeror must have an Environmental Policy with documented procedures and or programs addressing the following: a) Training; b) Regulatory Compliance; c) Hazards Management; d) Storm Water Discharge; e) Waste Water Management; f) Air Emissions Testing; g) Federal NPRI reporting or international equivalent, as applicable; h) Closure Plan and associated financial assurances; i) Violation Notification Program; j) Emergency Response Plan; k) Fire Safety Plan; l) Incident Reporting and Corrective Action;
m) Hazard Management Plan that include at minimum, lead, mercury, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, toners or inks, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), batteries, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) glass and miscellaneous chemicals; n) Continuous Improvement; o) List of all applicable environmental regulations that the Offeror must comply with. 10. Reporting Requirements The Offeror must provide the following reports and documentation, in addition to all reports and documentation required. 10.1 For each shipment, the Offeror will provide to the Project Office: Certificate of Recycling and Destruction for each shipment, which must include the date of destruction.
ANNEX “C” INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 3. Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance 1. The Contractor must obtain Contractors Pollution Liability insurance, and maintain it in force throughout the duration of the Contract, in an amount usual for a contract of this nature, but for not less than $5,000,000 per accident or occurrence and in the annual aggregate. 2. If the policy is written on a claims-made basis, coverage must be in place for a period of at least 12 months after the completion or termination of the Contract. 3. The Contractors Pollution Liability policy must include the following: (a)
Additional Insured: Canada is added as an additional insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract. The interest of Canada as additional insured should read as follows: Canada represented by Public Works and Government Services Canada.
Notice of Cancellation: The Insurer will endeavour to provide the Project Office thirty (30) days written notice of policy cancellation.
Separation of Insureds: The policy must apply to each Insured in the same manner and to the same extent as if a separate policy had been issued to each.
Contractual Liability: The policy must, on a blanket basis or by specific reference to the Contract, extend to assumed liabilities with respect to contractual provisions.
(e) Incidental Transit Extension: The policy must extend to losses arising from any waste, products or materials transported, shipped, or delivered via any transportation mode to a location beyond the boundaries of a site at which the Contractor or any entity for which the Contractor is legally liable is performing or has performed the operations described in the contract. Furniture – Cabinets E60PQ-070005 Pages 29, 31 RFSO
4.0 General Requirements 4.3 Recycled Material – Cabinets shall be manufactured utilizing a minimum of 25% recycled content of structural and/or non-structural steel. 5.0 Detailed Requirements 5.13 Metal Components – All metal components are to be finished using a low VOC emitting technology.
Government Cellular Services EN869-103095/B 2010-09-02 Page 57, 78, 86, 88, 90 RFP
ANNEX D ACCESS TO CROWN PROPERTY FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 3. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 3.2 Hazardous Materials (a) The Contractor will not install or bring any hazardous substance or material onto the Property. If any hazardous materials are installed or brought into the Property by or on behalf of Contractor, then the Contractor must cause their removal within 24 hours. If the Contractor discovers, uncovers, disturbs, or otherwise reveals any existing hazardous materials within the Property, the Contractor must immediately stop any work in progress and report its findings to Canada within 24 hours. The Contractor must not conduct any further work in the reported Equipment Area without Canada’s prior written approval.
9 ORDER PROCESSING 9.1 GENERAL 9.1.2 The Contractor must accept Service Orders submitted by email or secure web site. 9.2 SECURE WEB PORTAL
9.2.1 The Contractor must provide a secure web portal (SWP) tool specifically for Canada. This SWP will be used for ordering devices, accessories, services and features. 9.2.4 The Contractor’s SWP must include the following functions, at a minimum: a) Placing orders for new devices, services, and accessories; b) Placing orders to activate devices and features; c) Providing a rejection number (single or blanket orders) for orders that cannot be fulfilled; d) Providing the ability for the CTA/AA to enter a PWGSC authorization number or a Contractor’s rejection number when placing orders (Secondary and Tertiary contractors only); e) Viewing and printing device user guides, if applicable; f) Viewing detailed coverage maps; and g) Viewing status of orders. 9.3 EMAIL ORDERING 9.3.1 The Contractor must provide a centralized email account that can be used for ordering products or services. 9.3.2 The Contractor must provide a standardized email template that must contain, at a minimum, the order information requirements for the SWP. 9.3.3 The Contractor must send an email order confirmation to the Authorized Administrator that displays all information regarding the submitted Service Order. 13 INVOICING AND CALL DETAIL RECORDS 13.2 ELECTRONIC INVOICE DETAIL RECORD 13.2.1 The Contractor must provide invoice detail records within 10 business days of the end of the billing period on a monthly basis, in electronic format (i.e. comma or tab delimited file format) via a secure web site, e-mail or CD, as determined by the CTA. 13.2.2 The Contractor must provide the CTA with notice of any format changes to the electronic invoice data file a minimum of 60 days prior to the implementation of said change. 14 REPORTS 14.5 DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT REPORT 14.5.1 The Contractor must provide a monthly Departmental Management Report to each Client in an electronic format (in comma or tab delimited file format, MS Excel) on CDROM, by email or via access to a secure web site, as determined by each CTA. 14.6 CONTRACT SUMMARY REPORT 14.6.1 The Contractor must provide a monthly Contract Summary Report to the PWGSC Technical Authority and the Contracting Authority. This Report must be delivered in an electronic format (in comma or tab delimited file format, MS Excel) by email or access to a Contractor’s maintained secure web site.
Government Managed Cabling Services EN869-070180
2009-04-16 Page 71 Contract
The Contractor must take away from the site and recycle all scrap that was generated and fibre and copper cabling that was removed as a result of a Service Order. The Contractor must not remove other components (e.g. patch panels, enclosures, racks, etc.) unless either instructed to do so in the Service Order or in writing by the ITSB Service Manager.
The Contractor must remove and recycle all paper and cardboard packaging and encourage cable and hardware manufacturers to reduce and/or eliminate non-recyclable packaging.
Graphic Design EN578-092643 2010-03-24 Pages 50, 51, 52 RFSO
A.9 Components of the Work and Components Return
All projects should be delivered in an environmentally responsible manner, to the fullest extent possible.
A.11.3 End-Product Considerations (Where Possible) Where the Standing Offer / Supply Arrangement Holder is involved in the recommendation and/or specification of printing requirements, the standards described below will be adhered to.
The Government of Canada requires that vegetable-based inks be specified whenever possible. The Government of Canada requires that paper stocks conforming to the following be specified whenever possible: The Government of Canada uses only paper stocks considered to be environmentally friendly. Selection of these papers is based on factors such as sustainable development, life-cycle management and/or forest management. For this Standing Offer / Supply Arrangement, papers from manufacturers certified under the Environmental Choice Program (ECP), or who are using fibre originating from a sustainably-managed forest certified to a third-party verified forest certification standard such as the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) or the Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CSA/SFMS) will be acceptable for completion of the work.
A.14 Environmental Considerations All non-electronic correspondence and deliverables should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content and processed chlorine free, whenever possible. Double-sided photocopying will be the default unless otherwise specified by the Project or Contracting Authority. Photocopied documents are to be in black and white format unless otherwise specified. The Standing Offer / Supply Arrangement Holder is encouraged to provide proofs for client review and approval either on-screen or by e-mail, CD, DVD or zip file, wherever possible.
Integrated Relocation Program 24062-070410 2009-04-29 Page 117 RFP
ANNEX “A” STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT (SOR) FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE INTEGRATED RELOCATION PROGRAM (IRP) 8.2 Deliverable Formats c. Must be printed double-sided on Ecologo certified recycled paper or on paper with equivalent post-consumer recycled content, to the full extent to which it is procurable;
IT Hardware – Desktop E60EJ-07000M February 2008 Website: Annex A.1: Desktop and Workstation Technical Specifications NMSO
Category 1.0D – Green Performance Desktop Microcomputer
The system is a high performance, dual core, 64-bit processor based PC with enhanced environmental attributes, low power consumption and low acoustical emissions. This PC is meant for common to advanced office automation tasks. 8.0 Environmental Stewardship 1. In pursuit of the Canadian Federal Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy policies on Green Procurement, system and monitor manufacturers must commit to a comprehensive, nationally recognised environmental standard for:
1. The reduction or elimination of environmentally hazardous materials 2. Design for reuse and recycle 3. Energy efficiency 4. End of Life Management for reuse and recycle 5. Environmental stewardship in the manufacturing process 6. Packaging 2.
Category 1.0D through 3.0D systems and all monitors must be certified through the Electronic Product Environment Assessment Tool (EPEAT Silver level). The Offeror must include proof of certification and subsequent verification in their offer. Program information, registry and certification details are available at the following web site: In addition to the mandatory EPEAT Silver certification, the system must meet and be verified to meet a minimum of 14 out of 25 optional points for PCs and 13 optional points for monitors. Included in that optional criteria the OEM must comply and be verified for: Third-party certified environmental management system for design and manufacturing organizations.
Category 1.0D through 3.0D systems and all monitors must be EnergyStar 4.0 certified and must appear on the Energy Star qualified list prior to bid closing (
Default and optional LCD displays must be TCO '03 certified. The exact make and model of the display offered must appear on the TCO Development web site or the Offeror must supply a copy of the TCO certification certificate in their offer.
For categories 1.0 through 3.0 the system manufacturer must include 80Plus certified, high efficiency power supplies in their default offering.
System and monitor manufacturers must be members in good standing of a recognized entity specifically established to address end-of-life electronics recycling and reuse in Canada. This entity must demonstrate an investment in environmental stewardship, and must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Note: An example of such a collective organization is, Electronics Product Stewardship Canada. Should the manufacturer/vendor wish to identify membership in a similar entity's or provide evidence of participation in a corporate or collective takeback/stewardship service they must do so during the RFSO question and answer period. The contract authority reserves the right to determine the level of applicability, hence compliance at that time.
Category 4.0D workstations must be certified RoHS (the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) compliant.
IT Hardware – Notebook E60EJ-07000 February 2008 Website: Annex A.2: Notebook Technical Specifications NMSO
Environmental Stewardship - For Categories 1.0N to 3.0N
1. In pursuit of the Canadian Federal Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy policies on Green Procurement, the system manufacturer must commit to a comprehensive, nationally recognised environmental standard for: 1. The reduction or elimination of environmentally hazardous materials 2. Design for reuse and recycle 3. Energy efficiency 4. End of Life Management for reuse and recycle 5. Environmental stewardship in the manufacturing process 6. Packaging 2. Systems must be certified through the Electronic Product Environment Assessment Tool (EPEAT Silver level). Offerors must include proof of certification and subsequent verification in their offer. Program information, registry and certification details are available at the following web site: In addition to the mandatory EPEAT Silver certification, systems must meet and be verified to meet a minimum of 14 out of 25 optional points. Included in that optional criteria the OEM must comply and be verified for: 1. Third-party certified environmental management system for design and manufacturing organizations. 3. Systems must be Energy Star 4.0 certified and must appear on the Energy Star qualified list prior to bid closing ( Where various versions of AC adapters are available, the Energy Star 4.0 compliant version must be supplied as the default. 4. The system manufacturer must be a member in good standing of a recognized entity specifically established to address end-of-life electronics recycling and reuse in Canada. This entity must demonstrate an investment in environmental stewardship, and must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Note: An example of such a collective organization is, Electronics Product Stewardship Canada. Should the manufacturer/vendor wish to identify membership in a similar entity's or provide evidence of participation in a corporate or collective takeback/stewardship service they must do so during the RFSO question and answer period. The contract authority reserves the right to determine the level of applicability, hence compliance at that time.
IT Hardware – Server E60EJ-07000M February 2008 Website: Annex A.3: Server Technical Specifications NMSO
Environmental Stewardship
In pursuit of the Canadian Federal Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy policies on Green Procurement, system manufacturers / OEMs must meet the following: 1. RoHS Certified – Reduction in the hazardous materials entering electronic products. The components are, but not limited to the following minimum items: Case / Chassis, Motherboard / System board, Drive controller, Hard Disk Drives, Optical Disk Drives, Power Supplies 2. Member of EPSC - Electronic Product Stewardship of Canada 3. Must be an ISO 14001 certified manufacturer 4. “Contributor Membership” level to
Media Monitoring EN578-112214 2011-07-11 Page 26, 41 RFSA
ANNEX "A" STATEMENT OF WORK 3. SCOPE AND TASKS 3.1 Category 1: Monitoring of Canadian Print Media 3.1.1 Requirement The Contractor must deliver or provide access to articles or article summaries via the Internet, FTP or e-mail. If electronic copies are not available, articles must be sent by fax. Summaries of articles must be in electronic format.
7. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS All non-electronic correspondence and deliverables should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content and processed chlorine free, whenever possible. Double-sided photocopying will be the default unless otherwise specified by the Project or Contracting Authority. Photocopied documents are to be in black and white format unless otherwise specified.
Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies E60PD-090001/F 2010-03-04 Page 22, 30 RFP
Pricing Basis B will be comprised of the green alternate products that are offered by the Offeror for the corresponding product numbers listed. The number of green alternate products offered will be up to each potential Offeror and do not need to be listed in any Offeror’s published catalogue. Will be listed in the resulting Standing Offer document available for the Identified User to order (Refer Annex C.1, and C.1.2) Catalogues The 2010 hard copy catalogue must include an extensive range of items as well as the same type of goods from a choice of various original product manufacturers with a minimum of 3000 stationery line items. All catalogues must include an index for easy product reference and identifiable logo for the green products listed in the catalogue.
ANNEX C ITEM AND PRICING INSTRUCTIONS USED FOR EVALUATION OF OFFERS C.1.2 Pricing Basis B Green Alternate Items, Excel Spreadsheet Annex C, C.2.2 Pricing Basis B items will not be part of the financial evaluation or selection methodology, but will be listed in the issued standing offer for the Identified Users to order. a)
Offerors are requested to offer a green alternate product to the item product number in column B and the product number description in columns C and D. The number of green alternate items offered will be at the discretion of the Offeror and there is no minimum or maximum number of items to be offered. The items do not need to be listed in the Offeror’s hard copy catalogue, but the Offeror must be able to provide the product to the Identified Users when ordered.
All brands are acceptable (manufacturers and Offerors) as long as they are a green products and are the same in fit, form and function and are not the same product as indicated in column B.
For the green alternate items offered, the Offeror must provide a “Government Price per Unit of Measure” in column L, firm until February 28, 2011. The
“Government Price per Unit of Measure” is requested to be a dollar value with a rounded up value of two decimal places. Promotional Items EN578-121124/A 2011-09-08 Page 18, 22 RFSA
A.2 Scope of Work and Services Required The Government of Canada (GoC) is committed to greening its supply chain and has issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. As a result of new direction, the demand for green products may increase during the life of the supply arrangements. A.4 Environmental Considerations As part of Canada's policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired, suppliers should: Reduce packaging; have ISO 14001 certification; have environmental management policies and practices that are geared towards continuous improvement have a waste disposal program have a disposal of defective products for the products that are considered defective or damaged Preference should be made for: Compliance with Forest Stewardship Council certification (FSC) Compliance with Environmental Choice Program (ECP) - Ecologo program Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certified Biodegradable or compostable items (e.g., pens and cups made of corn starch); Reusable and/or recyclable items (e.g., clothing, cloth bags, USB drives, mugs, water bottles, office supplies); Items made using Alternative Energy sources (e.g., solar) or uses alternative energy sources in operation (i.e. not a plug or battery); Recycled Content for plastic items, clothing; Use of bio-based materials (e.g., bamboo clothing and bags, wood instead of plastic); Organic Content (e.g., cotton); Items made using renewable and sustainable resources (e.g. wood or paper products originating from a certified sustainable managed forest and/or certified as processed chlorine free); Products that are "living" such as seed packets, tree seedlings, edibles;
Packaging of products that is minimal, reusable and/or recyclable; and end product components (e.g. Paper and materials) that are recyclable and/or reusable; Reduced quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and solvents (e.g. highlighters, markers, etc.); Use of vegetable-based inks; Advise and educate clients about environmentally preferable promotional items. Reprographics and Copying Services EN578-060034 2007-09-17 Page 23 RFSO
2.2 Paper The Government of Canada uses only paper stocks considered to be environmentally friendly. Selection of these papers is based on factors such as sustainable development, life-cycle management and/or forest management. For this standing offer, papers from manufacturers certified under the Environmental Choice Program (ECP), or who are using fibre originating from a sustainably-managed forest certified to a third-party verified forest certification standard such as the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) or the Canadian Standards Association Sustainable Forest Management Standard (CSA/SFMS) will be acceptable for completion of the work. 2.2.1 Recycled Paper Option As an optional replacement for the basic paper specified, a call-up may request a copy paper with 30% recycled post consumer content.
Storage Area Networks E60EJ-07000S 2008-06-02 Website: NMSO
7. Delivery and Installation of Products (g) Installation of Storage System (last sentence) All installations must include the removal and environmentally responsible disposal of all packaging material.
Facsimiles (non-secure) EC095-080004 2010-6-09
Annex B Global Technical Specifications and Standards RFSO
NMSO Required Technical Specifications Capable of Automated or Semi-automated faxing of double sided originals. (i.e. The facsimile scans all first sides of a double-sided original, the document is either automatically or manually turned over and the second side is scanned. Capable of printing received transmission double-sided NMSO Required Standards Certified by the manufacturer as complying with the Class A or B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Interference Causing Equipment Standard (ICES-003) of Industry Canada, or US FCC Class A or B equivalent emission limits for digital apparatus as set in the Radio Interference Regulations Manufactured in facilities that are ISO 14001 3rd party certified Energy Star Qualified (or equivalent) NMSO Optional Technical Specifications Copying capability PC scanning capability PC fax capability Internet fax capability Scan to email capability Recycled toner cartridges available Uses ozone filter NMSO Optional Standards Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling. The facsimile has been approved for environmental Ecolabeling Certification
Bond Papers E60PD-070004 2007-10-17 Page 8 and 37 RFSO
ANNEX "G" Green Procurement Baseline Questionnaire Purpose The purpose of this document is to assist the Government of Canada (GC) in understanding the Paper industry’s progress in greening its supply chain and operations. Context 81
The federal government is committed to greening its supply chain. As of April 2006, the GC’s Policy on Green Procurement took effect, requiring all federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to incorporate environmental considerations into the procurement process. Environmental considerations with goods or services address environmental considerations associated with the whole life cycle of the product or service, from the extraction of the raw material, through acquisition and use by customers as well as the process by which it is disposed once it is no longer required. One of the avenues for greening the government procurement is through the greening of procurement instruments used in commodity management. At this time, Public Works and Government Service Canada (PWGSC) wants to understand how the industry has progressed in incorporating environmental considerations into its goods and services. Upcoming requests for proposal (RFP) will require that suppliers meet certain mandatory environmental criteria. While adding new environmental criteria, PWGSC needs to ensure that there is still enough competition amongst potential suppliers to obtain a fair price for the requested goods and services. It is therefore necessary for PWGSC to understand the current state of the industry, relative to environmental factors, in order to successfully incorporate mandatory environmental criteria without inappropriately limiting competition. In the future, it is anticipated that environmental criteria will become more demanding as the GC will encourage suppliers to improve the environmental performance of their goods and services and mitigate negative environmental factors. Questionnaire Please fill out the questionnaire on the next page and return it with your submission. Yes
In Progress Additional Comments (% complete) Corporate (supplier/distributor) Performance Corporate environmental policy in place – please attach. ISO 14001 certification Or a Self-certified environmental management system Or external party certified environmental management system - Specify Corporate social responsibility reporting ENERGY STAR products used for office equipment Note: For complete list of ENERGY STAR qualified products and information and tools, see: Resource Input 30% pre and post-consumer recycled content available Higher post-consumer recycled content
available – Specify % Pulp sourced from a certified forest Specify certification (i.e. SFI, CSA, FSC, etc.) Product certified to use the Environmental Choice Logo or other such eco-labelling ? Manufacturing Process Energy and Greenhouse gas emissions reduction initiatives undertaken in manufacturing - specify Paper production facility has ISO 14001 certification Or, Paper production facility has selfcertified environmental management Or, Paper production facility has external certified environmental management system - Specify Manufacturer has corporate social responsibility reporting – please provide sample report Manufacturer is reporting greenhouse gas emissions – please provide sample report Manufacturer produces Environmental Profile Data Sheets Manufacturer has conducted waste audit. Waste material from the manufacturing process is recycled. Paper is bleached using low/no chlorine (ECF or TCF process) – Specify ECF or TCF. Is alternative fibre paper available (i.e. soy, hemp, etc) Distribution Packaging Reduction of packing material. Specify. Recycled material used in packaging. Specify %. Supplier accepts the packaging for reuse, recycling, or recovery. Reduction/elimination of toxic material in packaging Separable packing materials for the purpose of reuse or recycle Packing materials are recyclable (indicate %) Delivery Distribution/delivery – use of delivery management software to improve efficiency of deliveries. Delivery process that minimizes fuel consumption.
Other applicable environmental criteria or initiatives: (supplier to fill out)
Electrical and Electronic Supplies EN585-080001 2009-12-16 Annex F RFSA
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES As part of the federal governments commitment to environmentally responsible procurement, PWGSC encourages the private sector to develop and implement environmentally responsible initiatives in manufacturing processes, products, business management systems and packaging. In addition to completing Annex "F", Bidders are requested to submit information and /or substantiating documentation regarding their stated environmental initiatives, and the details of the environmental impact of the goods proposed in terms of overall environmental management, for example: a. b. c. d. e. f.
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible waste disposal initiatives Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to waste reduction initiatives Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to packaging initiatives Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to re-use strategies. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to recycling
Your firm is requested to complete Table 1 – Recycled Content of Source Materials, identifying all major materials applicable to the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content. The materials listed in the table are a representative sampling only. Your firm is requested to complete Table 2 - Recycled Content of Packaging Components, identifying all components applicable to the packaging required for the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content. An example of a completed table is provided for your information. If your firm has a corporate environmental policy, you must submit a copy of this policy either on corporate letterhead, as corporate documentation or provide your firms web site address where this information resides. In support of your firm's environmental policy you must provide documentation regarding the environmental principles referenced in
your policy and details of the environmental policy and its impact in terms of overall environmental management. If your facility has established a program for solid waste auditing, has prepared a waste reduction plan and has instituted a means to track progress towards waste reduction and diversion from disposal of materials such as metals, plastics, fabrics, wood, fibreglass, glass etc., a description of this program and or a copy of the most recent waste audit shall be submitted. Table 1 - Recycled Content of Source Materials Source Material
Recycled content of Source Material by Weight *
* Based on averaging method for previous 12 months. Table 2 – Recycled Content of Packaging Materials Component Name
Material Name
Is it recycled material?
Is it recyclable after use?
Is it currently recycled in Canada?
If yes %
Sample of completed table 1 Source Material
Structural, non -structural and all other components
Recycled content of Source Material by Weight * 25%
Sample of completed table 2 Component Name
Material Name
Is it recycled material?
Is it recyclable after use?
Is it currently recycled in Canada?
If yes % box
Yes 35%
Yes 20%
80% as fuel only
Galvanized steel
Yes 95%
Yes 95%
DEFINITIONS Recyclable product: a product, which after its intended use can demonstrably be diverted from the solid waste stream for use as a raw material in the manufacture of another product Recycled material: material and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and that can be utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a product. It is derived from post consumer recycled material, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural waste and other waste material, but does not include material or byproducts generated from and commonly reused within an original manufacturing process. Recycled product: a product containing recycled material. Post consumer recycled material: only those products generated by a business or consumer which have served their intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted from the solid waste stream. Company Name: ___________________________________ Product Name / Series: ___________________________________ Manufacturer's Commitment 1. The manufacturer has an environmental policy statement. 2. The manufacturer has a history on environmental initiatives. 3. The manufacturer has conducted a comprehensive waste audit. 4. The manufacturer has further plans for environmental improvements. Resource Input 1. Metal components are finished using low VOC emitting technology. 2. Metal parts contain recycled content. Product Design 1. All major components are designed to be disassembled. 2. Wear susceptible parts are designed to be replaceable by the user. Manufacturing 1. Waste material from the manufacturing process is minimized. 2. Waste material from the manufacturing process is recycled. 3. The facility is accredited to ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System. Packaging and Distribution 1. The packaging designed to minimize waste (e.g. bulk, reusable such as blanket wrap). 2. Recycled materials are used to produce the packaging. 3. Your firm accepts the packaging for reuse, recycling or recovery. Use and Maintenance 1. The furniture is accompanied by clear maintenance and repair instructions. 2. There are inventory numbers for replacement parts which are available? Disposal 1. There is a product buy or take back program. 2. There is a program in place to recondition, reuse or recycle the cabinets
E-Waste (Surplus EEE Disposal) E60SQ-080007/C 2009-07-10 Page 50, 64 - 70 RFSO
Attachment 1 to Part 4 OFFEROR PROFILE TABLE Legal Name: Operating Name: Authorized Representative and Title for the Standing Offer: Tel:
Procurement Business Number (PBN): ISO 14001 Certified: OHSAS 18000 Certified: EMAS
□Yes □Yes □Yes
□No □No □No
Certificate Number: Certificate Number: Certificate Number:
Other Recognized Certifications (please list):
Permits (include numbers and expiry dates):
ATTACHMENT 4 TO PART 4 GOVERNMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT AT SOURCE Place an 'x' in the cells for yes, no, n/a, or significant.
If the issue is significant the auditor is instructed to circle or underline the reason for which the item is significant.
Location/Site Audited: Date: Auditor:
Audit Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
FACILITY – GENERAL Is zoning for facility location appropriate for electronic waste recycling? Is the facility fitted with ESFR sprinkler system? Does the facility have minimum insurance coverage as stated in the Request for Standing Offer (RFSO)? Are self-assessments and audits conducted to ensure compliance with provincial and federal environmental legislation and regulations? Is the facility within 1 km of residential area? Is the facility located in 25, 50 or 100 year flood plain? Are there any schools, hospitals or protected wildlife or habitat areas within 1 km of the facility? Does the facility's record retention policy require data to be stored for at least 5 years? Does the facility have a database to manage daily operations and for asset management? MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Is there a maintained and up to date Environmental Policy? Provide copy. Does facility maintain an up to date List of Environmental Regulations it must comply with? Does the operation have a documented Corrective Action (CA) and preventative action system for identifying non-conformances and opportunities for improvement? Does CA process have root cause analysis documented in each item? Does facility have documented procedures for keeping abreast of changing regulatory requirements? (INTER)NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CERTIFICATION (e.g., ISO 14001, EMAS) Have Environmental Aspects and Significant Environmental Impacts been identified and documented? Have Objectives and Targets been established and documented based on significant Environmental Aspects and Impacts? Is there a documented process for identifying legal requirements? Are there documented procedures for internal and external communications of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts? Are employees trained in following the environmental policy and ensuring work activities will not impact the environment? Is the facility’s environmental management plan reviewed annually by management and updated as necessary? Does the facility have a formal process for identifying and correcting non-conformances? Are CAs reviewed? Are CAs from previous GoC or EPSC audits identified and documented? Are self assessments and audits conducted to ensure compliance with Corporate Policy, and all environmental legislation applicable to the jurisdiction in which the facility operates? TRANSPORTATION Are licenses for all drivers routinely checked for currency? Is Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE) or any of its subcomponents transported across provincial, state, or national borders? If yes, list all countries and facilities to which it is shipped. If yes to above, does the facility have a system to document how all transboundary requirements met? Is there a documented job segregation policy to separate receiving and shipping functions? Are all outbound trailers solid topped and hard-sided, lockable, and sealed with operations seal on outbound? Is there a policy and documented employee training records for ensuring truck cabin and forklift ignition keys are secured at all times? Is truck driver ID checked and documented for every shipment? PROCESSING Is all material unloaded/loaded indoors? Are weigh scales calibrated? Does the facility have a procedure for documenting discrepancies with advised and actual weights? Does facility have a documented material inspection procedure? Does facility have a documented material inspection procedure?
Audit Item Does the facility have a documented material refusal procedure? Are there training records for Shipping/Receiving? Are all materials labeled with unique electronic identifier? Are materials processed within 15 business days of arrival? Is there a documented process description which identifies mass balance? Is there a documented hazard removal process? Is packaging removed and segregated? Are the following recycled? Cardboard, pallets, polyethylene shrink wrap? Is there evidence of baling of mixed plastics? Are all outputs, other than hazards, shredded to less than 5 cm? Is there a dust collection system in place? DOWNSTREAM MANAGEMENT 46 Has operation mapped downstream process as per SOR requirement? Do manifests and shipping records exist to support all of the above mapping for movements in a timely 47 fashion (15 business days as per SOR)? Are sub-contractors audited at least once every 3 years? Pick 4 random sub-contractors - view audit 48 documentation for completion, date verification, significant issue resolution. Do audits of hazardous sub-contractors identify appropriate permits, insurance and manifests for 49 processing material. Are contracts in place with sub-contractors? Pick 4 random sub-contractors - call to verify that a 50 contract exists and that the subcontractor receives material from vendor. 51 Is there a written policy for notifying clients of any changes to sub-contractors? ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT – GENERAL Are there outstanding environmental orders or complaints from government officials or neighbouring 52 properties? 53 Are there any legal compliance issues that you are aware of at this time? ENVIRONMENT – TRAINING 54 Is Environment Training provided to all personnel working on-site? Is Workplace Hazardous Management Information System (WHMIS) training updated and provided 55 to all personnel working on-site? Is Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDGR) training provided to employees responsible for 56 signing manifests and performing other duties pertinent to the preparation of dangerous goods for transport? 57 Is Spills Training updated and provided to appropriate personnel? Are Contractors/temps. working on-site provided with the same training as full-time/regular 58 employees? ENVIRONMENT- DOCUMENTATION 59 Are there written procedures or guidelines or records with respect to: 60 Hazards management? 61 Selecting hazardous waste treatment, disposal, storage and transportation contractors? 62 Emergency Response Plan? 63 Storm Water Discharge? 64 Waste Water Management? 65 Air emissions testing? 66 Permit conditions? 67 National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting? 68 Closure plans with associated financial assurances? 69 Fire Safety Plan? 70 Corrective Actions? 71 Hazard Management Plans? 72 Phase I Environmental Assessment? ENVIRONMENT – RECORDS Are Copies of Certificates of Approvals with operating conditions and summary reports retained onsite 73 and adhered to? Test 4 operating conditions. Are copies of other applicable environmental permits, licenses or approval applications retained onsite 74 and adhered to? Read and test 4 conditions. 75 Does documented correspondence with regulatory agencies indicate outstanding compliance issues? Do Government Environmental inspection and audit reports (Municipal, Provincial, Federal) indicate 76 outstanding compliance issues? Is there a system for reporting and documenting incidents and near misses; filing of Incident Reports? 77 See evidence of documentation for spills, fires, near misses. 78 Do 3rd Party Inspection Reports and Findings indicate outstanding issues? EMERGENCY RESPONSE Is there a up to date documented emergency response process that includes a plan to minimize releases 79 to the environment? e.g. In case of a spill?
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
80 81 82
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
Audit Item Is there a documented business interruption and continuity plan? Is emergency response training updated and provided to all employees? Are emergency response training procedures tested? Is there an onsite Emergency Response Team (ERT) team? PROCESS EMISSIONS – AIR Is manufacturing equipment and building facility equipment connected to exhausts to outside air (these include process discharges, combustion source discharges, local ventilation systems, air compressors, incinerators, vents). Are contaminants emitted to outside air known and documented? Is there an Certificate of Approval of (C of A) for the site to discharge exhaust contaminants to outside air? Does the facility report to NPRI or equivalent. If so, what was reported? Is stack or duct sampling from the equipment conducted with regularity? If so how often? What was found? Is there a documented disposal process for filters associated with the exhausts? Are there internal - Controls / Approval on Dust Bags? Filters, PMs, spark detectors, fire suppression. Does the facility use CFCs? If yes indicate equipment. Is there a plan in place to phase out the use? PROCESS EFFLUENT – WATER Are components of facility wastewater and/or wash water is sent to sewer (storm or sanitary). Which equipment does discharge water originate from? Is any water treated prior to discharge? Is any sludge generated from processes disposed of in accordance with current environmental regulations? Has discharge water been tested to identify if it meets current applicable regulations and environmental permits? If so, what are the results? Is onsite drinking water sourced from groundwater? SITE CONDITION - LAND & GROUND WATER Has the site undergone any subsurface investigations to identify potential groundwater and soil contamination from historical use of the property? Any ongoing monitoring or soil or GW? If yes, is there any impacted soil and groundwater? If yes, has it been remediated or are controls in place to prevent off-site migration? Are any efforts or equipment in place to protect source ground water Are there any wells on the property? If yes indicate type (i.e. wells for drinking water or subsurface investigations and monitoring). SPILLS Does documentation indicate the occurrence of any reportable spills in the last two years? Is there a spill prevention plan/program in place? In case of a spill is there an emergency response plan available to ensure the release to the environment is minimized? Is absorbent, spill equipment material, materials and preparedness available near aboveground tanks and drums and in hazardous storage areas in case of a minor spill. Is there a documented process for disposal of spill materials? Is there a documented process for checking and replenishing spill kits? HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GENERATOR Does the facility generate hazardous wastes? If yes obtain a list. Does the facility have a waste generator number such as Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN) (if required in that jurisdiction otherwise indicate applicable permit required)? Is recycling maximized and disposal of hazardous wastes minimized where recycling outlets exist? Are wastes properly manifested and copies retained on site? Do documented procedures exist to ensure that all hazardous wastes are labeled? Is employee training on hazardous waste handling in place and documented? Are operational controls in place on equipment to ensure impacts to the environment are minimized? HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE Is a list of how all production and maintenance chemicals are used, stored, handled or transported from / within the site maintained? Are all chemicals and wastes labeled to identify contents? Are all drums and containers closed, impermeable and of good integrity, grounded and with secondary containment? Is the hazardous storage area locked with restricted access? Is there primary and secondary containment? Are all drums with liquids grounded? Are storage areas equipped with fire protection? Are hazardous materials stored for more than 90 days? Is storage of hazardous materials properly documented? e.g. label indicates date container was put into use, includes records of material entered into and transferred out of storage including appropriate references to shipping if moved off site.
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
Audit Item STORAGE TANKS Are there any aboveground storage tanks on the property? If yes indicate contents and volume? If yes to above, is there secondary containment? Are there any underground storage tanks on the property? If yes indicate contents, volume and age? If yes answer next few questions. If yes to above, Is the tank cathodically protected or does it have secondary containment? Are there records to reconcile tank contents? Are levels in the tank monitored? Have the tanks been leak tested? Are there compressed gases stored on the property? If yes, list. NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE Is any material stored outside? If yes, list. Is there material going to landfill? If yes, list. Is equipment maintained to ensure good operating conditions? Calibrations, PMs, on-demand maintenance records HEALTH AND SAFETY Is there a documented Health and Safety Policy? Are there written procedures or guidelines or records with respect to: Training? Maintenance of equipment? Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements? PPE risk assessment? Hazards management? Chemicals control? WHMIS? Housekeeping? Confined Space? Lock out/tag out? Prestart health and safety? Mask fit testing? V Incident reporting? Hygiene? Right of Refusal? Air sampling? Noise mapping? Bio monitoring? Risk assessment of exposure to toxic substances? Are there any outstanding Municipal, Provincial or Federal orders, notices or complaints? Are the number of first aids, accidents, and close calls tracked? See evidence of tracking and corrective actions. Is the number of reportable accidents documented and tracked? How many were there in the past year? Does this include the temporary workers? Is there any health monitoring taking place? Do records exist to identify what designated substances employees are working with? See evidence of documented management plans. Are internal air sampling processes in place and documented designated substances are used ? What are the results? Are accredited labs used to validate test results? Is there a Joint Health & Safety Committee or Safety Talk process in place? HEALTH & SAFETY - TRAINING & EQUIPMENT Is anyone trained in first aid, CPR, Emergency Response? Date of last training Is equipment guarded to ensure safety? Have any equipment Pre-start reviews taken place? Is there evidence of training on the operation of equipment? Is equipment undergoing maintenance or repair clearly marked? Are employees trained on equipment safety and work hazards? HEALTH & SAFETY – INFRASTRUCTURE Are fire exits clear and unobstructed? Are Eye Wash stations present and located in proximity to high risk operations? If using bottles check expiration. Is there a first aid kit? Has it been signed off by someone trained in First Aid? Are main aisles at least 39 inches wide? Are fire extinguishers easily accessible? Are fire hoses easily accessible? Has the fire system been maintained & tested? When? - Sprinklers, alarms, etc.
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
Audit Item Are emergency drills conducted on an annual basis at a minimum? What were the results? How long to exit the building? Are electrical panels unobstructed and easily accessible? Are combustible hazards stored in the flammable storage cabinet? General Housekeeping: Are there any slip, trip, fall hazards in evidence on tour? General Housekeeping: Are boxes, containers labeled properly? Are weight restrictions posted on racking? Are emergency exit doors provided, well marked? Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) sheets available? Is there an emergency notification procedure for all employees? Are there any confined spaces? If so, is there evidence of a process? STANDARD OPERATING - FACILITY MANAGEMENT Can supplier mechanically shred (to less than 5 cm x 5 cm pieces) and separate Materiel, after hazard removal, into like commodity streams available for reintroduction into commodity or manufacturing production as feedstock. Do documented procedures (and training records) exist for the following: Incident reporting for loss and theft? Notification to GoC within 24 hours after incident? Procedures to assess the risk of theft and loss? Access Control to site and building? Alarm system? CCTV system? Fencing, Gates and Lighting? Badging and ID photos? Criminal background checks? Progressive discipline program? Shipping and Receiving Controls/Segregation of duty? Concealed theft management? Visitor control? Contracts with all external suppliers? Are all exits locked and alarmed at all times? Is access to the operation restricted?
AUDIT CRITERIA APPLICABILITY MATRIX – SUBCONTRACTORS Processor Type: Applicable Audit Criteria Sections: Exemptions: Primary Processor All None All International Environmental Downstream Processor Certifications
- Facility General - Management Systems - Collection & Transportation - Environment General - Environment Training - Environment Records - Emergency Response - Health & Safety - Health & Safety - Training & Equipment - Standard Operating - Facility Management
International Environmental Certifications
Storage Facility
International Environmental Certifications
Furniture – Desking E60PQ-020001 Page 38 RFSO
Product Information – Environmental Attributes As part of the federal governments commitment to environmentally responsible purchasing, PWGSC encourages the private sector to take an active role in implementing environmentally sound business practices and producing goods and services that lessen the burden on the environment in their production, use and final disposition. This completed form will be posted on the PWGSC Intranet site and is intended to be used an assessment tool by our client departments to evaluate the environmental attributes of your product. Company Name: ___________________________________ Product Name / Series: ___________________________________
Manufacturer's Commitment Yes 1. Does the manufacturer have an environmental policy statement? 2. Does the manufacturer have a history on environmental issues/initiatives etc.? 3. Has the manufacturer conducted a comprehensive waste audit? 4. Does the manufacturer have further plans for environmental improvements? Resource Input 1. Are non-organic solvent based adhesives used in manufacturing? 2. Are metal components finished using low VOC emitting technology, such as powder coating ? 3. Do metal parts contain recycled content? 4. Do plastic parts contain recycled content? 5. Are major rigid plastic parts stamped with a composition code for future recycling? 6. Does the product contain any banned or restricted substances e.g. HCFC's? 7. Does the product emit VOC's which will result in an indoor air concentration of less than 0.5 mg/m3?* 8. Does the product emit formaldehyde which will result in an indoor air concentration of less than 0.5 mg/m3?* Product Design 1. Are all major components designed to be disassembled? 2. Are wear susceptible parts designed to be replaceable by the user? 3. Are metal components attached in such a manner to permit easy disassembly? Manufacturing 1. Is waste material from the manufacturing process minimized? 2. Is waste material from the manufacturing process recycled? 3. Is the use of equipment requiring maintenance that involves hazardous products minimized? 4. Is the facility accredited to ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System? 5. Is the facility working towards the implementation of ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System? Packaging and Distribution 1. Is the packaging designed to minimize waste (e.g. bulk, reusable such as blanket wrap)? 2. Are recycled materials used to produce the packaging?
3. Do you accept the packaging for reuse, recycling or recovery? 4. Is the furniture exposed for at least 24 hours prior to packaging/distribution to allow offgassing? Use and Maintenance 1. Is the furniture accompanied by clear maintenance and repair instructions? 2. Are there inventory numbers for replacement parts and are they readily available? Disposal 1. Is there a product buy or take back program? 2. Is there a system in place to recycle the materials recovered? 3. Can the desking system be reconditioned and reused or recycled?
*This must be supported with test reports when tested in accordance with the State of Washington Environmental Chamber Protocol for the Measurements of Pollutant Outgassing from Office Furniture based on ASTM D5116-90 Standard Guide for SmallScale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Material/Products, or thorough extrapolation from the above test results for components or similar products using computer modelling.
Furniture – Free Standing
Furniture – Panels
E60PQ-080001/B 2008-10-15 Page 46 RFSO
E60PQ-080005-A 2008-12-08 Page 39 RFSO
ANNEX D VALUE-ADDED ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES FOR E-PURCHASING (NON MANDATORY) It was decided at GOFAC (Government Office Furniture Advisory Committee) meetings that PWGSC require all offerors to meet the minimum performance criteria, including environmental criteria stated in the purchase description; but that those offerors with additional value-added environmental criteria are recognized in the procurement process. PWGSC will utilize their current tool - e-Purchasing – as the means for companies to offer additional environmental criteria to the federal government. In addition to completing the form below, offerors must submit information and /or substantiating documentation regarding their stated environmental value-added criteria, for example: a copy of your ISO 14001 certification, a copy of test reports to applicable emission standards etc. The following attributes comprise the non-mandatory “value-added” environmental criteria to be incorporated into e-purchasing:
Item No. 1
2 3 4
Meets Yes No
Manufacturer is certified to ISO 14001 at the manufacturing site of the product proposed All products must be permanently and legibly marked with the expiry date of the warranty The product offered does not emit VOC’s which will result in an indoor air concentration of more than 0.5 mg/m3 (see below) The product offered does not emit formaldehyde which will result in an indoor air concentration of more than 0.5 mg/m3 (see below) The product offered is listed on the Environmental Choice Program to CCD-033 Criteria Certification Document for Office Furniture and Panel Systems OR Greenguard Indoor Air Quality Program to Greenguard Certification Standards for Low emitting Products for the Indoor Environmental The manufacturer has established a program for solid waste auditing; prepared a waste reduction plan; instituted a means to track progress towards waste reduction and diversion of materials from disposal. All products must be permanently and legibly marked with the expiry date of the warranty
Furniture – Mobile Shelving E60PQ-050001 Page 46 RFSA
Annex E – Environmental Attributes 1) As part of the federal governments commitment to environmentally responsible procurement, PWGSC encourages the private sector to develop and implement environmentally responsible initiatives in manufacturing processes, products, business management systems and packaging. 2) As part of PWGSC’s commitment to keep clients informed, specifically in the area of environmental attributes of products available on National Master Standing Offers, a completed Annex B - “ Environmental Attributes,” will be posted on the PWGSC Government Electronic Network (GENet). 3) In addition to completing Annex B, Bidders must submit information and /or substantiating documentation regarding their stated environmental initiatives, and the details of the environmental impact of the goods proposed in terms of overall environmental management, for example: a. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible manufacturing processes.
b. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible waste disposal initiatives c. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to waste reduction initiatives d. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to re-use strategies. e. Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to recycling 4) Your firm must complete Table 1 – Recycled Content of Source Materials, identifying all major materials applicable to the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content. 5) If your firm has a corporate environmental policy, you must submit a copy of this policy either on corporate letterhead, as corporate documentation or provide your firms web site address where this information resides. In support of your firm’s environmental policy you must provide documentation regarding the environmental principles referenced in your policy and details of the environmental policy and its impact in terms of overall environmental management. 6) If your facility has established a program for solid waste auditing, has prepared a waste reduction plan and has instituted a means to track progress towards waste reduction and diversion from disposal of materials such as metals, plastics, fabrics, wood, fiberglass, glass etc., a description of this program and or a copy of the most recent waste audit shall be submitted. Table 1 - Recycled Content of Source Materials Source Material Component
Recycled content of Source Material by Weight *
* Based on averaging method for previous 12 months. DEFINITIONS Recyclable product: a product, which after its intended use can demonstrably be diverted from the solid waste stream for use as a raw material in the manufacture of another product Recycled material: material and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and that can be utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a
product. It is derived from post consumer recycled material, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural waste and other waste material, but does not include material or byproducts generated from and commonly reused within an original manufacturing process. Recycled product: a product containing recycled material. Post consumer recycled material: only those products generated by a business or consumer which have served their intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted from the solid waste stream.
Manufacturer:_________________ Series/Type: _________________ Manufacturer's Commitment 1. The manufacturer has an environmental policy statement. 2. The manufacturer has a history on environmental initiatives. 3. The manufacturer has conducted a comprehensive waste audit. 4. The manufacturer has further plans for environmental improvements. Resource Input 1. Metal components are finished using low VOC emitting technology. 2. Metal parts contain recycled content. Manufacturing 1. Waste material from the manufacturing process is minimized. 2. Waste material from the manufacturing process is recycled. 3. The facility is accredited to ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System. Packaging and Distribution 1. The packaging is designed to minimize waste (e.g. bulk, reusable such as blanket wrap).
Furniture – Office Seating E60PQ-030004 2005-12-12 Website: Annex B: Environmental Attributes - provided in diskette format under separate cover (see following) NMSO
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES: ANNEX B 1) As part of the federal governments commitment to environmentally responsible procurement, PWGSC encourages the private sector to develop and implement environmentally responsible initiatives in manufacturing processes, products, business management systems and packaging. 2) As part of PWGSC’s commitment to keep clients informed, specifically in the area of environmental attributes of products available on National Master Standing Offers, a completed Annex B - “ Environmental Attributes,” will be posted on the PWGSC Government Electronic Network (GENet). 97
3) In addition to completing Annex B, Bidders must submit information and /or substantiating documentation regarding their stated environmental initiatives, and the details of the environmental impact of the goods proposed in terms of overall environmental management, for example: a.
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible manufacturing processes.
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to environmentally responsible waste disposal initiatives
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to waste reduction initiatives
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to packaging initiatives
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to re-use strategies.
Provide details of your policies and practices in relation to recycling
4) Your firm must complete Table 1 – Recycled Content of Source Materials, identifying all major materials applicable to the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content. The materials listed in the table are a representative sampling only. 5) Your firm must complete Table 2 - Recycled Content of Packaging Components, identifying all components applicable to the packaging required for the products offered by your firm against this standing offer and their respective recycled content. An example of a completed table is provided for your information. 6) If your firm has a corporate environmental policy, you must submit a copy of this policy either on corporate letterhead, as corporate documentation or provide your firms web site address where this information resides. In support of your firm’s environmental policy you must provide documentation regarding the environmental principles referenced in your policy and details of the environmental policy and its impact in terms of overall environmental management. 7) If your facility has established a program for solid waste auditing, has prepared a waste reduction plan and has instituted a means to track progress towards waste reduction and diversion from disposal of materials such as metals, plastics, fabrics, wood, fiberglass, glass etc., a description of this program and or a copy of the most recent waste audit shall be submitted.
Table 1 - Recycled Content of Source Materials Source Material
Recycled content of Source Material by Weight *
* Based on averaging method for previous 12 months. Table 2 – Recycled Content of Packaging Materials Component Name
Material Name
Is it recycled material?
Is it recyclable after use?
Is it currently recycled in Canada?
If yes %
Sample of completed table 1 Source Material
Structural, non -structural and all other components
Plastic (polyethylene)
Seat, Back, Arms
Recycled content of Source Material by Weight * 25% 10%
Sample of completed table 2 Component Name
Material Name
Is it recycled material?
Is it recyclable after use?
Is it currently recycled in Canada?
If yes % box
Yes 35%
Yes 20%
80% as fuel only
Galvanized steel
Yes 95%
Yes 95%
DEFINITIONS Recyclable product: a product, which after its intended use can demonstrably be diverted from the solid waste stream for use as a raw material in the manufacture of another product
Recycled material: material and byproducts that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste and that can be utilized in place of raw or virgin material in manufacturing a product. It is derived from post consumer recycled material, manufacturing waste, industrial scrap, agricultural waste and other waste material, but does not include material or byproducts generated from and commonly reused within an original manufacturing process. Recycled product: a product containing recycled material. Post consumer recycled material: only those products generated by a business or consumer which have served their intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted from the solid waste stream. Company Name: ____________________ Product Name / Series: _________________ Instruction: Fill in the appropriate cells in the Yes and No columns. Manufacturer's Commitment 1. The manufacturer has an environmental policy statement. 2. The manufacturer has a history on environmental initiatives. 3. The manufacturer has conducted a comprehensive waste audit. 4. The manufacturer has further plans for environmental improvements. Resource Input 1. Non-organic solvent based adhesives used in manufacturing. 2. Metal components are finished using low VOC emitting technology. 3. Metal parts contain recycled content. 4. Plastic parts contain recycled content. 5. Major rigid plastic parts are stamped with a composition code for future recycling. 6. Are VOC’s emitting or other hazardous chemicals applied to the upholstery fabric. Product Design 1. All major components are designed to be disassembled. 2. Wear susceptible parts are designed to be replaceable by the user. Manufacturing 1. Waste material from the manufacturing process is minimized. 2. Waste material from the manufacturing process is recycled. 3. The facility is accredited to ISO 14000 - Environmental Management System. Packaging and Distribution 1. The packaging designed to minimize waste (e.g. bulk, reusable such as blanket wrap). 2. Recycled materials are used to produce the packaging. 3. Your firm accepts the packaging for reuse, recycling or recovery. Use and Maintenance 1. The furniture is accompanied by clear maintenance and repair instructions. 2. There are inventory numbers for replacement parts which are available? Other Certification Programs 1. Your seating product is certified through a third-party organization such as Greenguard.
*This must be supported with test reports when tested in accordance with the State of Washington Environmental Chamber Protocol for the Measurements of Pollutant Outgassing from Office Furniture based on ASTM D5116-90 Standard Guide for SmallScale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Material/Products, or thorough extrapolation from the above test results for components or similar products using computer modeling.
Government Managed Cabling Services Awaiting relevant information from commodity team
Annex D Green Procurement Questionnaire (Rev: 22 September 2008) Purpose The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist Canada in understanding the industry’s progress in greening its supply chain and operations. Context Canada is committed to greening its supply chain. In April 2006, Canada issued a policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired. Assessing the environmental impact of a product or service involves considering the whole life cycle of the product or service, from the extraction of the raw material to its disposition at the end of its useful life. PWGSC wants to understand how the industry has progressed in greening its own supply chain and operations and the goods and services it provides. Upcoming bid solicitations may include evaluation criteria (either mandatory or rated) or contractual requirements related to the environment and PWGSC is currently gathering information so that it can consider appropriate environmental evaluation criteria and/or contractual requirements for future procurements. Questionnaire Please fill out the questionnaire on the following pages and return it with your bid. Note: It is recognized that this procurement is mostly for a service but there will also be products used in the delivery of this service. The questions relating to material or products target the cabling products and associated hardware required by the Bidder to deliver the service. The Bidder should respond with corporate policy and practices or from knowledge of industry’s and manufacturers’ policies and practices.
Bidder’s Policies and Practices
Are your organization's policy statements being submitted as part of your bid?
Bidder has in place an environmental policy consistent with ISO 14001 Bidder participates in industry initiatives to reduce environmental impact Bidder has a carbon-neutral travel policy that includes environmental considerations (examples would be minimization of travel to work sites; ensuring environmentally preferable methods are used for transportation; use of green hotels for accommodation, etc.) Bidder has a policy to ensure removal and appropriate waste handling/recycling of all packaging and waste materials Bidder has a policy on greening office products Bidder has a self-certified environmental management system Bidder subscribes to a 3rd party certified environmental management system Bidder undertakes corporate social responsibility reporting (Corporate social responsibility refers to organizations taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities/stakeholders and the environment. The Bidder may voluntarily have sustainability/performance targets (e.g., paper use, waste reduction strategies, carbon footprint) and report on them to the public. The targets and reporting are voluntary, typically to demonstrate the Bidder’s commitment to environmental issues) Industry’s and Manufacturers’ Policies and Practices
Reduction/elimination of environmentally sensitive materials Compliance with provisions of European Return of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive. Parts free of flame retardants classified under ECD 67/548/EEC Batteries free of lead, cadmium, mercury Plastic parts free of PVC Materials selection Declaration of post-consumer recycled plastic content (%) Minimum content of post-consumer recycled plastic Higher content of post-consumer recycled plastic Declaration of renewable/bio-based plastic materials content (%) Minimum content of renewable bio-based plastic Design for end of life Identification of materials with special handling needs Elimination of paints or coatings that are not compatible with recycling/reuse Easy disassembly of external enclosure
Marking of plastic components Identification and removal of components containing hazardous materials Reduced number of plastic material types Molded/glued in metal eliminated or removable Minimum 65% reusable/recyclable Minimum 90% reusable/recyclable Product longevity/life cycle extension Upgradeable with common tools Modular design Availability of replacement parts End of life management Reusing or recycling products after use Auditing of recycling vendors Provision of rechargeable battery take-back service Packaging Reduction/elimination of intentionally added toxics in packaging Separable packing materials Packaging 90% recyclable and plastics labeled Declaration of recycled content Provision of take-back program for packaging Documentation of reusable packaging Other applicable environmental criteria or initiatives: (for Bidder to fill out)
Promotional Items EN578-121124/A 2011-09-08 Page 18, 22 RFSA
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRACTICES: Suppliers are requested to describe their activities related to greening their own supply chain and operations. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: Supply Arrangement holders will be required to notify the Supply Arrangement Authority every six months of new available products.