FEBRUARY 13, 2014
February 13, 2014 - Marble Mountain Resort, Steady Brook, NL
Grenfell Campus and the Navigate Entrepreneurship Centre is hos7ng a one-‐day conference at Marble Mountain Resort, Steady Brook on February 13 en7tled: Sustainable Tourism in a Green Economy. The conference will feature speakers from Canada and Costa Rica, with the purpose of discussing how tourism can further contribute toward the environmental, social-‐cultural, business development and economic sustainability of a region, province or country.
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8:00 -‐ 8:45 am
-‐ Registra7on
8:15 am
-‐ Con7nental Breakfast
8:45 am
-‐ Opening Remarks – Dr. Ivan Emke, Interna7onal Office, Grenfell Campus
8:50 am
-‐ Sustainable Tourism and the Hospitality Industry – Carol-‐Ann Gilliard, CEO, Hospitality NL
9:00 am
-‐ What is a green economy? Speaker: Dr. Gabriela Sabau, Environmental Economist, Grenfell Campus
9:30 am
-‐ How does sustainable tourism assist rural and regional development? Speaker: Dr. Kelly Vodden, Environmental Policy Ins7tute, Grenfell Campus
10:00 am
-‐ Nutri7on Break -‐ Student Poster Exhibi7on -‐ Green Industry Exhibi7on
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10:30 am
-‐ Tourism and Climate Change: Implica7ons for the Sector Speaker: Office of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Gov of NL
11:00 am
-‐ Panel: The Role of Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Tourism -‐ Bruce Smith, Seascape Kayak Tours, New Brunswick & Costa Rica -‐ Barb Genge, Tuckamore Lodge, Main Brook, NL -‐ Sue Rendell, Gros Morne Adventures, Norris Point, NL -‐ Paul Rose, Riverfront Chalets, Aspen Brook, NL -‐ Joe Dicks, Marble Inn Resort, Steady Brook, NL -‐ Rick Stanley, Ocean Quest, CBS, NL
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12:30 pm
-‐ Lunch: Guest Speaker -‐ Manuel Luna, Vice Dean, Na7onal University of Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica
1:15 pm
-‐ Shared Experiences of Sustainable Tourism: Canada and Costa Rica
-‐ Bruce Smith, Seascape Kayak Tours, Deer Island, NB and Tambor, Costa Rica -‐ Manuel Luna, Vice Dean, Na7onal University of Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica 2:30 pm -‐ Breakout Session: Opportuni7es and Challenges in Promo7ng the Green Economy & New Business Development Themes: Transporta7on Water Management Energy Management Waste Management Climate Change
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3:45 pm
-‐ Plenary: Moving Forward toward a Green Economy for Tourism
4:15 pm
-‐ Closing Remarks
4:30 pm
-‐ Social/Networking
As an important aspect of this conference, organizers have taken care to ensure that the environmental impacts of the conference have been minimized. Prac7ces implemented include: Electronic / paperless programs and registra7on Non-‐disposable food and beverage services Locally sourced food Organic, fair trade coffee, locally roasted