Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Carrollwood Magazine. Vol. 10, Issue 7, July 2022

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Vol. 10, Issue 7, July 2022

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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 15,000 Homes In Carrollwood, Lake Magdalene & Avila

Women’s Creative Voices are Amplified During Voices of Women Theatre Festival at Powerstories Nine women playwrights bring eight diverse subjects to the second annual festival. In a society dominated by male creation, where statistics show men write 80% of produced plays, Fran Powers and Powerstories Theatre’s goal is to amplify women’s voices and showcase works written by women. Powerstories celebrates nine novice to accomplished female playwrights in the return of the hybrid online and live Voices of Women Theatre Festival in July. The festival was first conceived to connect with its community during the continued pandemic in 2021. It was so well-received globally that it became part of the theatre’s regular season in See “Powerstories” on page 12

Local Musician Releases Debut Album “Get With It” in June

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

One of musician Kyle Schroeder’s fondest memories of his dad, Shawn, were the car rides. The car was filled with sounds from 94.1 WSJT, and the toddler was first introduced to his now first love, jazz. Kyle saw national jazz musician Eric Darius at the Black Heritage Festival at 16 years old and knew at that moment that playing jazz was what he wanted to do with his life. “2014 was a big turning point in my life. Eric was such a high-energy performer, and with the amount of air he put into the horn – his sound really resonated with me. It was cool when he came out into the crowd. It was super powerful and I knew that I

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Editor: ...............................................5 Powerstories (cont)..........................................12 Kyle Schroeder (cont)......................................14

See “Kyle Schroeder” on page 14


JULY 2022

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JULY 2022

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Land of the Free, Home of the Champions! not gather a small group of relatives On the 4th of July, the United and friends and head over to Armature States observes a federal holiday in Works during their Second Sunday Art honor of the Declaration of IndepenWalk and Vendor Fair. This amazing dence. This federal holiday is the most patriotic and enthusiastically celebrated monthly event takes place every second of all America’s holidays. It is associated Sunday of the month, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, at Armature Works at the with Presidential speeches, parades, BBQs, concerts, community events, and heights, located at 1910 N Ola Ave, lots and lots of fireworks throughout the Tampa, FL 33602. The event also features a local art walk in the outdoor country. Many people also display the courtyard area and Western Walkway, American flag outside their homes or showcasing dozens of local and regionbuildings. al artists. Any artists wanting to particiShare with your little ones: Each pate may contact victor@stellagallerie. part of the American flag stands for com something. The 50 stars stand for the The Tampa Bay Lightning have 50 states. The 13 stripes stand for the 13 colonies that declared their indepen- done it again! Congratulations to this incredible team for winning the Eastern dence on July 4th, 1776. Conference Championship and advancWe welcome you to join us in celing onto the 2022 Stanley Cup finals ebrating our nation’s independence by against the Colorado Avalanche. supporting small businesses and shopThe Bolts and Avalanche have ping locally. Hundreds of locally owned never met in the Stanley Cup Playoffs Tampa Bay shops will be offering before. The Lightning holds an all-time incredible deals and sales on products series record of 11-6 when facing an and services, in honor of the 4th of July opponent for the first time in a bestcelebrations. Please carefully browse of-seven series. The 2020 and 2021 this edition of Tampa Bay News and Stanley Cup champions are on the path Lifestyles for coupons and offers from to become to the first team in 40 years our sponsors and local advertisers. to win three consecutive NHL titles. Did you know? Tampa Bay is turnMaybe by the time you get to read this ing 135 and you’re invited to the party! editorial, “three-peat” will be an official Water Works Park in Tampa will be thing, and they will have become the hosting an amazing birthday bash for first team to win three straight chamthis incredible city, and it will include pionships since the New York Islanders interactive exhibits, games, prizes, live entertainment, food trucks and so much claimed four titles in a row from 1980 to 1983. Whatever happens, let’s all conmore! This is a completely FREE event, and you could also be getting free gifts! tinue to support and root for our bolts. When: Saturday, July 16th, 2022 Whichever way you decide to celfrom 11:00 am to 3:00p ebrate this July, do it safely, and do it Where: Water Works Park - 1710 N proudly. For more information on local Highland Ave, Tampa, FL 33602. events please visit eventbrite.com or This local event is brought to you by the Tampa Bay Mom’s Group, Tampa visittampabay.com. Bay’s largest event and social site Until next time, designed to connect local families and their community! One of my favorite ways to “support local” is to attend farmers’ markets and local pop up fairs. This July why For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com JULY 2022 5

Carla Dubis Tedeschi


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For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

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For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

JULY 2022 11

Powerstories- story continued from page 1

important than ever that women stay involved in their comIn the last quarter of 2021, munity, the community of the Featured plays are: the festival committee read United States, and the commuthrough hundreds of plays sub- Tuesday, July 19 The Gennity of the world. That can only mitted from throughout the U.S. try of Essex by Blaire Baron be done if our voices are heard, and Canada to determine the and we push our voices out (California) View on Demand second annual festival lineup. beginning July 17 at 9 pm EST there,” added Jackson. After a stringent evaluation pro- Wednesday. “The divine feminine wants cess, several plays were chosen, to be heard right now, wantand the committee members July 20 Catherine by Addison ing to balance out all the male, championed the productions heavy rational energy. The Vaughn (Florida) View on they felt best met the theatre’s nurturing, the intuitive, and the Demand beginning July 18 at mission of opening hearts and wisdom of the feminine need a 9 pm EST Thursday. minds. In the end, eight diverse voice right now, and we’re the plays from nine playwrights of July 21 Remembering Morgan ones that have that voice. I think all ages and experience levels it is essential for the world that by Annie Brown (Oklahoma) were selected. women have a voice right now,” AND Not Worthy Enough The 2022 Voices of Women to Wipe Your Ass by Susan said David Williams. Theatre Festival features two Vaughn said, “In today’s Jackson and Diana Brown plays live in the theatre and society where we are starting (California) View on Demand live-streamed worldwide and beginning July 19 at 9 pm EST to see where the marginalized six 48-hour view-on-demand groups are, we are starting to Friday. productions. commodify them, so you see Though the Voices of these big blockbusters that use July 22 Legal Gringa by AnWomen Theatre Festival offi‘girl boss’ power in an almost gela Page (California) Live in cially opens on Tuesday, July 19, Theatre /Live-Streamed at 8 toxic way. A festival like this that and runs through Sunday, July tells feminine stories that reach pm EST Saturday. 24, patrons can begin watcha wide audience is vital in poring the first view-on-demand traying women in a true light.” July 23 my body. my voice production at 9 pm on Sunday. Playwrights Page and by Deborah Bostock-Kelley Each pre-recorded play can be (Florida) Live in Theatre / Live- Bostock-Kelley will be telling enjoyed for 48 hours before a their stories live from the PowerStreamed at 3 pm EST AND live Zoom interview with the stories stage. A Good American by Denise playwright, cast, and crew at 9 David Williams (California) pm EST each night. View on Demand beginning “The Voices of Women The- Thursday, July 21 at 9 pm EST. atre Festival is filled with exhilarating plays that give examples Sunday, July 24 Reclaiming of clear vision and transformaGrounds by Beth Mahmoudtion,” said Fran. “In these times Howell (Washington) View when our rights are being aton Demand beginning Friday, tacked, these stories need to be July 22 at 9 pm EST heard. It’s an honor to showcase Along with Powers, the these talented women who are participating playwrights unanidriven to bring awareness and mously feel that it is essential joy through their words.” for women to raise their voices One of the unique parts of and tell their stories this year the festival is the real-time inter- more than any other time in action with the playwrights from history. across the United States. On Beth Mahmoud-Howell, the website, guests can submit Susan Jackson, Denise Davis questions to the playwrights, Williams, and Addison Vaughn which will be answered live dur- are among the seven playing the playwright and cast inwrights submitting pre-recorded terview each evening on Zoom. productions. Patrons can share their thoughts “In light of the current on the view-on-demand proattack on women’s lives and duction they watched and get bodies, a festival amplifying feedback from the playwright, women’s voices is not only a cast, and crew about their exstep towards gender equity in periences. After the live theatre the arts but necessary to make performances, the audience will sure we are heard loud and be engaged with the show acclear,” said Mahmoud-Howell. tors, director, and playwright via “It is up to us women to live stream. continue to amplify the voices of womyn. It just seems more


JULY 2022

“I think (this festival) is critical. We have a unique perspective, and there have been so many centuries where we’ve been silenced or, at least, not paid attention to. The time has been overdue to hear women’s voices of all ages and backgrounds,” said playwright Page. Bostock-Kelley added, “After everything our mothers and grandmothers fought for, it is unbelievable to think that the attack on women is happening in 2022. Our voice is our power. While SCOTUS is trying to send us back to the dark ages, a festival like this shines a light on women and helps magnify our voices.” The second annual Voices of Women is a hybrid online and in-theatre festival at Powerstories Theatre, 2105 West Kennedy Boulevard. The festival opens on July 19 and runs through July 24. Patrons can view pre-recorded productions starting at 9 pm EST on July 17. Tickets are $15 and are available at powerstories.com/2022voices-of-women-theatrefestival.

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Kyle Schroeder- story continued from page 1 wanted to be able to do that too.” Kyle gravitated to the saxophone and was part of the jazz band at Mitchell High School, the Ruth Eckerd Hall/ Clearwater Jazz Holiday Big Band, and in his senior year, he was selected for the exclusive honor band, Jazz Band of America. Only a handful of musicians across the country are chosen to participate. While still in high school, Kyle began composing original jazz music with the long-term goal of releasing a jazz album. Kyle studied jazz saxophone and music business and graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music; he was still composing. Fast forward eight years from when he first wrote his first note to today, and Kyle is making his dream a reality with the release of “Get With It,” his debut contemporary jazz album. Dedicated to his father, whom he lost to cancer in 2019, “Get With It” features nine original compositions and a cover of an Islay Brother’s classic. “Throughout the years, I wrote these songs and redeveloped them multiple times. Over the years, I developed my musicianship, songwriting, arranging, and production skills on the computer. It turned into something that I’m proud of and something that I’m really excited to share with everybody.” Kyle said that the album title was an invitation. “Come join me on my journey. We’re just starting.


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Because it’s my first project, I want to invite people everywhere to join in on my future musical endeavors. That’s the inspiration behind the title.” Kyle offered advice to anyone at the beginning of their musical journey. “If you love what you do and you want to make it happen, anything is possible. Stay consistent, stay inspired, and look for inspiration from either other musical artists or really, anyplace you can find inspiration.” Kyle credits his mom Carrie, his dad, and his high school and college mentors, Joel Quina, the late Tom Domato, Gary Keller, and Allon Sams, for helping him find his path. “Always go with your gut feeling. If your gut feeling says, this is good…stick with it; even if it’s not, quote- unquote, perfect. If it makes you feel a certain way, and think it sounds really good, stick with it.” On June 10th, “Get With It” will be available on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, and other streaming platforms and download sites. If listeners want to get their hands on an actual physical CD copy, it is exclusively available on Kyle’s website at kyleschroedermusic.com. “We’re doing a big album release party with my band at the Capitol Theatre in Clearwater on the night of the release, Friday night, June 10th and that’s where I’ll be performing live with my group and playing all my original stuff.” Kyle said his favorite selection from the album was

difficult to pick because each song makes him feel a different way. “I like power ballads and slower songs, so if I had to pick, my favorites would be “You Complete Me” and “The One.” When asked what his dad would be thinking of his transition from a toddler first engaged with jazz music through the car radio to a twenty-four-year-old jazz musician with an album released, Kyle responded, “I definitely think he would be proud of me.” Kyle paused to reflect.

“He’d say, ‘keep it going and always do your best.’ Another thing that he used to say is ‘if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.’ I love what I do. If I can share the songs I write that are close to my heart with others, I believe I’m following his advice.” Learn more about Kyle, hire his band, or buy his album by visiting www. kyleschroedermusic.com. Follow Kyle on Instagram and Facebook at Kyle Schroeder Music.

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