Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles, Odessa/Lutz/LOL. Vol. 13, Issue 9, September 2022

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“Let Our Family Care for Yours” - The Dr. Shirmo and Dr. Eldridge Story

If caring, passion, and ded ication aren’t currently a daily part of your personal medical experience with your present physician, you should consider visiting the family practice of Trinity Family Physicians, Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shir mo), and Dr. Eldridge. They are Located on the corner of Trinity Blvd and Duck Slough Blvd at 1817 Cypress Brook Dr., Suite 101, Trinity, FL.

The doctors are pleased to announce they are celebrating the 15th Anniversary of their practice on September 1st, a testament to the quality and variety of the medical services they professionally provide for their many patients. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DR. SHIRMO AND DR. ELDRIDGE! Visit their website www.trinityfami lyphysicians.com or their Face book page for more informa tion about the many services they provide.

See “TFP” on page 18

Sleep Medicine Saves Lives and Marriages

In 2009, Jay A. Nelson, DMD (pictured left), took a course in dental sleep medicine that changed his career trajectory.

“The course spoke about how dentists can treat obstructive sleep apnea and provide a proven alternative to CPAP machines.”

A practicing general dentist since 1981, he is a diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, The American Academy of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine, and the American Board of Sleep & Breathing; Dr. Nelson decided in 2021 to give up his restorative dental practice to concentrate exclusively on dental sleep medicine.

See “Nelson Dentistry” on page 20

“It was intellectually interesting to me. Being a dentist for so long, every few years, I try to update

® Your
Vol. 13, Issue 9, September 2022
From the Editor........................5 Tech Talk.....................................10 SWAG Marketing................16-17 INSIDE THIS ISSUE
Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shirmo), and Dr. Stephanie Eldridge
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A Labor Day Message and Hispanic Heritage Month

By the time you probably read this, Labor Day will have already come and gone. Regardless of the timing, I hope you all had a wonderful and safe holi day with your loved ones.

Labor Day is a special day set aside to honor and pay tribute to hard-work ing men and women. It was a creation of the labor movement and is dedicat ed to the social and economic achieve ments of American workers.

Labor Day constitutes a yearly national tribute to the incredible con tributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. It has officially been celebrated as a Federal holiday in the United States since June 1894.

Labor Day is commonly celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic “end of the summer” kickoff and is typically enjoyed with beach days, family gatherings, barbecues, fireworks displays, parades, shopping sales, and other events.

Labor Day in Tampa FL is not just the end of summer but a chance to have a holiday from work or school and kick off the NFL & college football seasons. For the local baseball fans, I hope you’re keeping a close look at our Rays! Personally, I am looking forward to October and the start of hockey season. Go bolts!

From September 15th through Oc tober 15th, we also recognize National

Hispanic Heritage Month. During the four weeks, celebrations honor the heritage and contributions made by members of the Hispanic community. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by joining local celebrations. It is a fantastic way to meet new people. Additionally, you can learn more about the contributions Hispanics have made in politics, business, the arts, sports, fashion, and cuisine, to name a few.

Embracing the history and traditions of another culture not only broadens your knowledge but also teaches apprecia tion of other people and their customs.

Despite all these incredibly fun events happening all over our beau tiful city, let’s not forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. So whatever big crowded events, and social interactions you choose to enjoy this beginning of Fall, please be cau tious. If you’re not feeling well or are showing any symptoms please stay home and be mindful of others. Even though there are no more official mask mandates or social distancing being enforced, let’s all continue to do our part to keep our Tampa Bay community safe!

Until next time, Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi.

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Tech Talk with Bob: Setting up your new system

your email account(s). Do not open any emails until you have properly secured your computer. Emails are the number-one way viruses and other malware find their way into your com puter.

Last time we addressed consider ations for purchasing a new computer. Today, we’ll look at setting that com puter up when you get it home or to your office.

Before you connect your new computer to the internet, it’s a good idea to safeguard yourself with repu table security software protection. The problem is you must connect to the internet to initially download the security software. Sort of a “Catch-22” situation. But don’t worry. As long as you are certain you do not go any where else on the internet you should be able to safely download and install the security software you have chosen. Once installed, be sure to download and install all the product updates too.

Now, with your security software installed, updated, and properly configured, you are ready to setup

Next, install any additional hard ware you might have such as printers, scanners, etc. Test each hardware de vice as you install it. Then move onto installing the next device.

Any additional software you may have purchased for your computer should be installed next. Test each program as you install it. Then move onto installing the next program.

And finally, it’s time to transfer all your data from your old computer’s hard drive to your new computer’s drive. This can be the most criti cal operation of setting up your new system. There are a number of ways to achieve this. Data transfers can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on the amount of data involved, speed of the hard ware devices, and the transfer method used.

Getting a new computer can be a lot of fun. However, properly setting up a new system can be time-consum ing for some and just flat out over

whelming for others. My team per forms new system setups every week. So, if you just bought a new computer and need some help assimilating it into your technology setup, give us a call. We also specialize in transferring your data from your old computer to your new computer, even if your old computer won’t turn on.

We have the software and hard ware as well as the knowledge and experience to provide you with a safe and secure data transfer from your old computer to your new computer. If we can be of service to you call me now at 727-534-4000.

Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my friend. My team and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. My team repairs computers and secures them, on our bench, onsite in your home or office, and even remotely. We have the best solutions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.

We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World!

727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

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So, You’re Having a Party?

Celebrations are impor tant parts of the American persona. We don’t even need an excuse, just a memorable moment. It can be a graduation, anniver sary, birthday, or any other reason for a party. With so many details and so much stress associated with plan ning and executing a good party, it is a wonder that anyone ever has one.

Someone must order the catering, arrange for the entertainment, buy, and send out the invitations or email your friends after agreeing on the guest list. Those are just a few of the tedious, time-consuming elements in your party plan ning process. Sounds like fun, or does it?

With 2022 already half over, don’t despair, there are still several major holi days yet to celebrate. I’m sure you’ve already located the themed centerpieces for your Halloween bash tables, to make them unfor gettable affairs for every one in attendance, right? No? If not, that could be a problem, but don’t despair, SWAG Party Rentals has it all.

If the thought of party planning elicits groans rather than sighs of joy, you might want to remember

this catchy little ditty: “Skip the bother and skip the fuss. If you are having a par ty, you need to call us!” The “us,” in this case, is owner Lindsay Williams and the talented professional party planners at SWAG Party Rentals, your one-stop shop for all of your celebration needs. As owner Lindsay noted, “we can save ev

erybody time and stress by planning your entire party, taking the stress off your plate. We can organize and plan all of your vendors. Most importantly, we are local, reliable, and afford able.”

A family-owned com pany, SWAG Party Rentals, focuses on your individual party needs. Often over

looked are things as simple as having enough seating for your party goers. Lind say assured me that they have enough seating avail able to accommodate any size party. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if Aunt Edith, who just had a hip replace ment, couldn’t find a seat at your party? That can never happen with SWAG Party

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Rentals. We pay attention to your every event detail. Shouldn’t you be enjoying your party and not worrying about the details?

I asked Lindsay what was the advantage of us ing SWAG Party Rentals over a competitor. She did not hesitate with her an swer. “We are nearby. As a smaller family-run company, we are more flexible with pickups, drop-offs, and spe cial customer requests.” In a previous interview, Lind

say told me that “if some one needed something and it was feasible and reason ably affordable,” she would purchase it and make it available to her customers.

The photos included in this article will show the results of some of her recently added purchases.

To enhance any holiday celebration, SWAG Party Rentals can provide a vari ety of thematic decorations for just about any event. Do you need a scary cen

terpiece to complete your Halloween table or some thing with a Pilgrim motif to compliment your Thanks giving celebration? Would a custom backdrop or wall backstop add just the right touch to your festivities? SWAG can provide them, and they are only a simple phone call away!

Catering to small to midsized groups and fam ily gatherings, SWAG can provide games, products, and services for every age group. Even the latest crazes, corn hole, and a ver sion of step golf are avail able to add to your party’s entertainment.

Want to capture the memory of your party for a lifetime? That’s right. SWAG Party Rentals even has an available photo booth. It is one of their most popular attractions and is run by Lindsay’s son, J. B. The col

orful strips of photos can be customized to reflect any theme, adding even more fun to any party. There is also a QR code available. Taking a picture of it digital ly adds the photos to your cell phone. Lindsay noted that “customers enjoy it!”

In response to reserva tions, Lindsay said, “ide ally, I would like a month in advance, but we are also available at the last minute if necessary. That is where our flexibility comes in.” Call 813 240 5474 or either visit their website at www. swagpartyrentals.com or their Facebook page for tips for your next event. Her Facebook page promises: At SWAG Party Rentals, we will create an experience to remember at your celebra tion.”

Parties can be fun, memorable, and enjoyable events. Don’t let the stress of planning a party ruin your celebration. Call SWAG Party Rental today! 813 240 5474 Now, get out there and enjoy. Go have a party!

For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com SEPTEMBER 2022 17

story continued from page 1

A married couple, both Dr. Shirmo and Dr. Eldridge emphasized they wanted to thank their patients for allowing them to treat them. “I really want to stress,” Dr. Shirmo said, “how thankful we are for all the wonderful patients that have allowed us to take care of them, their parents, children, grandparents, grandkids, and their neighbors. With out them for referrals and community support, we wouldn’t be here.”

Both Dr. Shirmo and Dr. Eldridge are board certified family physicians. This is important because it de notes additional training, certifying their skills and

knowledge as experts in their field. This is a modernday love story of both the individuals and their profes sion. They met while work ing at Busch Gardens and have been inseparable ever since.

Together, they attended Tulane University for Bach elor’s and Masters degrees. Medical School at Tulane Medical School followed shortly after for both of them. While in school, they faced the choice of decid ing on a specialty. It was difficult for them since, ac cording to Dr. Eldridge, they liked all of their rotations and didn’t want to have to choose just one.

Neither wanted to treat just a single part of the body. Family practice

became the ideal solution. It gave them a chance to treat the entire patient. “We loved to learn, and we loved medicine. It Just made sense for us.”

“Women,” Dr. Eldridge noted, “are more likely to go to a doctor than men. I think they make their health a priority. Look at their obstacles, working, juggling what they go through as a wife, a mother and some times even the breadwin ner.”

Dr. Eldridge said she ap preciated what other wom en go through and wanted to be able to treat a wom an’s overall health, “taking care of every aspect, like getting pap smears done, managing their cholesterol and heart health.” Her pri

mary focus, like her partner, is on prevention of disease, instead of treatment.

Dr. Eldridge indicated that being one of their patients has its responsi bilities. In selecting them for their doctors, patients are expected to help with their treatment by follow ing instructions that help avoid diseases in the first place. Their joint practice emphasizes prevention to all of their patients in all aspects of their treatment. As the saying reminds us, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

If you are laboring under the misconception that a family practice is nothing more than old fashioned attitudes and outdated philosophies, a visit to Trin


ity Family Physicians will be a pleasant surprise for you. In addition to the modern, pleasant, caring surround ings, state-of-the-art equip ment, and forward-thinking treatments, both doctors are quick to credit their professional staff, including two physicians’ assistants, for the role they play in the success of the practice.

Dr. Shirmo and Dr. El dridge are continuously up dating the skills that earned them their initial board certification. It enhances the quality of the care they provide for their patients.

As mentors in their field, they willingly share their knowledge and experience with future generations of doctors, interns, who peri odically visit the practice to

update their own training in the latest techniques and procedures.

The unexpected onset of Covid 19 caught the na tion by surprise. A number of businesses and medical practices were unfortunately not equipped to deal with its results; they had a diffi cult time and did not sur vive. In response to how the pandemic impacted their own practice, Dr. Shirmo said: “We were well posi tioned. We were able to transition our patients to tele visits (remote visits from the comfort of their homes) without missing a beat and continued giving the qual ity of the care our patients required.”

Dr. Shirmo stressed their caring attitude towards their

patients. Although they are affiliated with local area hos pitals, through information and prevention, he noted, “our goal is to be there for our patients in the office and keep them out of the hospital. That is why we like to emphasize prevention, prevention, prevention!”

“Men shy away from go ing to a doctor,” Dr. Shirmo observed. “I know how to handle those personalities. It makes my day when I make a difference in some one’s life. It is a true passion for me.” He agreed he had to be a psychologist as well as a doctor in order to do his job. “You’re absolutely correct,” he said. “We wear many hats, sometimes coach, sometimes office manager, project manager

or motivational speaker,” he laughed.

Regardless of who you choose for your doctor, Dr. Eldridge warns that you should do your own due diligence. You need to learn if they went to an accred ited medical school. Even more importantly, be certain that they are board certified in their specialty to ensure the quality of your care. If you are fortunate enough to live in the area, Trinity Family Physicians are only a phone call away. Call Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (727 834 8377). Schedule your office or re mote appointment today for a healthier tomorrow.

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my knowledge and become proficient in a new procedure or discipline. When I learned about this, it really caught my interest,” he explained. “I started doing sleep medicine as a sideline of my dental practice, but it became my passion, and my ultimate goal was to have practiced just doing that. I sold my dental practice, moved to another office, and now solely practice dental sleep medicine. I opened in April of this year.”

Dr. Nelson has over 1000 hours of education on dental sleep disorders and was one of only two dentists invited to speak on the subject at Johns Hopkins’ virtual Current Concepts in Sleep medical conference. He treats adult patients that suffer from snoring and sleep apnea with a safe, non-surgical alternative to a CPAP machine called a mandibular advancement device. For those under 18, tonsil removal or orthodontic expansion treatment can frequently help.

“The device brings your lower jaw forward and prevents your tongue from dropping back during sleep, along with opening and tightening some of the structures in the throat to prevent snoring, as well.”

At Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine, adult patients

are fitted with this device that prevents your tongue from falling backward and blocking your airway, resulting in the management of sleep apnea. With the airway open throughout the night, patients continue to get oxygen to breathe consistently. It fits snugly to the teeth, so swallowing the device is impossible.

In layman’s terms, in concept, it is like orthodontic retainers, except the top and the bottom are designed to pull the jaw forward.

While men over 50 are most at risk, Dr. Nelson has also seen men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes impacted by sleep breathing disorders.

If you are unhappy with the CPAP prescribed for continual breathing through the night, this safe, affordable FDA-approved alternative is covered under most medical insurance and Medicare. The device is custom-fabricated and custom-fitted for each patient.

Dr. Nelson utilizes the STOP-BANG questionnaire, one of the most widely accepted screening tools for obstructive sleep apnea. The questionnaire asks about loud snoring, feelings of fatigue, tiredness, and daytime sleepiness if anyone observed the patient stopping breathing during sleep and if the patient is being treated for high blood

pressure. Points are assessed and tallied to see if further evaluation is needed. While the STOP-BANG screening tools can help determine whether someone is likely to have obstructive sleep apnea, he stressed that the only fully reliable test is a physician ordering an actual sleep study.

He often receives referrals from cardiologists, sleep physicians, pulmonary doctors, primary care physicians, and ENTs for patients who can’t tolerate a CPAP.

Besides the apparent snoring, some other signs of obstructive sleep apnea include difficulty sleeping, insomnia, waking up at night short of breath, gasping for breath while sleeping, and headaches upon waking because you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain throughout the night.

Obstructive sleep apnea is also associated with high blood pressure, impotence, stroke, diabetes, and depression, among other maladies.

“A lot of major disasters were caused by people who have fallen asleep on the job,” he said. “There are so many medical consequences of sleep apnea, so by treating it, we are helping people to become healthier.”

Though the mandibular advancement device is not new, it is only recently become more accepted as

an alternative to the CPAP machine.

“CPAP is still considered the gold standard by physicians for treating sleep apnea, particularly when severe. The problem is that 50% of patients give up using the CPAP within the first year. In many cases, we are saving lives because obstructive sleep apnea can cause shortening of a person’s lifespan.”

Testimonies of the device’s effectiveness are plentiful in Dr. Nelson’s 255 Google reviews.

Only a week ago, patient D. Cifers wrote, “Dr. Jay Nelson and his entire staff are the best! They quickly measured my teeth and mouth for the oral appliance. Three weeks later, the device was explained to me and installed. The first night using it was the best sleep I’ve had in two years. The device is an awesome alternative to the CPAP machine. Quick, great service, friendly and courteous staff, and fantastic sleep are why I wanted to give it ten stars. But this site limited me to only 5. As a disabled veteran, I greatly appreciate their courtesy, respect, and professionalism!”

Perhaps the best testimonial came early in Dr. Nelson’s career. One of his sleep patients snored so loudly that his wife was forced to wear earplugs at night. The first night he wore

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“Nelson Dentistry” story continued from page 1

the device, he was so silent that his wife had to check and confirm he was still alive because his snoring had ended.

“He was happy that

his wife was happy,” he joked. “Before, as a general dentist, I was working on saving teeth and beautifying smiles; now, I’m working on saving lives and marriages.”

To learn more about the mandibular advancement sleep apnea device through Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine, visit sleepbetterflorida.

com or call (813) 7334169. Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine is at 26907 Foggy Ridge Dr., Suite 101 in Wesley Chapel.

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