Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. East Lake Magazine. Vol. 15, Issue 10, October 2022

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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To

Homes In East Lake & Surrounding Areas


“Medicare is as Simple as A, B, C, D.” Just Ask Laurie Champion

On July 30, 1965, President Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid Act into law. It was a part of the Social Security Act Amendments and established Medicare; health insurance for seniors at least 65 years of age, as well as younger recipients with certain disabilities while simultaneously creating a similar program for low-income Americans, Medicaid. Today, experienced, licensed insurance agents train to be able to assist seniors in enrolling them in the program and understanding their assorted options under Medicare.

There is an easier way to learn about Medicare. When was the last time you per formed your own brain surgery? Now, that is silly, isn’t it? You would consult a surgeon in the field in question to ensure a more favorable outcome, wouldn’t you? The same thing should apply to your understanding of the nuances of Medicare.

Why don’t you take the uncertainty and any lack of understanding out of the equa tion by getting to know Laurie Champion? She is your experienced local insurance agent for a major Medicare healthcare insur ance provider. Laurie said she learned to understand the confusion associated with

See “Laurie Champion” on page 20

Same Day Teeth®: The New Way to Bring Back Your Beautiful, Natural Smile

“I love Dr. Pikos and Dr. Hedger, I’m over the moon with my new teeth,” recalls Ellen Konof. Ellen was missing multiple teeth, and because of that, she avoided going out in public, including getting together with her family. She came to Coastal Jaw Surgery looking for help with both her smile and her self-confidence.

For nearly 40 years, the doctors at Coastal Jaw Surgery have been caring for patients in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. Dr. Michael A. Pikos opened the

®Your community. Your magazine.
Vol. 15, Issue 10, October 2022
From the Editor........................5 Tech Talk......................................6 SAT/ACT Improvements...........8 Decorating Den.......................14 Advent Health NP....................16 INSIDE THIS ISSUE
See “Coastal Jaw” on page 18
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One of the most significant tools we have today is the power of human connection. Awareness months, weeks, and days are so important: They rally us together to spread a message and show support for much-needed causes. They help us create a comforting feel ing that no matter what you’re going through, you don’t have to do it alone.

The support of your loved ones and the community you live in can make a huge difference in anyone’s life. I love being part of the supportive commu nity of Tampa Bay!

This month of October happens to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, LGBT History Month, ADHD Awareness Month, Emotional Wellness Month, and Italian-American Heritage Month, just to name a few. Whichever movement you choose to support, make it count!

As someone whose childhood friend just got diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and it’s undergoing weekly chemo sessions, I want to say Brenda I love you, stay strong! Have faith, and don’t stop fighting!

For everyone reading, I also want to say that early detection can make all the difference. I can’t really stress enough the importance of preventive care and regular checkups.

The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Movement will host several fundraising events and non-competitive walks/runs in Tampa Bay during the month of October.

“Since 1993, the American Can cer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® (MSABC) campaign has united communities, companies, and individuals with a collective goal to end breast cancer as we know it. Over the past two decades, the 3- to 5-mile noncompetitive walks have collectively grown into the nation’s largest and most impactful breast cancer move

ment providing a supportive com munity for courageous breast cancer survivors and metastatic breast can cer thrivers, including caregivers and families alike. This year, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer celebrates its 30th anniversary and will take place in more than 150 communities nation wide. We invite you to join the Making Strides movement to help save lives and end breast cancer as we know it.” (cancer.org)

For more information and to par ticipate in upcoming awareness events taking place throughout the month of October in Tampa, please visit https:// www.cancer.org/involved/fundraise/ making-strides-against-breast-cancer. html.For resourceful information on breast screening exams and mam mograms for low-income households, please check: https://www.freemammo grams.org/city/fl-tampa

During October, numerous small businesses will offer amazing promo tions and perhaps even hold their own fundraising events, so make sure to check out your Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles magazine or visit tbnews andlifestyles.com to stay up to date with what your community businesses and non-for-profits are doing and offer ing every month!

With Halloween festivities fast ap proaching, the City of Tampa wants to keep families participating in trick-ortreating events safe from COVID. For a detailed list of Halloween safety tips and an incredible list of family-friendly Halloween events, please visit: https:// www.tampa.gov/news/city-tampashares-covid-19-safety-tips-trick-ortreating-and-other-halloween-festivities

Until next time, stay safe!

Terrifying Tales of Scammers!by Bob the Computer Guy

Hello Friend! In case you didn’t know, October is Cybersecurity Aware ness Month, so I’d like to start by telling you a story about a phone call my wife received. Over Labor Day weekend we received a phone call from “Officer Johnson” in the warrants and citations department of the county sheriff’s office. He used her full name and left a phone number for her to call back. Naturally, we were very suspi cious of this message. We went to the sheriff’s office website, found the nonemergency phone number, and spoke with an officer there. When we ex plained the message we received, he advised my wife that this is a common phone call scam going around lately and that it was best to just ignore the phone call.

This incident got me thinking about how these scammers scare and intimidate their victims. It’s all psycho logical. These cybercriminals are prey ing on your fear. Whether they send you an email that your credit card was used to make an expensive purchase, a pop-up message on your screen telling you that your computer had a security breach, or “Officer Johnson” calling to discuss the warrant out for your arrest, they are hoping you’ll spring into action to resolve the issue quickly, and with as few questions, as possible.

The only way to combat this psychological attack on your sensitive information is by changing your behav ior. That’s why my cybersecurity team and I have produced an informational guide for you to reference if one of these scammers tries to take advan tage of your fears. In this guide we

include information on the four types of scams that we get the most phone calls about. Our goal is to help you identify these different types of scams, so you don’t fall victim to them. And if you do get scammed, we give you the next steps to take to get you safe and secure.

There are four types of scams that we identify within the guide. The first scam we discuss is the email and text message scam. Email scams are incredibly common, but I’ve been get ting more calls about text scams lately. When presented with these scams we always recommend reaching out to your trusted IT professional to check them out, but within our guide we give you a comprehensive check list to de termine whether they are real or not.

The second type of scam we dis cuss is the phone call scam. Much like the email and text scam this is one of the most common scams that people experience. We recommend that you don’t answer any calls from phone numbers you don’t know. Unfortunate ly, many people do not know to ignore the call and get sucked in. If you do answer, or they leave a voicemail, our guide can help you figure out how to resolve any issues the caller might have mentioned.

The third scam we discuss is a bit scarier than the former two and is the one that folks tend to fall for the most: the pop-up scam. This type of scam truly plays on your fears and can happen to anyone while online with a simple click of your mouse. These types of scams tend to mimic true security warnings that your computer might show but, in our guide, we show what this type of scam might look like and provide a list of characteristics this

scam might have.

The final scam we discuss is less common than the rest but is the most detrimental to its victims: the sim card swap scam. A sim card is the device in your mobile phone that provides your cellular connection with your carrier. If scammers get enough of your per sonal information, they can imperson ate you and get your phone number changed to another carrier, therefore stealing your phone number and any other information tied to that phone number. In our guide we give you the warning signs to watch for and what to do if this does happen to you, as well as how to help protect yourself from becoming a victim in the first place.

If you would like to get your hands on one of these FREE guides all you have to do is give us a call at 727534-4000 and we’ll get one sent to you. The next time you get a phone call, email, or pop-up message you can grab this guide to help keep you from becoming yet another cybercrime statistic.

Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my friend. My team and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. My team repairs comput ers and secures them, on our bench, on-site in your home or office, and even remotely. We have the best solu tions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.

We Keep You Safer In Your Digi tal World!



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For SENIORS, it is hard to believe that college applica tion season is upon us again. This means keeping up grades, campus visits, activities, athlet ics, social lives, qualifying for Bright Futures scholarships, and figuring out how to have the best application for accep tance to “dream schools” and backups.

For the Academic Schol ars level (WORTH AROUND $25,000), the minimum SAT score required is 1330 and the minimum ACT score is 29. For the Medallion Scholars level (WORTH AROUND $18,000), the minimum SAT is 1210 and the Minimum ACT is 25. Al most all of my students qualify for one of these levels, with many far exceeding what is required. I show them how this is like having a job that pays $50 to $100 an hour for their effort.

Recently, a parent called and asked if I could help her daughter, a rising senior at an excellent high school, raise her SAT score from 1360 to the mid-1400’s because the daughter of a friend from that school had applied last year to UF with a 1380 SAT and was not admitted.

With increased popularity of our Florida Universities, it is no surprise that admission has steadily gotten more competi tive. For UF, FSU, USF, or UCF, students today need almost “straight A’s” PLUS a high SAT or ACT score. To be in the

middle range to be admitted: UF SAT 1360 ACT 33; FSU 1350 or 32; USF 1320 or 30; UCF 1250 or 28.

The first three criteria for consideration are Class Standing, GPA, and SAT/ACT score(s). Most students selfselect out and don’t apply to schools where they would not have a chance for admission (i.e., applying to UF with a SAT of 1000).

The first place most students can really stand out is with their application essay. Having talked with admissions officers for years across the country, this essay is critical because it is their first chance to learn something personal about a student, life experi ences, and why that admis sions officer should select a student for admission com pared to all the other appli cants.

Recently, I helped a student with their essay. Here is a quick comparison of the student’s introduction “before and after”.

BEFORE: Mount Baldy, a treasure that is talked about throughout the Philmont scout reservation, was about to be summited by my friends and I. After waking up at 3 A.M and many long hours of hiking up steep terrain, we reached the summit. The view was mesmorizing. The sense of accomplishment that I felt in that very moment was unlike no other.

AFTER: When I scanned the horizon from the summit

of Mt. Baldy, towering 10,300 feet into the azure California sky, my heart filled with joy. To the north and south rolled away smaller mountains like waves in the ocean. To the east, I saw the emptiness of the Mohave Desert. To the west, I saw a field of clouds overshadowing the terrain un derneath, stretching out to the Pacific Ocean where sunlight flashed like stars on the waves.

What a magnificent re ward for years of planning and preparation! What a spectacu lar glance at the possibilities for my future! Some direc tions will be gorgeous, more beautiful than sunsets over any ocean. Some will be dry and barren just like any desert. Some will be summiting other mountains as part of life’s con tinuous journey.

My JUNIORS and SOPHOMORES are usually focused on getting a headstart on the SAT and/or ACT, and being ready for the PSAT to qualify for National Merit Scholarships.

If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Stu dent … Please contact me at 727-253-0639 or send me an

Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tu tors in the country. His students normally improve 200+ points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to 8 of the top 10 universities in the country, 18 of the top 25, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Colum bia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Bos ton College, Georgia Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard –Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He is a former Dean of a Gradu ate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Mary land in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia Internation al, and Luther Rice.

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How to design an inviting dining room for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is only a month away. It’s time to invite your loved ones into your home, give thanks and show appreciation for each other, and enjoy the holiday feast. But before you welcome your family and friends in with open arms, you’ll want to design and decorate a dining room that’s equally inviting. Because beyond the satisfaction you get after eating the turkey and stuffing, the room you’re enjoying it in should also leave a comforting imprint on the gettogether.

Lay out a cozy rug

What better way to add comfort to your space than with a plush area rug? Floor coverings really have a way of bringing a room together, which makes it extremely inviting. There are plenty of shapes, colors, and textures you can choose based on the design scheme you’re trying to follow but stay strict with size. A large area rug that covers majority of the floor makes a warm statement. If you’d rather showcase more of your hardwood flooring, just choose a rug that fits the area of the table and chairs.

Exchange the old dining room table

The table is the focal point of the dining room. While some people find comfort in antique pieces, it may be time to exchange yours for something more modern and up to date. You might consider investing in a unique table to make an unforgettable statement. Besides, Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to intrigue your guests and show off a stylish and functional new piece of furniture in your home.

Decorate with warm colors

There’s something ever-so-inviting about the perfect color scheme.

Warm hues like orange, brown and red have a calming effect, if the shades are soft. Bold hues like bright green and purple may give off a less tranquil vibe and more distracting one. When you set the dining room table, decorate with a soothing color palate. Your napkins, tablecloth, centerpiece, and other décor should exude that inviting, tranquil tone you’re going for.

Bring the walls to life

Your walls offer ample space to give your home a touch of personalization. So why not spruce things up this holiday season? Invest in a festive piece of art that showcases a gourd or depicts a Christmas scene. This is a great way to get everyone in the holiday spirit. Or you can spruce up a wall with decorative wallpaper. It’s a practical and durable option that can make an intriguing design statement in your dining room.

Dress the windows in rich drapery

Just like the walls and décor, your windows deserve some attention this holiday season. Choosing the right shade of drapery can perfect the lighting in the room and set the tone for the dinner. Houzz also recommended choosing thick, layered window coverings so you can modify the acoustics and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

An inviting dining room is key throughout the holidays and beyond. If you’re ready to give your home a face lift, just contact a design consultant from Decorating Den Interiors and book your free in-home consultation. He or she can help you come up with a plan that fits your needs and wants in the design scheme.

Need help, call Sally Giar, Decorating Den Interiors 727-7894886


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AdventHealth North Pinellas

Unveils Renovated, Expanded Lobby

Leaders at AdventHealth North Pinellas celebrated the opening of its newlyrenovated lobby. The project is part of a $22million, multi-year comprehensive expansion designed to meet the growing need for worldclass care in Pinellas County and its surrounding communities.

Patients and visitors will be greeted by a much larger, warm, and inviting space that promotes healing. The new lobby also features amenities like a a reflection lounge with a community-inspired painting called “Beautiful Historic Springs,” by renowned artist Christoper Still.

Phase two of the lobby expansion will include a cafe, gift shop, and chapel. The project was thanks to more than 100 donors who contributed to the AdventHealth North Pinellas Foundation.

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Palm Harbor office in 1983 with the goal to treat patients like family, while ensuring their oral health needs are cared for.

As the practice grew, we expanded to six locations across Tampa Bay, including Palm Harbor, Clearwater, Spring Hill, New Port Richey, Trinity, and Tampa. Our dynamic, surgical-based, multispecialty team consists of Dr. Michael A. Pikos, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Kenneth L. Anderson III, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Nicole Hernandez, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and MD; Dr. Austin L. Lyman, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Lindsey Pikos Rosati, Periodontist; Dr. Anthony M. Pikos, Periodontist; and Dr. Philip J. Hedger, Prosthodontist.

We are all committed to the practice’s mission to provide exceptional dental care, under one roof, while creating a safe, welcoming environment to make all patients feel like family. The practice offers a wide range of services including Same Day Teeth®, traditional dental implants, Zygomatic implants, oral surgery, and periodontal


Same Day Teeth® is an innovative surgical procedure that bypasses the traditional dental implant’s time-consuming process and allows for the placement of implants and new teeth to occur on the very same day. Same Day Teeth® protocol begins with a 3D cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan, which will provide us with 3D images of your bone, nerve pathways, soft tissues, and teeth. This allows us to determine the optimal placement of your implants, using the best digital assessment software and related state-of-the-art technology, to ensure your treatment is truly customized.

Most service providers, especially corporate-based providers, treat everyone the same way - with a one-sizefits-all mentality. But not at Coastal Jaw Surgery! You are as unique as your fingerprint and as a result, we draw from a variety of digital-based, precision solutions to give you a customized, beautiful, and natural smile which restores your ability to eat and chew the foods you love. Our unique

approach not only includes a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient, but also a thorough and detailed explanation.

“The best around, not only in Florida, but I am convinced the best in the nation”, states Nicholas Louis. Nicholas received traditional dental implants for his Same Day

Teeth® procedure. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed in your jaw to support replacement teeth. These replacement teeth are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, restore the aesthetic appearance of your smile, provide optimal functionality, and reduce your risk of developing other oral health issues. Coastal Jaw Surgery

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Coastal Jaw - story continued from page 1

offers several dental implant options to ensure your smile is natural and custom to you.

Same Day Teeth® offers patients a beautiful, natural smile completed on the same day with the use of dental implants, zygomatic implants, or subperiosteal implants. Patients who are

missing teeth in their upper jaw, or whose teeth have broken down due to advanced periodontal disease, may be good candidates for zygomatic dental implants. These implants are longer and anchored in the upper jawbone near the zygoma bone.

Patients who are experiencing

significant bone loss in the lower jaw may be good candidates for subperiosteal implants. This type of implant must be custom-made to fit the contours of a patient’s bone.

Plus, Coastal Jaw Surgery is recognized as the first ZAGA Center in North America. This is a prestigious distinction, as there are only 60 centers throughout the world, each of which is recognized as a Zygomatic Implant Specialty practice.

If you have been told you are not a candidate for dental implants due to bone loss, Coastal Jaw Surgery is the answer for you! Our doctors have the opportunity to help you with your missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures with Same Day Teeth®’s solutions

to traditional dental implants. We encourage second opinions. We make sure the best treatment possible is presented to you, so the endresult gives you back your smile and self-confidence.

Our Coastal Jaw Surgery team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, and prosthodontist have 65 years of combined experience within the realm of implant dentistry, oral surgery, periodontics, and prosthodontics. There is no better place to go for your comprehensive dental care.

Are you ready to Transform your smile and Change your life with Same Day Teeth®? Contact Coastal Jaw Surgery!

Call 800-NEW-LOOK or visit www.CoastalJaw.com to book your appointment today!

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Medicare when her father had a stroke. He did not know where to get the specialized care he needed from his regular Medicare provider. With Laurie’s help, he was able to get the proper treatment to put him on the road to recov ery. This incident and her husband’s later suggestion encouraged her to enter the Medicare field.

Laurie said, “I have been a licensed insurance agent for 15 years and have specialized in the intrica cies of Medicare for the last 10 years.” Her husband, a financial advisor, had many older clients who were aging into Medicare. He

needed someone to help his clients with their Medi care needs. It was a perfect fit for her, as, years later, her many grateful, satisfied Medicare clients today can attest to.

When I asked Laurie about the different sec tions of Medicare and what coverage they provide, she said that each portion rep resented a specific area of Medicare coverage

As I understand it, Part A refers to the coverage for hospital stays and includes 80% of the costs incurred. Part B is similar but covers expenses for services out side of hospital stays, not including drugs. Again, the same 80% limit applies.

Part C relates to Medi

“Laurie Champion” story continued from page 1

care plans. Major healthcare companies offer a variety of individual programs that include the benefits of all parts of Medicare, and additional coverage that might include dental, vision, and gym memberships, to name just a few of the many possible additional benefits offered by the individual plans.

Part D refers to cover age for prescription drugs and medicines. Many of these programs include mail options from their online pharmacies. It is a tiered system and drug costs rise as various medications are found on a higher tier

This is just a brief lay man’s view of what I un derstand about Medicare

and its options. If you have any questions, you should be talking to Laurie Cham pion, your local Medicare adviser. She is the expert and can explain the Medi care process in terms that everyone can understand. She periodically conducts group presentations in easyto-understand language. She represents one of the largest Medicare health care insurance providers in the country with some of the most comprehensive Medicare Advantage, and supplement programs, and benefits available anywhere.

Do not worry if you are not available to attend one of her group meetings that explain Medicare. Laurie also offers one-on-one,

in-home consultations if you contact her in advance at 727 741 2481. Visit her website at www.MyUHCa gent.com/laurie.champion for more information.

In addition to the group presentations, and one-onone meetings, Laurie also offers virtual meetings to ac commodate any less mobile clients’ needs. “My clients,” she said, “are extremely important to me. I treat them the way I want to be treated.” This confirms her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.

Laurie stresses Medi care education with all her clients. That way, she keeps them up to date about any current changes to the program. Clients can feel

confident when they choose one of her Medicare plans that best meets their indi vidual healthcare needs.

There are many Medi care agents available around the country, but Lau rie is your local, knowledge able, and professional one. She is conveniently located to anyone in the Tampa Bay area and professionally serves all her clients. If you miss the initial Medicare enrollment period, contact Laurie. She might be able to help. There is nothing to lose but a phone call and a minute of your time. Call 727 741 2481 today for your peace of mind tomorrow

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