Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. East Lake Magazine. Vol. 15, Issue 11, November 2022.

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Remember the time you dragged your spouse through that large department store in search of that “perfect” grill from T.V.? Or how about that time you cried in your kitchen over your “non-stick” pan actually

sticking to…well, everything? And of course, who could ever forget the feeling you had when you only needed a chef’s knife, but were stuck having to buy the whole set?

If this has been you, and you’ve been disappointed time and time again by

products that don’t live up to your standards, and options that just aren’t customizable to suit your needs, then you are not alone. But thanks to BergHOFF International Inc. in Odessa, the brand’s only buy-direct store in all of

® Your community. Your magazine. The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 18,000 Homes In East Lake & Surrounding Areas Vol. 15, Issue 11, November 2022 THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS, BUSINESS & DINING GUIDE IS DIRECTLY MAILED ONCE EACH MONTH TO: ANCHORAGE, BAY ARBOR, BOOT RANCH, BROOKERS LANDING, CRESCENT
From the Editor........................5 Decorating Den..........................6 Tech Talk...................................8 SAT/ACT Improvements.........16 INSIDE THIS ISSUE BergHOFF International Inc. – Culinary Quality Close to Home!
See “BergHOFF”
on page 18
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Happy Thanksgiving! - Practice Gratitude, Always

This year Thanksgiving will be observed on Thursday, November 24, 2022. During this time, millions of Americans take time off work (a 4-day weekend starting Thursday) and spend time with family and friends over a large feast held on Thanksgiving Day.

While being grateful for your food, friends, and family, take a little time to remember Sarah Josepha Hale, a woman who helped make this national day of thanks possible.

Sarah Josepha Buell was born on October 24, 1788, on a farm in New port, New Hampshire. She is remem bered as a curious, intelligent, and eager-to-learn woman. Encouraged to follow her dreams by her husband, David Hale, Sarah wrote many short stories and articles. Many of these were published in local newspapers just like ours!

Mr. Hale passed away suddenly in 1822, leaving Sarah with five young children to take care of. To make ends meet, she worked at small retail shops, and she also spent time working as a teacher and writer. Hale published her first book of poems, including one that became the famous nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Her writing success opened many doors for her, becoming the Chief Editor of a local magazine. During her time as editor, Hale wrote hundreds of letters to governors, ministers, newspaper editors, and every U.S. president with one request: to make the last Thursday in November be set aside to “offer to God our tribute of joy and gratitude for the blessings of the year.”

Native American Harvest Festivals had already been taking place for cen turies in North America, with colonists’ services to give thanks, but there had never been a “Thanksgiving” holiday.

In 1864, with the country torn by the Civil War, Hale’s campaign finally got people’s attention and President Abraham Lincoln’s attention, who par ticularly liked Hale’s idea. On October 3, 1863, Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring the last Thursday of Novem ber as “National Thanksgiving Day.”

Furthermore, Lincoln ordered all gov ernment offices in Washington to be closed that day to spend the day with loved ones and give thanks.

In 1939, President Roosevelt was pressured by store owners to move Thanksgiving to the third Thursday in November to allow more shopping days between the Holiday and Christ mas. Roosevelt agreed, but millions of Americans didn’t follow the orders and continued celebrating Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday of November. In 1940, Roosevelt realized the decision was a mistake and re-assigned it to the fourth Thursday in November.

In the spirit of gratefulness and giving back, I would like to invite all of our readers to consider volunteering or donating (as much or as little as pos sible) to any local shelters or non-profit organizations that support a cause that speaks to you and that you may be pas sionate about.

For volunteer opportunities in your area, please visit: https://unitedwaysun coast.org/

I wish you all a happy, blessed, and bountiful Thanksgiving day from our family to yours!

Until next time, Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi.

How to decorate around the Christmas tree

For many, the Christ mas tree takes center stage around the holiday season. Whether it’s a nostalgic masterpiece made of hand made ornaments from your childhood or it follows a subtle and modern theme, the Christmas tree easily becomes the focal point this time of year.

With such an iconic holi day staple gaining the atten tion in your living room, fam ily room or whatever area of your home it resides, it can feel difficult to make sure the rest of the room is up to par. To ensure you make the Christmas spirit flow throughout the room, we have a few tips for decorat ing around the tree:

Make the mantel the star of the show

The mantel is the perfect place to set the tone for Christmas — a blank slate can help you set the founda tion for more holiday deco rations without taking up any floor space. Mini deco rative trees, holiday ceram ics, lights and candles are simple objects you can use to spruce up this space and help the eye wander around the room instead of focusing solely on the tree.

Be merry and bright twinkling lights

What’s Christmas without an array of lights? Decorat ing with string lights may be the most popular for the exterior of your home, but you can create your own liv ing winter wonderland in the living room with the right amount of twinkling lights. We recommend white lights, as this is a timeless option that can go with nearly any color scheme.

Go festive with a red and green theme

When the red and green decor comes out, you know it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The tree will surely take precedence when it comes to laying the foundation for this color scheme, but a collection of red and green decor surrounding the tree can make the room feel more complete. Consider red and green accessories such as:

• Accent pillows and blan kets

• Area rugs

• Tableside accessories

• The Christmas tree skirt

• Picture and artwork frames

• Candleholders

• Coffee table decor

• Window treatments

With the right mixture of holiday hues through out your living space, the Christmas tree will become more of a single piece of the puzzle than the entire


Play the Christmas classics all season long

As soon as the room is filled to the brim with holiday decorations, there’s a simple finishing touch you can add to ensure you achieve the holiday atmo sphere to its full potential: Christmas music or movies. You can play your favor ite Christmas songs in the

background while baking cookies, wrapping presents, or reading Christmas stories to the children. Likewise, a Christmas movie marathon offers the perfect opportu nity to embrace the deco rations and settle into the Christmas vibe to its fullest extent.

Sally Giar, Decorating Den Interiors 727-789-4886

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Tech Talk with Bob: Keep Your Accounts More Secure

Hello Friend! Last month, in honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, I shared that my cybersecurity team and I had produced an informational guide to help you identify and keep yourself safer from scammers. I’m very proud of all of you who called to receive one of these guides, taking your cybersecurity in your own hands. If you haven’t yet called to receive your FREE guide, they’re still available, just call us at 727-534-4000 and we’ll send one your way without any cost or obligation to you.

Within the guide we discuss how to keep yourself safe from scammers. One way to do that is enabling twofactor (2FA) or multi-factor authentica tion (MFA) on your online accounts. I’ve had many calls of people asking for more information on how to know if they have 2FA or MFA enabled on their accounts. With the holiday season approaching and people using their email, banking, and social media accounts more than usual, now is the time to be sure that you have them safe and secure.

Firstly, I recommend that when you set up any new online accounts that you create a new, unique password for each account. If the website, you cre ated the account with is the victim of a cyberattack those cybercriminals will now have the email address and pass word you used to create the account. With this information the cybercrimi

nals have access to not only the ac count they have the stolen information for, but any of your other accounts that use the same email address and password are also in jeopardy.

I’ve had people who created an account for a website they used once, forgot, but used the same credentials as their Facebook account and conse quently lost access to the Facebook account. Others have lost their email accounts and even their banking and other financial accounts.

To keep these accounts safe from cybercriminals you should enable MFA. Multi-factor authentication is an electronic authentication method that requires a user to present two or more pieces of evidence to gain access to an account. This authentication re quires you to sign into your account like usual; it’ll then ask to send you a code via text, email, or voice call. Once the code is successfully entered, you’ll have access to your account.

How to tell if it’s enabled? Do you have to enter a code when you login?

If not, you’ll want to check your set tings. Once in your account, you’ll want to find the settings or security heading. Underneath that you’ll want to scroll until you find the MFA. If it isn’t enabled, you’ll want to do that. It’ll ask you to provide an email ad dress, landline, or mobile phone num ber. After selecting your method, a code will be sent for you to enter and you’re all set.

With the holiday season near I know that you’ll be connecting to friends and family through social me dia or using your email to track pack ages and make travel reservations. By enabling and using multi-factor authentication it will help to keep your holiday communications smoother by being more secure. If you need any help checking or enabling multi-factor authentication on your accounts, my team and I are just a phone call away.

Are you certain your computer and accounts are safe? You don’t have to do this alone my friend. My team and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. My team repairs computers and secures them, on our bench, on-site in your home or office, and even remotely. Call us anytime at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.

We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World!

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Now that fall is in full swing, high school students are caught up in a frenzy of studies and activities.

MOST SENORS are in the throes of college applications and making preparations to take a final reound of SAT/ ACT Exams in December, or after the first of the year.

MANY JUNIORS are wondering about their PSAT Exam results and when they should start preparing for the real SAT and ACT Exams.

MANY SOPHOMORES have started thinking about how they will prepare for the rigors of college applications and exams in their futures.

EVERYONE is thinking about Bright Futures’ Scholarships – which can mean around $18,000 - $25,000 for tuition and some additional costs at UF, FSU, USF, UCF, and other public universities in Florida.

Plus, this award can be a powerful negotiating tool when talking with private universities inside and outside of Florida when my families know how to use it.

Shortly after the last SAT Exam, I received this email from one of my students: “The SAT went well today for me. I followed all of our plans and your mental coaching was especially effective today (I felt like I was in control and I used our vision imagining mind clearing technique). I finished every section with time left and there were very few

questions I didn’t understand, so I feel great about this attempt. Thank you for all your help this far, and I look forward to our future work.”


Also, I always receive many calls at this time about what I call the “EXAM BLUES”. The cause is that a strong student, often in IB, multiple AP classes, or dual enrolled; did not score at the level expected on their SAT or ACT Exam earliler in the fall; or on their PSAT in October.


I consistently find that students respond incredibly well and improve when they become both teacher and student as in a college seminar at the junior or senior level where I am their coach. My role is to quickly help them determine where they need to work and to be a resource as they progress. Lecturing is no substitute for determining a student’s baseline level and then structuring their learning around their needs. It very satisfying to see their motivations soar when their perspective changes from “Can I do this?” to “I can do this well.” and then to “Let me show you how well I can do.” They discover that real competition is internal and - when they do their best - external results take care of themselves. Learning the strategies often result in comments like, “Cool” and “That makes it a lot easier”.

and I got a 1430. What a jump. Thanks so much for all your help with the exam, and the many ‘life lessons’ we discussed during classes. “In one of my high school classes, the teacher asked how we had done on the ACT. My classmates were very surprised when I said ‘32’. Several asked who had helped me, and I gave them your name and phone number.”

“I actually qualified for 100% Bright Futures with the ACT. Biggest surprise, Science jumped from 24 to 32.

“My college essay is far better now. Thank you!”

If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-2530639 or send me an e mail at wwa0811@mykolab.com.

Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve around 200 points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and

include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia

Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He has also had three students who were National Merit Finalists. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

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North America, your cooking worries are now “finite!”

At BergHOFF, conveniently located off of State Road 54, you’ll find high quality cookware, cutlery, and cook accessories with impeccable design at affordable prices. If you are unfamiliar with this high-end brand, BergHOFF is a designer, producer, and distributor of Cookware, knives, Portable Induction Cooktops, Bakeware, Porcelain, Flatware, Kamado Grills, BBQ Accessories, and Cook’s Tools. Chances are, you may have driven by BergHOFF’s large industrial building before, unaware of the treasures lying inside. But take it from Dan, a happy customer, – it’s worth making the U-Turn! “I’m visiting family in the Odessa, Florida area, and drove past the [BergHOFF] building, did a U-turn, and went in,” Dan writes. “I’m a Chef and I love this store… Great and huge selection of items and prices that can’t be beat…..Staff was super friendly and helpful.”

And this is true. Whether you are a chef like

Dan, or simply a foodie who loves cooking, there is something for everyone at BergHOFF. Perhaps you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen’s current collection or maybe you’re after a gift for the chef in your life. Either way, BergHOFF, is the prime place to shop and save on over 3,000 products. In fact, the Belgium-based company has been designing elegant and practical utensils since 1964, and now touts international acclaim and numerous design awards, including almost 100 of the most prestigious design awards. Odessa locals Raymond and Deborah Van Den Langenbergh, who are also the owners of BergHOFF’s North American distribution, first built their showroom off of State Road 54 in November of 2006 for wholesale buyers. However, it wasn’t long before members of the community began knocking on their door, interested in buying the brand’s products directly. Soon after, the couple opened the BergHOFF showroom to the public,

making residents of Tampa Bay the only customers on the continent that can buy-direct products from the company in-person! “We celebrate 16 years this November, and several thousand customers have enjoyed the opportunity to purchase the best culinary products,” Showroom Manager Candace Powers shares.

Needless to say, many locals are impressed, such as Local Guide Brian F., who recently stopped in for his first visit. He writes, “We selected the Ouro Gold Stainless Steel set, a set of

stainless-steel utensils to use… An induction cook top and a non-stick coated griddle for pancakes…and a knife set…I am impressed at how well these heat up evenly, are easy to clean, and the handles stay cool enough, even for the pasta pot that was on the stove for a half hour,” he says. “As a bonus, they feel good in the hand, and look great…Overall the products are great…” At BergHOFF, you won’t just find quality products at the best prices possible, but you’ll also find friendly and passionate staff who

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understand the intricacies of cooking in a kitchen. With incredible employees like Candace Powers and Culinary Connoisseur Sylke Frischknecht, you’re sure to feel welcomed. But don’t let your culinary trip just stop there – check out the newest addition to the BergHOFF shopping

experience at the building’s second entrance…the Liquidation Center!

Although the Liquidation Center has only been opened since 2021, the showroom has endured much success. With help from Liquidation Showroom Manager Ron Martin, you’re sure to find something special to take home with you. The associates insist that you “stop in and look twice,” so as to never miss out on incredible deals in the discounted center. From various products such as grills and BBQ tools to vacuum cleaners, and even exercise machines, including state-of-the-art machines popular at physiotherapy locations, there are many promotions to take advantage of in both showrooms.

In fact, store regular

Jon G. insists that after stopping by the showroom for kitchen supplies, you won’t want to go anywhere else. “Look no further for absolutely the finest cookware you will ever see,” he says. “Almost too nice to cook in…” Although BergHOFF no doubt has amazing cooking products, the staff understands that true hospitality doesn’t just stop at the kitchen. That being said, BergHOFF has been known to give back to the community, as seen by their recent raffle for a Kamado Grill and a BBQ Set, which earned several hundred dollars for a local fire department. The store is also a proud sponsor of JCAA, the Jacobson Culinary Arts Academy, which is a program dedicated to inspiring young students about the wonders of cooking and hospitality at Tarpon Springs High School. Overall, due to

BergHOFF’s quality, design, and pricing, it’s no wonder why the brand is so close to both home and heart for many locals. But as you set off on your own culinary journey, it’s important to keep this piece of advice in mind from chef Dan Boulud: “Kitchens should be designed around what’s truly important – fun, food, and life.” Happy cooking!


International Inc. is located at 11063 SR 54 (between Little Road & Gunn Hwy in Odessa) just minutes from East Lake. We are open to the public Tuesday thru Saturdays 10am to 5pm, closed Sundays and Mondays and Holidays. For more information email us at store@berghoffusa.com or contact us for the store at 727-853-3373.

To reach our Liquidation Center, please email us at liquidation@berghoffusa. com. If you are not able to visit our Store & Liquidation Center, please visit us online shopberghoff.com. Don’t forget to love us on Yelp! We look forward to meeting you soon!

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