Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles. Carrollwood, Vol. 8, Issue 1.

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Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2020


Your community. Your magazine. ™

The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 15,000 Homes In Carrollwood, Lake Magdalene & Avila

New Year, Slimmer You For many people, losing weight is at the top of their bucket list. For others, it is the only way to become, and feel healthy again. Many of us have tried yo-yo diets, or buy the expensive celebrity promoted trends, that pop up in social media and TV and radio commercial hype. The failed weight loss remains, and people continue to be discouraged. However, Medical Weight Loss, LLC at (813) 269-SLIM has been proving since 2007, that weight loss, whether 10 pounds

or 120 pounds, can be done safely, affordably and successfully! Many different diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune and thyroid problems, joint arthritis and heart disease, are linked to being overweight. We know about these things. Weight loss is not just a matter of looking good, but, is a medical program of improving your health and reducing your risks. Feeling better, is also a great by-product of slimming down. See “New Year, Slimmer You” on page 24



Bob Dalles, Owner, Bob the Computer Guy & Associates, Inc.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Editor.................................................5 Powerstories Theatre.......................................6-7 Simply Pho is Simply Delicious..................10-11 More Space Place......................................14-15 Project No Labels.......................................20-21 East Lake Woodlands 2020 Drive for a Cure..26-27

In a world where technology is dominant in society, everyone could use a hand when their technology malfunctions. For more than 20 years, Bob The Computer Guy has been that “helping hand” for many people and businesses in the Tampa Bay area.

Like it or not, we have come dependent on our computers and other Information Technology (IT) devices functioning properly to keep up with our daily pace. At times our devices act quirky or slow down; sometimes they can even fall See “Computer Guy” on page 18

2 JANUARY 2020

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4 JANUARY 2020

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New Year, Same You, and that’s OK… So what will it be this year? get killer abs, again; promise yourself to find a higher paying job, again, find “the one,” before December comes again, perhaps? We are not in this world just to be skinny and make money. Remember what Albert Einstein said? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The truth is most of us do this every year, myself included. We set up resolutions, most of them too general and unrealistic. We hurry to make these long lists that at times can make us feel like our lives, as they are right now, are not good enough. We look forward to the new year as the beginning of a brand new life that will magically erase all the mistakes we made the year before. We become anxious and get really stressed trying to meet these goals in as little time as possible as if who we are today is someone so awful and undeserving that needs to be eradicated come January. Oftentimes we change our routines, put our bodies and minds through hell, and end up something we’re not... like, vegan. Which is fine, but is it really… YOU? I am not trying to discourage anyone from getting in shape, moving up the corporate ladder, eating better or doing something positive for their lives. What I am saying is that this cycle of unrealistic resolutions only perpetuates feelings of failure and inadequacy, which is certainly not very conducive to achiev-

ing any goal. I am proposing something new. This year, let’s throw away the rulebook out the window! And if you have to set a goal, set a goal to set no goals. Make a resolution to stop making (unrealistic) resolutions. If you don’t want to find yourself in the same position you find yourself every year, thinking the same thoughts, having the same feelings, do this instead: Rather than rushing forward in a state of panic to completely change everything you don’t like about yourself, simply forget all that and enter the New Year with zero pressure and just a positive mindset. Enter 2020 with a mentality of being a more open and present person. Resolve to accept yourself. Resolve to fall in love with yourself. Resolve to appreciate your surroundings. Spend more time doing what gives you joy, because life goes by incredibly fast and time is promised to nobody. So spend it wisely, spend it surrounded by people and things that bring you nothing but happiness. Remember this…You’re beautiful, you’re worthy, you’re perfect just the way God made you. Out of the positive state of being and accepting will arise all the doing, and achievements you never planned for but will be amazed to see unfold. Until next time,

Carla Selby

Powerstories Theatre – A Small Venue with a Huge Heart Celebrates 20 Years By Deborah Bostock-Kelley During a recent Homeowner’s Association meeting, Fran Powers saw a woman she knew and embraced her in a hug. “Your program changed my daughter’s life,” the mother exclaimed, telling her how her daughter had a leadership role in her school, dealt well with confrontation, and was now fearless speaking in public. Though this type of validation doesn’t happen daily, it does happen because of what was born from a grueling cross country bike ride in 1998 from Seattle to Washington. A graduate of Fontbonne University, Powers applied her theatre degree to create a drama program at a local high school in St. Louis. After 5 years, she ventured into the business and nonprofit sector, but she still wasn’t satisfied. Powers knew that she hadn’t found the career that she was supposed to be doing. She took this arduous bike trip to reflect on finding her calling. Stopping her bike at the border of Wyoming, Powers had an epiphany. Her passion was theatre. Her last name was Powers. She had both the experience performing and teaching theatre and a background in business; she would merge her skillset and her name to create a professional theatre that focused on empowering women to tell their true stories. Exchanging inclement frigid temperatures for warmer weather in Tampa, in November 2000, Powerstories debuted at Friday Morning Musicale. Sold-out audiences enjoyed the theatre’s performances at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center in August 2001. In May 2012, Powers brought her dream to its permanent home on Kennedy Boulevard. Though it is not easy to spot, once you know it’s there, you become privy to the magic inside. “We’re an unexpected theatre. It feels fun and funky

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when you walk through the door,” she said. “When you come to my little theatre on Kennedy, you are part of the production. You are right there with the actors on stage practically. I think that’s what our audiences like most about it.” *** Five years into producing three to four new shows per season that focused on stories about women with women featured as writers, cast, director, and tech, Powers created Girlstories for further her mission of empowering women. She reached out to middle school girls in the formative years of ages 9-11 to provide a comprehensive theatre leadership program. Over three weeks in the summer, ten to 20 girls learn theatre, singing, choreography, story-telling, and leadership. The girls discover how to tell their personal stories to identify who they are, bonding with other girls in the troupe. At the close of the third week, they present their true story or one about a woman in history. In addition to founding the Tampa Girlstories Leadership, Powers partnered with Redlands Christian Migrant Association to provide this life-changing experience to migrant girls in Wimauma. “Adding the girls to Powerstories came naturally. When I started the women’s

program, foundations asked if I could do this for girls,” she explained. “Girlstories is probably the sweetest, strongest, and most impactful thing that Powerstories does because we are working with the next generation. We are working with young girls that are getting huge doses of inspiration, leadership, hearing ‘you’re worthy,’ ‘you’re talented,’ and ‘you’re beautiful.’ When you feel validated by somebody other than your family, all of a sudden of things that mom and dad have been saying is suddenly true. We get to validate the girls and send them on their way.” Upon graduation to ninthgrade, five girls are invited back to mentor the next generation. High school and college students have been so positively impacted by their time in Girlstories Leadership Theatre, they continually return to mentor to be part of the experience again. *** In this intimate theatre adorned with original artwork, show posters, and messages of positivity, you immediately feel a sense of warmth and welcome radiating from both the staff and the venue. The positive energy is perceptible. Your eye is immediately drawn to the framed photo in the center of the green wall of Powers shaking the hand of First Lady Michelle Obama. The Federal Government has a program called the National Humanities Youth Program

Awards, and a board member encouraged Powers to apply. After years of being turned down, in 2010, five years into creating the Girlstories Leadership program, Powers received an incredulous phone call from her husband. “You’ve got a FedEx package… from the White House. Do you want me to open it?” When she agreed, he opened the box and said, “It’s an envelope. Do you want me to open it?” She said yes. “It’s a letter. Do you want me to read it?” Powers vacillated between wanting to be there and being impatient to know what it said, finally telling her husband to read the contents. “From the moment he read, ‘congratulations, you’ve won the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program award, it was a major turning point,” she said. “It was our validation.” In 2010, Powers, along with only 9 other organizations nationwide, attended a weeklong leadership meeting. Though Powers was wideeyed at the level of talent and experience of executives at the meeting, they were telling her, “you are the future.” At the close of the event, she was presented with the prestigious award by Michelle Obama at the White House. *** Now in 2020, her 20th anniversary, Powers is delving

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into her inaugural musical, the first one not written by a local playwright or herself called “Working.” “It’s something the audience has asked for. It’s something that fits our mission, new and creative, so it’s not all the same, all the time. I want them to hear an unexpected story in an unexpected place. It’s true stories of working people – the waitress, the fireman, the millworker,

the mason – unconventional, blue-collar workers who have a dream but have to put three jobs together to make it happen.” Powers looking for corporations interested in synergistic sponsorships and partnerships for talkbacks after the productions. She is also bringing on a couple of new employees to help better engage with the community and get the word

out about the little theatre on Kennedy Boulevard sandwiched between a piano studio and an interior decorator. Shevolution, her special event, now in its third year, will showcase original works during May 2020. Powers is excited to use her venue as an experimental lab to bring original womencentric stories to the public. Shevolution is the opportunity for a creative artist to test the waters, workshop a new innovative idea, and get feedback from the audience. “Offering a space for women to safely explore their creative voices in front of an audience is at the core of our mission,” said Powers. “I am giving the theatre to women who want to experiment in the arts in whatever form they desire. I wanted to create a safe space for women to experiment with their artistic voices at no cost to them.” If a male playwright wants to participate in this special

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event, he must submit a femalecentered story to put on stage. *** When asked what she wanted her legacy to be, Powers thought for a moment then said, “I want to be someone who valued happiness, worked hard to empower others to be happy. Theatre lends itself to empowerment, creativity, teamwork, and synergy. It’s a little microcosm of the family, the city, the state, the world. Let’s just play here locally and try to make something happen that will create a positive ripple effect in people’s lives going forward.” If any corporation with a connection to the message of the show being produced is interested in partnering with the theatre, email Fran@ powerstories.com. To learn more about auditions, to purchase tickets to Working, find out about upcoming shows or Shevolution, Girlstories Leadership Theatre, or ways to volunteer, or donate to the theatre, visit www. powerstories.com.

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JANUARY 2020 9

Simply Pho is Simply Delicious, Offering Healthy Vietnamese Options in Carrollwood By Deborah Bostock-Kelley Anthony Pham didn’t open his restaurant with his brother just to fill the need and provide healthy Vietnamese meals with carnivore, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options to his Carrollwood community. He founded Simply Pho in the shopping complex on the corner of Fletcher Avenue and North Dale Mabry Highway because he cherishes the relationships he’s built with his loyal customers since opening in 2014. For Pham, it’s all about the people. Yes, his food tastes incredible, but it takes second place to the friendships he formed with his regulars. Pham relates a story where a high school senior wanted to make Simply Pho the backdrop to a special Promposal. He wrote out in red peppers “Prom” on one plate and a large “?” on the other. The couple is now a weekly fixture at the restaurant for date night. He enjoys hearing his customers’ stories and getting to introduce newbies to the wonder that is Vietnam cuisine. Vietnamese cuisine focuses on balance and harmony in the body using the rule of five: five fundamental elements: spicy, sour, bitter, salty, and sweet to create balance in each meal. Each item corresponds to five organs – gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach and urinary bladder. Along with five elements, Vietnamese dishes combine five types of nutrients: powder, water or liquid, mineral elements, protein, and fat, typically employing five colors of white, green, yellow, red, and black. Even the presentation follows the rule of five. Beauty for your

10 JANUARY 2020

Beef Vermicelli Combo with Eggroll sight, spices for taste, crispy ingredients for sound, aromatic scents for smell, and texture for touch. “We provide comfort food, featuring five elements to balance

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Tofu Stir Fry and Rice your body,” says Pham. “Our focus is on providing healthy food to our customers.” Pham says that Pho wasn’t entirely mainstream until Food Network started talking about it. “It triggered people’s curiosity how that person can finish that big bowl of soup,” he explains. Though traditionally in America, people expect soup as an appetizer before the meal, soup is a main meal in Vietnam and – a huge meal – at Simply Pho. Pham says the best reaction he receives from customers trying Pho for the first time is the desire to have it again. “They say, ‘I can’t believe I finished it,’” he says. “Go big or go home. Our big bowl is 70 ounces. They surprise themselves that they finish it. It’s not heavy. We simmer the broth and skim the fat out. We simmer 48 hours with many herbs like star anise, fennel, roasted ginger, and onion. Ginger helps with the digestive system.” Pham says that a customer with cancer religiously orders the Pho soup as he lost his appetite, and it is the one item he can taste after chemotherapy. The most popular customer options for Pho are eye-round steak and meatball pho, but his personal favorite is Pho Special featuring six hearty cuts of meat: eye-round steak, well-done flank, tripe, beef meatballs, well-done brisket, and soft tendon.

To appeal to individual dietary restrictions, Pham says nearly every menu item can be prepared vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free. “The food is a cross between Chinese and Thai, not heavy on the sauce. We concentrate on light and healthy, using a lot of vegetables. The flavor is not overwhelming. Vietnamese cuisine is more diverse than most think.” As retired military from both the Air Force and National Guard, Pham provides discounts to all first responders and military. *** When the pleasant staff delivers the meals piping hot to our table, the first thing I take in is food presentation is definitely crucial to Pham. It’s beautiful. My second response is to the delightful aroma wafting across the table. The Appetizer Sampler is the perfect combination of crunch and tenderness. Two Spring Rolls, two Simply Pho Egg Rolls, two Shrimp Sausage Wrap, and four Shrimp Wrap is a delicious start to our meal. Delivered next to the table is eight large pieces of plump Fried Tofu, complemented by Sweet and Sour Chili Sauce. Tofu has to be cooked just right to be tasty, and Simply Pho nails it. The tofu is crispy on the outside and soft and egg-like in the center. With heaping amounts of shrimp, calamari, krab, and fish paste ball, the Seafood Pho is a

Seafood Pho steaming, rich homemade broth that you could taste had been simmered for hours infused with a combination of spices and herbs. Beneath the delicious and light soup is thin linguine-shaped rice noodles, garnished with yellow onion, scallions and cilantro, and we have a plate filled with basil, bean sprouts, jalapeño peppers, and a lime wedge to customize the dish to our liking. Despite eating what I thought was a lot, the remainder in the enormous bowl is large enough to ask for a container to take half home. (Though we chose seafood, Pho can be vegetable with vegan broth, Pho Special, chicken, oxtail, shrimp, eye-round, a pick-three custom creation, or upgraded to Filet Mignon and even decadent Kobe Beef.) The Vermicelli Combination, one of eight options, blends Simply Pho egg roll, grilled pork, grilled shrimp, pork sausage, and shrimp sausage wrap with vermicelli noodles, and lettuce, bean sprouts, sliced cucumber, green onions, crushed peanuts, accompanied by house special fish sauce. This is a divine presentation. You almost don’t want to mix up the meats into the pasta so as not to disturb the display. Of course, we do and it tastes, predictably, amazing. Wishing I’d worn elastic pants, our final order is the Tofu Stir Fry with Mixed

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Vegetables with House Sauce with a considerable sized side of steamed white rice. This is one of nine options. Simply Pho does not skimp on portion size. Most people will be bringing food home (which, if you are like me, will not last till the next day.) The sauce combines sweet with savory for an exceptional end to a filling meal. Though we tried five items, the menu is as vast and varied as the customers of Simply Pho, sure to offer something for every taste – meat-eater and vegan alike. *** When people think of Vietnamese, many thinks of fast food served deli-style. If our sampling is any indication, Pham is changing that perception. “For me, I’m trying to create ambiance, where people can sit down, talk, and maybe have a date night and have a good, healthy meal. When people are happy about the food and being here, I really enjoy it. Making them happy makes me happy.” Simply Pho is located in The Palm of Carrollwood shopping complex, 13149 N Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. Hours of operation are 11:30 AM to 9:30 PM Monday through Thursday, and 11:30 AM to 10:00 PM on Friday and Saturday. To learn more about Simply Pho, visit simplyphotampa.com.

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JANUARY 2020 13

Resolve to Organize in 2020 with More Space Place

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

Is your new year’s resolution to get out from under the clutter inside of your home or garage without the hassle of a remodel, costly addition, or outside storage unit? More Space Place has attractive, affordable, and functional solutions that will help you declutter, create more space, and get you organized in 2020. Founded as a single retail location in the early 1980s, today, More Space Place is a nationally recognized and trusted company. The business continues to expand due to its high level of attentive customer service and quality organizational products, with over 28 stores, both nationwide and locallyowned and operated. Clark Williams and Bob Schmidt are the owners of the three Tampa Bay area showrooms and Design Centers, located in Palm Harbor on US 19 N., St Petersburg on Gandy Blvd. and Lutz on State Rd. 54. More Space Place offers complimentary in-home design consultations, as well as three showrooms where clients can go check out the superb quality and options of style and finishes. “When someone visits one of our three Showroom Design Centers, they’ll find trained and experienced professionals who will introduce them to a full array of wall beds and cabinet options,” says Williams. “They will also find complete furniture collections for beautifully functional offices, media rooms, closets, garages, pantries, laundry rooms, Murphy wall beds

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and so much more. We have seen some very innovative designs created when a client comes in with an idea, and our designers work with them to make it a reality. It makes the business both fun and exciting.” Making the most out of the space you have is essential, whether your house is small or large. At More Space Place, it’s not too much to ask for furniture that’s both stylish and functional. Whether you are converting an ample or a small space, the company offers traditional, transitional, and contemporary styling. An extensive array of solid colors and warm wood tones allow customization of your furniture so that it fits into and enhances any home décor. More Space Place’s experienced designers will maximize your space with functional furnishings that can work for you. Your experience is further enhanced with 3-D software, allowing clients to see how various furniture designs would look in their homes. A messy workspace can cause unnecessary stress. Don’t be discouraged by papers and files needing storage and organization. Optimize your office with custom storage cabinetry installed to eliminate clutter and arrange miscellaneous items. Hide a printer or computer desktop and create storage for all of your office items and return your clean, tidy, and organized home office back to you. Your workspace doesn’t have to take up the entire room. The smart home office designs at More Space Place feature options to keep you

organized and maximize your workspace. Your office will be professional and suited ideally to your unique needs, to help you get work done more efficiently. More Space Place will do the hard work for you. A knowledgeable designer will design the perfect solution, and present it to you in 3D software. After your approval, it will be installed by one of their professional installation teams. For desk space, file cabinets, open shelving, drawers, computer space, they will work with you to create the storage solution of your dreams. No matter your style, you can personalize your storage space precisely to your liking. A large office space can quickly convert into a guest bedroom, with the addition of a custom Murphy bed. More Space Place is the number one Murphy bed retailer in America and offers the largest collection of durable, highquality Murphy beds in the Tampa Bay area. Today’s wall beds provide the same comfort as standard beds and also have the choice of firm to extra plush mattresses. “The people at More Space Place went beyond in

customer service, suggestions and execution. Their installers were amazing and we are 100% satisfied. The guest room/office looks spectacular, and I get compliments on it on a regular basis,” “says recent customer Karen Q of her Murphy bed experience. Williams recalls that 20 years ago, there were minimal choices of furniture and closet solutions and very few options for finishes and materials. “More Space Place now proudly offers the largest selection of wall bed styles available, and in addition, a massive line of complimenting space-saving and organizational furniture. Also, we are one of the only companies offering the ‘Invisa-line’ boring system. This new technology makes the adjustment holes in the furniture for shelf adjustment almost 60% smaller than what others offer,” explains Williams. More Space Place can transform a cluttered garage into one well-organized, that you’d be proud to show off. Frustrated by untidiness in your high-trafficked laundry room? The experts at More Space Place can create a

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hidden space for laundry detergent, fabric softener and other laundry room items – instead of stacked on top of your dryer. If you’re tired of parking your car in the destructive Florida sun when you own a garage, let More Space Place create the ideal solution. Use the garage space to its fullest capacity with custom cabinets, a supply cabinet to hide untidy mops, brooms, dustpans and other cleaning supplies for an orderly appearance. Garages in Florida all too often become our most concentrated catchall space. As a result, the garage becomes the most natural large storage location. But these often become so stacked up that car storage is impossible. The inability to find stored items causes us to buy more and more, also adding to the storage issue. Unless you have recently moved into a brand new home, you likely have the problem of an overstuffed garage. But, no matter the storage situation, everyone needs to prevent future storage problems, and everyone wants to drive into an immaculate garage when they come home. Reduce

clutter and think about what you really want to accomplish with your properly organized garage. Would you like a workshop, tool shed, laundry room, single or multi-vehicle storage, or even a Man Cave? With the help of skilled designers, you will discover numerous options which include but are not limited to shelving and cabinets as well as a world of hooks, racks or baskets. Unlimited height options are available for floor or wall mounted cabinet or shelving systems. Workbenches are available in both standing and sitting heights, as well as worktops with extra tough surfaces. More Space Place also offers slat wall systems where tools or other equipment like bikes, garden tools and other garage items can be easily stored and accessed. Sometimes it’s just pushing through a jammed closet to find an item that needs an immediate resolution. The local experts at More Space Place can makeover your wardrobe with a wallhung closet systems, floorbased closet systems, or even a combination of both. Professional designers will

help you create your design in your finish choice to make a one-of-a-kind highly functional closet to fit your needs and budget. “Selecting furniture is a very important decision and one that requires time, energy and a lot of “touching,” yes… touching. I have personally bought a few pieces of furniture online after reading great reviews from other clients, only to be completely disappointed after receiving my product, because the quality of the materials was not what I was expecting. Having the opportunity to go into a store, to see the quality and TOUCH and FEEL what you are looking for cannot be beat,” Williams says, “We believe that if people have the opportunity to see all the various options, they get a better understanding that this can be an incredible creative experience, instead of just hanging some rods and shelves. This process also makes the purchasing decision easier. Since there are so many colors, finishes and materials available, seeing these in person also ensures they’ll find the best combination of styles and finishes to match the aesthetics of their home

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and lifestyle.” More Space Place has three convenient showrooms in the Tampa Bay area: Palm Harbor, US 19 N just north of Tampa Road (727.773.9888), and St. Petersburg on Gandy just west of the Gandy Bridge (727.507.9799) and in Lutz a few miles west of I-75 on State Road 54 (813.935.8432). Hours for all locations are Mon. – Fri., 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., with additional hours available by appointment. They are closed on Sundays. Visit www.MoreSpacePlace.com for more information.

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16 JANUARY 2020

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JANUARY 2020 17

“Computer Guy” Story Continued from page 1 victim to cyber criminals. When this occurs, we need someone we can trust to swoop in and save the day. “It is always stressful when our devices stop working because we rely on them so much. They always seem to let us down when we need them the most.” said Bob Dalles, President of Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. “That’s why we like to make our customers’ repair process as swift and effortless as possible. People tell me how they’ve been having problems with their computer; and then once we have an opportunity to analyze, diagnose, and resolve the issue, they tell us they never realized their computer could run so well.” Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. is a mobile computer and IT company that

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provides repairs and setups for everyone from individuals in their homes to small businesses and larger multi-office operations. All appointments take place at the customers’ home or business, simplifying the process for them. “A misconception folks have about us is they think we are a retail computer store where they carry in their computer for repairs,” said Dalles. “We’re not a retail store. We are a service company. We’re not looking to sell you merchandise from our inventory. My professionally certified and experienced technicians and analysts are here to help you determine the proper solution to your technology needs. And if you find there is something you do need to buy, we can make recommendations and then assist you with your purchase online or locally. We do all this in the comfort of your home or office!”

“There’s no need for our customers to disconnect their entire system, haul it into a repair shop and wait for days or weeks to get it back. It is actually better for us to come to your location to save you the effort but it also lets us make sure that everything is working cohesively,” Dalles said. “It is more than the safe operation of just your computer or printer, it is how they communicate with each other, and any other devices you have attached to your network and internet connection. By doing this in your home or business, we can be sure that everything is working the way it should be so you can go back to business as usual.” “It’s not uncommon for us to hear new customers tell us that they did not even know companies like ours existed,” said Dalles, “and that they’re so glad they found us.” Dalles has been intrigued

with computer technology since the late 1970s. In 1995 he launched his own computer business. In 2008 he became the instructor of Computer and Information Technology for a Florida technical college. He also writes a technology column entitled Tech Talk, where he shares his over 40 years of IT experience while also informing his readers on information that they need to keep their devices running well and safe. “Tech Talk is very popular. A lot of customers tell me that they have followed the column from its first publication,” said Nikki, Customer Communications Director. “Some of our customers even clip the columns and put them on their refrigerator.” Dalles’s technicians will often come back to the office with stories of seeing those clippings on the fridge or near the computer. Each of Dalles’s Associate-Technicians are

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handpicked by Dalles, not only for their knowledge, but also for their passion for the job and for helping customers with their technology. Among those passionate and knowledgeable technicians is Associate-Technician, Christian. Christian has been with Bob The Computer Guy

& Associates, Inc. for five years and is a favorite among customers. “It is always a rewarding experience when I go out on a service call. I am usually welcomed with a concerned smile. When I leave the clients are very thankful for our help,” Christian said.

Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. isn’t just here to help you when you need to set up a new computer or when your printer isn’t working. They are also in the business of protecting you and your data. “Your data is everything and you want to protect it and protect yourself,” warned Cyber Security Analyst, Bill. “We want you to not only be protected, we want to help you play an active role in your own security.” Cyber crimes are on the rise. The criminals behind these scam e-mails, phone calls, and text messages will not hold back when it comes to exploiting any technology weaknesses many may have overlooked. Dalles and his cyber security team want to make sure that no one falls prey to cyber criminals by helping individuals implement the proper tools and educate them on how to avoid becoming a victim.

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“In early 2019 we launched a Cyber Security Division,” said Dalles. “It has been a God-send for some of our customers. I am extremely proud of what our Cyber Security Team has accomplished. We’ve been able to provide and make affordable a service that has only been in the financial reach of governments and multi-million dollar corporations.” Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. is an entirely mobile computer and IT services company providing technology help with a human touch. Whatever you need, no job is too small. For honest, reliable service performed by professionally certified technicians at a fair price then there is no other choice. You want Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. Call Bob Now! 727-5344000.

JANUARY 2020 19

Project No Labels Debuts “Dear Self You Are Worth It,” Affordable Mental Healthcare Initiative in January 2020 If you scroll through Facebook posts, depression, lack of selfworth, and mental health issues are a bridge linking all ages and gender identities, particularly in the LGBTQ+ community. You will also notice that people want to get help, but find the insurance copays or for those without coverage, the outright payment for therapy is cost-prohibitive. Many try to deal with their pain without support, sometimes self-medicating with drugs, alcohol, food, and sex, which could result in dire consequences.

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Project No Labels, the 501c3 nonprofit that unites the Tampa Bay LGBTQ+ community with its allies through volunteerism and activism, paid close attention to these posts and memes. In 2020, it will make mental health care obtainable for members of the Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg communities. “For the past four years, Project No Labels has been involved in different spheres of social issues. People have always felt comfortable to talk to us about the pressing issues around the community. One

issue that really stuck out to us is Mental Health Care. It seems like people

needed hope, inspiration, and better coping mechanisms,” explained

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founder/CEO, Claire Elisan. “For too long, mental health therapy has been out of reach or out of mind for many who truly needed it. This program is an affordable opportunity for personal growth.” From January 6 to April 28, 2020, Project No Labels will assist in opening the gates to affordable therapy sessions to the local communities. The resulting pilot program “Dear Self You Are Worth It” is in collaboration with Dr. Katie Schubert, a licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board Certified Sex Therapist in the State of Florida, and a Nationally

Certified Counselor. Steph Ostrow, a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Student Intern, will provide the therapy, supervised by the doctor. The program was created to bridge the existing gap between the need for mental health care and the financial burden that limits its access. “It is Project No Labels’ effort to make mental health care attainable. Each session will cost $30 per hour; however, the cost to the community is only $20 per hour,” said Claire. “Our organization is picking up the additional $10. We are also looking

to do a voucher program for anyone who needs the service but can’t afford the $20. To some, it’s either gas in the tank or food on the family’s table versus $20 for their mental health. Unfortunately, they’re forced to sacrifice their psychological well-being. “We are currently looking for Sponsorship Partners for this program for both the cost to Project No Labels as well as the voucher program to cover the entire cost for anyone who can’t afford it but is in need.” The affordable spots are limited, with acceptance on a firstcome, first-serve basis.

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Dr. Schubert said, “This program is incredibly important. Mental health care is expensive, and a lot of people don’t have health insurance policies to cover sessions. Our community is suffering from high rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. This is a great opportunity to see an expert and find happiness and peace in your life.” For more information on this event, please visit projectnolables.org, or contact directly at (813) 438-3537 or via email at projectnolabels@gmail. com.

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“New Year, Slimmer You” - Story Continued from page 1 AND NOW, they have added MORE BEAUTY services and products to include:

• Original doctor supervised ketosis program we have been doing since 2007 • Medical skincare and cosmetic products by OBAJI • B-12/Amino Acid Fat Burning Cocktail Injection Therapy • Medical grade Nutritional Supplements by PURE ENCAPSULATIONS • Menu ideas from the staff and patients • Prescription Appetite Suppressants for controlling volume of food intake and appetite… (non-prescription also available)

24 JANUARY 2020

Dr. Gail Jachimek

Medical Weight Loss, LLC (269 - SLIM), opened in 2007, and is headed by Dr. Gail Jachimek. The main Florida clinic is located at 5111 Ehrlich Road, Suite 128, Tampa/Carrollwood. Their other weight loss clinics are in Waukesha and Lake Geneva, WIS., and Wesley Chapel, FL. Their prices have not increased since they began the medical weight loss practice 13 years ago! Dr. Jachimek and her husband Richard, are both chiropractic physicians, and have these clinics in Wisconsin also. They have a house here in Northdale and have been residents of this area since 1991. Richard was also an Army helicopter pilot and tech inspector during the Vietnam era. Their medical weight loss program combines pharmaceutical appetite suppressant medication, fat burning injections and pills, and a clinically proven diet with medical doctor and nursing support and counseling to help their patients reach their “target” weight goals. This physician supervised program helps those who have before tried and failed to lose unwanted pounds. Dr. Gail says, “We opened the clinic because I was entering menopause and

For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

gaining weight. When I asked my primary physician, as well as my doctor friends, for help, I got extremely rude responses. I was told to “push away from the table”. Dr. Gail does not want her patients to go through the same degrading experience. At the time, Dr. Gail was living on chicken and salad, and practicing level 3 kickboxing. She says, “I had been thin as a young woman, so I also assumed that anyone over weight deserved to be overweight because they were ‘eating chips in front of the television,’ etc.” When the unexplained weight gain happened to her, she was then convinced that other factors were involved. She wanted an answer. Determined to learn more, Dr. Jachimek joined the ASBP (American Society of Bariatric Physicians) and went to their symposiums for further education and tools. She

discovered that there are many contributing factors to weight gain - not just your diet. Some of the major contributing factors included hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, environmental toxins, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. It was then that they opened the main clinic in Tampa to help people dealing with the same frustrating weight gain frustration she had faced. They have since opened 3 more clinics in Florida and Wisconsin. “At Medical Weight Loss, LLC, we have medical doctors, as well as nurse practitioners, that have been treating our patients successfully for years, so that the root cause of these problems can be addressed. Our nurses and supporting staff are there for you to help you every step of the way.” Medical weight loss plans are not new, and many are similar, but those programs usually involve significant

upcharges and hidden fees. Dr. Jachimek’s 269-SLIM program is different. Her program is focused on the long-term results, meaning, not only will the process safely take off your weight during the active phase of the program, but also prevent the pounds from returning during the “maintenance phase”...(which is free)! This is no diet trend – This is a medical program that starts by looking at your medical history, evaluating your EKG, bloodwork and lifestyle. Then, their doctors propose a plan for you, and prescribe appropriate pharmaceutical appetite suppressant medication, fat burning injections, vitamin therapy and fat burning supplements. “The program is simple, inexpensive and easy to follow. We give you a large list of foods to buy/choose from,” says Dr. Jachimek. “The program is easy, because it is food bought in the grocery store, (no special foods to order) just regular meats, fruits and vegetables on our list. This factor also makes it more affordable, because you don’t have to buy special foods, or cook separate dinners if you have a family.”

Medical Weight Loss LLC is located at 5111 Ehrlich Road

Under the supervision of their medical doctors and practitoners, patients can drop 20 to 30 pounds in the first month. Their program has proven that it is common to see 5-10 pounds dropped in the first

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week. “We have had patients that have lost 17 pounds in their first week, as well as patients that have lost over a hundred pounds on our program”, says Dr. Jachimek. Accountability is also a major part of the program. Keeping the patients safe and on track, their nurses evaluate, and treat patients weekly to provide support and give suggestions on how to reach and maintain their target weight. Dr. Jachimek stresses that there are no price surprises at Medical Weight Loss, 269-SLIM. The initial visit is $195 and weekly visits are just $55. That’s it! This is what you have been waiting for!, an inexpensive, easy and successful way to lose the unwanted pounds that have made you miserable for years. As their slogans say, “With 269- SLIM (MEDICALWEIGHTLOSSLLC. COM) there are no hidden fees…just pounds gone”…or “Weigh less for WAY less”… or “When you’re done fooling around, call us!”. Medical Weight Loss LLC is located at 5111 Ehrlich Road in Tampa and in Wesley Chapel. For more information or to make an appointment, call (813) 269-SLIM (7546). Or visit their 5 page website at www.medicalweightlossllc. com. Their staff and nurses will be glad to answer your questions! Don’t forget to ask about getting a Free Week! We’ll see a 2020 new and slimmer you at the beach…!



East Lake Woodlands 2020 Drive for a Cure…

Our plans are coming together quickly, and we hope yours are too! We want you to be ready for the East Lake Woodlands “Drive for a Cure” Golf Scramble. The Four Person Team Scramble will take place on Friday, February 28, 2020, at the East Lake Woodlands Country Club. Arrival and registration begins at 10:00 AM with an 11:30 AM shotgun start. There will be flights for women, men and mixed foursomes. Dinner, along with several auctions will follow play. The cost is $100.00 (if paid before February 15, and it covers golf, cart, 2020; or $115.00 if paid range, snacks, dinner after February 15, 2020) and a contribution to our

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charities. Dinner will begin at 4:00 PM. and auctions will begin at 5:00 PM. The

cost for dinner (only) is $50.00. All costs include a contribution to our

For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

charities. Last year, in the U.S., there were an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 62,930 new cases of in situ breast cancer among women resulting in 41,760 breast cancer deaths (1:8). Although breast cancer in men is rare, it does happen. In 2019, there were an estimated 2670 new cases among men in the U.S. resulting in 500 deaths (1:883). East Lake Woodlands Drive for a Cure supports local efforts to spread awareness about breast health, assist with breast cancer screening, provide diagnostic services and treatment, and provide short-term

financial assistance to patients undergoing cancer treatment. The event supports Love Thy Neighbor (L.Y.N.) Fund, which provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients in active treatment and recovery in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. Our event supports the Morton Plant Mease Mammography Voucher Program (MVP) which provides screening, diagnostic and treatment for uninsured or underinsured patients in Pinellas County. Since 2007 the Drive has raised over $323,000. In 2019 we raised $41,000, and this year’s goal is to go over the $375,000 mark for the organizations we

support. Participation and sponsorship is very important to this effort, and there are many opportunities available to help us meet our goals. Come play with us on our beautiful, top-quality golf courses; you’ll have a wonderful time and you will be instrumental in supporting this very worthwhile cause.

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For more complete information about the event, registration, sponsorship and donations, please visit our web site at: www.elwdriveforacure. com www.facebook.com/ elwdriveforacure.com We’ll see you on February 28th!



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