Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles, East Lake Magazine, Vol. 15, Issue 9, September 2022

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By April 1, 2020, Rob’s phone was nonstop ringing. Bored, socially isolated people stuck in their homes Blinds”

When the pandemic first began in March 2020 and businesses were shuttered, Budget Blinds Central Tampa, Tarpon Springs, and Dunedin owner Rob Emmerson’s busy phone stopped ringing. He decided if the global pandemic would close the company he’d acquired in 2019, he’d go out fighting, helping local charities with each sale

®Your community. Your magazine.

See “TFP” on page 20

By T. Bostock

Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shirmo), and Dr. Stephanie Eldridge

Budget Blinds Offers Quality Window Treatments with Best Warranty in the Industry

Vol. 15, Issue 9, September 2022

See “Budget

on page 18

“Let Our Family Care for Yours” - The Dr. Shirmo and Dr. Eldridge Story

The doctors are pleased to announce they are celebrating the 15th Anniversary of their practice on September 1st, a testament to the quality and variety of the medical services they professionally provide for their many patients. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DR. SHIRMO AND DR. ELDRIDGE! Visit their website theytionbooklyphysicians.comwww.trinityfamiortheirFacepageformoreinformaaboutthemanyservicesprovide.

The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 18,000 Homes In East Lake & Surrounding Areas

From the Editor........................5 SAT/ JacobsonDecoratingReviveACT......................................6toThriveTherapies.....8-9Den.......................14CulinaryArts............16 THISINSIDEISSUE

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley


If caring, passion, and ded ication aren’t currently a daily part of your personal medical experience with your present physician, you should consider visiting the family practice of Trinity Family Physicians, Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shir mo), and Dr. Eldridge. They are Located on the corner of Trinity Blvd and Duck Slough Blvd at 1817 Cypress Brook Dr., Suite 101, Trinity, FL.

2 SEPTEMBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com SEPTEMBER 2022 3

Labor Day is commonly celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic “end of the summer” kickoff and is typically enjoyed with beach days, family gatherings, barbecues, fireworks displays, parades, shopping sales, and otherLaborevents.Day

Despite all these incredibly fun events happening all over our beau tiful city, let’s not forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. So whatever big crowded events, and social interactions you choose to enjoy this beginning of Fall, please be cau tious. If you’re not feeling well or are showing any symptoms please stay home and be mindful of others. Even though there are no more official mask mandates or social distancing being enforced, let’s all continue to do our part to keep our Tampa Bay community next time,

in Tampa FL is not just the end of summer but a chance to have a holiday from work or school and kick off the NFL & college football seasons. For the local baseball fans, I hope you’re keeping a close look at our Rays! Personally, I am looking forward to October and the start of hockey season. Go bolts!

A Labor Day Message and Hispanic Heritage Month

Labor Day is a special day set aside to honor and pay tribute to hard-work ing men and women. It was a creation of the labor movement and is dedicat ed to the social and economic achieve ments of American workers.

Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi.

Labor Day constitutes a yearly national tribute to the incredible con tributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. It has officially been celebrated as a Federal holiday in the United States since June 1894.

Hispanic Heritage Month. During the four weeks, celebrations honor the heritage and contributions made by members of the Hispanic community. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by joining local celebrations. It is a fantastic way to meet new people. Additionally, you can learn more about the contributions Hispanics have made in politics, business, the arts, sports, fashion, and cuisine, to name a few. Embracing the history and traditions of another culture not only broadens your knowledge but also teaches apprecia tion of other people and their customs.

By the time you probably read this, Labor Day will have already come and gone. Regardless of the timing, I hope you all had a wonderful and safe holi day with your loved ones.

From September 15th through Oc tober 15th, we also recognize National


many admissions officers of the “Top 25” such as Har vard, Yale, Princeton … plus UF, FSU, USF, and UCF, they tell me students who apply “self-select”, that is are in the range for admissions on Class Standing, GPA, and SAT/ACTOftenscores.theapplication essay makes the difference between a “Yes or No” for admission.The104 page book I have written (cover above) gives my students addition

We just finished our summer classes, and I thought you would like to see part of an email I re cently received from one of my students.Iamhappy to report back to you that I got a 32 composite on the ACT! 35 reading, 31 math, 29 read ing, and 34 science! I don’t know how I got a 34 on science. I still can’t believe it. I need one more point to improve to a 33, and will be taking the test again soon. Thanks for all your help. I am so happy with a 32, and potentially even a 33.

As we move ahead in the fall term SENIORS… are getting ready for these exams as part of their college ap plications. Most are due by Jan 1, except for UF which has a “stone cold” early Nov deadline.Foramuch higher chance of acceptance, I advise seniors to go for

“early decision” or “early acceptance” because the probability of acceptance is usually 2 - 3 times higher than for regular admissions.

JUNIORS often want to have an idea of their scoring levels, and to be prepared for the PSAT in mid-October … which is the only qualifying exam for the National Merit privatetheyexamsexperiencegettingSOPHOMORESScholarships.areaheadbygainingtakingtheseandassessingwherearewithscoring.Also,manypublicandhighschoolsperiodicallygivetheSATto“track”students,meaningtoseeatwhatleveltheyarecapableofscoringacademicallywhichmeanswhatlevelofclassestheycantake.


Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve around 200 points on the Writing, Reading, and Math superscore on the SAT, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to all 5

al ideas about organization, style, including personal examples and quotations, and much more in writing their best essay. They are all written in “hook, look, took” format … meaning you have to “hook” the reader in the first sentence or two, pull that person in to “look” at what you want to say, leave with a vivid “took”, and say, “Wow! I wish more essays were like this one.”Inside are 40 sample essays that have helped my students gain admission to many colleges in the “Top 25” and UF, FSU, USF, UCF, more.

If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-253-0639 or send me an email at wwa0811@ mykolab.com.


By Dr. Wayne Adams

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SPECIAL … SPECIAL … SPECIAL!!Iwanted to let you know that recently Gover nor DeSantis signed legisla tion to allow students to count hours from part-time work towards their hours needed to qualify for the 75% and 100% awards. Be fore, only volunteer hours counted.Soif you student had a part-time job this sum mer, the hours could count towards qualification for the $18,000+ or $25,000+ scholarship

of the “Top 5”, 9 of the “Top 10”, and 19 of the “Top 25” universi ties in the country, , and many top universities in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), Wake For est, NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Service Academies: Navy - Air Force - and Merchant MarinePenn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berklee Conser vatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He has also tutored three juniors who scored at the national merit finalist/semifinalist levels on the PSAT. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vander bilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

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to love. It’s been there all along, and it just gets bur ied by fear. I help families excavateDebbieit.”is concerned about Florida’s newest bill targeting the LGBTQ+ com munity.“The new, heartbreak ing, ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill scares me. My biggest fear is that this will cause serious and life-threatening mental health issues for our youth. They need a safe space where they can discuss what they are feeling – what they are thinking. They shouldn’t have to go through this alone – they need to TALK.

Debbie explained that practice has seen many people with burnout, especially teachers and healthcare professionals. “They are living on fumes. We work to get them re charged.”Revive to Thrive Thera pies has an eight-year-old flagship location in Bran don. This newest location

in Eastlake debuted in May 2022 with two therapists, Tanisha Boyd, BSW, MS, and Beth Thomas, MA. Each brings with them more than twenty years of experience helping middle-schoolers with anxiety, adults healing from trauma, and senior citizens learning to embrace a new life.

The practice also helps couples, people going through divorce, breakups, and families struggling.

Revive to Thrive Therapies Provides a Caring, Personal Approach to Mental Health

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

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Debbie Brown, Ph.D., is the founder of the men tal health practice Revive to Thrive Therapies. She describes her practice as “mental health therapy that provides therapy grounded in research and perfected in practice. We are all research-based people, but we also have a lot of experi ence in treating people and individualizing the research to make it relevant for our clients.“It’s been in the news recently that we are expe riencing a mental health crisis. The thing about Covid is we realized through lockdown that while we may love each other, it’s not always easy to live together. Now that we are trying to come out of the pandemic but keeping one foot in lockdown, we are in this re ally weird place, and people need help navigating it.”

A mom to five, Deb bie specializes in helping clients discover and create their most authentic, beauti ful life, parenting LGBTQ+ youth, and chronic disease management. Her phi losophy is to listen without judgment, show respect, and make everyone feel heard. She wants a tattoo of the Josh Wilson song lyric, “Judge slow, love quick.”

Beth offers therapy for adolescents, couples, and families struggling with anxi ety, depression, marriage and family issues, school issues, and trauma. Tanisha provides counseling for abuse, domestic violence, trauma, PTSD, and those struggling with complex diagnoses and major life changes.Inaddition to offering a variety of ResolutionEMDRtwotheapproachesevidence-basedtocounseling,practicealsoprovidesdrug-freetreatments,andAcceleratedTherapies.Both

A volunteer with the Trevor Project crisis line and Equality Now, Debbie spends a lot of time helping LGBTQ+ youth and their families. “There is a lot to unpack, many questions - especially if a religious component is involved. I try to help families navigate that and find their way back

are proven helpful with PTSD and trauma to learn to reprocess the events and feelings in a healthy way to heal from them.

The suite in Eastlake is the antithesis of the stan dard cream or white ster ile clinical doctor’s office. Bright, cheerful, colorful walls are adorned with art work by local artists, includ ing patients of the practice.

rated to reflect the distinct personality of the therapist. We want you to come in and feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated.”

I’m trying to get the word out that we are here; we are a safe place for youth and their families to discuss these issues. And even though we do take most in surance, I offer scholarships for members of the LG BTQ+ community that need therapy but are without the means to afford it.”

While Tanisha’s office showcases warm colors, a leather sofa, and giraffes with an African motif, Beth’s is more boho with flowers, plants, Squishmallow stuffed animals, and a swinging rattan chair. Debbie’s office showcases her love for art and passion for rainbows.

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and I know what works to make them feel like part of a community. Feeling that sense of belonging is so im portant. With my practice, I intentionally build com munity. I go out of my way to make people feel wel come, involved, and loved because they are. Each of our therapists plays to their strengths. Mine is mom-ing people. We are blessed to do what we love.”

Revive to Thrive takes most insurances. To learn more or set an appoint ment, orcomrevivetothrivetherapies.visitcall727-238-5821.

“Our practice feels like you’re walking into some body’s living room,” she describes. “We have three offices, and each is deco

Debbie stressed the im portance of getting help.

“I treat my patients like my kids because I’m a mom,

Revive to Thrive coun selors will stock their fridge, buying the patient’s favorite candy, snack, or beverage to make them feel at home during their visit.

“Just please, don’t suffer in silence – no mat ter what you struggle with – we have a group of highly educated and exception ally caring people close by who can help. Just call us. You aren’t alone,” she said. “Opening this practice has been a passion project for me. I’ve been a professor for 17 years. Teens and twenties are my people. I just love them and want to help them, let them know that they don’t need to be fixed; they are perfect as they are. So I created my practice with them and their families in mind.”

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Shelving systems are effective pieces of furniture that can add more style to a space while creating a home for all your favorite books, works of art and other trinkets and accessories. If you don’t want to invest in a bookshelf that takes up a large portion of your home office, a wall of floating shelves can make a major statement.

Top accessories to bring your space to the next level

Area rugs have a way of giving a room an entirely new identity, whether the floors are carpeted or hardwood. A soft shag rug near the center of the room can complete the space, make it look cute and cozy — and provide the ultimate layer of comfort for your feet after a long, exhausting day.

By Decorating Den Interiors

3. A mini garden

2. A room divider

Your kitchen deserves some fun and functional accessories too, so why not consider a mini garden? A lovely garden box near the window can add an environmental aspect to your kitchen space and provide delicious fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables whenever you need them.

Clocks are quite literally timeless accessories that fit into any style, theme, or room in your house. Browse for a unique digital clock or a fascinating, classic analog clock for a bare room in your home to make heads turn.

Work with a decorator for assistance

this accessory if you want to curate division in your space without committing to new drywall.

Does your living room need a revamp? Is your guest bathroom feeling blander and more boring than usual? Here are a few suggestions for accessories that can bring your living space to the next level:

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6. Local art

Accessorizing can be intimidating if you don’t have a lot of experience in interior design and decorating. But there’s no need to take on the project on your own! At Decorating Den Interiors, I can help you bring your vision to life and create a space that’s more complete in your home.

1. An Area Rug

Eye-catching art is a great conversation starter.

Putting a large canvas of artwork in your home shows your appreciation for creativity and can tie your room’s theme together. If you want to make a meaningful statement, find a piece from a local artist in the community and place it in a room that encourages conversation and togetherness.

Creatingright: a “zen den” is simple with stylish room dividers — consider

Decorating your living space is a very intimate task. You want to make sure your home is equally comfortable and stylish while also putting your personality on display for you, your family, and guests to enjoy. The color of the walls and the furniture within a room can set a strong foundation for the way the rest of the space will look, but accessories bring everything together. Just like an outfit needs jewelry and a bag, a bedroom needs accent pieces that bring the theme to life and help you illustrate the exact look and feel you envisioned during the planning process.

4. Floating shelves

5. A fun clock

Open floor plans have always been popular, and there’s no speculation that the trend is dying off anytime soon. However, more homeowners are falling in love with the idea of creating separation when it feels

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drippings in the pot. Whisk in 1 cup of broth. Bring to boil, scraping up browned bits. Mix in the remaining 1 cup broth, wine, prune juice, tomato paste, and spices. Return ribs to the pot, arranging them close together on their sides in a single layer if possible. Add dates, onions, and any juices, bringing the liquid to a boil. cover pot with a tagine cover.

• 3 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 tablespoon tomato paste


Beef Short Rib Tagine

low-salt chicken broth

• 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice

Season the dish with salt and pepper. Return ribs to pot, spooning sauce over to coat. (Short ribs can be made 2 days ahead. Refrigerate until cold; then cover and keep chilled.)

• 1/2-pound onions, chopped


• 1/2 cups dry red wine

Rewarm ribs over mediumlow heat, stirring occasionally. Mound ribs on a platter and serve.

• 1/2 ground cinnamon

Place the pot in the oven and bake until ribs are tender about 1 hour 25 minutes. Remove tagine cover. Using tongs, transfer ribs to a large bowl. Strain cooking liquid into a medium bowl, pressing the contents in a strainer. Spoon off the fat. Return liquid to the pot. Add honey and boil until sauce is thick enough to coat a spoon and is reduced to 2 cups, about 12 minutes.

• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

• 2 ounces pitted dates, diced

• 4 3.5-inch pieces of meaty beef chuck short ribs, remove the membrane

Preheat the oven to 325°F. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a heavy large ovenproof pot over medium-high heat. Add onions. Sauté until brown, about 20 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer onions to a large Seasonbowl.theshort ribs with salt and pepper. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the same pot. Add 4 short ribs and brown on all sides, about 10 minutes.Transfer ribs to bowl with onions. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil to the pot. Add remaining 8 ribs and brown on all sides, about 10 minutes. Transfer ribs to the same bowl. Whisk flour into

• 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

• 1/2 cup prune juice

16 SEPTEMBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com


• 1 tablespoon all-purpose

• 1 tablespoon honey

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Rob called the manufacturer on Monday, then called the woman.

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the window guys damaged her window treatment. She called another company out, but they said it couldn’t be repaired. She’d need to buy a new one. Thankfully she calls the Budget Blinds she had purchased from. They told her we don’t cover that territory anymore. Call Rob,” he said. “I went out and met with her that weekend. I said I think this is covered by a lifetime no questions asked warranty. Let me check the label.”

The woman had wanted to switch out the color, but the warranty covered exact replacement unless the product expired.

discovered their window treatments desperately needed makeovers. Through sales, Rob has donated $100,000 to local charities, including $10,000 to One Tree Planted, which the donations helped reforest so much that they no longer need to plant in Little Big Econ State Forest. From draperies to blinds to privacy or sun shades, the options are limited only by your design preference. In 2022, practicality is winning over patterned window treatments. A solid color or faux wood tone will last as patterns go out of style yearround. Grey remains the most popular color while bringing the outside in, and minimalism is alsoWhiletrending.Budget Blinds does

“I have good news and bad news. You are covered, but the fabric was discontinued last month, so I can’t give you the same fabric, so we have to pick out new. She was thrilled. I went out to her, and she picked the color she wanted. We put them in for her, and she bought three or four more window treatments for rooms she hadn’t done yet.”

Budget Blinds - story continued from page 1

Today, technology-driven homes are changing the way

“A lady in Town and Country calls me up. She had some new windows, and

have a storefront, they offer free, no-obligation ‘store-todoor’ service. You never leave the comfort of your home. Designers will bring the store to you with samples to see in your home’s lighting. A consultation lasts 1-2 hours, with the consultant measuring and providing a quotation on-site.“We come to your house, help select the product you want, and take care of the installation. All installers are employees of Budget Blinds and have passed full background checks, and are insured. Once installation is complete, they even take away the old blinds. No hauling old, dirty blinds and outdated window treatments to the curb yourself. Budget

Blinds takes care of all of that for you.”With Budget Blinds being the largest in the industry, each product carries a fiveyear NO QUESTIONS ASKED warranty and offers a lifetime warranty. Whether your toddler yanked the blind from its frame or your new puppy used it as a chew toy, the ‘no questions asked’ security is unmatched in the industry. If within five years, Budget Blinds will replace without cost. In addition, you still get the lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.“Nomatter what happens to your window treatments in the first five years, we replace them. It’s an abuse warranty that doesn’t cost you anything,” he said. “One of my favorite things is when a customer calls me up three or four years after they bought their window treatment and they say, ‘hey, my kid broke my blinds, I guess I need to buy a replacement,’ and I say, I’m happy to sell you new blinds, or I can replace them for free.”Robrelayed a recent story.

safety in mind.

breaking into your house.”

homes are being designed.

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A benefit of intelligent motor technology is security.

If a burglar alarm is triggered, it can work with your alarm service. Besides using Alexa to turn on all the lights, you can program the If This Then That app to open the blinds in the entire home.

Rob spoke firsthand of the convenience and the energy savings as he uses the smart technology in his home. While a remote is provided and an app is available, nothing other than your voice is necessary with today’s smart home. Blinds can be programmed to open later on the weekends or raise and lower at particular times of the day.

“The convenience of being able to interact with your home is so nice. I have automated blinds programmed for sunset and sunrise. The app tells the blinds if it is a sunny day in Tampa, close the blinds on the south side of my house. The room stays about 10 degrees cooler than it was. I don’t have to worry about daylight

Call 727-943-8521 today to set your no-obligation in-home tarponsprings.budgetblinds.com/websiteappointment.consultationVisittheirathttp://www.Findthem on Facebook at Budget Blinds of Tarpon and Dunedin.

“I figured nobody wants to be in a fishbowl if they’re

“Alexa, open my blinds.” Even your blinds, drapes, and shutters can be voicecommanded.Usingthe smart motor technology of Budget Blinds, you no longer need to pull strings or cords. Too many children have been injured or lost their lives, so today’s blinds are made with child

savings time or where’s my remoteWhencontrol.”theautomated technology first debuted, the rate was prohibitive. While adding this innovation to window treatments does add to the cost, today, the price is reasonable.Budget Blinds sells more custom window treatments than even Home Depot and Lowes.“We are the number one retailer of custom window treatments in the world.”

mary focus, like her partner, is on prevention of disease, instead of treatment.

“Women,” Dr. Eldridge noted, “are more likely to go to a doctor than men. I think they make their health a priority. Look at their obstacles, working, juggling what they go through as a wife, a mother and some times even the breadwin ner.”Dr. Eldridge said she ap preciated what other wom en go through and wanted to be able to treat a wom an’s overall health, “taking care of every aspect, like getting pap smears done, managing their cholesterol and heart health.” Her pri

“TFP” continuedstoryfrom page 1

A married couple, both Dr. Shirmo and Dr. Eldridge emphasized they wanted to thank their patients for allowing them to treat them.

If you are laboring under the misconception that a family practice is nothing more than old fashioned attitudes and outdated philosophies, a visit to Trin

knowledge as experts in their field. This is a modernday love story of both the individuals and their profes sion. They met while work ing at Busch Gardens and have been inseparable ever since.Together, they attended Tulane University for Bach elor’s and Masters degrees. Medical School at Tulane Medical School followed shortly after for both of them. While in school, they faced the choice of decid ing on a specialty. It was difficult for them since, ac cording to Dr. Eldridge, they liked all of their rotations and didn’t want to have to choose just one.

Neither wanted to treat just a single part of the body. Family practice

became the ideal solution. It gave them a chance to treat the entire patient. “We loved to learn, and we loved medicine. It Just made sense for us.”

Dr. Eldridge indicated that being one of their patients has its responsi bilities. In selecting them for their doctors, patients are expected to help with their treatment by follow ing instructions that help avoid diseases in the first place. Their joint practice emphasizes prevention to all of their patients in all aspects of their treatment. As the saying reminds us, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

“I really want to stress,” Dr. Shirmo said, “how thankful we are for all the wonderful patients that have allowed us to take care of them, their parents, wouldn’tcommunityoutandgrandparents,children,grandkids,theirneighbors.Withthemforreferralsandsupport,webehere.”BothDr.ShirmoandDr.

Eldridge are board certified family physicians. This is important because it de notes additional training, certifying their skills and

update their own training in the latest techniques and procedures.Theunexpected onset of Covid 19 caught the na tion by surprise. A number of businesses and medical practices were unfortunately not equipped to deal with its results; they had a diffi cult time and did not sur vive. In response to how the pandemic impacted their own practice, Dr. Shirmo said: “We were well posi tioned. We were able to transition our patients to tele visits (remote visits from the comfort of their homes) without missing a beat and continued giving the qual ity of the care our patients required.”Dr.Shirmo stressed their caring attitude towards their

“Men shy away from go ing to a doctor,” Dr. Shirmo observed. “I know how to handle those personalities. It makes my day when I make a difference in some one’s life. It is a true passion for me.” He agreed he had to be a psychologist as well as a doctor in order to do his job. “You’re absolutely correct,” he said. “We wear many hats, sometimes coach, sometimes office manager, project manager

If you are fortunate enough to live in the area, Trinity Family Physicians are only a phone call away. Call Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (727 834 8377). Schedule your office or re mote appointment today for a healthier tomorrow.

patients. Although they are affiliated with local area hos pitals, through information and prevention, he noted, “our goal is to be there for our patients in the office and keep them out of the hospital. That is why we like to emphasize prevention, prevention, prevention!”

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ity Family Physicians will be a pleasant surprise for you. In addition to the modern, pleasant, caring surround ings, state-of-the-art equip ment, and themdatingdridgesuccessfortwoprofessionalaretreatments,forward-thinkingbothdoctorsquicktocredittheirstaff,includingphysicians’assistants,theroletheyplayintheofthepractice.Dr.ShirmoandDr.Elarecontinuouslyuptheskillsthatearnedtheirinitialboard certification. It enhances the quality of the care they provide for their patients. As mentors in their field, they willingly share their knowledge and experience with future generations of doctors, interns, who peri odically visit the practice to

or motivational speaker,” he laughed.Regardless of who you choose for your doctor, Dr. Eldridge warns that you should do your own due diligence. You need to learn if they went to an accred ited medical school. Even more importantly, be certain that they are board certified in their specialty to ensure the quality of your care.

22 SEPTEMBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

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