Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. East Lake Magazine. Vol. 13, Issue 12, December 2020 This Independent

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Vol. 13, Issue 12, December 2020

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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 18,000 Homes In East Lake & Surrounding Areas This Independent Community News, Business & Dining Guide Is Directly Mailed Once Each Month To: Anchorage, Bay Arbor, Boot Ranch, Brookers Landing, Crescent Oaks, Cypress Cove, Cypress Lakes Estates, Cypress Run, Cypress Trails, Deer Hollow, Grey Oak, Eagle Cove, Eagle’s Cove at Lake Tarpon, Eagle Ridge, Eagle Trace, Eagle Watch, East Lake Oaks, East Lake

Woodlands, Hunters Wood, Keystone Bluffs, Keystone Palms, Keystone Ranchettes, Lansbrook, Lansbrook Village, Meadow Ridge, Nature’s Watch, Oak Hill Acres, Pine Ridge, Regina Estates, Ridgemoor, Tarpon Woods, Wentworth, Whispering Lakes, Woodfield

“Get It Done in ‘21,” Says Dr. Kerr at National Rejuvenation Centers

Dr. Bartley Kerr

INSIDE THIS ISSUE By Thomas Bostock With the specter of COVUD-19 hanging over us like a dark cloud, 2020 was a year of chaos, uncertainty, frustration, and isolation. Shut-downs, financial issues, homeschooling, and trying to help your kids with schoolwork you have long forgotten or don’t even understand does not make for the happiest of times. Oh, yes, and this global pandemic, with many of us watching friends and family

get sick, continues to wear on everyone! Mostly, everything was and is still on hold. Many of the cool things we want to do are put aside for necessities and a different way of life in our perpetual “Groundhog Day.”. Enough! It’s time to fast forward! Get that spark to live again, enjoy life, and get out of this mess. As Dr. Kerr reminds us, now is the time to “get it done in ‘21!”

At National Rejuvenation Centers, Dr. Kerr helps his patients become the best version of themselves through bio-identical hormone optimization, personalized nutrition, and exercise protocols. This gives them the energy, mood elevation, and health profiles to do what they want to do. These are women and men over 40; their primary goal is to enjoy life, the Rejuvenation Medicine

See “NRC” on page 14

From the Editor.............................5 SAT/ACT Improvement...................6 Decorating Den Design Tip..........8 Tech Talk with Bob..................10-11 Budget Blinds Gives Back...........16 Grout Tech..............................18-19 Tidewater Foot & Ankle Associates...20-21


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Holiday Celebrations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Over one million new covid-19 cases were recently reported in the United States over the past week. As cases continue to rise all over Florida, the Tampa Bay area ranks in fifth place with some of the highest numbers of cases reported since this pandemic first started. The CDC recommended not traveling during the Holidays unless necessary and is frequently reminding people that the safest way to celebrate the Holidays is at home with only the people you live with. Traveling increases the chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. This holiday season, do not travel out of state or have family travel into Florida to join your celebrations. Personally, I used to celebrate Thanksgiving and the Holidays with large groups of over 40 people!!! But this year I’ve decided to celebrate with only the members of my household… of course my three cats are included! This pandemic has been extremely stressful and definitely isolating. I know many of us were looking forward to spending the Holidays celebrating together and cheering for the new year, but we have to do our part to flatten the curve and bring those numbers down. Consider celebrating virtually with those loved ones or family members outside of your own household. Your household is anyone who currently lives and shares common spaces in your housing unit (such as your condo, home, or apartment.) This can include family members, roommates, or people who are unrelated to you, and of course, your pets! People who do not currently live in your housing unit should be considered part of different households. Face to face celebrations that bring together different families and members of different households pose varying levels of risk that we should all consider. Social gatherings during the upcoming Holidays should be kept at a minimum, and only to those members of your direct circle. This holiday season, consider how your plans can be modified to reduce the spread of coronavirus to keep your family, friends, and community healthy and safe. If you’re hosting a party, please host outdoor rather than indoor if possible. Limit

the number of attendees as much as you can to allow people from different households to remain at least 6 ft apart at all times. Gatherings with more people always pose a higher risk than gatherings with fewer people. The CDC does not have a limit or recommend a specific number of attendees for holiday gatherings. They recommend that everyone stay 6 feet (2 arm lengths) apart, wear masks, wash hands and sanitize often, and follow all state regulations. Even though you may consider it “rude” to skip a party or gathering, do not be afraid to say no and stay at home with your immediate family. Nobody should judge you or make you feel bad for trying to keep everyone safe. If you’re an older adult or person with certain medical conditions who is at an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or live or work closely with someone at increased risk of severe illness, you should avoid in-person gatherings with people outside your household. My mother is 67 years old and has bad COPD, and her lungs are not the best. She suffers from chronic pneumonia, and she’s at a very high risk of catching it. So we’ve had to turn down some invitations because of the high risk it would represent. Even though this has been a tough year for a lot of us, there are things you can still do to enjoy the Holidays while social distancing. Go on a walk or a drive to see holiday decorations with the members of your immediate household. Learn a new recipe at home and cook more often with people who live with you. Do all your Holiday shopping online rather than in person. You can still share food and baked goodies with friends or relatives that are not the best in the kitchen, but consider delivering it to their doors without having direct contact with them. With all that said, I want to leave you with this message that resonated with me; 2020 may not have been the year we got everything we wanted, but it became the year in which we truly learned to appreciate everything we already had. Let us be thankful that despite everything, we’re still here fighting. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2021. Stay safe, everyone! Until next year!

Carla Dubis Tedeschi


By Dr. Wayne Adams

About this time each year, I receive many emails and calls from students and parents with some very nice “Thank’you’s.” So I would like to share several with you. “Dr. A. I just received early admission to my #1 school. Thank you so much for helping me get my SAT score way up. Can you believe it? I will have mountain views from my dorm! Got a nice scholarship too. Couldn’t have done it without you.” “After my ACT exam in September, my composite went up to a 29 but my Reading was low at 24. I kept working and doing what you showed me, and the next ACT my English jumped to a 33 and my ACT composite to 32 Thank you, thank you, thank you.” “When I took the PSAT this year, for the first time I finished each section on-time and didn’t want to throw up half-way through the exam. Felt great. Score was great too.” “Thank you so much for the four books/guides you sent us. We are going through the one about getting a good start as a family. College has changed greatly since my wife and I went. This has helped us understand the changes and get better prepared for what is to come for our student. Your Negotiating with Colleges will be particularly helpful and we see how we can better afford college by negotiating for a fraction of the posted costs both in-state and out-ofstate.” As we move into December, all of the SAT and ACT Exams have been completed for fall. Seniors


are finalizing applications and wondering what happens next. Juniors are breathing a little sigh of relief since the PSAT is done and soon the semester will be over. Sophomores look ahead and wonder how they will do when their turn comes. The spring SAT and ACT Exams are scheduled as follows: ACT on Feb 6, Apr 17, and June 12. SAT on Mar 13, May 8, and June 5. The early focus is preparing for the ACT on Feb 6, either with a once a week class schedule starting in December, or twice a week starting in early January. Some students like to get a head start with a class or two during the holidays, often starting after Christmas. SAT prep usually starts in January with once a week classes, and February with twice a week. The combination class involves both months to be ready for the Feb ACT and Mar ACT. For seniors, many schools such as FSU, USF, and UCF use “rolling admissions”, meaning you can apply and send your applications in the spring for consideration for the next fall freshman class. This is also true for many schools outside of Florida. Also, you have until the last SAT or ACT Exam in the spring to hit the qualification scores for 75% or 100% Bright Futures. For juniors, many want to get a “head start” preparing for the exams. Often, their scores are in the range needed for their “dream schools”, so that pressure is off their senior year. For sophomores, they will be rising juniors and taking the PSAT the middle

Wednesday of October when back in school. This is the only qualifying exam for National Merit Scholars and the corresponding scholarships, which usually bring additional academic scholarships because schools love to have this level of student who will perform well, and also enhance the school’s reputation. If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-253-0639 or send me an e mail at wwa0811@ mykolab.com. Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve 200 – 350 points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to 8 of the top 10 universities in the country, 18 of the top 25, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford,

U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. This year, he also tutored three juniors who scored at the national merit finalist/semi-finalist levels on the most recent PSAT. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

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Decorating Den Design Tip of the Month!

As surreal as it may seem, the holiday season is right around the corner! Before the crazy rush of family dinners, guests and gifts begins, it’s important to take the time to make some practical and fun changes around your home to usher in the new holiday feel.

Here are some easy tips and tricks for preparing your home for the upcoming family festivities. • Focus on the spaces that count the most. This includes the living room, kitchen and dining room. While this isn’t to say your other spaces can’t be spruced up and decorated, these main spaces are likely where most of the hosting and holiday activities will take place.


• The holiday season is usually further split into two distinct periods: Autumn and Winter. For many, the decorations from fall to the chillier season can be a dramatic change, but decorating your home can be easier if you choose a

transitional color palette from the start. Red, gold and silver are all great colors that can be incorporated at the beginning of the season and last until Spring. • Ask your children to gather toys and clothes to

donate so they can enjoy the new ones. Similarly, clean out any nooks and crannies preemptively so you have space for a tree, extra seating or whatever you may need some extra room for during the holidays.

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Tech Talk with Bob: Shop Safely Online

By Bob Dalles

As the holidays quickly approach I find myself scrambling to get all my shopping done in time. Due to the COVID craziness I find that I am doing more of my holiday shopping online this year; and you may too. As holiday euphoria sets in we want to be sure that we do not drop our guard when shopping online. Here are a handful of tips to help improve your posture when it comes to shopping online safely. First and foremost, do not use your computer for any financial transactions if you are not certain that your computer

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itself is functioning 100% free of any viruses, spyware, keyloggers, Trojans or any other questionable software. If you question the integrity of your computer’s safety you need to have it checked out by a certified professional. My analysts and technicians can comb through your system to make sure it is squeaky clean and ready for safe online shopping. Second, make sure your computer is using robust antimalware software solutions to protect you. Be sure to keep that software up-to-date too. Third, be certain your computer’s operating system is up-to-date with all its

latest tweaks and security patches. Security breaches discovered in your computer’s operating system can leave you extremely vulnerable to

attackers. Fourth, not only does your computer need to be safe, but the network it is connected to must also be safe. Only

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shop online when you are connected to a trusted network. That means use your private home network not some public wi-fi hotspot at a park, restaurant, hotel, etc. Any information that you type into any website can be seen and even collected by the owner of the hotspot; or a malicious attacker who has hacked and taken control of the hotspot. Online shopping from your private home network is typically safer than using a public hotspot. Fifth, use credit cards instead of debit cards when shopping online. Banks these days are pretty good about protecting their card users against fraud. However, if you do have an issue with a transaction, you’ll have less of a headache if you used your credit card instead of your debit card. Sixth, vet your vendors. Don’t just buy from any website. It doesn’t take much to set up a website these days so

you will find some really sketchy websites trying to sell you stuff. Be discriminating when it comes to websites you choose to enter your credit card number into. If your gut doesn’t feel right as you start to enter your card number, stop. Only buy from online vendors you are absolutely comfortable with. We have the ability to provide support without needing to send an IT Specialist out to your home or office. We can safely remote access your computer to perform most repairs. We can also remotely perform complete scans for viruses and other malware issues. So if you think you have malware, we can scan for it remotely from our location to yours. So, during this pandemic, we can still provide technical support to you safely via your phone and internet connection. Cyber criminals will exploit the easy victims and unprotected systems. Protecting yourself online is your

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responsibility, but you do not have to do it all yourself. We’re here to help. If you are not sure your system is safe, please have it looked over by a Professionally Certified IT Specialist. Call us now at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades. We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World! A Big Thank You to all of my Clients and Readers. Your loyalty and continued support throughout the years is greatly appreciated. Please be sure to take the time to be grateful for what you have and cherish your time with family and friends. My wonderfully supportive family and incredible staff wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays and a Healthy, Safe, and Secure New Year!

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For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

DECEMBER 2020 13

“NRC”- continued from page 1 core. When life hands them lemons, with their indomitable spirits, they turn them into lemonade! They persevere, despite the current circumstances. NRC patient and golf’s long drive champion, Ryan Winther, is a great example of “making things happen” when hit with adversity. In his first tournament on his comeback earlier this year, he won every round and beat two former world champions. Things were going great in his preparation for the 2020 world championships! Then Covid hit and canceled the tournament season. Living in restrictive California, gyms closed and driving ranges shut down, making it difficult for Ryan to practice and work out. This didn’t phase him. He went “old school” and trained at home with push-ups and a set of old dumbbells. While not competing, he finally had time to write his book on the long drive’s secrets. Look for it published soon. He is now working with innovators to design training aids specifically designed for driving a golf ball as far as possible! Enjoying a healthy life and taking on challenges and goals to make us better people is NRC’s primary focus. Still, the intent of this article is for everyone to take advantage of “getting

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Long drive world record holder, Ryan Winther. it done in ‘21,” whether or not you are an NRC patient. As much as this is an advertisement for National Rejuvenation Centers, we hope this encourages everyone to get in shape, switch jobs, start a business, spend more time with the kids, doing whatever would change your life for the better! Some of us can’t do this alone, and that is where NRC can help. Decreased hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, thyroid, and others may cause many people over 40 to

get sluggish, put on the pounds, lose libido, and get depressed. Hormone optimization at NRC can reverse, making you look and feel better and, most importantly, be healthier! Increased energy and vitality give you the spark to do those important things you have been putting off and need to do! Mike, 49, started on Dr. Kerr’s program several years ago. As Mike noted, “When your hormones and metabolism are optimized, you have more energy, more strength, and

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more motivation. I’m not exaggerating when I say I feel like I’m in my 20s again, and my lab results reflect this.” Seeing the positive effects of the program firsthand, his wife started with NRC shortly after he did. “When COVID forced gyms to close, we knew we had to adapt. Our goals hadn’t changed, just the route. In the beginning, I was doing squats in my yard with paver stones. We soon

added some resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, and a bench. Today, our home setup includes a Murphy rack, leg press, and treadmill. We miss the gym environment and plan to return, but it’s nice to know we can stay the course at home.” “Following Dr. Kerr’s program of metabolic optimization, diet, and exercise, we’re able to able to put in more effort and recover more quickly. We both look and feel many years younger than we are. My only regret is that I didn’t see Dr. Kerr sooner.” Mike and his wife are “getting it done!” They are great examples of

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NRC patients adapting to an unforeseen situation, taking control, and making the best of it. If you are over 40 and don’t have the drive or energy that you used to have, your libido is low, or you’re putting on weight, give NRC a call today, or download the NRC app from the i-store or google play ap for informative videos, lab links, etc.! We want you to have the “spark” to “get it done in ‘21.” Forget the rest and be your best with Dr. Kerr and National Rejuvenation Centers located at 34254 US Hwy 19N, Palm Harbor, FL 34684. (727) 785-5652. www.nrcenters.com

DECEMBER 2020 15

Budget Blinds of Central Tampa is Giving Back! Budget Blinds of Central Tampa, Tarpon Springs and Dunedin has been giving back to the Tampa Bay area since the beginning of 2020. The Humane Society of Tampa Bay received a check in the amount of $12,600 on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 1 PM. The presentation took place in the adoption area at 3607 N. Armenia Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607. The giving back idea actually began during the start of Covid 19. Rob Emmerson, owner, along with his business partner and wife, Annemarie were blessed to be able to keep the business going and while many businesses were struggling, the Budget Blinds of Central Tampa, Tarpon Springs and Dunedin business was doing better than before the

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pandemic. Emmerson says, “People were staying at home more and realizing that they needed to do something to enhance, improve or change out their window treatments. Rob and Annemarie elected to give to a different nonprofit in the Tampa Bay area quarterly. They decided

to donate $50 from every window treatment order. This quarter Budget Blinds of Central Tampa, Tarpon Springs and Dunedin has selected the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. “We chose the Humane Society of Tampa Bay as Annemarie and myself have fostered pets and hope others will also adopt a pet from the

Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Pets bring a special element of enjoyment to any family.” stated Emmerson. Media and inquires can contact Jan Porter at Creative Ideas Agency. Cell 813.695.9495 and office 813.907.1600

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For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

DECEMBER 2020 17

Grout Tech - Your Tile and Grout Specialist! Before you spend thousands of dollars remodeling and re-tiling your bathroom or kitchen be sure to call Grout Tech for a FREE estimate on cleaning or repairing old dingy tile and grout. Grout Tech can breathe new life into your existing tile work, making everything shine like new at a fraction of the cost. Grout Tech is a family owned business serving Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco Counties. With over 17 years of experience in the industry, Grout Tech specializes in cleaning and sealing tile and grout, recoloring grout, re-caulking showers and tubs, and repairing grout and broken tiles. Grout Tech will renew existing grout and tile to its original beauty by cleaning and maintaining the tile and grout lines. Jeremy G. and his wife were ready to re-tile their entire bathroom before calling BJ at Grout Tech. “Our bathroom tile was over 40 years old it was looking grungy and very dull. We called Grout Tech and we are extremely pleased with our results! We saved so much money by having the grout in our shower resurfaced and the tile cleaned and it looks brand new.” BJ is happy to set your appointment, come out and give you a free estimate. She stresses, “It is important for me to be respectful of our customers’ time so I will always arrive at the time we set.” In addition

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to always arriving in a timely manner, BJ says that they can keep their prices low because they are a family owned business and not a franchise. She explains, “What many people don’t understand is that franchises are often forced to charge more for their services because they have to maintain their franchise fees, but not with Grout Tech.” Not only does Grout Tech keep its rates competitive, but the company will also honor any other quote as long as it is in writing.

to remove stains is seemingly impossible. BJ explains, “Color sealing grout lines is one of the many services we offer and it is definitely the most effective way to create a perfect, new look.” Using a step-by-step process, Grout Tech begins by using a cleansing product to remove all bacteria and surface dirt with special machinery. They will then apply a color seal (of your choice). Once the sealer is applied the grout lines will be permanently protected from any stains.

Because grout is a porous material, trying

For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

Before The color seal also guarantees against cracking, chipping and peeling. Additionally, they will also cosmetically fix or replace chipped or cracked tiles, making your bathroom or kitchen tile like new again. Kathy G., a satisfied customer, shares her experience, “When BJ came out to give us a quote, she looked at the job and I could tell immediately that she knew what she was talking about. We had our family room, kitchen and dining room re-

grouted. They also re-grouted the tub, shower and base of our toilet in our bathroom. They were fantastic! Not only were they professional and reliable but they also completed the job much faster than we had anticipated.” Excellent Service Leads to Referrals Throughout the years, Grout Tech has grown through its many referrals from happy customers. People really appreciate that Grout Tech saves them time and money, but it is the excellent

After service provided that has really helped this business grow. Grout Tech’s success stories say that before calling Grout Tech, their bathrooms, guest bathroom showers and floor grout, had deteriorated over time and the tiles were dull and stained. “The tile was in good condition but it was stained so we had Grout Tech come out and clean them and they turned out very well.” They were so pleased that they have already referred Grout Tech to neighbors in their community.

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Grout Tech can also remove and re-caulk around sinks, baseboards, tubs and showers serving to clean up old moldy areas and keep your dry wall free from water damage. From old to new in just one day! To find out more about Grout Tech’s services or for a free estimate call BJ at 727768-6828.

DECEMBER 2020 19

Meet Dr. Johnson, Your Neighborhood Podiatrist By Deborah Bostock-Kelley In the heart of Westchase in Westchase Commons is Tidewater Foot and Ankle Associates, where in a predominantly maledominated field, the caring doctor is a woman with firsthand experience understanding the importance of finding a good podiatrist. As a sportswoman her entire life, Dr. Megan Johnson sustained numerous ankle injuries in her youth treated by a local foot and ankle specialist. When she went through rehabilitation, she knew that she’d found her calling to help others. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree from Towson University, Dr. Johnson received a medical degree from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and

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Science in North Chicago, IL. She completed a 3-year Foot and Ankle surgical residency in Washington, DC. with specialized training in limb salvage at Georgetown University Hospital. On staff at Mease Countryside Hospital and Countryside Surgery Center, Dr. Johnson has practiced in the Tampa Bay area for six years. She opened Tidewater Foot and Ankle in November 2018 which serves the Westchase, Oldsmar and Palm Harbor communities. During the pandemic, the practice follows all CDC recommended safety guidelines to ensure patients’ and staff’s safety and well-being. Temperature and Covid screenings are conducted daily on patients and employees. Masks are

required inside of the office. The staff regularly sanitizes high touch surfaces multiple times throughout the day, and patients are scheduled so that

typically one patient at a time is in the waiting room. For established patients with compromised immune systems or those still hesitant

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to venture outside of their homes, the doctor offers virtual televisits. All that is required is an internet connection, a cell phone with video chat, or a computer with a webcam and sound. For convenience, Tidewater Foot and Ankle accepts same-day appointments. Dr. Johnson treats all conditions of the foot and ankle, including conservative and surgical care of tendon and bone injuries, fractures, sprains, Achilles tendon tears, arthritis, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, nerve pain, wounds, ingrown toenails, skin conditions such as plantar warts and fungal toenails, and elective procedures like bunion correction, hammertoe correction, and removal of neuromas (painful, enlarged nerves in the foot). Other common conditions diagnosed and

treated by Dr. Johnson include infections related to diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, and neuropathy. She is proud to distinguish herself from others in the field by offering her patients the latest state-of-the-art in-office technology like EPAT shockwave therapy and laser therapy. Using acoustic waves, EPAT (Extracorporeal Pulse Activated Technology) helps restore the body’s normal healing processes and tissue regeneration. “I offer alternative treatment options that patients may not have had available to them before. I use EPAT for tendon problems, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and neuromas. EPAT provides excellent results with no downtime,” she said. “I also perform laser treatment for fungal toenails and the treatment of chronic pain. Patients are pleased with the

results when, after months of self-care or other treatments fail.” Dr. Johnson stresses that education and the time she gives to each of her patients are among the many reasons for her many positive reviews. “It is imperative to explain to the patient what exactly is going on with the foot and ankle both anatomically and mechanically, how we are going to make it better, and how we are going to prevent the problem from coming back in the future. I think that patients really do appreciate the time I spend with them to help them fully understand the problem.” Dr. Johnson admits that her true passion is sports medicine. Having completed many half-marathons, she stresses that foot or ankle pain is not normal and should always be evaluated. She strives to provide complete

For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

expert care of the foot, ankle, and lower leg for patients of all ages and activity level. “Westchase and Tampa Bay is such an active community, and I intend to keep it that way,” she said. “We’re local. We’re in your neighborhood. We’re proud to be your neighborhood podiatrist.” Tidewater Foot and Ankle Associates is currently accepting new patients. The practice is located in Westchase Commons at 13019 W. Linebaugh Avenue, Suite 101, Tampa, FL 33626. Hours of Operation are Monday through Wednesday 9 am – 5 pm and Friday 9 am – 3 pm, Thursday by appointment only, closed weekends. For more information on Dr. Johnson and Tidewater Foot and Ankle Associates, visit https://www.tidewaterfoot. com or Facebook.

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DECEMBER 2020 23


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