New Tampa- June, Vol. 4, Issue 6 Tampa Bay News & lifestyles

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4 JUNE 2018

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NEW TAMPA TAMPA BAY NEWS & LIFESTYLES Publisher / Assistant Editor Matt Selby Email:

Creative Director

Happy Father’s Day

Carla Dubis Email:

I want to take this opportunity to wish all fathers, stepdads and paternal figures out there, a very Happy Father’s Day, filled with joy, laughter and love.

Editor Carla Dubis

General Manager Jim O'Reilly

Graphic Design Tony Sica

Advertising Sales Matt Selby Jim O'Reilly Julie Rinaldi Mike Bird

Billing Managers Doreen Selby Tina O'Reilly

Photography by Eric Bunch - NTP2 Photography Mike Bird

Office Mascots Marley, Ziggy, Zeus, Mr.Penelope (c) 2017 Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles. All Rights Reserved. New Tampa Lifestyles is published monthly and distributed by the U.S. Postal Service to over 22,000 Homes in New Tampa. Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles is not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Nothing that appears in this publication may be reproduced in any way without consent of the publisher.

Father’s Day is a celebration that takes places almost all over the world. This day is meant to honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Here in the U.S. we celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, falling this upcoming June 17, 2018. Did you know? Father’s Day was not celebrated in the U.S., outside Catholic traditions, until the 20th century. As a civic celebration in the U.S., it was inaugurated in the early 20th century to complement Mother’s Day by celebrating fathers and male parenting. On June 19, 1910 a Father’s Day celebration was held at the YMCA in Spokane, Washington by Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a civil war veteran, William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised 6 children alone. Sonora was a member of Old Centenary Presbyterian Church (now Knox Presbyterian Church), where she first proposed the idea. After hearing a sermon about Mother’s DAy in 1909 at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Sonora told her pastor that fathers should have a similar holiday to honor them. Although she initially suggested June 5th, her father’s birthday, the pastors did not have enough time to prepare their sermons and coordinate the celebration so they said “let’s do it the third Sunday in June,” pretty interesting, right? Several local clergymen accepted the idea, and on June 19, 1910,

the first Father’s Day, sermons honoring fathers were presented throughout the city. Americans resisted the holiday for decades, viewing it as nothing more than another attempt by big corporations and merchants to commercialize every single event and copy the success of Mother’s Day, and newspapers frequently featured very cynical and sarcastic attacks and jokes, mocking father’s who did “a woman’s job.” Much has changed since then. Today, many fathers raise children alone, and they do a fantastic job at it. Dad’s all over the world are changing diapers, feeding crying babies at 3am and taking their kids to ballet or baseball practice. Their involvement has been crucial in today’s society, where working mother’s need all the help they can get. The Book of Proverbs says that parents are the glory of their children. A father is his son’s first hero, and his daughter’s first love. Dad is a provider, protector and fearless roach killer. He will screw, hammer and build things and tuck you in so tightly you won’t be able to move. He is the one with the bad “dad jokes,” you can never get enough of, and the one you run to when mom says “no.” For this Father’s Day make sure you make your dad feel extra special for all that he does. Instead of giving him another pair of socks or a colorful tie he may or may not end up wearing, make sure you hug and kiss him and tell him you love him. Offer to do those simple things he normally does, to ease the burden or those menial jobs we always expect him to do,

like mow the lawn and take out the trash. Instead of taking him out for dinner, try cooking his favorite meal, he would appreciate the effort much more. But if you do end up taking him out, make sure to pay for his share even if he refuses. I lost my father last year, and I will never stop celebrating him and being thankful for the man the he was and everything he did to provide for me, my sister and my mother. My father was selfless, honest, caring and hardworking. He was the life of the party, the one with the silly jokes and someone who everyone enjoyed having around. I miss him every day, but I thank God to have had such an incredible man in my life. Last but not least, I want to wish a very “Happy Father’s Day” to Tim Selby, my father-in-law. Tim reminds me so much of my dad, it’s actually scary. Tim is incredibly selfless and giving, he is so much fun and a great dancer! Tim goes above and beyond for everyone he knows, and he works extremely hard to provide for his family, and he does it all with a big smile on his face. He took me in and made me feel like a member of the family from the day one. And even though I lost my dad, God granted me another father in Tim, and I couldn’t be happier. I hope you all have a great day with your dads, stepdads, paternal figures and grandparents. Whatever you end up doing this Father’s Day, promise me you will remind those special men in your life how much they mean to you. Just don’t ever stop making your “dad” feel special for all that he does. Carla Selby.

Have Challenges Working from Home in the Summer? You’ve experienced months of getting your flow going in your home office – your work sanctuary. You reach nirvana in your PJs with your coffee pot at your elbow, and go about your work day as a solopreneur or virtual employee. You CRUSH your output goals! Queue the “School’s Out” music. Suddenly your work bliss is shattered, and you’re interrupted with sibling arguments, a thousand questions, and your work sanctuary is no longer yours. Why? Your kids are home for the summer. They infiltrate every inch of your home. And you know what? You’re not alone!

6 JUNE 2018

Approximately 25% of the working population can work from home at least part of the week, and that number is expected to increase to 40% by 2020. School not being in session in the summer is just one of the reasons for the rise in co-working as a work space solution. More and more people are using coworking spaces to solve their pet challenges (barking at everything that infiltrates their yard), loneliness and lack of professional places to meet their clients. They’ve found their focus and productivity increases when they’re in an atmosphere with other like-minded people

without the water cooler drama of a traditional work space. Are you interested in trying co-working? Check out SOAR Co-Working for a day to see what value it adds to your work life. You can find more information on coworking desks, private offices and meeting rooms at www. Stop in for a tour at 17401 Commerce Park Blvd., Suite 103, Tampa, FL 33647 (directly across the street from Freedom High School).

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8 JUNE 2018

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“Christina was amazing and set up our trip to Hawaii. I wasn’t even thinking of going, but when I saw the deal she posted in her Facebook travel page (Christina’s Travel Deals and Promos) and the savings... I was hook, line and sinker and off to the Islands we went. It was absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to book my next trip with Christina.” L. Michelle Pentifallo First in Real Estate Services, Inc. Owner/Broker For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit

JUNE 2018 9

Happy Birthday United States... and pass me another hot dog! By Tom Bostock

It’s seven o: clock! You can’t wait for the day to start. It’s the 4th of July and you and your family are going to the park to see the fireworks. You make enough noise to “accidently” wake up your parents and your older brother. After inhaling your breakfast cereal and watching your parents pack the picnic lunch, you pile into the SUV and drive to the park. Your reserved picnic pavilion is waiting for you.

Dad puts the charcoal in the grille and fires it up. Your stomach rumbles just thinking about those juicy hot dogs, steaks and hamburgers to come. You play some catch with your brother, get bored and walk back to the picnic. You know the fireworks will be neat but, suddenly, you find yourself wondering why you celebrate the 4th of July in the first place and how did the Fourth of July holiday

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came about. Well, many people believe we celebrate the Fourth of July because it is the day we received our Independence from England. While those people are thinking along the right track, that is not the entire reason we celebrate the Fourth of July, nor is it the reason that the holiday came about. According to, Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence June 1776. Even though the Continental Congress we elected, declared our independence from England on July 2nd, not July 4th, we continue to celebrate our independence on July 4th every year. During the course of the American Revolution a second Continental Congress was formed. It is this group that adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. After the first draft was written it was revised by Ben Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

one last time, before it was sent to Congress for final approval. All thirteen colonies stood behind the Declaration of Independence and adopted it in full on July 4, 1776. That is also the date that appears on the handwritten copy of the Declaration, as well as the copies, printed by Dunlap and Broadsides, that were circulated throughout the

United States, (constitutionalfacts. com). This is where the Fourth of July holiday comes in. The Fourth of July is known as “Independence Day” because that is the day that the Second Continental Congress adopted the full and formal Declaration of Independence. Regardless of the ongoing war the following year, people in

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Philadelphia celebrated a muted Fourth of July. While celebrations on July 4th during the American Revolution were modest, after the war ended in 1783 the Fourth of July became a big holiday in many places. The celebrations included speeches, military events, parades, concerts, festivals, and fireworks. To this day the Fourth of July is the most patriotic holiday celebrated in the United States. Whether you decide to throw a BBQ in your local community park and stick around to watch the fireworks with your loved ones, or you plan on attending one of the multiple celebrations happening all over Tampa Bay, you may wonder… how do politicians celebrate the 4th of July? Well, Congress won’t be in session, so our best guess is that all the congressmen will be at home with their own families, sharing their holiday celebrations. How about the President of the United States? 4th of July celebrations can be hard for our

presidents. Newsweek writer, Julia Glum, had the answers about what some of our presidents did or are going to do on the 4th. In short, “President Trump will be in New Jersey. Obama held concerts and Thomas Jefferson died.” I will take two out of three of those celebrations! According to India Times reporter, Chidanand Rajghatta, on demand and at the orders of President Trump, we will also have a new parade in Washington when “the US military will march down Pennsylvania Avenue in a parade expected to surpass France’s famed Bastille Day.” President Trump is said to have been impressed by the French parade that he attended in July 2017, so he has ordered the Pentagon to roll out a huge parade this upcoming fourth of July to try and top the French celebrations. There have been a lot of speculations all over social media that the Mayor of Washington DC could deny the Pentagon a parade permit.

We will have to wait and see how our President decides to celebrate this special holiday. But one thing you can count on, no matter in which city or state you are in, and that is… fireworks, lots and lots of fireworks! A Boston Globe reporter, Evan Horowitz wrote, “if you gathered all the fireworks that Americans will set off this week” (4th of July), “they would weigh more than the Statue of Liberty, cost more than a Powerball jackpot and release more energy than 100,000 bolts of lightning.” Wow! Can you believe that? That would certainly give my next-door neighbors something ELSE to complain about! Channelside is one of the best places to watch fireworks in Tampa, with both their Red, White and Blue Festival from Cotanchobee Park, and major displays at Bay Plaza. Safety Harbor will also be sponsoring their yearly fireworks extravaganza. If you are in Pinellas, don’t miss the fun in the St. Petersburg area. Four of the many

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attractions will include Gulfport’s July 4th Party, St. Pete’s Spa Beach show, Largo’s celebration and Clearwater Celebrates America. Not to be outdone, Pasco county will be hosting their celebration from Waterfront Park and these are just a few of the many celebration sites. reports that “There are plenty of options, including massive shows in Tampa, St. Pete and New Port Richey as well as smaller shows across Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Sarasota counties. Lots of fireworks for everyone! Check the Internet to see what events will be taking place in your neighborhood. As we watch the bombs bursting in air this 4th of July, stop for a moment and remember our brave fighting men and women, around the world, who are still protecting our freedom today. Then relax, enjoy… and pass me another hotdog!

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12 JUNE 2018

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JUNE 2018 13

Stem Cell Therapy Q & A with Johanna deVryer, MD We are an Integrative Wellness clinic that specializes in improving overall health, restoring vitality to our patients lives through bio-identical hormone optimization, weight loss, sexual rejuvenation, and noninvasive aesthetics. We have recently begun to utilize stem cell therapy in a regenerative process to maximize our patients results both aesthetically and physically. As we age our body’s ability to regenerate decreases rapidly, thus resulting in

14 JUNE 2018

designed to introduce a proliferation of healing properties to the site of What is a stem damaged tissue, helping cell? A stem cell is an to speed the body’s undifferentiated cell that has the ability to turn into natural healing process. These MSCs are found any type of cell our body in the Wharton’s Jelly of needs - it can become the umbilical cord and At Tampa Rejuvenation lung tissue, connective we utilize stem cell tissue like what is found in are undifferentiated cells the joints, and even heart that have the capacity therapy in a variety of to change into any tissue. modalities, designed specific cell type in the to improve and restore What kind of stem body. These cells, once our appearance such deployed to an area, can cell do you use? At as skin and hair, sexual readily change into the Tampa Rejuvenation health for both men cell type that is needed to our practitioners use and women as well as IV repair. mesenchymal stem cells, Therapy that may help or MSCs, which are with auto immune and the aging process and progression of diseases. So, if our bodies are no longer able to regenerate cells faster than our bodies are breaking them down, what do we do?


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What areas do you use stem cell for? We utilize stem cell therapy for aesthetic procedures such as hair restoration, to halt and reverse the progression of hair loss and restore the function of dormant hair follicles, and skin rejuvenation to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring skins textures and luminosity. Sexual performance, in conjunction with the O-Rejuv and P-Rejuv, to maximize sexual performance, rejuvenating the area, and improving sensation and strength of orgasm. Stem cell can also be performed intravenously to work more internally as they seek areas of inflammation or compromised performance as MSCs are directed to the body’s cell signals that recruit them to the site of an injury. Once they reach this area, they dock and may begin repairing by releasing

cytokines, growth factors and other components that are needed in the healing process. Why would someone want to receive IV stem cell? Due to their regenerative nature, stem cells may be able to find areas of damage or compromised performance within the body and aide in restoring these areas. These stage 0 stem cells are actually able to go into the body and “remind� the pre-existing older cells to perform younger again. Simply put the highly efficient stem cells may remind your older cells to replicate at a faster pace - restoring their ability to regenerate thus slowing or reversing your aging process How long do they last? Actual duration of improvement will vary from individual as all patients age differently. After treatment patients

may continue to see improvement for up to 6 months due to the strength of their regenerative properties, for some the results may last for years. Who can benefit from these therapies? Anyone looking to improve their skin quality, reverse hair loss, enhance sexual performance, and improve their overall health would benefit from stem cell therapy. Is this therapy safe? Prior to a scheduled cesarean section, consenting mothers are screened and evaluated. Within thirty days of scheduled delivery the mother is serologically tested per the standards of the FDA and the American Association of Tissue Banks, to rule out any transmissible diseases or other contradictions. Once these reports are reviewed by the Medical Director or

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designee further filtration processes occur and the final product is analyzed for its growth factor and cytokine content. Products obtained are immunologically privileged, meaning the body will not reject, and adverse reaction is extremely rare. Tampa Rejuvenation has 5 locations in Tampa Bay: North Tampa at 3246 Cove Bend Dr, (813) 558-9500; South Tampa at 2007 West Swann Ave, (813) 254-6141; Brandon at 1155 Nikki View Drive, (813) 681-8624; Westchase at 13015 West Linebaugh Ave, #101, (813) 749-7550; and Lakewood Ranch at 8916 77th Terrace East, Unit 105, (941) 999-2580. Please log on to TampaRejuvenation. com for the hours of each location, full bios of the staff, a full list of services, and testimonials.

JUNE 2018 15

GET MORE HOT WATER, COOL YOUR GARAGE AND SAVE MONEY! What if I told you that you could have a brand new water heater, add a cooling source to your garage, reduce your energy bill significantly AND receive a government rebate all for as little as $50mo with no money out of pocket? It may sound too good to be true but, we at Tampa Bay Plumbers, are here to tell you it is not! As a trusted plumbing contractor with over 100 years of combined field experience, we have replaced thousands of water heaters, from gas to electric and even solar. There is one consensus among our plumbers as to what type of water heater they would put in their own home, and that is the Hybrid-Type water heater. This ultra energy efficient water heater is the wave of the future! Given its ability to produce hot water and at the same time cooling down your garage, all while saving you money! The Hybrid Water Heater uses an electric heat pump that transfers the room temperature to heat the tank maintaining the water temperature, which prevents the water heater from using valuable electrical energy to keep the water warm. Another great feature

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to this type of unit is that while it is pulling heat from the room, a refrigerant inside the unit pushes out cold air to the surrounding area. So not only are you going to save money on your energy bill, you are also going to be able to provide cool air in your garage on those hot summer days! Hybrid water heaters are 3.5 times more efficient than the standard electric water heater and will produce approximately 15% more hot water in the first hour of use. According to Energy Star, residents in the Tampa area are eligible for a rebate of $275-$400 when a Hybrid Water Heater is installed in a home. So let’s do the math, the average installed price of a hybrid water heater is $2,500. Assuming you get a rebate of $400 that brings your investment amount to $2,100. It is estimated that you will save over $4,000 over the life of the water heater in energy costs. Assuming you only save $33.33 per month on your energy bill with this installation the investment will have paid for itself in a little over 5 years. This means that you could be getting more hot water, saving on your energy

bill, adding a cooling source to your garage, have your investment pay for itself in 5 years all with a 10 year manufacturer warranty!

price which would mean no money out of pocket and an option that would put your monthly payment LESS than the projected energy savings!

We have multiple financing options ranging from 18 months no interest, to minimum monthly payments of 1.25% of the purchase

Contact us 813-PLUMBER (7586237) or online at for your FREE Hybrid Water Heater Estimate.

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JUNE 2018 17

Garage Guru

What’s going on with my car?

Brought to you by Christian Brothers Automotive, New Tampa and Wesley Chapel

Hard Rains, Deep Puddles: Not your car’s Best Friends! Dear Garage Guru, “My son has a wonderful Honda Civic that has taken him to and from USF for the past three years without trouble. It was raining hard on his way home recently and his car stopped suddenly in the middle of a puddle. When he turned the key to start it again nothing happened. AAA towed it home and his Uncle tells us it might be the high door locked? What does that mean and is this bad?” Hello Honda Mom, Let me guess, you were talking to his Uncle on a cell phone and the service wasn’t good? I’ll bet his Uncle was trying to say “hydrolocked”, not high door locked. They sound close enough. It’s an honest mistake. Hydrolocked means an engine cylinder has filled with water and won’t allow the engine to spin over. This is a big problem here in Florida on rainy days with deep puddles and one to be so careful about. When you see a puddle and don’t know how deep it might be, don’t risk it! Find another way rather than trying to drive through it. Even driving very slowly through a puddle is a BIG RISK! Water may be drawn in through the engine’s air intake and inhaled into a cylinder deep inside the engine. Water will not compress. When the engine is running and water is inhaled, the piston will slam into the water and instantly stop the engine. Often you’ll hear an unnerving loud “clank”, like something metal was dropped on a concrete floor. This is not a good sound. DON’T TRY TO START THE ENGINE AGAIN! I know you will be in a puddle. Water could be above the bottom of the door and start leaking in. And, your instinct will tell you to try to start the car and drive home slowly. Please, Please, Please don’t do it. It could be your lucky day and possibly nothing too bad has happened yet. Trying to start the engine raises the odds that something really bad could happen inside your engine.

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Accept what Mother Nature has handed you and wade through the knee deep water, ruin those new shoes, let your carpet get soaked, but all that’s cheaper than what we in the business call catastrophic engine damage. And, when the tow truck arrives, don’t allow the driver to try and start your car. Your mechanic can remove your spark plugs, turn the engine over by hand, and see if water pumps out of the spark plug holes. Once the water is out, the mechanic might try to start your car. This is the time to cross all of your fingers and hope that the good kharma you have been giving out will come back to you. If the engine starts and there are no really bad noises, it’s a good day to buy a lottery ticket because you’ve got a lot of luck on your side. If the engine turns over without noises but still won’t start, there is still hope. Water may have shorted something electrical. Now your mechanic starts the long and tedious job of tracking down electrical problems. But, you’re not out of the woods until the engine runs with no bad noises. If everything seems good, you should still at least change your oil and air filter and thank your lucky stars. Now, worst case is if the piston inside the engine slammmed into the water. It could have bent or even brocken an important part called a connecting rod. If a connecting rod breaks, it has a nasty habit of punching holes in the side of the engine block. In either case, it most often means it will be more cost effective to replace the engine than try to repair it. One silver lining around an otherwise dark rain cloud is that your insurance may cover this kind repair. If so, whoooooo……….. or even woo hoo!

We are eager to hear about your car concerns. Is your car acting up or have you wondered about how some part of your car works? Drop us a note at:, and we will offer our honest opinion. Christian Brothers Automotive, where we care for your family by caring for your family car.

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JUNE 2018 19

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