Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. New Tampa. Vol. 5. Issue 7, July 2019

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Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2019


Your community. Your magazine. ™


Radiant smiles are Dr. Jureyda’s specialty at Radiance Orthodontics Dr. Sam Jureyda’s face lights up with a big smile whenever he greets his patients. The orthodontist, whose job it is to straighten and align teeth and jaws in kids, teenagers, and adults, is usually greeted with a smile in return. His patients say his kindness, generosity, and commitment to excellence in their orthodontic care is why they are thrilled to place their trust in him and recommend his practice to others, too. Dr. J, as his patients call him,

has spent more than 24 years practicing orthodontics. Before moving into private practice in 2006 – and subsequently opening Radiance Orthodontics about three years ago – he taught graduate level students at the University of Buffalo. As a former educator, he believes his own practice is improved by education, as he strives to give his patients access to modern options that lead to the best possible outcomes. He See “Radiant” on page 8

Action Air Conditioning: “Keeping It Cool” for over 30 Years By J. Pancia

David Russell (left), President and Chris Russell (right), Vice President

Summer’s here in the Sunshine State, when we rely on our air conditioning almost as much as the air we breathe. Unfortunately, AC breakdowns happen all too often during the summer, at the worst possible time. During these desperate moments, it’s advisable not to call the first business name printed on a flier or advertised on TV. Some companies hire middle See “Action Air” on page 18

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor.........................5

Tech Talk With Bob...................6-7

Garage Guru..............................10

The Mak Brothers Band......12-13

Tampa Bay Author...............14-15

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July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, which was established in 2008 to start the process of improving access to mental health treatment and services, and to promote public awareness of mental illness. Why care? Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. And 2019 is no different, statistics show that 1 in 5 adults will experience mental illness this year. Mental health conditions do not discriminate based on race, color, gender or identity. Anyone can experience the challenges of mental illness regardless of their background. However, background and identity can make access to mental health treatment much more difficult. When trying to access treatment, many marginalized communities have to contend with such issues as:

• Barriers to access to treatment • Language barriers • Lack of cultural competence • Racism, bias and discrimination in treatment settings • Lower likelihood of health insurance or adequate coverage • The high level of health stigma in minority populations • Belief that treatment will not help their condition Many cultures sometimes view mental health treatment as a luxury, considering their symptoms as a “phase” that will eventually go away. As a Hispanic woman, I was one of those hoping this “phase” of my life would eventually go away on its own, but it didn’t.

After I unexpectedly lost my father two years ago, my mental and physical health started to suffer. I was diagnosed with lyme disease, and more recently, graves disease (an auto immune disease that attacks your thyroid and affects pretty much EVERYTHING in your body, from your mood to your joints and everything in between!). These auto immune diseases combined with the sadness I was experiencing made me feel really anxious and extremely depressed. And even though I would remind myself daily I was blessed and had everything I needed to be happy, I couldn’t shake the sadness or anxiety. My smile faded, tears were rolling down my face on a daily basis without any particular reason, I stopped doing things I used to enjoy and I started isolating myself more and more from my loved ones. Eventually my family and friends started to notice and they were there for me, and happy to help in any way possible. I was/am lucky to have such caring relatives and friends who encouraged me to seek help and talk to someone about my symptoms. It is hard opening up to all of you and admit my own struggles, but here I am... an open book. I am currently seeing a therapist, and even though I was extremely reluctant at first, I am very happy I did. Having the chance to talk to a mental health professional about what you’re going through helps enormously, and helps fight the stigma of mental illness. Overcoming the stigma of mental illness False beliefs about mental illness can cause significant problems. Stigma can lead to discrimination. Discrimination

may be obvious and direct, such as someone judging you and making negative remarks about your mental illness or your treatment. Sometimes it could also be unintentional or subtle, such as people avoiding you because they wrongfully assume you could be unstable, violent or dangerous due to your condition. Do not let stigma create self-doubt and shame. Sometimes those negative thoughts don’t just come from others. You may mistakenly believe your condition is a sign of personal weakness or that you should be able to control it without help. Seeking counseling, education yourself about your condition and connecting with people going through the same can help you gain self-esteem and overcome destructive self-judgment. I am here, sharing my story with you, in hopes that I can give you the encouragement needed to seek help if you believe to be battling a mental illness. Knowing you’re not alone is one of the most helpful and comforting feelings, that’s why I encourage YOU to share YOUR story. It can be incredibly reassuring to know in this moment right now, someone else is going through similar struggles as you are— regardless of where they are, who they are, or how they identify. We can all help ignite change against these disparities and fight stigma this Minority Mental Health Awareness month. It simply starts with learning more about mental health and informing our community. Be kind, ALWAYS. You never know what others may be going through.

Carla Selby.

Tech Talk with Bob - Avoid The Phish Bait! By Bob Dalles

More than 60-million people have been affected by identity theft. Every day over 150-million phishing emails are sent globally. About 80,000 people fall victim to these scams daily. More than 90-percent of cyber attacks begin with email phishing. Did you know that you have a 1 in 3 chance of being in a cyber attack? Phishing (pronounced “fishing”) is just one of the many ways cyber criminals can attack you. It is the most popular strategy used by criminals to trick you into voluntarily handing them your sensitive data

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and information. Phishing is a social engineering technique that relies on your familiarity and trust of a specific web site along with the cyber criminal’s hope you will quickly take action before thinking things through. Imagine this. You just woke up. You’re still tired and trying to get your day started. One of your morning rituals is to check email. You turn on your computer and while it is booting up you go pour yourself a cup of coffee. You plop down in front of your computer and look through your emails. While sipping your coffee you notice an email from your

bank. You open it and it reads something like this. “Due to numerous unsuccessful online login attempts, your bank

account has been frozen. To reinstate your account privileges, please click the “link” provided and enter your username and

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password. You will not be able to access your funds until you complete this process.” The criminal hopes you will panic and quickly click the link. The link loads what looks like the login page of your bank’s web site. The login page looks legit because the criminal made an exact duplicate of your bank’s login page. The criminal is hoping you will click the link and enter your username and password without thinking twice. Once you submit your information to the fake login page --- BAM!!! --- the criminal now has what they need to access your bank account. You just took the “phish bait.” An even scarier part about this is you may not even realize you have

turned over access to your bank account until days, weeks, or even months later. Most criminals will act immediately and empty your bank account. Some might just monitor your deposits and withdrawals for a while and then grab your money at a later time when they know your account is likely to have more money in it. Remember, once they get your username and password they can access and manipulate your account whenever they feel like it without you even knowing. So, what do you do if you get, what looks like, a legitimate email from your bank or other business you deal with online? Before clicking any link, call the bank or business and

ask them directly if they sent you the email. Best practices to minimize your risk at phishing attempts is to never click the link. If you need to go to your bank’s web site, type the web address into your web browser yourself. Never trust a link you receive in an email, especially if you are going to input any of your confidential information. Avoid becoming another cyber attack statistic. Don’t get hooked by the phish bait! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Never enter confidential information into any web site until you know the web site and your computer system is safe. If you are not sure your system is safe, please have it looked over by a Professionally

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Certified Computer Technician. If you need a certified professional, call us now at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades. Have a tech question? Email it to TechTalk-TBNL@ BobTheComputerGuy. NET. Questions will be selected by the popularity of a topic and answered in this column. If you have a more urgent need or have a unique situation you may schedule an appointment with one of my Professionally Certified Technicians by calling 727-534-4000. Until next time, stay safe on the internet!

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continued from page 1 knows each patient has a unique set of needs and treats each individual with a personalized and completely custom treatment plan. “Orthodontics is a dynamic specialty,” Dr. J says, “with new technologies and materials requiring a constant updating of clinical skills and practice protocols.” Dr. Jureyda offers a completely free, no obligation consultation to any patient who is interested in learning more about orthodontic treatment, whether or not you have been referred to an orthodontist. If you’re wondering if you or your children or teenagers might benefit from orthodontic treatment, consider these six reasons to schedule a consultation with Radiance Orthodontics.

6 reasons to make an appointment with Dr. J 1. Get a professional opinion from a trusted doctor with more than 24 years of orthodontics experience. With more dentists and even “do-it-yourself”

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companies offering orthodontics, take advantage of Dr. Jureyda’s expertise by getting an evaluation from a true specialist. You might need braces, or may choose treatment with Invisalign, which uses invisible, removable, comfortable aligners to straighten teeth. The method is constantly improving and is now so effective, it often works more quickly than traditional braces. If you’re not sure timing is right for orthodontic treatment because of an upcoming big event, such as a wedding or senior pictures, a free consultation is recommended. Dr. J can work with your individual situation to be sure you’re picture-perfect for your big day. 2. Appointments and payments are at your convenience. Radiance Orthodontics knows most patients have two main concerns: Will my appointments be convenient, and can I afford treatment? With evening and some Saturday appointments available, Radiance Orthodontics can accommodate patients who want appointments outside of work hours and kids and

teens who need to come in after school. While orthodontic treatment can be a significant expense, Radiance Orthodontics works with patients to determine orthodontic benefits through dental insurance and provide affordable payment options. 3. Rest assured you’ll be treated with respect and honesty. “My reputation relies solely on how I treat each and every patient,” says Dr. Jureyda. “I take that very seriously.” While Dr. Jureyda prefers

to take a proactive approach to treatment, rather than to wait until all teeth come in to deal with problems, it’s because early intervention is typically simpler and smaller than a full treatment later. Dr. J won’t recommend treatment that’s not necessary. “We believe in building partnerships with each patient – educating, supporting and encouraging them. You are important to us as a person,” Dr. J explains. “We look forward to your visits as time spent with a friend. We hope you will feel the same.”

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4. Support a local small business that supports the community. Radiance Orthodontics is a business partner or contributor at most of New Tampa’s public schools. As a business partner at two high schools, three middle schools, and seven elementary schools, he actively supports the PTAs and students in our community. In fact, if your elementary, middle or high school is having an event where business partners are welcome, you’re likely to see Dr. J and his team. “It is my honor and privilege to support the students and educators in New Tampa,” says Dr. J. “The children in our community are its future, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to be in partnership with the schools that are educating them.” 5. Be part of a growing practice. With a little more than three years in practice in New Tampa, Radiance Orthodontics continues to grow, thanks mostly to wordof-mouth recommendations from satisfied patients, plus the trust of local pediatric and general dentists who refer their patients to Dr.

Jureyda. To read reviews about the practice, Google “Radiance Orthodontics,” where you’ll see that every review is a five-star rating. In addition to more than 50 ratings on Google, the reviews for Radiance Orthodontics on Facebook, Yelp!, and Healthgrades are also exclusively five stars. 6. You’ve got nothing to lose! Consultations are completely free and noobligation. Whether it’s to fix a problem, obtain a second opinion or simply satisfy your curiosity, Radiance Orthodontics welcomes you to schedule a free consultation. For more information about Radiance Orthodontics, located at 17427 Bridge Hill Court, Suite A, in the Tampa Palms Professional Center, please visit www. MyRadianceBraces.com. You can also search for Radiance Orthodontics on Facebook or Instagram for photos, giveaways, reviews, and more. To schedule your free consultation, call Radiance Orthodontics at 813-9721100.

Here’s just one of the dozens of online reviews for Radiance Orthodontics, which has only 5-star reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp! and Healthgrades. Google Review from Jenny Castillo: ***** “Dr. Jureyda is amazing! Since day one he has made my daughter and I feel comfortable. Dr. J explains every step of the treatment plan and engages my child in her own care. All members of the staff are friendly, polite and sweet. When we are in the office we feel at home. They all remember us on a first name basis and accommodate our every need. Dr. J is generous, genuine, and offers quality care on a very reasonable budget. His office is clean and inviting. I have and will continue to recommend Dr. Jureyda to family and friends. I will also continue to see him for all future orthodontic procedures. Great quality care and great people are hard to come by, I am glad I have found all that and more in this office.”

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JULY 2019 9

Garage Guru

What’s going on with my car?

Brought to you by Christian Brothers Automotive, New Tampa and Wesley Chapel

How much to change my head light bulb? It’s just a bulb! Dear Garage Guru, “A nice police officer told me I have to fix a headlight bulb or pay a fine. I went to the nearest garage and they want to charge $236.00. I know that my Mercedes costs more for some things, but it’s just a bulb! Before I get it done, I want to know can it really cost that much?” I’m glad to hear you understand that some cars just cost more to maintain than others. And, a Mercedes as well as many other cars are such a joy to drive, but not so joyful when it comes to fixing things. If “It’s just a bulb!” and it’s easily accessible, then count your lucky stars. Many friendly shops happily replace those bulbs as a courtesy for their customers. Then there are those times when it’s not “just a bulb.” Yes, a headlight can cost over $200 to replace and not just on a Mercedes. So, ask the questions: “What is the price of the bulb, and what is required to replace it?” If it’s one of the expensive bulbs, and taking off bumpers and other things are required, then the charge may be reasonable. However, if you give the go ahead and they are done within 15 minutes that would raise BIG DOUBTS. So let’s dig into headlights. Your car might use high intensity bulbs which could cost $100 or more just for the bulb. Then, many manufacturers seem to enjoy finding the most complicated way to build their cars. Can you believe that to get to the headlight bulb you might have to remove the bumper and a number of components under the hood? Then of course you have to put it all back together again. Mechanics are paid for their time. If it takes an hour or more to take the car apart, replace the expensive bulb, and then put everything back together, $200 or more may not be unreasonable. Now let’s get absurd. What about a

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$1,000 headlight repair! Not out of the question. Bulbs may be sealed inside light units. When the seal leaks, moisture gets inside. Look for water beads condensing on the inside of your headlight or taillight. That moisture will eventually short out the bulb. Then, it’s not “just a bulb” anymore. The entire light assembly may need to be replaced. And, we’re not done yet. Some headlights have electronic modules and others have motors that move the headlights to shine where you are steering. We’ve seen moisture short out the bulb, the electric module, and the motor. You don’t even want to know what it could cost

to repair all of that. So, can it be reasonable to cost $236 to replace a light bulb? Well, you know the answer to that now. We are eager to hear about your car concerns. Is your car acting up or have you wondered about how some part of your car works? Drop us a note at: Marty.labarbera@cbauto.net, and we will offer our honest opinion. Christian Brothers Automotive, where we care for your family by caring for your family car.

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For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

JULY 2019 11

The Coming of Age of The Mak Brothers Band

The Odessa-based rock band hasn’t graduated high school, but they’ve evolved into an act worthy of recognition.

By J Pancia The Mak Brothers Band might just have what it takes to fill the iGen rock ‘n’ roll supergroup void. For now, the young Odessa-based trio can be found at Tampa Bay live music venues. All three members share the same surname, Makrianes — hence the band name — and attend Sickles High School in Northwest Tampa. Frontman/guitarist Ian is a senior; brother/bassist Aidan and cousin/ drummer Evan are freshmen. Don Makrianes — the band’s manager and dad of Ian and Aidan — says that he and his brother fostered a love of rock ‘n’ roll while raising their sons. The Makrianes boys grew up to the sounds of The Boss, Tom Petty and Cheap Trick. Don took them to their first concert, Bruce Springsteen, in 2010. They got together as a band officially in 2011 but started lessons at the Rockatar Music Academy in 2012. “That’s how we were able to get small shows early on,” Ian recalls. Evan still takes lessons there. “We also volunteer there over the summer and help teach young kids how to play instruments,” he adds. According to Don, who works a day job at Tech Data, the boys were

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focused from the beginning and were on track to do some serious professional work with music. He effuses pride as he tells me how much they’ve progressed since starting out as a band. Likewise, Ian owes a lot to his father. “My dad grew up in Cape Cod and moved to Florida in high school and went to Clearwater Central Catholic,” he shares. “A lot of the music he likes, I heard at a young age and a lot of it I still listen to and take influence from today. I also show him a lot of new bands I enjoy; we like to share music with each other. We’ve also been to tons of concerts together.” Which bands had the most impact on them? “I used to be very influenced by punk bands like Green Day, but as time has gone on, I’ve found myself influenced the most by Brian Fallon of The Gaslight Anthem,” Ian says. Aidan says his early influences were Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers along with Green Day. “But now I’ve grown to look up to people along the likes of Kevin Grimmet from Hunny and Rich Meyer from Highly Suspect.” Evan digs the drummer for the Chainsmokers, Matt McGuire, the bands Hunny and The 1975. “I also love Social Distortion,” he adds.

All three seem to have cherrypicked what works for them musically and are forming their own style and approach. Ian plays shimmery, melodically complex solos on his Gibson. Evan beats the skins with power and precision, and Aidan plucks at his Rickenbacker bass with the nimble confidence of a true Macca Brother. As for songwriting, Ian writes the lyrics and the three collaborate on the arrangements. Sure, they started out like a lot of young bands by playing straightahead punk. While those roots are still there, they’ve injected their sound with stylistic touches that set them apart from generic three-chord rock bands. “A lot of the pedal-related things are from artists I listen to but the chords and solos are just things that I find sound — for lack of a better word — cool,” Ian says. “I don’t know much about music theory, so we all just kinda like to throw in different things that just sound cool to us and things that we think make songs sound fuller and more complete.” He mentions the bridge in one of their latest songs, “Tough” — “because it almost becomes a whole new song and smoothly transitions back into the original melody, and that took us a while — probably

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longer than it should’ve (laughs) — to write.” While they grew up part of the first generation raised with cellphones, the threesome gets the importance of promoting their music via social media but still find it challenging at times. “For us and many others, self-promo is a work in progress. I have no doubts that we’ve gotten much better at it, but it is definitely a skill you learn as time goes on because it’s hard to promote yourself without coming off as annoying, but I definitely think we have gotten much more comfortable with it and we’ll continue to grow.” Another challenge is those promo photos. Pics that are just a few months old can look outdated because they’re still growing — evident especially with Aidan and Evan., No matter, their sound comes out bigger than what you’d imagine looking at them. The last time I, personally, had a similar feeling of amazement, the Hat Trick Heroes rocked my world a decade ago with their ’70s-influenced hard rock. Also formed by brothers, they haven’t been actively playing gigs since 2014. Hopefully, these two siblings and a cousin will stick around a while. A gig at a recent multi-band showcase at Crowbar garnered the Mak Brothers enthusiastic applause, and many of the young adults in attendance were seeing them for the first time.

“Something we always find special at gigs is when we are playing with other bands and their fans stay and watch us and get into the music and dance around because they don’t have to do that,” says Ian. “It means they genuinely enjoy our music and that makes us happy.” Another special experience: They played onstage for Cheap Trick at one of their sound checks in 2015. “A friend of my dad’s, who is a friend of the lead singer Robin Zander’s family, was able to get us passes to watch Cheap Trick’s soundcheck at the Capitol Theater in Clearwater in 2015,” Ian reminisces. “So during the sound check, they had us come on stage and we played their hit “Surrender” for them! There’s actually a video of it on our Youtube Channel. “We’ve been able to talk to them a few other times and Robin Zander has given us some great advice.” What did Zander tell them three years ago? “He said that the most important thing we can do as a band is to constantly practice and to always stay together, and we’ve definitely lived by that for the past three years.” Given how far they’ve come, we look forward to where The Mak Brothers Band will be three years from now. Find out about the Mak Brothers Band’s upcoming shows at facebook.com/pg/mak.brothers.band.

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JULY 2019 13

Local Author Uses Tampa Bay as Backdrop for Murder By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

Author JC Gatlin, a fifteen-year resident of Tampa has prominently featured Tampa Bay as the backdrop of a series of murder mysteries. H_NGM_N: Murder is the Word, his fourth book features a supernatural edge. Any Tampa Bay resident can recognize the locations described in his books, from downtown Tampa and Ybor City to the buildings on Kennedy Boulevard and the Skyway Bridge, making the stories hyper local. In 2016, JC’s book 21 Dares topped Amazon’s Suspense and Teen & Young Adult charts and he hopes to repeat that accomplishment with his newest release. Published by Millford House, available in paperback and as an ebook, H_NGM_N: Murder is the Word is the first of this series. H_NGM_N: Murder is the Word tells the tale of Tampa Features Reporter Tori Younger, a fan of true crime books and a frustrated journalist who works

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for a morning news program. When she returns home to for the funeral of a childhood friend who committed suicide, she receives cryptic text messages from the departed friend’s cell phone. When murder is suspected, Tory uses her skills to try to solve the case, proving her worth as a “True Crime” journalist, the job she aspires to. To solve the murder mystery, she’s assisted by her irksome, younger cameraman RJ. JC finds it both surprising and humorous when readers ask where to find copies of the books Tory reads in his murder mystery. “They don’t exist. They’re all fictitious. I made them all up,” he said. When asked if he has the character or story figured out first when he creates a story, he responded, “It may sound gruesome, but I usually have the murder in mind first. I start with murder then work my way backwards. Depending on what’s going in the book, I try to determine what type of character might be interesting, might

learn something or be changed by these events.” Writing came naturally to JC. A voracious reader as a young child and actively involved in his high school

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newspaper, he always knew writing was the career he wanted to pursue. “I started reading at a very young age and loved mysteries, but my favorite books growing up was ‘Encyclopedia Brown.’” Dean Koonz, Mary Higgins Clark, and Steven King were influential on JC’s path to becoming a murder mystery writer. “My absolute favorite writer is Steve Alten who wrote ‘Meg,’ the shark movie that came out last summer. He was very influential,” he said. “Back in 90s, he was very supportive and responsive in nurturing other writers. I’ve very much always loved Steve Alten. He’s one of my favorites. I think I’ve read every one of his books.” Though JC’s characters are sometimes inspired by real people, once the story gets to a certain point, JC said that the character evolves and takes on his own life. “I’ve never had anyone read my book and go, hey is that about me?” He joked. The process from concept to completion averages 6 months to 8 months and book two in the series will

continue with the paranormal edge, delving into RJ’s past. Tori and RJ will have to solve a mystery involving his family. For now, JC is already entrenched in writing Darkness Hides, completely unrelated to his current series. It’s another murder mystery for Millford House. Set in Tampa, a Fish and Wildlife officer is tasked with solving murders as a hurricane looms in the Gulf. JC regularly attends book fairs and library events in the Tampa area and enjoys when the fans seek him out. “I love when students come back and say they read the last book and ask if I have a new one. They want autographs and pictures taken,” he paused and said. “It makes you really feel like a celebrity.” Find JC at 5th Annual On Point Book Fair at West Shore Mall on September 21st and the Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading at the USF campus in St. Petersburg on November 9th. H_NGM_N: Murder is the Word is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books a Million! Learn more about JC at http://jcgatlin.com.

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JULY 2019 15

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JULY 2019 17

“Action Air” - continued from page 1 men and subcontractors, which can lead to faulty repairs, miscommunication and substantially higher costs. It’s best, instead, to keep a list of trusted, experienced servicers who do business in a competent and straightforward manner. Action Air Conditioning of Tampa Bay is that established, customer-focused company found at the top of many business and property owners’ lists. The 31-year-strong heating, ventilation and air conditioning company does more than the average servicer or retailer in-house. “We put our customers and staff first,” says Jackie Ramirez, Action Air’s chief financial officer. She and her brother, Chris Russell, the company’s vice president, enforce a “people-first” policy in their family-owned-and-operated business. Their father, David Russell founded Action Air Conditioning of Tampa Bay in 1988. Initially the company was small and concentrated most of its resources in the residential replacement market. In 1990, he joined forces with Frank Lipp, who was trained by William Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning systems. “Action Air came within a couple of hours to check out our problem,” says customer Viola Luke. “They came before 9 a.m and worked all day to install the new a/c. The reps and techs were all professional, friendly and courteous. They worked hard to deliver the best product and service. We love our new Lennox unit.” Action Air service techs, who are trained in-house and certified by top-name manufacturers, do all the repairs -- the company hires no subcontractors. Action Air employees who visit and perform repairs clean up after themselves, are conscientious to property owners and are accountable for their work. “We treat our employees like family and incentivize them to do a

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first-rate professional job from start to finish,” Chris says. Plus, Action Air offers affordable maintenance plans to help prevent a pricey repair later. Customers who purchase maintenance plans receive 20 percent off repairs and receive other various benefits. “Malfunctions are often caused by very simple things, such as dust buildup, improper refrigerant charge, worn belts, or issues with the blower or coils,” Chris says. “With prompt and knowledgeable service, correcting these faults is not only inexpensive but costeffective.” Action Air’s huge warehouse stocks units and parts on the premises, so you don’t have to wait more than a day to get that much-needed repair when your unit shuts down. Action Air features a recently remodeled showroom, which allows

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customers to browse units before making a purchase. Prospective customers can drop in any time to compare models manufactured by Lennox. “Action Air’s sales staff will be happy to review all the features and issues you need to consider before purchasing a system,” Chris says. “Our Comfort Consultants can go over the differences in all the systems and explain factors such as SEER, refrigerant, and all the parts of an indoor air system in terms you can understand to make an educated investment.” The showroom, Chris explains, displays full HVAC systems, set up and operating so you can see the components of the matched system including a heat pump, air handler, air cleaner, and thermostat. “You can look, feel, and listen to the most advanced cooling systems made today in our showroom,” Jackie adds. It’s a feature not widely available by other sellers and servicers. Most often customers go blindly into costly installations, something Action Air doesn’t recommend. “Remember, you would not purchase a car without going to the dealership for a test drive, so Action Air makes it easy for you to testdrive a new indoor air system, as well” Action Air offers other products to help with indoor air quality and humidity. Action Air cleans dryer vents as well. “I contacted Action Air to come out to my home to diagnose a unit that was cooling intermittently,” says customer Ryan Doherty. “They were able to have someone out to the house in about an hour, and the Technician they sent, Christian, was able to quickly diagnose the problem and solve it. He also inspected the unit completely, replaced an additional part that was failing, and offered suggestions on additional maintenance and when he thought future issues may need to be addressed. Overall, the experience was exceptional and I would highly recommend Action Air for future issues.”

In addition to customer kudos, Action Air has won numerous awards and has received National recognition for outstanding performance. What’s the secret of Action Air’s success? It goes back to that people-first approach Jackie mentioned earlier. “We engage in the highest level of commitment as a team,” Jackie affirms, “and we’re working toward another great and growing 30-plus years.” Action Air Conditioning, Inc. is located on the corner of Busch Blvd and Armenia at 8926 N Armenia Ave in Tampa, Florida. They are open 7:00am - 7:00pm with 24-hour same day emergency service available. For more information please call (813) 935-6644 or visit www. actionairconditioning.com

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JULY 2019 19

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.