South Tampa- Volume 3, Issue 9, September edition of Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles

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Publisher / Assistant Editor Matt Selby Email:

Creative Director Carla Dubis Email:

Editor Carla Dubis

General Manager Jim O'Reilly

Graphic Design Tony Sica Carla Dubis

Advertising Sales Matt Selby Jim O'Reilly

Billing Managers Doreen Selby Tina O'Reilly

Quality Control Carol Selby

Office Mascots Marley, Ziggy, Zeus, Mr.Penelope (c) 2017 Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles. All Rights Reserved. New Tampa Lifestyles is published monthly and distributed by the U.S. Postal Service to over 22,000 Homes in New Tampa. Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles is not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Nothing that appears in this publication may be reproduced in any way without consent of the publisher.

I want to start this editorial by thanking every single person that took some time to reach out to me and say a few words of encouragement in regards to my new role as Editor. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, for your support and positive feedback. I also want to thank you for sending me your deepest condolences over the sudden and recent death of my father. Losing a loved one is never easy, but I am happy that my dad and I got to spend a lot of quality time together while he was here visiting. I find comfort in remembering all the good times him and I shared throughout my 31 years of life. Just remember to tell those you love how much you care and how much they mean to you on a daily basis. You never know what tomorrow may bring. Even though my college education was focused on Fine Arts and Web Design, there’s always been a special place in my heart for the written word. I realize I am not an expert writer, and I will sometimes forget a comma or two, but I want you to know that I am extremely passionate about writing and sharing my thoughts and feelings with you through my editorials and stories. I want to share with you some of the emails I received from our readers, because they brought a big smile to my face and my heart. “Carla, I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your article in the Tampa Bay News. Very heart warming.” - Anonymous reader “I was reading your Editorial column and I just wanted to share with you the same proud feelings about Tampa, such a wonderful city, with so much History that goes back to the time of the Spanish explorers. As a Venezuelan native I can

relate to everything you were saying. Tampa, for me, is a city full of surprises with open arms that has received and nestled a lot of talented people. Sincerely.” - Haydee Mora, Realtor. Keller Williams Realty, New Tampa. “Good morning, Carla! My wife and I received the latest copy of Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles at our home. What a wonderful article and great presentation. I don’t know why you chose our Foundation but I can tell you this is one of the nicest things a news organization has done for our children, teens, young adults and their families during my 30 years at ESF. I can’t thank you enough for spreading the word. We also enjoyed reading your article, “From the Editor.” You make the words on the page come alive. You have been blessed with a gift that lifts people up and enriches them. I hope that one day our paths will cross… whether at Southern Brewing or another event. So THANK YOU again for doing such a wonderful story on the persons we serve.” - Thomas Orth, Epilepsy Services Foundation Getting these type of emails make what I do so much more meaningful and all the hard work I put in seems worth it, so keep them coming! I hope you enjoy this issue of Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles, as always, it’s jampacked with amazing articles about local businesses and fantastic community events that you will not want to miss. Thanks again for your continuous support and readership. Enjoy! Carla.

Fall means... King Mackerel

By Capt. Matt Selby

September is still a very hot month in our area of Florida but with that being said, the water temperatures start to come down slightly and that means King Mackerel will be flooding our waters anytime. By the end of the month, the King and Spanish Mackerel, will show up in large numbers as they make their migration through our area well into November. Fall is my favorite time of year to troll the reefs and hard bottom off Clearwater, and the King Mackerel is exactly why. In my opinion, the King Mackerel is the most underrated gamefish in our waters. Some people don’t bother with them because of their, well, I hate to say the word but again, underrated table fare value. I’ll admit, if you try to fry a kingfish fillet, you likely won’t be impressed. However, a bacon wrapped, smoked kingfish nugget is probably my favorite fish dish next to the panko crusted Wahoo bites I make. Most caught fish are what we call “snakes,” between 2 and 8 pounds, but the “Smokers” of 30 to 40, sometimes into the 60 pound range, are what keep us coming back for more, year after year! There’s nothing like the sound of the reel screaming as the fish takes runs as long as 200 yards! I’ve often joked about how I could

DAYBREAK-ALZ Study Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial

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set that as my alarm clock and I’d wake up pumped and ready to take on the day! They have been known to make an initial run so hard and fast that the bearings get burned out and sometimes the angler will notice smoke coming off the reel, hence the nickname “smoker.” I have fished the local Kingfish tournament called “King Of The Beach” for the past few years and while I’ve never won it, I’ve caught a number of fish that would easily place top 20 out of the 500 boats on tournament day, and of course my personal best; 46 pounder (would have won it!) was caught just 15 hours before tournament time! I’m getting chills just thinking about the November tournament. I feel like this year will be my year!

Where and How To Catch Kings are found anywhere between 10 feet all the way out to 100 feet or more here off Tampa Bay. I know what you’re thinking, “Thanks Matt, that really clears things up.” The truth is, find the migrating baitfish and the predators will follow. I love searching the beaches for giants. The biggest kingfish are usually found in 2 places. The first place is the Florida middle Grounds and the second place is just off the beach where the sandbar drops off or hard bottom begins. The big girls off the beach are referred to as “Beachcombers,” and if you’ve ever noticed a restaurant on Clearwater beach with that name, now you know why. The females, along with many species of fish, are much larger than the males. A typical Male Kingfish is rarely above 10 pounds but the females have been recorded as big as 80! My favorite method for catching the big Kingfish is a method called live bait slow trolling. This tactic is where the angler either drifts with the current or idles at the slowest speed possible. I usually set back a 4 rod spread with 2 baits low and 2 baits presented at the surface. You can’t forget the wire leader because many Kings are lost to cut lines. Sometimes if I’m trolling fast enough and decide against slow trolling, I’ll use 80 pound Fluorocarbon leader and hope they bite near the hook and not the line but it’s always a gamble. My second favorite tactic is one anyone can do, even from a kayak! This is easy, chum like crazy and throw out live bait on a float or a balloon and wait for the reel to start screaming! I’ve caught a number of 30+ pound fish this way, and you can too! If you want to catch the biggest Kingfish of your life, book with me for the month of October. I still have some days available! Capt-Matt Selby For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit


Home Mobility Solutions

By Michelle Naktin

Don’t let age or a disability force you out of your home

It was a day of frustration for a gentleman celebrating his 90th birthday. He was in the kitchen of his home, straining to reach the cabinet where his glasses were. His fingers have become almost useless, and his right arm hung from a tear in his rotator cuff. Just brushing his hair that morning was a struggle. “It makes me mad,” he said, “what my life had turned into.” The unfortunate effects of aging have taken a toll. Looking at it from a different perspective, this was just another day in the long and happy life he’s lived “I’ve had a good life,” he said quietly as he began reminiscing and reflecting back upon his life, remembering his younger years, his successes and the high points of his life, which became more vivid to him than his recent past. “Things have just become hard,” he added. This story is as heartbreaking as it is true for many seniors today. The reality is many of us will experience at least a temporary disability during our lifetime. Whether is in the form of a pre-existing condition, a lifelong issue, a sudden injury or the gradual effects of aging, restricted mobility strongly impacts many aspects of our everyday life, especially our independence. Physical impairment and age should not force individuals from their homes – Home Mobility Solution’s main goal is to help people to stay at home and age in place, retaining or regaining the freedom and selfsufficiency they have lost. Whether you are looking for help for yourself or for a loved one or friend, Home Mobility Solutions is happy to help! Home Mobility Solutions offers a wide range of products and a large variety of home modification services in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Orange and Sarasota Counties. This allows them to craft a customized solution, tailor-made for your home and your specific needs. Some of their home modification service offerings include; Comprehensive


Functional Home Assessment, Transition from Hospital to Home Assessment, Specialty Home Products, Fall Prevention Assessment, Assistive Technology Assessment and New Home Consultation. In addition, Home Mobility Solutions also offers a physical therapy fall prevention program using the Otago exercise program. The Otago exercise program is a set of leg muscle strengthening and balance retraining exercises designed specifically to prevent falls. It is individually prescribed and delivered right at your home by trained instructors. It includes a minimum os seven home visits as well as monthly phone calls when there is not a home visit over the course of a year.

Meet The Home Mobility Solutions Team of Experts

Meet Michael Tuccio DPT and Phillipe Tavernier RPT. Michael Tuccio graduated with his doctorate in Physical Therapy from Upstate Medical University. He is highly educated and experienced in the movement and function of the human body. Whether his patient’s problem is a result of an injury or disease, Mr. Tuccio specializes in returning his patients to maximal function. He has worked diligently with individuals that have experienced loss of mobility and developed wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles. After recognizing the restrictions disabilities pose in every day home life he wanted to make a difference. Michael decided to get his Executive Certificate in Home Modifications from the University of Southern California.

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Philipe Tavernier is a Graduate of Catholic University Of Leuven, Belgium and also has his Executive Certificate in Home Modifications from the University of Southern California. He has been working alongside Michael for several years also specializing in Physical Therapy in both outpatient and home care settings. The frustrations are real for those young and old who are experiencing disabilities and restrictions in their every day. Unfortunately those frustrations can become overwhelming for all loved ones involved. After seeing these issues time and time again, Mike and Philipe knew it was time to do something. They put their heads together and created Home Mobility Solutions. When patients experience new limitations they need help maintaining a safe home environment to preserve their comfort and independence. Patients often have little time to decide how to address the limitations of newly-acquired disabilities. Some may choose to use contractors through The ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA ensures access to the built environment for people with restrictions and establishes design requirements for the construction and alteration of facilities subject to the law.

Sounds great right?

Well what happens down the road? With over 50 years of experience in the industry, Home Mobility Solutions can foresee the progressions of diseases and injuries that others may be unaware of. They can properly provide patients with recommendations for in home modification minimizing any future alterations. Home Mobility Solutions will meet with you and after a careful assessment recommend a great design that is in your best interest, reduce the amount of care required by caregivers, and maintain the independence you or your loved one desires. Although these changes are often made at the expense of the resident, the financial investment you’ll be making with Home Mobility Solutions will be offset by your savings in the future, and the peace of mind knowing prospective problems were avoided or minimized and the modifications were done correctly.� Do you have difficulty living in your home because of your disability? Do you have a family member with a disability living with you? Do you anticipate difficulties in your home as you get older? Do you want to build a house in which you can live in successfully as you profess into your elder years of life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, if you have sustained a life changing injury, or if you will be moving in or building a new home, use Home Mobility’s knowledge and experience to make your home work for you! Let them lock in peace and independence for yourself or those dear to your heart. For more information, contact Philippe at 813-358-2520 or Mike at 8130358-6985. Log on to for more information. For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit



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Have a claim? Call Shawn and get the money you deserve! Shawn Thompson works for you, not the insurance company! Don’t trust that an insurance adjuster has your best interest at heart, they don’t! They will almost always low ball your claim amount and sadly, many times look over things that need to be done to get your home or automobile back to it’s original condition before the devastation. Equitable public adjusters handle auto, residential and commercial claims so no matter what untimely event strikes, they will be there for you when you need them. I asked Shawn about a recent claim he helped with where the insurance company paid a fraction of what was needed and he absolutely floored me with his response. “A recent claim I handled for a Chiropractor in St. Pete is a good example of how we can help on commercial claims that were handled poorly by the Insurance adjuster. Prior to our involvement the insured was paid only $3,075.38 for damage done to the structure of the office. After our involvement we were able to recover an additional $75,104.21 which was broken down into the follow coverages: $1,599.59 for dry out services; $20,000 additional for structure damages and moving fees; $45,813.04 for damaged equipment and $7,691.58 for loss of income due to time they were closed and revenue lost due to damaged equipment,” said Shawn. Then I asked him about an auto related claim and again, I was amazed at the difference Equitable Public adjusters made.

Water damage claims are extremely common. Most people that file a water damage insurance claim expect full coverage. The reality is many water damage insurance claims should be paid by insurance companies, but instead are unjustly and incorrectly underpaid or denied. Let Shawn assist you with your water damage claim and get the most out of your settlement.

Shawn explained, “We handled a claim recently for an auto dealership that actually had a vehicle crash into it. The settlement before our involvement was $10,401.32 and we settled the file for a total of $42,757.93!” “This one is not commercial, but a good example for the typical homeowner. A toilet flange broke in the upstairs bathroom and leaked sewage into the ceiling and walls of the bathroom beneath it. Before our involvement the insured was offered $700 to repair some drywall and paint. After our involvement the settlement offer was increased to $16,558.31 to include mold remediation and replacement of both bathrooms.” Unfortunately bad things happen to good people all the time. One of those things shouldn’t be the insurance company skimping you on your coverage claim. Make sure to call Shawn directly at 352.502.5928, and get the money you deserve! Log on to for more information on all the types of claims they handle and how they can assist you with yours.

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The Man Cave Warehouse – The Game Room Starts Here! By Kim Thomas

The Man Cave Warehouse, located at 8811 North Gunn Highway in Odessa, is the perfect place to shop for “Man Cave” furnishings, but this gal thinks the sign also should read “She Shed,” because there is something for everyone here! The store may be housed inside a huge “manly” warehouse, but inside it is gorgeous with hundreds of chandeliers and lighting fixtures (both indoor and outdoor) on display and wall-to-wall fun throughout the 5,000-sq.ft. showroom, with everything you need to complete a game room that will bring years of entertainment! If you are considering adding a game room to your home or updating from the ping-pong table, then get over to The Man Cave Warehouse. Family owned and operated by the Klopf family since they opened the store in 1999, The Man Cave Warehouse delivers and sets up all over the state of Florida. “My son’s store may well be the largest in the Southeast United States,” said Al Klopf, Sr., who is semiretired but still works part-time at The Man Cave Warehouse in Odessa. It is possible to meet three generations of the Klopf family at the family-ran business. Al Klopf Jr. and his wife Jeroline own and oversee operations at the Odessa location, and their sons Carson, Cody and Canyon have grown up learning the business and helping customers. Candy is


an employee whose hard work and knowledge are valued by the family and their customers. Al and Jeroline’s oldest son Carson is now the owner/operator of The Man Cave Warehouse in Orlando, which features a 3,000-sq.-ft. showroom. If you are looking for quality, white glove delivery and competitive prices, The Man Cave Warehouse is the place to shop. “We sell quality products at a great price and provide the best, personalized service in the industry,” says Al Jr. “We want to earn your business.”

you are looking for. Some brands offered include Legacy Billiards, Presidential Billiards, Olhausen Billards, California House, Outdoor Billiards and Excaliber Billiards. Legacy Billiards has awarded The Man Cave Warehouse with its “Diamond Dealer” award for the past five years and running. There are gaming tables of every kind, including multipurpose dining/billiards tables that enable homeowners to transform their elegant dining room into an elegant billiards room, or if you’d prefer a dining/poker/craps table, you’ll find it at The Man Cave Warehouse!

Canyon is the youngest of the Klopf clan, but this kid knows his family’s business! Canyon’s enthusiasm was genuine as he pointed out the cool hidden features that many of the billiards tables and game room furnishings have – like the benches for the dining/billiards tables that provide storage for cues and racks and the billiards tables with hidden storage underneath for everything needed for the game, keeping your living space uncluttered.

In addition to carrying the finest billiards tables in the world, The Man Cave Warehouse offers indoor and outdoor lighting, bars and barstools, high-end ceiling fans and custom fans, dart boards and accessories, and décor for your game room. Bar signs run the gamut from neon, to classic, funny, and sports themed. The store is stocked for fun times! Al Sr. showed me the first all-electronic pinball machine, which boasts 426 different games!

First walking in to The Man Cave Warehouse, my eye was drawn to a pool table that was rustic, yet modern. Looking around, I realized there were three or four tables in that style alone. If your taste leans more classic or ornate, The Man Cave Warehouse has what

The Man Cave Warehouse Earns Five Star Reviews Five star reviews are plentiful for The Man Cave Warehouse, and the excellent selection is another bonus! Whether you want to decorate

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a game room with the finest new furnishings offered worldwide or would like to spend less and purchase a slightly used, quality table, be sure to visit The Man Cave Warehouse. Customer Dave Rose shares his five-star review, “Great selection of new and used pool tables. I purchased a used table, and they made sure it was in top shape. Brendan delivered and installed the table, including new felt, and he is clearly an expert at what he does. The table is perfect. The store has a great selection of “man cave” supplies... pretty much everything you need for billiards, darts, arcade games, furniture, lights, and lots of other great stuff. Prices seem competitive as well. Basically, good quality for a good price, and great service.” Steven Fisher, another customers that gives The Man Cave Warehouse a five star review, states, “First rate all the way! We furnished an entire billiard room and could not be happier. Everything looks awesome. The staff was very patient and helped us select all our custom pieces. Delivery was white glove all the way. We also came back and got a video game.”

Game Rooms Create Fun Times and Great Memories

The Klopf family knows that playing pool, throwing darts, gathering at the card table is more than just fun and games; it’s a way to build personal skill, challenge your buddies, and most importantly, to bond with family and friends. Some of my favorite memories of visiting my grandparents were playing pool on Granddaddy Pat’s pool table. That pool table moved with him from Dover (near Plant City) to Apalachicola, and was a staple throughout my childhood into my adult years. During the happiest of times and the saddest, inevitably a game of pool would pull everyone together, either because we had our turn at playing or picked a side to root for. If you can create a game room for your family, it will pay you back in spades with good times! The Man Cave Warehouse is located at 8811 N. Gunn Hwy. in Odessa and is open from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on Monday – Thursday, and from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Please call 813792-9256 or log on to for more information.

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SOUTH TAMPA Bucklers Craft Fairs

Life Amplified AWAKENINGS

Bucklers Craft Fairs-Tampa is a 2 day event. This event showcases products like designers, craftsmen, artist and professionals related to the art and craft industry will be participated from all over the world etc. in the Gifts & Handicrafts industry.

Join us for Life Amplified AWAKENINGS, our 5th year anniversary, and two hours of variety acts to benefit Redefining Refuge and their rescue of trafficked women and children.

Date(s): September 16, 2017 - September 17, 2017 Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: $6, kids 12 & under free, hand stamp good for both days

Date(s): September 16, 2017 Hours: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Admission: $10 Location: 4333 Gunn Highway. Tampa , FL 33618

of fear, this timeless celebration of friendship and creativity reminds us to measure our lives with the only thing that truly matters—love. Date(s): September 19, 2017 - September 21, 2017 Hours: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Location: 1010 N W.C. MacInnes Place Carol Morsani Hall Tampa, FL 33602

Location: 4800 US Hwy 301 N Tampa, FL 33610

FAMU Tampa Classic Florida A&M vs Tennessee State More Information Date(s): September 16, 2017 Hours: 6:00 PM Location:

The 2017 Country Megaticket Presented by Hooters: Brad Paisley The 2017 Country Megaticket presented by Hooters will be held at the Mid Florida Credit Union Amphitheatre in Tampa. Brad Paisley with special guests Dustin Lynch, Chase Bryant, and Lindsay Ell will be preforming on September 16, 2017. For more information or to purchases tickets, visit http://www.

REACH OUT SPEAK OUT TO HOLD 2ND ANNUAL PURPLE PASSION SILENT AUCTION/WINE/CHEESE TASTING Tampa, FL...Reach Out Speak Out will be holding its 2nd annual Purple Passion silent auction event. This event is to help domestic violence victims and their family that are in a faith based community. When: Sunday, October 1, 2017 Time: 11 AM - 4 PM Where: New Identitites Hair Studio (New Tampa) 15307 Amberly Drive, Tampa 33647 What: Food and drink stations, exibitors that will be selling products and the profits will go to ROSO.

Date(s): September 16, 2017 Hours: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: 4802 US Hwy 301 N. Tampa, FL 33610

Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Chicago Bears Come support the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this September 17th as they face the Chicago Bears. Date(s): September 17, 2017 Hours: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location: 4201 N Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33607

*Both non-alcoholic & traditional wines & beverages will be served. Silent auction will end at 3:00pm and will include: Authentic Sports Items, Restaurant Gift cards, Activitites, Entertainment, Themed Baskets, Services, Get-Aways, 50/50 raffle and so much more. For more information contact Jan Porter, Chair at 813.695.9495 or


RENT - 20th Anniversary Tour A re-imagining of Puccini’s La Bohème, RENT follows an unforgettable year in the lives of seven artists struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. With its inspiring message of joy and hope in the face

Howl-O-Scream For 19 select nights, the scares are everywhere at Howl-O-Scream® 2017. Designed to terrify, Busch Gardens’ haunted houses will return with a vengeance, but the scares don’t stop there. Unspeakable frights live around every dark corner and even Busch Gardens’ pulse-pounding thrill rides are overrun with creatures riding alongside brave, thrill-seeking guests. Howl-O-Scream is bringing fear to the next level and once you’re in, you’re all in. Date(s): Hours: 7:30 PM - 1:00 AM Location: 10165 N McKinley Dr Tampa, FL 33612

Tampa Baseball Museum presents Homeruns & History The Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House will present a family-friendly celebration of Tampa Bay’s rich baseball history on Saturday, September 23, 10 am-2 pm at Centennial Park in Ybor City. The event includes MLB alumni, games, and a hotdog eating contest with prizes. A special outdoor exhibit on some of Tampa’s iconic players will be featured. Baseball-inspired fun, food, and the comradery of fans from near and far are on deck for Homeruns & History as we round the bases toward the opening of the Tampa Baseball Museum. Date(s): September 23, 2017 Hours: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: FREE

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Location: 1800 E 8th Ave Tampa, FL 33605

Zac Brown Band: Welcome Home Tour The theme of reflection is echoed throughout the 10-track album. Songs range from the first single, “My Old Man,” which paints a poignant picture of the ever-changing relationship between fathers and sons to “2 Places at 1 Time,” about juggling the conflict between life on the road and the comforts of home, and “Roots,” which honors the band’s journey from their humble beginnings. In addition, the band continues their tradition of recording a cover song they all admire, this time with John Prine’s “All The Best.”

some of the areas best comics, and 2017 is no exception. The lineup this year includes Danny Bevins, Al Romas, John Consoli, Mike McCarthy, Helen Keaney and Kevin Rogers. The show has two price tiers making it accessible to one and all. Regular priced tickets are $25 each and VIP tickets are $75 and come with a pre-show reception with served appetizers, “meet the comics” area, and preferential seating in the auditorium for the show. \ Crack up Cancer benefits local and all volunteer 501(c)3 Cure on Wheels who grants monies donated to targeted programs in local cancer organizations, supporting patients and families. Cure on Wheels, Inc. is a St. Petersburgbased not for profit and is an all volunteer organization with little to no overhead, therefore nearly 100% of all monies raised go directly to local cancer patients and families annually. Date(s): September 30, 2017 Hours: 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Admission: Reg $15, VIP $75 Location: 1010 N W.C. MacInnes Place Ferguson Hall Tampa, FL 33602

Date(s): September 24, 2017 Hours: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: 4802 US Hwy 301 North Tampa, FL 33610

MEGACON MegaCon™, the Southeast’s largest fan convention, is back in Tampa Bay for the second year in a row at the Tampa Convention Center Friday, September 29 through Sunday, October 1. Fan favorites and hilarious duo Jay & Silent Bob, also known as Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes, are lined up for a special appearance on Friday evening. Additionally, Katie Cassidy of Arrow and The Flash has been confirmed. Many more celebrities will be announced in the coming months! Three-day weekend passes as well as individual day tickets are now available at tickets, starting at $25. Date(s): September 29, 2017 Hours: Ending: 9:00 PM Location: 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602

11th Annual Crack Up Cancer Comedy Show

Tampa Bay’s Tailgate Taste Fest This is the ultimate place to be during this year’s football season. A family friendly event, Tailgate Taste Fest’s robust schedule includes entertainment for the casual eventgoer, and the ultimate football fan alike. Entertainment consists of a food competition with local restaurants serving up the best tailgate foods Tampa has to offer, live music from talented local bands, competition in the form of corn-hole games and, of course, live action from the day’s most exciting college football games on large LED video screens. Date(s): September 30, 2017 Hours: 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: 600 N Ashley Dr Tampa, FL Tampa

Crack up Cancer annually features

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2. To promote Awareness and Appreciation in the general public / Tampa Bay community of school teachers and the tremendous contributions teachers make to our local children and families. 3. To help build Esprit de Corps and Pride even more for our local teachers as a group internally. To help achieve the goal of teacher appreciation, especially goals #2 and 3, all applicants for the dream wedding will be requested “Teachers ROCK” is a $20,000 Dream Wedding Gift of to submit a video to include: A. What they love about being a Appreciation for All Schools and Teachers in Hillsborough, Pinellas teacher and B. What are some of their most special or proudest and Pasco counties. moments of being a teacher. The farm will then produce a short video of highlighted clips to be used to promote Teachers ROCK This Dream Wedding Gift is open to all public and private public participation and to establish the most important human school teachers in all grades Pre-K through 12th grade. connection to the people who serve as teachers in our community. Teachers make such a huge difference in the lives of children and families in our Tampa Bay community, we thought a great way for Old McMicky’s Farm and the community to show our appreciation was to help a teacher start a family of their own with this $20,000 Dream Wedding Gift.

The Gift

The Teachers ROCK appreciation gift will provide one teacher residing and teaching in Hillsborough, Pinellas or Pasco counties the wedding of their dreams at the beautiful, lakeside venue at The Barn at Crescent Lake at Old McMicky’s Farm.

The “Teachers ROCK” appreciation gift has three primary goals. Their big day will host up to 100 of the winning couple’s family 1. To provide a great gift of a Dream Wedding to a deserving and friends for a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception. This teacher. amazing wedding will include everything a couple dreams of on


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their wedding day – and more! All services are donated by the farm and our generous vendor partners. There is no cost to the schools or teachers.

How Teachers ROCK Works

There is an Application period, a Voting period, the Winner Announcement and then the Wedding. The farm will select approximately 6 – 8 of the applications as finalists, and then the winning teacher will be selected by the general public (fellow teachers, students and their families, and the general public) via voting. Providing there are applications from each county, the farm’s goal will be to select finalists representing teachers in each of Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties to reflect our Tampa Bay community. Application Period: Sept. 25 - Oct. 16, 2017 Voting Period: Oct. 30 - Nov 20, 2017 Announcement: Dec 5, 2017 On or About The Wedding: May 12, 2018 During National Teacher Appreciation Month To apply and for more information please visit:

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