South Tampa- December, Volume 3, issue 12, Tampa Bay news & Lifestyles

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Publisher / Assistant Editor Matt Selby Email:

Creative Director Carla Dubis Email:

Editor Carla Dubis

General Manager Jim O'Reilly

Graphic Design Tony Sica Carla Dubis

Advertising Sales Matt Selby Jim O'Reilly Vicky Forte

Billing Managers Doreen Selby Tina O'Reilly

Photography by Eric Bunch - NTP2 Photography Mike Bird

Office Mascots Marley, Ziggy, Zeus, Mr.Penelope (c) 2017 Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles. All Rights Reserved. New Tampa Lifestyles is published monthly and distributed by the U.S. Postal Service to over 22,000 Homes in New Tampa. Tampa Bay News & Lifestyles is not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Nothing that appears in this publication may be reproduced in any way without consent of the publisher.

It’s that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of “Merry Christmas” to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?

Holidays are many things to many people. For some, the primary function of a holiday is its religious significance. It is a time when specific spiritual opportunities are available to experience. For others Holidays are opportunities for friends and relatives to get together and celebrate life. Most people get a few days off during the Holidays so there is an opportunity to renew family bonds or spend time with good friends. Relatives that you haven’t seen in a while join together with you to celebrate the family that you belong too. Our lives have become so hectic and stressful that we spend way too little time with the people we love. This causes all sorts of health problems, both emotional and physical. When I was very young I used to hear adults talk about “stress” all the time, and it

seemed like a “fake” disease or an excuse for people to get together and complain about work and other responsibilities. Now that I am in my 30s and I am dealing with “adulthood” and all its glory, I can attest that stress is one of the most unpleasant things I have ever dealt with. What it does to our bodies AND our hearts, it’s a scary thing. We all need some time to cool off, to step away from our daily worries and to decompress. The holidays are the perfect time to do that, and to really worry about what’s important in life. I encourage you to remember that this time should be used in ways that above all, give you peace and happiness. Remember that Christmas is not in the size of the tree in your house, or the amount of lights decorating your front porch. It is not in the amount of gifts we send or the greeting cards we receive. Christmas is in our hearts. Christmas it’s in the kindness we show others, and the smiles of our loved ones. Christmas is what we make of it with those who we care about the most, so make it a great one. My best wishes for all of you during this season, and a wonderful new year 2018. Carla

A Plus Family Urgent Care: Medicine & Care at the Pace of Today’s World

By Matt Selby

South Tampa’s newest clinic, A + Family Urgent Care, has opened to provide local residents highquality, on-demand treatment for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries. From runny noses to broken bones, A + family Urgent Care has you and your family covered! If you ever visited an urgent care clinic, you know they are able to meet many family medical needs more efficiently than a primary care office or an Emergency Room in terms of both money and time. If you or someone in your family needs medical care, and you need it right now, A+ Family Urgent Care on 3345 S Dale Mabry has become one of the most trusted and well received Urgent Care facilities in the area! A + Family Urgent Care strives to support and collaborate


with primary care doctors in our area. In today’s fast paced world, we want to be treated, now. Sadly, thanks to a strained healthcare system and a shortage of primary care doctors in our area, some doctors will always be over-scheduled or unable to take new patients. The demand for their care is a good thing - it’s a testament to their ability! But let’s be honest, can you afford to wait days, months or weeks to get an appointment with your primary physician when you feel terrible? We can all agree that waiting weeks for an appointment, only to wait again in a crowded doctor’s office for 10 minutes of his or her time, can be a frustrating and painful way to interrupt your daily schedule. While it may be important to see your doctor, long wait times and delays can lead to frustration and a sense of helplessness, as well as a loss of productivity in your

work schedule or cancellation of planned activities. When your schedule is tight or your primary care provider is simply too booked up, visiting an urgent care may be an ideal option. Although A+ Family Urgent Care won’t replace the relationship you have with your family primary care provider, having an “on demand” healthcare option seven days a week can help you and your doctor keep your family healthy. The first time most new patients visit A+ is for an immediate need, but most patients return to A+ for the convenience and familyoriented treatment they receive. “We fill the gap in between your regular doctor and the emergency room. If you can’t get into see your primary care physician in a timely manner but aren’t suffering life threatening injuries or illness, we’re a good option because we’re here seven

days a week to take care of our neighbors,” says Jamie Lowrance, Director of Clinic Operations. Jamie truly means it when he says the word “neighbors;” he and his wife Kim are long-time members of the South Tampa community and are active in several local charitable and social organizations. Treating you like family is what the staff of A+ Family Urgent Care is clearly all about. Their focus is on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. They take the time to get to know you, listen to your concerns, and help you make the right health care decisions. They understand that when you walk through their doors, you’re probably not in the best of spirits. Let’s face it; most people come through the doors feeling terrible. Rest assured that the A+ Family Urgent Care staff is ready to greet you with a smile and make you feel as comfortable as possible, the moment you walk in.

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Jamie explains, “We believe that healthcare is about patients and their families, not insurance and red tape. Even though “Urgent” is in our name, we take the time with each patient and make sure they are provided with the absolute best care and treatment possible. When they leave here, we want them to be on the road to recovery and hopefully, a little happier than when they came in.” We all know there’s a strong need for excellent healthcare these days. Not only are people expecting the best care and treatment, but also the shortest waiting times around their busy schedules. At A+ Family Urgent Care, you will find the best of both worlds. This is a place where patients will feel comfortable and can get the advanced treatment and quality of care they seek without those long waits.

A+ family after meeting Jamie and his staff, and I am confident they will make you feel the same! Always looking for ways to provide the community with extra value, A + Urgent Care has partnered up with Doctors Diet Program of South Florida to help the community with a safe, sustainable medical weight loss program, that is affordable for almost everyone. Please call 813-8393438 for more information. Keep an eye out for a feature article in the new year all about the exciting services they are rolling out for 2018! A PLUS FAMILY URGENT CARE IS LOCATED AT 3345 S DALE MABRY HWY, TAMPA FLORIDA 33629. CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY BY CALLING 813-234-0100

If you carry insurance, visiting an Urgent Care is no different than seeing your primary physician. It’s as simple as walking in at your convenience, paying your co-pay and receiving the care you need. A + Family Urgent care accepts all insurance, but also offers some of the lowest “self-pay” rates in Tampa for the large numbers of families who cannot afford today’s costly insurance premiums, or are without insurance for any reason. The staff at A+ Family Urgent Care is highly trained, so rest assured that you and your family will be in the very best hands. The Healthcare providers at A+ cater to all walks of life; from a coughing 6-month-old baby whose pediatrician is booked up, to teenagers with sports injuries, to baby boomers and their parents. An urgent care clinic is designed to treat a wide range of conditions for most of the population and therefore can handle almost any nonlife threatening need, but if you need to visit an emergency room, their staff will send you there immediately. In addition to conditions ranging from runny noses to broken bones, A+ will also see you for physicals, auto accidents and workers related accidents. With convenient hours of operation (10AM-10PM) there’s room in just about anyone’s busy schedule to receive quality healthcare on your own terms. So, the next time you’re in need of an urgent care, consider this... why settle for an average healthcare experience, when you can get an A+? A+ Family Urgent Care is right here in South Tampa and is looking forward to serving you. I can honestly say that I already feel a part of the For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit



A Necessary Conversation Takes Unflinching Look at Bullying, Mental Health, Gun Violence and Those Left Behind to Pick Up Pieces By Deborah-Bostock Kelley A Necessary Conversation, an original theatre production joining two short plays dealing with bullying, mental health, gun violence and its aftermath will be on stage in the Straz Center for the Performing Art’s TECO Theatre on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

Written by two teachers, Peter Nason and Deborah Bostock-Kelley, A Necessary Conversation features two poignant performances that debuted in 2017 to stellar reviews and positive audience response - Nason’s 47 Reasons to Live at the Tampa Fringe Festival and Bostock-Kelley’s 11:11 at Tampa Bay Theatre Festival. His tells the tale of the inner workings of a potential school shooter and hers explores the survivors left behind. After seeing each other’s production, Deborah and Peter realized the messages they were writing about were perfect bookends for one another. The gun violence topic was timely and the plays provided an opportunity to start a conversation educators, parents and teenagers should be having. “When I wrote the play almost


10 years ago, I put it away because something similar to the events in it happened AFTER I was writing it, so it sat in a drawer for years. I tweaked it a few years later, and a student of mine—Caleb Brening—suggested that I send it out,” said Nason. “Little did I know, but the world has gotten crazier, and the events in the play are more pertinent now than they were nearly a decade ago when I wrote it. In some ways, it’s as if I woke up and wrote the play this morning.” Directed by Nick Hoop, 47 Reasons to Live, a dark reflection on a school shooting, will not leave you like some performances do. Caleb Brening’s performance as James will get under your skin and stay there long after the show ends. “My play deals with educators trying to figure out what to do with a very troubled student. It poses some very tough questions because that’s the tough world that we face—as teachers, as parents, and as teens,” said Nason. “How do we reach that troubled kid? What do we do to help him…but also to help ensure that

those kids who could be affected by his actions remain safe?” In Bostock-Kelley’s 11:11, the play examines how mothers in a grief support group attempt to put on the façade of a normal life after experiencing a parent’s worst nightmare - the traumatic and violent loss of a child. Directed by Bostock-Kelley, 11:11 features the talents of Amy C. Ragg, Monique Brown, David Fraga, and

Kym Welch, familiar faces to Tampa Bay community theatre. “This was written in 2016 after I saw another Facebook post about a child who killed himself because of in school and online bullying. His parents never knew, and only discovered the tormenting he went through after his suicide,” said Bostock-Kelley. “11:11 examines the other side. What if the bullied child couldn’t take it anymore, and something inside just breaks? And what happens to the family left behind?”

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In August 2017, Bostock-Kelley submitted an application and applied for a grant and the opportunity to fund their theatre project. In September 2017, she was honored to be one of two recipients awarded Theatre Tampa Bay’s Jeff Norton Dream Grant. She reached out to the Straz Center with their concept and the venue graciously helped make their vision a reality. “Now more than ever, we need to have this dialogue,” she said. “Before the digital age, you could go home and get away from the bullies. I can’t imagine being a bullied child today in the technology world. There’s no place to escape. Compounding this topic, no matter what your stance is on guns, gun violence is an epidemic. You just need to log on to social media to learn about another in this series of senseless tragedies. When is the next one too many? How many more hashtag-names-strong do we need before someone says no more?” A Necessary Conversation features two performances, 3pm and 7pm on January 20. The evening show includes a question and answer talkback session following the production. The talkback panel includes Robert Allen, a father who recently lost his bullied son to suicide; Freddy Barton, Safe and Sound Hillsborough, an organization founded in 2013 to address violence in the family, school, or neighborhood; Wendy Malloy, Tampa volunteer lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America; Emily Surak, 2017 Miss America’s Teen Miss Central Florida

Outstanding Teen who volunteers with Crisis Center and is using her platform to discuss teen suicide prevention; The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay; Ashley Ryan Lord from Anti-Bullying Action Committee for Hillsborough County/ Kids on the Block, and other expert speakers still to be identified. Everytown- Moms Demand Action, Tampa Chapter is the community partner and the recipient of ticket sales of the evening show. Both playwrights hope A Necessary Conversation will cause the reflections, the remembrances of over 200 school shootings since 2013 and start the discussion – what can we do to fix a broken child and stop violence before it happens. A Necessary Conversation will be presented at TECO Theatre January 20. Performances are 3pm and 7pm. The evening show includes question and answer talk-back panel. Tickets for day show are $15 and evening show with talkback are $20. Tickets may be purchased online at www. anecessaryconversation012018. Stay up to date with the performance by liking A Necessary Conversation on Facebook at anecessaryconversation012018.


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Mount This! Fish Company

By Matt Selby

Living in Florida you are bound to either enjoy fishing or know someone who does. And, as a fish enthusiast, you know just how awesome it feels when you hook an amazing catch. That being said, what better way to relive that exciting experience, than with a replica fiberglass fish mount! Proudly displayed on your wall, a beautiful replica fish mount will happily commemorate a fish of a lifetime, while allowing you to either filet and eat the real fish or release it back into the wild to allow other anglers to enjoy the same exhilarating experience! Using the most advanced technology, topof-the-line materials, skilled fiberglass workers, and talented painters to produce a fish replica in a timely manner, Mount This! Fish Company, a locally-owned Florida business, does an exceptional job of bringing to life your most prized catch and provides anglers and fishing enthusiasts of all levels with the absolute highest standard of quality and value in a fishing trophy. In the past, fish replicas would take anywhere from 30-90 days to produce, but at Mount This Fish Company they strive to have popular items in stock along with offering a quick turnaround time for custom replicas. Established in 2001, Mount This! Fish Company (MTFC) has been elevating the standards of fish mount replica production. Huge fishing enthusiasts themselves, owners Troy and Jen Denson share a love of fishing and respect for marine wildlife that really shines through in what they do. From the detailed scales, to the unique speckles, this husband and wife team takes pride in reproducing the rich vibrant colors and true beauty of each species in every mount they create. Custom Fish Mounts Over the past thirteen years Troy and Jen have focused on three major markets to sell their products. The first market is the angler who wants

to commemorate a catch. Whether it is someone’s first catch, the catch of a lifetime, or one to add to the array of fish they have caught during their time, each one is special and unique in its own way. Their fish replicas allow the fisherman to capture a memory while choosing to release the catch or filet it for dinner. With thousands of molds to choose from, all the angler needs to provide is the length, measurement or weight of the catch and using their expertise and knowledge of the various fish species Troy and Jen will recreate your fish to resemble the way it looked during the memorable day you caught it. (If you have a picture, that’s even better, as it allows them to produce a replica that is as close to the real thing as possible.) Nautical Décor MTFC’s second focus is on the retail customer who would simply like to decorate their home or outside area with nautical décor. Not all of MTFC’s customers are fisherman. Whether it’s the little boy that wants a shark themed room, or the homeowner who wants to decorate a room or tiki bar with fish replicas, MTFC offers a wide variety of sculpted species. MTFC’s half sided fish replicas are another great option and an affordable way to decorate with a unique style. Corporate Fish Mounts MTFC’s third focus is providing a large quantity of replicas to corporate accounts; usually to decorate a new establishment or to use as a point of sale. These businesses vary from seafood or sushi restaurants to seafood markets, and marine related companies. Working with both interior designers and the owners themselves, MTFC will assist in producing a look that will be sure to wow customers. MTFC’s extraordinary reputation has spread throughout the country and the world and has earned them the ability to be a vendor for Bass Pro Shops®; each year Bass Pro Shops® opens new stores all over the country and they decorate with a variety of fish replicas, many of which come directly from Mount This Fish Company.

They also recently finished a project for the Houston Museum of Natural Science, which included 42 suspended replicas, and are currently working on items for a chain of ship stores (similar to our West Marine) opening in South Korea. Fish Mounts Make Great Gifts! Looking for the perfect gift to get your favorite angler.... nothing says I love you more than a commemorative mount of one of your exciting catches. For my birthday last year, I got a stunning mount from MTFC of a 32” Blackfin Tuna I caught in the Florida Keys that past year – it was one of my favorite gifts of all time and every time I look at that magnificent fish replica on my wall, I get flash backs of that awesome vacation! Thank-you so much Troy and Jen! I am an avid fisherman, and as such my walls are lined with fish mounts – all of which have been masterfully created by Troy and Jen and the amazing artists at Mount This! Fish Company. I am very particular with my fish and when it comes to fish mounts I only go with the best of the best – which is why time and time again, when I want to celebrate a wonderful fishing memory, I know that Troy and Jen will do an amazing job of capturing the beauty of my prized catch and create a mount that in itself is a masterpiece work of art!

Owner Troy Denson with his daughter



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Mount This! Fish Company is located at 4280 Hwy US1 in Rockledge Florida. Although they are a few hours outside of Tampa Bay all you have to do is send them a picture or measurements of the fish and they can conveniently mail your prized replica right to your doorstep. For more information please call Troy at (321) 403-6677 or email him at, or visit their website at Like them on Facebook (Mount This Fish Company) for specials, contests and the chance to win prizes and giveaways.

Whether you are an avid fisherman, homeowner, decorator or business owner looking for fish replicas or other unique nautical dĂŠcor, Mount This! Fish Company serves to commemorate and/or decorate, offering the highest quality products, exceptional prices and extraordinary customer service. Give Troy and Jen a call today and commemorate the wonderful memories of that exhilarating catch with a stunning replica fish mount from Mount This Fish Company!

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Beauty on the Bay Rejuvenation & Wellness Spa A True Neighborhood Gem

Beauty on the Bay Rejuvenation and Wellness Spa opened its doors in South Tampa this past summer, and it is excited to be your perfect hideaway when seeking personalized and professional care! Inspired by professional excellence, Beauty on the Bay Rejuvenation and Wellness Spa is truly a unique gem in the bay area. Ran and operated by trusted and well-known professionals with many years of experience in the industry, Beauty on the Bay offers some of the most exclusive and advanced skin care treatment options at their South Tampa address, conveniently located just one block from the intersection of Bayshore Blvd. and W. Bay to Bay Blvd. With its modern decor and glittering chandeliers, Beauty on the Bay Spa offers complimentary consultations in order to provide education to assist you in achieving the best version of yourself. Let’s be honest, we all deserve and need a little pampering and the team of dedicated specialists at Beauty on the Bay is proud to be able to serve you in all of your beauty needs! Some of their services include; Botox Cosmetic, Dermal Fillers, Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Eyelash Extensions, Therapeutic Massage, Skincare Treatments and the most advanced non-surgical, painless, fat reduction treatment known as Vaser Shape. As part of their ongoing quest for all things performance driven, Beauty on the Bay spa offers Thalgo La Beaute de Marine. This exclusive skincare line is backed by over fifty years of experience, awarding it the “undisputed expert and world leader in marine spa.” Carmen Ferreira, MD, CEO and Beauty on the Bay’s Medical Director leads the professional “beauty family” with tremendous dedication and a passion for excellence. She has been residing in Tampa for over

By Carla Selby

10 years and completed her botox and fillers certification at Esthetic Skin Institute in Ft. Lauderdale. She prides herself with over 15 years of experience as a successful practicing physician, but decided to expand her range of expertise to also include offering her own community members a special touch of beauty and wellness onto their lives. The vision she shares with her spa team is for them to be recognized as a true gem for the fellow members of the Tampa Bay community. Dr. Ferreira still practices as a pediatrician neurologist, and during my interview I learned that while seeing some of her young little patients, she realized how many of the parents looked tired, stressed out and needing a little love and care, so that is why she decided to venture into this new field; to help those worn out parents that needed a little “beauty on the bay.” You could say Dr. Ferreira’s mission is to beautify our Tampa Bay community, one person at a time. Angela Easley, Beauty on the Bay Spa manager, is a highly-awarded instructor and professional in clinical skincare, permanent makeup and lash artistry with over 20 years of hands-on experience and a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the beauty industry. The rest of the Beauty on the Bay Spa team is comprised of highly experienced aestheticians, a licensed nurse practitioner, and other licensed and certified professionals. So you can rest assured you will be in great hands no matter the treatment or service you choose to have done in this neighborhood gem. Vaser Shape - An Innovative Approach To Fat Reduction David Lugin, owner of Vaser Shape of Florida, LLC partnered with Beauty on the Bay Spa to provide members of our community with the most advanced, non-surgical, fat reduction treatment taking the place of painful surgeries like liposuction and tummy tucks. Vaser Shape of Florida has well over 3,000 patients since 2012, and they have locations in Sarasota, Jacksonville, Naples and now Tampa Bay. David shared with me how excited he is to be part of this new endeavor and particularly to be working right next to such passionate individuals like Dr. Carmen Ferreira. “Carmen is such a joy to work with,


Before 10 DECEMBER 2017



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she is extremely passionate about her career and she lights up when it comes to doing beautiful things for people,” says David. “She definitely loves to help people reach their beauty potential.” During my visit to Beauty on the Bay spa I was able to test this breakthrough procedure which combines ultrasound and massage without the use of needles or anesthesia. They use this device that kind of looks like one paddle of a defibrillator which is rubbed in circles on the specific targeted area (I chose my stomach, because I have some love handles that I don’t necessarily love.) The device goes up to 107°F on the inside. But because it uses an ultrasound, the energy is targeted below the surface so my skin didn’t sense the sizzling temperature. It just felt very warm – like a hot stone massage (I can tolerate a lot of heat so it was actually pleasant and definitely painless). The way it works: the energy transmitted compromises the membranes of fat cells and causes the lipids inside to leak out. The leaked-out fat then goes in your lymphatic system and is processed through the liver and kidneys, so make sure you drink a lot of water before and after to flush everything out. This procedure is known to permanently destroy fat, tighten skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. Patients can see noticeable results in just one session! I noticed my stomach felt tighter and a s if I had done an hour of sit ups, which my knowledgeable technician explained during our meeting would be one of the feelings I’d experience after the procedure. Each session lasts less than an hour making it extremely convenient for busy people and those not having the luxury to take any down time. I will be returning for my second session really soon, and I cannot wait to see my own before and after photos. The number of Vaser Shape sessions you need will be determined by the Medical Director, but the magic number lays somewhere between 4-6 sessions. Right now you can receive a complimentary consultation and a FREE Vaser Spa session by calling 813-915-5893 or emailing info@

This was me getting my 1st Vaser Shape session!!! I almost fell asleep :)

Beauty on the Bay Spa is constantly throwing incredible beautification and relaxation events. On Thursday January 11th is time to boost your new years’ resolutions with their “New Year - New You” event where they will be raffling 20 units of botox; a mini facial and one Vaser Shape treatment (valued at $400) for the first ten callers! They will be giving one ticket for every $100 spent and you can also buy 5 tickets for $30 or 10 tickets for $50. If you spend $1000 you get an extra 10 tickets. Beauty on the Bay Spa is located at W Bay to Bay Blvd, Suite 210. Tampa, FL 33629. For more information please call 813-915-5893 or log on to Mention the advertisement below for a complimentary skincare consultation and receive a 10% discount on any services booked as a result of this ad!

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DECEMBER 2017 11



Christmas Town Busch Gardens beams with twinkling lights, Yuletide shows, holiday shopping and even a visit to Santa’s House during Christmas Town™. The park transforms into a holiday wonderland of entertainment and attractions where a beautiful family tradition awaits. The Christmas cheer begins with the return of the beloved characters from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer™ television special, including Christmas Town’s debut of Sam the Snowman. It continues at Santa’s House presented by Coca-Cola®, where the big man himself takes a break from his busy holiday schedule to meet and take photos with families in his private study. Guests will also have the opportunity to ride some of Busch Gardens’ most popular thrill rides, including family spin coaster, Cobra’s Curse®. Christmas Town is included with daily admission on select dates from Nov. 19 to Dec. 31. Date(s): November 19, 2017 - December 31, 2017 Hours: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Location: 10165 N McKinley Dr Tampa, FL 33612 christmas-town/

12 DECEMBER 2017

Christmas at Old McMicky’s Farm Come start the Holiday Season Merry & Bright! Christmas at Old McMicky’s Farm – you and your family will enjoy many free photo opportunities to capture memories for years to come, including family photos with Santa, pet our “North Ponies” in their reindeer gear & also receive a special reindeer gift to take with you, barn maze with Christmas lights, decorate cookies with Mrs Claus, crafts in the Elves Workshop, enjoy toasting marshmallows on a open fire, a Holiday Scavenger Hunt and so much more! Our animal ambassadors will be all decked out in their Christmas gear! Food, drinks and hot cocoa will be available for purchase. Marines in their dress blues will be taking canned food donations for a local food bank. We hope to see everyone at Old McMicky’s Farm! Tickets sold out last year! Purchase your tickets NOW at https://oldmcmickys. com/old-mcmickys-merry-farm/ Date(s): December 14th & 15th Hours: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 9612 Crescent Drive. Odessa, FL 33556

Christmas in the Wild FAVORITE For 18 delightful nights, experience a merry and memorable evening with this unique holiday event. Only at the Zoo, can families be nose—to-horn w ith an Indian Rhino and then stroll hand-in-hand with Santa’s Elves. From the stunning sights of countless lights, the taste and scents of seasonal holiday treats and refreshments, the magic and enchantment of wildlife at night, Christmas in the Wild will offer guests of all ages a truly charming holiday experience. More merriment awaits with dazzling entertainment, including carolers dressed in Dickens era costumes performing traditional classics as well as contemporary favorites, and holiday story time with Mrs. Claus. All-new this year, guests will be captivated by a 50-foot animated Christmas tree complete with 12,000 dancing lights, 2,000 ornaments, and an 8-ft star!

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Wildlife will also get into the holiday spirit with special themed activities including Presents for Primates and Ornaments & Elephants. Guests will also have the opportunity to have an even closer look at our African penguins. All new this year, families will enjoy “Hazel’s Christmas Gift” a holiday themed animal show, featuring our famous animal ambassadors. The big guy in red will return to Santa’s Village, which is situated in a new whimsical elf village. Guests will have the opportunity to make reservations to ensure they don’t miss jolly St. Nick before he goes back to the North Pole. Other holiday themed areas include Holiday Hoedown, Polar Paradise and Candy Cane Lane! When people think of the holidays, they think of delicious holiday treats! The Zoo’s Head Chef, Itza Henderson, has created a unique menu to satisfy every foodie’s taste buds. Savory dishes include braised short rib with smoked Gouda mac and cheese, S’mores bacon, an amazing holiday burger and much more. For those with a sweet tooth, there’s a variety of decadent desserts to indulge in from a selection of gourmet hot chocolates, peppermint mousse and deconstructed apple pie. A special beverage was also created for kids, they can sip on a frozen hot chocolate. Adults can add some spice to the evening with a candy cane martini or hot toddies. Guests of all ages should get their appetites ready – they can only enjoy these dishes at Christmas in the Wild! Date(s): December 15, 2017 - December 16, 2017 Hours: 9:30 AM - 10:00 PM Location: 1101 W Sligh Ave Tampa, FL 33604

The World Awaits… Find Your Next Travel Adventure! Experience the Ultimate Travel Showcase! Where travelers come together to dream, plan and book their next travel experience! The top travel suppliers representing the world will be present with the sole purpose to inspire your next travel adventure! Find out what’s HOT for 2018 and 2019!! Get ideas on where to go, what to do and the latest travel scoops to keep you in the know! Don’t miss the chance to ask your question! * What destinations are best for my interests? * What destination is the best value for my upcoming travel escape? * When is the best time of year to go? * What should I do when I get there? This is a travel lover’s paradise and the perfect travel information hub. Your opportunity to meet face-to-face with destinations from around the world and immerse yourself in travel for the day! Enjoy complimentary bites & refreshments at our “Taste Around the World”! Exclusive Show Specials, Booking Incentives & Surprises throughout the day! A team of the very best travel agents representing the Greater Tampa Bay area will be on hand to make your travel dreams come true! Your complimentary admission allows you access to the travel showcase, this is your passport to take a walk around the world!

Christmas at Wiregrass - Hosted by Pack 3 - Lan O’ Lakes Cubscouts Please join us to enjoy the light show at the Shops at Wiregrass for our last meeting of 2017! We will be meeting by the Christmas Trees in the middle of the mall. Please wear Class A attire and close toed shoes. When & Where? December 19th at 6:45pm - 8pm The Shops at Wiregrass 28211 Paseo Dr, Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543

If you love to TRAVEL, don’t miss this event!! All Travel Enthusiasts Welcome! PSA: This is not a timeshare sales event Tickets available at: or get tickets in advance on their Facebook page: Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 12:30 PM - 4 PM Holiday Inn Tampa Westshore Ai rport 700 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, Florida 33609

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DECEMBER 2017 13

Easy Holiday Cocktail The holiday spirit abounds from the time Thanksgiving weekend begins to the time New Year counts down. Cocktail parties for the office, relatives, friends and neighbors provide occasions for gatherings with differing needs. One might need quick and easy punches and other adult beverages for those planned or impromptu visitors stopping in for a moment or two with greetings. Family and friend type holiday parties require classic cocktails and specifically chosen martinis to suit particular palates since the gathering means hours of nibbling finger food and chatting over good times. Spice up your holidays and put a little Holiday Cheer into your season with this seasonal cocktail referred to as Jingle Juice! Easy to follow recipe and ingredients listed here. INGREDIENTS 4 c. Cran-Apple Juice (I use OceanSpray Cran-Apple juice) 2 bottles red moscato (Barefoot is delicious and affordable) 1 bottle prosecco or pink champagne of your choice 1/2 c. vodka (I use Tito’s but any vodka would do) 2 c. frozen cranberries 1/3 c. mint leaves 1/2 c. sugar, for rimming glasses 2 limes, sliced into rounds (Some use sliced grapefruit as well) DIRECTIONS 1) Using a wedge of lime, wet the rim of your glasses. Dip in sugar until coated. 2) Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl, stir together and serve.

14 DECEMBER 2017

For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit

For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I or visit

DECEMBER 2017 15

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