Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles, Carrollwood Magazine, Vol. 10, Issue 9, September 2022

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For nearly 40 years, the doctors at Coastal Jaw Surgery have been caring for pa tients in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. Dr. Michael A. Pikos opened the Palm Harbor

Teeth®: The New Way to Bring Back Your Beautiful, Natural Smile

Vol. 10, Issue 9, September 2022 From the Editor: ...............................................5 SAT/ACT Improvements..................................12 Tech Talk..........................................................14 INSIDE THIS SameISSUEDay

See “Same Day Teeth” on page 12

We are all committed to the practice’s mission to provide exceptional dental care, under one roof, while creating a safe, welcoming

As the practice grew, we expanded to six locations across Tampa Bay, includ ing Palm Harbor, Clearwa ter, Spring Hill, New Port Richey, Trinity, and Tampa. Our dynamic, surgical-based, multispecialty team consists of Dr. Michael A. Pikos, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Kenneth L. Anderson III, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Nicole Hernandez, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and MD; Dr. Austin L. Lyman, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon; Dr. Lindsey Pikos Rosati, Perio dontist; Dr. Anthony M. Pikos, Periodontist; and Dr. Philip J. Hedger, Prosthodontist.

“I love Dr. Pikos and Dr. Hedger, I’m over the moon with my new teeth,” recalls Ellen Konof. Ellen was missing multiple teeth, and because of that, she avoided going out in public, including getting together with her family. She came to Coastal Jaw Surgery looking for help with both her smile and her self-confidence.

By Dr. Michael A. Pikos

The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 15,000 Homes In Carrollwood, Lake Magdalene & Avila

® Your community. Your magazine.

office in 1983 with the goal to treat patients like fam ily, while ensuring their oral health needs are cared for.

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Labor Day is a special day set aside to honor and pay tribute to hard-work ing men and women. It was a creation of the labor movement and is dedicat ed to the social and economic achieve ments of American workers.

Labor Day is commonly celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic “end of the summer” kickoff and is typically enjoyed with beach days, family gatherings, barbecues, fireworks displays, parades, shopping sales, and otherLaborevents.Day

Despite all these incredibly fun events happening all over our beau tiful city, let’s not forget that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. So whatever big crowded events, and social interactions you choose to enjoy this beginning of Fall, please be cau tious. If you’re not feeling well or are showing any symptoms please stay home and be mindful of others. Even though there are no more official mask mandates or social distancing being enforced, let’s all continue to do our part to keep our Tampa Bay community next time,

A Labor Day Message and Hispanic Heritage Month

By the time you probably read this, Labor Day will have already come and gone. Regardless of the timing, I hope you all had a wonderful and safe holi day with your loved ones.


Labor Day constitutes a yearly national tribute to the incredible con tributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. It has officially been celebrated as a Federal holiday in the United States since June 1894.

From September 15th through Oc tober 15th, we also recognize National

in Tampa FL is not just the end of summer but a chance to have a holiday from work or school and kick off the NFL & college football seasons. For the local baseball fans, I hope you’re keeping a close look at our Rays! Personally, I am looking forward to October and the start of hockey season. Go bolts!

Hispanic Heritage Month. During the four weeks, celebrations honor the heritage and contributions made by members of the Hispanic community. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by joining local celebrations. It is a fantastic way to meet new people. Additionally, you can learn more about the contributions Hispanics have made in politics, business, the arts, sports, fashion, and cuisine, to name a few. Embracing the history and traditions of another culture not only broadens your knowledge but also teaches apprecia tion of other people and their customs.

Carla M. Dubis Tedeschi.

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By Dr. Wayne Adams

As we move ahead in the fall term SENIORS… are getting ready for these exams as part of their college ap plications. Most are due by Jan 1, except for UF which has a “stone cold” early Nov deadline.Foramuch higher chance of acceptance, I advise seniors to go for

many admissions officers of the “Top 25” such as Har vard, Yale, Princeton … plus UF, FSU, USF, and UCF, they tell me students who apply “self-select”, that is are in the range for admissions on Class Standing, GPA, and SAT/ACTOftenscores.theapplication essay makes the difference between a “Yes or No” for admission.The104 page book I have written (cover above) gives my students addition

If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-253-0639 or send me an email at wwa0811@ mykolab.com.

SPECIAL … SPECIAL … SPECIAL!!Iwanted to let you know that recently Gover nor DeSantis signed legisla tion to allow students to count hours from part-time work towards their hours needed to qualify for the 75% and 100% awards. Be fore, only volunteer hours counted.Soif you student had a part-time job this sum mer, the hours could count towards qualification for the $18,000+ or $25,000+ scholarship

Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve around 200 points on the Writing, Reading, and Math superscore on the SAT, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to all 5

al ideas about organization, style, including personal examples and quotations, and much more in writing their best essay. They are all written in “hook, look, took” format … meaning you have to “hook” the reader in the first sentence or two, pull that person in to “look” at what you want to say, leave with a vivid “took”, and say, “Wow! I wish more essays were like this one.”Inside are 40 sample essays that have helped my students gain admission to many colleges in the “Top 25” and UF, FSU, USF, UCF, more.

JUNIORS often want to have an idea of their scoring levels, and to be prepared for the PSAT in mid-October … which is the only qualifying exam for the National Merit privatetheyexamsexperiencegettingSOPHOMORESScholarships.areaheadbygainingtakingtheseandassessingwherearewithscoring.Also,manypublicandhighschoolsperiodicallygivetheSATto“track”students,meaningtoseeatwhatleveltheyarecapableofscoringacademicallywhichmeanswhatlevelofclassestheycantake.

“early decision” or “early acceptance” because the probability of acceptance is usually 2 - 3 times higher than for regular admissions.


of the “Top 5”, 9 of the “Top 10”, and 19 of the “Top 25” universi ties in the country, , and many top universities in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), Wake For est, NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Service Academies: Navy - Air Force - and Merchant MarinePenn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berklee Conser vatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He has also tutored three juniors who scored at the national merit finalist/semifinalist levels on the PSAT. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vander bilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.


We just finished our summer classes, and I thought you would like to see part of an email I re cently received from one of my students.Iamhappy to report back to you that I got a 32 composite on the ACT! 35 reading, 31 math, 29 read ing, and 34 science! I don’t know how I got a 34 on science. I still can’t believe it. I need one more point to improve to a 33, and will be taking the test again soon. Thanks for all your help. I am so happy with a 32, and potentially even a 33.

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If you have been told you are not a candidate for dental implants due to bone loss, Coastal Jaw Surgery is the answer for you! Our doc tors have the opportunity to help you with your missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures with Same Day Teeth®’s so lutions to traditional dental implants. We encourage second opinions. We make sure the best treatment pos sible is presented to you, so the end-result gives you back your smile and selfconfidence.

Our Coastal Jaw Surgery team of oral and maxillo facial surgeons, periodon tists, and prosthodontist have 65 years of combined experience within the realm of implant dentistry, oral surgery, periodontics, and

Plus, Coastal Jaw Sur gery is recognized as the first ZAGA Center in North America. This is a presti gious distinction, as there are only 60 centers through out the world, each of which is recognized as a Zygomatic

implants. Patients who are missing teeth in their upper jaw, or whose teeth have broken down due to ad vanced periodontal disease, may be good candidates for zygomatic dental im plants. These implants are longer and anchored in the upper jawbone near the zygoma bone. Patients who are experiencing significant bone loss in the lower jaw may be good candidates for subperiosteal implants. This type of implant must be custom-made to fit the con tours of a patient’s bone.

environment to make all patients feel like family. The practice offers a wide range of services including Same Day Teeth®, traditional dental implants, Zygomatic implants, oral surgery, and periodontal services.

Coastal Jaw Surgery offers several dental implant op tions to ensure your smile is natural and custom to you.

Same Day Teeth® is an innovative surgical pro cedure that bypasses the traditional dental implant’s time-consuming process and allows for the placement of implants and new teeth to occur on the very same day. Same Day Teeth® proto col begins with a 3D cone beam computed tomogra phy (CBCT) scan, which will provide us with 3D images of your bone, nerve path ways, soft tissues, and teeth. This allows us to determine the optimal placement of your implants, using the best digital assessment software and related state-of-the-art technology, to ensure your treatment is truly custom ized.Most service providers, especially corporate-based providers, treat everyone the same way - with a onesize-fits-all mentality. But not at Coastal Jaw Surgery! You are as unique as your fingerprint and as a result, we draw from a variety of

Same Day Teeth- story continued from page 1

Same Day Teeth® offers patients a beautiful, natu ral smile completed on the same day with the use of dental implants, zygomatic implants, or subperiosteal

Implant Specialty practice.

digital-based, precision solu tions to give you a custom ized, beautiful, and natural smile which restores your ability to eat and chew the foods you love. Our unique approach not only includes a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient, but also a thorough and detailed explanation.“Thebest around, not only in Florida, but I am convinced the best in the nation”, states Nicholas Louis. Nicholas received traditional dental implants for his Same Day Teeth® procedure. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots sur gically placed in your jaw to support replacement teeth. These replacement teeth are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, restore the aesthetic appear ance of your smile, provide optimal functionality, and reduce your risk of develop ing other oral health issues.

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prosthodontics. There is no better place to go for your comprehensive dental care. Are you ready to Trans form your smile and Change your life with Same Day Teeth®? Contact Coastal

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Jaw Surgery! Call 800-NEW-LOOK or visit www.CoastalJaw. com to book your appointment today!

Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my friend. My team and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. My team repairs comput ers and secures them, on our bench, on-site in your home or office, and even remotely. We have the best solu tions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.WeKeep You Safer In Your Digital World!

And finally, it’s time to transfer all your data from your old computer’s hard drive to your new computer’s drive. This can be the most criti cal operation of setting up your new system. There are a number of ways to achieve this. Data transfers can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on the amount of data involved, speed of the hard ware devices, and the transfer method used.Getting

any emails until you have properly secured your computer. Emails are the number-one way viruses and other malware find their way into your com puter.Next, install any additional hard ware you might have such as printers, scanners, etc. Test each hardware de vice as you install it. Then move onto installing the next device.

Tech Talk with Bob: Setting up Your New system

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Before you connect your new computer to the internet, it’s a good idea to safeguard yourself with repu table security software protection. The problem is you must connect to the internet to initially download the security software. Sort of a “Catch-22” situation. But don’t worry. As long as you are certain you do not go any where else on the internet you should be able to safely download and install the security software you have chosen. Once installed, be sure to download and install all the product updates too.

Now, with your security software installed, updated, and properly configured, you are ready to setup your email account(s). Do not open

forms new system setups every week. So, if you just bought a new computer and need some help assimilating it into your technology setup, give us a call. We also specialize in transferring your data from your old computer to your new computer, even if your old computer won’t turn on.

Last time we addressed consider ations for purchasing a new computer. Today, we’ll look at setting that com puter up when you get it home or to your office.

Any additional software you may have purchased for your computer should be installed next. Test each program as you install it. Then move onto installing the next program.

a new computer can be a lot of fun. However, properly setting up a new system can be time-consum ing for some and just flat out over whelming for others. My team per

We have the software and hard ware as well as the knowledge and experience to provide you with a safe and secure data transfer from your old computer to your new computer. If we can be of service to you call me now at 727-534-4000.

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