Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Trinity Vol. 16, Issue 07, July 2020

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Vol. 16, Issue 07, July 2020


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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To 18,000 Homes In Trinity & Surrounding Areas This Independent Community News, Business & Dining Guide Is Directly Mailed Once Each Month To: Aristida, Champion’s Club, Chelsea Place, Country Place, Ellington Estates North, Ellington Place, Fairway Springs, Fox Hollow, Foxwood, Greenbrook Estates, Heritage Lake, Heritage Springs, Hills Of San José, Hunter’s Ridge, Hunting Creek, Longleaf, Magnolia Estates, Nature’s Hideaway, Oak Ridge, Riverbend, Riverchase, River Crossing, River Oaks, Riverside Estates, Riverside Village, Riverside Villas, Seven Springs Golf & Country Club, Southern Oaks, Spring Lake, The Sabals, Thousand Oaks, Timber Greens, Trinity, Trinity East, Trinity Oaks, Trinity West, Veterans Village, Woodbend, Woodgate, Wyndgate & Wyndtree

Coronavirus Brings Trinity Family Physicians’ Televisits to Forefront of Practice

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

From acne, diabetes management, immunizations, depression, skin cancer screenings and treatment, to well-woman visits, and nutritional counseling for weight loss, Trinity Family Physicians literally has a patient covered, A to Z. A list a half of a page long on their website showcases the vast number of issues they treat. Little did board-certified family physicians of Trinity Family Physicians,

husband and wife team, Dr. Stephanie Eldridge and Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shirmo) know that adding convenient telemedicine services to accommodate their patients’ schedules would become their main

connection to them in early 2020. Serving elementary schoolers to senior citizens in Trinity and beyond since 2007, the doctors knew same-

Albert Family Orthodontics: Where Beautiful Smiles are Always in Style

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor.............................5

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley Past the comfortable waiting room with a big screen TV, free wi-fi, a coffee and snack bar and a vintage video game console is the doctor’s personal office. On the desk, to the far left of his computer sits a Spider-Man coffee mug. The message of that movie franchise so resonated with Dr. Jeremy Albert, DMD, MS, a specialist in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, that he paraphrased it and applies it to his successful practice, Albert Family Orthodontics.

See “Trinity Family Physicians” on page 20

Restart Your Business with SCORE...6-7 Tech Talk with Bob...................10-11 Bishop Larkin Catholic School....14-15 SAT & ACT Improvement........24-25 Classifieds....................................30

See “Albert Ortho” on page 26

2 JULY 2020

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4 JULY 2020

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Going Out During Coronavirus? - Masks Protect You and Your Loved Ones We’re currently facing a dangerous resurgence of COVID-19, and some Floridians are still throwing large parties and completely disregarding CDC health guidelines for community-related exposure. Over 20 states in the country have paused reopening plans and eight states have sky-high record numbers of new cases, Florida in particular. There are approximately 206,440+ confirmed cases in Florida, according to the latest data obtained in early July 2020 from floridahealthcovid19.gov. At least 40,000 new cases have been reported by the Florida Department of Health following the Fourth of July holiday during which the state recorded its most cases reported in a single day. On Saturday, July 4th, 2020 the Sunshine State reported an outstanding 11,458 cases, the most reported in a single day. We’ve now surpassed New York’s previous single-day high of 11,434, which was recorded mid-April 2020. Between April 8 and May 15, states that mandated face masks in public saw a greater decline in daily COVID-19 numbers than states that did not. An estimated 230,000 - 450,000 infections were likely prevented because of these mandates. Even though is certainly possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your face (mouth, nose, or eyes) it is now clear that this is not the primary way the coronavirus spreads. The virus primarily spreads through close contact with an infected individual via respiratory droplets that are emitted while coughing, sneezing, singing, laughing, talking, or simply just breathing. Wearing a face mask or face cover is one of the best ways for those infected individuals to keep those droplets contained, and for those who are healthy, a mask can also offer some protection from breathing them in. If you’re back at work or venturing public places on a regular basis, please take precautions.

There is now more evidence than ever before that wearing a mask could be one of the most important things you do to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19. In general, the more time you spend outside interacting with others, and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it. Watch For Symptoms People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms — ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. According to the CDC, you may have COVID-19 if you have these symptoms or combinations of symptoms: • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Or at least two of these symptoms: • Fever • Chills • Repeated shaking with chills • Muscle pain • Headache • Sore throat • New loss of taste or smell Call before you go Call your doctor or your County Health Department if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, have symptoms, and need to be tested. They will decide whether you need to be tested and tell you where to go. If you choose to engage in public activities, please keep these items on hand at all times: a fast mask / cloth cover, tissues, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if possible. Remember, we’re all in this together! Stay safe, until next time.

Carla Dubis Tedeschi

Restart Your Business with SCORE by Your Side The Coronavirus pandemic is unlike any crisis a small business has ever faced. But small business owners are nothing if not resilient, and you can get through this with Pasco Hernando SCORE by your side. During these difficult times, everyone is talking about survival, uncertainty, and loss - loss of revenue, relationships, and resources. It’s normal and human to feel fear and uncertainty, to wonder about the future of your business. At SCORE, we get it. And we’re also here to remind you that you are stronger than you think and more powerful than you know. You are a small business owner, the person who dared to ask what if? The leader who had the courage to take that first step to build a business and a future you believe in. We know that disasters and economic downturns bring unprecedented challenges. But what if the worst thing that ever happened to your business was the catalyst to unlock your courage once again? What if the obstacle you are experiencing right now is your opportunity to grow stronger, more agile, and more successful than you’ve ever been. SCORE is a uniquely American organization that synthesizes two historic national ideas: entrepreneurial spirt and volunteerism. Since 1964, SCORE has provided expert volunteer mentoring to more than 11 million entrepreneurs and small business owners. SCORE is committed to helping any person succeed in their small business endeavor. SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S.

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Small Business Administration (SBA). SCORE’s vision is to strengthen small business, local communities and America by supporting our nations proud heritage of entrepreneurs seeking opportunities and building success. SCORE’s mission is to grow successful small businesses across America, one business at a time. SCORE is proud to have the nation’s largest network of volunteer expert business mentors. SCORE has more than 10,000 diverse volunteers who are committed to helping small business owners succeed. Locally, Pasco Hernando SCORE mentors will guide you through reopening and recovery of your business. SCORE mentoring is free of charge. Challenging times call for trusted business guidance and education. With Covid-19 came confusion and tough questions for small business owners about the disruption of operations, impacts to revenue, and the safety of their employees and customers. To answer business owners’ questions, SCORE developed Small Business Resilience Training. Our Resilience Training provides educational materials and online workshops so your small business can adapt, reopen and grow successfully through Covid-19 or any disaster. Visit www.score.org and learn how to turn today’s obstacles into opportunities for growth. FREE Confidential, Individual, Local Small Business Mentoring Pasco Hernando SCORE offers free confidential, individual small business mentoring. Navigating this

unprecedented crisis is new for small business owners, so it helps to have a trusted mentor who can provide guidance along the way. Our mentors stand ready to conduct mentoring sessions with business owners and future founders during this time of recovery. We can communicate with you by phone, email and video. In the future we will be available for face-to-face mentoring. Visit our website: pascohernando. score.org to request a mentor. Share Your Business Expertise - Volunteer with SCORE SCORE is proud to have the nation’s largest

network of volunteer expert business mentors. A SCORE mentor is an advisor who helps individuals and small businesses reach their goals. Mentors provide free business advice and education. Volunteering is a way for you to give back, network with business experts, and share your knowledge. The ideal mentor is empathetic, flexible, and loves connecting to the right resources. You can help in four different volunteer roles: • Mentor: offer confidential mentoring services • Subject matter expert: provide focused knowledge based on your professional skills or industry

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• Workshop presenter: lead local workshops, seminars and events to help entrepreneurs meet their goals and achieve success • Chapter support role: share your skills in marketing, tech, finance, fundraising and more to help expand the outreach of SCORE

Whether you have owned your own business, worked in a Fortune 500 Company, currently attend college, or are retired and have a sincere commitment for helping small businesses, there’s a place for you as a SCORE volunteer. Volunteer today at pascohernando.score.org or email: info@score439.org

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JULY 2020 9

Tech Talk with Bob: Guess Who’s calling at Dinner? Just as you sit down to enjoy a delicious, hot, dinner, the phone rings. Before you can even utter the word hello, a computer is playing a recording of someone trying to sell you something. They may dangle items that would get the attention of most people, such as lower interest rates on credit cards, cheap health insurance, or perhaps a free vacation. Who can resist, right? You’ve just been robocalled. Now please understand that I am not saying that every offer to save you interest, get affordable health insurance, or even enjoy a free vacation, is a scam. However, one might question how legal, or at least ethical, using robocalls are to contact you. Even if a company’s offer is legit, using a robocall to contact you without your permission to do so --- it is my understanding --- is illegal, according to the United States Federal Trade Commission.

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First of all, I want to be clear about this. I am not a lawyer. If you need specific legal answers, please consult a legal professional. That being said, the way I understand it is that if you do not already have a business relationship with a company, they may not use robocalls to try to sell you something. If they do use a computer to initially dial the call to you, when you answer, they must connect you with a live person. That’s why, sometimes, you have to say hello two or three times before you actually hear a living person on the other end of the line. Sometimes the call gets dropped and all you hear may be a click or just plain silence. That is because when a company’s computer places the call to you, their representative is not actually connected to your call until you have successfully answered your phone. Are we having fun yet? Robocalls aren’t new. This technology has been around for

decades, but people still get ripped-off by robocalls every single day. So let’s start at the beginning. A robocall is any call you receive that when you answer you hear a recorded message rather than a living breathing person. Examples of legitimate use of a robocall to contact to you would be a reminder call for an upcoming medical appointment or perhaps a school closure due to inclement weather. Other forms of legal robocalls would be for charity fundraising and politi-

cal calls soliciting donations and your vote. So get ready for those calls with the upcoming election. I personally get a handful of robocalls every day. The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains a database called the Do Not Call Registry. Anyone may add their phone number to this registry. Legitimate telemarketers use this registry and do not call people on it. If you have already registered with the FTC it usually takes about a month for your phone number to propagate out to law-abiding telemarketers so they are on notice not to call you. If you continue to receive robocalls after that, any telemarketer is sketchy as they are disregarding the do not call registry. Being on this registry does not guarantee that you will not continue to receive robocalls, but rest assured that the robocalls you receive are from companies that are not complying with FTC rules. So beware.

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The only real defense you have against robocalls, short of yanking your phone out of the wall, is hanging up on them. Please do not press any numbers, even if you are prompted to press a number to be taken off of their calling list. Pressing any number just confirms to the caller that they have reached a viable phone number they can either continue to call and/or sell to other robocallers. The only reason robocalls exist is because they are profitable for the caller or they reduce an expense for a business. I am not saying that all robocall technology doesn’t have a legitimate productive use, but just like fire, it can be used for good or evil. Your best defense is getting on the registry and then when you receive a robocall from an organization that you do not already have a business relationship with, be on guard. I want to help you register quickly and safely. So from now until Labor Day, I will register your phone number with the FTC’s do not call registry for FREE! You

have no excuse to put it off. Pick up your phone and call me, right now, at 727-534-4000 and we will get your phone number registered. There is absolutely no cost or obligation to you and it takes less than five minutes. I know how easy it is to procrastinate when it comes to things like this, so go ahead and call me and I will make this quick and painless for you. Then in a month or so afterward the calls should diminish and hopefully you’ll finally be able to get through a hot dinner in peace. Cyber criminals will exploit the easy victims and unprotected systems. Protecting yourself online is your responsibility, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself. We’re here to help. If you are not sure your system is safe, please have it looked over by a Professionally Certified IT Specialist. Call us now at 727-5344000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades. Be Safer In Your Digital World!

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12 JULY 2020

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JULY 2020 13

The Little School that Can and Does – Bishop Larkin Catholic School

By Tom Bostock

When the specter of the pandemic, covid-19, corona virus, cast its deadly shadow across the landscape of our lives, the world changed in an instant, but falling behind educationally was never an option. In the interim, it remained essential to prioritize our needs, creating and implementing innovative strategies to minimize disruptions and establish a sense of consistency for our children. Our priority for them, after health and safety, was their continued education, through the implementation of a previously underused tool. Virtual education, the classroom of 2020s, was and is an important step in that direction. At the forefront of this innovational educational wave, in Pasco county, was Bishop Larkin Catholic School. It is a smaller, friendly, family and faithoriented facility, normally about 220 students strong but always welcome to additional enrollment. Located at 8408 Monarch

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in Port Richey, it serves students, from Pre-K through 8th grade, in the Pasco area, including: Trinity, East Lake, New Port Richey, Port Richey, and the surrounding areas. Bishop Larkin Catholic School stresses the principles that create the well-rounded citizens of tomorrow. Not limited to Catholic students, their values are universal, with a mission statement that clearly reflects both their purpose and goals. “Bishop Larkin Catholic School honors our past, embraces our present, and envisions the future in a Christ-centered learning environment that fosters spiritual and academic growth. We work in partnership with our parents and parish communities to inspire students to flourish in the Catholic traditions of compassion, service, and leadership.” Like the little engine that crested a previously thought to be an impossible hill, her school, because it was the earliest school closing in her county, rolled out its primary virtual

learning platform on March 12th of this year ahead of neighboring schools. Its curriculum encompassed both active and interactive learning aspects, and was geared to student needs by grade level. In some instances, where media resources may have been limited by availability, family size and other economic considerations, the school assisted students by loaning some of its own technology to help level the learning field for them. A story, by Spectrum News 9’s Sarah Blazoniz, in April of this year, featured on the school’s website (bishoplarkin.org), First Month of Virtual Learning Brings Triumphs and

Challenges to Bishop Larkin Catholic School, outlines and highlights some of challenges and successes encountered during the school’s first month’s implementation. The school created a virtual learning platform where teachers posted lessons and tasks for the students each day. The students’ learning day was segmented into three categories: personalized learning, instruction in two core subjects and one encore class such as Music, Art, P.E and World Language. In addition, teachers met virtually with students for live lessons, class meetings, small group instruction and regularly scheduled help sessions.

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In a recent telephone interview, Principal, Stacy Cervone, proudly announced the addition of two new, innovative programs to the school’s curriculum that will be accessible to all Bishop Larkin students, beginning this coming school year. According to Principal Cervone, one of the two new, yet to be rolled out programs, will be a collaboration between the school and the Boston Museum of Science in the

field of engineering. The museum’s website explains that children as young as three to five years old can enjoy engineering. The museum believes that “young learners are natural engineers, ready to innovate and eager to explore the world around them.” Stated aspects of the program are designed to “harness children’s natural curiosity, build upon the skills that children are already developing, focus on real-world problems,

introduce the engineering design process, and implement with ease.” There are four levels of these age appropriate programs that are part of the collaboration. Each is designed for all students to receive a special learning experience. EC3 & Pre-K will implement the Wee Engineering program, knowing the young learners are natural engineers, ready to innovate and eager to explore the world around them. EiE, for Kindergarten, will build a strong base of problem solving and critical thinking that prepares children for success in school and life. Grades 1-5 will experience Engineering is Elementary, a handson curriculum, offering problem solving through hands on engineering design challenges. Engineering is Everywhere, for grades 6-8, is a flexible curriculum that empowers youth to tackle real-world engineering problems using the engineering design process, creativity, and collaboration. There will be something for everyone. The second of these two revolutionary programs

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will prepare children to be able to deal with real world situations in the world around them by employing social and emotional learning techniques. Subjects, confronted today, like diversity and inclusion, will be an integral part of the new program. The Sanford Harmony Social Emotional Learning program supports social connections among all students and promotes the social and emotional skills students need to successfully build positive relationships and to thrive in school. Ever expanding the scope of its educational opportunities, Bishop Larkin Catholic School is a beacon to students and parents alike. It is like living in a small town where you are more than just another number. Bishop Larkin Catholic School believes that we, parents, students, and teachers share the responsibility for the quality of each student’s education and welcomes the chance to prove it. For more information, call 727 862 6981 or visit their website @www.bishoplarkin.org.

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16 JULY 2020

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18 JULY 2020

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JULY 2020 19

“Trinity Family Physicians” story continued from page 1

day and next-day appointments, early morning and late hours would help their patients, as well adding two Physicians Assistants, Rachel Azzarelli and Ian Simpson would increase their availability. “Our patients have been really happy with our Physician Assistants and we are proud to have them. We continue to increase our availability in the practice because of having the providers working under our direction and close supervision,” said Dr. Shirmo. But the doctors could never have foreseen a pandemic making their new, state-of-the-art telemedicine services absolutely paramount to the practice. “Who could predict telemedicine wouldn’t be just for comfort and convenience, but a pandemic? When the pandemic occurred, we were able to transition almost all of our patients to televisits immediately. Patients were able to get care without a lapse in their healthcare. Our staff did an incredible job to make that transition. We really have been keeping the momentum

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Husband and wife team, Dr. Stephanie Eldridge (right) and Dr. Amir Shirmohammad (Dr. Shirmo) (left), Board Certified owners of Trinity Family Physicains.

going as best as we can despite this pandemic,” said Dr. Shirmo. “As we enter the next phase of getting people back out into the workforce, I think it important for people to realize that we’re still here and we’re still able to care for them through the televisits, as well as in the office.” Though an initial in-office appointment is needed to enroll in telemedicine – with two types available, a monthly subscription service or as-needed - the

virtual appointment is as simple as downloading an app, scheduling the tele-appointment and connecting with the doctors via laptop, desktop, or smart device in a private setting with a WIFI signal. For those who need to visit the practice, the doctors and their team are following all necessary procedures to protect their patients. “We’ve taken extra measures ever since the pandemic,” said Dr. Eldridge. “We’re screening

people over the phone to make sure they don’t have any upper or lower respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, etc). If they have those symptoms or have been exposed, we ask that they definitely set up a televisit. We really don’t have the sick patient traffic in the office.” Dr. Shirmo added, “They’re still getting their healthcare but through a different avenue without exposing other people or exposing themselves

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Physicians Assistants, Rachel Azzarelli (left) and Ian Simpson (right)

potentially to other people who might be sick in different ways.” If it is medically necessary that a patient does need to come into the office, the doctors and their team have increased the frequency of their cleaning to ensure everything a patient comes in contact with is thoroughly disinfected. Following the recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control, they have expanded their waiting room and removed chairs to comply with social distancing. Patients are asked to bring their own pen and magazine to avoid potential transmission of

the Coronavirus. As so much misinformation is online and televised regarding the Coronavirus, the doctors, both with Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology, (the study of epidemics) started a YouTube channel that streamed on their Facebook page. “We felt we needed to give our patients unbiased information that came from a trusted source. With our background, who better to talk about this than Dr. Eldridge and myself? We started with instructional videos how to connect with us through televisits, then it led to discussing how patients

should be proactive. We have patients who are immune-compromised, so we started putting out these YouTube videos. We were astonished at how well they were received and how quickly they spread and climbed. We posted the videos on a weeknight at 11pm,” said Dr. Shirmo. Dr. Eldridge explained that when posted to their Facebook page, by morning, they had thousands of views on informational videos on how you can protect yourself, what should you do when going out, should you go to the doctor, etc. “What inspired the YouTube videos was we

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were trying to calm people down, be the voice of reason, and give them some perspective of what to expect,” said Dr. Shirmo. “If our neighbor is immune-compromised, it’s not up to our neighbor to take the proper precautions, but it’s up to the entire community to take proper precautions. That neighbor may be the first person to get it, but they will not be the only person. If you don’t think that virus isn’t going to go around and come back to you and your loved ones, you’re mistaken. We all bear that burden of responsibility to be there for each other.” Trinity Family Physicians is located at the corner of Trinity Blvd. and Duck Slough Blvd. at 1817 Cypress Brook Dr., Suite 101 in Trinity. The hours are MonThurs 8:00-6:00 p.m., Friday 8:00-5:00 p.m. For more information, call (727) 834-8377 or visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/ trinityfamilyphysicians, website at www. trinityfamilyphysicians. com or YouTube channel at https:// www.youtube.com/ channel/UCpFMVqaVL_ tvlskTvLH_Jew JULY 2020 21

22 JULY 2020

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JULY 2020 23

SAT AND ACT IMPROVEMENT: MOVING AHEAD By Dr. Wayne Adams Upcoming Test Dates in 2019: SAT on August 29 and September 26, and ACT on July 18 and September 12. The ACT Exam was given on June 13th and continues to be scheduled for July 18th. Schools are finalizing fall schedules and it looks like a combination of several days at school and the remaining days on-line. The SAT continues with its August 29th Exam and new September 26th Exam. Bright Futures continues to use SAT and ACT scores for qualifying, and most colleges and universities around the country have not changed their policies on SAT and ACT Exams. A few have made the

tests optional or suspended their use for one or two admission cycles only (coming fall and possibly spring), such as the University of California system. I have students taking classes on-site (complies with all Covid 19 requirements), on-line, and combinations of the two. There is a trend for students who have long drives, such as from St. Petersburg or Brandon, or late school release times to take classes on-line, on Saturdays, or a combination. The on-site classes are mostly private, with a maximum of two students at a time when they are siblings or close friends who want to prep together.

During the Covid months there has been no difference in score improvements between students studying on-line and those before and after who studied on-site. SAT students normally improve 200 – 350 points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math. ACT students normally improve 4 – 7 points on the composite. The two, unique prep approaches discussed in my last article continue to produce excellent improvements in SAT and ACT math, and ACT Science. The Math focuses on “quick categorization”, specific strategies, and learning to handle “curve balls”, those questions that don’t come

often but, when they do, we usually require knowing one or two additional bits of information. Science breaks down the Chart and Graph and Experiment problems into simple, repeatable, strategies for quickly understanding what is wanted, making a core move, and then expanding as needed for multiple step problems. “Fighting Scientists” uses a totally different strategy with core concepts and ideas leading to a more detailed “ analysis tree” to find the answers quickly and accurately. Rising seniors will want to be prepared for the SAT and/ or ACT and take an exam as soon as possible to see if they are happy with their scores or

need to keep working. Rising juniors will want to have an idea of their scoring levels, and be prepared for the PSAT in mid-October which is the only qualifying exam for the National Merit Scholarships. I have many rising sophomores who are already preparing for these exams to hit their maximum scores for their “dream

schools” in the future. A new student segment has also developed for students in junior high who are either qualifying for the Duke TIP program or aiming for a top university. These students start with me as early as the seventh grade. Two who did this with me in the past were National Merit Finalists and

admitted to top schools. If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727253-0639 or send me an email at wwa0811@mykolab. com. Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve 200 – 350 points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to eight of the top ten universities in the country, eighteen of the top twenty-five, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), Wake Forest,NYU, Northeast-

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ern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Service Academies: Navy - Air Force - and Merchant Marine - Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berklee Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. This year, he also tutored three juniors who scored at the national merit finalist/ semi-finalist levels on the most recent PSAT. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

JULY 2020 25

“Albert Ortho”

- continued from page 1 “With great knowledge comes great responsibility.” Dr. Albert feels it was his responsibility to bring his 17 years of experience to take care of his orthodontic patients conveniently where they live, work and go to school and make them feel comfortable, knowing they are in the most capable, experienced hands possible for braces, expanders, and Invisalign. Nowadays, that responsibility also extends to operating a practice that meets the new demands of practicing orthodontics during the Covid-19 pandemic. Universal precautions and use of personal protective equipment and barriers have been the norm in dentistry for decades, but Dr. Albert and his staff have implemented additional gear and protocols to ensure the safety of his patients and staff during their treatment. Instead of the traditional physical dental impressions which can be a potential contaminant, Dr. Albert uses the iTero intraoral scanner to scan a patient’s mouth to create a 3D digital model for braces, Invisalign, expanders and diagnostic study models. Not only does the 3-D scan show the current structure of the teeth but it can also produce a simulated outcome of what their teeth will look like after the completion of the expected treatment plan. Growing up in Tarpon Springs, an East Lake High

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School alum, Dr. Albert earned his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from The University of Florida and has been honored with numerous awards and is a member of several dental associations since opening his practice in 2003. Dr. Albert doesn’t pass his patients on to a second doctor in the practice. There is no second doctor. He is there because he loves both the community and what he does and another doctor may not have the same enthusiasm or passion. It is him alone dividing his time between his practice in Trinity and Palm Harbor. Imagine being so impressed with a dentist from your childhood that you follow in his footsteps? Dr. Albert, himself a braces patient, fell in love with dentistry in his teens and knew that was a career path he wanted to take. A huge fan of puzzles, Dr. Albert felt a similarity between doing a puzzle and perfecting a patient’s smile. While in dental school, he made the decision to focus on orthodontics. “I always liked puzzles as a little kid and that’s basically what orthodontics is – we’re trying to figure out how to get everything to fit together, discover where all the pieces go.” Dr. Albert has treated many orthodontic cases that are similar in their initial presentation, but is keenly aware that every patient’s treatment is a little different. “The patients bring their own dynamics to their treatment. Sometimes it’s not a direct path you are taking but constantly adjusting and

accommodating corrections. Orthodontics is really a process of accessing and recalculating treatment each time the patient comes in. It’s not just about the initial appliances or aligners that go on the teeth, but how you use those appliances and adapt to their progress.” Albert Family Orthodontics treats children and adults, and new patient evaluations are always free of charge. The first consultation visit includes a thorough exam, a complimentary panoramic x-ray, and a discussion of potential treatment options and costs. Along with a low initial down payment, Albert Family Orthodontics offers nointerest, in-house financing, Care Credit, as well as accepts most insurance that includes orthodontics.

Albert Family Orthodontics offers the most advanced technology to help his patients be able to see in three-dimensional view a replica of their teeth. Out is the antiquated tray impressions or molds of teeth. Treatment time varies per each patient’s specific orthodontic problem, but in general, ranges from 6 to 24 months. The average timeframe a person is in braces or Invisalign is approximately 18 months. While braces do come both in classic silver and clear, most teens still opt for the silver and colorful bands, enjoying them as a trendy version of mouth jewelry. Millennials and adults tend to gravitate to Invisalign because of the convenience and minimal intrusiveness

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on their lifestyle. Dr. Albert notes however that more and more teens are choosing Invisalign as well for their comfort and versatility for their active lifestyles. “Invisalign is a series of clear trays that the patient wears for 1 week at time and we typically give them 12-16 trays each time they come in. They then progress through the trays in between the visits. We continually check them and ensure that they are fitting properly. Very small movements with each aligner, but over the treatment time, it moves the teeth to where we want.” Addition of the AcceleDent appliance to Invisalign treatment can reduce length of treatment time by 30%. AcceleDent applies a gentle vibration that helps increase the bone and tooth remodeling process, which speeds the rate in which teeth can

move. Based on recommendation by American Association of Orthodontists, Dr. Albert suggests initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7. At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but helps determine the best time to begin treatment. Through his success of this practice, Dr. Albert is proud to give back to his community. He sponsors local children’s sports teams, bands, and cheerleading throughout the year. He participates in the Smiles Change Lives charity by providing pro bono orthodontic services to low income qualified families in the community annually. Through his church, Cypress Meadows Community Church, he visits Haiti and

Kenya on dental mission trips to provide dental services to those who would otherwise go without. “The first time I went there, we had a how-to-takecare-of-your-teeth talk and handed out toothbrushes. Later, they had a church meeting and all the kids were holding their toothbrushes,” he said. “I know if we’re not there helping them out, very likely no one is helping them out. It’s a pretty cool feeling to pay it forward, a lot of those kids never had something we as Americans take for granted – something as simple as a toothbrush.” Dr. Albert believes whether home or abroad, sharing your talents and gifts is important. “I personally feel that it is important to use your gifts and knowledge in ways that are not solely selfserving. There’s a balance between having a practice and giving back to the community and the world. Orthodontics is really one of the professions where it still is really personal and not

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like ordering prescriptions online or going to a medical office where it’s a different nurse or doctor all the time,” he said. “I’ve value that I get to develop relationships with my patients and their families over time. I’m the only doctor that you or your child will see over the course of orthodontic treatment and that personal relationship is very important to me. That’s what I think sets my practice apart from most clinics, and with that continuity of care and supervision comes predictably excellent and efficient results.” Albert Family Orthodontics’ Trinity location is at Trinity Professional Place, 1806 Short Branch Drive, Suite #102 in Trinity (at the corner of Duck Slough and Trinity Blvds.) The Palm Harbor office is at 2445 Tampa Road, Suite A. For more information, please call 727-376-2770 (Trinity) and 727-781-7475 (Palm Harbor), Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., or log on to www. albertfamilyortho.com.

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