Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Trinity Magazine. Vol. 18, Issue 10, October 2022Vol. 18, Issue 10, O

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community. Your magazine.

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THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS, BUSINESS & DINING GUIDE IS DIRECTLY MAILED ONCE EACH MONTH TO: Aristida, Champion’s Club, Chelsea Place, Country Place, Ellington Estates North, Ellington Place, Fairway Springs, Fox Hollow, Fox Wood, Greenbrook Estates, Heritage Lake, Heritage Springs, Hills Of San José, Hunter’s Ridge, Hunting Creek, Longleaf, Magnolia Estates, Nature’s Hideaway, Oak Ridge, Riverbend, Riverchase, River Crossing, River Oaks, Riverside Estates, Riverside Village, Riverside Villas, Seven Springs Golf & Country Club, Southern Oaks, Spring Lake, The Sabals, Thousand Oaks, Timber Greens, Trinity, Trinity East, Trinity Oaks, Trinity West, Veterans Village, Woodbend, Woodgate, Wyndgate & Wyndtree

“Medicare is as Simple as A, B, C, D.” Just Ask Laurie Champion

On July 30, 1965, President Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid Act into law. It was a part of the Social Security Act Amendments and established Medicare; health insurance for seniors at least 65 years of age, as well as younger recipients with certain disabilities while simultaneously creating a similar program for low-income Americans, Medicaid. Today, experienced, licensed insurance agents train to be able to assist seniors in enrolling them in the program and understanding their assorted options under Medicare.

There is an easier way to learn about Medicare. When was the last time you per formed your own brain surgery? Now, that is silly, isn’t it? You would consult a surgeon in the field in question to ensure a more favorable outcome, wouldn’t you? The same thing should apply to your understanding of the nuances of Medicare.

Why don’t you take the uncertainty and any lack of understanding out of the equa tion by getting to know Laurie Champion? She is your experienced local insurance agent for a major Medicare healthcare insur ance provider. Laurie said she learned to understand the confusion associated with

See “Laurie Champion” on page 18

BergHOFF International Inc. – Culinary Quality Close to Home!

Remember the time you dragged your spouse through that large department store in search of that “perfect” grill from T.V.? Or how about that time you cried in your kitchen over your “non-stick” pan actually sticking to…well, everything? And of course, who could ever forget the feeling you had when you only needed a chef’s knife, but were stuck having to buy the whole set?

ron Knives - “Good Design Award,” features a titanium coating.

If this has been you, and you’ve been disappointed time and time again by products that don’t live up to your standards, and options that just aren’t customizable to suit your needs, then you are not alone. But thanks to BergHOFF International Inc.

See “BergHOFF” on page 20

From the Editor.........................5 SAT/ACT....................................8 Tech Talk..................................10 Athletes of the Month........14-15 Advent Health..........................24 Jacobson Culinary Arts............26 Grout Tech..........................28-29 Classifieds.................................30 INSIDE THIS ISSUE ®Your
Vol. 18, Issue 10, October 2022
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4 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com


One of the most significant tools we have today is the power of human connection. Awareness months, weeks, and days are so important: They rally us together to spread a message and show support for much-needed causes. They help us create a comforting feel ing that no matter what you’re going through, you don’t have to do it alone.

The support of your loved ones and the community you live in can make a huge difference in anyone’s life. I love being part of the supportive commu nity of Tampa Bay!

This month of October happens to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, LGBT History Month, ADHD Awareness Month, Emotional Wellness Month, and Italian-American Heritage Month, just to name a few. Whichever movement you choose to support, make it count!

As someone whose childhood friend just got diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and it’s undergoing weekly chemo sessions, I want to say Brenda I love you, stay strong! Have faith, and don’t stop fighting!

For everyone reading, I also want to say that early detection can make all the difference. I can’t really stress enough the importance of preventive care and regular checkups.

The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Movement will host several fundraising events and non-competitive walks/runs in Tampa Bay during the month of October.

“Since 1993, the American Can cer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® (MSABC) campaign has united communities, companies, and individuals with a collective goal to end breast cancer as we know it. Over the past two decades, the 3- to 5-mile noncompetitive walks have collectively grown into the nation’s largest and most impactful breast cancer move

ment providing a supportive com munity for courageous breast cancer survivors and metastatic breast can cer thrivers, including caregivers and families alike. This year, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer celebrates its 30th anniversary and will take place in more than 150 communities nation wide. We invite you to join the Making Strides movement to help save lives and end breast cancer as we know it.” (cancer.org)

For more information and to par ticipate in upcoming awareness events taking place throughout the month of October in Tampa, please visit https:// www.cancer.org/involved/fundraise/ making-strides-against-breast-cancer. html.For resourceful information on breast screening exams and mam mograms for low-income households, please check: https://www.freemammo grams.org/city/fl-tampa

During October, numerous small businesses will offer amazing promo tions and perhaps even hold their own fundraising events, so make sure to check out your Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles magazine or visit tbnews andlifestyles.com to stay up to date with what your community businesses and non-for-profits are doing and offer ing every month!

With Halloween festivities fast ap proaching, the City of Tampa wants to keep families participating in trick-ortreating events safe from COVID. For a detailed list of Halloween safety tips and an incredible list of family-friendly Halloween events, please visit: https:// www.tampa.gov/news/city-tampashares-covid-19-safety-tips-trick-ortreating-and-other-halloween-festivities

Until next time, stay safe!

6 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com
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For SENIORS, it is hard to believe that college applica tion season is upon us again. This means keeping up grades, campus visits, activities, athlet ics, social lives, qualifying for Bright Futures scholarships, and figuring out how to have the best application for accep tance to “dream schools” and backups.

For the Academic Schol ars level (WORTH AROUND $25,000), the minimum SAT score required is 1330 and the minimum ACT score is 29. For the Medallion Scholars level (WORTH AROUND $18,000), the minimum SAT is 1210 and the Minimum ACT is 25. Al most all of my students qualify for one of these levels, with many far exceeding what is required. I show them how this is like having a job that pays $50 to $100 an hour for their effort.

Recently, a parent called and asked if I could help her daughter, a rising senior at an excellent high school, raise her SAT score from 1360 to the mid-1400’s because the daughter of a friend from that school had applied last year to UF with a 1380 SAT and was not admitted.

With increased popularity of our Florida Universities, it is no surprise that admission has steadily gotten more competi tive. For UF, FSU, USF, or UCF, students today need almost “straight A’s” PLUS a high SAT or ACT score. To be in the

middle range to be admitted: UF SAT 1360 ACT 33; FSU 1350 or 32; USF 1320 or 30; UCF 1250 or 28.

The first three criteria for consideration are Class Standing, GPA, and SAT/ACT score(s). Most students selfselect out and don’t apply to schools where they would not have a chance for admission (i.e., applying to UF with a SAT of 1000).

The first place most students can really stand out is with their application essay. Having talked with admissions officers for years across the country, this essay is critical because it is their first chance to learn something personal about a student, life experi ences, and why that admis sions officer should select a student for admission com pared to all the other appli cants.

Recently, I helped a student with their essay. Here is a quick comparison of the student’s introduction “before and after”.

BEFORE: Mount Baldy, a treasure that is talked about throughout the Philmont scout reservation, was about to be summited by my friends and I. After waking up at 3 A.M and many long hours of hiking up steep terrain, we reached the summit. The view was mesmorizing. The sense of accomplishment that I felt in that very moment was unlike no other.

AFTER: When I scanned the horizon from the summit

of Mt. Baldy, towering 10,300 feet into the azure California sky, my heart filled with joy. To the north and south rolled away smaller mountains like waves in the ocean. To the east, I saw the emptiness of the Mohave Desert. To the west, I saw a field of clouds overshadowing the terrain un derneath, stretching out to the Pacific Ocean where sunlight flashed like stars on the waves.

What a magnificent re ward for years of planning and preparation! What a spectacu lar glance at the possibilities for my future! Some direc tions will be gorgeous, more beautiful than sunsets over any ocean. Some will be dry and barren just like any desert. Some will be summiting other mountains as part of life’s con tinuous journey.

My JUNIORS and SOPHOMORES are usually focused on getting a headstart on the SAT and/or ACT, and being ready for the PSAT to qualify for National Merit Scholarships.

If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Stu dent … Please contact me at

info@nnlflorida.com or visit

727-253-0639 or send me an email at wwa0811@mykolab. com.

Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tu tors in the country. His students normally improve 200+ points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to 8 of the top 10 universities in the country, 18 of the top 25, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Colum bia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Bos ton College, Georgia Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard –Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. He is a former Dean of a Gradu ate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Mary land in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia Internation al, and Luther Rice.

8 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I
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Terrifying Tales of Scammers!by Bob the Computer Guy

Hello Friend! In case you didn’t know, October is Cybersecurity Aware ness Month, so I’d like to start by telling you a story about a phone call my wife received. Over Labor Day weekend we received a phone call from “Officer Johnson” in the warrants and citations department of the county sheriff’s office. He used her full name and left a phone number for her to call back. Naturally, we were very suspi cious of this message. We went to the sheriff’s office website, found the nonemergency phone number, and spoke with an officer there. When we ex plained the message we received, he advised my wife that this is a common phone call scam going around lately and that it was best to just ignore the phone call.

This incident got me thinking about how these scammers scare and intimidate their victims. It’s all psycho logical. These cybercriminals are prey ing on your fear. Whether they send you an email that your credit card was used to make an expensive purchase, a pop-up message on your screen telling you that your computer had a security breach, or “Officer Johnson” calling to discuss the warrant out for your arrest, they are hoping you’ll spring into action to resolve the issue quickly, and with as few questions, as possible.

The only way to combat this psychological attack on your sensitive information is by changing your behav ior. That’s why my cybersecurity team and I have produced an informational guide for you to reference if one of these scammers tries to take advan tage of your fears. In this guide we

include information on the four types of scams that we get the most phone calls about. Our goal is to help you identify these different types of scams, so you don’t fall victim to them. And if you do get scammed, we give you the next steps to take to get you safe and secure.

There are four types of scams that we identify within the guide. The first scam we discuss is the email and text message scam. Email scams are incredibly common, but I’ve been get ting more calls about text scams lately. When presented with these scams we always recommend reaching out to your trusted IT professional to check them out, but within our guide we give you a comprehensive check list to de termine whether they are real or not.

The second type of scam we dis cuss is the phone call scam. Much like the email and text scam this is one of the most common scams that people experience. We recommend that you don’t answer any calls from phone numbers you don’t know. Unfortunate ly, many people do not know to ignore the call and get sucked in. If you do answer, or they leave a voicemail, our guide can help you figure out how to resolve any issues the caller might have mentioned.

The third scam we discuss is a bit scarier than the former two and is the one that folks tend to fall for the most: the pop-up scam. This type of scam truly plays on your fears and can happen to anyone while online with a simple click of your mouse. These types of scams tend to mimic true security warnings that your computer might show but, in our guide, we show what this type of scam might look like and provide a list of characteristics this

scam might have.

The final scam we discuss is less common than the rest but is the most detrimental to its victims: the sim card swap scam. A sim card is the device in your mobile phone that provides your cellular connection with your carrier. If scammers get enough of your per sonal information, they can imperson ate you and get your phone number changed to another carrier, therefore stealing your phone number and any other information tied to that phone number. In our guide we give you the warning signs to watch for and what to do if this does happen to you, as well as how to help protect yourself from becoming a victim in the first place.

If you would like to get your hands on one of these FREE guides all you have to do is give us a call at 727534-4000 and we’ll get one sent to you. The next time you get a phone call, email, or pop-up message you can grab this guide to help keep you from becoming yet another cybercrime statistic.

Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my friend. My team and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. My team repairs comput ers and secures them, on our bench, on-site in your home or office, and even remotely. We have the best solu tions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.

We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World!

10 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com
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Teeing up her leadership

Senior Captain Nicole Baum (‘23), makes lasting contributions to her team as the season presses on.

October 2022’s Gregg Schindler Female Athlete of the Month is golfer Nicole Baum (‘23), who encompasses the idea of practice, improvement, and performance, all while being a beacon of determination for her teammates. Her cando attitude and appreciative personality carry over from school and make her a great Team Captain and player.

“I love the team atmosphere and the camaraderie that we have; it’s nice to know that even while we’re playing alone, there’s people who are rooting for me and want the team to succeed,” she said.

Baum started playing golf in her freshman year, when she first joined the team. It didn’t take long for her to start vigorously working on her game, practicing during both the team practices and on her own time, even when weather conditions aren’t ideal for normal range/ course practice.

“I go to the range every day that I can, and if I can’t, I chip or hit in my backyard. It’s also important to play on the course a lot so you know what needs improving and to practice your course management, so I do that as well. I keep practicing as

Baum poses with the head pro at Southern Hills Plantation Club after winning a monthly tournament hosted at the club. She plays in events outside the high school matches to improve her game further and practice being in a more competitive environment. Photo courtesy of Karen Baum.

often as possible and make sure others are too.” she said.

As a Captain, Baum leads her team’s morale and helps everyone out when they need it. She tries to have necessary provisions, like snacks, drinks, and band-aids. She also monitors the younger and less experienced players and helps with rulings, scoring, and warmup.

During matches, she also shows respect toward the opposing team, helping their players play the best they can and giving a fair match for everyone. On the course, she shows the

proper example of etiquette and maintains a steady pace of play even when others are struggling.

“I’m good at staying calm and level headed; I don’t really get emotional even when I’m having a bad day. I hope to make new members feel welcome and included and to keep the friendly feeling going even when I’m off to college,” she said.

As the season crawls closer to the state series (District, Regionals, and State Tournaments), the team aims to reach the State Tournament, a two-day 36 hole event


in Orlando. Baum has a personal goal of shooting lower than 84 for 18 holes by the end of the season. After high school, she plans to go to college and study at a prestigious university, possibly playing golf on their team.

“Even though I don’t want to be a professional golfer, it’s a sport I enjoy and would like to continue playing,” she said.

Congratulations to Nicole Baum for being selected as the October 2022 Gregg Schindler Female Athlete of the Month.

14 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I
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Under Par and Shooting Far

October’s Gregg Schindler male athlete of the month, is senior Evan Zehm.

October’s Gregg Schindler male athlete of the month, is senior Evan Zehm. During his freshman year, Zhem started playing golf, as well as joining the Mitchell boy’s golf team. Since then, he has made various achievements, contributing to his team and improved greatly during the 4 seasons he’s been playing for, with goals of playing in college and professionally.

After breaking his ankle during his 8th grade year, Zehm made the switch from soccer to golf. Now a solid player of the team for 4 years, he puts his all into every shot as well as being a leader especially by supporting his teammates.

“My dad got me into it [golf], he helps me, motivates me, to do better, and to do more tournaments. Golf seemed enjoyable, you have 4 hours to relax and enjoy the course,” Zehm said.

Recalling his most rewarding moment during a tournament hosted by George Jenkins High

School in September of this year, Zehm shot under par placing top 10 in a field of 100 people.

“Shooting under par when I was struggling to play well but I still kept through it and ended up placing top 10 was my greatest achievement this season,” Zehm said.

Since he started playing golf, Zehm realized how important his mental game was while playing. For a sport like golf, which is much more individual than other sports, having a strong mental focus and ability to let the “last shot go” is a vital part of being a successful athlete.

“If you feel like you’re swinging, good you feel more confident, it makes you more motivated to go out and play more, and shoot better, and have more energy and not get frustrated. It’s all mental you could have a good swing but then get frustrated after one bad one shot and then you’re shooting a bad score. Work on your mental game and work on your short game,” Zehm said.

Senior Evan Zehm practices swinging with a hybrid at Hunter’s Green Country Club in late August. “It’s accu rate, I’m a longer hitter so I hit the ball further, if there’s a tighter hole and I don’t have as much room to hit it a little bit off target, then I can just take the hybrid and almost ensure that I’m going to get the ball in,” Zehm said. Photo provided by Evan Zehm

Zehm continues to be a huge asset to his team and as his high school season comes to an end Zehm hopes to continue playing in college and then eventually playing professionally.

Congratulations to the Gregg Schindler male student athlete for the month of October, Evan Zehm!

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Medicare when her father had a stroke. He did not know where to get the specialized care he needed from his regular Medicare provider. With Laurie’s help, he was able to get the proper treatment to put him on the road to recov ery. This incident and her husband’s later suggestion encouraged her to enter the Medicare field.

Laurie said, “I have been a licensed insurance agent for 15 years and have specialized in the intrica cies of Medicare for the last 10 years.” Her husband, a financial advisor, had many older clients who were

aging into Medicare. He needed someone to help his clients with their Medi care needs. It was a perfect fit for her, as, years later, her many grateful, satisfied Medicare clients today can attest to.

When I asked Laurie about the different sec tions of Medicare and what coverage they provide, she said that each portion rep resented a specific area of Medicare coverage

As I understand it, Part A refers to the coverage for hospital stays and includes 80% of the costs incurred. Part B is similar but covers expenses for services out side of hospital stays, not including drugs. Again, the same 80% limit applies.

“Laurie Champion” story continued from page 1

Part C relates to Medi care plans. Major healthcare companies offer a variety of individual programs that include the benefits of all parts of Medicare, and additional coverage that might include dental, vision, and gym memberships, to name just a few of the many possible additional benefits offered by the individual plans.

Part D refers to cover age for prescription drugs and medicines. Many of these programs include mail options from their online pharmacies. It is a tiered system and drug costs rise as various medications are found on a higher tier

This is just a brief lay man’s view of what I un

derstand about Medicare and its options. If you have any questions, you should be talking to Laurie Cham pion, your local Medicare adviser. She is the expert and can explain the Medi care process in terms that everyone can understand. She periodically conducts group presentations in easyto-understand language. She represents one of the largest Medicare health care insurance providers in the country with some of the most comprehensive Medicare Advantage, and supplement programs, and benefits available anywhere.

Do not worry if you are not available to attend one of her group meetings that explain Medicare. Laurie

also offers one-on-one, in-home consultations if you contact her in advance at 727 741 2481. Visit her website at www.MyUHCa gent.com/laurie.champion for more information.

In addition to the group presentations, and one-onone meetings, Laurie also offers virtual meetings to ac commodate any less mobile clients’ needs. “My clients,” she said, “are extremely important to me. I treat them the way I want to be treated.” This confirms her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.

Laurie stresses Medi care education with all her clients. That way, she keeps them up to date about any current changes to the

program. Clients can feel confident when they choose one of her Medicare plans that best meets their indi vidual healthcare needs.

There are many Medi care agents available around the country, but Lau rie is your local, knowledge able, and professional one. She is conveniently located to anyone in the Tampa Bay area and professionally serves all her clients. If you miss the initial Medicare enrollment period, contact Laurie. She might be able to help. There is nothing to lose but a phone call and a minute of your time. Call 727 741 2481 today for your peace of mind tomorrow

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“BergHOFF” story continued from page 1

in Odessa, the brand’s only buy-direct store in all of North America, your cooking worries are now “finite!”

At BergHOFF, conveniently located off of State Road 54, you’ll find high quality cookware, cutlery, and cook accessories with impeccable design at affordable prices. If you are unfamiliar with this high-end brand, BergHOFF is a designer, producer, and distributor of Cookware, Knives, Portable Induction Cooktops, Bakeware, Porcelain, Flatware, Kamado Grills, BBQ Accessories, and Cook’s Tools. Chances are, you may have driven by BergHOFF’s large industrial building before, unaware of the treasures lying inside. But take it from Dan, a happy customer, – it’s worth making the U-Turn! “I’m visiting family in the Odessa, Florida area, and drove past the [BergHOFF] building, did a U-turn, and went in,” Dan writes. “I’m a Chef and I love this store… Great and huge selection of items and prices that can’t be beat…..Staff was super friendly and helpful.”

And this is true. Whether you are a chef like Dan, or simply a foodie who loves cooking, there is something for everyone at

BergHOFF. Perhaps you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen’s current collection or maybe you’re after a gift for the chef in your life. Either way, BergHOFF, is the prime place to shop and save on over 3,000 products. In fact, the Belgium-based company has been designing elegant and practical utensils since 1964, and now touts international acclaim and numerous design awards, including almost 100 of the most prestigious design awards. Odessa locals Raymond and Deborah Van Den Langenbergh, who are also the owners of BergHOFF’s North American distribution, first built their showroom off of State Road 54 in November of 2006 for wholesale buyers. However, it wasn’t long before members of the community began knocking on their door, interested in buying the brand’s products directly. Soon after, the couple opened the BergHOFF showroom to the public, making residents of Tampa Bay the only customers on the continent that can buy-direct products from the company in-person! “We celebrate 16 years this November, and several thousand customers have enjoyed the opportunity to purchase the best culinary

products,” Showroom Manager Candace Powers shares.

Needless to say, many locals are impressed, such as Local Guide Brian F., who recently stopped in for his first visit. He writes, “We selected the Ouro Gold Stainless Steel set, a set of stainless-steel utensils to use… An induction cook top and a non-stick coated

727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit

griddle for pancakes…and a knife set…I am impressed at how well these heat up evenly, are easy to clean, and the handles stay cool enough, even for the pasta pot that was on the stove for a half hour,” he says. “As a bonus, they feel good in the hand, and look great…Overall the products are great…” At BergHOFF, you won’t just

20 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info
Kamado Grill - Cook your food to perfection! Perfect Slice – a Non-Stick Bakeware & Custom Slicing System in One

10 Piece Hammered Stainless Steel Cookware Set: 18/10

Surgical Stainless Steel, Induction Ready

like Candace Powers and Culinary Connoisseur Sylke Frischknecht, you’re sure to feel welcomed. But don’t let your culinary trip just stop there – check out the newest addition to the BergHOFF shopping experience at the building’s second entrance…the Liquidation Center!

Although the Liquidation Center has only been opened since 2021, the showroom has endured much success. With help from Liquidation Showroom

even exercise machines, including state-of-the-art machines popular at physiotherapy locations, there are many promotions to take advantage of in both showrooms.

hospitality at Tarpon Springs High School. Overall, due to BergHOFF’s quality, design, and pricing, it’s no wonder why the brand is so close to both home and heart for many locals. But as you set off on your own culinary journey, it’s important to keep this piece of advice in mind from chef Dan Boulud: “Kitchens should be designed around what’s truly important – fun, food, and life.” Happy cooking!

find quality products at the best prices possible, but you’ll also find friendly and passionate staff who understand the intricacies of cooking in a kitchen. With incredible employees

Manager Ron Martin, you’re sure to find something special to take home with you. The associates insist that you “stop in and look twice,” so as to never miss out on incredible deals in the discounted center.

From various products such as grills and BBQ tools to vacuum cleaners, and

In fact, store regular Jon G. insists that after stopping by the showroom for kitchen supplies, you won’t want to go anywhere else. “Look no further for absolutely the finest cookware you will ever see,” he says. “Almost too nice to cook in…” Although BergHOFF no doubt has amazing cooking products, the staff understands that true hospitality doesn’t just stop at the kitchen. That being said, BergHOFF has been known to give back to the community, as seen by their recent raffle for a Kamado Grill and a BBQ Set, which earned several hundred dollars for a local fire department. The store is also a proud sponsor of JCAA, the Jacobson Culinary Arts Academy, which is a program dedicated to inspiring young students about the wonders of cooking and

BergHOFF International Inc. is located at 11063 SR 54 (between Little Road & Gunn Hwy in Odessa) just minutes from East Lake. We are open to the public Tuesday thru Saturdays 10am to 5pm, closed Sundays and Mondays and Holidays. For more information email us at store@berghoffusa.com or contact us for the store at 727-853-3373. To reach our Liquidation Center, please email us at liquidation@berghoffusa. com. If you are not able to visit our Store & Liquidation Center, please visit us online shopberghoff.com. Don’t forget to love us on Yelp!

We look forward to meeting you soon!

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AdventHealth North Pinellas

Unveils Renovated, Expanded Lobby

Leaders at AdventHealth North Pinellas celebrated the opening of its newlyrenovated lobby. The project is part of a $22million, multi-year comprehensive expansion designed to meet the growing need for worldclass care in Pinellas County and its surrounding communities.

Patients and visitors will be greeted by a much larger, warm, and inviting space that promotes healing. The new lobby also features amenities like a a reflection lounge with a community-inspired painting called “Beautiful Historic Springs,” by renowned artist Christoper Still.

Phase two of the lobby expansion will include a cafe, gift shop, and chapel. The project was thanks to more than 100 donors who contributed to the AdventHealth North Pinellas Foundation.

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Lentil Bolognese


• 2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

• ¼ cup red wine or dry white wine (optional)

• 1, 2 ounces bacon or pancetta finely chopped (optional)

• 2, (28-ounce) cans diced tomatoes

• 2, 8 ounces onion finely chopped

• 3¼ cups marinated Lentils

• 4 ounces carrot finely chopped

• 4 ounces celery finely chopped

• Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

• 1-pound dried pasta (any type)

• 4 garlic cloves finely chopped

• 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter cut into small pieces

• 2 Tablespoons harissa or tomato paste

• Finely grated parmesan (for serving; optional)


Heat oil and bacon (if using) in a large heavy pot over medium, stirring until bacon starts to sizzle, about 1 minute. Add onions, carrots, celery, and garlic, and cook until translucent 5-8 minutes.

Add harissa or tomato paste and cook, stirring occasionally until slightly darkened in color. Add wine and cook, scraping up browned bits and stirring

occasionally until the wine is reduced. Stir in tomatoes with juices. Fill the can with water and pour it into the pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat.

Set aside ½ of the lentils for serving. Add the remaining lentils to the sauce. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally until thickened about 20-30 minutes. Remove from heat and puree ½ of the sauce, with an immersion or regular blender until smooth, pour back into the pot with the remaining sauce. Keep warm. Cook pasta in salted water until al dente. Drain pasta reserving at least 1 cup of pasta water to thin the out sauce if too thick. Add pasta to the sauce with butter and ½ cup of pasta water. Cook,

stirring constantly, adding more pasta water if needed until the sauce thickens enough to coat the oat pasta for about 1 minute. Divide pasta among shallow bowls and top with reserved lentils and Parmesan cheese.

Marinated Lentils

• 1 ¼ cups French green, brown, black, coral, or golden lentils

• 1 ½ teaspoon kosher salt

• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

• 2 tablespoons sherry or red wine vinegar

• ¼ teaspoon honey

• 1/8 teaspoon hot smoked Spanish paprika or Hungarian paprika

Combine lentils and 1 teaspoon of salt in a large saucepan and pour in cold water to cover by at least 1 inch. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer gently until lentils are tender but still have some bite, about 20 minutes. Drain and return to pot. Meanwhile whisk oil, vinegar, honey, paprika, and the remaining ½ teaspoon salt in a small bowl. Pour vinaigrette over hot lentils and toss to coat. Let sit at least 10 minutes before serving to give lentils time to absorb flavors from the vinaigrette. Lentils can be prepared ahead of time and stored in a container, chilled.

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tbnewsandlifestyles.com JACOBSON
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Before After

Before you spend thousands of dollars remodeling and re-tiling your bathroom or kitchen be sure to call Grout Tech for a FREE estimate on cleaning or repairing old dingy tile and grout. Grout Tech can breathe new life into your existing tile work, making everything shine like new at a fraction of the cost. Grout Tech is a family owned business serving Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco Counties.

With over 17 years of experience in the industry, Grout Tech specializes in cleaning and sealing tile and grout, re-coloring grout, re-caulking showers and tubs, and repairing grout and broken tiles.

Grout Tech will renew existing grout and tile to its original beauty by cleaning and maintaining the tile and grout lines. Jeremy G. and his wife were ready to re-tile their entire bathroom before calling BJ at Grout Tech. “Our bathroom tile was over 40 years old it was looking grungy and very dull. We called Grout Tech and we are extremely pleased with our results! We saved so much money by having the grout in our shower resurfaced and the tile cleaned and it looks brand new.”

BJ is happy to set your appointment, come out and give you a free estimate. She stresses, “It is important for me

to be respectful of our customers’ time so I will always arrive at the time we set.” In addition to always arriving in a timely manner, BJ says that they can keep their prices low because they are a family owned business and not a franchise. She explains, “What many people don’t understand is that franchises are often forced to charge more for their services because they have to maintain their franchise fees, but not with Grout Tech.”

Not only does Grout Tech keep its rates competitive, but the company will also honor any other quote as long as it is in writing.

Because grout is a porous material, trying to remove stains is seemingly

impossible. BJ explains, “Color sealing grout lines is one of the many services we offer and it is definitely the most effective way to create a perfect, new look.”

Using a step-bystep process, Grout Tech begins by using a cleansing product to remove all bacteria and surface dirt with special machinery. They will then apply a color seal (of your choice).

Once the sealer is applied the grout lines will be permanently protected from any stains.

The color seal also guarantees against cracking, chipping and peeling. Additionally, they will also cosmetically fix or replace chipped or

28 OCTOBER 2022 For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

Before After

cracked tiles, making your bathroom or kitchen tile like new again.

Kathy G., a satisfied customer, shares her experience, “When BJ came out to give us a quote, she looked at the job and I could tell immediately that she knew what she was talking about. We had our family room, kitchen and dining room re-grouted. They also re-grouted the tub, shower and base of our toilet in our bathroom. They were fantastic!

Not only were they professional and reliable but they also completed the job much faster than we had anticipated.”

helped this business grow.


Excellent Service Leads to Referrals

Throughout the years, Grout Tech has grown through its many referrals from happy customers. People really appreciate that Grout Tech saves them time and money, but it is the excellent service provided that has really

Grout Tech’s success stories say that before calling Grout Tech, their bathrooms, guest bathroom showers and floor grout, had deteriorated over time and the tiles were dull and stained. “The tile was in good condition but it was stained so we had Grout Tech come out and clean them and they turned out very well.” They were so pleased that they have already referred Grout Tech to neighbors in their

Grout Tech can also remove and re-caulk around sinks, baseboards, tubs and showers serving to clean up old moldy areas and keep your dry wall free from water damage. From old to new in just one day!

To find out more about Grout Tech’s services or for a free estimate call BJ at 727768-6828.

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Experienced teacher with two master’s degrees and knowledge of Spanish and French. ESL certified with 120-hour course through Oxford Seminars, both classroom, and practicum. I seek students who are motivated to learn conversational English, reading, and writing. I charge $25 per hour and live in New Port Richey. Zoom meetings are available as well as one-to-one in-person teaching. Call 941-9620028.


Custom Edge Window Cleaning. Residential and commercial. Reasonable rates. Also offering Vinyl window cleaning. Fully licensed and insured. Call Gary at 727-877-5650 for a FREE estimate!

Mary’s Spotless Touch Cleaning Service, Inc.- Licensed, Insured and Bonded for your piece of mind. We offer both residential and commercial cleaning and have been cleaning in the area for 15 years. No home/office too large or small. We are extremely pet friendly, pay attention to detail that is often overlooked and supply all the necessary cleaning products to efficiently clean your home/office and leave it smelling and looking wonderful!!We also offer other cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, deep cleaning, windows, etc. Weekly, biweekly and monthly rates available. Now also accepting Visa, MC, American Express, and Discover for your convenience. Call for a free estimate today with a dependable and trustworthy company!! Call Mary (727) 3890347.



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