Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Westchase Edition. Vol.9, Issue 2. Feb. 2020

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Vol. 9, Issue 2, February 2020


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Sleep Apnea Solutions Tampa Offers Device to Prevent Sleep Apnea

By Deborah Bostock-Kelley

If you or a loved one have difficulty sleeping, frequently snore, feel tired upon waking, or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, a safe, nonsurgical treatment is available as an alternative to the often noisy and sometimes expensive CPAP machine. Sleep apnea is a severe sleep disorder that happens when your regular breathing is interrupted during sleep. Dr. Juliet Bulnes-Newton, a local sleep expert and American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM) Diplomate, has practiced dentistry for over 18 years, with a focus on dental sleep medicine for nearly a decade. She founded Sleep Apnea Solutions Tampa as part of Westchase Esthetic Family Dentistry, a practice she owns and operates with Dr. Laura Goodwin. Through Sleep Apnea Solutions Tampa, adult patients can be fitted with an oral therapy device

that repositions the mouth to increase airflow while sleeping. It gently moves your jaw forward, lifting the palate and preventing your tongue from falling backward. The device keeps your airway open throughout the night, so you continue to get oxygen to breathe correctly. It fits snug to your teeth, so there is no risk of swallowing the device. “In the simplest of terms, it’s like a mouthguard, but there is so much more to it than that,” said Dr. BulnesNewton. If you fear CPAP, which is commonly prescribed for consistent breathing through the night, this safe and affordable FDA-approved option is available at Sleep Apnea Solutions Tampa. Most medical insurance carriers and Medicare cover oral appliances for the treatment of sleep apnea. The device is customfabricated and custom-fitted for each patient - no one size fits all. It can be used for sleep apnea and snoring

prevention. Signs of sleep apnea may include; difficulty sleeping, insomnia, excessive daytime drowsiness, falling asleep unintentionally during the day, loud snoring at night, waking up at night short of breath, gasping for breath while sleeping, and headaches upon waking because you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain throughout the night. Dr. Bulnes-Newton recommends getting tested for sleep apnea if you are experiencing these symptoms. “Short-term, you wake up See “Sleep Apnea” on page 8

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor.....................5 Tech Talk with Bob.................6-7 Powerstories Theatre.....10-11 National Rejuvenation Centers...............................12-13 Rizzotto Wealth Management..................16-17 Anne Frank’s Stepsister.......18


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Did you know that the month of February has a leap day?

February 29, is added to the calendar during leap years. This extra day makes 2020 366 days long—not 365 days, like a common year. The next leap day is February 29, 2020. The last leap day was on February 29, 2016!

Hail, Caesar!

Roman general Julius Caesar implemented the first leap day in his Julian Calendar, which he introduced in 45 BCE. A leap day was added every four years. At the time, the leap day was February 24, and February was the last month of the year.

Tradition and Folklore

Leap day as a concept has existed for more than 2000 years and it is still associated with age-old customs, folklore, and superstition. One of the most wellknown traditions is that women propose to their boyfriends, instead of the other way around. Does the movie “Leap Year” with Amy Adams ring any bells? When yet another anniversary passes without a marriage proposal, Anna (Amy Adams) decides to take action. Aware of the superstitions and Celtic traditions that allow women to pop the question on Feb. 29, she plans to follow her lover to Dublin and propose. I personally don’t think I have the guts to propose to a man, but kudos to those brave and courageous ladies that pop the question themselves.

All About The Heart

The month of February has long been synonymous with tender heart shapes and the sensual color of red—thanks to the annual celebration of Valentine’s Day. But February isn’t just for friends and lovers. It also reminds us to take care of our heart and consider our risk factors, because February is Heart Disease Awareness Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths is caused by heart disease. My father Julio Cesar, named after the Roman General, was only

62 years old when he passed away unexpectedly from a fatal heart attack on my living room floor 2 years ago, but it hurts like it happened just yesterday.

Don’t Wait

Your risk of heart disease increases as you get older but believe it or not, heart disease can happen at any age. The good news? Some risk factors for heart disease and stroke are preventable when people make healthy lifestyle choices. Some risk factors for cardiovascular disease include; obesity, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, high cholesterol or diabetes. So, if you want to stay on top of your health and try to avoid the risk of heart disease, there are a few things you can do. Starting with not smoking, but if you’re already a smoker try your best to quit. If you are being treated for high blood pressure and cholesterol do your best to take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. Next, make heart-healthy decisions. Eat whole foods that are low in trans-fat, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugar. Limit sugar-sweetened beverages and red meat. Condiment your proteins with spices instead of salt. When you’re preparing a meal, make sure to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables instead of carbohydrates. Finally, get moving! Living a sedentary lifestyle will put you at a much greater risk for heart disease. Try to get in at least 20 minutes of physical activity 4-5 days a week, then build from there. Manage your stress levels. Stress is linked to heart disease in many ways. It can raise your blood pressure. Extreme stress can be a “trigger” for a heart attack. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you may raise your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Those three things can raise your risks for heart disease.

Until next time,

Carla Selby

Tech Talk with Bob: Is Your Router Protecting You? When digital connections replaced analog connections, communication became faster and cheaper. You could simultaneously connect more than a couple hundred devices for the cost of about two or three phone lines, and they ran approximately 15 times faster than you could get from a single analog dialup phone line connection. This had a tremendous affect on the communications industry. You saw it was happening. Remember years back when you could, all of a sudden, call anywhere in the country anytime for one low monthly rate? What happened to all


of those long-distance phone charges we used to dread when we opened our phone bill? Digital

convenience of the faster speeds and lower phone bills, but also in the way you need to protect yourself online. The digital technology our computers/phones/ tablets we now use in our homes or offices have a central communication point, the router. The device we call the router or wireless-router (wifi-router) actually contains multiple devices that perform various functions for your network. One of these functions is the potential to keep you protected from people and other machines that want technology replacing analog to invade your network connection without your technology has changed the communication industry knowledge. Sometimes it is a cheapskate neighbor forever; not just in the

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not wanting to pay for their own internet connection and sometimes it might be a cyber criminal preying on your unprotected network to use it for nefarious activities. Most routers are designed to work right out of the box. The router manufacturer wants your setup to be quick and simple. Although the router is configured to work out of the box, it is not configured, out of the box, to keep you safe. Creating a safer network and internet environment is your responsibility. A responsibility that unfortunately many people overlook mainly because they are unaware that they even need to do it. Some think that just because their router is doing everything

they want it to do (provide internet access) that they just assume that it is doing all the things they need it to do. Including keeping them safe. Often times people assume that their internet service provider (ISP) will keep them safe online. That is a dangerous assumption. Remember, your ISP’s job is to provide you with internet access, not protect your network. You don’t typically select your ISP and router by the safety they can provide. Selection is usually based on price and speed (watch any of the TV ads trying to get your ISP dollars). And it stands to reason, that when you select an ISP and install a router you’re interested in how well it provides you internet service not how it

protects you. How many times have you purchased a car because you liked the seatbelts and airbags? Some ISPs may offer a token form of protection like a free antivirus program. In the old days of dialup internet connections antivirus was enough. Today’s digital world requires more protection than a wifi password and antivirus software. Routers can be configured to keep you safer online. Knowing how to configure them and actually taking the time to do it can be a bit of a chore. And to do it right, does require a certain degree of expertise. I highly recommend that you seek a cyber security professional for help with this particular project. Protecting access to

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your network is a critical component to your online safety. Criminals will exploit the easy, unprotected systems. Please do not neglect hardening the security on the device that is your gateway to the internet, your router. Be Safer Online! Never enter confidential information into any web site until you know the web site and your computer system is safe. If you are not sure your system is safe, please have it looked over by a Professionally Certified Computer Technician. If you need a certified professional, call us now at 727-534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.


“Sleep Apnea”

- continued from page 1 with headaches. Long-term, it affects the endocrine system. You are at greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, and, for a man, impotence. All these are directly correlated to sleep apnea. Anything you expect your brain to do, it needs oxygen to do it,” she said. Issues with the endocrine system also make it harder for people with sleep apnea to lose weight. Dr. Bulnes-Newton said, “They can be dieting, exercising, eating right, and providing their body with all the appropriate nutrients, but if their endocrine system isn’t getting enough oxygen, it’s an uphill battle.” She explained that, as a dentist, she sees daily the


causes of sleep apnea. “We also look at anatomy. Are the patients’ tongues taking up a lot of space? Are we having difficulty looking down their airway? Do they have trouble when we lean them back, being able to breathe properly? Do they feel like they are choking even if there is no procedure being performed?” Dr. BulnesNewton said, “We see a lot anatomically that there could be something going on.” Dr. Bulnes-Newton works hand-in-hand with cardiologists, sleep physicians, pulmonary doctors, primary care physicians, and ENTs to create the best treatment plan for patients. “I work with patients that suffer from obstructed sleep apnea. Who either fail at

their CPAP or, for whatever reason, choose not to use it. We’re here for those who seek alternative care to treat their sleep apnea,” she said. “This is a device approved by the FDA as a medically-necessary device, meaning it’s covered by your medical insurance, including Medicare. That is not something that runs through your dental insurance. We work with all the medical insurances to assure that patient benefits as best possible with their medical insurance companies for this treatment.” An adjunctive therapy for people with snoring or sleep apnea, positional therapy also helps to prevent patients from sleeping on their backs. “When you’re lying on your back, your jaw drops back more, so it cuts off the

Dr. Juliet Bulnes-Newton airway,” Dr. Bulnes-Newton explained. She relayed the story of a dental patient who fell asleep and began snoring during a procedure. He knew he was supposed to use a CPAP machine but refused. His breathing issue occurred while he was lying on his

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back. His doctor told him to sew pockets into the back of a tee shirt and put tennis

balls into the pockets, so when turned from his side to his back, he would be

alerted to turn back to his side. She recommended he get the oral therapy device. He agreed. Later, without an appointment, the patient came back to the office. He stopped in front of the doctor in the hallway and dropped down on his knees, stating, “You saved my life, and you have also saved my marriage.” He was no longer sleeping in their spare bedroom. Dr. Bulnes-Newton said that similar stories of positive results are plentiful. “Once I heard that I could help out with such a horrible disease, this was a direction that I wanted to learn more about,” she said. Studies show that before age 50, more men suffer from obstructed sleep apnea than women. At 50 and beyond, the numbers are equal. “We tend to see more men that are noticing daytime sleepiness. They

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want to work better and perform better at the office. They want to have more energy for their families, and they want to stay alive. Let’s be honest; if your brain is not getting oxygen, untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health complications and a shorter life span.” Dr. Bulnes-Newton said. “When I treat a patient, I know I’m adding an average of eight years to their life.” To learn more about the sleep apnea device through Sleep Apnea Solutions Tampa, visit https:// sleepapneasolutionstampa. com/ or call 813-60-SLEEP (75337). Westchase Esthetic Family Dentistry is located at 10131 Wilsky Blvd., Tampa. Hours of operation are Monday and Tuesday 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Wednesday 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday by appointment only.


Powerstories Theatre: A Small Venue with a Huge Heart Celebrates 20 Years By Deborah Bostock-Kelley During a recent Homeowner’s Association meeting, Fran Powers saw a woman she knew and embraced her in a hug. “Your program changed my daughter’s life,” the mother exclaimed, telling her how her daughter had a leadership role in her school, dealt well with confrontation, and was now fearless speaking in public. Though this type of validation doesn’t happen daily, it does happen because of what was born from a grueling cross country bike ride in 1998 from Seattle to Washington. A graduate of Fontbonne University, Powers applied her theatre degree to create a drama program at a local high school in St. Louis. After 5 years, she ventured into the business and nonprofit sector, but she still wasn’t satisfied. Powers knew that she hadn’t found the career that she was supposed to be doing. She took this arduous bike trip to reflect on finding her calling. Stopping her bike at the border of Wyoming, Powers had an epiphany. Her passion was theatre. Her last name was Powers. She had both the experience performing and teaching theatre and a background in business; she would merge her skillset and her name to create a professional theatre that focused on empowering women to tell their true stories. Exchanging inclement frigid temperatures for warmer weather in Tampa, in November 2000, Powerstories debuted at Friday Morning Musicale. Sold-out audiences enjoyed the theatre’s performances at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center in August 2001. In May 2012, Powers brought her dream to its permanent home on Kenne-

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dy Boulevard. Though it is not easy to spot, once you know it’s there, you become privy to the magic inside. “We’re an unexpected theatre. It feels fun and funky when you walk through the door,” she said. “When you come to my little theatre on Kennedy, you are part of the production. You are right there with the actors on stage practically. I think that’s what our audiences like most about it.” Five years into producing three to four new shows per season that focused on stories about women with women featured as writers, cast, director, and tech, Powers created Girlstories for further her mission of empowering women. She reached out to middle school girls in the formative years of ages 9-11 to provide a comprehensive theatre leadership program. Over three weeks in the summer, ten to 20 girls learn theatre, singing, choreography, story-telling, and leadership. The girls discover how to tell their personal stories to identify who they are, bonding with other girls in the troupe. At the close of the third week, they

present their true story or one about a woman in history. In addition to founding the Tampa Girlstories Leadership, Powers partnered with Redlands Christian Migrant Association to provide this life-changing experience to migrant girls in Wimauma. “Adding the girls to Powerstories came naturally. When I started the women’s program, foundations asked if I could do this for girls,” she explained. “Girlstories is probably the sweetest, strongest, and most impactful thing that Powerstories does because we are working with the next generation. We are working with young girls that are getting huge doses of inspiration, leadership, hearing ‘you’re worthy,’ ‘you’re talented,’ and ‘you’re beautiful.’ When you feel validated by somebody other than your family, all of a sudden of things that mom and dad have been saying is suddenly true. We get to validate the girls and send them on their way.” Upon graduation to ninth-grade, five girls are invited back to mentor the next generation. High school and

college students have been so positively impacted by their time in Girlstories Leadership Theatre, they continually return to mentor to be part of the experience again. In this intimate theatre adorned with original artwork, show posters, and messages of positivity, you immediately feel a sense of warmth and welcome radiating from both the staff and the venue. The positive energy is perceptible. Your eye is immediately drawn to the framed photo in the center of the green wall of Powers shaking the hand of First Lady Michelle Obama. The Federal Government has a program called the National Humanities Youth Program Awards, and a board member encouraged Powers to apply. After years of being turned down, in 2010, five years into creating the Girlstories Leadership program, Powers received an incredulous phone call from her husband. “You’ve got a FedEx package… from the White House. Do you want me to open it?” When she agreed, he opened the box and said, “It’s an enve-

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lope. Do you want me to open it?” She said yes. “It’s a letter. Do you want me to read it?” Powers vacillated between wanting to be there and being impatient to know what it said, finally telling her husband to read the contents. “From the moment he read, ‘congratulations, you’ve won the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program award, it was a major turning point,” she said. “It was our validation.” In 2010, Powers, along with only 9 other organizations nationwide, attended a weeklong leadership meeting. Though Powers was wideeyed at the level of talent and experience of executives at the meeting, they were telling her, “you are the future.” At the close of the event, she was presented with the prestigious award by Michelle Obama at the White House. Now in 2020, her 20th anniversary, Powers is delving into her inaugural musical, the

first one not written by a local playwright or herself called “Working.” “It’s something the audience has asked for. It’s something that fits our mission, new and creative, so it’s not all the same, all the time. I want them to hear an unexpected story in an unexpected place. It’s true stories of working people – the waitress, the fireman, the millworker, the mason – unconventional, blue-collar workers who have a dream but have to put three jobs together to make it happen.” Powers looking for corporations interested in synergistic sponsorships and partnerships for talkbacks after the productions. She is also bringing on a couple of new employees to help better engage with the community and get the word out about the little theatre on Kennedy Boulevard sandwiched between a piano studio and an interior decorator. Shevolution, her special

event, now in its third year, will showcase original works during May 2020. Powers is excited to use her venue as an experimental lab to bring original womencentric stories to the public. Shevolution is the opportunity for a creative artist to test the waters, workshop a new innovative idea, and get feedback from the audience. “Offering a space for women to safely explore their creative voices in front of an audience is at the core of our mission,” said Powers. “I am giving the theatre to women who want to experiment in the arts in whatever form they desire. I wanted to create a safe space for women to experiment with their artistic voices at no cost to them.” If a male playwright wants to participate in this special event, he must submit a female-centered story to put on stage. When asked what she wanted her legacy to be, Pow-

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ers thought for a moment then said, “I want to be someone who valued happiness, worked hard to empower others to be happy. Theatre lends itself to empowerment, creativity, teamwork, and synergy. It’s a little microcosm of the family, the city, the state, the world. Let’s just play here locally and try to make something happen that will create a positive ripple effect in people’s lives going forward.” If any corporation with a connection to the message of the show being produced is interested in partnering with the theatre, email Fran@powerstories.com. To learn more about auditions, to purchase tickets to Working, find out about upcoming shows or Shevolution, Girlstories Leadership Theatre, or ways to volunteer, or donate to the theatre, visit www.powerstories.com.

FEBRUARY 2020 11

World Record Holder Increases His Drive with National Rejuvenation Centers

Ryan Winther

By Ethan Lichtenberg

– the combination of bio-identical hormone Long Drive Champion optimization, personalized and world-record holder exercise, and nutrition for the fastest club swing protocols. ever recorded (227 miles Ryan agreed that per hour!), Ryan Winther, something had to be was tired. His motivation done to get his drive for competing, training, back and called Jeff, who and business ventures recommended that Ryan were dwindling. The seek treatment from the days of appearing on founder of rejuvenation the Golf Channel driving medicine, and author a ball through their of the best-selling book distance simulator to the “Rejuvenation; Real amazement of the hosts People, Real Results” Dr. and crew seemed distant. Bartley Kerr at National Although still in shape, Rejuvenation Centers in Ryan was not as strong Palm Harbor. and was putting on body This was a pivotal and fat despite a healthy diet. personal moment for Ryan. Ryan’s co-host on NBC sports, “Driven” golf show, Still, he felt it necessary for others to see what Charlie Zamora, took he was going through notice. He knew former and devoted an entire Olympic weight-lifting episode of “Driven” to his champion, Jeff Wittmer, experience at NRC with who is the business Dr. Kerr. (The episode can manager for National be seen on NBC sports or Rejuvenation Centers, St. YouTube https://youtu.be/ Louis. He heard about the tBCNqjiFocI ). Initial blood success of their protocols with Rejuvenation Medicine work was reviewed, and

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it was found that not only was his testosterone low, but his cholesterol was also terrible. A plan was formulated for Ryan by Dr. Kerr and his medical team to not only get his drive distance back but to get his cholesterol under control and get “his drive for life” back. It worked! After only eight weeks, Ryan’s Total Cholesterol dropped almost 200 points from 349 to 166, his triglycerides dropped from 233 to 66, and his HDL “good cholesterol” rose 13 points from 30 to 43! “The energy and mood elevation is incredible!” says Ryan. “I am enjoying training again, and my head is clear, and I am focused. I am motivated again to set some big records! Most importantly, I am healthy as my cholesterol is back in line without taking cholesterol medication, and my health

insurance dropped my premiums thirty dollars a month!” “Hormone optimization is part of the puzzle, but Rejuvenation Medicine also focuses on the nutrition requirements of the patient and appropriate exercises to fit the patient’s needs,” says Dr. Kerr. “We revamped Ryan’s weightlifting routine to focus not only on traditional strength movements but functional golf-swing specific movements as well to offer more club-head speed and flexibility. The nutrition component was tailored to Ryan’s need to maintain muscle mass and get slightly leaner. It is nice to see Ryan happy, recharged, and energetic!” National Rejuvenation Centers now has two locations: one in Palm Harbor, Florida, and one in St. Louis, Missouri. Hormone optimization therapy is much simpler

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than you might imagine. When a person is in their twenties, everything seems to be synced up both physically and mentally. But as you get older, age begins to take a toll. It appears that young people have an unfair advantage in life. As you get older, you begin to hit a wall. Dr. Kerr says most of his patients explain the feeling as “blah.” If you’re a male or female over the age of thirty-five, the chances are that you know this feeling. You don’t necessarily feel terrible, but you don’t feel as good as you could either. NRC provides middle age and older patients the hormone values of those healthy twenty-year-olds, who rarely get sick, have high metabolisms, and get results when they work out in the gym! These hormone levels are what Dr. Kerr refers to in his book as “optimal” levels. Your first visit with

Dr. Kerr will be an indepth health history and discussion with Dr. Kerr, and a medical examination will be performed by one of NRC’s doctors or nurse practitioners. Blood work is ordered to determine health and hormone deficiencies. After the results come back, Dr. Kerr and his team at NRC develop a plan to get your hormones in balance with hormone optimization therapy. Once these hormones are back to the way they should be, he recommends a personalized nutrition plan and exercise programs. Within five weeks, most patients return to him feeling the way they did when they were in their twenties, and many feel even better. Their blood profiles usually change for the positive, body fat is reduced, and muscle is generally increased, and the mood is elevated! Dr. Kerr told me, “the best

the program. They have to realize that since their hormones are optimal and they are exercising, they have to eat similar to athletes at the training table. Their metabolisms may be the best they have ever been, and healthy exercising adults need the fuel to keep them fit and healthy! Even better, hormone optimization will not break the bank and is more Dr. Bartley Kerr, affordable than ever! Many owner and founder, people spend more each National Rejuvenation Centers month on vitamins than NRC’s patients spend on part is that it doesn’t take their prescriptions! If you working out countless are tired, gaining weight, hours and eating next to lost your libido, feel a nothing! Because these loss of motivation, or just men and women have the feel “off,” Rejuvenation optimal hormone levels of Medicine may be right athletic twenty-year-olds, for you. Get your “drive” but also have the muscle back, like long drive fibers of a person over forty, long hours in the gym champion Ryan Winther, are counter-productive. The and be a champion in life! Call National Rejuvenation majority of NRC’s patients Centers today! exercise no more than three and a half hours a National Rejuvenation week with specific methods Centers, LLC is located to maximize outcomes at 34278 U.S. Hwy 19 N. from their training.” He Palm Harbor, Fl 34648. goes on to say, “People Call 727-785-5652, or visit are often shocked by how www.nrcenters.com much food they can eat while losing body fat on

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FEBRUARY 2020 13

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FEBRUARY 2020 15

Rizzotto Wealth Management

As the 2019 tax return deadline approaches, it is a perfect time for those ages 60 or older to take advantage of a $99 fee to have their income taxes prepared with a company that is trusted for going the extra mile for its clients. Rizzotto Wealth Management, formerly Rizzotto Tax Advisory Group, extends their $99 flat-rate fee for federal returns (state returns are included if applicable) to Active & Retired Military, First Responders, Government Employees and Educators of any age. If you don’t fit into one of the mentioned categories,

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give them a call to inquire about their special pricing. Through changing tax environments, it is crucial to work with a firm that is up to date on policy and can help you navigate through the stressful tax season ahead. All tax returns are prepared by one of the firm’s Senior Tax Preparers or IRS Enrolled Agents. Their preparers have an average of 20 years in the business and are ready to help you with all of your income tax needs. At Rizzotto Wealth Management you will find a team of Investment, Insurance, Tax & Legal Experts. They specialize in educating their clients on

subjects such as: how to preserve your assets, how to diversify your portfolio for growth and safety and how to create more income for retirement while reducing your taxes. They have expanded to include additional Investment Advisory services and are committed to assisting their clients every step of the way when it comes to Investing, Retirement, Income Planning and Taxes. The firm is committed to providing exemplary service while displaying the highest standards of ethics and professional knowledge. They are approved members of the National

Ethics Association and the National Association of Tax Professionals. Rizzotto Wealth Management’s main objectives are to help you Plan, Invest, and Protect. This goes beyond just the tax side of their business. They work with clients to develop an overall plan that encompasses your entire financial picture, taking the time to establish a deep understanding of your financial needs in order to find the best investment strategy for you. With the start of the new decade, they want to make sure you are properly positioned for what is ahead.

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Nic Ranocchia (left; Managing Partner) and Ed Rizzotto (right; Founder and Managing Partner) Meet the Rizzotto Team Ed Rizzotto, Founder and Managing Partner, moved to Florida 47 years ago from New York, grew up in Pinellas County and has been a Trinity resident since 2000. A graduate of Clearwater Central Catholic High School, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Management from National-Louis University in Evanston, IL. Ed also served both active and reserve duty for 13 years in the U.S. Coast Guard. He started his Insurance and Financial career over 20 years ago. In 1999, he joined a local retirement planning firm, where he helped hundreds of people with tax and retirement planning for over six years. Ed Rizzotto enjoyed the opportunity to benefit the community, and was determined to create a complete local business where he could help clients (both preretirees and current retirees) save money on their taxes, better manage their portfolios, plan for the future and focus more on enjoying their retirement years – and The

Rizzotto Tax Advisory Group was established in 2006. In 2018 Rizzotto Tax Advisory Group expanded by offering additional Investment Advisory services. Along with these new services came a new name and look. In 2019 Rizzotto Tax Advisory Group officially rebranded as Rizzotto Wealth Management. Ed holds state-regulated Life & Health licenses and specializes in finding the appropriate insurance vehicles for clients as well as retirement planning and tax reduction strategies. Nic Ranocchia, Managing Partner, is a graduate of the University of South Florida, with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. Nic is a financial advisor who takes pride in digging into clients’ portfolios and making suggestions that make sense based on data and trends. He also brings a modern approach to the table using the latest technologies available to ensure all information is considered before a decision is made. With these techniques, Nic has been able to help many clients reach their

financial goals. Together, Ed and Nic work efficiently as a team to serve their clients financial needs as a whole. He is securities licensed and registered with FINRA as an Investment Advisory Representative and specializes in managed brokerage accounts. Lorrie Rizzotto, Director of Operations, joined the firm in 2009. Prior to joining Ed in running their family business, Lorrie specialized in corporate incentive and meeting planning, and worked at Allstate’s Regional Florida office for 11 years before becoming an Independent Meeting Planner with HelmsBriscoe, where she achieved “President’s Club” status being Top 50 in the country. Married for 30 years, Lorrie and Ed have two children. Ed and Lorrie have a great team at Rizzotto Wealth Management. Dori Greeson, Administrative Assistant and Office Manager, also referred to as “The Vice President of First Impressions”, gives everyone a warm reception, oversees the day to day office operations and the coordination of tax season. Alton Scott, Insurance Consultant, with nearly 20 years of experience in the Banking, Insurance and Financial Services industry, has extensive knowledge in the areas of health insurance, Medicare supplements and Medicare. Scott holds a state-regulated Life and Health License and a Securities license to provide certain investment products. Lauren Schafer, Marketing Coordinator, oversees their marketing functions. She is a graduate from the

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University of Florida with a degree in Marketing and a minor in Entrepreneurship and has been with the team over a year. Their team of IRS enrolled agents and qualified tax preparers have an average of over 20 years of experience in tax preparation and tax law and are ready to assist you with all of your tax preparation needs. They go beyond just taxes Many members of the community have grown to know and trust the firm as a tax service, but their services stretch far beyond just taxes. With their expansion, they are now able to serve your financial needs as a whole, even better than before. Rizzotto Wealth Management is guided by your goals and objectives and are not obligated to any single product or company. They look at your complete financial picture in order to serve as your single source for all of your financial needs. Through all phases of life, the Rizzotto Wealth Management team can help you establish the appropriate portfolio to help you pursue your financial goals. Rizzotto Wealth Management is committed to assisting their clients every step of the way, whether you’re looking for something with higher growth potential or safety they’ve got you covered! To schedule a tax consult or complimentary financial review, please call 727.683.9119. Fee based financial planning and investment advisory services are offered through Truvestments Capital, LLC an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.

FEBRUARY 2020 17

Historic evening with Anne Frank’s Stepsister. Eva Schloss to Speak in New Port Richey Humanity shines most brightly through our collective experiences, and through the recounting of personal stories that teach to spread Hope, Tolerance, and Love On Monday, March 23, Mrs. Eva Schloss will share her experiences as the childhood friend and step sister of Anne Frank, including accounts of the publishing of Anne’s famed diary. The presentation will take place at the Center for the Arts River Ridge at 7:00 pm and will be suitable for people of all ages including teens. Families of all faiths are invited to attend. This is a special opportunity to hear a first-hand account from someone whose life intersected with one of the most compelling figures in our history. Chabad of West Pasco is honored to host the event. Tickets are available at: www.ChabadWP.com/ AnnFrank Date: March 23, 2020 - See below for more details of the event. In 1938, Germany invaded Austria, causing many Jewish families to flee Austria to avoid persecution. Among the emigrants was 8-year old Eva Geiringer, who with her mother, brother, and father moved first to Belgium and then to Holland, where one of her neighbors was a German Jewish girl of the same age named Anne Frank. Anne and Eva became friends and playmates (though, as Eva would say many years later, Anne was “much more grown-

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up and mature than me”). They passed the time by skipping, playing hopscotch and marbles, and drinking lemonade that Anne’s mother prepared. Ultimately, both Anne and Eva; along with their families, were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Later Anne and Eva would become stepsisters. Eva survived her concentration camp experience and made her way to England, where she married Zvi Schloss and raised three daughters. She worked as a studio photographer and ran an antique shop. Anne Frank did not survive Auschwitz, but she kept a diary that did. Since 1985, Eva Schloss has devoted herself to holocaust education and global peace. She has recounted her wartime experiences in more than one thousand speaking engagements. She has written two books and has had a play written about her life. In 1999 Eva signed the Anne Frank Peace Declaration along with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and the niece of Raul Wallenberg, a legendary figure who rescued thousands of Jews in Budapest. Eva joins many courageous individuals who work tirelessly to end the violence and bigotry that continue to plague our world. Eva’s story is powerful and difficult to imagine, yet her insightful message reminds us that life is precious and fragile; that the creative spirit is stronger than fear, that the power of good

is immeasurable, and that love makes all the difference. Event Info: Monday, March 23, 2020 at 7:00pm Center for the Arts River Ridge - 11646 Town Center Rd. NPR www.ChabadWP.com/ AnnFrank

Ticket prices are $15 if booked by March 1, $18 if booked thereafter. A 10% discount applies to groups of 10+. A Sponsor VIP package, featuring priority seating, a private reception & cocktail party with Mrs. Schloss is also available. Call the center for more details 727-376-3366

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For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

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For Advertising Info 813-928-6124 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com

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