Tampa Bay News and Lifestyles. Westchase. Vol. 9, Issue 7, July 2020

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Vol. 9, Issue 7, July 2020


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The Premier “Shop Local” Community Magazine Directly Mailed To Over 15,000 Homes In Citrus Park, Westchase & Surrounding Areas This Independent Community News, Business & Dining Guide Is Directly Mailed Once Each Month To:

Arlington Park • Aston Villas • Bay Arbor • Berkeley Square • Calf Path Estates • Enclave At Citrus Park • Fawn Ridge Fawn Lake • Forest Lakes • Hampton Lakes • Highland Park • Lake Chase • Mandolin • The Eagles • Tree Tops Twin Branch Acres • Waterchase • West Hampton • Westchase • Westchester • Westwood Lakes • Windsor Place

RE-SET + RE-STORE = Your Wellness Plan for Life Restore Hyper Wellness is Affordable and Accessible in the Carrollwood Village Center

By: Kelly Stuart Williams, MA After most of us spent March 2020 – May 2020 sheltering in place (at home), many of us may have gained weight (the Covid 15), lost muscle, learned Zoom networking skills, and lost some cardio fitness. If that were re-phrased into a multiple choice question, I would need to answer, “All of the above.” By the end of May, I was easily fatigued, losing focus, and feeling unmotivated. I knew I needed a RE-SET to RE-STORE. But where to begin? Should I join a fitness Boot Camp or spend a month at a luxury spa in Malibu? Maybe I should go on a crash diet? Unfortunately, none of those options were viable for me—physically or financially. I have low blood sugar issues that make dieting and depletion exercise a little tricky, and I did not want to do anything that would send me to the doctor or weaken my immune system. I needed affordable and accessible wellness, but where to go? What was a safe way to RESTORE my energy and optimize my body to get back in shape? Through the Carrollwood Area Business Association (CABA), I had

learned about Restore Hyper Wellness in Carrollwood. My thinking was that they were geared more to tri-athletes or people with chronic injuries. Again, “All of the above.” What I didn’t know was that Restore Hyper Wellness was the ideal place for people like me. As a mother of three (3) adult children, I have spent much of my time focused on their needs. One daughter has recently made me a mother of the bride and a grandmother. As a business owner and solopreneur, See “Restore” on page 10

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor.....................5 Tech Talk with Bob.................6-7 Resources for Coronavirus

Impacted Workers and Small


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4 JULY 2020

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Going Out During Coronavirus? - Masks Protect You and Your Loved Ones We’re currently facing a dangerous resurgence of COVID-19, and some Floridians are still throwing large parties and completely disregarding CDC health guidelines for community-related exposure. Over 20 states in the country have paused reopening plans and eight states have sky-high record numbers of new cases, Florida in particular. There are approximately 206,440+ confirmed cases in Florida, according to the latest data obtained in early July 2020 from floridahealthcovid19.gov. At least 40,000 new cases have been reported by the Florida Department of Health following the Fourth of July holiday during which the state recorded its most cases reported in a single day. On Saturday, July 4th, 2020 the Sunshine State reported an outstanding 11,458 cases, the most reported in a single day. We’ve now surpassed New York’s previous single-day high of 11,434, which was recorded mid-April 2020. Between April 8 and May 15, states that mandated face masks in public saw a greater decline in daily COVID-19 numbers than states that did not. An estimated 230,000 - 450,000 infections were likely prevented because of these mandates. Even though is certainly possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your face (mouth, nose, or eyes) it is now clear that this is not the primary way the coronavirus spreads. The virus primarily spreads through close contact with an infected individual via respiratory droplets that are emitted while coughing, sneezing, singing, laughing, talking, or simply just breathing. Wearing a face mask or face cover is one of the best ways for those infected individuals to keep those droplets contained, and for those who are healthy, a mask can also offer some protection from breathing them in. If you’re back at work or venturing public places on a regular basis, please take precautions.

There is now more evidence than ever before that wearing a mask could be one of the most important things you do to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19. In general, the more time you spend outside interacting with others, and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it. Watch For Symptoms People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms — ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. According to the CDC, you may have COVID-19 if you have these symptoms or combinations of symptoms: • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Or at least two of these symptoms: • Fever • Chills • Repeated shaking with chills • Muscle pain • Headache • Sore throat • New loss of taste or smell Call before you go Call your doctor or your County Health Department if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, have symptoms, and need to be tested. They will decide whether you need to be tested and tell you where to go. If you choose to engage in public activities, please keep these items on hand at all times: a fast mask / cloth cover, tissues, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if possible. Remember, we’re all in this together! Stay safe, until next time.

Carla Dubis Tedeschi

Tech Talk with Bob: Guess Who’s calling at Dinner? Just as you sit down to enjoy a delicious, hot, dinner, the phone rings. Before you can even utter the word hello, a computer is playing a recording of someone trying to sell you something. They may dangle items that would get the attention of most people, such as lower interest rates on credit cards, cheap health insurance, or perhaps a free vacation. Who can resist, right? You’ve just been robocalled. Now please understand that I am not saying that every offer to save you interest, get affordable health insurance, or even enjoy a free vacation, is a scam. However, one might question how legal, or at least ethical, using robocalls are to contact you. Even if a company’s offer is legit, using a robocall to contact you without your permission to do so --- it is my understanding --- is illegal, according to the United States Federal Trade Commission. First of all, I want to be clear

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about this. I am not a lawyer. If you need specific legal answers, please consult a legal professional. That being said, the way I understand it is that if you do not already have a business relationship with a company, they may not use robocalls to try to sell you something. If they do use a computer to initially dial the call to you, when you answer, they must connect you with a live person. That’s why, sometimes, you have to say hello two or three times before you actually hear a living person on the other end of the line. Sometimes the call gets dropped and all you hear may be a click or just plain silence. That is because when a company’s computer places the call to you, their representative is not actually connected to your call until you have successfully answered your phone. Are we having fun yet? Robocalls aren’t new. This technology has been around for decades, but people still get

ripped-off by robocalls every single day. So let’s start at the beginning. A robocall is any call you receive that when you answer you hear a recorded message rather than a living breathing person. Examples of legitimate use of a robocall to contact to you would be a reminder call for an upcoming medical appointment or perhaps a school closure due to inclement weather. Other forms of legal robocalls would be for charity fundraising and political calls

soliciting donations and your vote. So get ready for those calls with the upcoming election. I personally get a handful of robocalls every day. The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains a database called the Do Not Call Registry. Anyone may add their phone number to this registry. Legitimate telemarketers use this registry and do not call people on it. If you have already registered with the FTC it usually takes about a month for your phone number to propagate out to law-abiding telemarketers so they are on notice not to call you. If you continue to receive robocalls after that, any telemarketer is sketchy as they are disregarding the do not call registry. Being on this registry does not guarantee that you will not continue to receive robocalls, but rest assured that the robocalls you receive are from companies that are not complying with FTC rules. So beware.

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The only real defense you have against robocalls, short of yanking your phone out of the wall, is hanging up on them. Please do not press any numbers, even if you are prompted to press a number to be taken off of their calling list. Pressing any number just confirms to the caller that they have reached a viable phone number they can either continue to call and/or sell to other robocallers. The only reason robocalls exist is because they are profitable for the caller or they reduce an expense for a business. I am not saying that all robocall technology doesn’t have a legitimate productive use, but just like fire, it can be used for good or evil. Your best defense is getting on the registry and then when you receive a robocall from an organization that you do not already have a business relationship with, be on guard. I want to help you register quickly and safely. So from now until Labor Day, I will register your phone number with the FTC’s do not call registry for

FREE! You have no excuse to put it off. Pick up your phone and call me, right now, at 727534-4000 and we will get your phone number registered. There is absolutely no cost or obligation to you and it takes less than five minutes. I know how easy it is to procrastinate when it comes to things like this, so go ahead and call me and I will make this quick and painless for you. Then in a month or so afterward the calls should diminish and hopefully you’ll finally be able to get through a hot dinner in peace. Cyber criminals will exploit the easy victims and unprotected systems. Protecting yourself online is your responsibility, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself. We’re here to help. If you are not sure your system is safe, please have it looked over by a Professionally Certified IT Specialist. Call us now at 727534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades. Be Safer In Your Digital World!

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8 JULY 2020

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Restore -

story continued from page 1 I often put my clients’ needs above mine. So what’s wrong with this picture? Well, let’s just say I didn’t recognize myself in my daughter’s wedding pictures. I looked as tired as I felt, and I knew it was time to make a change. I didn’t need a drill sergeant, but I did need a Coach, and I found a great holistic coach who set me up on a 10-Day-Holistic-Detox: the RE-SET. I was successful with the first-half of the detox, but I needed something more: the RE-STORE! I visited Restore Hyper Wellness where I met the owner, Kristen Prentice, who had e-mailed all CABA members with this message, “We offer cryotherapy, infrared sauna, IV drips and intramuscular shots for immunity and wellness, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as well as Hydrafacials.” What did I need? “All of the above.” In behavior change science, we acknowledge that taking the first step toward any change always is the most difficult. Change is challenge. I’ve had this tendency to want to change everything at once: all or nothing mentality. Often, that mind set makes everything seem overwhelming, so I remain status quo. This time, I stepped out of my comfort zone to embark on a new wellness plan; it felt empowering. After a tour of Restore Hyper Wellness, I decided I wanted to start with one thing: rejuvenate my body with hydration and nutrients in the form of an IV Drip. I was assigned to Erin, an incredibly friendly nurse who took lots of

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time explaining my treatment options, and she contacted a Nurse Practitioner who cleared me for a “Myers Cocktail,” the gold standard of delivering intravenous vitamins and minerals directly into

the body. In fact, I was given the “Myers Gold” which was infused with extra Magnesium. I was five days into my 10-DayHolistic-Detox, and I needed the extra hydration. The Myers Cocktail

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helped push me across the finish line. Kristen explained that while we may orally take a lot of good supplements, only a small percentage of those nutriceuticals make it into our bloodstream. Most are poorly absorbed through our intestinal system, and many are grabbed by our liver. An IV Drip ensures that we are getting hydration into our bodies and nutrients into our cells. I was SO impressed with my treatment, the facility, and the friendly staff that I made a choice for me. I joined Restore Hyper Wellness as a “Couples” member, so I can share some of this

recovery and rejuvenation with my significant other, at a discount: affordable and accessible! Today, I have successfully completed my 10-Day-Holisitc-Detox, and I am returning to Restore Hyper Wellness for my next IV Drip. There are many options from which to use, but I chose the Glutathione treatment, because I think my liver and immune system could use a little love. I attribute my success (look better, feel better) to the coupling of a holistic health coach with an affordable, accessible wellness plan from Restore. What’s next? I’m back

in the gym, so I plan to incorporate Restore’s Stretch Base Therapy and Compression Therapy into my wellness plan. Stay tuned readers! This Granny plans to be climbing mountains and hiking trails, before the end of 2020. We’ve only just begun to RE-STORE and RE-SET! If you want to look better/feel better, give Kristen a call at 813909-6923, or e-mail her at kprentice@restore. com. Check out Restore Hyper Wellness in the Carrollwood Village Center next to the Melting Pot, or visit www.restore.com today.

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Resources for Coronavirus-Impacted Workers and Small Businesses By Tom Bostock A recent report in the Miami Herald noted that Florida health officials had confirmed “at least 170 Covid-19 patients reporting symptoms between December 31, 2019, and February 29.” Today, Florida is the veritable epicenter for the second wave of this virulent threat. What began as two isolated cases, one in Hillsborough County and the other in Manatee, has burgeoned into a growing number of confirmed cases and virus-related deaths. Besides the devastating medical impact on Florida’s residents, the economic impact of Covid-19 is just as great, if not more so. The unavoidable closure of many of Florida’s small business communities, entertainment, and tourist attractions, the backbone of the state’s economy, because of recently enacted emergency Covid-19 related restrictions, leaves many residents unable to make a living for their families. Fortunately, local, city, county, state, and Federal agencies have stepped into the breech, offering a variety

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of resources for our effected residents. Emmy Award-winning journalist, Amy Viteri of Local 10 News reported that there is hope for small businesses suffering from clientele losses. “In response, the U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest loans to those businesses and entities now running thin on cash.” The program she refers to, the Economic Injury Disaster Fund program, provides up to $2 million in loss, subsidy loans. Amy’s report noted that your local Small Business Administration administers the program. Visit sba.gov/ funding-programs/disasterassistance for further information. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced that he had activated

Florida’s Business Damage Assessment for businesses, believing that they are being economically impacted by Covid-19. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the impact of the coronavirus and determine the scale of the need. Visit floridadisaster. biz to take part. At a recent press conference, DeSantis noted, “We recognize the consequences of coronavirus on the economy and especially on small business.” He added that “the objective is that they (small business) can count on a source of funds to maintain their ability to function.” Individuals who have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus can apply for Reemployment Assistance benefits (unemployment compensation). The paper forms are available

in English, Spanish and Haitian-Creole. To make the process more convenient for Florida’s unemployed, Governor DeSantis waived work search requirements, online work registration and waiting week provisions for Reemployment Assistance applications. A provision of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Acts of 2020, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, (PUA) extends payment benefits, not only to hourly and salaried employees, but individuals previously excluded from regular unemployment compensation benefits. This includes independent contractors, self-employed workers, and gig workers. To qualify for this 39-week benefit, individuals must: be able to work and available to work “within the meaning of applicable state laws except that they are unemployed, partially unemployed or unable to work due to Covid-19 related reasons as defined in the CARES Act.” The act specifies that benefits under PUA are retroactive to January 27, 2020 and do not pay any

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weeks of unemployment, after December 31, 2020. If you are a homeowner, it provides an option for homeowners who are having difficulty making their monthly mortgage payments. They can apply for an initial temporary postponement of the mortgage payments for 180 days, with an additional allowance of 180 more days, for a maximum of 360 days. It is a repayment relief that a creditor can grant a homeowner instead of forcing the property into foreclosure. Many credit card businesses and personal loan providers offer special options for their customer. Call them directly if you are having problems with your payments because of coronavirus-related issues. Utility companies are also offering alternatives for coronavirus-impacted customers. Local city and county governments have implemented programs to assist people who have lost their jobs or have reduced wages because of the coronavirus and need help in paying their bills. In Hillsborough County that organization is the Rapid Response Assistance Call Center, open 8 a.m. to 5

p.m. Monday through Friday. 813 274 6710. The Pinellas Opportunity Council Inc. is a non-profit Community Action Agency helps individuals and families in St. Petersburg and Clearwater “become selfsufficient and get short-term assistance for paying bills.� 727 823 4101. The Pasco County Human Services is another of the resources for coronavirusrelated unemployed and underemployed worker assistance. 727 834 3297. These are just a few of the many resources available locally. Contact your local government information center for many more. If there are needs, there will always be programs available to meet them. You just need to ask. Florida is a resilient state. We have dealt with devastating disasters like tropical storms and hurricanes and always come back strong. The coronavirus is one more challenge that we Floridians will overcome. Be sure to follow the simple, commonsense rules of washing your hands frequently, maintaining social distance and wearing a protective mask when necessary, and this too shall pass.

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14 JULY 2020

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