How to change the first & last name in a google account

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How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account





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Posted by Neil Ball on September 01, 2013

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How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account

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How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account - Video Transcript Below Hello it’s Neil Ball, your online marketing coach from I’m going to demonstrate today how to change your user name in the Google account. It’s something that I recently wanted to do, and it isn’t very easy to do. It is certainly not very apparent. There does not seem to be an awful lot out there telling you how to do this, so, I thought I would just knock together a quick video, showing you what I have discovered, so

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that you can do it quicker and easier than I did it.

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Recent Posts So there are two ways you have to do this, so really the

way that you will do it will be depend on whether or not you have a Google plus account or not. You will know if you have a Google plus account because if you haven’t got a Google plus account then what you will see here at the side, it will say plus and just you. Whereas if you have a Google plus account, you will see it has got your name on it. Which obviously my name is Neil, so there is my name on it. So, first of all, I will deal with not having a Google plus account. So, on this Gmail account, that I have got here, it does not have a Google plus account, so to actually change your name, that is your first name and your last name, that is your surname, it is very straight forward. When you are logged in to Google, you need to go here and click the down arrow, and go to account. Next, you need to actually

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click here where it says edit. And you just change your name, your first name and your last name there. That is pretty

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straightforward. Where it gets more complicated is when you have got a Google plus account, for some reason, the process is slightly different. And I think it has been deliberately made so that it is difficult for you to change it. So, when you have got a Google plus account, the way that you can do it is, if I can just go into this account here, this is my Google plus account. I go to account again, so, click the down arrow there so I click in account here. Then, when you are in here. What you need to now is go to edit your profile, which will be underneath where your Avatar or your picture is, if you have got one. So you click there, and that will take you to the Google plus page, and the next thing you need to do when you are on this page, is if you actually click your name, hover over here and I could not find this, I looked everywhere, but this is the secret. You have to click this, and it brings up this little pop up box, and you can then change your first name and your last name and save it. Like that. Really, really simple, when you know how. But if you don’t know how, it is quite complicated. One this to bear in mind, and I am not sure how Google does this. When you have Google plus account, their terms and conditions say, that you have to use your own name. How they know what your own name is, I don’t know, but that is apparently there, their terms and conditions. I suppose its to stop you using key words in your name, so, if it is apparent that you are using a name that is maybe a keyword or something, if you are wanting to do that then, obviously they would be able to spot it, I really do not see how they could know that you are who you say you are because they do not check it in any way. I have some great content that I want to share with you on making money on line. To find out more about this great way of making money online, either part time or full time, you can go to the following address and enter your email address and I will send you this free information about how to do it. It is really good this, so for some people, they have actually been able to make a full time income working part time. So, it is well worth checking out, as I say, it is free, so the URL you need to go to is.


Until next time, goodbye.

How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account

How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account

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How do i change my name on the google account Ability to change Last name associated with Google Account Edit your basic Google account information How do I change my full name on a google account Can’t change Google profile name Changing Your Name in Google+ Changing Your Name in Google plus How to Change Your Name in Google Accounts How to Change Your Name On Your Google Account How to change your Google Plus name Change “Personal name” on google account How do i change user id name on my google account? How to change name in google? How do I change my Google display name? How can I change the name associated with my Gmail Account Can I change my Google Account User Name

How To Change The First & Last Name In A Google Account


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