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Is The Empower Network The Right Business For You?
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Posted by Neil Ball on October 25, 2013
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Is The Empower Network The Right Business For You? - Video Transcript Below Is the empower network the right business for you?
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Hello, its Neil Ball, your online marketing coach from
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I have made this video for you, trying to find out if the Empower Network is the business you
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want to be in. Well, good news for you, it is a great business, there is nothing wrong with it as a business, its not perfect, but no business is. But on the whole, it is very good.
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When you join the Empower Network, the key to making it work is to take it seriously. And
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treat it like a business. A lot of people think that you pay $25 and then you have a right to an instant stream of money, with no effort, and when it does not work out, then somehow they are surprised. Now realistically, you can’t just cross your fingers and hope that you are going to make money with no effort.
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Now, you need to invest time and you need to invest money in your own education. If your best thinking up to now has not provided you with the lifestyle that you want. Then you need
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to start listening to people who have the lifestyle that you want. And you need to start educating yourself. Now, the great thing is, now the Empower Network
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has people who have the lifestyle and have success that many people dream of. Now these people share their knowledge in the Empower Network Trainings so that you can improve your knowledge and your best thinking, to get to where you want to be. You need to invest time, and you need to invest effort into your education to create the life that you want. Also, you need to get traffic to your blog once you get up and running either by using free organic methods such as search engine optimisation, which usually takes at least 90 days to start to work. Or alternatively, you need to pay for paid advertising and push the empower network to people who want it. Either way, you need to market the empower network business. Nothing really is free. You either invest your time an effort. Or you pay for the advertising, or you do both. Obviously, with the paid advertising you also get instant traffic whilst the free advertising takes a little bit longer to appear. Or the free traffic takes a little bit longer to
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appear. Like any business, you have to learn how to generate traffic to your network empower
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offering and then convert that traffic into sales. Virtually every business is like this if you think about it, you have to get people to know about your business and then you have to sell to them. This is just the same, if you treat this like a business, then you will see a return. If you do not treat it like a business and you don’t take it seriously, then you are not going to make any money. But all businesses are like that. And ultimately, there are always going to be winners and losers. So as long as you are prepared to take it seriously, then you can make it a success. To get started with the Empower Network, go to . Again, that is I look forward to seeing you on the other side.
If you are ready to make a change to your life and join the Empower Network Click Here
Until next time,
Is The Empower Network The Right Business For You?
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