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Is A Recession In Your Thinking Stopping Your Success?
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Posted by Neil Ball on August 30, 2013
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Is A Recession In Your Thinking Stopping Your Success?
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Is there a recession in your thinking stopping you achieving the lifestyle you want? If you consider what a recession is it is a state of mind that is shared by many people and the collective effect of this is that people become cautious with their money and stop spending. The added effect of this becomes viral and spreads to other people and multiplies through an economy.
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If the thoughts in your mind are limited, or you doubt that at an outcome can be achieved, it is almost certainly the case that it won’t be – Because a dream has to have belief, and belief will create action. If you have partial belief, then you may only achieve a fraction of what you could achieve, because small thinking will create small action and small action will obviously create an outcome which is less significant. Everything that happens in the world of business and finance happens because of belief. Businesses will borrow money on the basis of their belief that they can make more money in the future. If they have the benefit that an investment that can bring it, that will allow them to pay back the money that they borrowed and to make money. Money is leant by banks, who believe that when they lend the money, that the money will be paid back, because they have
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faith in an individual or a company or because they have faith in the future value of an asset that is used to underpin a loan that they may make. The banks also operate their own businesses with the assumption and belief that all of their customers will not come and ask
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to take all of their money out all at once, If they did then the banks wouldn’t be able to oblige. If you see yourself as someone that can’t achieve success, then you won’t. Because your subconscious mind is fed by your conscious thoughts and your subconscious mind will create the outcome that you really believe in from your conscious mind. So, If you don’t have the right mindset, then nothing will change. People without money will often talk about how they don’t have any luck and how nothing works in their favour, and this is what they believe and as a result of it, their subconscious mind makes sure that they are always right, by looking for things to reinforce those thoughts. On the other hand if some believes that they will succeed, then the circumstances to make it happen are created and found by your subconscious mind, and as a result of that, you are then able to take the right actions to ensure it happens. If your best thinking up to this point hasn’t created the outcomes that you want in life, then you need to start filling your mind with thoughts that will create the belief so that your subconscious mind will then find the opportunity to create the outcome that you believe in. And this is what I mean by their being a recession in your mind because its not a permanent state of mind that you have and ultimately you can change it. To find out more about how you can change your mindset to create the life that you desire and also to find out about a way that can actually help you get to that outcome, go to:
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Is A Recession In Your Thinking Stopping Your Success?
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