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How To Free Up Time In Your Life To Make More Memories With The People You Want To
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Posted by Neil Ball on November 16, 2013
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How To Free Up Time In Your Life To Make More Memories With The People You Want To
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Click this link for more information and to get started with the opportunity that is mentioned at the end of the video presentation on How To Free Up Time In Your Life To Make More Memories With The People You Want To
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How to free up time in your life to make more memories with the people you want to – Video Transcript Below
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Hello, its, Neil Ball, your online marketing coach from
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I am going to talk about how most people don’t have any time, and don’t spend enough time
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with the people that matter to them. As a result of that, their relationships with the people that matter can suffer. At the end of this video, I will talk about some training that can be used to improve your life. Do you ever think to yourself, if only you had more time in the
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day? In this frantic world that we live in, it is difficult to find even a minute sometimes. Your time is constantly pulled between work and leisure time with the people who you want to spend time with. Often most people have to work at least 40 hours a week. It feels like you
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work too much, because you need the money and because of this you don’t have as much leisure time as you would like to, to do the things that you want to do, when you want to do them with whom you want to do them with. For some people not having any time is a badge of honour. The business becomes a selfvalidation of some people’s self-worth, and makes them feel important. People who have done this will often reply to the question like, ‘How are you?’ with ‘Busy!’ ‘You think you are busy, I’m busy!’ when you start thinking like this, you have to ask yourself a question, ‘have a lost a sense of what life is about?’ maybe it is time to look at your values and ask, ‘what is the devine reason why I am here?’ aren’t there better ways to spend your time than being constantly busy? In some way you have got the balance in your life wrong.
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What I have described up till now, may or may not sound like you. But one question that most people need to consider is. Why do we have so little control over our days? Does
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everyone really have that much to do? It seems to be the case that people are trying to cram so much into their days. And for women they often have to juggle a career and managing the home and domestic chores at the same time. Another thing is that peoples work has now encroached into their personal and home lives, and is ever present for some people due to smart phones and other devices. The effect of this is that a lot of people are burnt out physically and mentally. The majority of people in counties around the world spend the majority of their time, away from their families doing things that they don’t want to do, serving people who are less important than their own families, such as their bosses. This is done when at the same time the same people are struggling in their relationships with their families. All the time that is spent at work is time that could be spent to create a life, to create memories, to create a future. You may have even missed opportunities in your life, of ways that they could have improved their lives. Or you did not give proper consideration to an opportunity and it passed you by. Then at some later point, you realised that if they had taken advantage of that opportunity, your life would be different right now. It may even be the case that you were so busy that you didn’t even see the opportunity, so you don’t know what you missed. Or you sometimes they may have never had the right information, or have never had people around you, who are willing to tell them the truth. So Maybe, you are one of the many people who spends more of your time in your life in your business doing things that make no sense, serving people and treating people like your boss, better than you treat your own family. At the same time, you are wasting precious opportunities to make memories with your family because you are too busy working. As well as this, due to being too busy, you may have ignored information that will change your life because you have been brainwashed and subconsciously injected with information over time that will get you nowhere, other than chasing your own tail in circles whilst you look for opportunities that are not there. This is where the majority of the people’s mind-sets are for working people with families in countries all around the world. What I want to do is not just to educate you, but also give you the opportunity to do something different. If your best thinking up to now, has not produced the results in your life, that you want and deserve for you and your family. Then don’t you need to upgrade your thinking? Because whatever thoughts and ideas, that you have had up to now have not worked, and have only got you to where you are right now. I have something that could help you and your family to get where you want to be in your life. To make a change in your life, what you need right now, is to be provided with the right information. The first part is that you need your mind-set to be educated. Secondly,I can also provide the opportunity that will allow you to do something different, that will eventually give you your time back to spend with your family, to do the things that you want to do, when you want to do them. To do this you need financial freedom. When you have financial freedom you will have more leisure time and your life will feel like you have control of it again. This opportunity that I have has transformed many people‘s lives like yours. This is a belief system, a culture, and a community. This is a system that is a complete solution, to move you from where you are in your life, to where you want to be. It will work for you if you have enough fight in you, to push through some of the challenges. You are going to be in some place in your life six months from now. You are going to be someplace in your life twelve months from now. The question is, where do you want to be? So you need to make a change for yourself. I am not able to guarantee that you will make money, because you might not follow the system. I am not able to guarantee that you will be successful, because you might not follow the system. I am not able to guarantee that you will change your life, because you might not follow the system. But I can guarantee you one thing, if you do nothing, right now, nothing will change. It’s time for you to take massive
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action. You are not viewing this video to be the same person that you were when you started it. You are viewing it because you know that there is a better way waiting to be discovered. I can provide for you some of the best training and education, plus some of the best marketing. As well as that, you will also get the highest level of inspiration, with the best people. It’s time to become accountable to yourself, and lead yourself to your future. If you are the sort of person who is prepared to take action, and take a stand for your own greatness. And you want more from life then CLICK HERE And when you get there, enter your email address follow the instructions and sign up for the offer. When you have done that let me know, and I will arrange to have a free 20 minute call with you, to plan your online marketing future success. You will receive an email with my contact information. Just send me a contact request on Skype. Again To Get Started Today Click Here I look forward to talking to you soon.
How To Free Up Time In Your Life To Make More Memories With The People You Want To
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