How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More | Neil Ball's Empower Network Blog
How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More by clickit | on July 6, 2013[18/07/2013 20:34:49]
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How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More | Neil Ball's Empower Network Blog
Recent Posts How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More Hello it’s Neil Ball from To find out more on how I can help you make money on line, go to
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In this training, I am going to look at the benefits of telling a story in Business, sales and allegory. Plus, how to bring in more business and close more sales using stories, metaphors and allegories. You can use stories as metaphors to illustrate any point in anything that you do in
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business. For example, when you are in a conference call, or when you are in a webinar, or you are
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doing a training or you are writing an article, or you are making a video, if you think about how your mind works, it remembers things in stories. Everyone enjoys hearing about or watching a good story. That is why we read good books or watch movies and enjoy discovering what our friends are doing by speaking to them or using Facebook. If you are attending some sort of training at a conference or on a webinar, when you leave a training, do you remember the facts or do you remember the statistics. No you don’t. Most
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people don’t remember the stats or the info. You remember the Allegories, the Stories, and the metaphors, and the passion with which it was delivered. Your mind organizes the information and deletes some of it. By knowing this , you will be more powerful. Great leaders in history, such as Buda, Jesus and other great teachers have used stories because people don’t remember facts.
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Most people, whether religious or not, remember stories from the bible, or other religious books. When great leaders are asked questions, they answer with questions and they answer with a story.
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So if you are doing a conference call, or if you are doing a presentation, or if you are writing an article or making a video. A large proportion should be in stories, metaphors and ambiguous language. You can use stories of things that have happened to you to make
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sure people understand you. You need to start to pay attention to what is happening around you in everyday life. Keep brief notes in a daily journal, so you can refer to it in the future. Next, periodically, ask can anything that has happened to me recently in the last day, week or month, help me as a story, metaphor or an allegory to illustrate a point instead of using factual information. The idea is to use examples of experiences in your stories to convey a message to people
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who could not be reached with information alone. By doing this, and asking this type of question of yourself, this will have two effects. 1.
You will have an unbelievable amount of resource to use when you need to teach
people in a way that they will understand and remember. 2.
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Your life will turn into a metaphor where everything has meaning.
So why is this important? Because there are two parts to your mind, there is a logical part which likes facts and structure and there is a part that understands the world through metaphors. By constantly asking, ‘what is the meaning’ of things that are happening around[18/07/2013 20:34:49]
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How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More | Neil Ball's Empower Network Blog
you, your mind will start to feed off the meaning of everything in your life. There won’t always be meaning in everything but that is to be expected. The effect of this will be that
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your dreams will become more vivid and you will be able to communicate with other people Top 10 Article Directories Sorted By Alexa Rank – Do Follow
more powerfully. So , it is important to ask yourself on a regular basis, ‘has anything happened in my job today?’ or in my car today, or in anything else that you have done in your life that could be used as a metaphor, an allegory or a story to help you communicate better with other people. By consistently doing this, you will be amazed at the effects on your business. To subscribe to my newsletter, go to, also for more information on how I coach and how I train, as well as the things that I do for my team, go to Until next time, goodbye.
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How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More
RT @RVNetworking: @NeilDBall Here's the link for details of our business exhibition @MyttonFoldHotel September 24th […]
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How Using A Story In Your Business Will Help You To Sell More | Neil Ball's Empower Network Blog
About The Author: clickit Neil Ball - 'The Traffic Master` - is a successful internet marketer living in Bolton, UK with over 10 years online marketing experience. My two most successful websites have between them generated over $400 Million (£250 Million) of turnover since 2003. My motto in life is Visualize, Believe, Achieve... I specialise in and I am an
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expert at generating traffic, leads and sales with SEO, Video Marketing, PPC, Media Buys and Email Marketing.
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