Saving a logo how to save a header image from a website

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Saving A Logo - How To Save A Header Image From A Website





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Posted by Neil Ball on April 27, 2013

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Saving A Logo

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Hello its Neil Ball here from Work With Neil Ball and today I am going to give a quick demonstration of how to save a header, a header logo from websites. It’s a little. It’s a little thing which sometimes can be quite difficult sites because often, where you might be able to right click, and click Save As on the image, on some sites you can’t do that. And the reason you can’t do that is because the header image is sometimes not in the in a location that allows you to do that easily. So what I am going to do is I am going to show you how to do that, so that if you if you wanted to use the logo for any reason, you can actually get the best quality version of it for your own use rather than having to take it from Google Images or

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somewhere like that. So anyway this is the way that I would do it. I actually use… To do this you do need to use Firefox Mozilla and you will need to use a plug-in on there which is a really useful plug-in call Fire Bug. I will just show you this. So if you search Fire Bug in Google and you will come to this here, and if you add this to Firefox. What it will do for you is

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it will, it will give you an extra… An extra set of functions on your, your browser which will make it easy to download this type of thing so if you, if you’re go into tools and then go across to web developer and firebug and then just go open firebug, what you will see happen

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is the screen will… Once it opens will it will split. Like that. And this allows you to see the code that is on the page quite easily. So, in fact sometimes what you will find is.. It is located in different places on different websites. So on some websites you might find that the

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logo image is actually in… Sometime it is in the head. Now on this website, which is my website, you’ll actually find that the image… The imatge is actually in the CSS. So if you click CSS here. Now one of the great things about this software is that if you hover over what might… What you think might be the image… So here for example you got black background url images/main_bg . You can hover over the image to see if it looks like the image that you.. you are looking to download. Now clear that isn’t. So we scroll down here. And if I scroll over this one, the name looks right .And its called logo. And often you will find that people do call the logo, ‘logo’ so it’s very easy to identify them. So there it is. Now what, what, what I’d normally do at this point, is if you right click and go open image in new tab. That will allow you to just doublecheck that it is the correct image that you are looking for. And in this case it’s Empower Network so that is the image that I’m looking for. And all you do then is, you

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just right click it and then go Save Image As and you can save it anywhere on your hard drive or on your desktop. Wherever you like and you have got the, the original image from, from the website. Or the original logo image from the website that you might be promoting, or using it for some other reason. Rather than having to use something where somebody’s used

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some kind the screen capture software to, to grab it of, of the page. So I don’t know if it gives you a better image. I think it gives you a slightly better picture… A slightly better image quality doing it this way rather than capturing it off the page. So if you wanted something that looks as good as you can get it then it’s a good way of doing it. So that’s really it. It’s short and sweet this one. So thanks for listening and I am Neil Ball from Work With Neil Ball. So if you are looking for any other tips and tricks, if you go to my, my website which is you may pick up some other bits and pieces on there, which I will be adding over the next… well continuously over a period of time. Thank you very much. Goodbye Saving A Logo

Saving A Logo


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