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The Law of Association and Your Success in Life (Full Version)
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Posted by Neil Ball on December 04, 2013
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Video Transcript Below The Law of Association and Your Success in Life - Video Transcript Below Hello its Neil Ball, your personal development and internet marketing coach from I am going to talk about the The Law of Association. First of all I would like to thank you for watching this video, and sharing it and commenting, and subscribing to it as well. And also thanks for tweeting it on Twitter and sharing it on Facebook. The Law of Association is about the magic of Empowerment and Empowerment by association. It is a powerful principal, and can really transform your life, once you understand it and then apply it to change your life for the better. The Law of Association says that you become like the people that you spend time with regularly. I have found that many people talk about The Law of Association, but few people really understand it. I am going to dig quite deep in to The Law of
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Association, because it is something that a lot of people refer to and talk about as an essential ingredient of business, but no one seems to explain it properly. If you don’t understand The Law of Association properly, and why you should do certain positive things that are essential to your success the chances are you will fail. So I will first talk about it in the way that most people talk about it, and then I will dig deeper, so you get to understand the reason for the claims that most people make about it. In order to really understand The Law of Association, you need to understand the theory behind it, which I will talk about later
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Law of Association, you need to understand the theory behind it, which I will talk about later in the video. It really is worth understanding all of this because it will give you a compelling reason to stay on track on your journey of success. The Law of Association is based on three core principles. The first core principle of the law of association is that, first of all, we tend to attract qualities in other people that are like ourselves. So if you are very creative, you will probably tend to spend time with other creative people. If you are successful then you probably spend time with other successful people. If you are lazy, then you probably spend time with people who are lazy. Miserable and negative people love each other’s company. So over a period of time, people with qualities that are alike, tend to attract gravitate towards each other.
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The second core principle of the law of association says, that over the course of time, we become increasingly like those that we associate with. If you are a parent, then you will know this because you will have seen how your children are influenced by their friends. Often
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parents will try to steer who their children associate with, because of that. Yet usually, the same adults don’t take such positive actions in their own lives to increase their chances of success. All humans are influenced by the people who they surround themselves with in their life. Like a disease or a virus, in both a psychologically and a spiritually way, you will be affected by the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs of the people you spend the most time with such friends, relatives and work colleagues. What they think, and what they say and do will influence your thoughts, and your decisions, and your actions to achieve success in life. This type of influence, is sometimes very evident in some situations, if you are in the company of people in a room, and you detect an atmosphere of fear or negativity or some other emotion. Imagine what the prolonged effect of this is and how it affects the people around them. You are affected most by the six closest friends and relatives, who you associate with the most in your life. Ask yourself what motivates these people in their life? What are their aspirations? What are their attitudes to life? and what actions are they taking to improve their life? If you have a job right now, and you don’t like your job, and the people that you work with are constantly negative and they gossip a lot, this will also affect how you think about yourself and your life. Again, ask yourself what motivates them in their life, what are their aspirations, what are their attitudes to life, and what actions are they taking to improve their life? Everyone that associates with you affects you. They will influence your lifestyle. They will influence the way you dress. They will influence the way that you speak. They will influence what you believe. They will influence the way that you think. They will influence the decisions you make. They will influence the actions you take. And ultimately, they will influence the success you get in life. If your six closest friends are criminals, the chances are that you will also be criminal. If your six closest friends are broke, then the chances are that you will also be broke. And if your six closest friends are wealthy the chances are that you will also be wealthy. This is not always going to be the case, but it has shown to be the case for many people. The Law of Association says that your income will be normally be the average of the six closest people that you are closest to, and you regularly associate with and spend most time with. Think about the six people that you associate with and ask yourself what is their average income and then compare it with your income. You will probably find that your income is within 5% of the average of the six people that you spend that most time with. Obviously that is not always going to be the case but it most cases it is. Furthermore the chances are that the quality of your life is the same as the average of the six people that you spend the most time with. So if you spend time with people who are losers, then the chances are you will end up like them. And even if you don’t end up like them they will influence you future. Being around people who are losers will affect you, by influencing your thoughts, which will affect your decisions, which will affect your actions, which will affect your success. The third core principal of the law of association is that a compounding effect when you combine the first two core principals. The first core principal where we tend to attract qualities in other people that is like ourselves. And the second core principal, where over the course of time we become increasingly like those that we associate with. So the combining of the two core principals creates a cycle that refines and reinforces itself and creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. So if you want to improve your life and become successful then you need to break this cycle and empower your life. By inference, according to The Law of Association it says that you should adopt the habits of successful people if you want to be successful. ‘The Law of Association’ says that if you want to change your situation in your life because you are broke and you want to improve your lifestyle and you want success in your life, then look at the 6 closest people who you spend most of your time with. Do they have the lifestyle and success that you want? It’s a good idea to make a list and think about each of them,
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individually. Then look at yourself and ask yourself. What is your attitude to life? What motivates you in life? What aspirations do you have in life? And what actions are you taking to improve your life? It is very likely that you have a very similar attitude to life, to your friends and you have similar motivation, and you have similar aspirations, and you probably take similar actions to improve your life. You need to be honest with yourself. To be like the people that you aspire to be like, you need spend time with people who have the lifestyle and the success that you want. If your friends don’t have the lifestyle and success that you want, then you need to then get yourself some new friends who do. Or if you are not prepared to do that then you need get some new friends who have the lifestyle and success that you want, and then spend a lot less time with your existing friends. Then you should spend a major part of your time with those new people. I know that changing who you associate with is difficult and it may seem brutal, but it will really test how much you really want the success and lifestyle that you dream of. If the success that you want is a settled conclusion in your mind, and you have to achieve it no matter what, then you have to make a powerful decision and surround yourself with powerful people who have the success and the lifestyle that you want. Truly successful people will do whatever it takes to achieve what they want. If you aren’t prepared to do that and you make excuses about why you can’t do it, then you are likely to only achieve incremental success, or none at all, and you won’t live to your potential and you will never know what could have been. Obviously to maximise your success, you can’t do both so you need to make a powerful decision about how much you want success and lifestyle, and also how much are you prepared to do to make it happen. Do you want associate with people who make excuses about why they don’t do what they say want to do? By spending time with people who have the lifestyle that you want, and who make the money that you want, and who have the success that you want, even if you haven’t got that success or the lifestyle or the money yourself. It will allow you pick up ideas and nuggets of information to create the ideas and to inspire you. It is inevitable that you will become like those people, and have the lifestyle, and have the Success, and make the money they do, by spending the most time with them. Later in the video I will talk about how you can get the successful friends, and have the lifestyle that you want. I am now going to explain in more detail the reason why The Law of Association is so important. First of all I am going to look at the effect of the wrong people. Negativity is contagious according to the ‘Law Of Association’. When you are with people who don’t believe in you, they will give either no feedback or low quality response or feedback, or worse still negative feedback, because they don’t understand or believe in you and your ability to succeed. Unfortunately, these people don’t usually don’t understand what they are doing wrong, and won’t change their behaviour. There is a saying that says “Pigs don’t know that pigs stink” Also even if you are the smartest person compared to your closest associates, it doesn’t create a competitive environment to motivate you to be better. So what do the right people do? You will do much better when in the presence of people where there is no longer negativity, doubt, fear, and disbelief. When in the presence of people positive people, who are successful it exponentially multiplies and affects your likelihood of success. By surrounding yourself with people who believe that you will succeed and achieve your goals you will think of yourself differently, and you will be more likely to succeed and prosper than you would if you were surrounded with negative people who don’t believe in you and support you. The positive expectations and belief in you will help to transform you quicker and help you believe in yourself so that you achieve your goals quicker. Whereas, if the closest people you associate with are negative about everything, and your goals, then you will think negatively about life and yourself, and it is much more likely that you will not achieve your goals, if you had any at all in the first place. The effect of expectation on how you think of yourself and your attitude to life is known by psychologists as the Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Positive Expectations. You will become more successful if the people who you spend the most time around most expect you to be successful. There are five factors in this self-fulfilling prophecy. First, the climate or environment. When the climate or environment that you are in is more receptive and supportive to your goals you are more likely to succeed. Second, feed back.Also by having positive and successful people around you, you will get more feedback which will feed your mind and help you to succeed. Third, expectation. When you are with group of people who expect you to succeed, you will contact them more often and ask for their opinion, which again will help create more ideas and guidance to create your success. Fourth, encouragement, as you succeed you will get feedback and praise for your results from a group of positive people this
will encourage you to strive for more success. This positive reinforcement and favourable expectations helps you to succeed and achieve your goals as quickly as possible. The fifth point if competition. Also if you associate with people who are more successful than you are and they have the lifestyle that you want and this will create a competitive environment to motivate you to be better. This is evident with children, it is the case most of the time that on average that children from more prosperous families tend to do better, than those from less well-off families. The principals and effects of climate, feedback, expectation, encouragement, and competition also apply to children and their success at school. The Law of Association is discussed in the book ‘Think And Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill where he actually indirectly refers to ‘The Law of Association’ when he describes the benefit of a Mastermind. I have a few quotes from the book which help to explain the reason that The Law of Association is so important. Great entrepreneurs like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie used masterminds to accumulate great wealth and success. In the book Napoleon Hill says that “The Power of the Master Mind is The Driving Force”. “The ‘Master Mind’ may be defined as: ‘Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.’”. The Master Mind alliance should be in harmony in attaining success. “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind”. This is so true and often over looked. He talks about the power of the ‘Master Mind’ being able to bridge your weaknesses, and helping you to carry out your plans. You should ally yourself with a group of as many people as you may need for the creation, and the carrying out of your plan, or plans for the accumulation of money-making and you should meet as often as possible. And he also talks about the need for the selection of the right people in the master mind who are in complete sympathy and harmony with your purpose. Also through the cooperated efforts of the group you will develop your persistence. He also says that if you fail to carry out the instruction to the letter, you may expect to meet with failure. Napoleon Hill also says that ‘it becomes immediately obvious that the Master Mind principle holds the secret of the POWER wielded by men who surround themselves with other men of brains” If you think about the principal of the Master Mind as I have explained above, it may explain why certain groups and demographics of society seem to prosper when others don’t. For example: Masons and Jews. I say this based on limited knowledge but it seems to be true based on my observation. There seems to be collective encouraging and support within these types of groups of people. There are probably other demographic groups that have similar results. Some may say that this is due to religion that creates the success, but it doesn’t apply to all religions. So it has got to be something else. So it has to be about the attitude, desires and support in certain groups but not in others. As an entrepreneur and someone who wants to be successful it is very important that you get out and mingle, and meet other entrepreneurs who are like how you want to be. You can also meet at local events such as local Meet Ups and local BNI meetings or breakfast clubs. It is also good to go to and meet other entrepreneurs at national and international events. Also association does not necessarily have to be all about face to face, it can also include using the internet and Facebook, and linked in to communicate with the right type of people. You can also listen to audios, video training, and read books and find out more about successful people in biographies. This will fill your brain with the right information to aid your success. You can be constantly listening to, and watching and reading and consuming this information, you can even listen to audios when you travel and exercise and do other things when you are away from your computer, in the car and at the gym and at the same time as listening to the people that inspire you by using audios in portable players such MP3 players, iPods, or Smart Phones. This will create ideas and motivate you and you will get inspired from the positive energy. If you really are serious about succeeding, then you will focus your efforts on achieving your goals. If you are an entrepreneur or you are on the journey to become an entrepreneur then who do you mastermind with? Either in person at local, national or international events or when watching videos, or listening to audios. Who are the 6 people in your community that you are masterminding with most of the time that you are filling you mind with? At the end of this video I can provide you with the right information for you associate with successful people. The Law of association is not about attracting things, it’s about attracting the right people because ultimately the right people make the right things happen. The Law of Association is such a powerful law. Are you going to make a powerful decision and change your life? Now that you know about the theory about the law of association, you need to take action, you are going to be somewhere in your life three months from now. You are going to be
somewhere in your life six months from now. You are going to be somewhere in your life, twelve months from now. The question is, where do you want to be? And how much do you want it? If you change nothing, then nothing will change. To find out more about how I can help you to position yourself in your life, so that you will associate yourself with the benefits of the law of association, go to Click Here To Get The Information Mentioned At The End Of The Video
And when you get there, enter your email address to get more information. I really appreciate you watching my video. If you got any value from this video please leave a comment, or give me a thumbs up, or tweet it on Twitter, or share it on Facebook, or all of them.
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And take action by entering your email address. We’ll talk soon. The Law of Association and Your Success in Life
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