key stage 3 guide
Key Stage 3 Guide
Contents Introduction
Art and Design
English as an Additional Language
Information and Communication Technology
Intensive English
Modern Languages
Physical Education
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Learning Support
Key Stage 3 Guide
Introduction This guide contains descriptions of the courses we offer to pupils in the first three years of their secondary education at The British School of Paris. These have been written by the Heads of Department, who, together with their colleagues, have designed and developed courses that are in line with the National Curriculum for England and Wales. The British government formulated the National Curriculum to provide a broad and rigorous programme for all school children. It suggests balanced coverage of the humanities, arts and sciences, expressive arts and physical education, ensuring that pupils develop a wide range of skills and techniques together with creativity and physical well-being. Independent Schools are not obliged to comply with the National Curriculum. We follow it at The British School of Paris, as do most good independent schools in Britain, though we may make changes where we perceive a benefit. The subjects offered by us at Key Stage 3 are: English, Mathematics, Science, French, Geography, History, Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Art, Music, Physical Education (PE) and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). We also offer either German, Spanish, English as an Additional Language or Learning Support. Each child is assigned to a Tutor Group where his/ her academic and social development will be closely monitored and recorded. The tutor liaises between pupils, subject teachers and parents, and should be the first port of call when academic or pastoral matters need attention. Each year, our assessment procedures will allow you to follow your child’s progress, and will give the pupils regular feedback on their own performance. At these times, with help and guidance from parents and tutor, pupils are encouraged to set themselves realistic targets for their future performance, as well as to think of ways in which to achieve them. However, a pupil’s experience in Key Stage 3 is not just about academic opportunity and success. All our pupils enjoy a wide variety of lunchtime and after-
Our School bonds and interacts with other international Schools in sports, an experience we really enjoy. 2
school activities. The programme varies from term to term but typically involves drama, music and sports clubs and groups of all kinds. Pupils are encouraged to take positions of responsibility within their peer groups and may represent a Tutor Group at Student Council. An interest in the world around us leads to participation in many activities to raise money for charities and we are currently participating in the Eco-Schools programme run internationally by the Foundation for Environmental Education.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Team building activities for each year group such as bowling, discos and competitions are very important and help newcomers to settle in quickly. After examinations in the summer term, normal lessons are suspended for a week and each year group travels to a different location in order to benefit from an exciting outdoor education programme taught by resident experts. Activities build upon the skills acquired in sports lessons and include rock climbing, orienteering, sailing and mountain biking. We organise activities and visits to enhance learning throughout the year. History, Geography, French, Maths, Art, Science, Technology, Music, English and Drama, PE‌ nearly every area of the curriculum will extend beyond the walls of the classroom to put learning into the context of the world at large. We hope that you will find this booklet helpful and interesting. If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always pleased to answer your questions on academic and pastoral matters.
Julia Batters - Deputy Head
Key Stage 3 Guide
Art and Design In Key Stage 3 Art, projects are formed around the requirements outlined by the National Curriculum.
These consist of knowledge, skills and understanding and are outlined as follows: ◊ Exploring and developing ideas ◊ Investigating and making art, craft and design
Throughout the course, pupils work at their own pace. Those experiencing difficulties are allowed to work at a comfortable rhythm while those who wish to extend their abilities are encouraged to attempt more demanding tasks.
◊ Evaluating and developing work ◊ Knowledge and understanding ◊ Breadth of study. Pupils will develop their creativity and imagination through these sustained activities and have an awareness of art and craft as well as the techniques applied. Pupils will build on and improve their knowledge and experience of materials, processes and practices. Pupils usually work in a sketchbook recording and developing observational studies based around a theme. They will use a variety of different media exploring the formal elements of art as well as using the work of artists as a source of inspiration. Homework consists of preparing work to be done in lesson time and extending knowledge and understanding of the particular theme.
Recommended equipment list: MUST HAVE
◊ A range of pencils from 2B – 4B
◊ A putty rubber
◊ A good quality clean rubber
◊ Acrylic paint or poster paint
◊ A Pencil sharpener
◊ Water soluble pencil crayons
◊ A tin of watercolours
◊ Selection of different coloured paper and tissue paper
◊ Colouring crayons ◊ Colouring felt tip pens ◊ Black fine liner pens ◊ Charcoal or chalks ◊ Glue ◊ Scissors
Key Stage 3 Guide
Key Stage 3 Guide
English The English Department has the responsibility for ensuring that all pupils - including those for whom English is an additional language - speak and write English accurately and fluently and read widely with confidence and pleasure.
The National Curriculum is the basis for our long-term planning.
Speaking and Listening
Oral work is a regular element of English class work. Pupils are given the opportunity to speak for themselves and to take part in disciplined discussion with other pupils. There is the occasion to debate and to raise questions. Pupils must, naturally, listen to each other as well as to the teacher.
Reading, both independently and in class, is an essential element of the English course. A wide range of fiction is met in class and the pupils are asked to read, select and review. The books are chosen ambitiously and represent a serious, but appropriate standard of English. Poetry is regularly taught and pupils encounter the language of Shakespeare, amongst others. The Library is the heart of the English department. Independent reading is both encouraged and required. A reading list is given to all pupils and the library is visited, as a class, once a fortnight, on average. Pupils keep a reading diary as a record of their reading.
In written work the department emphasises care in presentation and accuracy in spelling and syntax. Pupils are expected to write regularly - often as homework - and guidance is given as to organisation, appropriate vocabulary and register. Substantial pieces of written work are required from Year 7 onwards. Imaginative and individual approaches are naturally welcome, but in combination with order and clarity. Punctuation, paragraphing and parts of speech are taught in class as fundamental elements of lively and appropriate writing. There is variety in the writing expected: formal and informal; letters and reports as well as personal and imaginative work.
There are regular drama classes in the junior years. Pupils are expected to take on and prepare roles as well as take part in informal and improvised work. This is a basis for a proper understanding of more serious theatre - especially Shakespeare (an entire
play is studied in Year 9). Drama also allows pupils to be active in their use of language, collaborative with other pupils, and confident in presenting themselves and their words.
Information Technology
Students are encouraged to use their iPads in all aspects of their work, from research and planning to writing and redrafting. We have found this especially valuable with the smaller groups where the iPad encourages and simplifies correction and organisation of work.
Small Groups
In Years 7, 8 and 9 there is a small English group for pupils whose English requires particular attention. There is regular movement between the small groups and the main groups as pupils attain sufficient expertise and confidence to keep up with the other pupils. Pupils in each year have similar tasks and pupils may leave, or join, the small group whenever it is felt to be in their best interests. The pupils in the small groups are often able; they simply need time to be accustomed to the demands of a wholly English curriculum. The department is proud of its ability to welcome and incorporate pupils from different cultural and educational backgrounds into the school.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Key Stage 3 Guide
English as an Additional Language
English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes can be offered to pupils whose first language is not English or whose previous educational work has not been in English. EAL pupils are taught in small groups where the level of instruction is adjusted to suit each pupil’s needs. Emphasis is given to all four language skills - listening, reading, speaking and writing - to provide the pupils with sufficient English for their needs in the Senior School.
I really enjoy my life at The British School of Paris, all the teachers and pupils give you a warm welcome ever y morning and goodbye when you leave for home.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Geography Geography is the subject that holds the key to our future. Geography is fundamental to understanding the why, how and when of many issues occurring in the world today. Geography really does matter; the planet is such a controversial topic now. When we look at any issue with the balance and scrutiny that geographical study offers, we move beyond the media hype or political spin. Geography allows us to see the world more clearly. Geography at Key Stage 3 aims to: • stimulate pupils’ interest in their surroundings • foster pupils’ sense of wonder at the beauty of the world around them • help pupils develop a concern about the quality of the environment and a sense of responsibility for the care of the earth and its people. The courses covers essential geographical skills such as: • using maps to interpret information and record information • weather forecasting, measuring and recording • land use surveys • developing questionnaires • land use management and risk assessment • using ICT to: • research information on the internet, including maps and census data • record data and draw appropriate graphs using excel spread sheets • write up assignments including pieces of coursework using data collected on fieldwork • download, record and use data from a digital weather centre • use GIS to map data
• Working with others, both in collecting data in the field and group work in class • Problem solving, by analysing results and drawing conclusions. This also involves issues of global concern such as global warming or earthquake hazards and investigating possible outcomes and measures that could be taken to limit the effects.
• annotate digital photographs and ask geographical questions • give Power Point presentations. While covering these geographical skills pupils will also be fulfilling the Key Stage 3 Key Skills of: • Communication, through written reports, class debates and presentations given to the rest of the class • Application of number, by recording and displaying data using excel spreadsheets • Information technology, by using ICT where ever possible as described above
Key Stage 3 Guide Geography (Continued)
The Knowledge and Understanding of Places
We start off in year 7 looking at natural and human wonders of the world. We use map skills to explore places and start explaining processes that formed these features. Later on in the year we do an environmental survey with a study of the school and its immediate surroundings, expanding into a study of the original site and growth of Croissy and its changing function. We then look at how Croissy is connected to other places in terms of the sphere of influence of The British School and carry out a survey around school. The theme of the inter-connectedness of places is then extended in years 8 and 9 by looking at migration,, shopping habits, tourism, international companies.
International events appearing on the news are used as a vehicle to make pupils aware of where places
are located. Atlas exercises and OS maps are used to develop this sense of place. More detailed studies of China, are carried out as examples of ‘NIC’s (Newly industrialised countries) and comparisons are made with ‘Less Economically Developed Countries’, namely The Gambia, Ghana, Brazil and India.
The Knowledge and Understanding of Geographical Processes and Patterns This involves the study of the physical process of landscape, including river valley, glacial landscapes, coasts, deserts, and plate tectonics. We look at how physical landscape has affected human activity, and the impact of man on the physical landscape. This involves the study of hazards, such as flooding, coastal erosion, earthquakes and volcanoes. We look at the effects such disasters have on the local populations and what can be done to prevent them in the future. This section also involves economic processes and patterns. Pupils are required to have a knowledge and
Key Stage 3 Guide
understanding of the changing pattern of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary industries. These studies are carried out by using case studies from the real world, developing the pupil’s sense of place.
Knowledge and Understanding of Environmental Change and Sustainable Development This will include issues of citizenship and sustainable development and stewardship. The impact of man on ecosystems with fragile environments such as Tundra and the Sahel are studied and possible
solutions investigated. The effect of world population growth on resources is considered and the rapid growth of cities in the developing world is studied. The understanding that the effects of rainforest destruction, environmental pollution and local actions can produce global consequences is developed. The study of National Parks and places of special scientific interest e.g. Antarctica allows pupils to understand that some environments require protection.
An outline of the work covered in each year group is given in the table below:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
What a wonderful world
Natural hazards Volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes
Half term
Brazil and the Amazon rainforest
Brazil and the Amazon rainforest
People and Resources
Half term
Flood- a study of rivers
UK Brazil
Development, trade and aid
How environmentally friendly Coasts is BSP?
Half term
A study of Croissy/Paris
Weather and climatic hazards
Geography of Crime
In a truly international school such as The British School of Paris, with over 50 nationalities represented in the pupil population, we feel that it is our main aim to give the pupils an understanding of the cultural richness of the world around them and how we should
all be working together as world citizens to make the world more sustainable and develop a sense of stewardship.
Key Stage 3 Guide
History is the past and the study of the past
The two main aims or purposes of school History are: • to help pupils to develop a sense of identity through learning about the development of Britain, Europe and the world • to introduce pupils to what is involved in understanding and interpreting the past.
There are a number of other purposes: • to arouse interest in the past • to contribute to pupils’ knowledge and understanding of other countries and cultures • to understand the present in the light of the past • to enrich other areas of the curriculum • to train the mind by disciplined study • to prepare pupils for adult life.
There is a strong sense of why History is being taught throughout the course. There are three attainment targets in the teaching of History.
Understanding history in its setting
This attainment target is concerned with the setting of historical information. History is fundamentally about understanding events over time and in a chronological structure. The concepts of change and continuity and of cause and effect are related to the chronological structure of history. Marking schemes assess pupils’ understanding of these concepts. Pupils should not gain the impression that history represents a continuous line of progress; they should discover that human affairs have developed at different speeds in different places and they have frequently zig-zagged or regressed. The concept of cause will help pupils to understand why things happened, what motivated people to act as they did and what were the effects. Pupils will come to understand that these concepts are useful but also have their limitations.
Acquiring and evaluating historical information
As pupils acquire historical information and understanding so the foundation for developing historical skills grows firmer. As knowledge accumulates and becomes more complex so the skills of critical and objective analysis, the ability to form and test hypotheses, the ability to use the imagination in a disciplined way, and the capacity to read and to listen critically and comparatively, all become more important and increasingly refined. Pupils should therefore progress in their ability to gauge the relative reliability and usefulness of a wide range of sources of evidence in seeking historical explanations. This attainment target is concerned with the ways in which pupils become involved in history as a process of discovery.
Organising and communicating the results of historical study
Historical information will remain inert unless it is gathered, processed, and ultimately communicated in logical and systematic ways. History as a set of processes is concerned with the inter-relationship between the planning of an investigation, refining ideas, and organising and communicating findings based on historical evidence. This attainment target is concerned with all these processes and with bringing them together in a coherent presentation which can take a variety of forms including written narrative, formal reasoned explanation, discussion and argument or dramatic reconstruction. Communication in history requires concepts specific to the area of study, and this attainment target measures the mastery of such concepts.
Course Content
At the beginning of Year 7 all pupils are given a short introductory course which is designed to make them aware of the nature of the subject. This course invites them to think critically about the assumptions that lie behind any chronological survey and begins to teach them the skills that they will find necessary throughout their secondary education. Once this has been completed Year 7 pupils will begin their first Study unit - the Roman Empire. This will be followed during the Spring and Summer terms by
Key Stage 3 Guide
Medieval Realms and Castles and Cathedrals. In Year 8 the pupils study The Making of the UK, 1500-1750 and The French Revolution. They progress in Year 9 to Expansion, Trade and Industry 1750-1900 ending their Key Stage 3 History studies with an in-depth examination of the era of the First World War and an overview of the early 20th century history. It is obviously not possible to give more than a general survey of these centuries, given the time available. The teaching seeks to strike a balance between establishing general trends, and examining particular events and social structures in detail. Emphasis is always given to distinguishing the importance of chronology, evidence and empathy as well as the role of the individual.
Year 7 History
Year 8 History
Year 9 History
Course Content
Skills in History
Making of the UK 1483 – 1688
Expansions of Trade and Industry – Life in Britain during the 19th Century
The Roman Empire The Medieval Realms
Native American History
The French Islamic Civilisations Revolution
World War One Europe in the early 20th Century
Key Stage 3 Guide
Information and Communication Technology In today’s society, technology influences the way we work, shop, travel and spend our leisure time. The ability to use Information and Communication Technology competently is essential.
The ICT programme of study in Key Stage 3 provides pupils with practical skills in using computer hardware and software, as well as the ability to work independently to set deadlines. Pupils complete a range of projects using ICT as a tool for problem solving; they see their technical expertise and interpersonal skills develop throughout years 7 to 9. The aims of the ICT programme of study are to teach pupils to: • become confident users of technology • use ICT as a tool for problem solving • understand and use technical terms • choose software and equipment that is most appropriate for meeting the requirements of specific tasks • become critical users of technology, aware of its benefits and limitations • recognise the implications of ICT in the wider world. The units of work are based on the ICT national curriculum themes: • Finding things out • Developing ideas and making things happen • Exchanging and sharing information • Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses.
Pupils work through projects where they are required to identify and analyse a problem, design and then implement a solution, and finally evaluate their achievements. A range of contexts are selected for project themes to ensure a cross-curricular approach to ICT, for example, developing a marketing campaign for a new cinema complex, designing posters to promote healthy eating, planning the financing of a school tuck shop. Pupils are exposed to a range of software tools, which are continually changing to reflect developments in technology. They decide on appropriate solutions for specific problems focussing on: • word processing • spreadsheets • databases • web design • desk-top publishing • computer control • multimedia and the Internet. The ICT suites at The British School of Paris have recently been upgraded to provide high specification multimedia PCs connected to the school network. All machines provide fast access to the Internet. Digital cameras, scanners and a range of printers are available to pupils as they work through projects.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Intensive English We offer Intensive English for pupils at any stage in Key Stage 3 who have very little or no English.
Intensive English pupils are taught in small groups by a range of specialised teachers. The pupils belong to tutor groups and join in sporting activities, Physical Education, PSHE, Art, Mathematics, ICT and Technology with their class. They study the vocabulary, structures and concepts of Science, History and Geography within the Intensive English class.
...you have the opportunity to speak more, you feel more comfortable because ever yone in the class is learning English with you.
The aim for each pupil is to achieve proficiency in listening, reading, writing and speaking English so that he/she can integrate fully into the mainstream class.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Mathematics The power of mathematics lies in its capacity not just to describe and explain but also to predict. Mathematics is important; it offers a means to solve real life problems, indeed everyday problems.
The study of mathematics equips pupils with the skills they need to gain knowledge in other subjects, notably science and technology. However, mathematics is taught not only because it is useful; the subject itself is a source of delight and wonder. In accordance with the renewed Framework of the National Strategy guidelines, the mathematics that pupils encounter is listed under 5 broad headings:
Pupils do need to be well equipped for mathematics and simple sturdy instruments are far more appropriate than fine drawing sets. The maths teachers strongly recommend that pupils possess a second pencil case free from clutter and dedicated to mathematics. This should include:
• Mathematical processes and applications
• a simple scientific calculator
• Number
• a small clear plastic protractor and 20cm ruler
• Algebra
• a sturdy compass with pencil
• Geometry and measures
• an eraser, a sharpener with a box, pencil (HB).
• Statistics.
Suitable instruments may be obtained from the uniform shop.
The Department aims to make mathematics attractive and accessible to all pupils; interesting and useful; varied and fun, a challenge and a success for everyone. In consequence, pupils are encouraged to: • draw, measure and count accurately • communicate the techniques and methods they use • relate number exercises to real life situations • relate algebraic manipulations to number calculations • identify number patterns and create formulae • practise mental calculations, estimate • use a calculator frequently but sensibly, efficiently and as a discovery item • look critically at answers and make checks and improvements • read timetables, charts, etc. accurately - handle data efficiently • present information clearly and attractively • write readable, well ordered and neat solutions or records • be well organised with books, calculator and instruments • complete pieces of homework carefully, meet deadlines
• look for mathematics in other subjects and in everyday life.
Pupils are encouraged to use their ipads and will be requested to download Apps from time to time.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Setting and Assessment
In mathematics pupils are placed in sets according to their performance and individual needs. There is a specific text for each level with a common core of topics, and differentiated tasks. Pupils will have this textbook in pdf format on their ipads and a hard copy will be available in class. Pupils will also be issued with a Homework Book appropriate to their level. Regular tests allow each pupil’s progress to be assessed and if necessary, pupils are transferred to a more appropriate set. Pupils in the stronger sets prepare and enter the UK Junior Maths Challenge. This is a national postal competition devised to inspire and challenge young mathematicians. Many of the questions are interesting and fun and successful participants are awarded certificates at gold, silver or bronze levels. Interested students may also attend a weekly training session. The most able students are selected to represent The British School of Paris at the ISMTF Middle Schools Mathematics Competition which takes place at an International School in Europe.
Homework and Record of Scores
Two pieces of homework are set each week. Questions are chosen to reflect class work and to allow the pupils to demonstrate how well they are coping with the present topic. Homework is short and the pupils are required to produce accurate, well presented, complete solutions, often with a clear diagram. Test scores and homework scores are recorded by the teacher but also by the pupil on the last page of the exercise book. This record of scores provides an opportunity for teacher, pupil, tutor and parents to reflect upon the pupil’s progress.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Modern Languages
All language courses at The British School of Paris are based on the introduction, practice and acquisition of the four skill areas outlined by the National Curriculum: • Attainment Target 1 - Listening • Attainment Target 2 - Speaking • Attainment Target 3 - Reading • Attainment Target 4 - Writing. The language content of our courses is chosen with the aim of exposing the pupils, throughout their Key Stage 3 teaching, to the four topic areas eventually examined at GCSE level:• Out and about • Customer service and transactions • Personal information • Future plans, education and work. Languages are taught in topic-based units which aim to cover a wide range of situations in appropriate settings for the purposes of practical communication in French, German or Spanish speaking countries with a view to preparing the foundations for GCSE study. In Years 7 - 9 vocabulary acquisition and effective communication are primary aims. Listening, Speaking and basic Reading skills are emphasised. Extended reading tasks and a study of language structure and grammatical points to enable accurate writing are introduced progressively throughout each course. The various cultures of French, German and Spanish speaking countries are also covered. Teaching is conducted as much as possible in French, German or Spanish and pupils are encouraged to use the foreign language between themselves and when communicating with the teacher. Textbooks are often supplemented by more recent materials such as magazines and videos. We aim to make situations for language practice authentic and relevant. Although much introductory work in the language classroom is undertaken by the teacher with the whole class, pupils are gradually encouraged to work individually, in pairs and in groups in order to foster the independent study skills necessary for GCSE and beyond.
All pupils study French from Year 7 to Year 11. In Year 7, pupils have the opportunity to study both German and Spanish (pupils switch language at the end of January) in order to be able to sample the two languages. This allows pupils to make an informed choice between German and Spanish for Year 8 and beyond at the option stage in Year 10 if desired.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Modern Languages - French
• Free time
There are several teaching groups in each year in French. Pupils are grouped as much as possible in homogeneous attainment groups. Transfers will occur when teachers have consulted about the best timing for the pupils concerned. Flexibility is extremely important and these transfers can happen right up to the Summer Term if appropriate.
• Dates and weather
In each year there is one Special Objectives group. It is generally made up of pupils who have already had considerable exposure to French. This group will aim to take the GCSE examination one year early (e.g. at the end of Year 10) and will go on to begin preparation for AS/A level in Year 11.
Year 7 – Mainstream
• Holiday plans • Directions • Feeling ill • School life They will also be taught the following grammatical concepts: • gender • present tense verbs • adjectival agreement • simple negatives
The main textbook used is Encore Tricolore 1 (Nouvelle Edition) for beginners (Set 4), and Encore Tricolore 2 (Nouvelle Edition) for sets 2 and 3.
• possessive adjectives
Pupils cover the following language topics:
• imperative mood
• Personal introductions
• perfect tense
• Food
• comparisons
• Home and family
• direct object pronouns
• prepositions
Year 8 – Mainstream
The main textbooks are Encore Tricolore 2 and Encore Tricolore 3 (Nouvelle Edition) Pupils cover the following language topics: Finding out about France and French speaking countries • Feeling ill • Eating out • Staying with a family • Entertainment/Leisure activities • Holiday plans • School life • Future plans • Exploring Paris
Key Stage 3 Guide
French (Continued)
They are also taught the following grammatical concepts:
and learn about everyday life in the Middle Ages in France.
• present tense of irregular verbs
In Year 8, students study selected mini-plays as well as a historical novel set at the time of Louis XIV.
• the simple future tense • comparatives and superlative • the perfect tense • reflexive verbs • imperfect tense • pronouns (direct /indirect).
Year 9 – Mainstream
The main textbook is Encore Tricolore 3, Nouvelle Edition. For a very able Set 2 (and even Set 3) Tricolore 4 is also available. Pupils cover the following language topics: • Paris and French speaking countries • Young people and their interests • Activity holidays • The Future • Health They will also be taught the following grammatical concepts: • the perfect tense • the imperfect tense • the future tense • direct and indirect object pronouns • relative pronouns • adverbs of frequency. Pupils are encouraged to develop their reading skills (some French books are available on loan). Students in Special Objectives groups are provided with a reading list and are encouraged to prepare book reviews (Powerpoint presentations). Videos are used (where appropriate) to support the curriculum and to expose the students to French culture.
Year 7, 8 & 9 – Set 2
A selection of literary texts and poetry has been introduced to further challenge the students in Set 2. The curriculum also provides a study of the history of France linked with the texts chosen as well as with the Special Objectives programme whenever possible. In Year 7, students study a well-known medieval play
In Year 9, students also study a historical novel set during the Second World War and learn about France and the Occupation period.
French Special Objectives
French Special Objectives groups are taught almost entirely in French. The oral French of the Special Objectives groups is generally of a higher standard than their written French and, although they are fluent in every day idiom, they are often unable to appreciate the finer points of language and style. Grammar points are therefore emphasised at all stages. The teaching of grammar is both global and methodical: that is to say that the various grammatical points are taught as they occur in the texts the children study. The texts are carefully chosen to cover a range of styles, topics and vocabulary, and to stimulate the children’s interest and their desire to read further. The cultural aspect is another essential element of the Special Objectives programme. A major part of developing reading and writing skills is based on the use of literary texts and poetry, and on the study of the history and geography of France. In Year 7, students study a whole range of texts (from classic children literature) and benefit from an introduction to comic books. In Year 8, students study a play by Molière and then a historical novel set during the French Revolution. In Year 9, students study a well-known autobiographic novel which gives them the opportunity to learn about and understand France during the Occupation.
During the academic year, KS3 students have the opportunity to go on a trip. In the past, visits have been organised to the Château d’Auvers-sur-Oise, to know more about the impressionist painters, to the house of Alexandre Dumas in Port-Marly or to France miniature.
Key Stage 3 Guide Modern Languages - German
• Means of transport
Years 7, 8 and 9
• Asking for and giving directions
In Years 7, 8 and 9 vocabulary acquisition and effective communication are primary areas of the foreign language classroom. Listening, speaking and basic reading skills are emphasised. The target language is used as much as is practical for beginners and as much as possible in years 8 and 9.
• Talking about plans for the summer holidays • Talking about where you went on holiday and where you stayed • Saying what you did
The main textbooks used in Key Stage 3 are Echo Express 1 and Echo Express 2 but in addition, interactive whiteboard exercises, videos and languagespecific websites are frequently used.
• Buying fruit and vegetables
In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils will cover the following topics:
• Pocket money
• Meeting people and greetings
• Opinions about TV programmes
• Introducing yourself and saying how old you are and where you live
• Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences
• Talking about the school timetable and giving opinions about school subjects
• Saying what you do after school
• Ordering in a café • Saying what you can buy in different shops
• Learning about Christmas in Germany
• Using the 12 hour clock
• Describing what you wear to school and learning about school life in Germany
• Talking about an after-school trip
• Talking abut what you eat
• Naming the parts of the body
• Talking about family and friends
• Talking about symptoms and illnesses
• Describing appearance and characteristics
• Discussing healthy and unhealthy eating habits
• Talking about pets
• Accepting and turning down invitations
• Talking about sports and hobbies
• Giving reasons
• Arranging to go out and when to meet.
• Saying what you will wear
• Saying where you live and describing rooms in your house
• Describing a party you have been to
• Saying what you do in different rooms • Describing your room and saying what is in it • Describing where things are • Saying what you like/don’t like about your room • Learning about some towns in German-speaking countries • The weather
• Buying snacks at a snack bar
• Saying what there is in the town
• Understanding and interview with a sports person
• Talking about your daily routine • Talking about problems • Saying what you want to do • Writing about a shopping trip • Learning about a German town • Giving information about a town or village. In the context of the above topic areas, the following grammatical concepts will be taught:-
Key Stage 3 Guide
• Gender
• Introduction to adjectival endings before nouns
• Subject pronouns and verbs in the present tense
• Connectives
• Possessive adjectives
• Qualifiers
• Questions
• Adverbs of frequency
• Numbers 1 – 1000
• Word order – verb as second idea.
• The alphabet
• Es gibt plus accusative
• Colours
• Regular and irregular verbs in the present tense
• Telling the time
• Using conjunctions to build more complex sentences
• An introduction to the case system
• Prepositions with the dative
• Negatives
• Recognising references to the past using imperfect of “haben” and “sein”
• Plural nouns
• Man kann plus infinitive
Key Stage 3 Guide German (Continued)
• Introduction of the imperative using “du” and “Sie” • Using the present tense to talk about the future • Using qualifiers such as “zu”, “sehr”, “ziemlich”, “nicht” • Perfect tense with “haben” • Regular and irregular past participles • Perfect tense with “sein” • Distinguishing between present/past/future tenses • Future plans using time expressions and present tense • Um….zu plus infinitive • Open questions • In plus accusative with movement • Compound nouns • Preferences with gern/lieber/am liebsten • Word order – time, manner, place • Modal verbs • Past, present and future tenses • Using “wenn” • Using “weil” • Subordinate clauses • Seit with the present tense • Adverbs of frequency • Dates • Future tense with “werden” • Adjective endings with definite and indefinite article after accusative • Recognising and understanding reflexive verbs • Separable verbs • Practice of formal address “Sie.”
Key Stage 3 Guide
Modern Languages - Spanish
Spanish Years 7 & 8
In Years 7 and 8 vocabulary acquisition and effective communication are primary aims of the foreign language classroom. Listening, speaking and basic skills are emphasised. The following topic areas form the basis of our teaching: • Meeting people, Greetings • Personal Identification • Numbers and Dates • Pets and Family • Physical Descriptions: Hair, Eyes, Height • Classroom Objects • Home and Daily Routine • School, School subjects and opinions • Food and Drink • Places in a Town • Pastimes and Leisure Activities • Household Chores • Town and City • Making Introductions • Buying Gifts. Describing someone’s personality • Ordering a meal in a restaurant • Buying food and drink in a shop • Shopping: Clothes and types of shops • Tourism and holidays • Making arrangements to go out • Leisure Activities: Cinema • Health.
Key Stage 3 Guide Spanish (Continued)
They will also be taught the following grammatical concepts: • Nouns
• Pronouns • Gustar and Expressing likes and dislikes
• Articles
• Verbs: The Preterite – Regular and irregular preterites
• Numbers
• Verbs: The Imperfect Tense.
• Dates
Pupils will be encouraged to develop their reading skills by the use of children’s Spanish books and magazines.
• Adjectives • Possessive Adjectives • Prepositions of Place • Questions • Negatives • Verbs in Present Tense: Regular and Irregular • Verbs: Ser and Estar • Verbs: Radical Changing Verbs • Verbs: Reflexive Verbs • The immediate future • Gustar • Imperatives. Pupils will be encouraged to develop their individual reading skills. The target language will be used as much is as practical for beginners groups. Tapes and videos are used at every opportunity.
Informal assessment takes place throughout all language lessons. Pupils are encouraged to review constantly and to perfect their work. Homework is set twice a week in French and once in German and Spanish. Homework may be based on any one of the four skills and learning homework will be tested in class. Marking is positive, pupils are given credit for what they can do rather than penalised for what they cannot do. Formal assessment within the department takes place at regular intervals. In line with the French department the Spanish department is now running a pilot, Spanish Special Objectives group. This group is almost entirely taught in Spanish and is designed for students who already have a very good level of Spanish.
Year 9
Vocabulary acquisition and effective communication continue to be primary aims of the foreign language classroom. Listening, speaking and basic reading skills are emphasised. Extended reading tasks and a study of language structure and grammatical points to enable accurate writing are introduced progressively throughout the course. Year 9 cover the topic areas of holidays, entertainment, activities, health and healthy living, as well as the following grammatical concepts: • Adverbs
• Demonstrative Adjectives
The School organises fun and enjoyable activities.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Music Music education has changed dramatically in schools in recent years and the Music department at The British School of Paris has moved forward positively, changing with the times.
The most recent National Curriculum document is based on the two main elements of Performing/ Composing and Listening /Appraising. Activities undertaken in class are based on these elements and provide for students a course of practical and active lessons. In addition, the music centre offers many extracurricular activities so that students can expand their own individual interests. There are opportunities for tuition in almost every instrument, including voice, and opportunities to join the many musical ensembles that exist in school.
Listening and Appraising
Students listen to music from a broad range of traditions and historical periods, especially music from around the world. They spend one half term looking at the development of the modern symphony orchestra and its instruments. They attempt basic analysis and evaluation of music considering such elements as pitch, duration, timbre, pace, texture, dynamics and structure. The theory covered includes basic rhythm and pitch, simple graphic scores and traditional notation.
Year 8
Each year’s course is divided into five units. As work is completed it is marked and the results are used to help complete the requirements of the assessment process. Assessment is by observation, completion of set practical tasks which are recorded on the iPad and completion of written exercises. The sixth teaching block in each year is used to review the work of the whole year in preparation for the final examination.
The units covered are:
Year 7
• Melodies and chords
The units covered are:
• Piano styles
• The Elements of Music
• Song analysis and presentation.
• Graphic notation
Performing and Composing
• Instruments of the Orchestra • Theory and traditional notation • Reading music and group performances • Further work on the elements and rhythmic composition.
Performing and Composing
Classroom percussion instruments are used to explore the elements of music and for composition.
• Recap notation and theory • The keyboard – hands separately and hands together • Introduction to Sibelius – inputting • Composition – rhythmic then melodic
The instrumental pieces used in the classroom become more demanding, requiring wider knowledge of notation, more fluency and expression in performance of solo work, and greater independence of parts in ensemble work. Students are introduced to the electronic keyboard and encouraged to use it for performance and as a tool for composition. Students are encouraged to write music for others, expressing
The materials used are taken from a wide range of musical traditions and different types of musical notation are introduced. Singing and playing in parts is attempted and students are expected to perform solo and in a group in the classroom as part of the assessment process. Students consider basic forms in music; the organisation of pitch, rhythm and timbre. They explore techniques of improvisation. They invent and perform their own music to others, notating it using appropriate signs, symbols and instructions.
Key Stage 3 Guide Music (Continued)
their ideas and instructions in appropriate notation. Work is recorded onto the iPad for assessment and students are taught to use Sibelius software in the classroom for the notation of their compositions. Work is recorded for assessment and students are taught to use Sibelius software in the classroom for the notation of their compositions.
Listening and Appraising
The range of music presented to the students is increased with greater emphasis on 20th century music and non-orchestral instruments. Analysis and evaluation continue with greater attention being paid to structure and form.
Year 9
The units covered are: • Ensemble Performing • Digital Multitrack recording using the Boss BR600 • Irregular time signatures – playing in 5 and 7 time • Using motifs • Ground Bass Variations – a common device for composers
Performing and Composing
Students continue to have lessons using the electronic keyboards in the music suite’s custom-built studio. They work individually and in groups according to their experience. Students are encouraged to read melodies and chord symbols from printed music. Work on classroom and orchestral instruments continue alongside the keyboard work. Students invent and notate music in popular styles with the aid of a keyboard. They also have access to the computers and Sibelius software. This can be used for creating, managing and storing student compositions. The digital multi track recording machines are used to enable students to master the basic studio recording techniques. Final versions of students’ compositions are then performed and recorded onto the iPad as part of the assessment process.
To enable the compositions in this year to become more musically sophisticated more advanced harmony, syncopation, transposition and arranging
skills are taught.
Listening and Appraising
The listening programme is extended to include 20th century music in all its forms, including commercial music. Analysis and evaluation of music is at a higher level than in Year 8 with listening activities similar in style to those at GCSE level.
Peripatetic teaching, Ensembles and the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Apart from classroom music we offer individual instrumental lessons in school on most instruments and these are arranged through the Head of Music.
The British School of Paris is the centre for the ABRSM in France. The practical and theory examinations are offered three times a year, and results are excellent with many distinction and merit grades being obtained. The main school ensembles are Choir and Orchestra. These groups meet weekly to rehearse and perform at all manner of concerts. Choir and Orchestra are open to all. Students receiving instrumental tuition in the school day are expected to be involved in the orchestra or choir. The Flute Choir, String Group and A Capella vocal ensemble are selected from the open ensembles to prepare more demanding group pieces. Membership is offered to those students who show themselves to be mature, confident and hardworking performers, often those attaining Merit and Distinction awards in practical examinations of Grade 4 and above in their instrument.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Physical Education Pupils in Years 7-9 experience Physical Education in both mixed ability and, depending on activity, mixed gender lessons.
The department aims to provide a balanced and varied programme which will enable each pupil as far as possible to be proficient in a number of physical activities. The department concerns itself with achieving a measure of success in the following areas: • enjoyment and satisfaction • physical development • acquisition of motor skills • self expression/aesthetic appreciation • social training • education for leisure.
Another aspect of the Years 7-9 syllabus is the extracurricular programme. The school has representative teams in the following sports; football, hockey, rugby, netball, basketball, cross-country and athletics and if a pupil is selected for a school team, he/she is expected to attend all training sessions and fixtures. The school has both an international and domestic fixture list for all its teams with regular fixtures in France, Belgium, Holland and the UK. To maintain a fixture list we have to host visiting teams overnight, which is reciprocated when we travel away. This is both an essential aspect of the pupils’ commitment to the school team and an invaluable educational experience.
Assessment is internally based and records each pupil’s progress over the year. As Physical Education is aimed at educating the pupils both ‘in’ and ‘through’ the physical, assessment within the department will not only record the pupils’ abilities but also their motivation, their ability to work with others, their interests and achievements.
The climbing wall is enjoyed by all the students. The following table shows our typical programme for Years 7-9 (this may vary depending on availability of facilities).
Term 1
Ball skills
Short tennis
Short tennis
Short tennis
7 Sport
8 Sport
9 Sport
In Year 7 pupils undertake a swimming course and Outdoor Education in Years 8 and 9.
Key Stage 3 Guide Physical Education (Continued)
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education (OE) will be offered as part of the Senior School’s Sport curriculum. The OE course will aim to provide pupils with a ‘taster’ of a range of different adventurous activities in a safe and controlled environment. Broader aims of the course include the acquisition of skills associated with the activities, development of self-confidence, awareness of local environment and the development of teamworking qualities such as trust, co-operation and communication. The course will be progressive, in that it will emphasise team work in Year 8 and lead to a focus on individual participation and performance in Year 9.
The activities will be drawn from: • mountain biking • climbing • kayaking • campcraft • team building games • orienteering. A number of activities will be run off site.
As part of the Key Stage 3 programme we take all the pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9 on a residential activities week. The pupils in Year 7 have the opportunity to sail, canoe, kayak and wind-surf, while in Years 8 and 9 the outdoor education trip has the added features of climbing, mountain biking and white water rafting.
Either individually or in a team sport, you’re given the opportunities for your talent to shine through.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) The PSHE scheme of work follows the UK National Curriculum non-statutory guidelines for Personal, Social and Health Education and the Key Stage 3 statutory curriculum for Citizenship.
Lessons are often discussion based, making use of worksheets, newspaper articles, video, role-play, debate and student presentations. In addition we have incorporated a PSHE package of interactive lessons and materials which are now available on the school’s VLE.
The students are encouraged to develop: • a healthy and safe lifestyle. • good relationships while respecting the differences between people. • skills of enquiry and communication. • methodical and successful work habits.
The programme for Years 7 - 9 remains flexible and responsive but will include a majority of the following areas:
Term 1
Hygiene Healthy eating Study skills and self-organisation Exercise Teeth Consequences of actions Sex education + Life skills Class bullying Basic first aid Friends and family Puberty World religion – appreciating Smoking cultural differences Alcohol Target setting Study skills Secret Santa Target setting Careers Careers
Revision skills and planning
Settling in – value of diversity
Target setting
Class ethos – helping new pupils Study skills – better use of planner Eco Project 1 Friends and self-image Bullying World religions HIV and AIDS Target setting Secret Santa Careers
Eco Project 2 The environment Sex education + Life skills Puberty review Conception Contraception Health in mind and body image Study skills and target setting Smoking and alcohol review Careers
Eco Project 3 Families Teenage friendships Personal safety review Study skills and exam preparation Target setting Outdoor education week preparation and essay Sports Day and Swimming Gala organisation Careers
Class ethos
Health and personal hygiene
Study skills - good vs bad
Eating disorders
Personal strengths/KS4 options
Sex education + Life skills
Revision techniques Decision making and options Smoking Alcohol and its consequences Resisting pressure to take drugs Outdoor education week preparation and essay HIV and AIDS Sports Day and Swimming Gala organisation Study skills Target setting Careers
Gender differences Women’s rights World religions Target setting
Term 3
Class ethos
Term 2
Puberty review Conception review Age of consent Contraception Teenage pregnancy Study skills
Secret Santa
Target setting
Year 6 visit Presentations Outdoor education week preparation and essay End of year evaluation Sports Day and Swimming Gala organisation Avoiding personal danger Careers
Key Stage 3 Guide
Science The Science programme studied at The British School of Paris in Years 7, 8 and 9 follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales.
Thus pupils transferring from the UK should encounter a good degree of continuity. It is also our experience that the subject matter agrees well with science programmes all around the world since its broad base covers nearly all the essential scientific skills, knowledge and understanding typical for this age. The National Curriculum in Key Stage Three Science embraces a broad scientific education. The emphasis of the curriculum is linking students’ knowledge of science with its relevance to our everyday life as well as that of all the other subjects studied at this level. This holistic approach to teaching Science is welcomed by BSP Science teachers as it can only open the students’ minds to all the implications that science can have on their lives.
The Science National Curriculum is divided into four areas:
Key concepts
• Scientific thinking. Applications and implications of science. Cultural understanding. Collaboration.
Key processes
• Practical skills. Critical understanding of evidence. Communication.
Range and content
• Energy, electricity and forces. Chemical and material behaviour. Organisms, behaviour and health. The environment, Earth and universe.
Curriculum opportunities
• Research, experiment, discuss and develop arguments • Study science in local, national and global contexts • Experience science outside the school environment, including in the workplace where possible
Key Stage 3 Guide Science (Continued)
• Use creativity and innovation in science and appreciate their importance in enterprise
The following give an outline of the topics covered in each year of the course:
• Prepare to specialise in a range of science subjects at KS4 and consider career opportunities both within science and in other areas that are provided by scientific qualifications
Year 7
• Make links between science and other subjects and areas of the curriculum.
What are things made of?
To deliver this curriculum we follow a scheme of work laid out by the QCA using the Go Science! course and resources, published by Pearson/Heinemann. Experimental work is a vital and exciting part of scientific education and at The British School we use every opportunity to perform experiments as a basis for both discovery and reinforcement of concepts and ideas. It is a rare week if a pupil in Years 7, 8 and 9 has not been involved in practical work, although this does depend on the topic being studied. Communication skills, whether it be writing up experiments or engaging in class discussions, are also essential for any scientist. Pupils are always encouraged to express their ideas, theories and creative thought. We also provide opportunities for pupils to incorporate Information Technology into their scientific work especially in the collection and analysis of data.
How things move
By the end of Year 9, those pupils who attend The British School from Year 7 will have studied the entire Key Stage Three Programme of Study; they will also have laid firm foundations for the GCSE courses ahead. We feel we have succeeded if they have also enjoyed this experience and are able to apply their skills and knowledge to further their development as members of society.
Year 9
Staying alive Why are we different?
Be reactive
Using energy Earth, Space and beyond.
Year 8
Systems for survival How we stay healthy How do living things interact? What’s in a reaction? Heating and cooling Finding out about light and sound Exploring magnetism Changing Earth. Are you fit? Upsetting the balance Chemical reactions Environmental chemistry Calculating forces Earth and Space Energy and conservation.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Technology Foundation Technology ‘Technology is the creative application of knowledge, skills and understanding to design and make good quality products’.
The above statement, which has been extracted from National Curriculum documentation, provides us with an accurate description of Technology. The Design and Technology Area aims to compel learning in Design and Technology, academic achievement and career opportunity through innovation, industrial insight and quality in realisation and to prepare young people for participation in a technological society. This subject is concerned with practical action, drawing on knowledge and understanding from a wide range of subjects. It is about identifying needs, generating ideas, planning, making and testing to find the best solutions. Pupils will become aware of the ways in which technology is changing the home, the workplace and lifestyles, and they will be better placed to respond to the employment needs of business and industry. Pupils will be taught to develop their design and technology capability through combining their
designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to design and make products. Throughout the key stage, students will be involved in a number of DMTs (design and make tasks). Within our school, we have identified the following specialist areas of study: • Resistant Materials • Graphic Products • Systems and Control (Electronics and Mechanisms) • Computer Aided Design and Manufacture. The DMTs provide a focus for our studies, ensuring that within every specialist area, the pupil will be involved in making. Pupils are encouraged to develop their practical skills and emphasis is placed on the quality of the finished product. Comparisons are made between the techniques employed to create one product compared to those necessary to create many, allowing us to highlight and explain industrial practices.
Key Stage 3 Guide Technology (Continued)
The Year 7 programme introduces pupils to the subject of Technology. They are taught the fundamental technological processes and begin to understand that Technology requires the application of knowledge, understanding and skills. Pupils are taught the basic theoretical concepts and skills, and then apply this knowledge in a practical design project. The Year 8 and 9 programme builds on the pupils growing capabilities as they work through a more integrated scheme of work. Pupils work on several full in-depth projects, which draw upon a wide range of design and making skills.
Assessment is continuous and based on the production of a design portfolio, a practical outcome and an evaluation of the process and product.
• Pair of compasses
Students have access to the following equipment and software in class and after school but would benefit from having their own especially for continuing work at home. • Propelling pencil with 0.5mm HB leads and metal sleeve (or HB pencil and eraser) • 200mm rule or larger • Protractor • 45 and 60 degree set square
• Calculator • Set of 24 colouring pencils including black and white • Black 1mm fibre tip pen Papermate black nylon medium or similar (Monoprix) • Black 0.5mm fineliner pen Pilot black fineliner or similar (Monoprix) • Black fine permanent marker • White correction pen • Black Bic Biro (or similar) • Scissors • Glue stick • Something to tie long hair back during practical work • Corel Draw or Corel Draw Essentials 2* or later. * Corel Draw is the primary graphic communication tool used in the Design and Technology Area and students who have this software at home can continue design work, particularly coursework, at home more easily.
Key Stage 3 Guide
Learning Support The British School of Paris aims to provide an environment where all students are able to realise their full potential. The most important role of the Learning Support Department is to help the students to achieve this.
The school operates a policy of integration. This promotes the effective inclusion of students with learning difficulties in mainstream classes. The main focus for the resources of the Learning Support Department is in Key Stage 3. The support is mainly in class, alongside the subject teacher. The members of the Learning Support Department liaise with members of staff, to assist them in the preparation of a curriculum which is accessible and appropriate to all students. The support takes varying forms since pupils have very different levels of competence. They may be given opportunities to talk that they do not have in the subject classrooms; they may have help with homework or in preparing and anticipating schoolwork in other subjects. The special educational needs of students with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia are addressed either individually or in small groups. Short term intervention programmes are available to support pupils with emotional and behavioural problems and those who find it difficult to adjust to the norms and work culture of The British School of Paris. The Learning Support Department carries out assessments of pupils who are referred either through internal procedures or by parents. A referral usually comes from a class teacher, through the relevant Heads of Department, to the tutor. If further action is required the parents are consulted and permission sought for an educational assessment by the Learning Support Co-ordinator. This will be in the areas of intelligence, reading, writing, spelling, numeracy and oral and listening comprehension. A report will be written with recommendations which will go to the parents and teachers and action will be taken accordingly. If consultation with an outside agency is required the Learning Support Department will provide liaison.
Website www.britishschool.fr Email ssc@britishschool.fr
February 2013
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