Sacred Selfishness: take of yourself FIRST. As a leader you can NOT pour into people if you have not first refreshed and renewed.
Excellence: Strive for it. Don’t let perfection get in the way of execution
Challenge: Yourself, High Performers, Everything you Do
Mission Statement: Your company focus for this next year
Vision Statement: Your company focus for the next 5-10 years
Core Values: The attributes and traits you want to leverage as a company
SAMPLE: www.nellisgroup.com/vision
Wisdom: Praise in Public, Criticize in Private
Serve: Be the servant leader to transform the culture
Knowledge: Know their needs, desires and goals
One Word: Memorize their ONE word and encourage it throughout the year
INSIGHT: Proverbs 4:6- “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.”
Gossip: It is toxic, you can not let it exist. Stop it any time you hear it. Focus on the positive of every person.
Blame: You can have reasons, you can have results You can’t have both Do not let anyone give you excuses or blame someone else Teach accountability language and not victim language for your company.
Delay: Procrastination can ruin mindset, motivation and winning in your industry. Teach action, show success of those that act and win.
INSIGHT: Poison in the Barrel. Anything you do NOT stop becomes the new culture.
Plus 1 Rule: There are NEVER bad answers when people are trying to contribute There may be better ways/approaches Leverage Plus 1 so that others do not feel bad about an idea and others feel free to add and contribute for a greater idea
Spotter Rule: Any time someone speaks negatively about another person, idea or topic everyone in the company has the freedom to cite/shout/say: SPOTTER. The spotter rule is a way to let the community be empowered to avoid negative talk and gossip
FUN Rule: We work hard We want to play hard Find the silver lining in everything Find the moment of levity Encourage others in the moment
INSIGHT: Ephesians 4:29- “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Nellis Group Impact Form: www nellisgroup com/impact
SOI Focus
Junior Partner to Senior Partner
Elevation Plan: within YOU inc., within partnership, within EXP
We recommend a minimum of 60 minutes and up to 120 minutes for consistent meetings.

This is your opportunity to focus on your mission, vision and core values The ideal meeting is inperson and all of them focus on bringing positivity and creating community Recommend starting with a number that is not standard. For instance, our meetings don’t begin at 10 AM rather 10:10 AM.
This is a great opportunity to set the tone of the meeting This should be modeled by you as the leader at the beginning Once people are in rhythm share this role with others in the company It is a
great way for others to develop as a leader within your company. It is typically 3-5 minutes.
Do not limit it. Ideally you will have at least 2 people cited each meeting. Remember you always want to CATCH someone being awesome People crave praise and you have the opportunity to make it part of your culture (bragging on someone else).

Go around the room and have everyone state their ONE word for the year and assign a number from 0-10 for how well they have lived it out this past week In our company if you are an 8 or better you share ONE way that you are winning with the 6 disciplines If you are below an 8 you do not share and we go to the next person You want to encourage winning and everyone living out their ONE word throughout the year
Real Estate is a numbers game. Triple year tracking. Track the BIGGEST year you have done as a company, the current year and the most recent year (As an example, 2004, 2024 & 2025) This is a great way to pace the market, your own business and encourage the company.

This creates a culture of winning. Let people share how they WON the last week in real estate. Make sure you have at least one story ready and prepped until people get the idea. It would be ideal for you to know someone else’s success so you can highlight them and let them share with your encouragement.
This is an opportunity to bring FUN to the meeting. The internal team members and Realtors love winning against the “HOUSE” Develop your own style and ways to win This is our approach:

This should always be a part of a team meeting Training within the company or bringing in an expert We focus on at least 2 challenges from the last week. I recommend getting with your sales director or management team to know the current hot buttons and items that need to be addressed
You are the leader. You set the tone. Be the servant that can create greater lives for everyone that has trusted you with their future.
James & The Nellis Group