It can never be denied that we inherit the entire earth from our omnipotent God and will in turn entrust it to our offspring. In order to uphold the beauty and abundance of our mother land, let’s learn to conserve. Conservation refers to planning and managing the natural resources. Therefore, did you manage and utilize it properly? Hopefully, yes! One morning, as I entered the school entrance looking around the vicinity,
I felt so upset since there was a kind of rubbish greeted me instead of pupils to say good morning sir! Without knowing underneath my feet are peelings of banana which made me about to slide. It made me so sad observing the pupils who were just playing in the school plaza instead of cleaning inside and outside the classroom. Since the beginning, I never blamed myself even once because every now and then I remind my class advisory to maintain cleanliness wherever they go. What do you think are the factors to be considered if why almost all public schools experiencing this simple predicament but difficult to answer? Are we, as teachers, administrators, pupils and parents are deserved for the guilt? As a teacher, it is our duties and responsibilities to teach, guide, direct,
motivate and facilitate young learners for learning. We all understand the pupils’ behavior inside and outside the classroom. We know the different environmental influences better than their parents at home. It is on our shoulder lies the way our young citizens to digest on and apply the importance of conservation in their daily lives. Without question, we are the first agent of changing a profuse world. It is evident that believers and practitioners in the conservation of natural resources feel obligated to pass a better earth to their children than what they have received. Now, if you can own the whole world, what will you do with it? Will you develop the green forest, plow everything up till it turns into wasted and barren lands, destruct and pester the wild’s habitat, burn all the coal and oil, defile the air, rivers and ocean? Will you plunder your own world? Will you lead your children
to feel hatred and worry of what the tomorrows might bring? Please desist! Instead you may use it in a way that benefits as much as for future as it does for present. The spirit of conservation is neither tedious nor arduous to follow; however, people nowadays are just ignoring the natural resources rather than the goods they can take from it. How can we dodge the possible sequel that may happen due to the rambunctious deeds of human? It is said, “What you plant is what you reap”, thus, if our nurturing mother earth suffers because of us, indeed, we must prepare to sacrifice for whatever we did to her will come back at us. It is horrible to deem that one day, there will be no more earth for us to subsist. The reality is that, instead of giving implication to all indispensable things which are the priceless gifts of the
nature, all we do are exploiting and exhausting our natural resources much more than we are protecting, replacing and conserving them. We should care for our environment to ensure the security and protection of the coming generation who will pass their judgment on us. It is crucial to ponder that there can only be life for tomorrow if we safeguard the wealth which we have nowadays. The little things we do like throwing our candy wrappers and plastics trashes anywhere may just be insignificant to us but when they hoard will form pollutants that can even outlive human existence. Hence, at this contemporary era, every country calls for teachers who are willing to commit themselves being a mediator of CONSERVATION. Let us spread our wings and together we’ll make a
great difference. Remember, there will be no next time to decide if what’s the exact opportunity to be a conservation-earthconscious, it is now!