How does Health Play an Important Role to Man's Life?

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How Does Health Play an Important Role to Man’s Life? by: Ernel S. Merano

How does Health play an important role in man’s life? This query is quite uncomplicated as simple as singing your darling song in elementary years. One of my mentors during elementary days used to remind her learners a slogan that goes this way, “Health is Wealth, “thus, for her, she expounded further that “there will be no wealth without health”, indeed. Until I reached in college and still I met this concept from one of my brilliant professors who is presently teaching now Natural and Physical Science subjects in USA, according to her, “The common term health refers to the state of being physical, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually sound” and this is closely related to the term wellness on the other hand because Wellness is completely identical to the word health in the sense that this common term well means good, sound or in good health that evidently focuses on every man’s aspects in life. The moment, I became a professional teacher and now connected to Department of Education here in my nurturing land Philippines, in the same manner, I shared the ideas learned when I was in elementary and in college to my learners. I was so happy observing them, the things I imparted to them everyday for they are giving the value of health in their daily lives. Changes really are observed!

For every nationals belong to an emergent country, the only means for human resources to earn a living is only health. There will be no dynamic and overflowing nation having people living there are in the condition of poor health. Now, how can we be measured as a first-class country like the United State of America and in any Europe countries? The straightforward and crystal clear answer could be the ever known and vital word health. This word plays indispensable to our daily lives. Our thoughts and ideas have nothing to do in the absence of our good health. Whether how genius a child is has nothing to be proud of if this child is sickly. A professional worker cannot obviously make his assigned task to build a strong company if he or she is not physically fit. Any government job applicants are only permitted to work if they passed all the medical examinations. A man can only become an asset in a certain company if he does so well in his assigned responsibilities. There will be no money without glory, it is said. The glory in this instance refers to your health that is the only wealth that cannot be stolen nor shared to anyone; however, the ideas on how to become a healthy and physically fit person can be shared with anyone who is seriously interested. No one can move, no one can stand without a good health. No words to utter, no moves to act but only good health has the vital role to build a brighter future. Indeed, health plays a significant role to our daily walks in life, how are we going to maintain good health? Simply, digest and apply all the knowledge and notions shared by your professors or teachers when you were still studying in elementary, in secondary or in tertiary. Make this as a habit and learn to be happy whatever happens ahead. Eating the right foods with proper balanced diet every day are good enough as well as having regular bodily exercises helps a lot to maintain one’s health. Every country calls for a healthy individual to serve his fellowmen in the community and to become an asset for now and tomorrow's nation’s development. Which is why, a young citizen must be exposed to the sense of responsibility and accountability to their own health. Eating the right and nutritious foods in school and at home is one of the best ways to attain a healthy lifestyle of every child. Teachers and parents must be in one accord to advocate a health campaign for their offspring.

However, technology nowadays plays crucial role of the health condition of every individual in the sense that even using gadgets, too much exposure of it may cause pains and aching to one’s eyes as well as feeling exhausted due to the brains oxygen dehydration. It is a mere fact that, we adult people could only choose what the best life we want our kids in the future, right? So, by simply limiting and controlling our children to do such much exposure of radiation from the gadgets they are using is a big help to minimize its possible illness. A progressive and dynamic country does not rely only to people’s academic achievement but also for people’s treasure, and that’s Health!

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