The Beacon - Oct. 2 Edition

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64th Year--Vol. 1

Northeast Mississippi Community College--Booneville, Miss.

October 2, 2012

Northeast rekindles The Torch By Jessie Perriman, Staff Writer

In the year of the Olympics, a flame has been rekindled. For the first time in six years, The Torch is back! The Torch served as Northeast’s yearbook for 58 years before being discontinued in 2006 in book form and in 2007 in CD form. Northeast faculty, staff and students will once again have memories of their college years bound in an all-color yearbook for the 2012-13 academic year. After The Beacon (Northeast’s student newspaper) made its reappearance in 2010, it was only natural for The Torch to find its way back into print. Northeast Public Information Assistant Michael H. Miller is working hard on The Torch’s return. “We’ve been looking for a way to bring the yearbook back almost since it was discontinued in 2006,” Miller said. “We produced a compact disc (CD) yearbook in 2007 but nothing really replaces the feel of a good book in one’s hands.” Miller also emphasizes the sentimental aspect of

rekindling The Torch. “Many of the younger generation will not fully grasp the need for a yearbook at this stage in their lives but as they grow older and their memories fade, the need for a yearbook will become more evident,” Miller said. “I cannot tell you how many times I have walked to the yearbook archives to get a sports score or to put a face with a name. I guess to summarize it shortly…People may come and go out of our lives and we may not be able to put a face with a name as we age but the yearbook is forever and allows us to hold onto those great collegiate memories that we may forget otherwise.” Yearbooks are currently on sale at a discounted, pre-sale price for $50 and will remain the same until Thanksgiving Break when the price will increase to $60. The opportunity to purchase a copy will continue through mid-January and The Torch will be delivered by mid-April. To purchase an edition of The Torch, contact Tony Finch (662-720-7304) or Michael H. Miller (662-7207421) or swing by their offices upstairs in the Union to order your yearbook at the limited-time discount price.

YEARBOOK PHOTOS Individual yearbook photos will be taken on October 16-17 in the Hospitality Room of the Haney Union from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Clubs and Organizations Don’t forget to schedule your club/ organization photo to have it included in the yearbook.

Students elect representatives By Jessie Perriman, Staff Writer

During recent campus-wide elections, Northeast students filled out 2012-13 Student Government Association (SGA) that will plan activities for the students, hold student discussions, present helpful student suggestions to the faculty and administration, and act in an advisory capacity to students. Elected to the 2012-13 Student Government Association include (front row l-r) Terrence Chills of Walnut, Griffin Stroupe of Ripley, Lucas Ferguson of Bruce, Anna Lauren Inman of Walnut, Marshall Veasey of Nettleton along with (back row l-r) Brooke Smith of New Albany, Lashon Talley of Stone Mountain, Ga., Jalen Stone of Tishomingo, Dalton Johnson of Booneville, Wesley Brandon of Belmont, Jake Hall of Booneville, Logan Treadaway of New Albany, Katelin Wallace of Iuka, Marlee Tigner of Iuka. Robert Johnson is not pictured.

Northeast’s Student Government Association (SGA) officers have all officially been elected for the 2012-13 academic year. Lucas Ferguson of Bruce leads the Student Government Association alongside Griffin Stroupe of Falkner who is in the vice-presidential role. Anna Lauren Inman of Walnut holds the title of secretary. Ferguson, Stroupe and Inman were all elected to their respective posts during campus-wide elections held during the 2012 spring semester but in the latest round of voting, Northeast students filled out the other spots on the Student Government council. Freshman student government representatives include Jake Hall of Belmont, Dalton Johnson of Corinth, and Jalen Stone of Tishomingo. Sophomore representatives consist of Daniko Chills of Walnut, Marlee Tigner of Iuka, and Logan Treadaway of Blue Springs. Dorm representatives were also chosen. Katelin Wallace of Tishomingo speaks for Mississippi Hall while Lashon Talley of Stone Mountain, Georgia represents Murphy Hall. See Students, on page 4

Campus Country opens 2012-13 Showtime schedule By Morgan Bounds, Staff Writer Campus Country is all new…a crop of new, talented members, new music, and a completely new sound according to new director Christopher Dunn. Campus Country is Northeast’s own country music performing group that consists of a live band and vocalists who perform country hits from throughout the decades. One of the largest groups in some time, Campus Country includes a fiveto six-piece band and 12 vocalists. This kind of manpower is sure to deliver exciting results, but they are more than just numbers. Campus Country director Christopher Dunn says that the group is full of talent. “I’ve been blown away by the talent of these kids,” Dunn bragged. “And I’m extremely honored and appreciative to be working at a school that has avenues for students to perform and study commercial/popular music.” Dunn also said that Campus Country might have a few surprises musically this year. “One thing that the members and I are excited about is doing a bit more current/modern music,” Dunn said. “In our first Showtime, about six or seven

songs on the set list were released this past year.” Dunn explained that while Campus Country is obviously a country ensemble, they will not be playing strictly country music. “I think most music listeners appreciate a little variety now and then. So, there’s a few songs on our first show that might surprise,” said Dunn. Campus Country Showtime is scheduled for three more dates at Northeast during the 2012-13 academic year: November 10, February 16, and April 20. Each of these shows will be held in the Seth Pounds Auditorium. Doors open at 6:30, show at 7 p.m.; tickets are $5. On October 20, as part of the homecoming festivities, Campus Country will be opening for the Kentucky Headhunters at the Prentiss County AgriCenter. Northeast freshman Paige Johnston performs Martina McBride’s “Broken Wing” during Campus Country’s first showtime of the year on September 15 in the Seth Pounds Auditorium.



The Beacon

Tigers’ Roar Question: Why is it important for college students to vote?

Allyson Cartwright Bookstore Staff Booneville

Kristen Young Sophomore Southaven

Emily Jamieson Sophomore Walnut

Kurt Volking Freshman Booneville

Kayla Miller Freshman Baldwyn

“The young people today are the future of this country.”

“Once you’re of age, it’s just your right. One vote could make a difference.”

“We are the next generation. The funds supported by the President affect us.”

“Everyone should express their different opinions by voting.”

“We’re coming up in the world so our vote is crucial.”

Ryan Woods Freshman Wheeler “The financial situation with the election is so important. Half of the students wouldn’t be in school if it wasn’t for that.”

Shaquille Prather Freshman Booneville “My vote can change this country because every vote counts.”

Stephanie Moore Faculty Grenada “Because they live in this country. Decision are being made that affect their lives and they need to influence it while they can.”

Ricky G. Ford Dean of Students Booneville “That’s the way the younger generation can express their opinions about the leadership of our country.”

Colleges need to choose less offensive mascots By Morgan Bounds, Staff Writer Some of the most commonly used mascots for schools and names for sports teams in America, be it for any age group or level of professionalism, are the names of different ethnic groups. Over the years, the question of political correctness has arisen when addressing these depictions of groups of people. From the widely popular names of Native American groups to nicknames such as the “Fighting Irish,” “Norse,” and “Orientals,” mascots that depict a certain ethnicity or nationality are incredibly common and have sparked controversy on a national level for many years. Although many people of the background represented, specifically those of American Indian descent, are not at all bothered by the use of their ethnic group as a mascot or team name, some individuals

and groups as a whole find these depictions offensive or disrespectful. In the midst of these mixed feelings, activist groups and national boards alike have taken action to remove these references altogether, an action that is also met with varying views and opinions. The National Congress of American Indians, along with some specific tribal entities, have issued official resolutions opposing the use of references to Native Americas as mascots/team names (and logos depicting these). However, the Seminole and Chippewa tribes have expressed their approval of the usage of their tribes name and specifically granted permission for the use of such to the Florida State Seminoles and the Central Michigan Chippewa. In 2005, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) issued a ban on American Indian mascots for postseason tournaments, excluding any

teams from participation that used “hostile or abusive” nicknames or mascots. In some cases, the name and all references to it must be removed; in others, the NCAA has agreed to allow the team name to remain, so long as all physical representations (logos, on-field mascots, etc.) are taken down/replaced. Mississippi’s own Alcorn State University and Mississippi College were both prompted to change their mascots after being victims of scrutiny for the possible negative connotations associated with essentially representing Native American groups Braves and Choctaws. Alcorn State adopted the name “Bravehawks,” with a hawk as an on-field mascot; Mississippi College appealed the case and, after review, was granted permission to keep their status as the “Choctaws,” though the NCAA retains that the mascot is “offensive.” These mascot changes due to controversy are nothing new, though, nor

has resistance caused them to die out. In 1994, the Marquette Indians became the “Golden Eagles;” this year, the fight for University of North Dakota’s “Fighting Sioux” mascot and depictions of such continues, as it has seen years of opposition from the NCAA. Though much debate continues over tradition, whether or not depictions of an ethnic group are “negative” or “offensive,” and so on, I believe that schools and sports teams representing a group of people, especially physically with aggressivelooking mascots and logos, should not be accepted as professional or a social “norm.” Of course, this comes with exceptions in such cases as Indian Reservation schools, but if a team or school has no affiliation or background associated with an ethnic group or nationality, why should they represent it or call themselves by the name?

Yearbook serves as more than just a coffeetable book Staff Editorial For the first time in six years, Northeast has rekindled its school yearbook, The Torch. Among the excitement, there is also some confusion within the student body. Why is a yearbook necessary for college students and why bring it back after all this time? Many people believe that the yearbook trend stops at high school graduation because of the tight bond between high school students coming to an end. Although college brings about new activities and friends, the memories should not cease to be bound in a book. Yearbooks are the original Facebook, a place where

College Publication Staff

friends share pictures and document their precious memories, a Mecca of special times that will never be completely forgotten. Students are able to relive their former “glory days” and even take a glimpse of old flames. Another benefit from pages of pictures is the sliver of the time period they were taken -- the very things we tease our parents for wearing in college, our children will return the favor some 20-30 years down the road. However, not every student enjoys being involved in on-campus activities. This absolutely does not omit a person from being a part of those memories. When the Tigers bring home a

victory in any sport, the entire atmosphere is brightened, including the student body. Yearbooks are not only for the football team or the homecoming court, they are a visual record of college happenings for all students; every Tiger and Lady Tiger should be able to look back on their college memories. Most students spend an average of $400-600 on books each semester, why not spend $50 on a book full of priceless memories. Northeast’s College Publications class is very excited to bring back the fifty-ninth edition of The Torch and we are hoping that the rest of the student body will join in our excitement.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Northeast Mississippi Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award the Associate in Arts degree, the Associate in Applied Science degree and certificates. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College hereby adopts a policy assuring that no one shall, on the grounds of race, sex, color, age, creed or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the college. Northeast Mississippi Community College adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to race, sex, color, age, creed, or national origin. This policy includes the qualified disabled and extends to all programs and activities supported by the college.

Left to Right: (back row) Jesse Perkins, Breonna Mauney, Jessie Perriman, Morgan Bounds, David Boren, (front row) Stephanie Luna, Jacob Presley, Heather Smith. Not Pictured: Brittni Cox, Karly Clayton, Bethany Stevens Advisors: (not pictured) Tony Finch and Michael H. Miller.


The Beacon


Cold and flu season strikes when students least expect it By Heather Smith, Staff Writer After months of warm weather, the seasons are changing and it is that time of year once again. With the change of the seasons, it is time to begin preparing for the cold months ahead and one way is to start cold and flu prevention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of 5-20 percent of Americans contract the flu virus each year. However, some are more at risk than others. According to the national agency, elderly, infants, and those who suffer from weakened or compromised immune systems are most at risk for getting the flu. However, that does not mean that those that do not fall into those categories should not take precautions to ward off the flu or seasonal colds. People can take several measure to reduce the risk of coming down with influenza and Northeast has taken the opportunity to put reminders of these steps in prime locations such as restroom doors and around the lavatory areas. One very important prevention method is to frequently wash our hands. Germs can cling on to skin for several hours and touching the face, nose, or mouth can cause someone to ingest the virus. Washing hands or using hand sanitizer throughout the day can help prevent these germs from penetrating the immune system. Eating healthy is another great prevention tool. The

CDC states that when a person eats healthy their bodies are better equipped to fight off dangerous bacteria and diseases such as the flu virus. Another form of prevention that not many think of is not to share foods with friends or family. Although this is considered kind in social norms, this common act of kindness could come back to haunt someone if a friend or family member is carrying the flu virus. Many people choose to adhere to the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and will roll up their sleeves for a flue shots. However, one should check with their health care providers before getting a vaccine because some vaccines can cause allergic reactions due to the chemical make up. In a strange turn of events, caregivers often get the same sickness that they are helping another person recover from. As sociable and caring as the northeast Mississippi community is, when a person is sick, the community bonds around the person and the caregivers are subjecting themselves to the same disease that has stricken their friend. Bringing by comfort food, picking up medicine, and offering to take care of housework or errands are wonderful ways of helping someone who is ill however it is not a good idea however to spend every minute of every day with them because that can make the one taking care of them sick. It is okay to be helpful, just not to linger around for very long. Finally, it is important to wear protective clothing. Cold temperatures can cause people to become sick more often

because we are constantly indoors which means being confined with other people who may already be sick. Flu prevention should always be practiced, but it should be taken more seriously during the colder weather months. It is best to begin flu prevention in the early fall and continue during the winter months. According to the CDC, flu prevention methods should begin in early October and continue on until May. These are the months when it begins getting colder and then starts warming back up. Many people do not know where to find accurate information about flu prevention because sometimes “just asking mom” isn’t the best answer. One source of helpful information could be medical websites such as webmd. com. Others could be articles found in medical journals, newsletters, and newspapers. For quick access to information one might contact any local clinics and personal doctors for prevention methods and medical remedies if they are already sick. People need to be aware of flu prevention, but college students should be especially careful. College students are in the middle of a semester when the flu season hits. Illness can cause students to miss classes and in college making up work is much harder than it is in high school. Taking the necessary precautions can prevent students from missing class. If students attend classes more often the higher their grades will be, which is not only beneficial to the students.

Northeast to host annual marching band festival Special to The Beacon Northeast’s “Showband from Tigerland” will host some of the best high school bands in the region at the thirty-first annual Dixie Marching Band Championship Saturday, October 6 at Tiger Stadium. Competition is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. Gates will open at noon. Admission is $5. Children under kindergarten age will be admitted free. Bands scheduled to participate are Charleston (1A), Humboldt, Tenn., Baldwyn (2A), West Carroll Jr./Sr. High, Ripley, Aberdeen, Booneville, Riverside, Tenn., Alcorn Central (3A), Amory, McNairy Central, Pontotoc, Tishomingo Co., Itawamba AHS (4A), Athens, Ala., Saltillo (5A), Tupelo, Houston (Germantown, Tenn.) and Collierville, Tenn. (6A). Northeast’s “Showband from Tigerland” will perform in exhibition at approximately 7 p.m. The Northeast Tiger Drum Line will perform a small exhibition while the high school band representatives line up for the awards presentation at 7:30.

Staff photo by Morgan Bounds

Art Exhibit

Artwork of the mother-daughter duo of Dot Courson and Susan Patton is on display in the Anderson Hall Art Gallery until Oct. 8. Both Courson and Patton are Northeast alumnae. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT CAREY? We love transfer students! Generous scholarships are available, including: • • • • •

Presidential Scholarship for 3.5 and above cumulative GPA – On-campus $5,600 – Off-campus $4,000 Academic Scholarship for 3.0-3.49 cumulative GPA – On-campus $4,500 – Off-campus $2,900 Opportunity Scholarship for 2.5-2.99 cumulative GPA – On-campus $3,500 – Off-campus $1,900 An additional $300 per year for Phi Theta Kappa members Talent, athletic, and church-related vocation scholarships



The Beacon

Dunn takes over Campus Country reins By Karly Clayton, Staff Writer From small town glory to big city lights, the new director of Campus Country, Chris Dunn, has seen it all. Dunn recently sat down and discussed his background in music and his future plans for Campus Country. Q.) Where is your hometown? A.) I grew up in a pretty small town in Albertville, Alabama, which is a pretty small town with about twenty thousand people. It’s not too unlike Booneville, but maybe just a little bigger. The past eight years I have spent in Nashville, and that was a big change to adjust too. However, comparing my hometown to Booneville, I am pretty familiar with whole small town thing. Q.) How old were you when you got your first instrument? A.) My mom actually bought me a little electric keyboard when I was around the age of six or seven. She had me take lessons for a little while, but I didn’t really stick with it. I didn’t really get serious about it until I got in middle school. In seventh grade I got a guitar, and later that year I got a drum set. The next year is when I picked up the bass guitar. Q.) Were you in any music groups during your high school years? School related or not. A.) Yes. In middle school, I was in band. I played percussion both years there. When I got in high school, I was in marching band. The first year I was on the drum line. I played the fourth bass drum. My sophomore year, believe it or not, I started playing bass in the marching band. It’s kind of funny, most school’s marching band has their bass players on the sidelines playing. My school actually had an amp on a wheel that ran on a car battery and a generator. So there was a kid that would push it around while I marched on the field playing the bass. It was really heavy and

kind of dangerous to move, but the kid just followed me while I marched around anyway. I also played the bass in the jazz band the last three years of high school. The last two years, I played bass in the show choir band and got to go to all the competitions. The was really fun. Q.) What colleges did you attend? A.) For my undergrad, I went to Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I got a degree in commercial music, which means I studied every type of music besides classical. For the most part, I studied rock, pop, jazz, and these types of music. I stayed there for four years. Then for grad school, I chose to attend Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. It was a bit of a commute, but I got my master’s degree in music education there from 2010 to 2012. Q.) What inspired you to make a career in music? A.) It was interesting. When I was a junior in high school, my parents started encouraging me to think about what I wanted to do with my life. I was always a pretty good student. I liked math and science subjects. It was a real toss up for me, and music was the last choice I came to. For a while, I thought about going in to engineering or some math related major. I went to a couple of college visits, and I even went to an engineering camp. It sounds really nerdy, but it was really good for me because I realized that I would be really good at it. I also realized that I didn’t like it much. So my senior year, I decided that I wanted to go into music. I didn’t really know what I was going to do with it, but I decided to do it anyway. I put all my effort into it. Q.) Did you have any jobs while you attended college? A.) I did. When I was at Belmont, most of the money I made on the side was from playing gigs. I wasn’t really working a full time job. When I graduated from Belmont, I started working full time at Dell

Computer Company doing computer sells. I did that for a little while. I have worked for an audio book company. I have done all kinds of jobs, but the past year I have been doing something called a search engine evaluation. It’s a work-from-home kind of job, and I still do it occasionally. I have managed not to have to do any kind of hard physical labor, but I have had all kinds of jobs to make money and survive. Q.) What factor influenced your decision to come here to Northeast to take the job as the director of Campus Country? A.) It worked out perfectly. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in May. I had already applied for a couple of other college jobs that I had heard about. My last week of school, I got an email from a former professor of mine saying that she had gotten an e-mail from Jerry Rains, the former Campus Country director. He was looking for someone with a background in commercial music, experience in performing country western music, and hopefully a master’s degree in music education. I already had an undergrad in commercial music, I had just finished

getting my master’s in music education, and I had gigged in Nashville for the past eight years playing country music in many of the gigs. It worked out perfectly. I applied and was interviewed twice. I met most of the faculty, and I loved the campus. So now here I am! Q.) Are you excited about this upcoming year? Do you have any interesting plans for Campus Country? A.) I am really excited! I feel like it has been going pretty well. We are bringing in some music that is a little more challenging and difficult, but I feel pretty confident that it will be a good year. I am looking forward to the homecoming show that we are playing at the Prentiss County Agri Center on October 20. We will be opening for the Kentucky Head Hunters, so I think that will be really cool. I am even excited for our on campus shows too. The 30-year anniversary of Campus Country is coming up soon, and I would really like to get some Campus Country alumni to be able to come perform with us at a performance. I am really going to try to get that going here in the next couple of months. I think that would be a really cool thing for next year.

Students... From page 1

Robert Johnson of Olive Branch takes the responsibility of White Hall and Wesley Brandon of Belmont has Yarber Hall. Wood Hall has two representatives on the board, as Brooke Smith of New Albany is the female representative and Marshall Veasey of Nettleton cares for the male population. Upon enrollment, every Northeast student becomes part of the Student Government Association. The purpose of the SGA is to plan activities for the students, to hold student discussions, to present helpful student suggestions to the faculty and administration, and to act in an advisory capacity to students. All students are encouraged to get involved with all the things Northeast SGA has to offer. For any information, visit Angie Langley in the Office of Student Activities located on the first floor of the Haney Union or contact her at 662-720-7409.

Pool Aces

Kossuth’s Wesley Davis (left) and New Albany’s Anthony Swords were the last two in a pool tournament held in the Northeast Game Room on September 18. Davis played five matches during the all-day tournament while Swords clocked eight -- coming through the consolation bracket to make the finals with Davis taking the championship.


The Beacon


Students turn to vlogs to express creativity By Breonna Mauney, Staff Writer Since its creation in 2005, tens of millions of people from around the world have created channels on the video sharing website YouTube. According to YouTube’s frequently asked questions page, “48 hours of video are uploaded every minute, resulting in nearly eight years of content uploaded every day.” From comedy to health and beauty to “how to”

explanations to videos devoted solely to help viewers fall asleep, one can find a video devoted to virtually anything. Now, viewers can enjoy content from much closer to home, as several Northeast students have taken to creating channels and posting videos of their own. Some frequently post video blogs (vlogs), talking about their topic of choice, whether it is life events or their opinions on certain topics, etc., such as sophomore Renee Malone (ItsReneevsTheWorld), who vlogs daily, with reviews on Mondays and make-up tips on Wednesdays. Malone also frequently talks about her progress in her

BSU sings praises of ministry teams By Breonna Mauney, Staff Writer Northeast’s Baptist Student Union (BSU) sang the praises of its ministry teams by announcing its new members of “Chasing Daylight,” and “Harvesters.” Potential musicians auditioned on August 31 and September 1 in front of BSU director Wayne Vandiver, his wife Connie and associate director Ed Earnest. Potential musicians were able to impress the judges by singing, playing an instrument, or acting out a skit or monologue. Vandiver and Earnest posted the results of the auditions by the BSU’s September 6 luncheon and those selected attended the annual M-Team (Mission Team) Retreat the following weekend in order to get to know each other and practice for the first time. “After seeing and hearing their rehearsals, I am really excited about the possibilities this year holds,” Earnest said. “We want the students on these teams to have opportunities to grow spiritually, as well as in their craft. I know that when I was part of a team like this, some of the relationships I made have lasted a lifetime.” Chasing Daylight is a vocal-based worship ensemble, with styles of music ranging from contemporary to traditional

hymns and worship choruses. The band is composed of Marshall Cook, Clint Hawkins, Brandi Long, Brett Womble, Taylor Burks, Breonna Mauney, Shelby Jones, Hannah Smith, Kate Caver, and Destinie Duckworth. Harvesters is a drama team consisting of five members, seeking to lead their audiences in worship by experiencing the truths of God through short skits, oneperson monologues, etc., through either a comedic approach or through a dramatic presentation. Members of Harvesters include Christa Holloway, Kody Rinehart, Coty Cook, Grant Vandiver, and Kaley Cagle “I decided to try out for the drama team because I’ve always wanted to be involved with the BSU, and I really felt that God was urging me to participate in a ministry team,” said Holloway. “I’ve always really loved doing drama.” One of the returning vocalists of Chasing Daylight Brandi Long said, “I love getting together with other believers who have the talent of singing and playing an instrument, and praising the Lord. We are also helping each other grow in our walks with the Lord, and that’s probably the best part of the experience.”

efforts to get fit and lose weight. Samantha Irwin (SaveAnotherMoment) and Lindsey Downs (ThePinkLadyLD) also post videos about the events in their lives. Stephanie Luna (SLunaLove) has been vlogging since high school and began a new chapter documenting her college life when she started at Northeast last year. Valerie Hoover (ThePrettyHippie) uses her talents of singing and playing guitar in her videos, often posting covers of popular songs. Footage of happenings around campus can be found on NEMCCTV, while nemcctigers is the home for Tigerland athletics.

Music department sponsors back-to-school supply drive

Proceeds went to Anderson Elementary By Bethany Stevens, Staff Writer Northeast’s Tiger Auxiliary along with the music department held a back-toschool supply drive during the first month on campus. All of the proceeds went to Anderson Elementary School in Booneville. Northeast’s back-to-school supply drive

started August 10 and ran until August 24. “We just wanted to make sure that every child started the school year with everything the needed,” said Northeast assistant director of bands Jada Forsythe. Faculty, staff and students helped out by donating school and classroom supplies such as loose leaf paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils, pencils, notebooks, cans of Lysol, paper towels, Germ-X and baby wipes.



The Beacon

Tigers continue gridiron competition By Jacob Presley, Jesse Perkins & David Boren Staff Writer Northeast scored a big win on the road September 8 against the Jones County Bobcats. Northeast coming off its season-opener loss against Copiah-Lincoln knocked of the undefeated Bobcats 30-21 in Ellisville. It was a slow start for the Tigers in the opening quarter . Northeast struggled to find an offensive rhythm as Jones quickly pushed out to a 14-7 lead behind Jarret Smith’s 100-yard kickoff return and a Rueben Ducksworth one yard plunge with 8:40 left in the second quarter. However, Jones’ lead was short lived as Northeast outscored the Bobcats 23-7 over the next 38:40 en route to their first victory of the year. Transfer Jay Jones made it a 14-all game with a oneyard run in the third and freshman Matt Lipham connected with Raymond Gee, Jr. on a 23-yard strike that gave the Tigers their first lead of the game at 20-14. Northeast tacked on another score as Lipham found Jones on a 23-yard strike with 4:22 showing in the third. However, Jones County wouldn’t go away without a fight, quarterback Ben Stevens hit Dylan Bossier for a 50yard TD pass and cut the Tigers’ lead to six points 27-21 with 1:23 left in the third. Northeast would put the game on ice when freshman kicker Chris Cooper sealed the deal for the Tigers by nailing a 36-yard field goal with 3:36 left in the game. Lipham’s favorite target on the evening was newcomer wide out DeMarrion Haynes, who led all receivers with seven catches for 144 yards and one touchdown. “It was a great team effort tonight,” said head coach Ricky Smither. “Matt (Lipham) did a great job with the offense and I think a lot of our young guys grew up tonight and this was a big win for us here tonight.” Northeast had a shot at its second win of the year as the Tigers carried the sixth-ranked Northwest Mississippi Rangers to the final drive. Cooper connected on a 37-yard field goal with 2:49 left in the game to make it 19-13 in favor of the Rangers but Northeast recovered the onside kick and marched downfield on the Rangers. Starting quarterback Nolan Genovese kept the Tigers chances alive with a four-yard pass to himself as the Corinth product pulled a loose pass out of the air and scampered for positive yards. Genovese made good on his next pass connecting on

Northeast quarterback Matt Lipham (14) tries to avoid the rush of Copiah-Lincoln defensive back Bryan Isaac (7) during second quarter action of the Tigers and Wolves' National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) football game on Saturday, September 1 in Booneville. his longest throw of the night as the sophomore found and Copiah-Lincoln tied 7-7 in the first half but a 20-point Haynes for a 41-yard strike to the Ranger 20 on third-and third quarter was the Tigers undoing. 11. Jones punched in from two yards out with 11:56 With under a minute left in the game, Antwan Wilson remaining in the first quarter to give Northeast a 7-0 lead pushed the Tigers inside the red zone with a four-yard run but Copiah-Lincoln tallied the game’s tying score as Darius but a delay of game penalty relegated Northeast to the Guy plunged in from four yards out in the second frame. Ranger 21 with just over 30 seconds remaining. Copiah Lincoln ran out to a 20-7 advantage in the third Northeast’s drive came to a halt when Genovese tried quarter before Lipham hit Xavier Anderson for a score to to repeat his success on the previous third-and-11 play and make the game 20-14. was picked off by Ranger Randolph Williams. Copiah-Lincoln tallied a pair of scores late in the In the season opener against Copiah-Lincoln, Northeast season opener for both squads for the 33-14 victory.

Kreatchers on the loose at home football games By Jessie Perriman, Staff Writer Bleacher Kreatchers are on the loose during home football games at Tiger Stadium this season. Young Tiger football fans in kindergarten through the sixth grade (K-6) who are Bleacher Kreatchers will benefit from many different perks. Every Bleacher Kreatcher is admitted free of charge to all four home football games with a paying adult. Northeast opened the season at home against Copiah-Lincoln on Saturday, September 1 where the Bleacher Kreatchers first made their debut with about 25-30 neon yellow-claded kreatchers taking the field with the Northeast football team. Kreatcher were also on hand before Northeast’s second home game of the year – against Northwest Mississippi on Thursday, Sept. 20. A pair of October home contests will wrap up the four-game Bleacher Kreatcher fun with a game against defending national champion East Mississippi on Thursday, October 11 and homecoming 2012 on Saturday, October 20 against Itawamba Community College. In addition to getting to lead the Northeast Tiger football team onto the field before each home game, each Kreatcher also received a free t-shirt at the first game of the year. Wendy’s provided each ‘Kreatcher’ with a free meal coupon prior to the game. Northeast Development Foundation Executive Director Patrick Eaton introduced this new program and all the benefits that come with it. “The Bleacher Kreatcher program is really unique. It really does everything you want it to do for your college. Young kids get to spend time around the team, local corporations like Wendy’s get an opportunity to support the college, and it’s a football fund-raiser. All around, it’s really a fun opportunity to do great things for the football team.” Forms to be a Bleacher Kreatcher may be picked up at the Northeast Development

PINK OUT Northeast football fans are encouraged to wear pink during the Tigers home football game on Thursday, October 11 against defending national champion East Mississippi in support of breast cancer awareness month.

“The Bleacher Kreatcher program is really unique. It really does everything you want it to do for your college. Young kids get to spend time around the team; local corporations get an opportunity to support the college, and it’s a football fund-raiser.” Patrick Eaton Northeast Development Foundation Executive Director

Foundation office in Patterson Hall on the Booneville campus or can be found online at For more information call the Northeast Development Foundation office at 662720-7185 or by e-mail at tsjohnson@


The Beacon


Lady Tigers look to build on postseason run By Jesse Perkins, Staff Writer With the 2012 basketball season right around the corner, Northeast head women’s basketball coach Brian Alexander and players are expecting a big year. Northeast – coming off a 10-14 year that saw the Lady Tigers make the Mississippi Association of Community/ Junior Colleges (MACJC) State Basketball Tournament in Fulton – is looking to replace a pair of major cogs in the offensive lineup. Sophomores Amber Jackson of Tupleo and Anna Brooke Page of Belmont both moved on to four-year institutions – Jackson with William Carey University and Page with Blue Mountain College – so Alexander will rely on a pair of sophomores that saw considerable playing time during the 2011-12 season to lead the Lady Tigers in 2012-13. Kebrina Lucas of New Albany and India Howard of Ripley will be looked upon for leadership. Lucas was the third leading scorer on the Lady Tigers’ 2011-12 team behind Page and Jackson. In her first season at Northeast, Lucas averaged 9.81 points per game while tallying 216 markers during the season. Howard was the fifth leading scorer on the team

averaging 6.33 points per game for the Lady Tigers. However, point production wasn’t the only place Lucas and Howard perfected their skills. Lucas was third on the team in assists during the 2011-12 season and Howard averaged a steal a game while appearing with the Lady Tigers. Joining Lucas and Howard will be 10 fresh faces for Alexander. “The attitude at practice is very positive,” said Alexander “We’re working really hard.” Kossuth’s Katie Garvin will don the black and gold for Alexander during the 2011-12 year. Garvin originally signed with the Lady Tiger program prior to the 2011-12 season but did not see action. In addition to Garvin – a 5-7 guard – Alexander will rely on five other true backcourt players to carry the tempo for the Lady Tigers. Garvin’s former Kossuth teammate Kiki Gwyn stands at 5-2 while Mantachie’s Shrita Dixson clocks in at the guard spot at 5-7. Von Hall from Nettleton is also slated to see action as the 5-7 guard battles for time with Tupelo’s Antionette Riddle (5-9) and Kay K Tate (5-8) from Dyersburg, Tenn. In the front court, Alexander answers with a quintet of combination guard/forwards as Lucas and Howard both make the cut along with Belmont’s Angelia Allen,

Rosedale’s LaTonya Gadison and Tupelo’s Aushina Ivy. Height will be an advantage for the Lady Tigers because both Ivey and Gadison clear the 5-10 mark and the Lady Tigers picked up a big signee from Chicago, Illinois – Jeremeica Moore – who towers in at 6-2. However, Alexander knows that to win a championship it will take hard work and dedication and a little something extra. “Our staff wants the fans and student body to know that we love them and can’t win a championship without them,” Alexander said. “We want everyone to be there for the season opener.” Northeast will open its 2012-13 season at home against East Central Community College on November 5 at 5:30 p.m. before embarking on a three-game road trek that will take the Lady Tigers to Wallace State-Hanceville (Nov. 8), Jones County (Nov. 12) and East Central (Nov. 15). Following the season opener, Northeast’s next home game will be against Gadsen State (Ala.) on November 19 at 5:30 p.m. and the homestand will continue with Meridian Community College on November 26. Northeast opens North Division play at rival Itawamba Community College on November 29 with a 6 p.m. tip and the Lady Tigers first North Division home contest is against Northwest Mississippi on December 3.

Tigers trying to capitalize on hot 2011-12 start By David Boren, Staff Writer Northeast Tiger basketball team is ready hit the hardwood again after starting off hot last year. During the opening two months of the season, Northeast won six of its first eight games before hitting a slide in the middle part of the year and wound up finishing 1410 on the year. However, Tiger head coach David Robbins is determined to not let that scenario play out again. Northeast made strides this offseason seeking out the talent. “We are really pleased with the guys up to this point and looking forward to officially getting started,” Robbins said.

“Coach (Nick) Coln identified some really solid players last spring and we were able to get them to come on board.” Robbins also spoke about the keys to this year’s season. “We need to stay healthy and continue to work hard every day,” Robbins said. “Our depth should be a plus for us and we have some bigs that can step out on the perimeter and play.” Northeast is freshmen loaded but Robbins is looking at the size of his recruiting class as a positive. “I have been very pleased and look for them to have an impact,” Robbins said. However, Robbins knows that it will be the sophomore leadership of Tadarious Coburn, Acie Vance and Marcell Lucas that carry the Tigers during the 2012-13 season.

“Our sophomores have been tested and are looking forward to getting started,” Robbins said. “We will lean on our older guys for the most part but we do have some freshmen that will see quality minutes.” Robbins will be relying on freshmen Markeevius Brown from Mound Bayou, Ian Burress from Baldwyn, Billy Jackson from Tunica, Romeo Johnson from Oxford, Cameron Shorty from Senatobia and two pair of Booneville and Oxford signees. Johnnie McGhee and Ladarius Waits both hail from Olive Branch while Robbins also signed two Booneville products in Darius Leach and Keldrick Lesley. Robbins and Coln also hit the recruiting trails hard during the offseason and came away with not only Waits – who signed with William Penn University out of high

school – but with the Atlanta, Ga., duo of Tyler Brunson and Malcolm Hamilton. Robbins was also able to score KeDorian Sullivan away from Alcorn State University. Northeast will open its 2012-13 season against East Central on November 5 before hitting the road for three games against Wallace State-Hanceville (Nov. 8), Jones County (Nov. 12) and East Central (Nov. 15) before returning to the friendly confines of Bonner Arnold Coliseum on Nov. 19 and Nov. 26 for games against Gadsden State (Ala.) and Meridian. Northeast opens its North Division schedule at Itawamba Community College on November 29 and has its first North Division home game on December 3 against Northwest Mississippi.



The Beacon

Perry’s latest feature leaves viewers laughing By Heather Smith, Staff Writer

One of today’s most successful comedy directors and actors is Tyler Perry. Perry’s latest hit film “Witness Protection”, which released in July 2012, is no exception. Perry combines comedy and drama in a wonderful way to make a simple story one to remember. Tyler Perry plays three characters -- Madea, Joe, and Brian. Eugene Levy portrays George Needleman and his wife Kate is played by Denise Richards. Doris Roberts acts as the mentally unstable grandmother. Danielle Campbell performs the role of the daughter and oldest child Cindy while Devan Leos plays her younger brother Howie. In Perry’s “Witness Protection,” an investment banker is being hunted down by the mob after he causes his company to lose its money. He and his family are placed in the witness protection program while the company is being investigated. They are hiding at Madea’s house because her son Brian is the lawyer assigned to their case. As usual Tyler Perry did not leave the film with the bad guys winning. Madea travels to New York City to fix the investment problems and save the family from the mob who used their charities as money laundering schemes. Needleman, whose family is hiding in Madea’s house, joins her in order to give her important information about the accounts that she is using. In the end, the duo fixes the serious account problems and Needleman reconnects with his family and become closer than they ever have. This must see film is perfect for students searching for a little comic relief. It’s humor and strong connection to struggling families is something that many students can relate to. “Witness Protection” is one of those movies that will leave viewers laughing for days.

All Northeast campuses are tobacco-free

One-Act Plays

Lilly Wallis of Corinth left) and Connor Burns of Booneville practice their lines during a recent rehearsal of Josephina Niggli’s “Sunday Costs Five Pesos,” in preparation for Northeast Theatre’s oneact plays on Oct. 11-14. Showtimes will be at 7 p.m. on October 11-13 and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 14.

Stackhouse novel shocks audience By Heather Smith, Staff Writer

Sookie Stackhouse novels have become a favorite of mine, and the fourth book, “Dead To The World” has left me puzzled. In this chapter of Sookie Stackhouse’s life, Stackhouse has encountered a few new characters and some old ones. Along with Sookie Stackhouse, her brother Jason Stackhouse, her exlover vampire Bill Compton, Pam, and Sookie’s shape-shifter boss Sam Merlotte are all trying to help vampire Eric Northman. This familiar group of characters are now joined by Alcide and his pack of werewolves to battle dangerous witches and recently discovered werepanthers.

Find out how during: Fall Visit Day 2012 Wednesday, October 3 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Northman and Jason Stackhouse are both in trouble. It all started when a clan of witches kidnap Northman and erase his memory. Sookie Stackhouse finds Northman and reluctantly helps him by hiding him in her house. Sookie Stackhouse’s brother Jason helps hide Eric only to be captured and tortured by a new, mysterious creature...a werepanther. Sookie Stackhouse teams up with the vampires and werewolves to find J. Stackhouse, restore Northman’s memory, and destroy the witches who have invaded Bon Temps. This is definitely not how Sookie Stackhouse’s new year’s resolution was supposed to turn out. This novel is different because Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton

have broken up and she spends most of the book with Northman. Compton only comes in twice throughout the entire novel. Sookie Stackhouse is also the one protecting Northman; usually, Northman would be sending someone to protect her. I really enjoyed this novel. This book put a new spin on what I have come to expect from a Sookie Stackhouse novel. She was helping Northman, but it was because she felt sorry for him, not because he demanded that she help him. As usual, Charlaine Harris did not disappoint. Her novel was compelling and it kept me on edge. I was very pleased with the ending and I cannot wait to read her next Sookie Stackhouse book.


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