The Neo Genocide Of Afrikaners

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The Neo- Genocide of Afrikaners

By Pieter Oosthuizen

The Author Born at Louis Trichardt in 1958 and raised at Tzaneen (both in the Northern Province) The author did compulsory military service in the South African Infantry and developed an interest in the study of conflict.

He acquired a reading knowledge of the subject,

especially communism's involvement with terrorist campaigns, mainly in Africa. He started studying at the RAU (Rand Afrikaans University) in 1982.

Mr. Oosthuizen obtained the following degrees:

B. Com. (Industrial Psychology) in 1986

B. Com (Hon) Industrial Economics in 1987

BA (Hon) National Strategy, under tutorship of General H. de V du Toit

(Photo) - Chief of Staff Intelligence, as well as Chief of Counter Staff Intelligence.

On the photo are the author with Lt General H. de V du Toit (left) and Dr Piet Liebenberg (right) at the event of Mr. Oosthuizen’s receiving the degree BA (Hon) in National Strategy, in 1989. One of his major subjects was Revolutionary Warfare with special

reference to terrorist organisations of Southern Africa, under which SWAPO, ZANU PF, FRELIMO and the ANC. The development of the occult in traditional religions leads to a new terrorist weapon of the ZANU PF and the ANC. This feature leads to specialising further in his studies. Ethno-cultural warfare and the further development thereof by terrorist organisations in the South African environment held the author spellbound. The Soviet Union's involvement with the ANC, from 1928, to create a black communist government, leads to the compilation of a book "Die Opmars van die Antichris in Suid-Afrika sedert 1521" (The advance of the Anti Christ in South Africa since 1521). There are 25 years of research and documents on this subject are included in this book.

The Neo-Genocide of Afrikaners News 24 reports on March 20, 2009 that approximately 30 South Africans are arrested in Brazil each month on charges of smuggling narcotic drugs. South Africa emerged as a key position in the global business of the smuggling with narcotics. On February 4, 1994 a farmer in the Ogies district, near Witbank in Mpumalanga, was brutally murdered. Solidarity's list of victims reports as follows: "Johannes George Prinsloo (64) of the farm Wildebeestfontein was assaulted by three men. Prinsloo was tortured for hours - his toe and finger nails were pulled out with a pair of pliers. He was stabbed and burned with heated firing tongs or stoking iron, all over his body. His corpse was covered in whip lashes. His torturers forced the late Mr. Prinsloo to lie on burning coals. He died of multiple injuries. An inquest found that his genitals were bruised, his neck and skull were broken and his teeth were smashed. His spleen was also torn."

This is only one of the gruesome murders that devastate the Afrikaner community. The debate whether these incidents are politically motivated, is irrelevant. According to the American Armed Forces these are typical injuries sustained in war, and genocides. The white South African community is blissfully unaware that they are involved in, and the targets of, one the most grisly revolutionary wars within living memory. They are also unaware of the fact that they are perceived to be the enemy, as well as the target of terrorists. Years of communist inspired state-propaganda and psychological warfare against the Afrikaner is taking its toll. This ignorance is primarily due to the Marxist government's control and manipulation of the media. That the media is important to the Marxist ANC/SACP alliance government is proven by resolution 9, as taken in Pietersburg (Polokwane) regarding the SABC: Resolution 9, number 25 states: "The public broadcaster, the SABC, continues to play a critical role in shaping opinions of our Nation and therefore remains an important role player in the National Democratic Revolution." The ANC was interweaved with communism since 1928 and with the help and under instruction of the KOMINTERN (the Russia based, international management of global communism) deliberately and purposefully worked to establish a black, communist government in South Africa. Terrorism, international terrorism as well as international organizations like the United Nations, terrorism states and strategically based communists in Western intelligence services, under which Britain’s M15's executive chief, were instruments in the ANC’s communist struggle. Over a period of 66 years it collaborated to establish a black communist government in South Africa. With the presentation of South Africa to the Marxist ANC/SACP government in 1994 a whole lot of organizations rejoiced because of the 728 airports, 4 700 kilometers of shoreline which landed in their laps. Transnational crime syndicates won one of their greatest awards ever. "Progressive" terrorist organizations jubilated about the strengthening of their ranks. The SACP could now incessantly build their type of East Germany, like it

promised in Havana in 1989. The cultural Marxists' grip on dark South Africa was complete. The advocates of traditional religions could, with the aid of government, brace the traditional beliefs in the rest of Africa. Previous terrorist comrades of the ANC, like SWAPO, FRELIMO, ZANU PF, MPLA, and the POLISARIO FRONT, rejoiced in their comrades' acquisition of South Africa. All of them are role players in whose interest it is to keep the lawless, kleptomaniac regime of the ANC in authority, despite the decay and deaths it causes ordinary South Africans.

It is the realization of being a targets, regardless and irrespective of any liberal opinions they might hold, that Afrikaners still struggle to internalize. They still have to decode the effect of nearly 80 years of psychological warfare conducted against them, which left them detached from the bigger political picture, and induced a self-paralysis in their psyches, that permanently inhibits them from participation in any meaningful political expression and problem-solving exercises.

The Caucasian Protestant Voortrekkers led, like their ancestors, a rural life. They were independent and self sufficient. They slept under the same stars as their ancestors and were the beginning of the European civilization at the Cape and are very keen on hunting. There were no better marksmen. Their religion was a reality to them, which had a firm grip on their lives. Their belief in God was implicit and their religion and outlook on life was Calvinistic. They were hospitable and cured themselves with homeopathic medication when they were ill. The Second War of Liberation of 1899 was a 100 year old British injustice against Afrikaners, which they never forgot. It lives in Afrikaner's genes to be uncomfortable with government unfairness.

Nobody doubts that the political aspirations of the black population had to be dealt with. It indeed as The problem was the way in which it was reeled off. The negotiations only gratified the needs of the ANC and nobody else's. In 1994 it was for 12 years a known fact that the ANC promotes the interests of international terrorist organizations, and were not serving the interests of South Africa or it’s citizens. An international report by the American Senate which was released under the leadership of Senator Denton included shocking findings which were ignored in an act of political convenience, in 1994 with the transition of power. The discord in the Intelligence Service of the police, the army and the National Intelligence Service admitted to be responsible for initiating negotiations with the ANC. The tyranny and maladministration in the country must be blamed on the National Intelligence Services. A boy is responsible for his toys. This relevant Department is, to a degree, to blame for Cultural Marxism, Transnational crime syndicates, drug abuse and addiction, prevalent and rife in South Africa. We must remember that, during the "Dakar conference," strategic deficiencies existed in the conception of the then government; they had no understanding of this matter. The National Party Government, under the leadership of Klerk, had no cogitation, in spite of the fact that required knowledge existed at universities and academic institutions. Communists settled in South Africa before 1894 and started to destabilize the country systematically. The work strike at the Kimberley mine in 1894 is an example of their destabilization of South Africa. With these facts in mind it renders one speechless that the National Party government had no scientific techniques in place to counteract the ANC communists. In spite of the

abundant availability of sources of knowledge, De Klerk chose to perceive the ANC and communism purely as political problems. Their revolutionary potential was never recognised. No government can survive without a steady renewal of strategic notion and the creation of new means in the strategic field. After communists destabilized South Africa for almost a century, the National Party’s governments,' under leadership of De Klerk, response was still only reactive. The declaration of a "state of emergency" was the sum total of their strategic conception.

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