Neo 旧城改造作品 urban renewal

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旧城改造作品 Urban renewal projects NEO 建筑设计有限公司


Architecture / Urban Planning


城 市 规 划

“The greatest pleasure we get is listening and interpreting your needs in terms of budget, design and style, and above all bringing that all together to produce an exciting design” Architecture and Urban Design

“我们最大的快乐就是能倾听并且理解客户对于建筑预算、建 筑设计、风格的需求,从而产生令人惊喜的设计。”

Jason Krueger 杰 森 . 克 鲁 格 CEO & Principle 首席执行官&总监

NEO是一家专业的精品建筑设计公司,为其一流的顾客提 供建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计以及城市规划设计服务。 我们致力于向客户提供个性化服务,打造独特设计及实施 最新技术的重心策略,使我们的设计事务所在本领域遥遥 领先。 做为一个完善的国际化团队,我们公司拥有超过二十五年 的技术经验。公司首席执行官兼总监—杰森·克鲁格与平 均有着十几年经验的设计师核心团队一起,为客户带来全 球视野各种风格的设计。自2004年成立以来,NEO公司的 设计不论在美学领域还是在技术领域都取得了无数成就。 公司致力使员工掌握科学技术,产生出最新的设计与方案, 使客户受益。在可持续技术、能源效率技术、建筑模型与 建筑流程管理技术等诸多领域均得以应用。 我们在别墅设计、酒店设计、度假村设计、游艇码头项目 设计方面的专业技术,旨在传达客户的热情。多年来与客 户及 开发商密切合作让我们在建筑工作、建筑成本、及达 成建筑效果等方面有了很深的见解,为我们所设计的建筑 增色不少。

Neo is a specialist boutique architectural design firm providing architectural, interior, landscape and urban design services to its selected customers. Our focus on supporting our clients with personalized service, creating great individual designs and implementing the latest technology has let us grow to be a leading design office in our field.

Formed in 2004 Neo has achieved numerous successes in design awards both for aesthetics and technical achievements. The company’s focus to ensure the technology and skills that are needed to produce advanced design and documentation for our staff are utilized to benefit our clients. Areas such as sustainability and energy efficiency as well as BIM modelling and processes are implemented.

With a well-rounded international team we use the skill of over25 years of experience that the CEO and principle, Jason Krueger has together with the average of 10 years’ experience throughout the core team of designers to provide our clientswith many design flavors and styles of the world.

With specialist skills in custom villa design as well as hotel, resort and marina development projectsour aim is to communicate our client’s passion through our designs. Our years of working closely with clients and developers has given us insight into many building practices,building costs and ways of improving yield without compromising the use of the buildings we design.

Our services include / 我们服务包括 Pre-purchase / 地产购买前咨询服务 Assessments / 地产评估 Feasibility Study / 地产可行性研究 ARCHITECTURE / 建筑设计 Architectural Design / 建筑设计 Schematic, Design development / 示意图、设计开发 Construction Documents / 施工图 Regulatory Approvals / 管理机构认证 3D Rendering / 3D渲染 3D Animation / 3D动画 Sustainable Design / 可持续性发展设计 BIM Modelling / BIM建模 P LA N N I N G / 规划 Site Analysis / 场地分析 Urban Planning / 城市规划设计 Site Master Plan / 建筑场地总平图 LANDSCAPE / 景观设计 Site Analysis / 场地分析 Planting Design / 种植设计 Site Amenity Design / 场地设施设计 Streetscape Design / 街道景观设计

临城老街与老面粉厂区 枣庄 · 山东· 中国 35636 平方米 商业街

Lincheng oldstreet and flourmill district Zaozhuang, Shandong, PRC 35636 m2 Highend exhibition centre

枣庄薛城是山东省南大门,毗邻江苏、河南和安徽,也是华东与华北、山东半岛与中原地区以 及长江流域与黄河流域、淮河流域的结合部。在全省经济发展中具有承南接北的作用,可以同 时承接环渤海经济圈和长江三角洲的辐射。 薛城区地处枣庄市 西部,是山东省的南大门,枣庄市新的政治、文化中心,是造车鼻祖奚仲 故里、闻名中外的铁道游击队的故乡。薛城是枣庄市主城区的核心区,是全市的政治、经济、 文化和交通中心,地处环渤海经济圈和长三角经济圈 交汇处,京沪铁路和京沪高铁的中点, 淮海经济区的中心,是枣庄市行政中心、枣庄市高新技术产业开发区 以及枣庄矿业集团所在 地 “临城老街”项目在文化上旨在对薛城文化历史的文脉传承。许许多多重大的中国历史事件在 临城老街区域上演过。如教堂的引入,京沪铁路的建立及发展,红色文化,城市工业化等等。 历史最早可以追溯到七八千年以前。老街的繁荣与没落始于1911年终于1945年左右,见证了 清末民初的民俗事宜,其早期的建筑风格和功能融合了中国文化与日本,德国文化的综合。老 街承载了薛城人对老街的记忆,重新打造的老街应该成为人们对薛城记忆的载体。从规划角 度,老街叙用历史上的老街名。历史上干街又称为老三街,在新兴街的南面;在策划中我们将 其安排在临城老街街区的中部,取其字形“干”之意。老街规划上取干街为主要的东西向干 道,由东向西串联了一、二、三街,以及若干广场,是一条景致丰富的商业主轴我们的设计将 把薛城人对老街的记忆重新打造。通过设计将老街的历史,空间,建筑,以及老街兴盛时期的 活动重现。让人在视觉,听觉,味觉,嗅觉以及触觉都能感受的这份记忆的真实存在。


锚固作用的建筑2 孟尝君祠

锚固作用的建筑1 临城火车站



• 临城老街将是一个轴线结构,和铁路对过的三角形地块整合在一起,通过人行道和基 地链接的还有附近的遗址建筑以及铁路和长途客运站。设计上形成街道、巷道、广场、 主街道的联系,形成亲密的和有细密纹理的尺度,形成街道和空间的记忆。定义公共建 筑、主力基地使之成为主导的社会和商业的发动机。设立空间组织和与社区、中国文化 特质关联的活动。街道的布局应被诠释为能折射出老街文化的发展,而且有自然增长和 演变的意识。 2. 设计保留记忆元素,创建记忆的建筑形式在不同的级别层次上展开。 把所有建筑总 结为五个类别。


l 遗址项目,现存的临近基地旁边的历史项目与遗迹。 此类建筑为现存的遗址建筑,比如现天山路上抗日战争时期建的水塔。此类建筑保留并 改造成它用,原有的功能元素也将被使用。




l 遗址项目,功能-照片证据+遗迹重造 此类建筑有重要的历史价值,并有详细记录与其老照片。文物将在已知的基地上恢复并 按照已知的图片用作真正的历史重塑。原有的功能元素也将被使用。 l 遗址项目,功能-书面证据遗迹,现代诠释 此类建筑有重要的历史价值,并有详细记录,但没有任何图片或媒体重现建筑的面貌。 设计将根据历史重造文物,用其原有的功能和其建筑类型。用现代的设计手法 与概念表现原来的建筑。

长沙新金融街城市改造 长沙 ·中国 122公顷 投标项目

Changsha New Financial Street Urban Renewal Changsha, PRC 122 ha Competition

古蔺太平古镇修复工程 四川 ·中国 36 公顷 古镇修复

Gulin ancient town of Taiping Sichuan, PRC 36 ha Urban renewal

新西兰王子码头改造 奥克兰 ·新西兰 码头改造

Wynyard Quarter Auckland, New Zealand 1500 Wharf urban frame work

The Wynyard Quarter (also known as the Tank Farm or the Western Reclamation) represents oneof the largest undeveloped areas of waterfront land in Auckland. Its redevelopment creates theopportunity to establish a working and recreational waterfront linked by a sequence of engaging public spaces which will reinforce Auckland’s ‘turangawaewae’ or ‘sense of place’ and identity as a waterfront city. The Wynyard Quarter will establish approximately 2.4km of publicly accessible waterfront. This will ultimately be provided as a promenade which runs the entire length of the Wynyard Quarter waterfront from the Viaduct Harbour (east) around to the Orams Marine site (west). This promenade will integrate pedestrian and cycle access, public open space and maritime structures. It will also link the recreational destinations, public spaces and marine activities of the wider CBD waterfront between Point Erin in the west and Tamaki Drive in the east.

盖斯胡克开发工程 布里斯班 ·澳大利亚 10.4 公顷 旧城改造

Gasworks development Newfarm Brisbane, Australia 10.4 ha Urban Renewal

As Brisbane's most enviable address and the jewel in Mirvac's crown, Waterfront Newstead offers an enriched lifestyle experience never seen before in Brisbane. Nestled amoung designer parklands and framed by the iconic Brisbane River, this premier residential address encompasses the spectacular Pier and Park apartment precincts within the exclusive locale of Newstead Riverpark. Access is easy from Waterfront, Newstead with the Brisbane CBD located just two kilometres away, and both domestic and international airports a mere eight kilometres away. Public transport facilities is superb with access to buses, ferry terminals and railway close by. The site makes up 10.4 hectares of the Newstead Riverfront masterplan and is bounded by Longland, Waterloo and Evelyn Streets and Breakfast Creek Road. More than 7 years in the planning, Mirvac's Waterfront, Newstead masterplan is made up of six precincts - Pier, Park, Lake, Shore, Sky and Waterloo. Lining the perimeter is the tree-lined Skyring Terrace, which extends through the site and connects to Breakfast Creek Road to form a ‘high street' similar to those found in some of the world's greatest cities. A pedestrian ‘arc' runs through the whole development to provide access from one side to the other, a thoroughfare from the water through to the cafes, restaurants and shopping along the Terrace. A prime feature of the site is its parkland and lake that will become a significant and intrinsic part of Brisbane's urban makeup.

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